#riseki heisuke


Furudate-sensei’s little one-liners / Q&As from the final Haikyuu guidebook! Of course I must collect them all! LET’S GO!!!

*AS ALWAYS I’m still learning the language and cannot guarantee complete accuracy!

Character Comments

Miya Atsumu: When he first appeared, I wasn’t thinking of him as a twin. I basically just drew him to be a mysterious character. But keeping him that way was impossible.

Miya Osamu: When he started talking about food, I decided, “That’s going to be his thing.”

Kita Shinsuke: The character furthest away from the creator. Although he’s the exact opposite of me, he was unexpectedly easy to draw.

Suna Rintarou: He’s from Aichi Prefecture. He came to Inarizaki after being scouted. [this explains why he doesn’t speak Kansai]

Ojiro Aran: He’s probably the type who can’t abandon someone who’s in trouble. I hope he doesn’t get scammed or anything.

Riseki Heisuke: A man who has become mentally buff after tons of mental muscle pain.

Given Name Origins

Note: This is kind of from the perspectives of the parents, since given names are like a wish for the child’s future. Will make more sense if you know what their names mean.

Miya Atsumu: To become a person who helps others.

Miya Osamu: To become a person who helps others.

Kita Shinsuke: He inherited one character from his grandpa.

Suna Rintarou: To be able to walk a just and honest path.

Ojiro Aran: To be a cheerful / jovial person.

Riseki Heisuke: To be able to live calmly.

Ginjima Hitoshi: To be blessed with good relationships / connections to good people.

Omimi Ren: To discipline and refine [himself].

Akagi Michinari: To be able to open up his life / choose between many roads.

Tiny Q&A

Q: Which character did you most enjoy drawing?

Atsumu. Because he’s animal-like.

Q: Was there someone with whom you entrusted editorial supervision while writing Kansai-ben?

Inarizaki is supposed to be in Amagasaki, so characters’ conversations were written by recreating a dialogue between two downtowners inside my head. Occasionally, Miyagawa Daisuke-san [comedian] or Tokui Yoshimi-san [actor] would come in[to my imagination?] so I think the phrasing became properly Kyoto-esque. I believe I had supervision from someone in my editorial department who was from Kansai, but the writing was never changed so I’ve gained some confidence.

[I’m so fascinated by this, it was a pretty extensive answer so I hope I’ve translated correctly. In other words, the Kansai-ben was written mostly intuitively, with occasional reference. すごい]

Q: Which character’s post-graduation path did you have the most trouble with?

Suna. For him to keep playing volleyball or to stop completely —I think either one is possible.


03/31: Riseki Heisuke and Red Fox

;’) oops I just realized his name actually correlates to the marble fox, but this was already colored in before I looked it up!

Anyway, Riseki’s little mini arc is just
