


Idk if you guys have heard, but there’s a revival movement for Pirate101 happening the week of the 24th! Basically, people are going to flood the servers to promote the game as well as to get KI’s attention. Maybe this will bring about a long-anticipated update to the game that we’ve all been hoping for…

There’s also a petition asking KI to update the game, which can be found here: https://www.change.org/p/kingsisle-entertainment-update-pirate101

And there’s a newly-created discord server about the revival project that can be reached with this link: https://discord.com/invite/ARhsR4eEvt

I know a few Pirate101 streamers will be doing their thing before and during the revival week, especially @faeriequeens on YouTube, but I expect even more will join her. I think there’s also a bunch of information on the r/Pirate101 Reddit, which is easily discoverable.

As for myself, I’ll still be posting the Animals of the Spiral series here, but I’ll also be including the hashtag #RevivePirate101 on all of my posts to add to the movement. I’ll also be playing online during the week of the 24th, and I implore you all to do the same.

Hopefully we’ll get at least some reaction out of the devs- we’ve been neglected for far too long. Please spread the word and get the movement going!

I posted the link below to the petition, but here is a longer post! Let’s help revive our beloved game!


It’s about time fellow pirates! Thank you to whoever made this petition!
