#red hood x you


Y/N: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me.

Jason: Ok, but in my defense, Damien bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo.

Y/N: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!


Dick, watching the news: Two people tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today.

Jason, and Y/N: *Walks in covered in ink*

Jason: Maybe the squid was being a dick.

Jason: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products.

Jason: *Sprays hairspray in his mouth* Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.

Y/N: *Walks in the room* Jason, what are you- *Gasps* Jason no!

Jason: *Looks at Y/N with shampoo in his mouth* Wha’?

joker, with a kidnapped y/n: i’m going to kill you hAHahA

y/n, bleeding profusely: let me check with my boyfriend real quick

joker: this is going to ha—

y/n: jason said no.

iii. the twist

main m.list-series m.list

previous chapter - next chapter

summary: jason’s life had always revolved around secrets, but some of them are better left uncovered.

pairing: jason todd x reader

warnings: scars mentions, sexual innuendo and jason is a cutie

word count: 1364

It had left Jason quite shocked, to see how she had managed not only to hurt him, but to equal him in fighting. It almost made him regret hurting her. Almost.

But as he had just gotten out of the theater, hand in hand with Y/n, it didn’t really matter anymore. He had a day off, thanks to Dick who had agreed to go on patrol for him, and he couldn’t envision a better way to spend it than with her.

“Quite depressing, i think.” She said, as the two of of them walked away, once again mindlessly in the night.

“Did we watch the same movie?” He asked, bringing his brows together in confusion. “It was a comedy movie, darling.”

“I know, what’s depressing is that they actually thought it was funny.” She said, face blank as she thought back of the movie. “It was like your humor, Jason, awful.”

“I’m sorry, i didn’t know i was in the presence of the greatest comedian of all time,” he said, bringing his hand around her waist and bringing her closer to him, almost flush against his sturdy frame. “Please teach me your ways.”

“It’s not something you can learn, either you’re funny or you’re not!” She said, shooting him a defying grin. “And you’re not, Jason Todd.”

“Full name, huh?” He asked, stopping to look down at her, both his hands now on her waist, squeezing lightly; not enough to hurt her and enough to feel her presence, soak it in, bask in it. “That implies very serious offenses.”

“The worst,” she said, gazing up at him through her eyelashes; inebriating with every movement of hers. “Think you know of some way to be forgiven?”

He smiled down at her, placing a chaste kiss on her lips; a kiss she immediately deepened, her hands on the nape of his neck, pulling him even closer. He complied, tightening his hold on her waist.

“I think i do, my apartment is not very far, if you’re not too tired to walk, m'lady.” He said, cockiness dripping from his every word.

She carded her hands through his hair and he swore he could have given in then and there, lost in her just as much as she was lost in him. “I thought comedic royalty such as me didn’t need to walk to places.”

“Want me to carry you?” He asked, oh so nonchalantly. “But be careful, if i do, i’ll become insufferable. I will never shut up about carrying such a pretty girl in my arms, i’m warning you.”

“Even more than now? I find it improbable not to say impossible,” she said, bringing her head up to kiss him again.

He bit her lip, gently and roughly at the same time, something only he could achieve. “Careful, or i’m gonna prove you wrong.”

The door of Jason’s apartment opened and it closed even more rapidly as Jason pinned her to it, their lips irrevocably melted together in a searing kiss.

His hands were restlessly traveling her body, hers were pulling him against her, cupping his face with coarse kindness and entangling her fingers in his hair, now a mess.

She moved her hands to rest them on his, guiding him to the hem of her shirt. He pulled away for a brief moment, breaths still mingling together as he looked deep into her eyes, trying to steady his voice. “Are you sure, lovely?”

She looked up at him with that same defiance that characterized her, that glint of challenge that never seemed to leave her. She seemed vulnerable, as he had never seen her, and Jason felt his own barricades tremble slightly in front of her.

“Never been surer, Jay.” That was it: Jason didn’t need more than three simple words for him to take her up in his arms, lips locking once more as she brought her to his couch; much more comfortable than his door, he reckoned.

He laid her down onto it, placing himself above her and surveying her face once more, just to make sure: make sure she was okay with it, make sure he was too. He could always turn back, he had done so many times before, but it was different, it felt different. Taking the leap with her meant more leaps to come: about his life, his death, his ’job’. And he was scared.

But as he gazed into those eyes, all worries seemed to melt away.

His hands found the hem of her shirt once more, slowly, almost painfully, bringing it up. As he did so, he dragged his calloused hands over the expanse of her stomach, touching every burning inch of skin. He began kissing those lines of skin he was slowly uncovering, finding scars and marks, worshipping them nevertheless; they looked holy on her.

Once the shirt was out of the way, she did the same, tugging at his, begging for it to stop getting in the way. He removed it with a single fluid motion and her hands wandered free: soft and sacred as her whole being, they graced him with her touch, igniting him both inside and out.

He went back to his previous action; he wasn’t done. He found her lips as he touched and subconsciously memorized every single inch and curve of her body, a new and sweeter mental image for his lonely patrol nights.

Until he noticed an unusual detail. Unusual and oh so peculiar. It shouldn’t have been there.

He stopped what he was doing, eyes clouding with questions; she stopped too. “Jay, what’s going on?”

He brought his eyes on her, then on her shoulder where his finger was still mindlessly rubbing; a scar. An all too familiar one; one that looked an awful lot like the one he had caused.

“Jason, is something wrong? Is- are these bugging you?” She asked.

A coincidence, perhaps. But as he looked at her whole body, covered in scars, as he thought of his own, matching hers in a too scary manner, he realized.

His hand flew to her throat on his own accord, squeezing more than he would have liked, but he hadn’t control anymore: it was the assassin of the rooftop, with or without longsword.

She looked up at him hurt, and then hurt turned into realization, and with realization came anger. She hooked her legs on his waist, punching him square in the face and gaining enough momentum to roll over the couch, onto the ground. Her hands were now on his throat.

“You are that Red Mask,” she said, tone accusatory. He should have been mad, not her.

Hood,” he said, and rolled her over again, but she escaped from his grasp, getting up on her feet with that same velocity he had once seen on the rooftop. “Who do you work for?”

He got up too and started circling her; he knew where his weapons were hidden, he just needed to get close enough.

She looked at him slightly confused, so he asked again. “Who do you work for? Who sent you to kill me?”

Her gaze got progressively more confused and angry. Jason scoffed. “Or is it just personal? I thought we had shared something on that lovely rooftop.”

“Blood, that’s what we shared,” she uttered, eyeing the place, looking for an advantage. “And believe me, if i’d known you were him, i would have steered clear of you.”

Now it was Jason’s eyebrows that wrinkled together, stopping to look at her. She did the same, but her arms were still up in defense position, ready to strike at any given moment.

“You did not know?”

“I thought it was clear enough i did not know, idiot.” She retorted, swiftly grabbing her shirt and putting it on; her voice sounded nothing like the girl she had met in the refrigerated aisle and he wondered if that was all a trick.

But before he could speak again, she took advantage of the apparently still moment, leaping outside the window and into the night. And Jason was left there, alone once more, wondering why every thing he got himself into turned out to be a nightmare.

general taglist - @henqtic@wh0re4blaise@pagesofhistory@sanctimoniousslytherpuff@maybesandohnos@youreso-golden@beforeoursunsets@o-rion-sta-r@mollysolo@dlmmdl@chaoticgirl04@badass-yn@peachybaes@dreamcxtcherr@aleksanderwh0r3@miraclesoflove@amourslover@i-love-scott-mccall@just-wordsandthoughts@onyourgoddamnleft@mxsmwndr@whotfisemi

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ii. the meet cute pt.2

main m.list-series m.list

previous chapter-next chapter

summary: a new dangerous killer roams gotham’s streets, and the red hood has to take care of it. the problem is it might be tricker than it seems.

pairing: jason todd x reader

warnings: a lil blood, a lil stabbing

word count: 1545

Patrol wasn’t always all action and battle, all blood and sweat, all good and evil. Sometimes it was just the Red Hood spending long hours, bored out of his mind, jumping from one roof to another, occasionally stopping when he found something to entertain himself with.

There were nights in which Gotham didn’t even look or sound like Gotham: it seemed like a normal city, calm and quiet, almost pleasurable. Jason knew not to trust those nights: Gotham couldn’t change, and he would have much preferred an action-packed night to an apparently still one.

But now, even during those too quiet patrols, he had something to think about: the new gorgeous stranger that had the same ice-buying habits as him, although he doubted she used it for his same reasons. They had gone out, dated for a few days now. Jason wasn’t sure he could use the word ’dated’, but it looked like it: the two of them walking hand in hand, sharing words, sharing looks.

He usually had plans, dates perfectly organized and he didn’t even know why he put so much effort into them. He didn’t know how it happened but every time, planning didn’t matter: he found himself in the most remote parts of Gotham, just because he had let himself get lost in her voice.

He reckoned that maybe she really was a villain, because how else could he explain the unusual lack of cerebral activity that she caused in him with a smile and a few dulcet words? He couldn’t.

“Next time we should just go to the theater,” he had proposed on their most recent date. He had looked into her eyes for so long that once he had looked away, the rest of the world seemed duller.

“Why’s that? So you can pull the old yawn-and-arm-over-the-shoulder technique on me while we watch a movie?” She said, stretching her arms and sneakily pulling the move she had just talked about.

He laughed, so genuinely it didn’t even sound like him, and swatted her arm away only to put his own around her shoulders. “So that i can’t hear your voice, i seem to get lost in it.”

He had said with a smoldering look, one that had her roll her eyes and smack his side, but he was truthful; she didn’t need to know that.

“Oh but i’d keep on talking to you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear,” she said, and then they stopped waking. She inched closer, standing on her tippy toes to breathe against the shell of his ear. “I would spoil you the entire movie.”

“How romantic of you,” he said, not daring break the unusual spell she had created. He remained close to her, now his turn to utter in her ear. He even managed to remain unfazed as he took in the delightful smell of her hair; he couldn’t however refrain himself from sneaking a hand behind her neck, caressing the spot. “If it wasn’t for the insufferable character, i could almost swear you come right out of an Austen’s novel.”

“But that’s exactly what makes me look like i’m out of an Austen’s novel,” she said, that challenging tone always present in her voice and it was so intoxicating. “She wrote Elizabeth Bennet with me in mind!”

“And here i thought you had been the inspiration for Mrs Bennet,” he retorted and she smacked him again as the sound of their shared laughter filled the air.

Replaying that episode, her voice, her touch, her smell in his mind was useful to keep him busy on tiresome patrols, but it was anticipation that really entertained him: waiting for the moment he’d see her again. And then there was fear: fear of what that meant, of getting so close to her.

But a certain change in the air made him completely forget of that, his ears on the alert, his eyes scanning for the reason of the inconvenience.

He saw a figure, dashing in the night, gliding effortlessly on the rooftops, without making a sound. And he wouldn’t have heard it, hadn’t it been for his fine hearing. He decided to follow because whenever someone ran on the roofs like that, they didn’t usually have good intentions. Unless that someone was him, that is.

He started following the figure, slowly at first, but it was quick and he couldn’t lose it, so he quickened his pace too.

And then, he didn’t see it anymore. It just vanished, the night returning to its previous calm. Jason looked around himself, careful to be as silent as a fly, walking on the roof.

A blade cut through the hair, finding its place just inches from his throat. “Why are you following me?”

The figure he had been chasing for the past minutes was now wielding a longsword, its edge threateningly sharp and close.

“Woah now,” he said, stepping backward. The figure stepped closer, redirecting the sword so that the tip stood just below Jason’s nose. “I had a feeling you were up to no good and given the length of that thing, i suppose i’m right.”

The figure, whose face was cleverly hidden by a hood, was clad in dark leather and kevlar, thousands of other little knives attached to her suit. “Says the man with a red mask and a pair of guns.”

Touché,” said Jason, darting forward to disarm his opponent, but his opponent was good.

In a few moves, they were stalling again: the longsword in front of the woman, defending her, and Jason with his guns out now, waiting.

“Has no one ever told you not to bring knives to a gunfight?” He asked, cockily twirling the guns in his gloved hands as he circled the figure in front of him.

“Unoriginal,” she scoffed. “And everything changes if you are very very good with a sword. Which i happen to be.”

In a moment, they were fighting again, a strange dance made of glinting metals and hard punches. The girl managed a score: not much, thought Jason, a small cut, just above the red symbol on his chest. The blade had managed to cut through his jacket, but not through his armor.

“You know? I like this jacket,” he said, raising his guns and firing. She dodged both bullets, and they were stalling again, circling each other like rabid animals.

“Shouldn’t have worn it to a gunfight,” she mocked, and despite everything he had to grin at that. The girl in front of him didn’t, stone cold.

“What are you up to with that?” He said, motioning with his gun to the sword.

She twirled it in her hands. “Would you believe me if i told you it’s just a prop?”

“I would have if you hadn’t tried slicing me up with it,” he countered, incredibly amused by the whole scene. “I’m a very trusting guy.”

“I’m here to kill a man,” she said, unrelenting. “But i don’t mind killing two tonight.”

“Now i really can’t let you do that, you know?” He said, lunging to attack again. He was strong and he was fast, but she was faster. She dodged again. “I can’t let all pretty sword-wielders kill whoever they want just cause they’re pretty, it ruins my reputation.”

She lunged this time, but she didn’t score. She moved so quickly and so skillfully: she wasn’t just another one of Gotham’s thugs, she was dangerous. “Well, now it would ruin mine if i let you live, Red Bat.”

“It’s Red Hood,” he said, pouncing again towards her, firing another round of shots, missing her. “And i’m afraid you’ll have to come with me now.”

“Never on the first date, Red Bat,” she said, dodging every attack of his.

“It’sHood,” he repeated. “And it wasn’t a question; it was an order, darling.”

“You have no hood,” she countered, talking between each strike she took, each one of them in the air as she missed all of them. “It’s Red Mask at best.”

“It’ssymbolic, and i can’t wait to tell you all about it once you’re inside one of the gcpd’s cells.”

She went for another strike, and this time she left a mark, right on his symbolic helmet. “I’ll have you know it’s quite expensive.”

“I would love to hear more about how expensive that was, but i’m afraid i’ll have to go now,” she said, retrieving her sword. “It was a pleasure, Red Mask.”

“Not so fast,” he said, but she was already darting away. He ran after her, as quickly as he could, and managed to grasp her arm, momentarily stopping her. She freed herself quickly but it was enough time for him to take one of the knives from her suit, shoving it into her shoulder. He was aiming for a more vital spot but he had hit her and that was enough.

She removed the knife, painfully extracting it from the flesh, and as the blood quickly soaked her clothes, she even more quickly shoved it back into his chest, right below his own shoulder.

He stumbled back, just slightly, and that was enough for her to disappear in a cloud of smoke.

Jason didn’t like uneventful nights, but he liked nights with unresolved events even less.

general taglist - @henqtic@wh0re4blaise@pagesofhistory@sanctimoniousslytherpuff@maybesandohnos@youreso-golden@beforeoursunsets@o-rion-sta-r@mollysolo@dlmmdl@chaoticgirl04@badass-yn@peachybaes@dreamcxtcherr@aleksanderwh0r3@miraclesoflove@amourslover@i-love-scott-mccall@just-wordsandthoughts@onyourgoddamnleft

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i. the meet cute pt.1

main m.list-series m.list

previous chapter-next chapter

summary: meeting your soulmate in a supermarket while buying ice is unlikely but never impossible.

pairing: jason todd x reader

warnings: unnecessary fluff and banter cause i live for it

word count: 985

a/n: guys. i live for jason todd. i’m sorry.

Jason Todd had never been the type to date: not because he didn’t like it, it was just easier that way. No attachments, no serious things; it made the whole being-a-vigilante-at-night a lot easier.

He had dreamt about it, however; having a relationship. He read books about it, and he figured it wouldn’t have been so bad. But then again, he couldn’t. And he didn’t wantto.

It was in fact just a cruel trick of fate how he found himself completely dumbstruck in the refrigerated products aisle, glad his hands were busy with his bag because if not he wouldn’t have known what to do with them. It wasn’t everyday that you met god herself in Gotham’s local supermarket.

“That’s a lot of ice for the average man,” said the woman beside him. He turned to look and found her standing tall with a smirk plastered onto her face. “Leave some for the rest of us.”

She was being playful, judging by her tone, and so Jason couldn’t help but grin too in response. “Early bird gets the ice, i guess.”

She raised one eyebrow in question but the smirk was still there, taunting him and challenging him: he accepted the challenge of course, not once leaving her gaze.

“And what would such an early bird use all of this ice for? Are you planning on dethroning mr Freeze as Gotham’s resident ice menace?”

A chuckle escaped him as he still clutched the bag of ice. He meant to keep that in his own fridge, waiting for him on those nights he would have needed it, beaten up by that city’s cruel treatment. But he couldn’t possibly tell her that. “Perhaps,” he said instead. “But since you’re the one concerning yourself with my ice, maybe it’s you who wants Freeze’s title after all.”

It was her turn to laugh, a quick challenging chuckle. And he found himself enjoying the sound, however teasing.

“You caught me, officer,” she said, lifting her hands above her head. “Tis i, mrs Freeze, but alas empty-handed.”

“Unoriginal,” he simply stated, shoving his third bag of ice in his shopper bag. “You could have chosen any name, but you settled on mrs Freeze.”

He reached for the fourth, but the girl beat him to it, snatching the last one in the aisle. He narrowed his eyes, grin spreading on his face.

“Icewoman was too straightforward,” she admitted, playing with the plastic hem of the bag.

“That was my ice, mrs Freeze.” He said, scrutinizing her gaze. She really was the most beautiful woman Jason had ever seen and he kept on wondering how everyone in the store didn’t have their eyes glued on her.

“Is it? Didn’t read your name on here…” she said, peering up at him through her eyelashes, prompting him to reveal the little piece of information.

“Jason,” he stated. “And i didn’t write it on my ice because everyone here knows it’s mine.” He explained, matching the look of challenge she had given him.

She lifted her chin in the air, but she still couldn’t look down on him. Jason reckoned he quite liked this height difference, but no matter how taller he was, she still managed to look like the one in control, superior. “I see, but my name is on it, that makes it myice.”

He tilted his head to the side, furrowing his brows, and she showed it to him, pointing at the word ’freeze’ written in capital letters on the back of the bag. “Not only is this my ice, but i think that all those bags are mine, too.”

He looked down at his own ice bags, biting his lip to refrain himself from smiling. “Seems like i’ve made a terrible mistake, then.”

She smiled, a genuine smile this time, empty of the defy the previous one held. He liked this one even more. “Looks like you did, yes.”

“Is there any way you might forgive me, mighty mrs Freeze?” He asked, jutting out his bottom lip in mock sadness.

“You can start by giving me what’s rightfully mine, i believe.” She declared, lifting both her brows and outstretching her hand.

He eyed it, biting the inside of his cheek before shaking his head and taking the ice bags out of his own shopper bag. She grasped one of them, but stopped him afterwards. “Since i’m magnanimous, you can keep two. This way, we’re even.”

“How kind, mrs…?” He trailed off, waiting for her to reveal her name too.

“A true villain like myself never reveals her real identity, Jason.” She said, pretending offense at his words.

He marveled at his name, as if he had never heard it before until now. “I think it’s heroes that never reveal their identities. And you’re far from being one since you just stole from me.”

She quirked one eyebrow up in response. “I think you are the villain, you tried stealing what’s so obviouslymine!”

He couldn’t keep from smiling any longer, and as he did so, he looked away. “Maybe you’re right,” he continued. “What does that make us? Me a villain, you the hero?”

“It makes us two idiots in the refrigerated aisle, i’m afraid.” She said, shaking her head and lowering it to hide a smile. His hands itched to lift her chin and stop her from doing just that, but he refrained himself from doing so: a stranger touching someone in public is usually frowned upon in society, and Jason is well aware of that.

“You wound me, we just met and you already called me a idiot,” he said, bringing his restless hand to his chest. “People usually do that after a week or so.”

“Maybe i really am the villain, huh?”

“That means you can tell me your name, then.” He said, attempting a serious look with his eyes.

She seemed to reciprocate it. “Y/n.”

general taglist - @henqtic@wh0re4blaise@pagesofhistory@sanctimoniousslytherpuff@maybesandohnos@youreso-golden@beforeoursunsets@o-rion-sta-r@mollysolo@dlmmdl@chaoticgirl04@badass-yn@peachybaes@dreamcxtcherr@aleksanderwh0r3@miraclesoflove@amourslover@i-love-scott-mccall@just-wordsandthoughts@onyourgoddamnleft

[if your name is crossed out, check your privacy settings! if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, tell me!]

tell me not that i am too late ━

main m.list-j.t. m.list

summary: jason meets y/n and immediately falls for her, what he doesn’t realize is that he isn’t the only one to have secrets. and some secrets just can’t be revealed.

pairing: jason todd x (assassin!)reader (reader uses she/her pronouns)

status: completed -> chapters come out every wednesday (if i remember to do it ugh)

warnings: angst, death mentions, gore details, lots of blood, some sexual innuendos :)

word count: 10.056 (total)

a/n: i’ve had this idea in my little dumb head for a while and i wanted to put it on ‘paper’ so here it is. i hope you like it, i certainly loved writing about my favorite cocky batson

chapters ━

i.the meet cute pt.1(0.9k)

ii.the meet cute pt.2(1.5k)

iii.the twist(1.3k)

iv. the stalemate(1.1k)

v. the charade (0.9k)

vi. the broken hearts (0.9k)

vii. the accident(0.9k)

viii. the reason(0.5k)

ix. the final(1.5k)

x. the afterwards (0.1k)

jason todd masterlist

main masterlist<-


tell me not that i am too late(10.0k) ↴

jason meets y/n and immediately falls for her, what he doesn’t realize is that he isn’t the only one to have secrets. and some secrets just can’t be revealed.

get to know you.

pairings.dick grayson x fem!reader

part one of n/a.

about.a new neighbor arrives in town in the midst of a murder spree, but reader isn’t scared despite this new neighbor warning her.

warnings. small age gap, reader is of age, swearing, and mentions of murder

ricky rocks. this is to test the waters… next part will be a little frisky, but if this creates a negative outcome… i’ll let it be. this was also meant to be posted in october

well aren’t you a pretty sight.

dick always loved a pretty face. especially ones with doe eyes that shared a shy nature and kind hearted intentions. it made his heart swell and he couldn’t help but let it dwell on his mind the moment these feature entered his visions.

especially you.


the moment dick moved into this suburban area, he had expected nothing less than older couples waiting for their deathbed and newly started families with toddlers and golden retrievers that hosted block parties during july. it wasn’t something he was excited about, but it wasn’t something he minded. nothing that would bother him as he settled into a normal life; a life away from what chased him.

so, you; you and your wild eyes and smiling face was the last thing he expected within this newly paper cut life.

“i’m y/n,” your hand reached for his and he almost didn’t take it from how off putting your presences was.

“dick grayson,” his hands were cold and calloused and it almost made you jolt from your place on his porch. his facial features were rough with his lips pressed into a thin line giving you the impression your presences was unwanted with how unsure he was about you already.

it made you swallow roughly, diverting your eyes for a moment before removing your hand from his own, “i live next door, i’m just here to introduce myself and my parents.. even though my parents aren’t here,” you look back to him where his eyes were waiting for yours, full of skepticism, still trying to figure you out, still trying to decipher whether or not your presence was a threat. “welcome.”

welcome, indeed.


the new life of suburbia suited dick rather well, more than he thought it would, and more than he would actually like to admit.

after your warm welcome, people had only then just begun to line and shake dick’s hand, welcoming him to the neighborhood. no matter how many people he met, he didn’t get used to it. he was still just as cold and as stiff when he first met you and it made you laugh as you’d watch from your porch swing.

it was more entertainment than a tv could bring; from the moment the door bell rang and you could see dick through his living room window let out a obvious and exhausted sigh, prying himself from his soft looking grey sofa, to the moment he’d have to accept the house warming gifts he could no longer deny. you shook your head as he had looked down at a pie neatly placed in his palms, looking completely disoriented as if he had no idea what to do with it.

“you’re supposed to eat it,” you called over to him, now fully drawing your attention away from your book, smiling in amusement as he slowly begun to look up at you; surprised.

“having fun over there?”

“much,” you shifted now on the porch swing you were sat on, trying your best to face him better. “i love watching people when they make there first encounter with another human being.”

he narrowed his brows, now seeming to walk closer to you with how much his deck allowed, “what’s that supposed to mean?” he set his pie down on the white railing so he could cross his arms, unintentionally flexing his tan biceps. it catches you off guard, your eyes now having a hard time deciding whether or not to focus on his face or his very.. hot arms..

“nothing,” you coughed, recovering, “it just seems like you’ve never met another person.. ever.”

the sound of a struggled laugh came from his mouth as he tipped his head down before looking back up at you, “that bad, huh?”

your face screwed up in enthusiasm, “just a little.”

he laughed a little, a genuine one that made your stomach jump in place. it was like only now you realized how attractive the man ten feet away from you was.

“you want this pie?” he lifted it up, motioning it your way to which you quickly denied, shaking your head.

“got one of those two years ago,” you kissed your teeth, “would not recommend eating.”

he smiled, nodding, “thanks for the advice.”

you could tell his sudden burst of socialism was dying as he shifted backwards on his feet, moving toward his front door. it made you frown but you moved faster than he could, making your own way to your front door, already waving him off, “well that’s what neighbors are for, dick grayson.”

he watched you close the door with a frown, a feeling of solitude instantly overcoming him with how abrupt that had suddenly became.

what was your rush?


it was about another month till dick had had another interaction with you and he had found himself counting down the days till that moment.

life wasn’t so bright for him within those new days of a life he was still trying to get used to, but when he saw you; he felt quite opposite. until he shoved his foot down his throat, forcing himself away from the window where he’d see your face in the mornings.

but this interaction had occurred within the night where the sun was no where to be seen and the stars were what lighted up the sky. dick found it calming as he would stand outside for only a few minutes, allowing the cold and quiet midnight air to consume his skin- until it was disturb by you and your friends, sauntering up the sidewalk.

“your parents allow you out of the house this late?” he cursed at himself the moment his words filled the air, but he couldn’t help himself as he narrowed his vision on you, attempting to figure out how much of you was in their right mind.

you scoffed, taken aback by his question, “you’re not going to rat on me, are you dick?”

his lips twitch for a split second into an almost smile as he leaned forward onto his forearms on the deck railing. your words and head tilt reminded him of jason when he was much younger and filled to the brim with mischief.

“my parents are out of town, dick grayson,” you slaunted over to him, looking a little crooked and giving him the impression that you must have been tipsy. “not that it’s any of your business, but they’ll be gone till monday.”

it’s silent and he takes a moment to study your face; it being more brightened and filled with warmth from your red cheeks. you seemed more inviting, more relaxed, nothing could knock you from your high cloud at that moment and he could only guess it was from liquid courage, “you should come over sometime,” you smiled a little more, eyeing him just as he was you before leaning away and toward your house where your friends had already invited themselves in.

oh boy.

you were already so…

“you know it’s not smart to invite someone you don’t know inside,” he shift on his feet to face you where you had stopped to listen to his words, “especially with all that news going around about teenage girls getting killed because of their kind heart.”

you smiled to yourself before turning back around to face him, tilting your head once again in that jason-way, “i’m not scared.”

there was a large bearing within the month of october that lead to many women locking up their windows and doors tightly on fear of what laid outside. but even then, the reassurance of their locks and small security of closed drapes wasn’t enough as news of young women being targeted and murdered increased.

it was all over the news but still the least of your worries. you couldn’t see it, you couldn’t touch it, and you couldn’t hear about it if you avoided it well enough, so why worry? it wasn’t real until it was real.

“you should be,” dick nodded, his small smile gone and his face turned hard into stone and if you had noticed, you didn’t care and you didn’t let it show as you still smiled but shook your head. “it’s not safe for little girls like you.”

you scoffed, “i think the only thing i have to worry about is you.”


your parents weren’t home by monday like promised, striking dick as strange, but you couldn’t help but care; enjoying the house to yourself. everything ran smoothly like it usually did; you woke up, you went to school, you came home, you did your homework and you watched tv.

it wasn’t until wednesday did you really worry and turned to your lovely next door neighbor for companionship.

and he was waiting.

“being in that big house all alone, of course you were scared,” he intended to sound teasing, a ghost of a smile riding up on his face, but you took him offense.

you were quick to punch his shoulder, “i’m not scared.” your eyes betray you as they shift around to the darkness of your neighborhood; they were slightly wide and practically pouring with ingenuousness. you suddenly looked a lot smaller than all other occurrences he had with you; no longer full with assertiveness nor any amusement.

“then i’m sure you don’t want to come inside-“

“don’t be silly, grayson, i know you’re all alone in here without me.”

he suppressed a smile as you made your way into his home as he extended the door open further, “i’m flatter you considered me to go to in this situation.”

“i mean you are more buff than my other neighbor sally,” you hummed examining the interior of his home with fascination, “i mean she is nearly 90, i expect you have more muscle mass than she does.” you look over to him to see a ghost of a smile on his face as he watches you quietly, “and you are the typical big-strong man that saves the day.”

“what?” his face screws up in confusion, willing you to explain.

“c'mon, grayson. you don’t see the way all the moms ogle at you in this neighborhood? it’s because you’re hot,” you shrug causing him to scoff. “and you are by definition the guy of every girls dream.”

he watches you sit comfortably on his chair while further explaining his role in every females mind. dick takes a seat on the couch, watching you with slight interest as you talked thoroughly–like this was something you thought about a lot.

“is that why you wanted me to come over?” he raised a brow and enjoyed the way your expression slightly dropped and turned red in embarrassment, not expecting him to be so blunt.

“very funny,” you try to play it off, but by the way he smiles, you know you’re caught. “i wouldn’t flatter yourself so much, dick. some of us are only trying to make friends.”

“really,” he raises his brow further, “is this what this is?”

“why wouldn’t it be?”

“you tell me.”

the two of you share a stare, one waiting for the other to break and let the truth loose–even as you were the only one with the ability to do this, you still waited, not wanting to break.

and you almost cracked too if it weren’t for the doorbell ringing.




Dom!Jason Todd x Sub!Reader

Warnings – Language. Smut. NSFW. Dom/Sub theme.

Snippet below


Princess…”, he rumbled in his dark velvet voice. It sent an erotic thrill down your spine.

“I’ve missed you Jason”, you slinked over to him on your hands and knees, rising up and pressing your face against his thick thigh. The fine fabric was cool yet you could feel the heat of his skin radiating beneath your cheek. The masculine power pulsed from his muscles. You could feel your core dampening with anticipation.

“Did you now?”, Jason patted your head as you inched closer to his burning crotch. You could make out the outline of his hardening cock. You could even smell the earthy musk of him. Your insides quivered.

“Or was it my cock you missed?”.

You rubbed your face into his crotch, feeling it throb and swell, smiling at the small groan Jason made as you gently mouthed the outline of the thick shaft though his slacks. Dry mouthed, you licked your lips and swallowed. Excitement dancing like live wires through your veins.

Both”, you hummed and looked up at him with an impish gleam in your eyes.
