#reddie text



Reddie #299

Richie: Hey Eds, what’s my name in your phone saved as?

Eddie: Bold of you to assume you were saved at all, +917-234-1384.


I haven’t stopped loving them for the last 3 years, why stop now am I right boys?


book!eddie randomly thinking about richie or mentioning richie or giving random facts about richie or going ‘oh, richie tozier would totally say this’ in unrelated situations:


i like how flashy book richie and eddie were. they’re coming into a small town in maine and richie wears an extremely expensive suit while eddie wears a big ruby ring and his gucci loafers??? not only that, the mf came in his LIMO. both of them treating this like a trip to paris.

no subtle entrance, no shame, just flexing.


book reddie stans know what i mean
