#good question



Anti-Writing Advice #18

Why bother writing when you could be eating bread?


every day count dracula has to rush around to make meals for his little lawyer friend so that he doesn’t know that there are no servants in the castle and that whoopsie daisy, he’s in the house of the undead!!! how many recipes do you think the count learned in order to keep up this ruse. who taught him. did he buy a cookbook just so he could cook for my best friend, jonathan harker? so many unanswered questions.

I wonder what the process of creating art would be like in the wizarding world, where paintings are

I wonder what the process of creating art would be like in the wizarding world, where paintings are alive and sentient. At what point does that happen? When you decide a painting is complete? Or do they move around during the sketch stage and you have to beg them to stay still long enough to draw in the details? If you doodle a stick figure on a scrap of paper and throw it away, what happens? It’d be neat if there was a magical art class offered at Hogwarts that explained stuff like this. (I guess all of Hogwarts’ extracurricular funding must go towards Quiddich though.)

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Have you wanted to see a Mousemallow (actually 3 different ones) climb trees to Snake Eater? No? Well you’re getting it anyways

Do you think Amanda Seyfried is a zoophile? She clearly has a deep relationship with her dog. This iDo you think Amanda Seyfried is a zoophile? She clearly has a deep relationship with her dog. This iDo you think Amanda Seyfried is a zoophile? She clearly has a deep relationship with her dog. This i

Do you think Amanda Seyfried is a zoophile? She clearly has a deep relationship with her dog. This is from her:

“I think dating can come without sex. I think that’s a really fun way to do it. Right now I’m happy to not have someone’s naked body around me. Except for my dog’s.”


Also this is the first result for her name on YouTube: https://youtu.be/JvTEHb-vtAo

This leaked picture is stuff to make you imagine things!

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Food for thought.


If allosexuals aren’t seen as ‘less allosexual’ when they’re celibate/abstinent, then why do asexuals are seen as ‘less asexuals’ when they decide to have sex?


I love Spock so much pls pls help me how am I supposed to cope


those posts always go around that are like “if you’re on Tumblr and you’re over 25 blah blah blah” but honestly if you’re on Tumblr and you’re under 25, I don’t know how the fuck you found this place. like I came here when it was actually kind of cool and then just never left because all my stuff was here. what’s your excuse
