#rhetoric and composition


do you ever feel unbearably frustrated or constrained by conventions of writing? i.e. linear presentation of ideas or narrative, argument that “progresses” by building on previous points, intro-thesis-support-conclusion structure, the beginning-to-end nature of reading and writing, etc… 

if you could write in a way that better suits your ways of thinking, speaking, or sense-making, what might that look like? or, what are some practices that have helped liberate you from the mold? how would you change up structure, style, or medium? would you incorporate other sensory modes like visuals, audio, or physical materials? 

I have an associate way of thinking, and I often visualize my ideas in mindmaps with networked, interconnected, ecological points. I’m thinking of inserting such a mindmap in a paper. writing in websites with multiple sections/pages have helped in some ways too, though often, there’s still linearity in how we navigate menu bars. I want to explore other stategies and tools that could empower us.

I’m interested in flipping the script - questioning and reimagining it.
