#riker lynch preference


Type: One Shot | Imagine about any of the boys
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 2,258

The breeze blew through my hair as I took a sip from my water bottle. I sat down on the bench as I looked at my watch. I didn’t burn as many calories that I wanted to but it’s what all I had time for today. I walked back to my apartment so I could get ready for my meeting. I jumped into the shower just washing the sweat off. I finally got myself dressed and I was out the door, I even had time to spare. I did stop at my favorite cafe to get something to eat before heading downtown. I got into the lobby and checked in, taking a seat as I waited. I unbuttoned the top of my shirt just so I wouldn’t feel so much pressure. I waited until my name was called but it seemed like it took forever. I finally walked down the hallway and into the room where he was sitting. I bite my lip as my eyes wander over him. I took a seat as I heard the door shut my nerves started to pick up.

“Ms. Y/L/N” he finally broke the silence.

“Hello, ” I looked up towards him.

“I saw your resume and it was pretty impressive, ” he said.

“Thank you, ” I slightly smiled.

“So why do you want to limit yourself to a desk job?” he asked.

“Um” I started to say as I was taken back by his question. “I’ve always loved office work” I finally said.

“I see, ” he placed his hand on his chin, as he looked down at my folder.

“Is there anything else you want to ask?” I asked.

“Better question, is there anything you want to ask me?” he looked at me.

“What are the hours?” I asked.

“From 8am to 5pm” he nodded slightly.

“After hours?” I looked at him.

“No after hours” he stood up making his way to the front of his desk.

“Sounds good, ” I watched him.

“You are perfect for the job, you’re hired” he leaned against his desk.

“Thank you, ” I smiled.

I got up and shook his hand before leaving the room. I made my way to the elevator, but the doors wouldn’t close. I kept pushing the button, but then saw his shoe in the door. I looked up at him as he entered the elevator as well, it finally closed. The ride was silent as we made it to the first floor. We both went our separate ways as I left the building. I finally made it back to my apartment as traffic was horrible. I lay back against my bed as I felt Lilly come on the bed. Licking my face before crawling into my arm as she fell asleep. I started to drift off to sleep, until my phone started to buzz. I took my phone out and look at it seeing who was texting me. It was my boss asking me out for a dinner celebration. I quickly responded with a yes but that meant I had to go get ready. I moved slightly, trying not to wake up Lilly. I walked to my closet trying to figure out what I wanted to wear. I pulled out my favorite pair of jeans and just a cute shirt. I got dressed and left the apartment, going towards the restaurant. I meet him outside of the restaurant before we walked inside together. Of course he already had a table. He pulled out a chair for me to sit down before sitting across. I looked over the menu not knowing what to get.

“What’s good here?” I asked.

“Everything, ” he nodded.

“Ok, thank you” I nodded, returning my attention back to the menu.

We finally ordered our food and drinks. The conversation between us wasn’t about work, but mainly about life. It seemed like he wanted to know everything about me as I wanted to know everything about him. He also ordered a bottle of wine and things really started to get interesting. Soon our food came and things got quiet. It started to seem like it was turning into a date but could I date my boss?

“Tonight was amazing, ” he said.

“Yeah, it was” I smiled.

“I think I should drive you home, ” he helped me out of the chair.

“I’ll be fine, ” I said as I stumbled a little bit.

“No you’re not” he helped me.

“Thank you, ” I said.

He helped me into his car making sure I was buckled in. He started to drive and the winding roads just made my stomach turn. I kept my hand over my mouth as we made our way to his apartment. I laid back in the seat as the car came to a rest. He came and picked me up out of the car and we went into his apartment. He laid me onto his couch as he disappeared into the kitchen. I heard running water in the background as I held onto my stomach. His soon return with a glass of water and two pills. I took them as soon as he handed them to me. I drunk most of the water before laying back on the couch. I could feel myself starting to doze off as he placed a blanket around me. I could feel the cold air around me as I sat up on the couch. It was almost 6am and it was still pitch black outside and inside the house. I searched for my phone so I could see what time it was. The light burned my eyes, it took a few minutes before I could tell what time it was. I heard him shuffling upstairs before he started down the stairs. He flipped the light on as he saw me on my phone.

“Why are you awake so early?” he asked.

“I could ask you the same thing” I responded.

“True, ” he ran his hand through his hair.

“So why are you awake this early?” I asked.

“It’s the normal time I wake up, ” he said as he sat in the chair.

“Oh, ” I nodded.

“You want breakfast?” he asked.

“That does sound really good” I looked at him.

I could see the smile grow on his face. He made his way into the kitchen and started to cook. I finally pulled myself off the couch and made my way to the kitchen. I sat down at the table as I watch him cook. I bite my lip as I looked over his body. I could say that my boss was pretty hot, but I couldn’t mix pleasure and work. Once he finished cooking he placed the plate in front of me. He grabbed his plate before sitting down next to me.

“I’m not used to this, ” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Because I normally run before I eat, and I mainly get something from the cafe” I responded.

“Oh, are you training for something?” he asked.

“No, I’m not just like to keep myself in shape” I said.

We finished eating breakfast and he drove me back to the restaurant. I got into my car and went right to my apartment. I knew I didn’t have much time to get my run in. I just got into the shower to freshen up before getting dressed. Today was my first day at work and I wanted to make a good impression. Well, I already made a good impression on my boss. I made my way downtown and into the building. Instead of taking the elevator I decided to take the stairs. I had to get my cardio in some way, of course he was already in his office waiting for me. He showed me around and showed me to my desk. I sat down and looked over my computer. He leaned down, placing his hand on the desk as he leaned towards me. I could feel his breath against my neck as well as smell his aftershave. I went into a daze as I wanted to feel his touch, as he breathed against my neck.

“Y/N?” He asked.

“Uh?” I snapped out of it.

“You got it?” he looked at me.

“Yeah, ” I nodded.

“Good, you know where my office is” he stood up.

“Thank you” I smiled.

He made his way back to his office as I watched him. I started to work on the articles and tried to get as many done as I could. At lunch I went down to the cafe and got something to eat. I bought it back up and sat at my desk to eat. I saw him sitting in his office alone and thought I could keep him company. I walked to his office and sat down, he looked up at me and smiled. I slightly smiled at him before I started to eat my lunch. I could feel him watching over me before he started to eat his lunch again.

“Why are we doing this?” he asked.

“I thought you needed company, I can go back to my desk” I said.

“No, I meant, whatever is between us, ” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“There is something here between us, but we won’t act on it, ” he looked at me.

“We shouldn’t mix pleasure and work” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“No one has to know” he said as he got up from his chair.

“I don’t know, ” I watched him.

He walked over to the door as he shut it making sure it was locked. He made his way back to his desk, leaning against it as he watched me. He reached for my hand as he looked at me. I gave him my hand as I stood up from the chair moving towards him. I placed my hand on his chest as he rested his hand on my hips. I looked at him as he held me close to him. He leaned towards me allowing his lips to touch mine slightly. I leaned towards him, allowing the kiss to get deeper. I placed my hand against his neck as I kept the kiss between us, his grip on my hips grew tighter. As the kids started to grow more intense I felt his hand slide under my shirt. I smiled against his lips before grabbing the back of his neck. Someone knocked on the door, stopping us dead in our tracks. I pulled away from him to sit back in my seat as he answered the door. It was his next meeting as they walked in I excused myself out of the room. I rushed to my desk as I sat down I tried to catch my breath. It was getting hot in the room and boy I didn’t want it to end. I sat back against my chair as I finished my lunch before getting back to work. Once I finished my lunch I went back to work. Before I knew it it was 5 and it was time to go home. I collected my things in my bag, but I saw him walking towards my desk.

“Hey, ” I smiled.

“Hey beautiful, ” he said.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Meetings all day, ” he responded.

“I bet that was fun” I laughed slightly.

“Yeah​ the perks of my job, ” he said as he untied his tie.

“I should be heading out” I grabbed my bag.

“Yeah, I should be too” he nodded.

“Want to head back to mine?” I asked.

“What’s for dinner?” he asked as we walked towards the elevator.

“Probably take out” I smiled.

Once we entered the elevator it was quite well until the door closed. He pulled me to him, placing his lips against mine. Gripping my hips as I slide my hand up his neck keeping the kiss. We heard the bell ring as we were on the first floor. I exit first making my way to my car as he did as well. He followed me back to my apartment. I sat in the car and waited for him to pull up next to me. I finally made my way out of the car as I took my keys out. I opened the door and waited for him to make his way in. I shut the door behind me as I watched him sit on the couch.

“Are you sure we should be doing this?” I asked as I sat down next to him.

“I’m the boss so I guess you have to do what I say” he looked at me.

“You’re my boss in the office not in my personal life” I snapped back.

“True” he bite his lip.

I ordered Chinese food and decided to put on a movie. Our food came and we just sat on the couch enjoying each others company. After we finished eating, he move his arm so I could cuddle with him. I snuggled down in his arms as I rested my head against his chest. It just seemed so easy with him, all I had to do was be myself. Which was a breath of fresh air, all my other relationships were kind of tough. It seemed like the more intense my job got, the more our relationship grew. I guess I could say I really, truly nailed that interview plus I got my boss wrapped around my little finger.

Type: One Shot | Imagine about Riker
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,300+

I must admit it was a tough week with all of the holiday stuff. This holiday season was a lot different than what it normally was. I couldn’t fly back home to be with my family but I did have a few friends over. Still, it wasn’t the same but I knew it was for the best. I sat in front of my mirror and started doing my makeup. We were having a gathering of just a few people for New Year’s eve. I did a simple wing eyeliner and a cute lip color. I started on my hair which I didn’t do much to, just threw it into a bun. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my keys and phone before heading out the door. I finally pulled up to my friend’s house and went inside.

“Hey girl” she smiled as she saw me walk through the door.

“Hey,” I said as I slipped my shoes off at the door.

“A few more people are coming but nothing too crazy,” she said as I made my way into the kitchen.

“Do we need to wear masks?” I questioned.

“It’s just like two other people, I think we will be fine,” she said.

“Who?” I looked at her.

“Riker and his friend John,” she said.

“I haven’t seen Riker in forever,” I said.

“I know, he’s been off the map for a while,” she said.

“Yeah,” I said as I poured myself a drink.

“It should be fun,” she said.

“You know how I felt about him” I looked at her.

“I know and it’s about time you tell him” she nodded as they walked in.

I looked towards the door as they walked in. I slightly bit my lip and held my breath as I saw him. He still looked sexy and all those feelings came rushing back. His face lit up as he saw me, his smile grew on his face.

“Hey, I haven’t seen you in forever,” he said as he came to me.

“I know,” I said as I leaned in and hugged him.

“How have you been?” he asked as he hugged me close to him.

“Living,” I said.

“That’s all we can all do with this crazy pandemic,” he said.

“I know” I rolled my eyes playfully.

He grabbed himself a drink and sat down at the kitchen table. I sat next to him as we started talking, it seemed like we were never apart. For most of the party, we were all in our little groups talking. I was still sitting with Riker as it started edging closer to midnight.

“So does everyone know who they are kissing at midnight?” Sarah said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because new Year’s eve kiss” she smiled slightly.

“Do we have to?” I looked at her.

“You have always wanted to kiss Riker so why not now?” she said.

“Sarah,” I said as I started to blush.

“Wait what?” Riker said.

“Please ignore what she said,” I said.

“No, what did she mean?” he asked as he grabbed my hand.

“I’ve always liked you” I looked at him.

“Really?” he asked as he smiled into his cup as he took a sip.

“Yeah,” I said as I looked away.

I got up from the table and got some water in my cup. I was done drinking since I knew I would have to drive back to my apartment. I made my way into the living room where they had the tv going. He followed me from the kitchen placing his hand against the lower part of my back.

“Be my midnight kiss” he whispered in my ear.

“What?” I looked at him.

“You heard me” he smirked as he looked at me.

I smiled slightly and turned my attention back to the tv. He placed his arm around my waist, leaning his head against my shoulder. I leaned back against him slightly as we watched the program.

“Are we ready?” Sarah asked as she started handing everyone a glass.

“Yeah” I smiled slightly as I grabbed my glass.

“See I didn’t mess anything up” she smirked at me as she handed Riker a glass.

“Uh-huh,” I rolled my eyes playfully.

They started counting down, Riker turned me to face him. Taking a few sips of our drinks. I looked up at him and for a second everything was quiet, we were the only two in the room. I took a deep breath in as I came back to reality.

“3 2 1 Happy new year,” he said.

“happy new year,” I said as I looked at him.

He placed his hand against my cheek and leaned in. kissing me softly I gently smiled against his lips before kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. I kept the kiss between us as he placed his hands against my hips. Playing with the bottom of my shirt as the kiss started to get more intense. I pulled on his bottom lip as I slowly pulled away, opening our eyes. I smiled as I looked at him, he rested his forehead against mine. Placing his hand against my chin brushing his thumb against my cheek.

“How could I never know?” he whispered.

“I kept it a good secret,” I said.

“You sure did” he leaned back in kissing me softly.

“Ok, you two we get it,” Sarah said as she rolled her eyes.

“You knew and I didn’t so it’s fair I take full advantage” he smirked as he kept his arm around me.

“Plus this is what I’ve always wanted so I’m enjoying it” I smiled as I rested my head against his shoulder. 

I knew I wanted to leave and I was hoping that Riker would come with me. I slightly pulled away from him looking around the room to see where I placed my stuff. I finally found my bag as well as my shoes. As I slipped my shoes on Riker came up to me. 

“Where are you going?” he asked. 

“I’m ready to go home,” I admitted. 

“Can I come?” He questioned. 

“Sure” I smiled slightly. 

“Let me grab my jacket and then I’m all yours” he smiled as he made his way into the kitchen. 

I watched him as he put his jacket on. He returned to where I was standing and grabbed my hand. We said our goodbyes to everyone and we made our way out of the apartment. I followed him to his car, I knew I could pick mine up in the morning. He opened the door for me making sure I was in before shutting it. I placed my seat belt on as he got into the car. Switching the car on making sure the heat was on before taking my hand. We pulled off and we went to my apartment. I was surprised that he still remembered where I lived, he pulled into my driveway. We got out of the car and I made my way up the stairs. I unlocked the door as he grabbed my hips, following me inside. 

“You can take your shoes off here. Do you want some water or something to eat?” I asked. 

“No” he slipped his shoes off and pulled me to him. “Just you” he leaned down kissing me softly. 

I smiled against his lips before kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He slid his hands down my sides, gently gripping my hips. Keeping me close as the kiss turned more passionate. He slipped his hands further down grabbing my ass. Picking me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed me to the wall and moved his lips down to my neck. I placed my hand on the back of his neck, gripping his hair as I let out a moan. He sucked gently against my collarbone, driving me insane as I wanted more. 

“Where is your bedroom?” he spoke quietly. 

“Upstairs,” I said. 

He gripped my ass making sure I was secure in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he went upstairs. He walked into my bedroom and laid me down on the bed. Moving over top of me as he placed his lips against mine. I ran my hands down his chest, gripping his shirt as I slowly start moving it up. He grabs the back of his shirts and pulled them off, tossing them onto the floor. He slipped my shirt off tossing it onto the floor as well. Moving his hands around my sides to my back, unsnapping my bra swiftly taking it from my shoulders. Moving his lips against my neck, sucking gently. I ran my hand along his spine as I let out a few moans. He slowly kissed down between my breast. Cupping my boobs in his hand, using his tongue around my nipple. Gently sucking on them, moving between both. Slowly kissing down my stomach to the top of my pants. He unbuckled my jeans and slowly pulled them down as I lifted my hips. He also slipped off my panties, moving between my legs. Slowly kissing up my legs, gripping my hips with his hands. Sucking gently against my inner thigh, moving towards my vagina. Parting my lips with his tongue, sucking gently on my clit. I arched my back placing my hand on the back of his head. He started kissing his way back up my body. Finally making it back up to my lips, kissing me softly. I undid his pants as I looked at him. He moved off the bed removing his pants before moving back over the top of me. Slipping on a condom before sliding his hard dick along my wet pussy. He slipped himself into me as he sucked against my neck. I ran my hands down his back as I moved my hips towards his. Our bodies moved as one as the room filled with moans. I moaned into his ear before sucking against his neck. His thrust was deeper and fast, I start getting close to a climax. I came against him as I dug my nails into his back, moaning his name. As he felt me tighten around him, he wasn’t too far away from climaxing. He thrust a few more times as he came, leaning down kissing me softly. He slipped himself out of me and excused himself to the bathroom. I laid back trying to catch my breath as he returned, laying beside me. 

“Wow,” he said as he laid on his side facing me. 

“Yeah wow,” I said as I looked at him. 

“I’m sorry that I never realized before” he brushed the hair from my face. 

“Don’t be sorry, I just hid it very well,” I said. 

“I’ve always had a thing for you, I should have said something” he leaned in and kissed me softly. 

“You did?” I questioned. 

“Yes I did, I honestly don’t why I never said anything” he placed his hand against my neck. 

“Well, now we are together so that’s all that matters,” I said. 

“True,” he said as he looked at me. 

I snuggled close to his chest as he wrapped the blankets around us. He started drawing little patterns on my shoulders as I started to drift off to sleep. Before we knew it we were both asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning the sun started peeking through the window. I groaned as I didn’t want to wake up, I stretched and realized that I was in bed alone. I sat up rubbing my eyes as I looked around the room, it was like last night never happened. I got out of bed and placed my oversize shirt and panties on. Slipped my slippers on before heading downstairs. 

“You’re awake,” someone said from the kitchen. 

“Riker?” I questioned as I made my way to the kitchen.

“Who else?” he said as he pulled me to him. 

“You weren’t upstairs, I thought you left” I placed my hand against his chest.

“Just wanted to make breakfast” he titled my chin up as he leaned down kissing me softly. 

“This all seems like a dream” I smiled against his lips. 

“It’s not” he turned his attention back to cooking. 

I sat down at the table and turned on my laptop. I started getting alerts on my phone stating that we were going in full lock down. I turned my attention to my laptop to see if I could find any more information about it. Riker also got alerts on his phone, he went into the living room and turned the tv on. It was all over the news, we are under quarantine and had to stay in lock down. 

“Looks like we are stuck with each other” Riker said. 

“Seems that way,” I said as I watched the tv.

“We will be alright” he spanked my ass before going back into the kitchen. 

“Guess we have plenty of time to get to know each other,” I said as I walked back into the kitchen. 

“Yeah I guess so” he pulled me towards him, picking me up and placing me on the counter. 

“I have no issues with that” I smiled as I pulled him closer to me. 

“I should get some clothes from my place,” he said. 

“Yea you should,” I said. 

He pulled away from me and finished making breakfast. He helped me down from the counter and we sat down to eat breakfast. Once we finished eating I cleaned up as he left to go get some of his things. He soon returned with his things. I guess we would find out if we like each other since we couldn’t go anywhere. We were stuck in the house together.
