


Ok this is interesting. Thank you tags for alerting me to this backup story in Weapon C: First Class #1

We knew that Xavier had approached Vic to join up before Logan, but really dude? You opened pretty good, asserting that he’s not a monster just because he’s different but…you then told him he’s your second choice because the guy he hates most is your first? And you’re surprised he was angry about that?? Then you lecture him (pointlessly because you state he won’t remember this) about how he is actually a monster because he holds grudges against people he feels wronged him???

Xavier, you’ve always sucked. You’ve always written Victor off as useless, haven’t you. Yeah the HoX stuff is terrible, but I’m starting to think you did purposely screw him over just to make yourself look better. Uhg.

He was even receptive at first because you were treating him like a person. You really done goofed dude.
