#rift apart spoilers


@sakinaaisyahzaki asked me if i could take pictures of the Nefaries inside the imperial powersuit and i delivered.

Here’s tall, dark and snobby in the suit. you would THINK he’s sitting in a chair but he’s actually sitting on nothing:

and here’s the doctor:

he doesn’t bother pretending to sit on nothing and straight up slavic squats on the floor. It seems the Emperor didn’t let him turn the lights on either. (He isn’t blinking, his eyes are always shut inside the power suit)

it seems that Dr. Nefarious is controlling the suit as well, because he has his own control panel. Which means they are WORKING TOGETHER to control the suit. I’m surprised the Emperor is even willing to do that! And why is the suit designed to be controlled by twoin the first place? Questions, questions…

my favorite concept art of the Emperor (and the imperial suit)


ehehe he sit funny

and some Doctor art:

Ok so, hear me out.

Doctor Nefarious makes the best uncle figure.

I said what I said.
