#richard armitage fanfic



Blood Moon

Part 3

Summary: Richard’s restless dark nature draws him out for a late hour hunt. Under the cover of night, he visits a familiar territory and takes advantage of an unexpected scenario.

Relationships: Richard Armitage x OC Sofia & Matthew Clairmont x OC Sofia (Vampire AU)


Warnings: 18+, mention of blood.

A/N: This is the third part of this story. You can read the previous parts here.

@legolasbadass&@lathalea Thanks again for all your feedback and constant support. ❤️❤️

When the moon turns red anything can happen.

The distant sound of a bell echoed in the dark. Three vibrating tolls revealed the late hour. The sound traveled through the night and the silent stone wall, illumined by a lonely street lamp, was the only witness to the dark silhouette moving in its shadow. With the collar of his dark coat pulled tightly around his neck, Richard’s tall figure covered distance quickly, and he set his target on one of the few areas where he still could find a suitable prey. The lively streets in the city center.

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Oooh, bad vampire! With this in mind, what will happen to Sofia. Uh oh

As always, I love the descriptions of the senses. I love how you describe it in a way that you can almost feel it yourself. Wonderful chapter


Blood Moon


Part 4

Summary:After thinking of her all night, Richard contacts Sofia and persuades her to meet him again.

Relationships:Richard Armitage x OC Sofia & Matthew Clairmont x OC Sofia (Vampire AU)



A/N:This is the final part of Blood Moon. You can read the previous parts here. Not following ADOW canon.

Special thanks to @lathalea&@legolasbadass for all your support in this fic.

When the moon turns red anything can happen.

While the sun slowly painted the sky in bright colors, Richard stood by the window in his living room and looked out over the old buildings below him. Some of them had newly replaced copper roofs, and when they reflected the morning light, they looked like they were on fire. His empty crystal glass rested on the small side table next to the window and the last drops of wine had dried at the bottom. The restlessness in his body made his mood sour and every time his thoughts wandered to the brown-haired woman with the pale skin and alluring mouth, he sighed deeply. He murmured her name and the feeling of her name on his tongue made him clench his fists. What had she done to him? He, who had seen wars and death. The birth, rise and fall of great kings and queens. He had never let himself be affected by a woman, not to mention a human. He had shared lusty moments, followed by feral hunger and he had enjoyed more women in their beds than he could remember, but none of them had occupied his mind after he left them. That counted for both the ones willingly giving him what he desired, as well as the less fortunate he had to physically overpower after they discovered what kind of taste he favored. Sofia had not yet seen all he was capable of. Matthew had stopped Richard’s diabolic tourture of her just as she was about to reach true desperation for him, and he was sure Matthew acted out of jealousy. He growled. This had never been a problem between them in the past.

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What a wonderful vampiry end to the story. I loved it. You captured the desolation so well. Poor everyone, but that is sometimes how vampire life goes…



Summary:Lorelei Browning has just secured a job as an assistant professor at Exeter College in Oxford. Naturally, she is eager to prove herself and meet every challenge sent her way, but what she does not expect is the tall, handsome stranger who will quickly become much more than a colleague…

Relationship: Richard Armitage x OC (Professor AU)

Word Count: 2.7K

Rating: E (Oral sex, M/F protected intercourse)

A/N: Thank you all so much for your lovely comments and messages on this fic, it means so much to me that you are all enjoying this incredibly self-indulgent fic. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Previous parts can be found here: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7 | … 

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This is sweet and sexy and wonderful, but why do I have a bad feeling because it’s just all so perfect right now and you are the Queen of Angst…. :)

Thank you!! And don’t worry, I’m not saying it will be purely sunshine and rainbows until the end, but this is not an angsty fic:)


Office Hours, Part 9

Summary:Lorelei Browning has just secured a job as an assistant professor at Exeter College in Oxford. Naturally, she is eager to prove herself and meet every challenge sent her way, but what she does not expect is the tall, handsome stranger who will quickly become much more than a colleague…

Relationship: Richard Armitage x OC (Professor AU)

Word Count: 3k

Rating: T (some chapters E)

A/N:Sorry for the long wait, life has been a bit hectic lately! Special thanks to @linasofia for helping me out with this one and always being there to send me inspiring photos or to send virtual hugs when I struggle with my writing. Love you wifey 

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Have I told you how much I love them? Let me remind you!

That scene with Richard in the kitchen is everything I need right now. You capture their relationship perfectly. And your writing is always wonderful. Please let there be many more chapters. I mean it. Many!!!
