#actually adhd




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Sorry about reblogging this, but it’s important to share.

ADHD IS a disability and it affects every day life. I need accomodations and acceptance for it, because it’s a disorder that causes shit for me.

You are right. It might be a “label” but it’s a label that actively helps me cope with bad days. That helps me look towards the future for what I need. It’s not a gift, but it helps me recognize how to deal with it.


Is anyone else like this? As a kid and even in adulthood in workplaces, I have always needed to doodle in order to maintain focus on and retain important information. My notebook margins are always filled with fun patterns :)



Who decided we have to give up pure and wholesome things just to grow up? Sleeping with a little Pikachu plushie does not mean I don’t also make my own doctor appointments.

reblogging because I think there needs to be more notes and more people comfortable with the idea that adulthood is a lie.

Hello friends! I am very excited about how well I feel my blog has been doing and am very proud. My notes have hit new peaks in the thousands and I never dreamed that I would finally be doing what I have wanted to do for years.

I don’t know who really checks my blog or if I have any frequent people but, I talked about the things I wanted to do with this blog during the summer that I haven’t delivered on. I Feel disappointed that I haven’t been delivering my original content like promised and I wanted to talk about some personal things that have been effecting me recently that aren’t really blog theme related.

First, although neurodiversity related issues such as adhd and autism are the theme of this blog my issues don’t end there. One of the issues I have struggled with very hard is anxiety; I have multiple anxiety disorders that impact me a lot.

I want to do well with my blog and make an impact. I want to not only make you laugh but help everyone understand these issues and maybe themselves a little bit better. But, writing a blog can be a bit daunting. What you say are things you can’t take back and are a reflection of your blog and even you that can carry on.

When my anxiety spikes, this blog can be stressful for me because I don’t want to screw up and say something wrong. I don’t want to give the wrong advice, or offend someone, produce ignorant facts or any number of other things. Sometimes this makes me tentative to post new material. Not only this but trying to keep up the quality control I try to have.

Secondly, something that I don’t think gets talked about in the neurodiversity community enough is how hard it can be for some of us to produce written content at all. By the time I post content I have rewritten it anywhere from 3-12 times over.

From the inability to summarize information or differentiate irrelevant information from critical details to spelling and grammar mistakes it takes a lot of tries to produce good content. Half of the time mistakes aren’t the kind Word can catch, such as skipped words or conjoining words etc.

This means that I have to continuously re-read over and over and even have others check my details for me to make sure what I am saying is accurate and coherent. Even then I often find simple errors in my writing after I post them.

Third, recently there has been a very serious concern in my family that has had us all stressed. I don’t get along with my family the greatest to begin with, but I also wanted to be there during what could adequately be called a family crisis. I don’t want to go into detail, but it has been a very stressful couple months, but thankfully everything is okay for now with regards to that.

Lastly, I have had my own stressful adventure with physical health concerns. I have a number of strange issues which have gone unaddressed for a long time and last month it felt like they all sort of boiled over at once. I have been in the E.R. (nothing serious don’t worry.) and trying to get different doctors appointments so I can finally get some answers and hopefully be far less stressed out about it.

All and all, this have impacted my content on Tumblr. which is by far the biggest sadness for me at current time. I just wanted to let you all know that I have no intention of leaving Tumblr. Or taking a leave from my blog at current time. It may be a bit sporadic for a period, but I have a whole file of posts I am wanting to make but need help editing into “final edit” quality and so they can be posted.

This blog is meaningful to me. It may be small right now, but it is important to me and I have ambitions that I intend to carry out at some point soon. I hope anyone reading this is understanding and will continue to support this blog. I look forward to my return into full swing.

I hope you all have an amazing day!!! You are all great! <3


So there’s a lot of posts differentiating between laziness and executive dysfunction and that’s all well and good but can we please acknowledge that lack of motivation and interest can also be symptoms of things and they don’t necessarily mean people are lazy either


when i watch other people my age, i see that they have this kind of effortless way about them that i don’t think i’ll ever have. the way they talk to each other and the way they go out and pursue what interests them without having to think twice about it. the way they know how to conduct themselves, the way it all comes so naturally to them, like breathing or swimming or riding a bike. it’s like they all have something ingrained in them that i just don’t have, and it’s so embarrassing and it’s fucking killing me. i wish i knew how to be okay.


having adhd and not knowing it from a young age is being yelled at by your parents because you remembered to do your homework that’s due tomorrow on the night before. it is often getting into trouble because you zoned out during a conversation or a teacher’s explanation but you don’t even know how you did it, you don’t control it. it is knowing deep down that you’re different from other kids but not knowing why. and then, being treated different by your peers and by the adults around you and again not knowing why. it is suffering in silence because everybody, in a way or another, punishes you for being the way you are even if you don’t even know what that means.

but then… you finally understand it. you finally put all the pieces together and for the first time in your life, everything you’ve lived until that moment finally makes sense. the reasons behind the things you did and still do are finally explained to you and you don’t feel like an outsider anymore. and tbh? it’s one of the greatest feelings in the world.

what-even-is-thiss:@thatsthat24 as an individual with ADD let me tell you that you just described a


@thatsthat24 as an individual with ADD let me tell you that you just described a good chunk of my life very accurately.

Post link


Edit: I made the assumption that as I left the original posters name on the photo and the fact it is a photo people could deduce that it was not my own.

I found this image on Pinterest and thought it would be helpful, I attempted to find the original to reblog but the name @ceebycee does not come up when I search it and I was unable to find the original.

I do not claim this is my post and I am not trying to steal someone else’s just thought that it could be helpful.

I’m sorry if I have caused any issues or offend anyone in sharing this information.

To myself. lol. Some of my posts have got over a thousand notes and that is fantastic!!! I am so excited to see anything I made get so many and its a big personal achievement for me so. <3 Thank you!

Even if it can be a bit much sometimes and I can be a bit much to other people, I do really love getting excited more easily and falling in love with topics so quickly.

I love being able to share interest in other people’s passions and loving to learn and just, falling in love with subjects.

It’s not always so fun losing that love, especially because it makes it very hard to finish projects I’ve started while “in love” but, I’m still glad to have had those passions. I’ll always have affection for them.

Sometimes I feel like I have no self-awareness, because I’ve been on a round-about of thinking I don’t have ADHD (round-about as in I just keep thinking the same thing, going round-about in a circle) and I’ve talked to my friends and family about it.

And recently they brought up that I talk a lot and I, was kinda stumped and I asked them “I… talk a lot?” and the two people I was talking to were like “yeah… you do”. I honestly had no idea, other than that when I’m talking about a hyperfixation, past or present, I just go on and on. 

I dunno, just made me think about how maybe I don’t have a great awareness of my behavior until someone points it out.

Me writing fanfiction: post now don’t edit

My brain; you have to re-read your work and look for errors

Me: no. Post now, I’ll get comments

Brain; why?

Me; comment=dopamine

Brain: NO!??

Me: comments make my brain happy :]

gallusrostromegalus: zwordsman:gallusrostromegalus:glumshoe: you know F’real milkshakes you see





you know F’real milkshakes you see in gas stations sometimes? they’re… they’re actually good…

The coffee ones have roughly 4x the caffeine than a Starbucks frap has.

I did not know that when I had two of them right before a presentation on front of the faculty of my department. I was vibrating like the flash when he screws up the timeline. I think I was presenting from another dimension but I got 100% on the project, so it worked out.

So… short version.
Enough of it will kill you, or give you semi-super powers? 

Depends on your individual caffeine tolerance and whether or not you have a history of heart problems in your family.  I use caffeine to fight migraines and control my ADHD (it works, but I can’t explain how) and have an exceptionally strong heart, so…
It gives me the ability to cast an illusion that makes people think I’m some kind of genius?  

But roughly 600mg of caffeine in 20 mintues* is probably not for everyone lol.

* It was hot out so I shotgunned two of them.  It was a mistake. 

I have an Excellent analogy for how this works! Okay, say you’re in Photoshop and you have a picture on the canvas. You can grab one of the corners and pull to make the picture bigger, or push to make it smaller, and grab the sides to make it wider or narrower. The long and wide for everyone are thought speed and processing speed. Neurotypical people have both in alignment, but people with ADHD have one or the other out of whack, making the picture distorted. Stimulants adjust one of those axis. For normal people, stimulants like caffeine boost thought speed, leading to the hyper, jittery state that you’re so used to with caffeine. You seem to react the same way, but that puts you in balance with your processing speed, making it easier to concentrate. For me, stimulants, including caffeine, boost my processingspeed instead, essentially allowing me to keep up with my own thoughts. That said those things are full of insane amounts of sugar, so the jitters might be from that rather than the caffeine.

Post link

So the Adderall 10mg ended up being too much on my heart and I had to get off it. Too many dizzy spells and heart palpitations. Now I’m on straterra 40mg and I’m waiting for my insurance to approve an increase.



I started reading the picture, got about 3 words in and then went, oh, more writing then I read the rewriting at the top, then I read the rest of the picture


Jokes on you I read the first two words of the picture and doubled back to the first word of the text and got so lost I started scrolling again


Everyone else will read this first

I was purposely taught how to speed read as a child so i read both instantly, jokes on everyone

Halfway through opening line before i notice theres a picture at all, let me hear it for my hyperfixation adhdrs

adhd is writing a shopping list but forgetting to look at it while shopping
