#rick grimes x reader angst


Can’t Have Both - Rick Grimes

Requested: Yes

Pairing: Rick Grimes x Fem Reader

Summary: When the group was brought into Alexandria, the last thing Y/n thought she had to worry about was if her husband, Rick, had fallen in love with the hairdresser next door.

Warnings: Slight angst, smut, some fluff, breakdown of communication, Rick being an oblivious dumbass, Daryl being a protective older brother.

Word Count: 3.2K



It all started when a pretty blonde woman turned up on your doorstep, offering to cut your husband’s hair.

Golden rays of afternoon sunshine pooled through the kitchen window, illuminating your working area whilst you prepared Carl’s lunch. Just when you turned the heat up on the stove, the chiming sound of the doorbell rang through the house, alerting you to the presence of someone outside.

You thought this was odd because people usually just barged in without any warning (and some, like your brother Daryl, left muddy tracks in their wake so you could tell who had been in your home uninvited).

“Can you get that darling?” You turned to face Rick. “I don’t want Carl’s soup to boil over.”

Rick merely nodded and quickly disappeared around the corner to greet whoever was waiting outside. A few moments later, you heard the click of the lock being undone and the hair-raising creek of the door being opened.

Oiling the hinges had been on the bucket list every since you arrived a few weeks back, but you still hadn’t gotten around to it because you were busy looking after other people’s kids in the daycare with Carol and Rick was always out ‘doing his duty’ as sheriff.

You couldjust make out the sound of Rick’s voice over the bubbling pot of soup beside you, which was soon followed by the melody of a woman’s laugh. Her voice rang clear and smooth as she said something about… scissors?

“My kit is back home, but I’d be more than happy to give you a trim - you know, like a housewarming gift, except instead of casserole you get a haircut.” You heard the lady say through the wall, which was then accompanied by Rick’s chuckle.

It was an unusual but thoughtful gesture, you thought. Besides, you supposed it would make Rick happy since he has been complaining about his mop of untamable hair for weeks, and he refused point-blank to have any non-professional anywhere near his head ever since the Prison when Maggie accidentally set the shaver setting too high and buzzed a stripe through the centre of his head.

Throughout the following few weeks, you noticed a gradual change in Rick. He seemed to grow distant and less affectionate. At first, you put it down to the stress of his new job as sheriff - he would be out from six in the morning and would come back at eight o'clock at night, drained and half-asleep.

Multiple times you tried to get him to take a day off and rest, but he insisted that he had to perform his duty and protect the Alexandrians. Deciding it was futile to argue any further, you dropped the subject and opted to just hope that a bolt of lightning would strike some sense into Rick before he worked himself to death.

It was a few days later when you finallyconnected the dots. When you finally pieced the story together - and you did not like the outcome:

You were crouched over a planting bed, grime smeared all over your clothes and your face dripped with sweat as the sun scorched your back. You had been sowing tomato seeds into the fertile soil for over two hours, and at long last, the end was in sight. A groan escaped your lips as you stood up and stretched, popping your stiff joints.

You glanced up at the sun and guessed it was around three o'clock judging by its position. You gathered up your belongings and made for the daycare to help Carol get the kids back home.

That was another topic you and Rick were discussing - kids. Ever since you began helping out at the daycare, you longed to have a kid of your own, it seemed to be an ache in your chest that grew stronger every time you stepped into the daycare classrooms to see the bright little faces smiling up at you.

You wanted someone to love, hold, and protect. Yes, you helped raise Carl and you loved him with your whole heart, but he wasn’t yours. Not really. Yet ever since Rick started working longer hours, he did not seem interested in the topic of kids anymore. Each time you brought up the topic, he would brush it off or say ’we can talk about it tomorrow’ but he never would.

As you made your way up the steps of the daycare, you heard an all too familiar laugh echo through the street. When you turned to look behind you, a heavy feeling formed in your stomach. There was Rick, laughing with his full chest. His blue eyes were bright and crinkled at the corners, he no longer looked tired, drained and annoyed.

What made your stomach drop was the fact that beside him stood Jessie, her silky blonde hair was tied back and she was gripping Rick’s arm as she laughed along with him. Jessie’s little boy Sam was skipping along beside them and was in the process of demonstrating how his paper plane worked.

They looked like a happy family. Rick looked happy.

It felt like a brick wall of enlightenment slammed straight into your face. How did you not see it before, when everything seemed so obvious now? All the pieces fell into place. You did not want to think about what that could mean, it was too heartbreaking, but one question kept repeating in your mind: Did Rick still love you?

More days passed and you continued to brood over your suspicions. When you questioned Rick about what he was doing every day, he would just say he was working and would completely gloss over the part where he would walk Jessie and Sam back home every day after daycare.

You only found out about this when Carol informed you, and of course, this sent alarm bells ringing in your mind. You began to question yourself - were you just being jealous? Or was there something else going on? And once again, that damn question lingered in the back of your mind: Did Rick still love you?

Each time you passed by Jessie’s house on your way to work, you could feel your chest tighten. You once liked the hairdresser, she was nice and kind and always looked out for Carl. But now the mere thought of her left a bitter taste in your mouth. And the worst part of it all was how niceshe acted towards you. She would flash her perfect white smile at you when you walked by and acted as sweet as an angel. It would have made your brooding so much easier if she acted like a bitch.

Hell, maybe you were just jealous of her, after all, she had everything you didn’t. Jessie was flawless, she had smooth skin that seemed to glow in the sunlight, silky hair, a bright smile and pretty eyes, two sons of her own and the thing that hurt you most of all - the affection and attention of yourhusband.

It was hard to miss how Rick’s face would light up at the mention of Jessie’s name, or how he had that glint in his eyes when he talked to her, the same glint that he used to have when you began dating.

You spent too many nights lying awake next to your husband, with silent tears dripping down your cheeks at the thought that he was slipping away, right through your hands and you couldn’t do anything to stop it. Despite all that you had been through with Rick, all the hardships, losses and breakdowns, you felt for the first time that you weren’t important to him anymore.

And that is how you found yourself on your brothers’ doorstep one early morning. You had gotten into a fight with Rick the night before and he had disappeared all night. You could guess where he probably crashed for the night.

You raked a hand through the mess of hair that you didn’t bother to comb and knocked three times. You weren’t sure what you were even going to say, all you knew was that you needed some big brotherly love. Within a few moments, you heard footsteps approach and the door swung open.

“What the hell do ya’ want at this time in the morn-” Daryl paused midsentence when his eyes landed on your tear-stained and sleep-deprived face. “Y/n? Wha’s the matter?”

Your own voice betrayed you and all you could manage to string together was an incoherent jumble of words. Before you could even attempt to pull yourself together, you were engulfed in a bone-squeezing hug. You closed your eyes and clutched onto your brother’s (rather mucky) shirt.

“S'pose you’ll want to come in an’ talk?” Daryl said, swaying you from side to side slightly. You managed a muffled 'yeah’ before pulling back.

“C'mon in, and take a seat,” Daryl said, closing the door before leading you towards the living room. “Tell me who I need ta’ bloody up.”

You sat perched at the edge of the sofa and watched as Daryl paced around the room, muttering profanities under his breath. You began to question whether or not it was a good idea to vent to Daryl about your concerns because he looked like he could murder a man twice over.

“Thatprick. He better not be doin’ what ya’ think he is or I’ll send him to meet J.C myself.” Daryl fumed, coming to a stop in front of you.

“I hope not either.” You looked down at your hands. You really hoped you were just overthinking everything.

“I’ll sort him out,” Daryl said finally, and you shot your head up with wide eyes.

“What are you going to do?” You asked, eyeing your brother with slight hesitation.


“On what?”

“If he is actually a cheatin’ bastard, I’ll knock his teeth out. If he’s not and this is all a misunderstanding, I’ll slap him for making my little sister upset.”

“Right,” You said slowly. “Please don’t be too, you know…harsh?”

The only response you got was a grunt and a mumbled 'see ya’ later’ before Daryl made his way out the front door.

You were sitting on the edge of your bed, eyes flicking to the clock that seemed to be moving in slow motion. It was nearing midnight and Rick was still not home. All sorts of possibilities crossed your mind, and you just prayed Daryl hadn’t made you a widow.

A yawn wracked your body and you could feel your heavy eyelids begin to droop. Deciding that you had waited up for Rick long enough, you stood up and grabbed a fresh shirt and shorts and laid them on your bed before heading towards the shower.

You thought a nice hot shower before going to bed would calm your ragged nerves.

You stripped off your garments and left them strewn across the bathroom tiles whilst you waited for the water to heat up. At last, you stepped into the shower, a sigh escaping your lips when the hot water hit your stiff muscles.

You first started working on your hair. You slathered on shampoo and began scrubbing your scalp and working out any knots, before continuing onto the rest of your body.

Ten minutes later you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in your favourite red towel that Rick had picked up for you on a run a few weeks back. You picked up your dirty clothes and headed out of the bathroom, only to stop dead in your tracks when your eyes landed on the bed.

There was Rick, sitting perched on the end with a bouncing knee and clasped hands. So, Daryl didn’t murder him after all. Though, on Rick’s cheek, you could see a bruise begin to form.

“Guess you crossed paths with my brother.” You said, folding your arms as you glared at the man in front of you.

“Yeah,” Rick said, finally meeting your eyes. “Yeah I did.”

“And what happened? Where were you? Do you even know how worried Carl was because his dad was missing!” You said, tears pricking your eyes as Rick stood up.

“Y/n, I can explain. I was-”

“Do you know how worried sickI have been? Worried that you are away doing God knows whatwithher.” You cut him off and at last, your tears began to stream down your cheeks. “Do you even love me anymore, Rick? Because if you love Jessie, you can’t have us both!”

Rick looked stunned as he stared at you with wide eyes. It seemed to take him a few seconds to register what you said and a look of panic swept his features.

“Y/n, no it’s not like that, I swear. Ofcourse, I love you! Of course, I do! You’re the only woman I want.” Rick urged as he stepped closer and placed a hand on your damp shoulder. “Daryl told me about what you told him and I’m so, so sorry that you felt like that. I never meant to hurt you, ever. I just wanted Deanna and the rest of the Alexandrians to trust us by working hard. I love you.”

“And Jessie? Do you love her?” You said, arms still folded, though your glare began to soften.

“No, I don’t love Jessie. I was just trying to look out for her and her family because her husband seems to be an absolute asshole to them. As I said, I only love you.” Rick said, his pleading blue eyes locked on yours.

“So…” You trailed off, shoulders relaxing. “You still want a family with me?”

“Absolutely.” Rick didn’t hesitate in answering. “I just want to make sure this place is safe before we have any more little feet running around. God knows Carl has aged me ten years.”

A smile ghosted your lips as you pulled Rick into hug. You could feel his whole body relax into you as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

“I’m sorry for doubting you, Rick.” You said, resting your head against his chest. “And sorry for Daryl punching you.”

“You have nothing to apologise for, love. And I had that punch coming anyway.” Rick said when you pulled back slightly to inspect his cheek.

“I’m sure the bruising will go down soon.” You said and gently pressed your lips against Rick’s. His lips felt warm and soft against yours, rendering you breathless. Much to your relief, Rick took control of the kiss by wrapping his strong arms around your waist, pulling your frame flush against his chest. Just as you began to relax into the kiss, Rick pulled away, though only a little. 

“How about I make it up to you?” He whispered into your hot lips.

“I’d like that.” You whispered back, forming a faint smirk. Again, Rick’s head dipped down and captured your lips in his.

Your breathing got heavier when he began moving his hands down your body, trailing his fingers over your breasts, down your stomach, coming to a stop at the hem of the towel wrapped around your body.

“Can I?” He asked, pulling away from your lips to look you in the eyes.

“Y-yes,” You panted. Your heart skipped a beat when you looked into Rick’s eyes - they were dark with lust. He dipped his head down crashing his lips against yours, dragging his teeth over your lip as he used his right hand to undo your towel. You shivered when your damp skin was exposed to the chilly air but soon found yourself pressed against the bed with Rick on top.

His mouth moved against yours expertly, and you began to feel that familiar sensation of anticipation in your lower abdomen as Rick’s hands trailed down your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

A gasp escaped your lips when Rick dipped his hand down between your thighs and began to gently circle the little bundle of nerves that made you squirm under his touch.

“So sensitive,” Rick mumbled into your lips, his fingers applying more pressure.

You whimpered, feeling a hot pressure begin to pool in your stomach. When you touched yourself, it never felt nearly as good as Rick’s fingers. You could feel yourself becoming more undone by the second as you began to involuntarily grind your hips against Rick’s hand.

Fuck,” Your fingers dug into the sheets when you felt Rick slip a finger into your core and slowly began to pump it in and out. Rick drank in all your little whines and whispered as he picked up speed and pressure - he was determined to get you to cum. A few moments later, when he was sure you were ready, he inserted a second finger.

Your head rolled back when Rick thrust his fingers at an agonizingly slow pace. You were desperate for more. You began bucking your hips against his fingers, moans falling from your swollen lips, feeling your climax beginning to form.

“I’m so close,” You whimpered, feeling the knot in your stomach begin to uncoil. This spurred Rick on and he began thrusting his fingers harder and faster, feeling your walls clench around them. Within moments, you were a moaning mess. Your legs shook as you felt a hot rush throb through your pussy, soaking Rick’s fingers, though he kept pumping them, letting you  ride out your  high. 

“You’re gorgeous,” Rick groaned, placing sloppy kisses along your jaw. “I needyou.”

Before you knew it, Rick’s clothes were in a crumpled heap next to your towel on the floor, and he was lining up against your entrance. You gasped, feeling his tip push into you. Slowly, Rick began filling you up, stretching your warm walls to fit around his pulsing cock. 

“Tell me when to start,” Rick groaned, gripping your hips as he tried to restrain himself from fucking into you straight away. 

“You can start,” You said and Rick began to move his hips. He started slow, moving in and out with slow, intentional thrusts. The more he pumped in and out of you, the more the discomfort began to dissipate and pleasure began to take its place.

“Oh fuck,” You moaned, digging your fingers into Rick’s back. He reached his hand down and began rubbing your clit and you squeezed your eyes shut as a wave of pleasure washed over you. Before long, his hips were slamming into yours, pulling moan after moan from your lips. 

“Fuck, you feel so good,” Rick moaned, fucking you deeper, turning your moans into cries of pleasure.

“Y-you are so fucking deep,” You moaned. The pressure in your stomach burst when Rick applied more pressure to your throbbing  clit, sending you over the edge in a mess of moans. Your throbbing walls clenched around his cock, but he kept thrusting. 

“I-I’m cumming,” You cried, gripping the sheets as your legs began to shake. Pleasure pulsed through your veins and your eyes rolled back. Within moments, another wave of pleasure began to pulse through you as he pounded into you, leaving you throbbing and overstimulated. 

 "Fuck,” Rick groaned, his thrusts becoming sloppier as his cock began to twitch and stutter. You felt a warmth spread through your core as he came inside you. His hips came to a stop, leaving you both a sweaty, panting, tangle of limbs.

“I think I forgive you now,” A smirk tugged at your lips as your husband collapsed against your chest.

Thanks for reading! Remember requests are open. If you want added to a taglist, comment below.

