
There was always the little part of me that thought I lost you forever, the part of me that kept me

There was always the little part of me that thought I lost you forever, the part of me that kept me up at night and tore my heart to shreds. I never thought that you’d come back, that “us” would exist again, that our once burnt out flame, would relight again.


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captainhysunstuff: @deathnotetober 2021:  RelightOne Light goes down, another rises to take his placcaptainhysunstuff: @deathnotetober 2021:  RelightOne Light goes down, another rises to take his plac


@deathnotetober 2021:  Relight

One Light goes down, another rises to take his place, usually in a different medium.  There’s so many that there’s a Light Spectrum at this point~.  I like imagining how they’d interact.

Happy Death Note-tober everyone~!

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@deathnotetober Day 31, the final day: Relight! Okay, firstly, happy Halloween! Secondly, I really didn’t know what to do about this prompt until I remembered when Light touched the Deathnote and regained his memories and “relighting” his identity as Kira? Idk I spent a little more time on this drawing since today is the last day. I just want to thank everyone for the support as well as the creators of Deathnotetober! I’ve had so much fun this year!



Day 31: Relight

Happy birthday L! This is very…House of Usher esque, that’s all I can say. Inspired by the graveyard scene from the Relight movie, perhaps what could have happened if L hadn’t exactly gone into that great beyond yet. 

This has been such great fun, I’ll mis deathnotetober:’)

If you want to read more of my writing, check out my ao3 under the same pen name: <a href=“https://archiveofourown.org/users/d3adendsinmymind” rel=“nofollow”>TEXT</a>


The sun broke from the clouds, shining directly on the gold looming cross, almost shining a spotlight on where the dead slept.

Ryuk was the first to notice.

Light couldn’t catch his breath, the endorphins were running rampant, crushing any of the despair he felt and twisting it into a sick sense of victory. He had won, he had won!  

“Erm, Light-o? I think-”

Loose bangs lay in front of his eyes, marring his vison, loose hairs swept across his face, which was almost torn into a smile.  

“Nothing left to say?” he gasped out, filled with a holy sense of justice. This was even better than when he had scribbled the false prophets name upon his pages. This was real, this was something tangible that he could hold. This was victory and it couldn’t have tasted sweeter.  

Sweet like honeyed sugar, crystalized on cherries. Sweeter than L’s kisses-

Perhaps if Light hadn’t been speaking in tongues to his lost lover, maybe he would have noticed the dangerous rumble of thunder sounding overhead.

He didn’t even notice when Ryuk flapped away in a frenzy. The shinigami had seen something like this before, and he hoped to never see it again.

Poor Light-o.

He didn’t notice anything amiss, until of course there was nothing left to do about it.

He drew in a long breath, preparing to let out one more deafening cackle that sounded a bit like a sob, when-

Cold, clammy fingers wrapped around his wrist.

A hand, pale as milk and almost translucent, had emerged from the dirt.

The laugh died in his throat, as well as the beginning of a scream.

His eyes widened.

Time froze for a millisecond, the clock ticked on regardless of his horror, however.

Light’s mind was as blank as the walls of the silent room in an asylum.  

L had come to gather up his birthday present.

It only took a second, Light’s numbers spun above his head until the tally reached zero.

And then, he was gone.

The earth had swallowed him whole.

And then there was silent. Peace. A reverent whisper heard by no one but the crow, who cawed over the loss of the moon.

There were no stars in the night sky that night, only reflections of headstones in the foggy grey clouds.  
