#riko sakurauchi

『Love Live! x IM@S Icons』 -  RikoSet(s): Fairy Tale Princess, Thanksgiving 2020『Love Live! x IM@S Icons』 -  RikoSet(s): Fairy Tale Princess, Thanksgiving 2020

『Love Live! x IM@S Icons』 -  Riko

Set(s): Fairy Tale Princess, Thanksgiving 2020

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They’re having a fun day at the park!

They’re having a fun day at the park!

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I’ve been in a splatoon mood for a bit recently 

I’ve been in a splatoon mood for a bit recently 

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#2851 - Riko Sakurauchi - Stargazing

rikomari gravity falls au,, not pictured here but yoshiko is robbie </333(click on the images forrikomari gravity falls au,, not pictured here but yoshiko is robbie </333(click on the images forrikomari gravity falls au,, not pictured here but yoshiko is robbie </333(click on the images for

rikomari gravity falls au,, not pictured here but yoshiko is robbie </333

(click on the images for higher quality!)

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my aqours favs, shaved,elapsed time: 2 hours(click on the image for higher quality!)

my aqours favs, shaved,

elapsed time: 2 hours

(click on the image for higher quality!)

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oops the yourikos are dykes !elapsed time: 3 hours(click on the image for higher quality!)oops the yourikos are dykes !elapsed time: 3 hours(click on the image for higher quality!)

oops the yourikos are dykes !

elapsed time: 3 hours

(click on the image for higher quality!)

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waterbender and travel buddyelapsed time: <1 hour(click on the images for higher quality!)waterbender and travel buddyelapsed time: <1 hour(click on the images for higher quality!)

waterbender and travel buddy

elapsed time: <1 hour

(click on the images for higher quality!)

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view these riko doodles(click on the image for higher quality!)

view these riko doodles

(click on the image for higher quality!)

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