#rift apart


This is a collab me and LittleFennecArt on Twitter started awhile backish now. I did the sketch and then she polished parts I didn’t finish like Rivet’s arm as well as doing everything else. Love the background on this one, Willow.

These two are still canon in my heart at least

This was something quick I did to go with “Bonfire Hearts” you can read on Ao3. I plan to polish it once I get more of my owed stuff done Rivet’s prosthetic is off if its not obvious.

 I wanted some flustered Ratchet for once, I always do Rivet I realized so now its Ratchet’s t

I wanted some flustered Ratchet for once, I always do Rivet I realized so now its Ratchet’s turn. Did this as a breather between commissions and to destress a bit.

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And thats another one crossed off the list ~ This is for @the-evilest-of-twins of his version of Ratchet and Rivet’s kids, from left to right is Mallet, Gasket, Spanner and Magnet. If you like Rivchet fanfiction, check out his Ao3 under the same name, he writes a lot of it.

For ASmash5Lucario on Twitter.

Thank you for your paitence, dude. Rivet and Ratchet taking a stroll together all shy and stuff ~

Some family pictures of Ratchet and Rivet I did with their son Widget, who is from an AU I share with my buddy @backstabber128

Bonus, a collab based on “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” I did with my friend Willow on Twitter. You can see her here if you’re interested in following her: https://twitter.com/LittleFennecArt/status/1499774864303001606?s=20&t=x1qSKK5-nvrjkWk7XTZoag

Plz don’t hide my posts, Tumblr thanks :U

 Commission for WBurton1345 on Twitter who wanted Rivet flirting with Ratchet while he holds her, sh

Commission for WBurton1345 on Twitter who wanted Rivet flirting with Ratchet while he holds her, she’s had a bit too much to drink during happy hours at Zurkies lol

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Ok, one last post before I go on vacation. Work in progress of this prototype for an upcoming articulatable Emperor Nefarious figure :)

He’ll have interchangeable hands too! So, I’m basically making a model kit xD

Yes, I will be selling it on my Etsy!

Will continue working on him in about 2 weeks, when I get back home :)

Emperor Nefarious fancam

(warning for explicit language)

Song: Closer by Nine Inch Nails
Video edit by ilaac (me)
Program: Windows Movie Maker

I got two Dr. Nefariouses and painted one to fit his new look.

Here are close ups of the face before and after:

I tried making a fake poster for a sequel where the Emperor returns and wants revenge- starting with the doctor who betrayed him.

AKA, Dr. Nefarious becomes the damsel in distress and his butler must call our hereos to save his boss…

I’m selling my Nefaries Egg cups on my Etsy! :)
My Etsy

I know the shipping is a bit expensive (DHL Germany raised their prices rip) but if you choose the ‘both’ option, you only have to pay the shipping price for one egg cup :D You could also paint them and just display them as figures haha, the plastic eggs are included :D

I have no idea what I’m doing in blender. This shots look KINDA interesting? But they’re definitely very simple and I’m wondering if I should try to color his 3D model… Of course I’d have to learn how to do that first skdks

PHEW this is the 8th Nefarious I’ve made now! It’s been fun but I’m going to take a break for one or two months now before I put them up for sale again. I’ll make a post when he’s up again, but you can also turn on notifications on my etsy shop if you wanna be extra fast!


goodboytown: vanity affair fic promo art chapter 1 | chapter 2


vanity affair fic promo art

chapter 1 |chapter 2

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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In His Lane. Focused. Flourishing.

I like Emperor Nefarious a normal amount.

The emperor survived the tentacles of doom somehow and unsuspiciously sneaks back into the city:
Expectation vs Reality

He’s finished! Get your golden Emperor Nefarious figure on my Etsy for $45 (+ shipping)!

They are made to order and I am currently only allowing 3 orders at once, since it takes up to one week to print out all the parts and i do not want to risk getting an endless queue.

Also! I plan on making a second figure that will be white and thus easier to paint and it will have a different pose.

He’s almost ready to go on my Etsy… Just tweaking a few more details!

Blushy Nefaries because I was curious what the emperor might look like blushing. Don’t ask me how to make him blush though, I think he’d be very difficult to fluster.

A particular doubt Rift Apart gave me about fate

So, Dr. Nefarious picks Rivet’s dimension because he always wins there. That isn’t necessarily true for him given how Rivet defeated him easily, but maybe it’s something that applies only to Emperor Nefarious. Think of the final battle when he goes to Ratchet and Clank’s dimension to conquer it but as soon as he starts he gets defeated, probably due to the natural order of fate being disrupted by changing dimensions.

That’s where my concern comes from. Would that mean Ratchet and Clank live in a dimension where they always win? Or a dimension where Dr. Nefarious always loses at the very least, because that’s sort of what Rift Apart is implying, think of how Emperor Nafarious defeats them single handedly when they are in his dimension. This is not the only analogy, during Kit’s puzzle section and in another dialogue with her and Rivet the concept of destiny is brought up as if to say that maybe she was meant to team up with Rivet in the end just like their counterparts.

The idea of fate being determined in an arbitrary way depending on which dimension you currently reside it’s not something I ever expected this series to do. In a way this goes against what A Crack in Time tried to teach us, that’s why time travel with a forward trajectory wasn’t even a possibility, maybe to say that the future is uncertain and there’s nothing predestined so we are responsible of our actions, or atleast that’s what I wanted to believe.

It’s sour to imagine that none of the achievements of Ratchet and Clank were really their merit but a precondition determined by the random laws of the multiverse. And that if they hadn’t appeared in Rivet’s dimension she would have still lost no matter how hard she tried.

All of this was probably not the intention of the writing team for Rift Apart. But they just can’t leave that topic in the air and pretend they didn’t mean anything by constantly saying it all must be a product of fate. If I introduced such concept I would go all hard on it in a future title, that or not even implying the possibility at all in the first place.

I don’t know exactly what to make of this, it makes the overarching narrative more complicated than it already is.

New Ratchet & Clank looks great, though I’m not sure when or if ill be able to play it.

New Ratchet & Clank looks great, though I’m not sure when or if ill be able to play it.

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