#reva x trilla



greyscale digital drawing that shows reva and trilla from the waist up, they are in their late teens, both in a black version of the imperial academy uniform and seemingly walking somwhere. trilla is on the left, her head nealry turned all the way to the side as she grabs reva's hand to pull her along, her expression one of annoyence that very clearly masks her worry. reva on the right looks at something behind her as she's being pulled along by trilla, her expression one of guarded curiosity. she is holding a small juice packet raised halfway to her lips. trilla whispers to her "psst, reves, come on, don't stare at him--"ALT

currently obsessed with the idea that reva and trilla knew each other and where besties/rivals/each other’s first crush at inquisitor boarding school, and that reva wants to be grand inquisitor so she can get close enough to vader to avenge trilla’s death :’)


lucasfilm can pry trilla and reva’s friendship from my cold dead hands

not now sweetie mommy is making up meta narratives about star wars women from different media that have never interacted


between vader being in reva’s eye on the new poster instead of obi wan like the other inquisitors + rumours of someone from jedi fallen order being in the kenobi series + trilla and reva both being ex jedi i have concocted a narrative where reva and trilla were super close friends (maybe even more) and the reason reva is trying to get close to vader is to get revenge for him killing trilla

NO WAIT reva was in the shadows when trilla was executed and watched her die but MOST IMPORTANTLY she heard trilla beg cal to avenge them all. and she decided she’d avenge trilla from inside the empire

between vader being in reva’s eye on the new poster instead of obi wan like the other inquisitors + rumours of someone from jedi fallen order being in the kenobi series + trilla and reva both being ex jedi i have concocted a narrative where reva and trilla were super close friends (maybe even more) and the reason reva is trying to get close to vader is to get revenge for him killing trilla
