
You look neither lovely nor demure. You look like edges and thunderstorms. - Roshani Chokshi⠀Hair by

You look neither lovely nor demure. You look like edges and thunderstorms.
- Roshani Chokshi⠀

Hair by Franco Vallelonga.⠀
Photo: Tussunee Roadjanarungtong
Model: Samantha Xu⠀
Makeup: Sabrina Zanzoterra 

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i’d be really curious to know what percent of queerbaiting is 

a) an intentional marketing scheme to stir interest in the project and attract certain fanbases (lgbtq people and young women) vs. 

b) members of the creative team genuinely wanting to write queer characters but the corporate side of things force them to tone it down but they still leave little hints vs. 

c) they legitimately did not know how gay something would come across

The answer:

A is 100%. Because B and C are not queerbaiting. The literal meaning and definition of it is A.

#a) queerbaiting#b) queer coding#c) subtext

Please tumblr learn the difference and stop shitting on good shows

Anyone who’s still not clear:

Teen Wolf show-makers asking fans what they wanted, getting the answer ‘canon-queer relationships’ and then just hinting at Stiles being bi and having the characters people ship hang out platonically is queer-baiting

Gravity Falls having the two male police officers hold hands and show genuine affection to one another, but not being allowed to confirm they were married because the studio wanted to sell the show to Russia and China is queer-coding

Arthur Conan Doyle genuinely not understanding why some people would think two men living together, declaring their undying affection for one another, and constantly referring to Holmes as a ‘confirmed bachelor’ was a bit gay is queer-subtext

Clear now?


the idea that main characters being gay is something that needs “to make sense with the plot” is inherently homophobic and we need to stop letting creators get away with using it. 

what you’re saying is that a person has to have “a reason” for being gay. that being straight is the default, that we all have to have a tragic past or a “good reason” to be gay. you’re endorsing the idea that being gay is so detrimental, so transforming, that characters cannot be gay without it seriously changing the plot in a way a heterosexual couple would not: implying no simple story can be found in a gay relationship, that gay people deserve to be denied representation because we’re inherently “complicated”…. the idea that representation needs a “purpose” is disgusting. 

i mean. i’ve watched people be like “sure, it’s not in the book, but the gratuitous violence against women in the movie is just an artistic choice”, watched them say “sure, a main character fucking milking an alien checks out”, seen people excuse all kinds of bullshit. but you want a gay couple to like. just like each other, and suddenly you need a backstory and a side plot and to justify it. 

people don’t just wake up one day and say, “hmm, i think my plotline is too boring, let me be gay, that’ll help out.” and the truth is, there’s plenty of real-world results of this stereotype: with all our movies being tragedies, with people thinking gay people choose to be gay, with people believing that gay love deserves to take a backseat to straight love….

when people imply that gay love isn’t equal to straight love, that it needs some kind of fucking reason to exist…. isn’t just cowardly. it’s homophobic. 

shaadifashion: Tarun Tahiliani ‘Last dance of the courtesan‘ at FDCI India Couture Week 2016


Tarun Tahiliani ‘Last dance of the courtesan‘ at FDCI India Couture Week 2016

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flyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taflyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taflyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taflyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taflyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taflyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taflyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taflyandfamousblackgirls: It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Ta


It was very pleasing to see all these women emerge on tv in recent years. Taking viewers into the complicated lives of women who are often overlooked. All these actresses have touched hearts and affected lives deeply for just their authenticity and visibility. Not to mention, all are incredible actresses who actually deserve their roles and many more.

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 “When I was growing up in New York, whenever I turned on the television, I never saw a face t

“When I was growing up in New York, whenever I turned on the television, I never saw a face that looked like me. Whenever there was an Asian person on television, it would be a huge event, me calling to my older sister "There’s an Asian person on television!” It was unheard of back then.“

Yunjin Kim


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 “I recently spoke at a university where a student told me it was such a shame that Nigerian m

“I recently spoke at a university where a student told me it was such a shame that Nigerian men were physical abusers like the father character in my novel. I told him that I had recently read a novel called American Psycho, and that it was a shame that young Americans were serial murderers.”

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


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  • Because when someone doesn’t want to date me because I’m poly it’s ‘understandable’ but when I don’t want to date someone because they are monogamous it’s ‘ridiculous.’
  • Because all relationship advice tells you that if you have feelings for someone else while you’re in a relationship you’re a bad person.
  • Because even feminists try to slut shame me.
  • Because when I tell people me and my partner have an open relationship they assume it’s because we’re going through a rough patch.
  • Because people equate ‘multiple partners’ with ‘predator’ and think everything I say is an attempt to get in their pants.
  • Because I am fed up of love triangles as easy plot devices in my media.
  • Because the LGBTQA+ movement are so desperate to show ‘allies’ they are ‘just like everyone else’ that they shit on everyone with a non-monogamous dynamic.
  • Because when a monogamous couple have sex with each other every night it’s having an active sex drive. When I have sex with a different partner every night I’m a nymphomaniac.
  • Because people think that monogamy = validity, always.
  • Because monogamous hetronormativity is so ingrained that I don’t even feel like I can dance with someone without telling them the complete logistics of my love life.
  • Because people genuinely believe that raising a child communally is damaging to development.
  • Because when I say ‘I could never be monogamous’ I get dirty looks.
  • Because too many people have tried to confide in me when they’re cheating because ‘I thought you, of all people, would understand.’
  • Because I can’t talk about my relationship troubles with my monogamous friends because ‘I always have something to fall back on.’ As if my relationships are meaningless.

(please reblog and add more if you like)

Let’s keep adding guys!

I don’t know why, but the “I don’t even feel like I can dance with someone without telling them the complete logistics of my love life” one seemed to resonate the most with me, despite the fact that is has probably been years since I danced with someone who didn’t already know me well.

—->>> “Because people equate ‘multiple partners’ with ‘predator’ and think everything I say is an attempt to get in their pants. <<<—-




I’m really amused by the argument “You can’t expect straight writers to include LGBT+ characters. They’ve never experienced being LGBT+” 

Because like-

1) JK Rowling was never an 11 year old orphaned wizard boy. Tolkien was never an ELF. This is how writing works.

2) I, a bisexual woman, am perfectly capable of writing straight men? 

Why are you guys such bad writers?

Like, no, maybe you would struggle to write an accurate and realistic portrayal of a trans teens transitioning, or a gay teens experience with homophobia. But you know you don’t HAVE to go super in depth about those things to include LGBT+ characters AT ALL, right? We are more than the bigotry we endure.



“Real life isn’t that diverse!!!!!“ 

do you ever consider that maybe that’s because you grew up in a white middle class neighbour and went to a white middle class school full of white middle class children just like you and maybe there was only one kid who felt brave enough to come out as something other than cisgender heterosexual and then they probably surrounded themselves with other lgbtq+ people if they could 

your idea of real life is your skewed little outlook from your upbringing so quit whining about diversity because there’s characters you don’t see yourself in.


Reminder that Pride must include L, G, B, T, Q, I, A and +, otherwise it’s just sparkling gay visibility.


disney needs to give us an episode of the new baymax series where he helps a nonverbal autistic child whose communication tablet broke.

like imagine him putting the communication options on his tummy.

and recognizing the child’s sensory overload and taking them somewhere quiet.

i need it

How Do You Change the System?

“Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to fight! Matter of fact, it’s safe to say that they would rather switchthanfight!”

- Civil Rights Activist Thomas “TNT” Todd, as sampled by Public Enemy in Fight the Power

American pop culture and media has long been, and continues to be, saturated with grossly narrow representations of people of color.…

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