#r5 preferences


Type: One Shot | Imagine about any of the boys
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 2,258

The breeze blew through my hair as I took a sip from my water bottle. I sat down on the bench as I looked at my watch. I didn’t burn as many calories that I wanted to but it’s what all I had time for today. I walked back to my apartment so I could get ready for my meeting. I jumped into the shower just washing the sweat off. I finally got myself dressed and I was out the door, I even had time to spare. I did stop at my favorite cafe to get something to eat before heading downtown. I got into the lobby and checked in, taking a seat as I waited. I unbuttoned the top of my shirt just so I wouldn’t feel so much pressure. I waited until my name was called but it seemed like it took forever. I finally walked down the hallway and into the room where he was sitting. I bite my lip as my eyes wander over him. I took a seat as I heard the door shut my nerves started to pick up.

“Ms. Y/L/N” he finally broke the silence.

“Hello, ” I looked up towards him.

“I saw your resume and it was pretty impressive, ” he said.

“Thank you, ” I slightly smiled.

“So why do you want to limit yourself to a desk job?” he asked.

“Um” I started to say as I was taken back by his question. “I’ve always loved office work” I finally said.

“I see, ” he placed his hand on his chin, as he looked down at my folder.

“Is there anything else you want to ask?” I asked.

“Better question, is there anything you want to ask me?” he looked at me.

“What are the hours?” I asked.

“From 8am to 5pm” he nodded slightly.

“After hours?” I looked at him.

“No after hours” he stood up making his way to the front of his desk.

“Sounds good, ” I watched him.

“You are perfect for the job, you’re hired” he leaned against his desk.

“Thank you, ” I smiled.

I got up and shook his hand before leaving the room. I made my way to the elevator, but the doors wouldn’t close. I kept pushing the button, but then saw his shoe in the door. I looked up at him as he entered the elevator as well, it finally closed. The ride was silent as we made it to the first floor. We both went our separate ways as I left the building. I finally made it back to my apartment as traffic was horrible. I lay back against my bed as I felt Lilly come on the bed. Licking my face before crawling into my arm as she fell asleep. I started to drift off to sleep, until my phone started to buzz. I took my phone out and look at it seeing who was texting me. It was my boss asking me out for a dinner celebration. I quickly responded with a yes but that meant I had to go get ready. I moved slightly, trying not to wake up Lilly. I walked to my closet trying to figure out what I wanted to wear. I pulled out my favorite pair of jeans and just a cute shirt. I got dressed and left the apartment, going towards the restaurant. I meet him outside of the restaurant before we walked inside together. Of course he already had a table. He pulled out a chair for me to sit down before sitting across. I looked over the menu not knowing what to get.

“What’s good here?” I asked.

“Everything, ” he nodded.

“Ok, thank you” I nodded, returning my attention back to the menu.

We finally ordered our food and drinks. The conversation between us wasn’t about work, but mainly about life. It seemed like he wanted to know everything about me as I wanted to know everything about him. He also ordered a bottle of wine and things really started to get interesting. Soon our food came and things got quiet. It started to seem like it was turning into a date but could I date my boss?

“Tonight was amazing, ” he said.

“Yeah, it was” I smiled.

“I think I should drive you home, ” he helped me out of the chair.

“I’ll be fine, ” I said as I stumbled a little bit.

“No you’re not” he helped me.

“Thank you, ” I said.

He helped me into his car making sure I was buckled in. He started to drive and the winding roads just made my stomach turn. I kept my hand over my mouth as we made our way to his apartment. I laid back in the seat as the car came to a rest. He came and picked me up out of the car and we went into his apartment. He laid me onto his couch as he disappeared into the kitchen. I heard running water in the background as I held onto my stomach. His soon return with a glass of water and two pills. I took them as soon as he handed them to me. I drunk most of the water before laying back on the couch. I could feel myself starting to doze off as he placed a blanket around me. I could feel the cold air around me as I sat up on the couch. It was almost 6am and it was still pitch black outside and inside the house. I searched for my phone so I could see what time it was. The light burned my eyes, it took a few minutes before I could tell what time it was. I heard him shuffling upstairs before he started down the stairs. He flipped the light on as he saw me on my phone.

“Why are you awake so early?” he asked.

“I could ask you the same thing” I responded.

“True, ” he ran his hand through his hair.

“So why are you awake this early?” I asked.

“It’s the normal time I wake up, ” he said as he sat in the chair.

“Oh, ” I nodded.

“You want breakfast?” he asked.

“That does sound really good” I looked at him.

I could see the smile grow on his face. He made his way into the kitchen and started to cook. I finally pulled myself off the couch and made my way to the kitchen. I sat down at the table as I watch him cook. I bite my lip as I looked over his body. I could say that my boss was pretty hot, but I couldn’t mix pleasure and work. Once he finished cooking he placed the plate in front of me. He grabbed his plate before sitting down next to me.

“I’m not used to this, ” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Because I normally run before I eat, and I mainly get something from the cafe” I responded.

“Oh, are you training for something?” he asked.

“No, I’m not just like to keep myself in shape” I said.

We finished eating breakfast and he drove me back to the restaurant. I got into my car and went right to my apartment. I knew I didn’t have much time to get my run in. I just got into the shower to freshen up before getting dressed. Today was my first day at work and I wanted to make a good impression. Well, I already made a good impression on my boss. I made my way downtown and into the building. Instead of taking the elevator I decided to take the stairs. I had to get my cardio in some way, of course he was already in his office waiting for me. He showed me around and showed me to my desk. I sat down and looked over my computer. He leaned down, placing his hand on the desk as he leaned towards me. I could feel his breath against my neck as well as smell his aftershave. I went into a daze as I wanted to feel his touch, as he breathed against my neck.

“Y/N?” He asked.

“Uh?” I snapped out of it.

“You got it?” he looked at me.

“Yeah, ” I nodded.

“Good, you know where my office is” he stood up.

“Thank you” I smiled.

He made his way back to his office as I watched him. I started to work on the articles and tried to get as many done as I could. At lunch I went down to the cafe and got something to eat. I bought it back up and sat at my desk to eat. I saw him sitting in his office alone and thought I could keep him company. I walked to his office and sat down, he looked up at me and smiled. I slightly smiled at him before I started to eat my lunch. I could feel him watching over me before he started to eat his lunch again.

“Why are we doing this?” he asked.

“I thought you needed company, I can go back to my desk” I said.

“No, I meant, whatever is between us, ” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“There is something here between us, but we won’t act on it, ” he looked at me.

“We shouldn’t mix pleasure and work” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“No one has to know” he said as he got up from his chair.

“I don’t know, ” I watched him.

He walked over to the door as he shut it making sure it was locked. He made his way back to his desk, leaning against it as he watched me. He reached for my hand as he looked at me. I gave him my hand as I stood up from the chair moving towards him. I placed my hand on his chest as he rested his hand on my hips. I looked at him as he held me close to him. He leaned towards me allowing his lips to touch mine slightly. I leaned towards him, allowing the kiss to get deeper. I placed my hand against his neck as I kept the kiss between us, his grip on my hips grew tighter. As the kids started to grow more intense I felt his hand slide under my shirt. I smiled against his lips before grabbing the back of his neck. Someone knocked on the door, stopping us dead in our tracks. I pulled away from him to sit back in my seat as he answered the door. It was his next meeting as they walked in I excused myself out of the room. I rushed to my desk as I sat down I tried to catch my breath. It was getting hot in the room and boy I didn’t want it to end. I sat back against my chair as I finished my lunch before getting back to work. Once I finished my lunch I went back to work. Before I knew it it was 5 and it was time to go home. I collected my things in my bag, but I saw him walking towards my desk.

“Hey, ” I smiled.

“Hey beautiful, ” he said.

“How was your day?” I asked.

“Meetings all day, ” he responded.

“I bet that was fun” I laughed slightly.

“Yeah​ the perks of my job, ” he said as he untied his tie.

“I should be heading out” I grabbed my bag.

“Yeah, I should be too” he nodded.

“Want to head back to mine?” I asked.

“What’s for dinner?” he asked as we walked towards the elevator.

“Probably take out” I smiled.

Once we entered the elevator it was quite well until the door closed. He pulled me to him, placing his lips against mine. Gripping my hips as I slide my hand up his neck keeping the kiss. We heard the bell ring as we were on the first floor. I exit first making my way to my car as he did as well. He followed me back to my apartment. I sat in the car and waited for him to pull up next to me. I finally made my way out of the car as I took my keys out. I opened the door and waited for him to make his way in. I shut the door behind me as I watched him sit on the couch.

“Are you sure we should be doing this?” I asked as I sat down next to him.

“I’m the boss so I guess you have to do what I say” he looked at me.

“You’re my boss in the office not in my personal life” I snapped back.

“True” he bite his lip.

I ordered Chinese food and decided to put on a movie. Our food came and we just sat on the couch enjoying each others company. After we finished eating, he move his arm so I could cuddle with him. I snuggled down in his arms as I rested my head against his chest. It just seemed so easy with him, all I had to do was be myself. Which was a breath of fresh air, all my other relationships were kind of tough. It seemed like the more intense my job got, the more our relationship grew. I guess I could say I really, truly nailed that interview plus I got my boss wrapped around my little finger.

Type: Imagine | One Shot About Anyone of the guys
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 2,310

I tossed and turn in the bed, the sheets wrapping around me. I struggled to get free as I sat up gasping for air. It was just another one of those nightmares, I sighed as I looked around. I removed the sheets from my body as I placed my feet over the edge. The coldness of the floor ran through my body, sending shivers up my spine. I just wanted to crawl back into bed, the sun wasn’t even out yet. I knew if I did then the nightmare would come back. I got off of my bed grabbing my robe wrapping it around my body. I made my way into the kitchen, flipping the switch on. I turned on my coffee maker, placing a tea pod in. I looked out the window as the team started to make. Once it’s finished I grabbed the cup, holding it with both hands as I sat down at the table. I brought​ it up to my lip slightly burning my tongue. I placed the mug down on the table as I stared into the darkness outside. I heard the door open and close as my roommate came in.

“Why are you up?” He asked as he placed his bag down.

“Just a rough night” I turned to look at him.

“Nightmares again?” he asked as he leaned against the doorway.

“Yeah, ” I sighed as I turned my focus back to the window.

“What’s out there?” he asked as he sat down next to me.

“Nothing, just darkness, but it calms me down” I grabbed my mug.

“Yeah, it has a way of doing that, ” he smiled slightly.

“So why are you getting home so late?” I looked at him.

“The club kept me late, ” he looked up at me.

“I hate you being out so late, ” I placed my hand on his arm.

“Oh, you do?” he smirked.

“Of course I do, ” I rolled my eyes playfully.

He looked down at his phone, calling the pizza place ordering our favorite pizza. He grabbed my hand, leading me to the couch, he sat back pulling me to him. I sat down next to him, resting my head against his chest as he flipped through the channels. The door bell rung he slightly moved me as he got up to get the door. He paid for the pizza as well as tip the guy before bringing the box over to us. I curled back into his arms as we started to eat the pizza. Once we finished eating, he placed a blanket over us. We started to watch a movie but we both ending up falling asleep. I was awaken by the flash of the tv in the morning. I sat up as I looked at him asleep on the couch, I smiled to myself before looking at the tv. I finally found the remote and turned it off as he started to wake up.

“Oops, did I wake you?” I asked.

“No, ” he sat up as he stretched.

“What you want for breakfast?” I asked.

“Get dressed, I’m taking you out for breakfast, ” he smiled slightly.

I smiled slightly before making my upstairs. I picked out a pair of jeans and a top before getting into the shower. I allowed the water to run down my body, allowing the heat to warm me up. I could see him standing at the door from the corner of my eye, I bite my lip as I turned to face him. I could see the smile grow on his face as his eyes wander over my body. I motion for him to join me as I looked at him. He took his shirt off throwing it on the floor before undoing his pants. Allowing them to fall to the floor, stepping out of them as he edges closer. He slipped his boxers off, walking out of them before getting into the shower. He moved behind me as the water ran over him, I turned to face him. He leaned down to kiss me softly, placing his arm around me.

“Isn’t it the best of both worlds?” I looked at him.

“Yes, it is, living with my best friend plus she’s an amazing girlfriend” he smiled.

“Why thank you” I placed his lips against his.

I kissed him softly before pulling away, I washed off his body. He took the soap and started to wash me off, running each other off before getting out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body as my stomach started to growl. He also wrapped a towel around his waist as we made our way to the bedroom. Of course he was the quickest one to get ready, but this time I wasn’t too far behind him. He walked to the top of the stairs and bend his knees slightly, I smiled as I got onto his back. He walked downstairs and left the apartment as we made our way to the car. He put me down, allowing my feet to touch the ground before letting me go. I got in front of him standing on my tippy toes kissing him softly as he pushed me towards the car. He pulled away slightly as he opened the door for me. I smiled against his lips before getting into the car, making his way to the driver side. I intertwined our fingers together as we drove down the highway. Of course with New York traffic it seemed like it took forever until we parked at our favorite cafe. He waited for me to get out of the car, taking my hand in his as we walked in. We got our favorite place and as always, we order what we normally order.

“Have anything planned for today?” he asked.

“Not really, just needed to do research” I nodded.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to ask how is school going? Plus the magazine?” he asked.

“School is going good, I will graduate this summer” I smiled.

“I’m really proud of you babe, how about the magazine?” he looked at me.

“They are a pain in my ass and always downing my work, but I think it’s getting better” I looked up at him.

“They will soon realize how amazing your work is and regret not using it soon, ” he brushed his thumb against my hand.

“Working tonight?” I asked.

“Yeah, but today is ours” He smiled.

“That’s good, what do you have planned?” I asked.

“That would ruin the surprise” he smirked.

Our food finally came to the table, the conversation fell silent as we ate. I never knew what he had planned or did I really care, as long as I was with him. I knew I needed to do research, but that could wait until he went to work. We finished our food as I gathered my phone and purse, he went and paid for the food. He opened the door for me as we walked out of the cafe and back towards the car. We made our way to the ferry, he parked the car. I didn’t ask any questions and got out of the car. He grabbed my hand as he led me onto the boat, the boat that would take us to the statue of liberty. I looked at him in surprise as we took our seats.

“What?” he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“How?” I asked.

“Just been planning a special day” He smiled.

“I’ve never been” I looked at him.

“Well now you can’t say that” he smirked.

“You guess not, ” I kissed his cheek.

“Just wanted to see that smile on your face, ” he held me closer to him.

“You always put a smile on my face, you don’t need to do things like this babe” I held his hand as I cuddled into him. It didn’t take long before we were off the boat and standing right next to the statue of liberty. We started to walk the stairs to get to the top and there were a lot of them too. About two hours after we started to climb the stairs we finally made it to the top.

“Come here, ” he grabbed my hand and lead me to the window.

It was a beautiful view as it was breathtaking, but also very scary. I stepped back so I wouldn’t feel like I was falling, but it was terrifying. He got behind me wrapping his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. As we stood there taking everything in, I started to feel how lucky I was. I leaned back against him as his grip grew tighter, just looking out towards the water.

“Beautiful, ” he whispered in my ear.

“It is, breathtaking” I smiled.

“There is something I wanted to ask you, ” he said.

“What would that be?” I asked.

“I met you over 4 years ago in English class, it’s been over a year since we have lived together. I’m the luckiest guy around that gets to wake up to his best friend every morning. You were there for me through the toughest time in my life and the good, I wanted to know would you marry me?” He asked as he got down on one knee.

I turned to face him, but realize he was down on one knee with a ring out. I placed my hands over my mouth as I looked at him. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes as he searched for an answer. I quickly nodded my head yes to give him a response since I couldn’t find the words. He slipped the ring on my finger as he stood up. Taking me in his arms as everyone around us started to clap. I couldn’t believe that he actually planned everything out and it was perfect. I looked down at the ring as he kissed my forehead. I smiled as I looked up at him, he placed his hand against my chin. I leaned towards him allowing my lips to touch his as we kissed softly. We finally started the trip back down the stairs and back onto the boat. I leaned my head against his shoulders as we went back to the shore. We walked back to the car hand and hand, he pushed me against the car. Placing his hands on my cheeks as he pressed his lips against mine. I placed my hand on his sides as I kept the kiss between us. As it started to get more intense I pulled away resting my forehead against him.

“It’s been a wild day” I bite my lip slightly.

“Yeah, but amusing” he smiled as he brushed his thumb against my chin.

“Yeah, it has been” I looked up at him.

“Want to get something to eat?” he asked.

“Just take out so we could cuddle at home, ” I said as I placed my hand on his chest.

“Sounds like a plan, ” he nodded as he opened my door.

We both got back into the car and got our favorite take out before making our way back to the apartment. I slipped my shoes off at the door as I made my way upstairs. Switching my outfit for something more comfortable, his baggy tee shirt and just my panties. I made my way back downstairs as he was finding something that we could watch. I sat down next to him as he handed my food before leaning back on the couch. We started to eat as we flipped through the channels finally landing on something to watch. I laid my head against his shoulder as I finished my food, as he placed his arm around me.

“I like our nights like this, ” he broke the silence.

“Yeah, it’s nice just to spend time with each other” I smiled as I played with his hand.

“Better than being in a club, ” he kissed my forehead.

“But that is where we meet” I said.

“I know that, but now I’m not looking for anything. I have you, ” he brushed his thumb against my hand.

“You’re so sweet” I kissed him softly.

“Why thank you, ” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes slightly as I looked back at the tv. He placed his chin against my chin, turning it back towards him. He leaned down slightly placing his lips against mine. I placed my hand against his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He pulled away slightly as he searched the remote. Turning the TV off before placing his attention back on me. He got up from the couch, turning back to me picking me up. He took me upstairs moving us into the bedroom. He laid me down as he moved over me, leaning down to kiss me softly. I looked up at him as he pulled away, I could feel the tiredness of today creep in. I yawned slightly as I felt my eyes getting heavier. He smiled at me before laying beside me pulling the blanket over us. I snuggled close to him as I started to drift off. He held me close as he also started to drift off. In the morning I woke up without him, I looked down at my hand as I noticed the ring. Nope, it wasn’t a dream it actually happens and I was going to marry my best friend. I wanted to have the wedding in central park but I didn’t know how that would happen. Nor did I realize how much time and effort that it took to plan a marriage. I had his help, of course, but it was pretty hard, but I knew the end result would be perfect.

#r5 imagines    #r5 imagine    #r5 preference    #r5 preferences    #r5 blurb    #r5 blurbs    #r5 writing    #r5 writings    #ross lynch    #riker lynch    #rocky lynch    #ellington ratliff    #ratliff    

Type: One Shot | Imagine About Riker
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,379

I started to think that this was a bad idea. I sat and waited at the bar, it seemed like forever. Going on a blind date was the most stressful thing. I guess my friends hated me being single, I didn’t mind, but I was open for a relationship. I sat back in my seat as the waiter once again asked if I wanted anything. I looked around as I saw everyone else having a good time. I bite my lip as I looked down at my phone, I started to think I was being stood up. I saw someone walking towards the table, I looked up as our eyes meet. I felt the smile grow on my face as he made his way to the table.

“Y/N?” he asked.

“Yeah, your Riker?” I asked.

“That’s me, ” he sat down across from me.

“I started to think I am standing up, ” I said.

“I wouldn’t do that to a beautiful girl, ” he smiled slightly.  

“Oh, stop, ” I said as I felt myself starting to blush.

“What’s good here?” he asked as he picked up the menu.

“Everything” I said as I looked down at mine.

We finally ordered our food and drinks. We started talking and asking each other questions. He was so easy to talk to, it was like we were already friends. The drinks started to flow at the time melted off the clock. Our food finally arrived, that was the only time it got quiet between us. I looked down at my phone and could see the night would soon come to an end. Something inside me didn’t want the night to end, I was hoping that we would meet again.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“What?” I looked at him.

“You’re checking your phone, ” he said.

“Just seeing the term” I said.

“Oh, got to be somewhere else?” he asked.

“No, I don’t, ” I smiled.

“Good, ” he said.

“Do you?” I asked.

“No, I don’t but I think they would kick us out soon” he chuckled slightly.

“Yeah, I guess they would” I spoke softly.

“Want to get out of here?” he asked.

“Sure” I grabbed my phone as I got out of my seat.

He paid for the meal as he grabbed his jacket. He leads me out of the restaurant, we walked towards his car. He opened his car door for me allowing me to get in. He shut the door behind me as he made his way to the driver said. I clicked my seatbelt on as he started the car, the heat blowing in my face. He clicked his seatbelt on before pulling off. I didn’t know where we were going, but then I started to see the beach. The car came to a stop, he soon got out coming to open my door. Reaching his hand for me to grab, I grabbed his hand as I got out of the car.

“The beach is closed” I said.

“To everyone else, ” he held my hand.

“We could get into trouble” I said.

“Come on, ” he pulled me behind him.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I followed him.

“To the beach, ” he kept his grip onto my hand.

I knew we were at the beach, but he started pulling me up a hill. I kept following him until we were at the edge of a cliff. The view was amazing, the sun was setting making the water glisten. I looked out trying to take everything in, it was beautiful.  

“Perfect right?” he asked.

“Yes, it is” I smiled as I looked at him.

“I thought you would enjoy it, ” he sat down.

“How do you know about this place?” I asked as I sat down next to him.

“I come up here to think, just to be alone” he said.

“It’s nice, ” I said.

“I know we just meet, but I would love to take you out again, get to know you a little better” he said.

“I would like that” I felt the rush of blood to my cheeks as I started to blush.

We watched the sun set as the stars started to peek through. I have lived in California all of my life, but I never saw the stars. Always busy with the city lights to see the stars, it was breath taken. I stood up and moved close to the edged as I looked up at the stars. I felt him move behind me, placing his arm around my waist.

“Put your hand out, ” he whispered into my ear.

I raised my arm up in front of me, he titled it up as if I was reaching for the stars. I leaned back against him as we watched the stars. At that moment time stood still and it was just us. As the sky turned its darkest it was still beautiful as the stars twinkled.

“This is amazing” I said.

“Yeah, it is, ” he rested his head against my shoulder.

We finally sat down as we watched the stars, his hand on my leg. We started to talk again, learning so much about each other. It was like I was talking to my childhood best friend, things were so easy with Riker. I pulled out my phone to see what time it was. It was passed two am, I didn’t know how it got so late.

“It’s two A.M.” I looked towards Riker.

“Wow, ” he said.

“Maybe we should go” I suggested.

“Yeah, I guess so ” he spoke softly.

He got up from the spot he was sitting and reached his hand down towards me. I grabbed it as I got myself up, he lead me back to his car. I grabbed the handle but he soon stopped me, turning me back towards him. He placed his hand against my cheek brushing his thumb against my skin. I looked up into his eyes as he leaned down towards me. His lips softly touching mine as we start to kiss, I wrap my arm around his neck keeping close to him. I kept the kiss between us as I placed my hand on the back of his neck. I slightly pulled away from the kiss resting my forehead against his. His hands against my hips as he kept my close to him, I rested my hand on his chest.

“To fast?” he asked.

“No, just right” I smiled slightly.

“Good” he smiled as he looked at me.

“So where would you take me to our second date?” I asked.

“It would have to be a surprise” he smirked.

“Oh now I want to know” I looked at him.

“Come on let’s get you home” he said.

He opened the door for me, allowing me to get in. I pulled the seatbelt over me as he closed the door. He got inside the driver side, placing his seatbelt on as well. The car started but I turned the heat off before it had a chance to blow in my face. I rolled the window down as we pulled off. He had on hand on the steering wheel and one on my hand. The wind blowing through my hair as we picked up speed, I could see him smiling as we drove. The city was quiet as the night had fallen, it was the only time it was quiet. I gave him directions on how to get to my apartment, we soon pulled up to the drive way.

“Here?” he asked as he turned his car off.

“Yea here” I nodded.

“Alright” he unbuckled his seatbelt.

He came around to my side of the car opening the door. I could feel the tiredness starting to kick in, after all it was close to 3 in the morning. I got out of the car with his help, I closed the door behind me. He gently pulled me to him as I placed my hand on his chest once more.

“It was nice meeting you” I said.

“You too” he leaned towards me.

“I’ll wait for that phone call” I said.

He placed his lips against mine once again, softly kissing me. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands against my hips as he kept the kiss between us.

I rested my hand on his chest as I broke the kiss. I looked up at him as the smile grew on my face, I saw him smile as well. He kept his hands on my hips as we looked at each other. I finally pulled away from his grip, moving towards my door.

“Ill see you later” I said.

“Bye” he got into his car.

I finally opened the door to my apartment as I saw him pull away. Over the next few weeks I saw him about every other day. We just got along, like something was pulling us together. Somehow we would always end up on the clift watching the sun set, the stars peeking through.

“Its always so breathtaking” I said as I looked at the stars.

“Yea and peaceful” he said.

“That too” I turned looking at him.

“Just us and the stars” he smiled.

“I could get used to this” I leaned down kissing him softly.

“Same” he placed his hand on my cheek.

I looked into his eyes and I could tell that I was falling in love with him. My walls were down and in some strange way I felt safe with him. I moved closer to him as I kissed him softly again. He placed his hand on my back pulling me closer to his chest. Keeping the kiss between us as I rested my hand on his chest. I rested my forehead against his as I pulled away slightly.

“You planning on coming back to my place?” I asked.

“If you would have me” he brushed the hair from my face.

“Of course” I smiled as our eyes meet.

“Good” he pulled me towards him.

I slightly pulled away as I looked at my phone, seeing what time it was. It was almost midnight and I knew we needed to head back. I grabbed his hand as I stood up, he soon got up as well. We made our way back to the car, of course he opened my door. I smiled as I got in and he shut the door, getting on the drivers side. The car soon was moving past the city lights, as we made our way back to my apartment. He parked in my driveway as we both got out. He had his arm around my waist as I shuffled things in my purse. I finally grabbed my keys and opened the door, allowing him to enter before shutting the door. I switched the lock on before pulling him closer to me. He pushed me against the wall as he placed his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I placed my lips against his. The kiss started softly but started to get more intense as our connections grew. His hands sliding up my sides with my shirt with it. I lifted my arms up as he removed my shirt, as I rested my hand on his chest once again.

“Are you sure?” He whispered against my lips.

I nodded my head as I kissed him, his hands against my hips. Undoing my pants as I raise his shirt up and over his head. He finally got my pants unbuckled and they fell to the floor just leaving me in my panties. I slightly pulled away as I grabbed his hands. I pulled him upstairs and into my room so we could be more comfortable. I laid back on the bed as he started to undo his pants. I pulled a condom out of my nightstand as he dropped his pants. His hard cock popped free as I watched, I bite my lip as I wanted him. He moved over my body, kissing my lips softly. Moving them slightly down to my neck, sucking gently on my skin. I couldn’t hold my moans back as he continues to suck against my neck. He ran his hands down my sides, gripping my panties in his hand. I slightly lifted my hips as he pulled them down, leaving us both naked. He pushed my legs apart with his knees as he rested between them. Placing his hands on both sides of my head as he leaned down to kiss me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He grabbed the condom from the nightstand, quickly putting it on before getting back between my legs. He rubbed his tip along my slit, nudging my clit before lining himself at my entrance. He started to push his hips towards mine as he started to slide himself into me. His thrust was slow at first and started to pick up as my moans did. The room filled with moans as our bodies moved as one, I held onto his arm as he thrust. I felt myself edge closer to a climax as he continued to thrust, within a few more movements I came against him. He jerked forward as he felt I tighten around him and climaxed as well. I laid back trying to catch my breath as he lay beside me.

“Wow, ” I finally broke the silence.

“You are amazing, ” he smiled.

I rolled over to face him as I snuggled close to him. He pulled the blankets around us before wrapping his arms around me. We ended up falling asleep in each others arms. We continued to get to know each other within the coming months. I could tell he was falling in love as I was falling in love. I never thought I would find love with a blind date. After 6 months of dating we finally moved in together. I know things seem like they moved fast with us but somehow it just felt right. Our blind date turning into true love and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Type: One Shot | Imagine About ANY of the R5 Boys
Warning: Rated R For Sexual Content 
Word Count: 2,868

Standing at the door not sure if I wanted to enter, this would start the rest of my life. I could feel my stomach turning in knots as I looked at the door. My palms were sweaty and my heart was racing. I pulled my jacket down, making sure it was buttoned right. I grabbed the handle of  the door and opened it. I was greeted by the boss of course, he showed me around the office. Taking me to my place that I would work from. I took my seat and started to settle in my little office. I opened the laptop and started doing some research for my first article. I put my blinders on and got lost in my work as I always did. I was the one that wanted to get my work done as soon as possible, I hated waiting to the last minute. Before I knew it the work day ended, but yet I was still in my office working.

“Excuse me?”  I heard someone say.

“Yeah?” I responded as I still focused on my work.

“You know it’s late right?” he asked.

“What?” I finally pulled my eyes from the screen.

“The work day is over with, ” he smiled slightly.

“Oh, I lose track of time really easy” I nodded.

“I see that, but you are a good worker, ” he said.

“Thank you, ” I looked up at him.

“No problem, but let’s get out of here, ” he suggested.

“Yeah, I guess I should” I nodded as I turned the laptop off.

I collected my things before getting up from the chair. My legs were sore and weak as I sat for so long, I stood still for a second. The feeling came rushing back into my legs. Once I knew I was stable I started to walk out of my office.

“Want to maybe get something to eat?” He asked.

“I’m not sure co-works are supposed to do that, ” I looked back at him.

“I’m your boss so its ok” he smiled.

“Oh ok” I started to walk away.

We finally got to the parking deck and I went straight to my car. I did follow him to the bar, but I wanted my own way out if things went wrong. I parked my car a few cars away from him as I saw him get out of the car. I finally got out of the car and walked with him to the bar. We got our seats and I flipped through the menu, I should have been nervous but somehow I wasn’t. I knew he was my boss, but I guess a dinner wouldn’t hurt anything.

“So what makes you want to be a writer?” he finally broke the silence.

“Because I love expressing my opinion” I nodded.

“Well, I can’t wait to read your first piece, ” he said.

“I’m sure you will like it, ” I said with a confidence of my work.

“Let’s talk about something else besides work, ” he suggested.

“Like what?” I asked.

“About you, ” he said.

“Those are the secrets” I smiled.

“Oh, so you can’t tell me?” He looked up at me.

“No, I couldn't” I played in his game.

“I’m sure I could get something out of you, ” he said.

“We shall see about that, ” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

He was very easy on the eyes, beautiful eyes. Everything about him was perfect, or was it just me who thought he was perfect? I didn’t think anything would happen between us, he was my boss. I didn’t want to mess up my career so I knew nothing could happen, but I started to want something to happen. We finally ordered our food and got a few drinks, things started to flow easier. He was someone very easy to talk to and we clicked very well.

“Don’t get drunk tonight” he said.

“I wont, just something to take the edge off” I said.

“I thought you had a good day?” he asked confused.

“I did but my nerves have been going crazy” I said.

“Oh yea, new job” he nodded.

Our food arrived at the table so the conversation died down for a few. Once we finished there were a few more drinks. I got up from the table and grabbed his hand. Leading him to the dance floor, it was a nice song on and we danced to the beat. I was grinding against him as he his hands were on my hips. The music started to slow down, he turned me to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we swayed to the music. I rested my head down on his shoulder as he pulled me closer to him. His hand rested on my back as our bodies moved as one to the music. I lifted my head up slightly and looked at him in his eyes, leaning towards him slowly. Placing my lips against his as I kissed him softly, his hand on the back of my neck as he kissed me back. I slightly pulled away as I started to realize what I was doing.

“I’m sorry” I pulled away from him going back to the table.

“Don’t be” he followed me, resting his hand on my back.

“That shouldn’t of happen, I should go” I grabbed my purse and left the bar.

He ran behind me catching me before I reached  my car. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, placing his hand onto my cheek. Leaning down kissing me softly as I placed my hand on his chest. I kept the kiss between us as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I soon pulled away as I looked up at him. This couldn’t be happening, this was my boss and we couldn’t be together.

“I should go” I said.

“You are drunk, let me drive” he said.

“You had drinks too” I looked at him.

“Lets get a taxi and come back in the morning” he said.

“Yea sound good” I nodded.

He finally got a taxi and we were on our way to his place. At the time I didn’t realize that we were going back to his place. He helped me out of the taxi and opened the door to his house. It was big and beautiful and I was at a lost for words.

“Wow” I said as I dropped my purse.

“Thank you, I think” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“You live here? Alone?” I looked at him.

“Yes” He nodded.

I started to walk around the house, just showing myself around. He wasn’t too far behind me as we walked all around the house. I finally found my way to his bed room. I walked towards the bed and sat down as I saw him at the doorway. He started to walk towards me, leaning down kissing me again. I smiled against his lips as I kissed him back, I was lost in the moment. I soon pulled away from him and rushed to the bathroom. I hit the floor as I started to throw up, he came in after me. He held my hair away from my face as I threw up. I finally sat back trying to catch my breath, my stomach was hurting. He picked me up from the floor and laid me down on the bed. Rushing downstairs to get a warm wash cloth. He finally came upstairs and placed it on my forehead as he pulled the blankets over me . I started to drift off to sleep. In the morning I woke up and sat up in the bed wondering where I was. I looked at the side table and saw some pills and water. I took the two aspirins and drunk some of the water, I could tell my clothes had been changed. I was in an oversize shirt and just in my panties. I moved my feet off the bed as they dangled off the bed, I finally pulled myself off the bed. I made my way to the top of the stairs and I saw him in the kitchen. I walked downstairs as I made my way to the kitchen, I could feel myself start to get angry. Did he really take advance of me while I was in that state?

“Was that your plan?” I asked as I crossed my arms.

“Well good morning to you too” he looked back at me.

“Answer my question” I demanded.

“What? Did we have sex?” he asked.

“Did you take advantage of me?” I asked.

“No I didn’t, I chanced your clothes because you were covered in puke” he finished cooking.

“So nothing happen?” I asked.

“No, so calm that pretty ass down and eat” he said.

I sat down at the table not able to remember last night but in some weird way I trusted him. He placed the plate of food in front of me and I started to eat. He poured me a class of orange juice before sitting down next to me. He started to eat as well, once I finished he took my plate and placed it in the sink.

“How did I get here?” I asked.

“Taxi, ill take you later to get your car” he said.

“Thank you” I looked at him.

“You shouldn’t drink, it could get you in a lot of trouble” he said.

“Yea I know, I don’t do it often” I nodded.

“Good” he nodded.

“Im sorry if I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable” I looked at him.

“You didn't” he smiled slightly.

“What did we do?” I asked.

He didn’t say anything, he moved towards me and softly kissed me. I was taken back at first but started to kiss him back. I ran my hand along the back of his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He pulled away and just smiled as he looked at me.

“That” he finally spoke.

“And you are ok with that?” I asked.

“Yes I am” he smiled.

Later on that day he drove me to the bar to get my car. I got into my car and went straight to my apartment. Where I found my roommate looking through my things. I stood at the door and watched before she finally caught on that I was home.

“Where have you been?” she asked.

“Just somewhere” I smiled.

“You had me worried” she said.

“Im sorry but I can take care of myself, thank you for worrying” I nodded.

“You are my best friend” she hugged me.

“I know that, and im sorry” I said as I hugged her.

“So how did the new job go?” she asked.

“Its going good” I smiled.

“That’s good” she nodded.

I finally got into my room and placed my bag down. I could still feel his kiss along my lips, I bite my lip as I remembered. I soon got up and made my way to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and turned the shower on. I removed my shirt from my body allowing it to fall on the floor. I slipped my pants down kicking them off as I moved towards the shower. I got in and allowed the warm water run down my body, I closed my eyes as I saw his face. I couldn’t seem to shake these memories so I started to believe they were meant to be there. Over the coming weeks things were going well at the office. We kept our relations a secret for the most part and only did things behind closed doors. I finally finished an article and got up to get it from the printer. I collected my papers and started to make my way to his office. I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. Once he did I opened the door and allowed myself into his office.

“ Can you check out my article?” I asked.

“Yea sure, just put it over here” he took the papers and put them in a folder.

“Thank you” I smiled.

“Come here” he pulled me towards him.

“What?” I wrap my arms around his neck.

‘”Do we have plans later on?” he asked as he brushes his thumb under my shirt.

“If you want to” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“I always want to” he smirked.

“I know you do” I leaned towards him allowing my lips to touch his.

I softly kissed me as his grip started to get stronger. I placed my hand on his cheek as I kept the kiss between us. He slightly pulled away moving down towards my neck. Softly kissing my skin before sucking gently, moving slowly down to my collar bone. I moved my head back as I started to moan. His hands slipping up under my shirt, the higher he went the higher my shirt went. I lifted my arms up as he removed my shirt, placing his lips back against my skin. His hands running along my skin towards my back undoing my bra. I pushed the straps off my shoulders allowing it to foll from me. He picked me up placing me on his desk, moving between my legs. His lips against my collar bone as he his hands start to undo my jeans. I ran my hands down his body gripping his shirt as I pushed it up. He grabbed is shirt removing it before placing his lips back against my neck. I lifted my hips as he pulled down my jeans and panties leaving me naked on his desk. He slightly pulled away from me looking at me. He moved towards the door and made sure it was locked before dropping his pants. Allowing his hard throbbing cock to pop free. He moved back towards me moving between my legs, his lips against my neck.

“Ready for me?” he asked as he nibbled against my neck.

“More then ever” I bite my lip.

His hands rested against my neck as he laid me down against his desk. Pulling me legs towards him as his tip rubbed against my clit. He pushed down slightly lining up at my entrance. Pushing his hips towards mine as he slipped inside of me. I arched my back as I felt him fill me up with his hard cock. He started to roll his hips towards mine as he thrust into me, fully and deep inside me. I reached for his hand pulling him down towards me. Placing my lips against his as I intertwined our fingers together. I started to moan as his lips traveled down my neck, sucking against my collar bone once again. His hand holding my sides as he starts to thrust harder into me, his moan were against my skin. I placed my hands against his chest as his thrusted into me hitting all my spots. I could feel myself edging closer to a climax, I arched my back as he started to go harder. I couldn’t hold back as I came against his hard cock I screamed in pleasure. I didn’t know we needed to be quiet, he placed his hand over my mouth.

“Shh” he said.

He started to thrust harder into me as I could feel him close. He soon pulled out rubbing himself, cumming on my stomach. I laid back breathless as he sat down in his chair. Once he caught his breath he got up and cleaned up my belly with some wipes. Helping me up from his desk. I started to get dressed as we heard someone knocking on the door. He pushed me under the desk as he buttoned his shirt. He opened the door and it was someone wondering about their article. He sent them away from the door and I finally got up from under the desk. He pulled me to him kissing me softly, holding me close to him.

“Ill see you later” he smiled.

“Yea” I nodded.

I left the office and went back to my office. I started on another article as I got lost into my work once again. I could see people looking at me but I tried not to pay attention to them. Our love story was a secret and no one need ed to know. It was our office secret and it was a dirty, hot one. It wasn’t very often we actually had sex at the office but he wanted to keep us a secret which I was fine with.

Type: One Shot | Imagine About Riker
Rating: Rated PG
Word Count: 2,684

I fell to my knees as I looked at myself in the mirror. No matter what I tried I just couldn’t get this routine down. Something in me was telling me not to give up but the bruises amongst my skin told me to give up. The soreness started to kick in as I moved back onto my feet. I switched the song back on as I started to move to the beat. I fell back to my knees as the music continued to play. I looked up at myself in the mirror as I started to get determined to get it. I stood up as I kept my eyes locked on the mirror. I heard someone come in but I pushed it out of my mind until I saw him in the mirror. I turned and faced him as the disappointment set in my eyes.

‘What’s wrong?“ he asked as he took a step towards me. "I can’t get it” I took a shallow breath in. “I’m sure you will get it, ” he reached for my hand. “I’ve tried’ I said. "You can’t give up, ” he said. “I’m not trying to but I’m failing, ” I whispered. “You will get it, ” he said as he tilted my chin up. “I don’t know, ” I looked up at him. “Sounds like you are giving up, let me see” he said. “I’m a fighter and I’m not giving up” I said. “Show me, ” he said. Those words burned in my mind as I went to the stereo.

The music started once again as I moved to my starting position. I started moving to the music as I watch my movements in the mirror. It flowed easy as I seemed to finally get it. Once again I cam crashing down but this time I could tell i injured myself. I yelled out in pain grabbing my knee as I laid on the floor. He rushed to my side as I started to cry. He picked me up rushing me out of the studio, placing my into the car. I kept a hold of my leg as I cried out for help. He rushed me to the hospital running in to get help. Within minutes I was lying on the stretcher getting an IV for pain. Once he was able to be in the room, he was right by my side. After many x-rays and test it was clear that I didn’t do major damage. I knew I would be off my feet for at least a week but I was fooled. I needed to stay off my feet for about 6 weeks that was the worst thing I heard from the doctor’s mouth. With a click of a pen I was on my way out of the hospital.

“Do you want to stop somewhere to get food or anything?” he asked as he helped me in the car. “Not really, ” I sighed. “I know it sucks, but things will get better, ” he said. 'Thank you, but nothing is going to cheer me up right now" I said. “I’ll stay with you and help you” he got into the car. 'Thank you, “ I lay my head back on the seat. "Everything will be ok” he grabbed my hand. “I sure hope so, thankfully the showcase isn’t for two months” I looked out the window. “And you will be perfect when you return, ” he started the car and pulled off. “Babe” I smiled. “Just saying the truth, ” he said. We finally got back to my apartment as he helped me up to my room. “I left my stuff at the studio” I said. “I’ll go get it ok” he said as he kissed my forehead.

I heard him leave my apartment but I guess I dozed off because I didn’t hear him come back in. I started to wake up as I heard noises in the distance. I sat up in the bed grabbing my crutches. Easing my weight up as I stood up, I made my way to the top step. I didn’t know how to go down so I stood and tried to listen. I knew it was Riker, but who was he talking to? I made it back to the bedroom as I sat down he came upstairs. He had roses in his hands as well as my things.

“What are those for?” I asked. 'For you beautiful, “ he said as he handed them to me. "But why?” I smelled them. “I don’t need a reason to give my beautiful girlfriend roses” he smiled. “Thank you for getting my things, ” I said. “No problem, food should be here shortly, ” he said. “Riker” I smiled. “You had a bad day now its my time to make you feel better” he said. 'Why thank you, “ I said. "You don’t need to thank me, ” he placed his lips against mine. “Who were you talking to?” I asked. “I called your mom and told her what was going on” he said. “Why?” I asked. “Because she called your phone multiple times, ” he said. “Thank you, ” I looked up at him. “Now do you want to eat up here or go downstairs?” he asked. “I couldn’t get downstairs, ” I said. “If you want to we can, ” he said. “But how?” I asked. He smiled before picking me up, bridal style and taking me downstairs to the kitchen. “You’re amazing, how did I get so lucky?” I asked. “You didn’t get lucky that would be me, ” he said. “Thank you for everything, ” I said. “Babe its ok, I love you, ” he said. “And I love you, ” I said.

There was a ring at the door and he went to it. He bought the food back and of course he ordered my favorite. We sat down at the table and ate together. He cleaned up afterwards and helped me back upstairs. I needed all of his help and I was lucky that I actually heard him. He helped me take a bath and get ready for bed. Everything that I needed he got for me or did for me. I couldn’t believe that I would be down for six weeks, but things happen for a reason. Within those six weeks I started to get stronger on my knee. I even talked to my dance teacher into allowing me to change the routine. On the six weeks I went back to the doctor’s office. Things seemed to be healing nicely and I was free to do whatever I wanted. I was still being really careful with it. I didn’t want to injure myself, but I knew the clock was clicking and I needed to get back to dancing. The showcase was less than 5 weeks away and I needed to get a new routine. I had Riker drop me off at the studio after the doctor’s appointment and I wanted him to leave. I didn’t like showing people an unfinished piece so I wanted to work alone. I wanted to prove everyone wrong and show them that nothing could get me down. I already had the song I wanted to use, ready to go. I hit the play button before taking my place in the center of the floor. Looking at myself in the mirror, the fear was sitting in but I couldn’t let that get to me. “Shake it off” I closed my eyes. I didn’t know where to start, but I knew where I would finish. Once I started moving my body it came naturally to me and I created the routine that my body wanted. The music trailed off as my breathing was fast, my heart beat pounding as I looked into the mirror. I heard someone clapping in the background and it startled me. I turned and saw that it was Riker standing there watching.

“What, how?” I tried to catch my breath. “That was amazing, ” he said. “How did you get in here?” I said. “The door is never locked” he said. “But I told you I wanted to be alone, ” I said. “I know, but I wanted to make sure you were ok and that was amazing” he moved towards me. “Thank you, but I don’t like anyone watching me” I looked at him. “But you perform in front of millions before, ” he said. “After I’ve perfected my work, ” I said. “I get it, but I wanted to check on you” he said. He placed his hands on my hips as he pulled me close to him. “Thank you for being so concerned” I smiled. “I love you, ” he leaned down, placing his lips against mine. “I love you, ” I said against his lips. “How long you are going to be here for?” he asked. “For a while, I need to get this done” I said. “Alright, I’ll bring you dinner later, ” he said. “Thank you babe” I smiled as I pulled from his grip. “Plus that sexy ass looks good, ” he smirked. 'Uh huh, go Riker" I laughed.

I heard the door shut before I went back to turn the music on. I practiced the routine for about two hours before I felt like I had it down. I slide down the wall as I caught my breath. “I’m back” I whispered to myself. I could feel the smile creeping on my face as I felt proud of myself. I leaned back against the wall as I heard someone come in. I knew it was Riker and he had food. I was starving and he came at the perfect time, I smiled as he walked into the room. “Thank god for food” I said. “All ready, ” he said as he sat down next to me. He handed me take out box as he got him out. I started to eat right away even before thanking him. “Someone is hungry, ” he said. “Sorry, ” I smiled. “It’s ok babe, you have been working hard, ” he said. “Thank you for the food” I kissed his cheek. “I do it for the kisses” he turns his head around so I kissed his lips. I placed my hand on his cheek as I kept the kiss between us. His hands against my hips as he pulls me closer to him, more onto his lap as the kiss starts getting intense. I slightly pull away as I rested my hand on his chest. “Sorry” him bite his lip. 'Don’t be sorry babe" I said as I moved closer to him. “When are you leaving?” he asked. “I think I got it down and im comfortable with it so now” I smiled. “Alright, lets clean up and we can be on our way” he said. “Yeah, ” I got up off of his lap and cleaned up. I grabbed my bag before walking out with him.

We went back to my apartment. I dropped my bag at the door as he grabbed my waist. I turned to face him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer to him as I looked up at him. His thumbs brushing against my skin slightly lifting my shirt. I gripped his shirt as I moved closer to him, placing my lips against his. He pushed me slightly against the wall as he kept the kiss between us. I smiled against his lips as I lean back slightly. I didn’t know what he had in mind, but I needed to get to bed. I had an early morning plus I was tired for the day I had. Nearly six hours on the dance floor moving my body in ways it shouldn’t be. I enjoyed every move, especially after what I’ve been through.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. “Nothing, ” I took a deep breath in. “You’re sure?” he asked. “Yeah, I’m sure” I smiled. He leaned in and brushed his lips against my skin. Slightly sucking against my neck as his hand rested on my hip. “I think I’m just going to head up to bed” I moaned. “If that’s what you want, ” he whispered in my ear. “I’m pretty tired” I bite my lip. I pulled away from him as I fought the urge of wanting him. I knew our fun nights lasted for a while and that early morning would come early. “Want me to stay?” he asked as he grabbed my hand. “Only if you want to, ” I smiled. “I would love to, ” he smirked as he followed me upstairs. “Just sleeping” I said as I sat on the bed. “I’m okay with that, ” he smiled. He slipped his shoes off as well as his shirt before laying down. “Oh, not taking your jeans off?” I asked. “Sure, ” he smirked as he got up and took them off. “I want you to be comfortable” I smiled. “I am, ” he smiled. I walked to my closet and got into something more comfortable. I made my way back to the bed and got in with him. I moved closer to him and rested in his arms before drifting off to sleep.

I continued to work on the routine and made it perfect. The night of the showcase I was beyond nervous, but I knew I could do it. I had my whole family there, plus Riker so the support was amazing. When it was my turn the nerves went away and I was on point with the music. I heard people cheering after my last move. I did my bow and walked off the stage where I found Riker waiting for me. He opened his arms as I ran to him. Picking me up as he held me close to him, his lips against my cheek. We walked back to my dressing room where I found the flowers he bought me. Of course they were beautiful he sure knew how to make me feel special. We stayed backstage until it was time to announce the winner. I stood beside him holding his hand as my nerves had returned. I took a deep breath in when they started to announce the winner. I wasn’t expecting to hear my name but I froze once I did. Riker went on stage before I did and took the mic. I was a bit confused, but I joined him on stage.

“Over four months ago, she injured herself and her fight that’s deep down inside never let her give up. I’m proud of her in so many ways, ” he said as he wrapped his arms around me. “Thank you, ” I blushed. “Normally they wouldn’t let this happen, but I have something special tonight” he said. “My trophy, thank you now lets go, ” I said. “Babe, your strength amazes me and I’m so proud of but I’m also in love with you so do me the honors and marry me?” he asked as he got down on one knee. I bought my hands up to my mouth as I gasped. I tried to fight the tears off, but they slipped down my cheek as I nodded my head. I couldn’t seem to find the words in my response so I just shook my head yes. He slipped the ring off my finger before returning back on his feet, bringing me close to him. I held him close to me as I whispered yes to him. The crowd cheered before we walked off. The night had been already perfect, but he made it more special. I won the showcase and got a scholarship to the college of my dreams. Plus, I got my best friend to spend the rest of my life with. Just because I had an injury and thought I would be down for good I never gave up. No matter what in life never give up on something that means so much to you.

Type: One Shot | Imagine About Riker
Rating: Rated R For Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,362

My back hit the floor as the feathers started to fly. He was lying beside me, out of breath as we watched the feathers fall to the ground. It was an epic pillow fight that turned into a mess. Our laughter was overcome without breathing as we both tried to catch our breaths. I finally sat up as I took in all of the mess that we created. I turned to look at him, he was laying on the floor with his eyes closed just relaxing. I leaned down and kissed him softly before pulling myself off of the floor. I went downstairs to grab the broom before making my way back upstairs. I made my return back to the room and he was gone. I bite my lip as I looked down the hallway, he was no where to be found, but I knew he was still in the house. I turned on the radio as I started to sweep the feathers up. Looking back now I don’t think buying pillows that had feathers were such a good idea. I swayed my hips to the music as I continued to clean up. He came up behind me, placing his hand on my hips as he pulled me back to him. Our bodies moved to the beat of the music, his hands gripping my waist. I dropped the broom as I turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled slightly as he wrapped his arms around me. I placed my lips against him as our bodies still moved to the beat, our world wrapped into one.

“I’ll never get tired of your lips, ” he smiled. “And I’ll never get tired of yours, ” I said. “Good, ” he smirked. “What are we doing today?” I asked. “Nothing, because we both have the day off, ” he said. “Yeah, I know we do, ” I said as I looked at him. “It’s very rare, so I’m taking full advantage, ” he said. “You just want to spend the day with me, ” I said. “Yes, I do, I’m right where I want to be, ” he placed his lips against mine. “Me too, ” I slightly pulled away and smiled. “And why do you want to spend the day with me?” he asked. ‘Because I love you" I smiled. “No way! I didn’t know that, ” he chuckled. “Has it” I said as I pushed him slightly. “Oh, you know I love you, ” he said as he pulled me back to him. “I sure hope you do, ” I said as I wiped his lips. “I do babe, ” he smiled. “Let’s go get something to eat” I said as I pulled away from his grip. “Sure, where you want to go?” he asked. “Ihop?” I questioned. “I should of figured” he said as he rolled his eyes. “You should know me by now, ” I said.

I went to go get dressed as he waited. I put on my skinny jeans and a crop top with some sandals. He was once again waiting for me to get ready, it was nothing new. I grabbed my purse as he grabbed my free hand, leaving the apartment hand and hand. We got into his car and we were headed towards town. We got to Ihop and got breakfast and the rest of the day was ours. It was very weird that we both got the day off, but we were going to take full advantage of it. At the last minute we both decided to go to the cabin my dad owned, it was away from everything. We both called into work and got the weekend off. We just wanted to spend time together simple as that.

“We have no clothes” I said as we pulled up. “Well just have to be naked then, ” he smirked. 'Oh, you would love that" I smiled as I got out of the car. 'Yeah, and so would you" he said as he followed me inside. “I love seeing you naked” I said. “Oh, you do?” he said. “You know that, ” I said. “True, ” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head. “I didn’t say to get naked right now” I chuckled. “Thought I would get a head start, ” he smiled as he dropped his pants. “Boy you crazy” I said. 'Crazy about you, “ he said as he pulled me close to him. "Hey, ” I smiled. “When will you lose your clothes?” he asked. “When someone offers help” I bite my lip as I looked at him. I could see his eyes light up when I said those words. He started to slide his hand up my sides, under my shirt as he started to pull it up. Pulling it over my head as he tossed it down to the ground. “Is that helpful?” he asked. I nodded my head as I looked at him, his fingertips slide against my skin. Sliding them around my back un-snapping my bra, pulling it off as his thumbs brushed against my nipples. I gasped at his touch as he dropped my bra. “Almost the way I like you, ” he said. Pursing his lips against my skin, sucking gently on my neck slowly moving down my collar.

Knowing it drives me crazy, he’s kept sucking against it before moving further down. Kissing the top of my boob before taking my nipple into his mouth. Slightly tugging at it with his teeth as he played with the other one with his free hand. I started to moan as he moved between both nipples, softly kissing down my stomach. Coming to my jeans, he slightly looked back up at me before undoing my pants. Pulling them down from my hips, I gripped his shoulders as I lifted my foot so he could remove them. He ran his hands up my legs, gripping my hips slightly before moving them around, gripping my ass in his hands. He tangled his hand into my panties as he started to move his hand lower, stripping me fully naked. I have seen the smile grow on his face as he watched my naked body. Running his fingers against my skin, moving back up my body as he stood up.

“That’s better, ” he said. “Is it?” I asked as I tried to catch my breath. “What’s wrong?” he smirked. “You know what you do to me, ” I said. My breathing was shallowed as I tried to calm myself down, but I wanted him more than anything now. “You love my touches” he whisper as he moved closer to me. “Yes” I swallowed hard. He leaned towards me allowing his lips to barely touch mine. I placed my hands on his neck as I wanted him. I moved slightly as I allowed my lips to touch his. He placed his fingers against my jawline as we kept the kiss between us.

He started to move us back towards the kitchen. Placing his hands down on my hips picking me up placing me down onto the table. I kept the kiss between us as he moved between my legs. “Wait, ” he said against my lips. “Please, ” I begged. “Ill give you what you want just trust me, ” he said as he broke free. I sighed as I watched him, he moved to the refrigerator grabbing the whip cream. “Dirty boy, ” I bite my lip. He squirted some on his lip before kissing me once again. Laying me back onto the table, moving his lips against my neck. I place my hand on the back of his neck as he started to move down. Squirting whip cream on my nipple before placing his lips around it sucking it gently. He moved to the other side before squirting whip cream down my belly. His tongue sliding down my stomach as he cleaned up his mess. Squirting it down on my pussy before cleaning it up, he found my clit with his tongue. I gripped the back of his neck before he moved my hand off of him, holding my hips down. Flicking his tongue over my clit before wrapping his lips around it sucking on it. I arched my back as the pleasure ran down my spine, moaning as he continued to use his tongue. Teasing my entrance with his fingers, smiling as he sees the effect he has on me. He pushes his fingers into me curling them up as he places his lips back against my clit. Bringing me to an orgasm, allowing me to fully ride it out before moving back up my body. Slipping his boxers off as he moved me down on the table. Sliding his tip against my swollen clit, making me squirm, keeping my hands above my head. Pushing his hips towards mine as he slides himself fully into me. Leaning down, placing his lips against my neck as he starts to thrust into me. Pushing deeper as he starts to move faster and harder. Our moans filled the room as our bodies moved as one. Running his hand down my stomach, pushing his thumb against my clit. It wasn’t long before I came against him. He held my legs as he continued to thrust into me, soon he climaxed as we were both breathless. He slides, fully out of me as he caught his breath.

“Wow, ” I said as I looked at him. “Why surprise?” he smirked. “Because we have never used whipped cream” I said. “Thought it would be different, ” he said. 'Well, it was hot, “ I said as I sat up. "Oh, did you enjoy” he asked. “Of course I did, ” I said. “Good” he smiled. “Think I need to take a shower now” I said as I got up. “May I join you” he said. “Of course you can” I said as I lead him to the bathroom. He slapped my ass as we walked up the stairs, I moved away from his touch. I turned on the shower as he moved behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Pushing his lips against my neck, pulling my hips closer to his. “I can see how this weekend is going to be like” I said. “Oh yea your all mine” he said. He slipped his hand between my legs finding my clit with his thumb. Slowly rubbing it as he added some pressure against it, leaning back on him as I start to moan. “Feel good, ” he whispered. I nodded my head as I kept moaning, he held me close to him as he continued to rub me. He brought me close to coming before pulling away, moving in the shower. I took a deep breath in before moving into the shower with him. He closed the door as he pushed me against it, raising my leg, placing it on his hip. Holding my side as he slipped himself into me, I climaxed against him hard as he held me up. “There we go, ” he smirked. Pushing his hips towards mine again as he slipped himself into my fully. “I’m going to fall” I said between moans. “I got you, ” he moaned into my ear. He slipped his hand around gripping my ass as he slammed his hips towards mine, going faster and harder. Our moans once against filled the room as we started to sweat. The hot water rushing around us as our bodies moved as one. I started to push my hips towards his as I was close once again. I climaxed against but this time he came with me as he pushed fully into me. “Fuck, ” he groaned letting my leg fall. “Get you good?” I smirked as I kissed him. “Damn your so hot, ” he said. I moved in front of him as I started to wash my body off, his arms around my waist. His lips against my neck as the water ran over us.

I finally broke free from his grip getting out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around me as I moved to the bedroom. He wasn’t to far behind me as he wrapped a towel around his waist. I finished drying myself off before laying down on the bed. He moved over top of me as he placed his lips against mine. “I love you” he said. “I love you” I said. “Im glad we decided to do this” he said. “Me too” I said. He laid beside me pulling me close to his chest as he pulled the covers over me. I rested my head down on his chest, tracing patterns against his chest. We both fell asleep against each other, in the morning I woke up to the smell of food. I grabbed his shirt and my panties before making my way into the kitchen. he cleaned up the mess we created yesterday. I wrapped my arms around him from behind as I rested my head against his shoulder. “Morning” I said. “Morning beautiful” he said. “What you making?” I asked. “Pancakes with strawberries” he smiled. “Sounds good, im hungry” I said. “I got it covered baby” he said. I went to sit down at the table but he grabbed my hand pulling me back to him. He leaned down placing his lips against mine, I kept the kiss between us until he pulled away. “Always want my good morning kiss’ he said. "I love you” I said as I sat down at the table. He placed the food in front of me as he sat down to eat. It was a saturday and it looked like it was raining so we would be stuck in the cabin all day. Im sure that we would figure something to do to keep us busy. Most of the time durning the week we didnt have much time for each other so I was glad we decided to take this time for us. Our love was strong but weekends like this just made it stronger.

Type: One Shot | Imagine about Rocky
Rating: Rated R for slight sexual content
Word Count: 2,688

I stood in line as I waited to get my ticket. I just wanted to go down town to meet up with my boyfriend. It seemed like it took forever but I finally got my ticket and I was on the train. It was about a three hour ride and it seemed like the last 30 minutes lasted forever. I finally got off the train, pulling my jacket closer as the breeze started to pick up. I could see him pulling up in the parking lot, I ran towards his car. He got out holding his arms open for me as I embraced him. He squeezed me tight in his arms as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It had been way to long since I’ve been with him, I just loved being in his arms. He pulled away slightly tilting my chin up kissing my lips slightly. I smiled against his lips as I kept the kiss between us, keeping my grip on him. He finally pulled away from me, opening the car door for me. He took my bags and placed them into the trunk before returning to the driver seat. I closed my door pulling the seat belt around me, he started the car allowing the heat to warm us up. I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together as he started to drive. He focused on the road driving back to his dorm. I undid my seat belt as he got out of the car grabbing my bag out of the trunk. He opened the door for me, reaching for my hand. I grabbed his hand as he helped me out of the car, we started walking the hallways. We stopped at his room, he opened his door allowing me to enter first. His roommate was away for the weekend so I had Rocky all to myself.

“All to our selves” I smiled.

“Yea, you are all mine” he smiled.

“I’m sure you love that” I placed my arm around his neck.

“Whenever I can have you to myself” he smirked as he leaned down peeking my lips slightly.

I gripped his sides as I looked up at him. Standing on my tippy toes kissing his lips softly, his hand against my neck. He leaned his forehead against mine as he pulled away. I looked up at him, knowing it was just him and I was the best feeling. Every since we finished high school life has gotten crazy, and we didn’t have much time for us. Someone how we still made it work, I guess our love was strong enough. He moved his hands down my sides gripping my hips in his hands. I smiled as I looked at him, I couldnt believe that he was actually in front of me. It was the longest 6 months of my life, being away from him it was like a piece of my heart was missing.

“I love you” he wiped his thumb over my lips.

“I love you” I smiled at his touch.

“Im sure you have had a long day, want to get some rest?” he asked.

“Sure” I nodded.

I took off my jacket laying it over my bag, slipping my shoes and pants off before getting into bed. He smiled as he watched me get ready for bed, slipping his pants off. He made his way over to the bed turning the light off, climbing into bed. I snuggled right up to him resting my head on his chest as he pulled the covers over us. He held me close to him through the night, it wasnt until morning when he let go. He slipped out of bed making his way down to the cafe. I was still asleep when he returned with breakfast, he sat down on the bed rubbing my leg slightly.

“Wake up sleppy head” he spoke softly.

“I dont wanna” I groaned as I turned over.

“I got breakfast babe” he smiled as he watched me.

“Fine” I sighed as I sat up in the bed.

He handed me my breakfast and my coffee. We sat on his bed eating breakfast together, trying to make plans for today. We had no idea what we wanted to do today. As long as I was with him it didn’t matter what we did. It was still summer time so we finally decided to go to the pool. There was one close to campus. After I ate my breakfast, I opened my bag going through my things. I finally pulled out my blue bikini and shorts, I went into the bathroom to change. He had finished eating his breakfast by the time I returned to the room.

“I forgot how beautiful you are” his eyes wandered over my body.

“Why thank you” I grinned.

“I’ll get ready and then we can go, ” he smiled.

“Alright babe” I leaned over to kiss him softly.

I pulled my hair up in a bun as he got ready. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers as we left his room. I followed him to where the pool was, there wasn’t many people here. School didn’t start for at least another week, Rocky just chooses to stay here instead of coming home. I placed my bag down at a table as I pulled my shorts off. He pulled his top off, reaching for my hand. I grabbed his hand moving towards him, he rested his hands on my hips. I could tell what he was trying to do. I placed my hand on the back of his neck, gently gripping it as he moved us towards the water. He tried to throw me in but I pushed him in. He crashed into the water soon coming up for air. I stood there laughing as he started to swim towards me. He splashed me with water as he started to laugh. I sat down on the edge, allowing my feet to go into the water. He swam up to me, placing his hands on my legs pulling me in.

“Hey” I said as I came up for air.

“You had it coming” he wrapped his arms around me.

“Maybe” I rested my hands on his shoulders.

I stayed close to him as he pressed me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him as he kept his arms on my sides. I peeked his lips lightly, making him smile. He placed his hand on my chin gently titling it as he leaned in allowing his lips to linger against mine. I smiled into the kiss as I moved slightly allowing our lips to meet. He gently tugged at my bottom lip, he know how that drove me crazy. I rested my forehead against his as I pulled away from the kiss.

“Why do you do that?” I asked.

“What?” he smirked know exactly what I was talking about.

“Drive me crazy” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“Because I love watching you squirm” he smiled.

“I know how to tease you too, remember that” I said.

“I know, ” he kissed my lips softly.

“Good, I know your weakness” I smirked.

“I know, ” he kept his hand against my chin.

“Can I ask you something?” I looked at him.

“Sure” He nodded.

“Why didn’t you want to come home?” I asked.

“Because this is the only week I have free” he responded.

“Oh, ” I nodded as I looked down.

“Don’t think I don’t want to come home and spend time with you because I do” he tilted my chin up. “I just thought it would be better if you came down, I’m sorry” he spoke softly.

“Ok babe” I looked at him.

We stayed in the pool for a while, until we both got hungry. I pulled myself out of the pool, grabbing my towel. I dried off as much as I could, he did the same as he got out of the pool. I slipped my shorts on as he put his shirt on, sliding my shoes on before grabbing his hand. I thought we were going back to his dorm, but he had other plans. We started walking downtown, the sun was sitting so the view was breath taking. He kept his grip onto my hand as we finally got to the restaurant. It was a small local restaurant, nothing too fancy since we were still in our bathing suits. He grabbed us a table, allowing me to sit down first. He slide in right beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I looked over the menu and everything looked good. I was stumped, I didn’t know what to get, but it was clear he knew what he wanted.

“What’s good here?” I finally asked.

“Shrimp, pizza, pretty much anything you see, ” he nodded.

“Oh ok” I smiled as I looked at him.

“What?” he questioned.

“Nothing, just happy to be here” I turned my attention back to the menu.

“I don’t want you to go, ” he pouted.

“I have a few days” I placed my hand onto his leg.

“I know, ” he said.

We finally ordered our food and drinks. We sat in the booth just talking about things, catching up really. Our food finally arrived to our table things got quiet for a little while. He got up after we ate and paid for our meal, I waited for him at the door. He walked past me opening the door for me, I walked out behind him. He grabbed my hand as we started to walk back to the dorm, this was beautifully but also very quiet. I could tell something was on his mind, but I also knew the same thing was on mine. We finally made it back to his dorm. I sat on his bed as he closed the door behind us, we both were quiet. We stayed in for the rest of the night just cuddling on his bed watching movies on his laptop. I leaned up slightly peeking his cheek softly. I ended up falling asleep against him, he did the same. In the morning I woke up before him and I just watched him sleep peacefully.

“Wake up sleepy head” I rubbed his chest.

“What?” he groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

“Morning babe” I said.

“Oh morning” he sat up in his bed.

“Are you ok?” I questioned.

“Yeah​ im ok babe” he leaned over kissing me softly.

I kept the kiss between us as he moved me onto his lap. I placed my hand against his neck, his hands gripping my hips. I deepened the kiss slightly, his hands sliding up my sides. He pushed my shirt up removing it from my body, throwing it down on the ground. I tugged on his shirt as I placed my lips back against his. He took his shirt off also tossing it on the ground, placing his hand against my chin. He pushed his hips up turning me onto my back against the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved between my legs. I ran my hand down his chest playing with his button on his pants. He leaned down kissing me softly as he started to push my shorts down. I lifted my hips slightly allowing him to remove my shorts, I started to undo his pants. He got up from the bed removing his pants, he got back over me leaning down kissing me softly. He used his knees to spread my legs out more as he rested between my legs. He slipped his hand between my legs, rubbing his thumb against my clit. I let out a moan as I ached my back, begging for his touch. He replaced his hand with his tip, rubbing it along my slit allowing it to get wet. We stayed tangled up in the bed for most of the day, just enjoying each others bodies.

“Maybe we should go get something to eat” he tried to catch his breath.

“Yeah​ we should” I smiled.

We finally got dressed and went out into the real world. It was nearly dinner time when we finally left the dorm. We just got take out food and found place on the beach to sit and eat. The sun was sitting and once again it was beautiful, especially with the water reflection. He wrapped his arm around me as I rested my head against his shoulder.

“This is beautiful” I said.

“It is” he agreed.

“Are we going to be ok?” I asked.

“Of course we are babe” he rubbed my arm.

“Its going to suck when I have to leave” I pouted.

“I know babe but we will make it” he nodded slightly.

“I love you Rocky” I played with his hand.

“And I love you babe” he pressed a kiss into my forehead.

We spent the rest of the week doing things together. Swimming in the ocean, plus going to the zoo and getting ice cream. I could say it was one of the best weeks I had and that was because I was with him. That Sunday came all too soon and I didn’t really want to leave, I had gotten use to sleeping next to him. I packed my stuff back into my bag as he sat on the bed, he didn’t want me to leave either.

“Do you have to go?” he asked.

“I dont have a place to stay or a job, it would take a while before I could move down here” I said.

“I know that, I just hate being away from you” he said.

“I know and I hate being away from you” I sat next to him.

“Maybe we can do this once or twice a month?” he asked.

“We will see” I nodded.

I finished packing my things and he took me to the train station. I bought a ticket as he walked with me to my station. I hugged him close to me not wanting to let go. He kept his grip on me until the very last second. I finally pulled away from him and got onto the train, he waited until the door closed until he left the station. Things got crazy in our lives, but we always made it through, I hated being away from him. I also knew the holidays were coming up and he would be coming home to them. It had been a few weeks since I last saw him, we would always talk on the phone and Facetime.

“What’s wrong?” he asked over the phone.

“Nothing, ” I said.

“I know you baby, what’s going on?” he asked.

“Rocky we need to talk, ” I said.

“Ok, what about?” he asked.

“I’m pregnant” I took a deep breath in waiting for his response.

“Don’t be scared, I’ll hop on a train and be there in a few ok?” he said.

“It’s ok, I’m ok baby. I just want to know what we are going to do” I said.

“Do you want to keep it?” he asked.

“I would love to but with our situation its complicated” I said.

“We will figure it out, I love you, ” he said.

“I love you, ” I said before hanging up the phone.

To be honest, I was terrified and didn’t know what to do. He had over 2 years of school left and now throwing a baby into the mix. I knew our lives would just get crazier, but I also knew everything would work out. As crazy as that seemed to say, I knew our love was strong enough to make it through this. He came home for the holidays plus anything to do with my pregnancy. After the holiday season he didn’t go back to school that was so far away, he transferred closer to home. Of course I loved that because I could spend all the time I wanted with him. It’s crazy how life sometimes works, but I knew we would always be together.

Type: One Shot | Imagine about Rocky
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,314

I sighed as I sat back at my desk. Bringing the cup of warm coffee up to my lips. I took a small sip as I saw one of my co-worker walk past my desk. I bite my lip as I watched him walk by. He soon stopped at my door, leaning against the frame. I looked up from him as I placed my cup down on the desk. I didn’t know what he wanted nor why he was just standing at my door. I looked up at him as he moved to my desk, laying the papers on my desk. I smiled slightly as he left my office. I started to go through the papers when a small slip of paper fell out. I leaned over to pick it off the floor bringing it back to my desk. I unfolded it seeing his number with the words text me under it. I rolled my eyes as I pushed it to the side trying to get back to work. I finally pulled myself away from my computer. I walked down to the break room pouring me another cup of coffee.

“Cup three?” someone asked.

“Uh?” I turned around.

“You always have a cup of coffee” Alisha said.

“Just love it” I grabbed my cup sitting down at the table.

“That’s all we ever see you drink, ” she said.

“It’s what I love to drink” I sipped my coffee.

“Your addicted” she spoke softly.

“Maybe a little” I smiled slightly.

“Coffee again” Rocky said as he walked in.

“Always” I laughed slightly.

“Get those paperwork?” he asked.

“Yeah, ” I nodded slightly.

I finished my coffee, placing my cup into the sink. I finally made my way back to my desk, trying to get back to work. The sun started to set and I knew my work day was slowly coming to an end. I placed my papers into my folder before sliding it in my bag. I shut down the company computer, pulling my jacket over my shoulder. I stood up from my chair, stretching as my body was sore, I looked up and saw Rocky standing at my door.

“May I help you?” I questioned as I picked up my bag.

“Can I walk you to your car?” he asked in response to my question.

“Sure” I agreed as I walked out in front of him.

We walked in silence to the parking deck, making our way to my car. He grabbed my arm pushing me against my car. Leaning down slightly, kissing my lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned up slightly wrapping my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. His hand slips down to my hips, lifting me up onto the car’s trunk. I wrapped my legs around his press my hand against his touch. No one in the office knew that we were dating. We both wanted to keep it that way, but it was tough when all I wanted was him. I pulled on his bottom lip as his hand went under my shirt. I smiled against his lip as I pulled back slightly.

“Sorry, I’ve wanted to do that all day, ” he rested his forehead against mine.

“I have felt the same” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“Let’s go home, ” he lifted me down off the trunk.
He opened the car door for me, I got into starting the engine. I sat back in my seat, pulling the belt across my chest clicking it in. I waited for him to get in and buckle up before I pulled off. He placed his hand on my leg edging closer up the closer we were getting home. I smiled to myself as I kept my eyes on the road, I didn’t want this night turning bad. I finally pulled into our parking lot and turned the car off. His hand moved up my thigh towards my hips, playing with my panties. I bite my lip as I placed my hand onto his lap.

“Let’s go in, ” he whispered slightly.

“Yeah, we should” I pulled the door handle getting out of the car.

He came right behind me, placing his hand against my ass as I opened the door. Once I got inside the house I pushed him against the wall. Placing my lips against his as his hands were against my hips. I gently tugged at his bottom lip, his hands sliding up my sides removing my shirt. I gripped his shirt in my hand as the kids started to get intense. He moved, pushing me against the wall, pulling my shirt off my shoulders. His finger tips, moving against my skin as he undid my bar, allowing it to fall to the floor. His hand pressed against my stomach moving down below my pants. His thumb finding my clit as he starts adding pressure, moving it around. I let out a soft moan as I kept my grip on his shirt, his lips against my neck. He grabbed my wrist moving my hands above my head, keeping them there as he lowered his lips. I couldn’t hold back the moans as he started to suck on my collar-bone. I bite my lip as he moved his thumb faster against my clit. His mouth wrapped around my hard nipple as he started to suck, his tongue danced around it. My breathing started to pick up as the room was filled with my moans. He removed his hand from my pants, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him, he took me upstairs to our room.

“What do you want?” he asked as he laid me on the bed.

“You of course” I responded as I caught my breath.

“Me?” He bit his lip as he moved over top of me.

“Always you” I leaned up to kiss him softly.

He smiled against my lips, slightly pulling away as he brushed a piece of hair off my face. He peeked my lips once again before moving them against my neck. I arched my back as he started to move down my body. I placed my hand on the back of his head as he kissed down my stomach. I lifted my hips up slightly as he pulled down my pants and my panties. He stood up, looking over my naked body, I could see the smirk grow on his face. He pulled his shirt off throwing it on the ground, undoing his pants, allowing them to fall to his feet. I bite my lip as I watched him get undressed. He slipped his boxers off before moving back over the top of my body, leaning down to kiss me softly. He leaned against his arm as he reached over to the night stand. He grabbed a condom and with a few seconds he had it open and on. I watched him as he started to position himself at my entrance. Our eyes meet as he started to push his hips towards mine. I let out a little gasp as it had been a while. He leaned down to kiss my neck, I breathed in his sent, the more he thrust the more I wanted him. I started to move my hips towards him, our bodies moving as one. His thrust started getting faster as well as deeper, I arched my back. I kept moving my hips towards his as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss me softly before moving his lips back to my neck. He started to moan in my ear as I edge closer to my climax.

“Rocky” I moaned.

“Don’t hold back, ” he whispered in my ear.

I bucked my hips towards him as I started to cum. He stopped his movement, allowing my hips to move up and down against him as I came. I lay back against the bed as I tried to catch my breath. He leaned down to kiss me softly as he started to move again, I twitched at the movement. I could feel my legs weaken as my body was reacting to the orgasm I just had. He grabbed my hand sliding it above my head, I laced our fingers together. His lips against my neck once again as he thrust harder into me. He nibbled against my ear as he started to moan, he was getting closer. Within a few more thrusts he climaxed as well. He stayed inside me until he fully finished, he pulled out taking the condom off. I lay back against the bed as he threw the condom away. He jumped back on the bed, laying on his side. I smiled as I looked at him, snuggling into him as he pulled the blankets around us. I fell asleep in his arms, all I dreamed about being his touch. In the morning I awoke without him in the bed, nor in the house. I knew we were keeping us a secret so he had to go into the office way before me. I sighed as I craved his touch, his love just everything. I pulled myself off the bed and made my way into the bathroom. I found a little note tied to some really sex panties. ‘Wear these’ I smiled as I looked at them, maybe this was just a fun little game. I took a shower and once I got out I slipped the panties on. It had been a while since I’ve worn something this sexy, but it was fun, I finally made my way down to the office. I made my way to the break room and got a cup of coffee as always.

“Coffee again, I see” Rocky said as he leaned against the counter.

“I rather have yo- coffee,” I said as I realized people walking in.

“Busy day today?” Rocky asked me.

“About the same” I nodded.

I grabbed my cup of coffee and went straight to my desk. It was a busy day, but somehow I just couldn’t get Rocky off my mind. I kept having flashbacks from last night, his touch against my skin. I had to re-focus myself multiple times throughout the day. The coffee wasn’t helping, I just wanted his touch. It was finally lunch time and I knew he would come in to check on me. I heard a knock on the door and I answered it, allowing him to come into my office. I closed the door behind him making sure all the blinds were closed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I want you” I kissed him softly as I pushed him back against the wall.

“Whoa” he pulled away from me. “Are you sure? Here?” he questioned.

“Now” I kissed him again.

He gripped my hips in his hands as he pushed me back towards the desk. Lifting me up slightly as he moved between my legs. His lips moving down against my neck as I started to unbutton his pants. We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard a knock on the door. He did his pants back up and I gathered myself before I answered the door. It was just my assistant telling me that she’s going to lunch. I nodded in agreement before closing the door back, making sure it was locked. He reached for my hand pulling me back towards him. I placed my hand against his chest as I looked up at him.

“We shouldn’t here” he said.

“Please?” I begged.

“Why?” he questioned.

“I crave your touch” I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him down slightly. I placed my lips against his.

He lifted my back up placing me on the desk. I could see the smirk grow on his face as he saw that I was wearing his sexy panties. He stripped them off of me leaving me pantie less in my skirt. I laid back against the desk as he undid his pants. He rubbed his tip against my slit, I let out a few moans. He slipped himself into me pushing his hips towards mine. I grabbed his tie pulling him down to me. His thrust were hard but deep, full of passion. He leaned down to kiss my lips softly as I moaned against them. He gripped my hips as he held them down, his thrust started to get faster. I arched my back as I lay back against the desk, our moans filled the room. I kept my grip against his tie as I tried to keep my moans quiet. I felt myself climax against him. As soon as I did, he jerked forward as he climaxed as well. He slowly pulled out putting himself back into his pants. I slipped my panties on and went to sit back in my chair.

“See you later?” he asked.

“Of course, ” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

He kissed my cheek before leaving my office. I got right back to work like nothing happen, as people started coming back from lunch. I still wanted to keep us a secret, but it started to get harder. I knew when I got involved with someone again that my addiction would come back. The addiction of sex, but it was mainly Rocky that I wanted, just his touch. His smile made me crave his touch. The way he would look at me could make me want him. I tried to control these urges as much as possible, but it was hard. We would sneak off to the bathroom at times or lunch time in my office. People started to question our relationship, but we both played it off well. The more he was around, the more I wanted him I was addicted to him.

Type: One Shot | Imagine About Ross
Rated: Rated R for Sexual Content
Warning / Trigger: There is abuse in the first part of this imagine, not by Ross but a previous relationship!
Word Count: 2,502

“SHUT UP” he shouted.

I swallowed hard as I have seen him walk towards me. His hand was raised, I flinched as he finally made it in front of me. With one motion his hand went across my face. I placed my hand on my cheek as I looked away from him. He pushed me against the wall, his hand against my throat, I could barely breath. I grabbed his hands as I started to beg for my life, he threw me onto the ground. That’s when things went blank, I didn’t know anything until I woke up on the floor. It was ice cold as I pulled myself off the floor, my lip and nose was bleeding. I grabbed a towel as I sneaked around to the bathroom trying to be as quiet as I could be. I looked up at the mirror and couldn’t recognize who I was looking at, this wasn’t me. I cleaned up my lip as well as my nose, the darkness started to set in under my eye. I sat down on the couch as I looked towards the kitchen, it was still a mess. I finally pulled myself off the couch going to clean the kitchen. I also started to make breakfast because I knew he would be awake soon. I put the plate down right when he came downstairs.

“Good Morning” he said.

“Morning, ” I nodded.

He moved closer to me, placing his hand on my chin, raising it up towards him. I still flinched at his touch as I looked up at him. I was pretty good at hiding all the pain and fear. He lightly kissed my lips before he pulled away, taking his seat at the table. I sat down at the table next to him and waited for him to finish. Once he did, I placed the plate in the sink and made my plate as he went back upstairs. I cleaned up the kitchen once again as he left for work, I went upstairs. I got into the shower and got ready for the day, I put makeup so my bruises were hidden. I placed a scarf over my neck so his hand prints were erased. I didn’t have any plans to go out today, but I just wanted to be ready. I checked my phone and I had so many missed text from Ross, my best friend. Ross had no idea that I was in an abusive relationship and I wanted to keep it that way. We had always been friends as long as I could remember so he knew mainly everything about me. I finally responded to a few of his text and of course he wanted to meet up for lunch. I jumped at his offer as I wanted to get out of the house. I grabbed my bag as I left the apartment making my way down to our favorite spot. He was standing outside waiting for me. I could see the smile grow on his face as I walked up to him. I hugged him as he pulled me to him, resting my head against his shoulder.

“It’s been so long” Ross said.

“I know” I sighed slightly.

“Let’s go get something to eat, ” he held the door open.

“Sure, so glad to get out of the house” I said.

He leads me to the table, pulling out my chair for him. I sat down as he sat across from me, I glanced over the menu. We didn’t really need a menu since we knew what we wanted. I’m pretty sure everyone that worked here could of ordering from us, that’s how much we used to come in here. It had been a while but nothing much has changed. I hesitated to eat when our food came to the table, John always made me wait until he finished eating.

“What’s wrong?” Ross asked.

“Nothing, ” I nodded.

“Your food wrong?” he looked at me.

“No, everything is fine” I smiled as I started to eat.

Things went quiet as we started to eat, I knew he would order dessert. We shared the dessert before he got up paying the bill as I walked outside. I shifted the scarf on my neck as it started to get on my nerves.

“Are you ok?” Ross asked as he caught up with me.

“Yeah, ” I nodded.

“Come on, I know you” He grabbed my arm to get me to stop.

“Everything is fine” I looked away.

“Now tell me the truth, ” he placed his thumb under my chin raising it slightly.

“Ross” I sighed as I couldn’t tell him the truth.

“What?” he asked as he looked towards my neck.

“Everything is fine, so where we go now?” I asked.

“Back to your apartment and I’ll wait until this asshole comes back home. I’ll show him what an ass whopping is” Ross said.

“W-What?” I swallowed hard.

“Anyone who puts their hands on a woman the wrong way is a coward” he said.

“I don’t want you involved” I said.

“You are my best friend, I’m not going to stand around and allow this to happen” he crossed his arms.

“I love you Ross” I felt the tears sting my eyes.

He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around me. I placed my arms around his stomach as I finally felt safe, I knew Ross wouldn’t let this go. I finally pulled away from him. He wiped my tears away with his thumb as he kept me close to him. He grabbed my hand as he lead me to his car, allowing me to get in first. He kissed my forehead before closing the door, getting into the driver side. We made it back to my apartment that I shared with John, and Ross came right in with me. We sat on the couch as I leaned against Ross as we waited for John to return. I saw Johns car pull up in the driveway. I swallowed hard as I saw Ross move towards the door as John enter. There wasn’t much talking as Ross just attacked John. I ran upstairs and locked myself into the closet as I hated yelling. I pulled my knees to my chest as my tears slipped from my eyes. I could hear someone come up the stairs as my heart started to race.


“No problem asshole” Ross said as he came looking for me.

I got up from where I was and started putting my clothes in a bag. I heard someone rattling the closet door and I just froze. I could hear Ross on the other end, I unlocked the door and allowed him in. He helped me get most of my clothes in my suitcase, I grabbed a few other things before we left the apartment. I would come back when John wasn’t home to get the rest of my stuff. I couldn’t believe how fast things happened and I was left homeless. I got into Ross car and right when he closed the door, I started to break down. Ross hurried into the car, placing his arm around me, pulling me to his chest.

“I have no where to go” I cried out.

“Shhhh​ you can stay with me, ” he said as he held me close to him.

“I don’t want to make a hassle for you, ” I said.

“You’re not a hassle, ” he started the car to get the heat going.

I rubbed my eyes as I started to calm down. I sat back in my seat as I put my seat belt on as he backed out of the driveway. I laid back in the seat and started to drift off as we were driving. I felt the car stop, but I just didn’t want to wake up, I heard Ross taking things out of the trunk. Once he got my stuff in the house he came back for me. Undoing my seat belt before picking me up trying not to wake me up. He finally got me into the house and laid me onto the couch. Placing a blanket around me before moving my stuff into his guest bedroom. I started to wake up as he was moving my bags.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“Your at my place, you can stay in my guest room” he said.

“Thank you Ross” I sat up running my hand through my hair.

“You dont have to thank me” he leaned over kissing my forehead.

He showed me to my room, leaving me sitting on the bed. I finally got up off the bed and tried to put my things away. I didn’t know how long I had here but I kinda want to make it feel like I was home. Even though I had knew Ross for so long I knew it would be different living with him. Over the next few weeks I settled in at his place and got the rest of my things from the apartment. I was done with John and had no contact with him, I offered to pay rent but Ross didn’t want it. Living together was different but it seemed like it drew us closer together. It was nice to be able to do whatever I wanted to plus he was my best friend. I was sitting on the couch just watching tv, waiting until Ross got back from the store. It was a friday night and it seemed like it was about to storm outside so we had plans to just chill in the house. He finally came back with the groceries, but he also got taken out for dinner. He sat down on the couch handing me my food as he relaxed against the couch.

“What are you watching?” he asked.

“Just fifty shades darker, ” I smiled.

“Oh nice, ” he laughed slightly.

“You don’t like it?” I asked as I looked at him.

“I do like it, but do you want a relationship like that?” he asked.

“No, I just like it in the movies” I looked back at the tv.

“Oh, ” he nodded.

“Do you want a relationship like that?” I asked.

“No, I like our relationship, ” he said.

“Our friendship?” I questioned.

“I want to make our friendship into a relationship, these few weeks have shown me how much you mean to me” he said.

“Ross’ I looked at him.

"I’ve fallen in love with you, ” he said.

“I’ve fallen for you” I bite my lip.

He placed his hand against my neck as his thumb brushing against my chin. He leaned towards me allowing his lips to touch mine slightly. I closed my eyes as I leaned more towards him as we kissed. He placed his other hand on my side as he pulled me closer, my hand resting on his chest. I deepened the kiss slightly as he kept his hand on my neck. He slipped his other hand to my back bringing me to his lap. I straddled him as I placed my hands on his neck keeping the kiss between us. He slighly pulled away as he rested his forehead against mine, my hands resting against his shoulders. I finally opened my eyes and looked at him.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while” he broke the silence.

“have you?” I questioned.

“Yea, I guess you could say I’ve been fallen for you for years” he admitted.

“Why never tell me?” I asked.

“Because you were with John, I thought that was a good relationship for you until I found out he was beating you” he sighed as he started to get angry.

I placed my hand on his cheek as it calmed him down. I brushed my thumb against his lips as I looked at him. He wasnt the only one that was keeping a secret, I’ve always been in love with him. It was easy falling for someone that knows everything about you and that is so easy to be around. He wrapped his arms tighter around me as I gazed into his eyes. I soon pulled away as I snuggled closer to his chest, he soon turned off the movie and carried me upstairs. He laid me on his bed before moving over my body, leaning down slightly kissing me. I smiled against his lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck keeping him close. I pulled against his bottom lip as his hand slipped up my thigh gripping my hip. He moved his lips down to my neck gently sucking against my skin. My finger tips running down his arm as I started to moan. His hands slipped up my sides pushing my shirt up, I lifted up slightly so he can remove it. I laid back against the bed as he slowly moved his lips down my body. His breath against my stomach as he started to undo my pants, lifting my hips so he could strip me off. I bite my lip as I watched him strip himself off, I sat up helping with his pants. Kissing his stomach as he pushed his boxers down. I looked up at him and I could see the smirk on his face as he moved back over me. I leaned up slightly placing my lips against his as he moved himself between my legs. He reached over to the night stand grabbing a condom from the box, opening it sliding it on himself. Rubbing his tip along my slit making me wet. I laid my head back as I wrapped my arms around his neck softly moaning. Gently pushing his tip inside me grabbing my hand as he thrust himself into me. I started to move my hips towards his as he started to pick up the pace. Thrusting deeper and faster into me our moans filled the room. He leaned down to kiss my neck moaning into my ear, his grip against my hand grew stronger. I arched my back still pushing my hips towards his. I could feel myself edge closer to a climax as he continued to thrust faster into me. I climaxed against him as he pushed deeper into me, as he climaxed as well. He pulled himself out slipping the condom off before laying down next to me. I rested my head against his chest as he pulled the covers over us. I found myself drifting off to sleep as he wrapped his arms around me. They always say a rainbow comes out after a storm and Ross was my rainbow. I finally felt safe in his arms, I knew that nothing could hurt me anymore. Ross was the one that saved me, but also he stole my heart many years ago. No matter how many times you feel you always get back up.
