#research survey


This is the summer of surveys! This one is from Emily Faulkner, an MSc student at Robert Gordon University. Emily is studying information-seeking behaviours of fanfiction communities and their applicability to libraries for their grad dissertation! The survey is open to adults who read and/or write fanfiction content (fan comics and podfics included) and details are below.

Where: https://robertgordonuniversity.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/fanfiction-questionnaire 

How long: About 30 mins depending on your fanfic sites 

Closes: August 2nd, 2021 noon EST

Go forth!

Hi folks!

A couple of weeks ago, we had a call for participants from a researcher conducting a study out of Bellevue College, and we just got word that the survey deadline has been extended, so we’re passing that along! As a refresh: the study is about sociolinguistics in online fandom, and really digs into how individuals personally define various fannish terms. There’s a particular focus on shipping and antis, and a portion of the survey is optional and uses trigger warnings for potentially upsetting content around antis and anti discourse.

The number of survey questions vary depending on your answers. People have finished in around 20-30mins, and some have really dug into the optional, long-form questions and have taken an hour! We figure around 30-45mins is a good estimate for length.

The survey was set to close on Jun 25th, but has been extended to September 16th. Go go go!

Survey link:https://bellevuecollege.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bBGo5Duqrhog1yC
Project FAQ:https://fanthropology.carrd.co

Interested in online sociolinguistics in fandom? Then have we got the survey for you! We were contacted by a research at Bellevue College, who asked about boosting their study, so we’re passing this along. The study is about sociolinguistics in online fandom, and really digs into how individuals personally define various fannish terms. There’s a particular focus on shipping and antis, and a portion of the survey is optional and uses trigger warnings for potentially upsetting content around antis and anti discourse.

The number of survey questions vary depending on your answers. People have finished in around 20-30mins, and some have really dug into the optional, long-form questions and have taken an hour! We figure around 30-45mins is a good estimate for length.

The survey closes on June 25th, so go take it before the month is out

We’re really interested to see the results of this one… fan sociolinguistics are always so interesting, especially with a topic like this one!

Survey link:https://bellevuecollege.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bBGo5Duqrhog1yC
Project FAQ:https://fanthropology.carrd.co

We have received a request to signal boost another survey. We believe it might be of interest to our readers as it studies attitudes about sex and relationships are impacted by different types of fiction — including fanfiction. You can find it on this link until the end of July. The study is being run by PhD candidate Lee Hair. Fans can be fanfiction readers or not, the survey is open to everyone 18 or older. This study has received IRB approval from Boston University.  A consent form detailing user privacy practices and contact information for the researcher, the faculty supervisor, and the IRB review board is available at the start of the survey.

Makenna Reaves, an udnergraduate at University of Washington is asking you (in case you are over the age of 18) to participate in a survey. This survey is being conducted for the purpose of gathering data about general opinions and attitudes toward fan creations. The survey will run until May 13, 11:45 PM, GMT-7. You can access the survey at this link. It consists of 15 multiple choice and 3 long answer questions, it takes between 10 and 45 minutes to complete. The participants will be asked questions about their age, gender identity, sexual identity, and ethnicity and their knowledge and general opinion of various fan creations and fan communities.

The survey has been checked and approved by the researcher’s Faculty’s Ethics Commission. This survey on reading engagement includes a consent form and information about participant privacy and data usage.

More information can be found by clicking on the above survey link. You can also reach out to Makenna Reaves at reaves [at] uw.edu.

Fanhackers has received a request from a Ph.D. student in Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies – Popular Culture Studies, at The University of Zurich. Fabienne Saurer is seeking help to find fan participants for a survey. Her research is on reading, fan culture and online communities. The survey is planned to run over the next few weeks, and will help Fabienne gather information to design questions for interviews later in her research. You can access the survey on this link, it consists of ten questions and takes an average of twenty minutes to fill out. We expect that many of our readers would be interested in both the results and in participating. As it’s a rather limited sample, Fabienne would appreciate the help in sharing the survey around.

The survey has been checked and approved by her Faculty’s Ethics Commission. This survey on reading engagement includes a consent form and information about participant privacy and data usage.

More information can be found by clicking on the above survey link. You can also reach out to Fabienne at fabienne.saurer [at] uzh.ch or her research supervisor, Dr. Ingrid Tomkowiak, at ingrid.tomkowiak [at] uzh.ch
