#red velvet seulgi


wendy | 웬디

Anon: can i get a scenario where rv is fighting for the reader’s feelings but the reader introduces dahyun as their gf

A/n: You have no idea abou how much i loved this request lol. the idea of it is so funny. I don’t know if this is good cause i literally wrote it while playing leage of legends lol. I just wanted to say that this is based on Seulgi’s point of view, so i apologize if its a little weird. Anyway good reading, i hope you like it ;).


“I have dibs on her!” Joy shouted from across the room, making Irene roll her eyes. 

“You can’t have dibs on her Sooyoung, just because you saw her first it doesn’t mean you own her.” Joohyun calmly said back at the younger girl, that had her arms crossed over her chest, looking like a spoild child that was scolded by her mom,

“But I did see her first.” 

The five of us having a crush in someone wasn’t something new. We shared a lot of things, and love interests was certainly one of them. At some point, one of us would end up winning the ‘rock, paper, scisors’ game and would eventually have the guy/ girl just for herself or some of us would just give up and let the other win. But this was the first time the ‘rock, paper, scisors’ wasn’t enough to decide who would have the chance to try something with Y/n. 

“Can’t we try playing again?” I asked feeling a little tired of this, I already knew that I wasn’t going to win, but I was definately not giving up so easy like this.

“Joohyun unnie will win again, we all know how competitve she is”

Yerim said throwing at me a stare that was calling me a fool, as if I didn’t knew how exceptionally good Joohyun is at these games.

“Well then, we have to decide who will take her out quickly, cause she’ll be here in five minutes.” Wendy said getting up from her seat and striking one of those cheesy poses of her, “I propose a flirting game; whoever can make her flirt back, wins.”

“Do you seriously think you can beat my charms with your weird pick up lines?” Joy said with an ……. look, making Seungwan roll her eyes and sit back down.

“Why don’t we just ask her who she likes the most? It’s way easier than these endless competition.” Joohyun has a point, it’s the second ‘fight’ we have over Y/n since we first found out that we all liked her.

“That’s not a bad idea. I think we-”

“What’s a bad idea?”

I was interrupted by Y/n that cutely closed the door behind her and walked towards us. She’s always so pretty.

“N-nothing we…” I looked over to the four girls almost screaming with my eyes for one of them to come and save me. “it’s nothing” I nervously laughed at her, hoping that she would just leave it. But…

“We were discussing about who would take you out on a date.” Joohyun said calmly to Y/n, while the rest of us stood there, waiting for her reaction. 

“What?” Y/n asked looking a little surprise and embarrassed, “I… can’t go out with any of you. I already have a girlfriend, I thought you already knew…” 

The five of us exhanged looks. We didn’t even knew what to do in tha situation. All of that and the face of the other girls almost made me laugh, but I conteined myself as an awkward silence hovered between us. Until Sooyoung broke that silence.

“Wait.” She called out looking from us to Y/n, “If you’re not dating one of us, who are you dating then?”

Sooyoung’s question made the five of us stare at Y/n, we were all curious to know who had taken our shared girl crush.

“Kim Dahyun?” We were all shooketh. We stared at each other and all I could see was their expression of pure shock and embarrasment. If I wasn’t so shocked I would be dying of laughter right now. “I mean… I could swear you already knew. Like, we went all out together and stuff…” 

“That explains why you have a picture of you two as your wallpaper” Yeri looked at us and then laughed nervously. 

“That also explains why you didn’t fall for my charms. wow.” Sooyoung covered her mouth in shock, and then looked at me “I failed. I am shooketh. You must really like her cause my charms neverfail.” 

“This is so embarrasing oh my god.” Wendy said standing up from her seat again, laughing awkardly as she stands, “I guess this discussion is finally over then. Seriously, I thought I would have to sword fight for your hand.” She broke the weird feeling that situation brought to us and made all of us laugh from her awful little joke. “I’m glad I didn’t needed to cause I’d probably lost to Joohyun”

“I didn’t knew I was such a heartbreaker!” Y/n said making all of us roll her eyes at her and that made the awkward air go away completely. 

“Now let’s agree to never have a crush on the same person again.” Joohyun proposed and we all agreed right away.

“I can’t believe my girl crush charms failed.” Sooyoung said looking at us almost in slowmotion, puting her hands dramatically over her forehead, making all of us laugh again. 

Anon: RV reactions to one of the other members being your older sister?

Irene:She would be a little shocked at first, a little angry that you two hide it from her for so long and confused that you were the little sister of one of her kids. However, it wouldn’t take too long for her to get used to it. 


Seulgi:She’d be so excited but kinda afraid of doing something with you that wouldn’t please Joohyun that much. Knowing Joohyun is very protective and even though she wouldn’t do nothing to harm her, she would be even more careful with you then she would normally.


Wendy:She would be completely chill with it until she gets cornered by Yerim, in a playful way, telling her to be careful with you and not to hurt you, followed by a lot of silly jokes and a lot of teasing. 

“Let’s welcome Wannie to the Kim family!”

Joy:She would use it as an advantage to know you better. She would go running asking things about you as soon as she discovered that you’re Seulgi’s little sister, and Seulgi would be your #1 shipper.

“Unnie, do you think she would like this?”

Yeri:Yerim would be so excited. Dating one of her best friends sister would be great for her since wouldn’t have to worry about your sister not liking her. 

“yah, now I’m your sister too.” 

Requests Here.

Venus signs aesthetics (4/12): Cancer venus“Cancer, symbolized by the crab, protects its soft interi

Venus signs aesthetics (4/12): Cancer venus

“Cancer, symbolized by the crab, protects its soft interior with a tough exterior. In order for these celestial crustaceans to open up, they need to feel safe and secure. Accordingly, nothing is more rewarding to a Cancer Venus than building a relationship based on trust, loyalty, and protection. Just as the crab carries its domicile on its back, Cancer Venus is happiest when building a partnership that feels like home.“

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