#r5 smut


Type: One Shot | Imagine About Riker
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,379

I started to think that this was a bad idea. I sat and waited at the bar, it seemed like forever. Going on a blind date was the most stressful thing. I guess my friends hated me being single, I didn’t mind, but I was open for a relationship. I sat back in my seat as the waiter once again asked if I wanted anything. I looked around as I saw everyone else having a good time. I bite my lip as I looked down at my phone, I started to think I was being stood up. I saw someone walking towards the table, I looked up as our eyes meet. I felt the smile grow on my face as he made his way to the table.

“Y/N?” he asked.

“Yeah, your Riker?” I asked.

“That’s me, ” he sat down across from me.

“I started to think I am standing up, ” I said.

“I wouldn’t do that to a beautiful girl, ” he smiled slightly.  

“Oh, stop, ” I said as I felt myself starting to blush.

“What’s good here?” he asked as he picked up the menu.

“Everything” I said as I looked down at mine.

We finally ordered our food and drinks. We started talking and asking each other questions. He was so easy to talk to, it was like we were already friends. The drinks started to flow at the time melted off the clock. Our food finally arrived, that was the only time it got quiet between us. I looked down at my phone and could see the night would soon come to an end. Something inside me didn’t want the night to end, I was hoping that we would meet again.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“What?” I looked at him.

“You’re checking your phone, ” he said.

“Just seeing the term” I said.

“Oh, got to be somewhere else?” he asked.

“No, I don’t, ” I smiled.

“Good, ” he said.

“Do you?” I asked.

“No, I don’t but I think they would kick us out soon” he chuckled slightly.

“Yeah, I guess they would” I spoke softly.

“Want to get out of here?” he asked.

“Sure” I grabbed my phone as I got out of my seat.

He paid for the meal as he grabbed his jacket. He leads me out of the restaurant, we walked towards his car. He opened his car door for me allowing me to get in. He shut the door behind me as he made his way to the driver said. I clicked my seatbelt on as he started the car, the heat blowing in my face. He clicked his seatbelt on before pulling off. I didn’t know where we were going, but then I started to see the beach. The car came to a stop, he soon got out coming to open my door. Reaching his hand for me to grab, I grabbed his hand as I got out of the car.

“The beach is closed” I said.

“To everyone else, ” he held my hand.

“We could get into trouble” I said.

“Come on, ” he pulled me behind him.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I followed him.

“To the beach, ” he kept his grip onto my hand.

I knew we were at the beach, but he started pulling me up a hill. I kept following him until we were at the edge of a cliff. The view was amazing, the sun was setting making the water glisten. I looked out trying to take everything in, it was beautiful.  

“Perfect right?” he asked.

“Yes, it is” I smiled as I looked at him.

“I thought you would enjoy it, ” he sat down.

“How do you know about this place?” I asked as I sat down next to him.

“I come up here to think, just to be alone” he said.

“It’s nice, ” I said.

“I know we just meet, but I would love to take you out again, get to know you a little better” he said.

“I would like that” I felt the rush of blood to my cheeks as I started to blush.

We watched the sun set as the stars started to peek through. I have lived in California all of my life, but I never saw the stars. Always busy with the city lights to see the stars, it was breath taken. I stood up and moved close to the edged as I looked up at the stars. I felt him move behind me, placing his arm around my waist.

“Put your hand out, ” he whispered into my ear.

I raised my arm up in front of me, he titled it up as if I was reaching for the stars. I leaned back against him as we watched the stars. At that moment time stood still and it was just us. As the sky turned its darkest it was still beautiful as the stars twinkled.

“This is amazing” I said.

“Yeah, it is, ” he rested his head against my shoulder.

We finally sat down as we watched the stars, his hand on my leg. We started to talk again, learning so much about each other. It was like I was talking to my childhood best friend, things were so easy with Riker. I pulled out my phone to see what time it was. It was passed two am, I didn’t know how it got so late.

“It’s two A.M.” I looked towards Riker.

“Wow, ” he said.

“Maybe we should go” I suggested.

“Yeah, I guess so ” he spoke softly.

He got up from the spot he was sitting and reached his hand down towards me. I grabbed it as I got myself up, he lead me back to his car. I grabbed the handle but he soon stopped me, turning me back towards him. He placed his hand against my cheek brushing his thumb against my skin. I looked up into his eyes as he leaned down towards me. His lips softly touching mine as we start to kiss, I wrap my arm around his neck keeping close to him. I kept the kiss between us as I placed my hand on the back of his neck. I slightly pulled away from the kiss resting my forehead against his. His hands against my hips as he kept my close to him, I rested my hand on his chest.

“To fast?” he asked.

“No, just right” I smiled slightly.

“Good” he smiled as he looked at me.

“So where would you take me to our second date?” I asked.

“It would have to be a surprise” he smirked.

“Oh now I want to know” I looked at him.

“Come on let’s get you home” he said.

He opened the door for me, allowing me to get in. I pulled the seatbelt over me as he closed the door. He got inside the driver side, placing his seatbelt on as well. The car started but I turned the heat off before it had a chance to blow in my face. I rolled the window down as we pulled off. He had on hand on the steering wheel and one on my hand. The wind blowing through my hair as we picked up speed, I could see him smiling as we drove. The city was quiet as the night had fallen, it was the only time it was quiet. I gave him directions on how to get to my apartment, we soon pulled up to the drive way.

“Here?” he asked as he turned his car off.

“Yea here” I nodded.

“Alright” he unbuckled his seatbelt.

He came around to my side of the car opening the door. I could feel the tiredness starting to kick in, after all it was close to 3 in the morning. I got out of the car with his help, I closed the door behind me. He gently pulled me to him as I placed my hand on his chest once more.

“It was nice meeting you” I said.

“You too” he leaned towards me.

“I’ll wait for that phone call” I said.

He placed his lips against mine once again, softly kissing me. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands against my hips as he kept the kiss between us.

I rested my hand on his chest as I broke the kiss. I looked up at him as the smile grew on my face, I saw him smile as well. He kept his hands on my hips as we looked at each other. I finally pulled away from his grip, moving towards my door.

“Ill see you later” I said.

“Bye” he got into his car.

I finally opened the door to my apartment as I saw him pull away. Over the next few weeks I saw him about every other day. We just got along, like something was pulling us together. Somehow we would always end up on the clift watching the sun set, the stars peeking through.

“Its always so breathtaking” I said as I looked at the stars.

“Yea and peaceful” he said.

“That too” I turned looking at him.

“Just us and the stars” he smiled.

“I could get used to this” I leaned down kissing him softly.

“Same” he placed his hand on my cheek.

I looked into his eyes and I could tell that I was falling in love with him. My walls were down and in some strange way I felt safe with him. I moved closer to him as I kissed him softly again. He placed his hand on my back pulling me closer to his chest. Keeping the kiss between us as I rested my hand on his chest. I rested my forehead against his as I pulled away slightly.

“You planning on coming back to my place?” I asked.

“If you would have me” he brushed the hair from my face.

“Of course” I smiled as our eyes meet.

“Good” he pulled me towards him.

I slightly pulled away as I looked at my phone, seeing what time it was. It was almost midnight and I knew we needed to head back. I grabbed his hand as I stood up, he soon got up as well. We made our way back to the car, of course he opened my door. I smiled as I got in and he shut the door, getting on the drivers side. The car soon was moving past the city lights, as we made our way back to my apartment. He parked in my driveway as we both got out. He had his arm around my waist as I shuffled things in my purse. I finally grabbed my keys and opened the door, allowing him to enter before shutting the door. I switched the lock on before pulling him closer to me. He pushed me against the wall as he placed his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I placed my lips against his. The kiss started softly but started to get more intense as our connections grew. His hands sliding up my sides with my shirt with it. I lifted my arms up as he removed my shirt, as I rested my hand on his chest once again.

“Are you sure?” He whispered against my lips.

I nodded my head as I kissed him, his hands against my hips. Undoing my pants as I raise his shirt up and over his head. He finally got my pants unbuckled and they fell to the floor just leaving me in my panties. I slightly pulled away as I grabbed his hands. I pulled him upstairs and into my room so we could be more comfortable. I laid back on the bed as he started to undo his pants. I pulled a condom out of my nightstand as he dropped his pants. His hard cock popped free as I watched, I bite my lip as I wanted him. He moved over my body, kissing my lips softly. Moving them slightly down to my neck, sucking gently on my skin. I couldn’t hold my moans back as he continues to suck against my neck. He ran his hands down my sides, gripping my panties in his hand. I slightly lifted my hips as he pulled them down, leaving us both naked. He pushed my legs apart with his knees as he rested between them. Placing his hands on both sides of my head as he leaned down to kiss me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He grabbed the condom from the nightstand, quickly putting it on before getting back between my legs. He rubbed his tip along my slit, nudging my clit before lining himself at my entrance. He started to push his hips towards mine as he started to slide himself into me. His thrust was slow at first and started to pick up as my moans did. The room filled with moans as our bodies moved as one, I held onto his arm as he thrust. I felt myself edge closer to a climax as he continued to thrust, within a few more movements I came against him. He jerked forward as he felt I tighten around him and climaxed as well. I laid back trying to catch my breath as he lay beside me.

“Wow, ” I finally broke the silence.

“You are amazing, ” he smiled.

I rolled over to face him as I snuggled close to him. He pulled the blankets around us before wrapping his arms around me. We ended up falling asleep in each others arms. We continued to get to know each other within the coming months. I could tell he was falling in love as I was falling in love. I never thought I would find love with a blind date. After 6 months of dating we finally moved in together. I know things seem like they moved fast with us but somehow it just felt right. Our blind date turning into true love and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Type: One Shot | Imagine About ANY of the R5 Boys
Warning: Rated R For Sexual Content 
Word Count: 2,868

Standing at the door not sure if I wanted to enter, this would start the rest of my life. I could feel my stomach turning in knots as I looked at the door. My palms were sweaty and my heart was racing. I pulled my jacket down, making sure it was buttoned right. I grabbed the handle of  the door and opened it. I was greeted by the boss of course, he showed me around the office. Taking me to my place that I would work from. I took my seat and started to settle in my little office. I opened the laptop and started doing some research for my first article. I put my blinders on and got lost in my work as I always did. I was the one that wanted to get my work done as soon as possible, I hated waiting to the last minute. Before I knew it the work day ended, but yet I was still in my office working.

“Excuse me?”  I heard someone say.

“Yeah?” I responded as I still focused on my work.

“You know it’s late right?” he asked.

“What?” I finally pulled my eyes from the screen.

“The work day is over with, ” he smiled slightly.

“Oh, I lose track of time really easy” I nodded.

“I see that, but you are a good worker, ” he said.

“Thank you, ” I looked up at him.

“No problem, but let’s get out of here, ” he suggested.

“Yeah, I guess I should” I nodded as I turned the laptop off.

I collected my things before getting up from the chair. My legs were sore and weak as I sat for so long, I stood still for a second. The feeling came rushing back into my legs. Once I knew I was stable I started to walk out of my office.

“Want to maybe get something to eat?” He asked.

“I’m not sure co-works are supposed to do that, ” I looked back at him.

“I’m your boss so its ok” he smiled.

“Oh ok” I started to walk away.

We finally got to the parking deck and I went straight to my car. I did follow him to the bar, but I wanted my own way out if things went wrong. I parked my car a few cars away from him as I saw him get out of the car. I finally got out of the car and walked with him to the bar. We got our seats and I flipped through the menu, I should have been nervous but somehow I wasn’t. I knew he was my boss, but I guess a dinner wouldn’t hurt anything.

“So what makes you want to be a writer?” he finally broke the silence.

“Because I love expressing my opinion” I nodded.

“Well, I can’t wait to read your first piece, ” he said.

“I’m sure you will like it, ” I said with a confidence of my work.

“Let’s talk about something else besides work, ” he suggested.

“Like what?” I asked.

“About you, ” he said.

“Those are the secrets” I smiled.

“Oh, so you can’t tell me?” He looked up at me.

“No, I couldn't” I played in his game.

“I’m sure I could get something out of you, ” he said.

“We shall see about that, ” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

He was very easy on the eyes, beautiful eyes. Everything about him was perfect, or was it just me who thought he was perfect? I didn’t think anything would happen between us, he was my boss. I didn’t want to mess up my career so I knew nothing could happen, but I started to want something to happen. We finally ordered our food and got a few drinks, things started to flow easier. He was someone very easy to talk to and we clicked very well.

“Don’t get drunk tonight” he said.

“I wont, just something to take the edge off” I said.

“I thought you had a good day?” he asked confused.

“I did but my nerves have been going crazy” I said.

“Oh yea, new job” he nodded.

Our food arrived at the table so the conversation died down for a few. Once we finished there were a few more drinks. I got up from the table and grabbed his hand. Leading him to the dance floor, it was a nice song on and we danced to the beat. I was grinding against him as he his hands were on my hips. The music started to slow down, he turned me to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we swayed to the music. I rested my head down on his shoulder as he pulled me closer to him. His hand rested on my back as our bodies moved as one to the music. I lifted my head up slightly and looked at him in his eyes, leaning towards him slowly. Placing my lips against his as I kissed him softly, his hand on the back of my neck as he kissed me back. I slightly pulled away as I started to realize what I was doing.

“I’m sorry” I pulled away from him going back to the table.

“Don’t be” he followed me, resting his hand on my back.

“That shouldn’t of happen, I should go” I grabbed my purse and left the bar.

He ran behind me catching me before I reached  my car. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, placing his hand onto my cheek. Leaning down kissing me softly as I placed my hand on his chest. I kept the kiss between us as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I soon pulled away as I looked up at him. This couldn’t be happening, this was my boss and we couldn’t be together.

“I should go” I said.

“You are drunk, let me drive” he said.

“You had drinks too” I looked at him.

“Lets get a taxi and come back in the morning” he said.

“Yea sound good” I nodded.

He finally got a taxi and we were on our way to his place. At the time I didn’t realize that we were going back to his place. He helped me out of the taxi and opened the door to his house. It was big and beautiful and I was at a lost for words.

“Wow” I said as I dropped my purse.

“Thank you, I think” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“You live here? Alone?” I looked at him.

“Yes” He nodded.

I started to walk around the house, just showing myself around. He wasn’t too far behind me as we walked all around the house. I finally found my way to his bed room. I walked towards the bed and sat down as I saw him at the doorway. He started to walk towards me, leaning down kissing me again. I smiled against his lips as I kissed him back, I was lost in the moment. I soon pulled away from him and rushed to the bathroom. I hit the floor as I started to throw up, he came in after me. He held my hair away from my face as I threw up. I finally sat back trying to catch my breath, my stomach was hurting. He picked me up from the floor and laid me down on the bed. Rushing downstairs to get a warm wash cloth. He finally came upstairs and placed it on my forehead as he pulled the blankets over me . I started to drift off to sleep. In the morning I woke up and sat up in the bed wondering where I was. I looked at the side table and saw some pills and water. I took the two aspirins and drunk some of the water, I could tell my clothes had been changed. I was in an oversize shirt and just in my panties. I moved my feet off the bed as they dangled off the bed, I finally pulled myself off the bed. I made my way to the top of the stairs and I saw him in the kitchen. I walked downstairs as I made my way to the kitchen, I could feel myself start to get angry. Did he really take advance of me while I was in that state?

“Was that your plan?” I asked as I crossed my arms.

“Well good morning to you too” he looked back at me.

“Answer my question” I demanded.

“What? Did we have sex?” he asked.

“Did you take advantage of me?” I asked.

“No I didn’t, I chanced your clothes because you were covered in puke” he finished cooking.

“So nothing happen?” I asked.

“No, so calm that pretty ass down and eat” he said.

I sat down at the table not able to remember last night but in some weird way I trusted him. He placed the plate of food in front of me and I started to eat. He poured me a class of orange juice before sitting down next to me. He started to eat as well, once I finished he took my plate and placed it in the sink.

“How did I get here?” I asked.

“Taxi, ill take you later to get your car” he said.

“Thank you” I looked at him.

“You shouldn’t drink, it could get you in a lot of trouble” he said.

“Yea I know, I don’t do it often” I nodded.

“Good” he nodded.

“Im sorry if I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable” I looked at him.

“You didn't” he smiled slightly.

“What did we do?” I asked.

He didn’t say anything, he moved towards me and softly kissed me. I was taken back at first but started to kiss him back. I ran my hand along the back of his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He pulled away and just smiled as he looked at me.

“That” he finally spoke.

“And you are ok with that?” I asked.

“Yes I am” he smiled.

Later on that day he drove me to the bar to get my car. I got into my car and went straight to my apartment. Where I found my roommate looking through my things. I stood at the door and watched before she finally caught on that I was home.

“Where have you been?” she asked.

“Just somewhere” I smiled.

“You had me worried” she said.

“Im sorry but I can take care of myself, thank you for worrying” I nodded.

“You are my best friend” she hugged me.

“I know that, and im sorry” I said as I hugged her.

“So how did the new job go?” she asked.

“Its going good” I smiled.

“That’s good” she nodded.

I finally got into my room and placed my bag down. I could still feel his kiss along my lips, I bite my lip as I remembered. I soon got up and made my way to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and turned the shower on. I removed my shirt from my body allowing it to fall on the floor. I slipped my pants down kicking them off as I moved towards the shower. I got in and allowed the warm water run down my body, I closed my eyes as I saw his face. I couldn’t seem to shake these memories so I started to believe they were meant to be there. Over the coming weeks things were going well at the office. We kept our relations a secret for the most part and only did things behind closed doors. I finally finished an article and got up to get it from the printer. I collected my papers and started to make my way to his office. I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. Once he did I opened the door and allowed myself into his office.

“ Can you check out my article?” I asked.

“Yea sure, just put it over here” he took the papers and put them in a folder.

“Thank you” I smiled.

“Come here” he pulled me towards him.

“What?” I wrap my arms around his neck.

‘”Do we have plans later on?” he asked as he brushes his thumb under my shirt.

“If you want to” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“I always want to” he smirked.

“I know you do” I leaned towards him allowing my lips to touch his.

I softly kissed me as his grip started to get stronger. I placed my hand on his cheek as I kept the kiss between us. He slightly pulled away moving down towards my neck. Softly kissing my skin before sucking gently, moving slowly down to my collar bone. I moved my head back as I started to moan. His hands slipping up under my shirt, the higher he went the higher my shirt went. I lifted my arms up as he removed my shirt, placing his lips back against my skin. His hands running along my skin towards my back undoing my bra. I pushed the straps off my shoulders allowing it to foll from me. He picked me up placing me on his desk, moving between my legs. His lips against my collar bone as he his hands start to undo my jeans. I ran my hands down his body gripping his shirt as I pushed it up. He grabbed is shirt removing it before placing his lips back against my neck. I lifted my hips as he pulled down my jeans and panties leaving me naked on his desk. He slightly pulled away from me looking at me. He moved towards the door and made sure it was locked before dropping his pants. Allowing his hard throbbing cock to pop free. He moved back towards me moving between my legs, his lips against my neck.

“Ready for me?” he asked as he nibbled against my neck.

“More then ever” I bite my lip.

His hands rested against my neck as he laid me down against his desk. Pulling me legs towards him as his tip rubbed against my clit. He pushed down slightly lining up at my entrance. Pushing his hips towards mine as he slipped inside of me. I arched my back as I felt him fill me up with his hard cock. He started to roll his hips towards mine as he thrust into me, fully and deep inside me. I reached for his hand pulling him down towards me. Placing my lips against his as I intertwined our fingers together. I started to moan as his lips traveled down my neck, sucking against my collar bone once again. His hand holding my sides as he starts to thrust harder into me, his moan were against my skin. I placed my hands against his chest as his thrusted into me hitting all my spots. I could feel myself edging closer to a climax, I arched my back as he started to go harder. I couldn’t hold back as I came against his hard cock I screamed in pleasure. I didn’t know we needed to be quiet, he placed his hand over my mouth.

“Shh” he said.

He started to thrust harder into me as I could feel him close. He soon pulled out rubbing himself, cumming on my stomach. I laid back breathless as he sat down in his chair. Once he caught his breath he got up and cleaned up my belly with some wipes. Helping me up from his desk. I started to get dressed as we heard someone knocking on the door. He pushed me under the desk as he buttoned his shirt. He opened the door and it was someone wondering about their article. He sent them away from the door and I finally got up from under the desk. He pulled me to him kissing me softly, holding me close to him.

“Ill see you later” he smiled.

“Yea” I nodded.

I left the office and went back to my office. I started on another article as I got lost into my work once again. I could see people looking at me but I tried not to pay attention to them. Our love story was a secret and no one need ed to know. It was our office secret and it was a dirty, hot one. It wasn’t very often we actually had sex at the office but he wanted to keep us a secret which I was fine with.

Type: One Shot | Imagine About Rocky
Rating: Rated R for Sexual content
Word Count: 2,707

The sun had started to set as the stars started to peek through. The sky started turning a dark gray before turning picked black. The cool air started to sit in as he wrapped a blanket around me. I leaned towards him, resting my head against his shoulder as we watched the stars. I took a sip from my glass as he wrapped his arm around me. I smiled slightly as I looked up at him thinking how lucky I was to have him. I couldn’t believe we were celebrating our 8 year anniversary. It seemed like I just met him yesterday, guess its true time flies when you’re around good people.

“Enjoying the night?” he asked.

“Yes, ” I smiled slightly.

“Good, that’s what I want to hear, ” he kissed my forehead.

“Thank you for the night, it has been one of the best nights of my life” I looked up towards him.

“What was the best night?” he chuckled slightly.

“The night I meet you, ” I spoke softly.

“That was a good night, ” he nodded.

“Yeah, it was, who knew we would be together this long” I asked.

“Well, now it’s forever, ” he said as he nodded towards my ring.

“Yeah forever” I smiled.

“I put that on your finger a few months ago, pick a date yet?” he asked.

“It’s a lot to do” I sighed.

“And I’m here to help, ” he said.

“I know, when do you think is a good day?” I asked.

“July 21, the day I fell in love with you” he smiled.

“July 21” I smiled.

I didn’t have a dream wedding, nor did I know how to plan one. I wanted his input into it because I wanted it to be his wedding as well. I got up from the balcony and reached for his hand. He grabbed my hand as he got up, we went back into the warmth of the house. It was September so the weather was changing, it was getting chilly. I loved the fall, but I also loved summer, I could never choose. I knew we 8 months to plan this wedding, send out the invitations and get things done. I pulled him closer to me keeping my hands on his sides as I looked at him. He smiled slightly as he pulled me closer to him, resting my head against his shoulder. His hands wrapped around my hips as I moved my hands to his neck. He leaned down to kiss me softly as he slipped his hands from my hips to my ass. Gently squeezing it as he picked me up placing me down on the bed.

“So a summer wedding” I bite my lip.

“Yeah, but enough about that, ” he leaned me back against the bed.

He moved over top of me, placing his lips against mine, slowly moving them down to my neck. Softly sucking against my skin as his hands rested on my sides. He moved his hands up my body gripping my shirt as he raised his hands. Pulling my shirt off, allowing it to fall on the floor as he moved his hands behind my back undoing my bra. I ran my hands down his chest, pulling his shirt off as I traveled my hands back up his chest. Leaving kisses down my body, sliding his tongue around my nipple. I let out a soft moan as he wrapped his lips around my nipple sucking gently. Using his free hand to play with the other one as he moved between the two. Kissing down my belly, moving to my hips as he pulled my shirt off. I lifted my hips, allowing him to free me from everything. I lay back naked on the bed as he stood up just watching over me. He bites his lip as he dropped his pants, allowing him to be free. I smiled as I watched him move back over top of me, his lips pressed against my neck.

“Rocky” I softly moan.

He moved his lips against my ear as he moved his hips. Allowing his tip to move up and down my slit, rubbing against my clit. I arched my back slightly as he moved my hands above my head.

“You know the rules, ” he smirked as he pushed himself into me.

I let out a moan, as he started to move inside me. His thrust was slow but intense as he started to moan. I started either my hips towards his as he thrust started to get harder and quicker. My moans started to get louder as I was getting close to coming. He pushed himself owner hitting all my spots. I bucked my hips towards his as I came against him, he slowed his movement down, allowing me to enjoy my climax. He rested his arms on either side of my head as he started to thrust into me. Moving slowly as I was still shaking, moving faster and deeper as I began to moan. He started to pick up speed as my moaning as I was close once more. He thrust hard and deep as we both climaxed together. I screamed his name as I laid my head back trying to catch my breath. He pulled out as he laid next to me trying to catch his breath.the morning" he panted.

“Yeah, wow” I breathed in.

“Always amazing with you, ” he smiled.

“You are amazing” I turned to face him.

I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. Pulling the blanket over us as I started to be done off to sleep. Soon he was sound asleep as well. I saw the sun peek through the window as morning had arrived and it was time to start the day. I rolled over as I heard my phone go off, I pulled myself out of bed to grab my phone. Of course it was just my boss wondering where I was, I hated being a personal assistant. It was do this or go here all the time and being on call all the time was beyond annoying. I looked back towards the bed as I saw Rocky fast asleep. I walked back towards the bed and kissed his forehead as he started to wake up.

“Morning, ” I spoke softly

“Morning” his voice was raspy.

“Did I wake you?” I asked.

“No, ” he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

“Good, ” I smiled as I sat back on the bed.

“Why are you up?” he asked.

“Forgot to close the blinds on the balcony door” I slightly laughed.

“Oh yeah, sorry, ” he said.

“Plus my boss wanted to know where I was” I sighed.

“Early morning I suppose, ” he said.

“Yeah, I’m going to head off” I leaned down and kissed him softly.

“Naked?” he asked.

“Oops” I laughed as I got up.

I went into the closet and got ready for the day as he pulled himself out of bed. He walked up behind me, placing his arms around me resting his head against my shoulder. I slightly leaned back against him as he tightened his grip around my waist. I lost track of time as we stayed in the closet just resting in each other arms. I finally snapped out of it when my phone started to ring once again. I sighed as I pulled away from his grip moving back to my phone. Once again, it was my boss wondering where I was, I finished getting ready. I softly kissed him before leaving the house to get the day started. I had to run to Starbucks to get coffee and I took the time to get me one as well. I finally made it to the office and of course I got lectured for being late. I just bite my tongue and took what she was saying before going to my desk. I knew this was my final day before I got to take a two week vacation. I finally finished the day and as I was on my way back to the apartment I got dinner before making my way back. We sat on the couch eating take out as we watched tv.

“How was your day?” he asked.

“Long” I sighed.

“But two weeks off” he smiled.

“Yea two weeks off” I looked at him.

“I love the sound of that, ” he leaned in kissing me softly.

“I’m sure you do, ” I smiled.

While I had the time off we were going to look at houses and where we were going to have the wedding. The next day we had house walk through and I was beyond excited. The first three were not what we were looking for but the fourth one was beautiful. Full kitten with a dinning room, living room as well a den. There was so many rooms and it was what we were looking for. I walked around the house just checking everything out, the master bedroom was bigger than our apartment we had now.

“Wow, ” I said.

“Love it?” he asked.

“It’s perfect, ” I looked back towards him.

“Yeah, it is, ” he nodded.

“Can we afford this?” I asked.

“I can’t say no to that smile, welcome home babe” he smiled.

“Your joking” I looked at him.

“No, I knew this was the one you would want so I got it for us” he said.

“Babe” I hugged him close to me as the tears slipped from my eyes.

“I wanted to make you happy, ” he kissed my cheek.

“I love it, I love you” I placed my hand on his cheek as I kissed him.

“I love you baby” he smiled.

I couldn’t believe that he actually bought the house. The house of our dreams, it was ours to do whatever we wanted. I wasn’t excited to be moving, but I couldn’t wait to decorate the new house. We hired movers and it was easier, but we had to set everything up. It nearly took a week to get us fully moved in. The next thing that was on our list was to start planning the wedding. I knew that would be a struggle, but I couldn’t wait to say I do to him.

“Babe?” I asked.

“Yes?” he walked into the kitchen.

“You said you would help now come on, ” I said.

“Sure, ” he sat down next to me.

“What colors?” I asked.

“Sky blue and white? Or is that crazy?” he said.

“Now that’s perfect actually” I smiled.

“Is it?” he asked surprised.

“Yeah, black suits with sky blue ties, my bridesmaids can have sky blue dresses” I nodded.

“Oh ok, so who’s the wedding party?” he asked.

“I know my bridesmaids do you know your groomsmen?” I asked.

“Trying to figure it out, ” he nodded.

“We need to make a guest list as well, ” I said as I went though my notebook.

We stayed up late working on the things for the wedding. The next day we were going up in the country to see Venus. We knew we wanted an outdoor wedding, but with a country feel. It was a long drive to get to denver but that’s where we wanted to do the wedding. We checked out a few wedding venues but nothing really fit what was were looking for. There was one last place we could check before we made the drive back home.

“This has to be perfect” I said as I got out of the car.

“nothing less” he said as he got out of the car.

We walked up to the venue, the inside was beautiful but we wanted to see where the ceremony would take place. The women showed us all around and there was something about this that made me fall in love. Rocky knew by how I was looking around that this was the one. The place we would share our vows plus where we would party after.

“How much?” he asked.

“Around 1500” she nodded.

“Sign us up for December 15” he nodded.

“Wait, what?” I looked at him.

“This would be perfect in the snow, you love it” he said.

“I didn’t even think about that, ” I said.

“We will take it, ” he nodded.

He went with her to sign the paper as I walked around. He was right, it would look beautiful with a light dusting of snow, I was starting to think of a winter wedding. I knew it would come up faster than what we thought, but it would be perfect. He snuck up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, leaning his head against my shoulder.

“This is perfect” I smiled.

“May I have this dance?” he asked as he turned me around.

I smiled as I grabbed his hand, pulling me closer to him. I rested my arms around his neck as I rested my head on his chest. He swayed us around the dance floor, the dance floor, we would have our first dance at. I couldn’t believe that everything was coming together in our lives. Finding someone to spend forever with is hard, but its not impossible. We got back into the car, it was getting to late so we stopped at a hotel. We checked in around 7pm and I knew we wouldn’t stay no longer then 12pm the next day. We ordered room service as we got cozy in our hotel room. He turned on the fireplace as I pulled pillows and blankets in front of it. We ate by the fire place just relaxing. I laid my head down on his shoulder as we watched the fire. The crackling of the wood was relaxing as I started to think about the wedding. I felt myself start to doze off in his arms as the fire was warm. He picked me up laying me on the bed covering me up before putting the fire out. He crawled into bed with me as he started to fall asleep, of course we over slept the next morning. It was nearly 11am before we got up, we checked out and went to breakfast before making the trip back. Unfortunately I knew I had to go back to work the next day, I didn’t want this vacation to end.

“Home sweet home” he smiled.

“Yea” I followed him.

“Just want to lay around?” he asked.

“I feel sick” I sighed.

“Whats wrong” he pulled me to him.

“Sick to my stomach” I pulled away running to the bathroom.

Once I hit the floor I threw up, It was weird because normally I wouldn’t get sick. It was very rare that I got sick but really rare that I was throwing up. He made his way up to the bathroom sitting beside me. Rubbing my back and holding my hair as I threw up again. I leaned back against him as I tried to catch my breath.

“What made you sick?” he asked.

“I don’t know, ” I sighed.

“Could you be?” he started to ask.

“What? Pregnant?” I looked at him.

“Yeah, ” he nodded.

I pulled out my phone to look at my calendar and I realized I was two weeks late. I slowly nodded my head as I reached under the sink grabbing a test. I pushed him out of the bathroom as I took the test. The results came up fast and they were positive. I came out to where he was at and showed him the test. He pulled me to him as I started to cry, this wasn’t in our plans. He rubbed my back calming me down as we sat down on the bed. He reassured me that everything would be ok. We had the house with enough room and I knew he was the one I wanted to spend my life with. I would have had to quit my job, but that I wouldn’t mind. I was at a lost for words and started to wonder what we were going to do. We were planning on keeping the baby but were we ready?

Type: One Shot | Imagine about Riker
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,300+

I must admit it was a tough week with all of the holiday stuff. This holiday season was a lot different than what it normally was. I couldn’t fly back home to be with my family but I did have a few friends over. Still, it wasn’t the same but I knew it was for the best. I sat in front of my mirror and started doing my makeup. We were having a gathering of just a few people for New Year’s eve. I did a simple wing eyeliner and a cute lip color. I started on my hair which I didn’t do much to, just threw it into a bun. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my keys and phone before heading out the door. I finally pulled up to my friend’s house and went inside.

“Hey girl” she smiled as she saw me walk through the door.

“Hey,” I said as I slipped my shoes off at the door.

“A few more people are coming but nothing too crazy,” she said as I made my way into the kitchen.

“Do we need to wear masks?” I questioned.

“It’s just like two other people, I think we will be fine,” she said.

“Who?” I looked at her.

“Riker and his friend John,” she said.

“I haven’t seen Riker in forever,” I said.

“I know, he’s been off the map for a while,” she said.

“Yeah,” I said as I poured myself a drink.

“It should be fun,” she said.

“You know how I felt about him” I looked at her.

“I know and it’s about time you tell him” she nodded as they walked in.

I looked towards the door as they walked in. I slightly bit my lip and held my breath as I saw him. He still looked sexy and all those feelings came rushing back. His face lit up as he saw me, his smile grew on his face.

“Hey, I haven’t seen you in forever,” he said as he came to me.

“I know,” I said as I leaned in and hugged him.

“How have you been?” he asked as he hugged me close to him.

“Living,” I said.

“That’s all we can all do with this crazy pandemic,” he said.

“I know” I rolled my eyes playfully.

He grabbed himself a drink and sat down at the kitchen table. I sat next to him as we started talking, it seemed like we were never apart. For most of the party, we were all in our little groups talking. I was still sitting with Riker as it started edging closer to midnight.

“So does everyone know who they are kissing at midnight?” Sarah said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because new Year’s eve kiss” she smiled slightly.

“Do we have to?” I looked at her.

“You have always wanted to kiss Riker so why not now?” she said.

“Sarah,” I said as I started to blush.

“Wait what?” Riker said.

“Please ignore what she said,” I said.

“No, what did she mean?” he asked as he grabbed my hand.

“I’ve always liked you” I looked at him.

“Really?” he asked as he smiled into his cup as he took a sip.

“Yeah,” I said as I looked away.

I got up from the table and got some water in my cup. I was done drinking since I knew I would have to drive back to my apartment. I made my way into the living room where they had the tv going. He followed me from the kitchen placing his hand against the lower part of my back.

“Be my midnight kiss” he whispered in my ear.

“What?” I looked at him.

“You heard me” he smirked as he looked at me.

I smiled slightly and turned my attention back to the tv. He placed his arm around my waist, leaning his head against my shoulder. I leaned back against him slightly as we watched the program.

“Are we ready?” Sarah asked as she started handing everyone a glass.

“Yeah” I smiled slightly as I grabbed my glass.

“See I didn’t mess anything up” she smirked at me as she handed Riker a glass.

“Uh-huh,” I rolled my eyes playfully.

They started counting down, Riker turned me to face him. Taking a few sips of our drinks. I looked up at him and for a second everything was quiet, we were the only two in the room. I took a deep breath in as I came back to reality.

“3 2 1 Happy new year,” he said.

“happy new year,” I said as I looked at him.

He placed his hand against my cheek and leaned in. kissing me softly I gently smiled against his lips before kissing him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. I kept the kiss between us as he placed his hands against my hips. Playing with the bottom of my shirt as the kiss started to get more intense. I pulled on his bottom lip as I slowly pulled away, opening our eyes. I smiled as I looked at him, he rested his forehead against mine. Placing his hand against my chin brushing his thumb against my cheek.

“How could I never know?” he whispered.

“I kept it a good secret,” I said.

“You sure did” he leaned back in kissing me softly.

“Ok, you two we get it,” Sarah said as she rolled her eyes.

“You knew and I didn’t so it’s fair I take full advantage” he smirked as he kept his arm around me.

“Plus this is what I’ve always wanted so I’m enjoying it” I smiled as I rested my head against his shoulder. 

I knew I wanted to leave and I was hoping that Riker would come with me. I slightly pulled away from him looking around the room to see where I placed my stuff. I finally found my bag as well as my shoes. As I slipped my shoes on Riker came up to me. 

“Where are you going?” he asked. 

“I’m ready to go home,” I admitted. 

“Can I come?” He questioned. 

“Sure” I smiled slightly. 

“Let me grab my jacket and then I’m all yours” he smiled as he made his way into the kitchen. 

I watched him as he put his jacket on. He returned to where I was standing and grabbed my hand. We said our goodbyes to everyone and we made our way out of the apartment. I followed him to his car, I knew I could pick mine up in the morning. He opened the door for me making sure I was in before shutting it. I placed my seat belt on as he got into the car. Switching the car on making sure the heat was on before taking my hand. We pulled off and we went to my apartment. I was surprised that he still remembered where I lived, he pulled into my driveway. We got out of the car and I made my way up the stairs. I unlocked the door as he grabbed my hips, following me inside. 

“You can take your shoes off here. Do you want some water or something to eat?” I asked. 

“No” he slipped his shoes off and pulled me to him. “Just you” he leaned down kissing me softly. 

I smiled against his lips before kissing him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. He slid his hands down my sides, gently gripping my hips. Keeping me close as the kiss turned more passionate. He slipped his hands further down grabbing my ass. Picking me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed me to the wall and moved his lips down to my neck. I placed my hand on the back of his neck, gripping his hair as I let out a moan. He sucked gently against my collarbone, driving me insane as I wanted more. 

“Where is your bedroom?” he spoke quietly. 

“Upstairs,” I said. 

He gripped my ass making sure I was secure in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he went upstairs. He walked into my bedroom and laid me down on the bed. Moving over top of me as he placed his lips against mine. I ran my hands down his chest, gripping his shirt as I slowly start moving it up. He grabs the back of his shirts and pulled them off, tossing them onto the floor. He slipped my shirt off tossing it onto the floor as well. Moving his hands around my sides to my back, unsnapping my bra swiftly taking it from my shoulders. Moving his lips against my neck, sucking gently. I ran my hand along his spine as I let out a few moans. He slowly kissed down between my breast. Cupping my boobs in his hand, using his tongue around my nipple. Gently sucking on them, moving between both. Slowly kissing down my stomach to the top of my pants. He unbuckled my jeans and slowly pulled them down as I lifted my hips. He also slipped off my panties, moving between my legs. Slowly kissing up my legs, gripping my hips with his hands. Sucking gently against my inner thigh, moving towards my vagina. Parting my lips with his tongue, sucking gently on my clit. I arched my back placing my hand on the back of his head. He started kissing his way back up my body. Finally making it back up to my lips, kissing me softly. I undid his pants as I looked at him. He moved off the bed removing his pants before moving back over the top of me. Slipping on a condom before sliding his hard dick along my wet pussy. He slipped himself into me as he sucked against my neck. I ran my hands down his back as I moved my hips towards his. Our bodies moved as one as the room filled with moans. I moaned into his ear before sucking against his neck. His thrust was deeper and fast, I start getting close to a climax. I came against him as I dug my nails into his back, moaning his name. As he felt me tighten around him, he wasn’t too far away from climaxing. He thrust a few more times as he came, leaning down kissing me softly. He slipped himself out of me and excused himself to the bathroom. I laid back trying to catch my breath as he returned, laying beside me. 

“Wow,” he said as he laid on his side facing me. 

“Yeah wow,” I said as I looked at him. 

“I’m sorry that I never realized before” he brushed the hair from my face. 

“Don’t be sorry, I just hid it very well,” I said. 

“I’ve always had a thing for you, I should have said something” he leaned in and kissed me softly. 

“You did?” I questioned. 

“Yes I did, I honestly don’t why I never said anything” he placed his hand against my neck. 

“Well, now we are together so that’s all that matters,” I said. 

“True,” he said as he looked at me. 

I snuggled close to his chest as he wrapped the blankets around us. He started drawing little patterns on my shoulders as I started to drift off to sleep. Before we knew it we were both asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning the sun started peeking through the window. I groaned as I didn’t want to wake up, I stretched and realized that I was in bed alone. I sat up rubbing my eyes as I looked around the room, it was like last night never happened. I got out of bed and placed my oversize shirt and panties on. Slipped my slippers on before heading downstairs. 

“You’re awake,” someone said from the kitchen. 

“Riker?” I questioned as I made my way to the kitchen.

“Who else?” he said as he pulled me to him. 

“You weren’t upstairs, I thought you left” I placed my hand against his chest.

“Just wanted to make breakfast” he titled my chin up as he leaned down kissing me softly. 

“This all seems like a dream” I smiled against his lips. 

“It’s not” he turned his attention back to cooking. 

I sat down at the table and turned on my laptop. I started getting alerts on my phone stating that we were going in full lock down. I turned my attention to my laptop to see if I could find any more information about it. Riker also got alerts on his phone, he went into the living room and turned the tv on. It was all over the news, we are under quarantine and had to stay in lock down. 

“Looks like we are stuck with each other” Riker said. 

“Seems that way,” I said as I watched the tv.

“We will be alright” he spanked my ass before going back into the kitchen. 

“Guess we have plenty of time to get to know each other,” I said as I walked back into the kitchen. 

“Yeah I guess so” he pulled me towards him, picking me up and placing me on the counter. 

“I have no issues with that” I smiled as I pulled him closer to me. 

“I should get some clothes from my place,” he said. 

“Yea you should,” I said. 

He pulled away from me and finished making breakfast. He helped me down from the counter and we sat down to eat breakfast. Once we finished eating I cleaned up as he left to go get some of his things. He soon returned with his things. I guess we would find out if we like each other since we couldn’t go anywhere. We were stuck in the house together.

Type: One Shot | Imagine about Rocky
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,314

I sighed as I sat back at my desk. Bringing the cup of warm coffee up to my lips. I took a small sip as I saw one of my co-worker walk past my desk. I bite my lip as I watched him walk by. He soon stopped at my door, leaning against the frame. I looked up from him as I placed my cup down on the desk. I didn’t know what he wanted nor why he was just standing at my door. I looked up at him as he moved to my desk, laying the papers on my desk. I smiled slightly as he left my office. I started to go through the papers when a small slip of paper fell out. I leaned over to pick it off the floor bringing it back to my desk. I unfolded it seeing his number with the words text me under it. I rolled my eyes as I pushed it to the side trying to get back to work. I finally pulled myself away from my computer. I walked down to the break room pouring me another cup of coffee.

“Cup three?” someone asked.

“Uh?” I turned around.

“You always have a cup of coffee” Alisha said.

“Just love it” I grabbed my cup sitting down at the table.

“That’s all we ever see you drink, ” she said.

“It’s what I love to drink” I sipped my coffee.

“Your addicted” she spoke softly.

“Maybe a little” I smiled slightly.

“Coffee again” Rocky said as he walked in.

“Always” I laughed slightly.

“Get those paperwork?” he asked.

“Yeah, ” I nodded slightly.

I finished my coffee, placing my cup into the sink. I finally made my way back to my desk, trying to get back to work. The sun started to set and I knew my work day was slowly coming to an end. I placed my papers into my folder before sliding it in my bag. I shut down the company computer, pulling my jacket over my shoulder. I stood up from my chair, stretching as my body was sore, I looked up and saw Rocky standing at my door.

“May I help you?” I questioned as I picked up my bag.

“Can I walk you to your car?” he asked in response to my question.

“Sure” I agreed as I walked out in front of him.

We walked in silence to the parking deck, making our way to my car. He grabbed my arm pushing me against my car. Leaning down slightly, kissing my lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned up slightly wrapping my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. His hand slips down to my hips, lifting me up onto the car’s trunk. I wrapped my legs around his press my hand against his touch. No one in the office knew that we were dating. We both wanted to keep it that way, but it was tough when all I wanted was him. I pulled on his bottom lip as his hand went under my shirt. I smiled against his lip as I pulled back slightly.

“Sorry, I’ve wanted to do that all day, ” he rested his forehead against mine.

“I have felt the same” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“Let’s go home, ” he lifted me down off the trunk.
He opened the car door for me, I got into starting the engine. I sat back in my seat, pulling the belt across my chest clicking it in. I waited for him to get in and buckle up before I pulled off. He placed his hand on my leg edging closer up the closer we were getting home. I smiled to myself as I kept my eyes on the road, I didn’t want this night turning bad. I finally pulled into our parking lot and turned the car off. His hand moved up my thigh towards my hips, playing with my panties. I bite my lip as I placed my hand onto his lap.

“Let’s go in, ” he whispered slightly.

“Yeah, we should” I pulled the door handle getting out of the car.

He came right behind me, placing his hand against my ass as I opened the door. Once I got inside the house I pushed him against the wall. Placing my lips against his as his hands were against my hips. I gently tugged at his bottom lip, his hands sliding up my sides removing my shirt. I gripped his shirt in my hand as the kids started to get intense. He moved, pushing me against the wall, pulling my shirt off my shoulders. His finger tips, moving against my skin as he undid my bar, allowing it to fall to the floor. His hand pressed against my stomach moving down below my pants. His thumb finding my clit as he starts adding pressure, moving it around. I let out a soft moan as I kept my grip on his shirt, his lips against my neck. He grabbed my wrist moving my hands above my head, keeping them there as he lowered his lips. I couldn’t hold back the moans as he started to suck on my collar-bone. I bite my lip as he moved his thumb faster against my clit. His mouth wrapped around my hard nipple as he started to suck, his tongue danced around it. My breathing started to pick up as the room was filled with my moans. He removed his hand from my pants, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him, he took me upstairs to our room.

“What do you want?” he asked as he laid me on the bed.

“You of course” I responded as I caught my breath.

“Me?” He bit his lip as he moved over top of me.

“Always you” I leaned up to kiss him softly.

He smiled against my lips, slightly pulling away as he brushed a piece of hair off my face. He peeked my lips once again before moving them against my neck. I arched my back as he started to move down my body. I placed my hand on the back of his head as he kissed down my stomach. I lifted my hips up slightly as he pulled down my pants and my panties. He stood up, looking over my naked body, I could see the smirk grow on his face. He pulled his shirt off throwing it on the ground, undoing his pants, allowing them to fall to his feet. I bite my lip as I watched him get undressed. He slipped his boxers off before moving back over the top of my body, leaning down to kiss me softly. He leaned against his arm as he reached over to the night stand. He grabbed a condom and with a few seconds he had it open and on. I watched him as he started to position himself at my entrance. Our eyes meet as he started to push his hips towards mine. I let out a little gasp as it had been a while. He leaned down to kiss my neck, I breathed in his sent, the more he thrust the more I wanted him. I started to move my hips towards him, our bodies moving as one. His thrust started getting faster as well as deeper, I arched my back. I kept moving my hips towards his as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss me softly before moving his lips back to my neck. He started to moan in my ear as I edge closer to my climax.

“Rocky” I moaned.

“Don’t hold back, ” he whispered in my ear.

I bucked my hips towards him as I started to cum. He stopped his movement, allowing my hips to move up and down against him as I came. I lay back against the bed as I tried to catch my breath. He leaned down to kiss me softly as he started to move again, I twitched at the movement. I could feel my legs weaken as my body was reacting to the orgasm I just had. He grabbed my hand sliding it above my head, I laced our fingers together. His lips against my neck once again as he thrust harder into me. He nibbled against my ear as he started to moan, he was getting closer. Within a few more thrusts he climaxed as well. He stayed inside me until he fully finished, he pulled out taking the condom off. I lay back against the bed as he threw the condom away. He jumped back on the bed, laying on his side. I smiled as I looked at him, snuggling into him as he pulled the blankets around us. I fell asleep in his arms, all I dreamed about being his touch. In the morning I awoke without him in the bed, nor in the house. I knew we were keeping us a secret so he had to go into the office way before me. I sighed as I craved his touch, his love just everything. I pulled myself off the bed and made my way into the bathroom. I found a little note tied to some really sex panties. ‘Wear these’ I smiled as I looked at them, maybe this was just a fun little game. I took a shower and once I got out I slipped the panties on. It had been a while since I’ve worn something this sexy, but it was fun, I finally made my way down to the office. I made my way to the break room and got a cup of coffee as always.

“Coffee again, I see” Rocky said as he leaned against the counter.

“I rather have yo- coffee,” I said as I realized people walking in.

“Busy day today?” Rocky asked me.

“About the same” I nodded.

I grabbed my cup of coffee and went straight to my desk. It was a busy day, but somehow I just couldn’t get Rocky off my mind. I kept having flashbacks from last night, his touch against my skin. I had to re-focus myself multiple times throughout the day. The coffee wasn’t helping, I just wanted his touch. It was finally lunch time and I knew he would come in to check on me. I heard a knock on the door and I answered it, allowing him to come into my office. I closed the door behind him making sure all the blinds were closed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I want you” I kissed him softly as I pushed him back against the wall.

“Whoa” he pulled away from me. “Are you sure? Here?” he questioned.

“Now” I kissed him again.

He gripped my hips in his hands as he pushed me back towards the desk. Lifting me up slightly as he moved between my legs. His lips moving down against my neck as I started to unbutton his pants. We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard a knock on the door. He did his pants back up and I gathered myself before I answered the door. It was just my assistant telling me that she’s going to lunch. I nodded in agreement before closing the door back, making sure it was locked. He reached for my hand pulling me back towards him. I placed my hand against his chest as I looked up at him.

“We shouldn’t here” he said.

“Please?” I begged.

“Why?” he questioned.

“I crave your touch” I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him down slightly. I placed my lips against his.

He lifted my back up placing me on the desk. I could see the smirk grow on his face as he saw that I was wearing his sexy panties. He stripped them off of me leaving me pantie less in my skirt. I laid back against the desk as he undid his pants. He rubbed his tip against my slit, I let out a few moans. He slipped himself into me pushing his hips towards mine. I grabbed his tie pulling him down to me. His thrust were hard but deep, full of passion. He leaned down to kiss my lips softly as I moaned against them. He gripped my hips as he held them down, his thrust started to get faster. I arched my back as I lay back against the desk, our moans filled the room. I kept my grip against his tie as I tried to keep my moans quiet. I felt myself climax against him. As soon as I did, he jerked forward as he climaxed as well. He slowly pulled out putting himself back into his pants. I slipped my panties on and went to sit back in my chair.

“See you later?” he asked.

“Of course, ” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

He kissed my cheek before leaving my office. I got right back to work like nothing happen, as people started coming back from lunch. I still wanted to keep us a secret, but it started to get harder. I knew when I got involved with someone again that my addiction would come back. The addiction of sex, but it was mainly Rocky that I wanted, just his touch. His smile made me crave his touch. The way he would look at me could make me want him. I tried to control these urges as much as possible, but it was hard. We would sneak off to the bathroom at times or lunch time in my office. People started to question our relationship, but we both played it off well. The more he was around, the more I wanted him I was addicted to him.

Type: One Shot | Imagine About Ross
Rated: Rated R for Sexual Content
Warning / Trigger: There is abuse in the first part of this imagine, not by Ross but a previous relationship!
Word Count: 2,502

“SHUT UP” he shouted.

I swallowed hard as I have seen him walk towards me. His hand was raised, I flinched as he finally made it in front of me. With one motion his hand went across my face. I placed my hand on my cheek as I looked away from him. He pushed me against the wall, his hand against my throat, I could barely breath. I grabbed his hands as I started to beg for my life, he threw me onto the ground. That’s when things went blank, I didn’t know anything until I woke up on the floor. It was ice cold as I pulled myself off the floor, my lip and nose was bleeding. I grabbed a towel as I sneaked around to the bathroom trying to be as quiet as I could be. I looked up at the mirror and couldn’t recognize who I was looking at, this wasn’t me. I cleaned up my lip as well as my nose, the darkness started to set in under my eye. I sat down on the couch as I looked towards the kitchen, it was still a mess. I finally pulled myself off the couch going to clean the kitchen. I also started to make breakfast because I knew he would be awake soon. I put the plate down right when he came downstairs.

“Good Morning” he said.

“Morning, ” I nodded.

He moved closer to me, placing his hand on my chin, raising it up towards him. I still flinched at his touch as I looked up at him. I was pretty good at hiding all the pain and fear. He lightly kissed my lips before he pulled away, taking his seat at the table. I sat down at the table next to him and waited for him to finish. Once he did, I placed the plate in the sink and made my plate as he went back upstairs. I cleaned up the kitchen once again as he left for work, I went upstairs. I got into the shower and got ready for the day, I put makeup so my bruises were hidden. I placed a scarf over my neck so his hand prints were erased. I didn’t have any plans to go out today, but I just wanted to be ready. I checked my phone and I had so many missed text from Ross, my best friend. Ross had no idea that I was in an abusive relationship and I wanted to keep it that way. We had always been friends as long as I could remember so he knew mainly everything about me. I finally responded to a few of his text and of course he wanted to meet up for lunch. I jumped at his offer as I wanted to get out of the house. I grabbed my bag as I left the apartment making my way down to our favorite spot. He was standing outside waiting for me. I could see the smile grow on his face as I walked up to him. I hugged him as he pulled me to him, resting my head against his shoulder.

“It’s been so long” Ross said.

“I know” I sighed slightly.

“Let’s go get something to eat, ” he held the door open.

“Sure, so glad to get out of the house” I said.

He leads me to the table, pulling out my chair for him. I sat down as he sat across from me, I glanced over the menu. We didn’t really need a menu since we knew what we wanted. I’m pretty sure everyone that worked here could of ordering from us, that’s how much we used to come in here. It had been a while but nothing much has changed. I hesitated to eat when our food came to the table, John always made me wait until he finished eating.

“What’s wrong?” Ross asked.

“Nothing, ” I nodded.

“Your food wrong?” he looked at me.

“No, everything is fine” I smiled as I started to eat.

Things went quiet as we started to eat, I knew he would order dessert. We shared the dessert before he got up paying the bill as I walked outside. I shifted the scarf on my neck as it started to get on my nerves.

“Are you ok?” Ross asked as he caught up with me.

“Yeah, ” I nodded.

“Come on, I know you” He grabbed my arm to get me to stop.

“Everything is fine” I looked away.

“Now tell me the truth, ” he placed his thumb under my chin raising it slightly.

“Ross” I sighed as I couldn’t tell him the truth.

“What?” he asked as he looked towards my neck.

“Everything is fine, so where we go now?” I asked.

“Back to your apartment and I’ll wait until this asshole comes back home. I’ll show him what an ass whopping is” Ross said.

“W-What?” I swallowed hard.

“Anyone who puts their hands on a woman the wrong way is a coward” he said.

“I don’t want you involved” I said.

“You are my best friend, I’m not going to stand around and allow this to happen” he crossed his arms.

“I love you Ross” I felt the tears sting my eyes.

He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around me. I placed my arms around his stomach as I finally felt safe, I knew Ross wouldn’t let this go. I finally pulled away from him. He wiped my tears away with his thumb as he kept me close to him. He grabbed my hand as he lead me to his car, allowing me to get in first. He kissed my forehead before closing the door, getting into the driver side. We made it back to my apartment that I shared with John, and Ross came right in with me. We sat on the couch as I leaned against Ross as we waited for John to return. I saw Johns car pull up in the driveway. I swallowed hard as I saw Ross move towards the door as John enter. There wasn’t much talking as Ross just attacked John. I ran upstairs and locked myself into the closet as I hated yelling. I pulled my knees to my chest as my tears slipped from my eyes. I could hear someone come up the stairs as my heart started to race.


“No problem asshole” Ross said as he came looking for me.

I got up from where I was and started putting my clothes in a bag. I heard someone rattling the closet door and I just froze. I could hear Ross on the other end, I unlocked the door and allowed him in. He helped me get most of my clothes in my suitcase, I grabbed a few other things before we left the apartment. I would come back when John wasn’t home to get the rest of my stuff. I couldn’t believe how fast things happened and I was left homeless. I got into Ross car and right when he closed the door, I started to break down. Ross hurried into the car, placing his arm around me, pulling me to his chest.

“I have no where to go” I cried out.

“Shhhh​ you can stay with me, ” he said as he held me close to him.

“I don’t want to make a hassle for you, ” I said.

“You’re not a hassle, ” he started the car to get the heat going.

I rubbed my eyes as I started to calm down. I sat back in my seat as I put my seat belt on as he backed out of the driveway. I laid back in the seat and started to drift off as we were driving. I felt the car stop, but I just didn’t want to wake up, I heard Ross taking things out of the trunk. Once he got my stuff in the house he came back for me. Undoing my seat belt before picking me up trying not to wake me up. He finally got me into the house and laid me onto the couch. Placing a blanket around me before moving my stuff into his guest bedroom. I started to wake up as he was moving my bags.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“Your at my place, you can stay in my guest room” he said.

“Thank you Ross” I sat up running my hand through my hair.

“You dont have to thank me” he leaned over kissing my forehead.

He showed me to my room, leaving me sitting on the bed. I finally got up off the bed and tried to put my things away. I didn’t know how long I had here but I kinda want to make it feel like I was home. Even though I had knew Ross for so long I knew it would be different living with him. Over the next few weeks I settled in at his place and got the rest of my things from the apartment. I was done with John and had no contact with him, I offered to pay rent but Ross didn’t want it. Living together was different but it seemed like it drew us closer together. It was nice to be able to do whatever I wanted to plus he was my best friend. I was sitting on the couch just watching tv, waiting until Ross got back from the store. It was a friday night and it seemed like it was about to storm outside so we had plans to just chill in the house. He finally came back with the groceries, but he also got taken out for dinner. He sat down on the couch handing me my food as he relaxed against the couch.

“What are you watching?” he asked.

“Just fifty shades darker, ” I smiled.

“Oh nice, ” he laughed slightly.

“You don’t like it?” I asked as I looked at him.

“I do like it, but do you want a relationship like that?” he asked.

“No, I just like it in the movies” I looked back at the tv.

“Oh, ” he nodded.

“Do you want a relationship like that?” I asked.

“No, I like our relationship, ” he said.

“Our friendship?” I questioned.

“I want to make our friendship into a relationship, these few weeks have shown me how much you mean to me” he said.

“Ross’ I looked at him.

"I’ve fallen in love with you, ” he said.

“I’ve fallen for you” I bite my lip.

He placed his hand against my neck as his thumb brushing against my chin. He leaned towards me allowing his lips to touch mine slightly. I closed my eyes as I leaned more towards him as we kissed. He placed his other hand on my side as he pulled me closer, my hand resting on his chest. I deepened the kiss slightly as he kept his hand on my neck. He slipped his other hand to my back bringing me to his lap. I straddled him as I placed my hands on his neck keeping the kiss between us. He slighly pulled away as he rested his forehead against mine, my hands resting against his shoulders. I finally opened my eyes and looked at him.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a while” he broke the silence.

“have you?” I questioned.

“Yea, I guess you could say I’ve been fallen for you for years” he admitted.

“Why never tell me?” I asked.

“Because you were with John, I thought that was a good relationship for you until I found out he was beating you” he sighed as he started to get angry.

I placed my hand on his cheek as it calmed him down. I brushed my thumb against his lips as I looked at him. He wasnt the only one that was keeping a secret, I’ve always been in love with him. It was easy falling for someone that knows everything about you and that is so easy to be around. He wrapped his arms tighter around me as I gazed into his eyes. I soon pulled away as I snuggled closer to his chest, he soon turned off the movie and carried me upstairs. He laid me on his bed before moving over my body, leaning down slightly kissing me. I smiled against his lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck keeping him close. I pulled against his bottom lip as his hand slipped up my thigh gripping my hip. He moved his lips down to my neck gently sucking against my skin. My finger tips running down his arm as I started to moan. His hands slipped up my sides pushing my shirt up, I lifted up slightly so he can remove it. I laid back against the bed as he slowly moved his lips down my body. His breath against my stomach as he started to undo my pants, lifting my hips so he could strip me off. I bite my lip as I watched him strip himself off, I sat up helping with his pants. Kissing his stomach as he pushed his boxers down. I looked up at him and I could see the smirk on his face as he moved back over me. I leaned up slightly placing my lips against his as he moved himself between my legs. He reached over to the night stand grabbing a condom from the box, opening it sliding it on himself. Rubbing his tip along my slit making me wet. I laid my head back as I wrapped my arms around his neck softly moaning. Gently pushing his tip inside me grabbing my hand as he thrust himself into me. I started to move my hips towards his as he started to pick up the pace. Thrusting deeper and faster into me our moans filled the room. He leaned down to kiss my neck moaning into my ear, his grip against my hand grew stronger. I arched my back still pushing my hips towards his. I could feel myself edge closer to a climax as he continued to thrust faster into me. I climaxed against him as he pushed deeper into me, as he climaxed as well. He pulled himself out slipping the condom off before laying down next to me. I rested my head against his chest as he pulled the covers over us. I found myself drifting off to sleep as he wrapped his arms around me. They always say a rainbow comes out after a storm and Ross was my rainbow. I finally felt safe in his arms, I knew that nothing could hurt me anymore. Ross was the one that saved me, but also he stole my heart many years ago. No matter how many times you feel you always get back up.
