


A digital artwork of Azula and Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. The art is full body, with both standing close and slightly facing in front of us. Azula is holding a bouquet of red camellia, blushing and with a concentrated look. She's wearing a deep red turtleneck shirt, a pair of black long jeans and a black vynil ankle boots with red heel. Aang is holding tight a big white teddy bear plush with a red ribbon, looking intently at Azula. He's wearing an orange t-shirt with a dark bordeaux jeans and white-green-yellow- light blue sneakers. ALT
same image as the first, but both characters have a bright link vertical shadow behind themALT

Aang: Zuli! Look what I bought you!

Azula: you know I don’t like cheesy stuff.

Aang: yeah I know, but when I looked at them I thought about you… I can gave them back if you want

Azula: *looking at both flowers and plush and blushing hard* I never said that.

I couldn’t decide which version I prefer, so here both!

Image description in alt text.

I’m so late for @sukkameetcute , but at least I made it!

I had a lot of fun and satisfaction drawing all the items (a lot of pain too, but worth it).

You can find this art as sticker, poster or print on my Redbubble!
