#starting over

Successfully moved myself to Charlotte. Rest stop pic along the way.

Successfully moved myself to Charlotte. Rest stop pic along the way.

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Taking care of business, every daaay!!! …not really, with Pokemon taking up all my time. That

Taking care of business, every daaay!!! …not really, with Pokemon taking up all my time. That changes today though! Today I got the first chapter of my comic thumbed; I plan to post it as a weekly webcomic soon. It’ll be a re-make of an old comic I did for class, “Sidekick Support Group.”  I know this thumbnail probably makes little to no sense to most of you, but it’s still proof that something is on the way!

Maybe I’ll post the old version in the meantime
❤ Dani.K

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Just slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes senseJust slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes sense

Just slap a vintage filter on it and it sort of makes sense

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How many takes do you think he got to do?How many takes do you think he got to do?How many takes do you think he got to do?How many takes do you think he got to do?How many takes do you think he got to do?How many takes do you think he got to do?How many takes do you think he got to do?

How many takes do you think he got to do?

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There was always the little part of me that thought I lost you forever, the part of me that kept me

There was always the little part of me that thought I lost you forever, the part of me that kept me up at night and tore my heart to shreds. I never thought that you’d come back, that “us” would exist again, that our once burnt out flame, would relight again.


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starting over
it’s been a long time. Life is weird, COVID sucks. I was starting to do a little better and get moreit’s been a long time. Life is weird, COVID sucks. I was starting to do a little better and get more

it’s been a long time. Life is weird, COVID sucks. I was starting to do a little better and get more active before COVID! But then I got lazy and gained some weight back. But now it’s time to get it in gear. I just had another check in with my doctor and my blood sugar is still high, exactly the same as where it was 8 months ago, when it was alarmingly high. My doctor was concerned then and frustrated now. I got put on more meds and warned that if I don’t start to take it at least a little more seriously I will literally die. So ya. In other life updates, I have a boyfriend now, which is crazy. He lives in eastern, WA, so it’s long distance for now. But we visit each other. I bought an Apple Watch to try to help get me more active, and both the bf and I bought water backpacks to help us get moving as well. I’ve been on my new meds for 2 days. Today I went through the Washington state fair food drive through and did not make good choices. Whoops. I’ll try to post here more again. Especially when I start training again. I’m gonna start over with couch to 5k again I think. Or maybe just work on walking the dog as much as I can. Or a mix of the two. So far I’ve done nothing.

So I guess basically here I am starting over AGAIN. Let me know if you have any questions! I hope to be back and see all you friendly faces that I’ve missed.  

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I promise! I’m just living that quarantine life, still working, but definitely NOT working out. Gaining that covid-19 and some. My scale is actually out of batteries and I’m scared to put batteries in it… I haven’t been running since quarantine started. I really miss it, but again, I’m scared to start again. I have some virtual medals just waiting to be run. Baby steps I guess. We’ll see what happens! 

“I hope that you live a life you are proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the stre

“I hope that you live a life you are proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) 

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Throwback to when Beef was only about 6 months old - he still loves to shimmy himself down and become a loaf in my blankets, and get the good good head scritches.

Truth be told, Beef is a large part of my mental health journey - I’ve always been a cat-person, but bringing a baby bun into my life was nothing short of a gift. It’s hard to explain, but helping Beef acclimate to an environment where he was loved and his needs were respected (and met,) helped me and my PTSD do the same. I had recently moved to a new place where my roommates knew about my condition and were understanding and supportive - which felt unfamiliar, but good. I imagine Beef felt the same way as I let him decide when I could pet him, made sure he had everything he needed, etc.

We’re both doing much better <3

Heey everyone,

Something happend and it is not really good. My computer had some hiccups and my Minecraft crasht and somehow all my worlds are gone. I am so sad and devestated that all my work is just gone and I do not know what to do. I think that I am going to start a new world, but I do not know what I want to do with that world.

I am going to post an update this evening

I hope you will have an amazing day!
