#rita calhoun


Fortuitous Reunion Ch 3

Rita Calhoun x reader
Warnings: language, minor injury/medical talk

After a fairly easy morning of a quick arraignment and getting her client’s bail all arranged Rita paused for a brief lunch with Rafael where they battled out agreements on a potential deal. The café was close enough to her firm she chose to walk back afterwards, it was a nice day out and she had to pick up a few things before she could work from home for the rest of the day. It was halfway down Greene Street that she got more than distracted with something in a display window, a voice addressing her only pulling her out of her daydreams.

“Counsellor?” She glanced up to the voice,

“Olivia? Hi.”

“You find something you can’t resist?” Liv teased, “picking out your own wedding ring?” Rita laughed,

“For my girlfriend…we’re coming up on three years, it seems like the time is right.” She turned to the other woman, “what’d’you think of the one on the left?”

“It’s gorgeous.” Olivia commented, the ring had a unique row of pink diamonds around the center gem.

Her mind wandered to you, the day you ended up at the precinct, you’d called Rita’s apartment ‘home’. She’d made the roommate assumption having not known Rita’s preferences, and there certainly was an age gap. Maybe you were related to or friends with Rita’s partner and staying there temporarily? You hadn’t shown any affection toward Rita when you were in the squad room, though there could be a number of reasons for that.

“Hmm..” Rita tugged her lip in between her teeth, “it’s a bit small…” Olivia couldn’t help the small laugh at the other woman’s words. “She deserves it.”

“And no doubt you can afford it.” She teased, “I’m sure they have one with a higher carat inside.”

“You’re probably right.” Rita hummed again for a minute before stepping toward the door, “I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah.” Liv mustered the best smile she could, “congratulations.”

“Thanks.” Rita smiled one so warm that Olivia had no doubt in her mind how much she loved whoever she was buying the ring for. Nodding goodbye as she continued her way down the street.


When she got home Rita wasn’t surprised to find you curled up on the couch, softly dozing with Will and Grace on the t.v. You’d worked the last couple of night shifts as as much as you tried to keep your sleep on a schedule, those shifts always fucked with you. Smiling down at you she brushed some hair off your face, her thumb stroking at your cheek. Your lips twitched into a small smile at the feel, even in your sleep you were aware of her presence and affection. She ever so softly left a kiss on your shoulder before retreating to the kitchen.

Doing her best to quietly pop a bottle of champagne she poured out two flutes, picking up the small blue box before moving back into the living room. She placed the glasses on the coffee table, the box infront and center of them, then quietly hurried to the bedroom to change into something comfortable. She couldn’t help but pause in the entry to the living room, knowing just how lucky she was to be the one privy to these little private moments with you. She softly settled herself between the back of the couch and your body, wrapping an arm around you, gently kissing your shoulder, not surprised at the way you nuzzled even deeper against her.

The warmth of her body brought your conscious slightly back to life, rolling in her arms, snuggling into the crook of her neck, feeling the gentle caress of her hand on your back. Her lips gently met your forehead and you hummed.

“You’re home early.” You murmured, your voice still thick with sleep.

“Figured I’d rather work from home where I get to snuggle up with you.”

“You’re not exactly working right now.” You cracked an eye open, a grin on your face, accepting the soft kiss she gave you.

“This seemed like a better idea. Work can wait.” She gently nudged you with her arm, “roll over. I got you something.” You did as she said, a small gasp coming from your lips as you saw a the infamous blue of the box.

“Tiffany’s!” You sat up, the excitement evident in your eyes as Rita shifted beside you, “and it’s not even my birthday.” You pecked her cheek quickly as you picked up the box, “it’s small…is it earrings?” Rita practically laughed at your innocence.

“Open it.” She nudged you with her knee.

The gasp this time was much louder, a hand flying to your mouth as you revealed the ring, the way it sparkled in the sun of the late afternoon. When you looked up at her there was a rim of beyond happy tears in your eyes.

“Rita…” your face practically melted at the love radiating off her. Smiling, she reached out, smoothing back a piece of your nap mussed hair.

“We’ve been talking about it since our fourth date, I think I was just waiting for the right ring. Darling I’ve known for years I’ve wanted to marry you, I would be the luckiest woman alive to have you as my wife.”

“Yes!” You launched on your knees at her, wrapping tightly around her neck as you peppered her face with kisses.

The force from your excitement knocked her down back onto the couch, a fit of gentle laughter erupting from the two of you as Rita half pleaded at you to stop. She eventually got her way as her hands tickled at your sides, pulling a shriek from you as you shot away from her reach. A laugh still on her cheeks, she pulled you in for a deep kiss before sliding the ring on your finger.

“The champagne makes a lot more sense now.” You admitted. Sure, Rita definitely had a habit of spoiling you, but champagne to go along with some earrings in the middle of a Wednesday afternoon seemed a bit much. She laughed gently, kissing your cheek before leaning forward and handing you a glass.

“Well now we have more than enough of a reason to celebrate.” You clinked your glasses together before taking a small sip.

“I love you…” You nuzzled against her nose, kissing her softly.

“I love you too Darling.”


You were behind the nurses station, organizing the current stack of clipboards in the E.R when a coworker’s voice called out,

“Y/N! Bed two needs stitches. Suture kit’s in there, but they need me in trauma.”

“Go.” You waved them off, picking up the clipboard and moving through the room, you pulled the curtain back a little as you slipped inside, “alright..Dominick, I’m Y/N-“ you cut yourself off as you glanced up, your tone turning playful as a small grin took over your face, “Detective Carisi..what did you do?”

“Let’s just say tha fence won this fight.” He half pouted in return and you laughed, turning to pull on a pair of gloves. You glanced over his paperwork to double check a few things,

“Well I hope you’re not scared of needles ‘cause I’m gonna have to give you three.”

“All good Doll.” He smiled back at you and you shook your head, prepping the local anesthesia. Whatever fence this was had left him with decent size gash on the side of his calf.

“You’re gonna feel a slight pinch.” You warned him, completing your task. You turned back to prep the suture kit while the numbing started to do it’s job. You gave his calf a little poke, “you feel that?”


“Perfect.” You braced your left hand on the side of the bed in an attempt to turn yourself to the instrument tray and you felt your glove snap open over your ring finger, the diamond stabbing through the latex. “Oh for fuck’s sake.” You muttered, pulling off your gloves as Sonny let out a low whistle.

“That’s a nice diamond.”

“Thanks.” You blushed with a small smiled.

“How many carats?”

“No idea but knowing her…a lot.” You laughed, “I shouldn’t have worn it to work, I’ve destoryed so many gloves I’m sure they’re gonna start taking them outta my paycheque.”

“I’ll hold it.” He suggested, “make this a little easier?” You chuckled as he held up his pinky finger in offerance, but you obviously knew you could trust him, he wasn’t some stranger, so you slid the ring off your finger and dropped it onto his, laughing at the visual.

“Thanks.” You re-gloved with a fresh pair and got started on the sutures.

“I’m guessin’ this is new? Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” You couldn’t help the gleeful smile, the thought of spending forever with Rita just made you inescapably happy, “It is. She surprised me with it a few days ago.”

“She’s lucky ta have ya.”

“Oh believe me, I’m the lucky one.”

“I hope I get ta meet her one day.” You chuckled, keeping the secret that he very much already knew her, he just didn’t know it.

“Of course, you’ll be at the wedding after all.”

“I will?”

“Sophie’s obviously gonna be my maid of honour! But I haven’t asked her yet, so don’t say anything!”

“Secret’s safe with me.” He winked to enunciate his words and you laughed, trying to keep your attention on the task at hand as the curtain pulled back again.

“Uh…Carisi?” Olivia’s voice broke your concentration, pausing in your work as you glanced up. Her brow was furrowed and you realized how silly the situation looked with your ring on Sonny’s pinky finger, his hand held up in front of him so it didn’t slip off. You let out a small giggle.

“Y/N got engaged!” He gleefully announced, causing you to blush again.

“It keeps ripping the gloves…” you explained, “definitely leaving it safely at home from now on.”

“Congratulations…” Liv’s regards seemed a little less than enthusiastic, she couldn’t help it, the ring being the exact one Rita had been looking at the other day (except this one was definitely a few carats larger).

“Thank you. I should be done in fifteen if you need him Captain Benson.” You gave her a small smile, “but I would highly suggest limiting your perp chases until the stitches fall out.” Turning back to Sonny you continued, your voice slightly quieter this time, “Sophie’ll kill you.”

“I know.” He muttered back, a sheepish grin on his face.

“Thanks.” Oliva replied, “Uh, since we’re here anyway, there’s a vic in 204. I’ll be down there when you’re done.”

“Course Cap.”

Olivia gave a quick nod in response, slipping back out of the curtained area. She took a moment before entering the vic’s room, trying to piece things together in her brain even though it was already there. You were the mystery girl Rita had been talking about, and now the two of you were engaged, she guessed she was just trying to wrap her head around the whole thing. It was a lot of new information to process over a relatively short amount of time. She had to remind herself that if everyone was happy and safe, that was really all that mattered, and you certainly seemed happy.

Fortuitous Reunion Ch 4

Rita Calhoun x reader
Warnings: language, brief mentions of smut, some emotional hurt/history brought up

The night shift rotation had claimed you back into its depths, meaning you were getting home around five in the morning on a good day. It at least gave you a couple of brief hours buried in Rita’s arms before her alarm went off and she had to head into court or the firm. Today though, she said fuck it to trial prep, the case was practically already in the bag anyways. Today she chose to stay cuddled with you a few hours longer than she normally would, only sneaking out to grab her laptop to work on a few things for a bit while you caught up on your sleep.

It was only when she set aside her work, knowing she’d need to get up and eat something soon that you began to stir in your sleep, rolling to curl against her lap. She smiled down at you, running a hand through your hair.

“Playing hooky are we?” You teased, pulling a laugh from her.

“Well there are a lot of other things I’d rather be doing right now, but I wanted to make sure you got your rest.”

“Oh really?” You cocked a brow in fake confusement. “You feel like enlightening me?”

“Oh I suppose.” She smirked, slipping down in the bed, meeting your lips in a soft but very heated kiss. You more than willingly accepted her tongue into your mouth, pulling her tightly against your body, you had to admit, this was always going to be the best way to wake up.

Rita did her best to pull as many orgasms from you as she could, slowly, softly bringing you to your peak multiple times. Her own breath catching in her throat as you more than eagerly returned the favour. You loved Rita beyond absolute belief, but there was something so incredible about watching the usually so powerful lawyer become a complete mess beneath you.

You had finished round number who knew what, gently wrapped in each other’s arms, soft caresses and light kisses littering each other’s bodies as you both came back to earth, soft murmurings of ‘I love you’ whispered into the room. Rita smiled as her hand rested against yours, playing with the diamond on your ring finger, ever so proud that you were all hers, forever.

“You’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, y’know?” You shifted slightly so you could see Rita’s face, which softened at your words.

“Likewise Darling.” She kissed your temple.

“I mean it…” you kissed at her skin, curling against her once again “life was…bleak, it didn’t mean anything, kind of felt useless until the day I met you. You changed me for the better, I’ll never forget that.”

Rita’s hand softly caressed at your hair, kissing your head once again as she held you a little tighter. Her mind wandered back to the interaction with Benson after you spoke those words. She’d always thought you had a good upbringing, things with your parents seemed more than friendly and good, you still kept in touch with them. They’d been more than thrilled at the news of your engagement, sending over a gorgeous bouquet of roses. But something in her gut just wasn’t sitting right. Maybe she’d spent too much time in a world surrounded by crime and disadvantage, maybe her views were skewed. She tried to push the feeling back down, but there was still that little nagging thought in the back of her brain that you were leaving out some detail, that there was something Benson and you shared that she wasn’t privy to. Though she knew that you loved her more than anything, and if there was some deep dark secret, you’d open up to her when you were ready. It still freaked her out though. What if it was something you didn’t know about? Her racing thoughts were suddenly broken by the ringing of her phone, she huffed, hearing your grumble as she answered, having a very brief conversation before hanging up.

“Guess that’s the end of our in bed day?” You asked, half lifting yourself up on your elbow.

“I’m afraid so.” She cupped your cheek with the utermost softness, kissing you with all of her love, “I’ve got a client.”

“Go do what you do best baby.” You kissed her again before dropping down into the pillows as she got out of bed. “If you’re not home by dinner I’ll leave you some in the fridge.”

“Thank you darling.”


“Yes?” She turned back to you from the doorway to the ensuite.

Eat something before you leave please? I’d hate for some other nurse to have to deal with your antics.” She let out a scoff of a large laugh, rolling her eyes at you.

“I will. I promise darling.”

“Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you more.”


As it turned out, her client was another SVU case, maybe her mind just wasn’t in things fully but she suddenly found Rafael even more annoying than normal, and they were friends. She shot down the plea deal, taking a few moments to talk to her client after Barba left the room, explaining the charges and what the next twenty four hours would contain.

Leaving interrogation she stepped into the main bull pen, it was practically empty, Carisi, presumably still on desk duty was milling through a pile of paperwork but that was it. Her curiousity got the best of her and she headed to Liv’s office, knocking on the door gently.

“Rita…you need something?” Benson greeted from behind her desk, pullling off her glasses.

“Uh..yeah.. you got a minute?”

“Course.” She gestured to the chairs in front of her desk. Rita took a heavy breath, shutting the door behind her before she settled into one. “Something with the case seem off?”

“No..” she struggled with her words for what felt like the first time in forever. She knew there were legal limitations to things like this, and hoped that maybe Benson would be okay with breaking one or two to get some answers.

“Okay. This wedding related?” Oliva teased, “I would ask how it went but she stitched up Carisi the other day.”

“I heard.” Rita laughed, “uhm, I guess it’s kind of related to that.”

“You said you were going on three years right?” Rita nodded, “you really started dating her when she was twenty eight?”

“Uh-“ that nearly caught the attorney speechless, clearly Olivia knew something about you if she knew exactly how old you were. “Yeah..I did.” She wrung her hands for second, trying to gather the words she’d done her best to prep before she got here. “Listen…that day she showed up in the squad room…you looked like you saw a ghost. Y/N may have missed it but I know that you know her from somewhere. No one understands the whole confidentiality issue like me, but she’s done nothing but say she’s never met you. So my question I guess? Is…how do you know these little things about her? She said she was never a victim or a witness. Were…her birth parents involved in some kind of crime? I thought maybe you pulled her from a sex ring she didn’t remember but you’re too young for that to make sense. I’ve been strung up on it since the interaction happened and as much as I want to put it behind me I can’t. I need to know that the woman I’m going to marry is safe, that she doesn’t have some tragic past she’s running from, whether she knows it or not. I mean-“ Olivia cut her off with a raise of the hand, the other one running over her face, pushing back her hair with a heavy sigh, there was no use waiting anymore.

“I know…because I gave birth to her.”

“What?” Rita felt her breath catch in her throat, for multiple reasons. Noticing the way Olivia’s eyes blurred with tears.

“I was fifteen…” her voice shook, “as much as I wanted a baby, I knew I couldn’t properly raise one that young. The adoption was open at first, they came to see us every couple of weeks when she was a baby, but…I couldn’t handle it, my Mother couldn’t deal with someone else raising her granddaughter, it drove her to drink even more. So we cut off all contact. She has no idea who I am.”

“I’m so sorry…” Rita’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“It’s okay.” Olivia brushed back a stray tear, “her parents still sent me little updates on life events. I have a picture from her graduation, that’s how I recognized her. God…I prayed for years she would never show up in my squad room, I was terrified she’d pop up reporting a crime.” She glanced up at the other woman, “If she was to show up here at least it wasn’t that.”

“Is..this the part where you lecture me for being with someone a decade younger than me? Tell me that you’ll kill me if I hurt her?” She suddenly felt very aware of the fact that Olivia was legally carrying a gun at all times.

“No.” Olivia half laughed, brushing away another tear, “I think I gave up that right when I gave her away…”

“Liv..she’s still your daughter…”

“She doesn’t know that.” She sighed, “and from what I can tell, the two of you love each other more than I could ever imagine. You may defend the scum of the earth sometimes, but if you make her that happy, I can’t be mad.”

“Did…you want me to tell her?” Rita was genuinely curious, she was now the middle ground between a very sensitive situation, and really wasn’t sure what to do.

“No.” Oliva insisted, “our lives aren’t that intermingled that much, it won’t be a problem.”

“Are you sure?” Rita cocked a brow, “last I heard one of your detectives is dating her maid of honour. And Barba’s a very loved mutual friend of ours. Not to mention most of your cases are at Mercy…”

“Not yet…” She resolved, “let me..figure my thoughts out..it’s…a lot..”

“I understand.” Rita did her best to give a warm smile, “I should let you go.” She stood from the chair, swiftly moving through the chair.

“Rita?” Oliva’s voice paused her hand on the doorknob, turning back to her with a question on her face, “I know I don’t have to tell you this..but please…take care of her. If she was to end up with anyone that I know, you’d somehow be my first pick, I know you’ll treat her exactly the way she deserves.”

“Of course.” She smiled warmly at the Captain before moving through the doorway.

The moment the elevator doors shut she closed her eyes, leaning back against the wall. She was expecting to find out that you were abused as a child, or that you’d grown up in Witsec without even knowing it. But this? Honestly this was a whole ballpark she wasn’t sure she was ready to process. Then again, neither was Liv.


Rita nearly froze at the fact that there were sounds coming from within the apartment, her key halfway to the doorknob before she realized it was your voice softly singing along to music.

“You’re home!” You greeted enthusiastically, spatula still in hand as your arms wrapped around her in a deep kiss.

“I thought you had to work?” She asked, shelving her coat and bag.

“They had some first years that wanted the hours.” You shrugged, “figured why not take the night off….spend it with the love of my life.” You half snuggled your face against her, kissing her cheek before returning to attention to the stove. “How was work?”

“It was…interesting…” Rita sighed. She’s couldn’t help it, wrapping herself around your back as you continued to cook. If she had to keep a secret from you at least she could get all the affection out of it she could.

“Well… dinner’s almost ready, and I’ve got your favourite wine picked out and our movie continuation ready and waiting on the t.v.” You nudged at her, “go get comfortable. I’ll take care of you my love.” You turned to face her brief, your face suddenly dropping, “baby…are you okay?”

“Yeah.” She quickly pulled together a smile, cupping your cheek gently as she leaned in for a kiss, “just tired.”

“Okay.” You smiled warmly, kissing her cheek, “I won’t keep you up too late. Scout’s honour.”

Rita laughed as she kissed your cheek before moving down the hallway. As weird as things might be while Olivia figured out what she wanted to do, as long as Rita had to hold onto this secret, there was nothing that would change her feelings about you. You were her world, her sun and stars, it didn’t matter where you came from, she still wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with you, you were what made her the most happy ever day of her life, and there was no way she was going to let that slip between her fingers.

Fortuitous Reunion Ch 5

Rita Calhoun x reader
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, minor emotional content

Olivia had gotten to Hogan Place earlier than she’d expected, settling into Rafael’s office as she waited for him to return with a warrant. They’d been communicating via text throughout the morning, and while she knew he probably wouldn’t be back yet, she was in the neighborhood with an extra cup of coffee so where else would she go?

“Sorry!” He huffed as he practically raced in the door, tossing his coat and briefcase aside, “Judge Jacobs would not stop talking about his grandkids, it was nearly impossible to get out of there.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She replied, “gave me a little bit of downtime.”

“And you don’t often get much of that.” He teased back, thanking her for the coffee, knowing it was his go to blend and much better than the crap in the office.

“As much as I’d love to stay and socialize… the warrant?”

“One condition.” Rafael smirked and she knew it wasn’t a work related condition, “what’re you doing on Saturday?”

“Aside from constantly being on call, nothing.”

“Perfect, I need a plus one to this event, it’s in the afternoon.”

“Raf….come on. Why can’t you just go to things by yourself? You’re a grown man.” She half teased.

“It’s an open bar..” he offered, “food’s all covered too. Come on, it’s Calhoun you know there won’t be any expense left out.”

“Calhoun?” Olivia felt her heart jump a beat.

“Yeah, her engagement party or whatever?”

“I’ll have to double check my schedule.”

“You just said you were free! Come on, free meal and drinks, we can poke fun of everything together.”

“Won’t my being there hinder you from meeting a potential date?” Rafael laughed at that,

“Defence attorney’s and people ten years my junior? That may be Rita’s style but no thank you.” He teased handing the warrant over.

“Fine.” She snatched the paper out of his hand, “but I do still need to check on something. I’ll call you later?”

“Thank you.” He smirked. Olivia shook her head at the man as she left his office. She knew that considering the circumstances, she might be intruding a little bit if she accompanied Rafael. But it was just a party, there’d probably be a lot of mutual friends and intermingling. It’d be fine, right?


The second person to grace Rafael’s office that afternoon was Rita. She’d come to strike a deal on her most recent case, the two of them battled back and fourth for a little bit before Rafael teasingly shot out one and she nearly immediately agreed, letting out a heavy sigh as she dropped back against the chair.

“This case really got you down that much?” He cocked a brow at her as he flipped the case file shut.

“No, it’s nothing.”

“Rita…I’ve known you longer than anyone else that I’m still friends with. Is it wedding stress? You guys know you don’t have to set a date right away, unless Y/N’s pushing for it?”

“No.” Rita smiled softly, “y/n’s perfect. I couldn’t ask for someone more wonderful.”

“Then what’s going on?”

“Raf.. I’m fine. Everything’s great.”

“Really? Because even a first year Harvard student wouldn’t have taken that deal. I didn’t even actually mean it, it was a joke.” As they’d been spitballing back and fourth he’d shot out one that sure, majorly favoured him, but someone like Rita would normally have rolled her eyes, picked up her things and said she’d see him in court.

“I honestly don’t care. Let him go down.”

“What has gotten into you?” Rafael was suddenly even more concerned, his voice incredibly soft now. The defeated look in his friend’s eyes had him worried, “I haven’t seen you like this since college.” Rita groaned, leaning forward in the chair as she ran her hands over her face.

“What I’m about to tell you does not leave the two of us, no matter how much you want to spill it. And if you end up finding out from someone else later on, it is the first time you’re hearing it. Understood?”

“Of course.” He meant it, she had his utmost honesty. Rita was one of his oldest friends and he wasn’t about to break her trust this far along.

“You know that Y/N’s adopted?”

“Yes.” He nodded, “oh God! You didn’t find out she was related to you or something?” Rita chuckled,

“You need to stop watching so many telenovela’s.”

“Okay well you can spend next weekend with Mami then.”

“I’m sure she’d enjoy it more than seeing you for once.” Rafael scoffed, even amidst a somewhat emotional conversation she was able to throw a few jabs in.

“Okay, back to the topic. What’s going on with y/n?”

“I found out who her birth mother is.”

“Did it come up on a case?” His brow furrowed,

“Not exactly…” Rita huffed, deciding to just bite the bullet, “her birth mother’s Liv.”

“Olivia…Benson…?” She nodded, “are you sure?”

“Olivia told me herself last week. Y/N came into the precinct to drop something off, Liv recognized her, but y/n has no idea who she is. I was worried something happened in her past, or with her birth parents that maybe she didn’t know about, so I pressed Benson until she gave it up.”

“Oh…” Rafael paused to process before he suddenly remembered the condition he’d made earlier, “I..should probably tell you I just asked Liv to be my plus one for Saturday.”

“I know.” Rita waved it off, “I ran into her in the elevator. It’ll be fine, the more the merrier. Maybe give them some time to talk or something.”

“Y/n has no idea?”

“None in the slightest.” She sighed, “I feel like I should tell her but Liv wants to try and wrap her head around everything before they talk about it.”

“At least give it some time, you’re all wrapped up in the honeymoon phase of your engagement. Enjoy it while you can, let the glow ware off on its own instead of breaking it yourself.”

“You’re right.” Rita pushed up to standing, pausing briefly as she glanced at Rafael, “that tie clashes horribly with your shirt.”

“There she is…” Rafael teased at the return of the quick witted sass filled friend he knew.

“And I’m taking back that deal.”

“I figured as much.” He called after her as she left the office. No doubtedly leaving the door open on purpose just so he’d have to get up and close it himself.


It was no surprise that your engagement party was at The River Café. The semi private back half of the restaurant and the back terrace had been rented out for the party, you’d chosen to leave the decorations to what they normally would be, nothing special considering you knew the reception was going to be in the same place. Some might have found that idea to be a little tacky, but this place was a special part of your relationship and it meant a lot to both you and Rita.

It was a smaller event than normal, the closest friends from both of your lives scattered throughout the space, the ones that you wanted to celebrate with the most. The bar was flowing the free champagne and mimosas throughout the early afternoon, an array of the brunch menu mixed in with some of the appetizers from the dinner menu laid out on an open buffet. It started out a little on the slow side, as people popped in and out throughout their otherwise occupied day, but it was perfect.

Rita forgot all of her worries as you caught her eye from across the room, you were animatedly talking with one of your college best friends, the sparkle in your eye ever so evident as you caught each other up on your lives. You looked absolutely astonishing, your hair swooped off your neck, the top of your dress glittering away in the sun while the white of the skirt came to just your knees, you’d finished it off with a teal pair of Manolo’s. For someone who spent the majority of her time in scrubs, you certainly knew how to fancy it up.

Over at the entrance, with both of you distracted inside was where things were getting more intermingled without you realizing it.

“Barba?” Carisi stalled in the doorway next to Sophie at the sight of the A.D.A in the café, though maybe he was just here for lunch? He suddenly felt super awkward as if he’d caught him on a date with his Captain.

“Carisi?” Honestly, Rafael was just as confused at the situation, “Calhoun really invited you to this?”

“Calhoun?” Sonny quirked, following Rafael’s nod into the restaurant, seeing the attorney talking with someone else from his firm. The question of both men was promptly answered as you came launching at Sophie into a hug with a shriek.

“There’s my maid of honour!” You greeted, a wide smile on both your faces as you kissed cheeks.

“Ah…you’re a plus one. That makes much more sense.” Barba teased. Your hand whapped him in the chest.

“Oh play nice Mr Barba.”

“Cap…didn’t realize you’d be here…” Carisi was doing his best to not stumble through the situation, and you had to hand it to Sophie, he was pretty adorable.

“She’s here because Mr Barba can’t go places unsupervised. Always have to have an adult chaperone, isn’t that right?” You winked. Olivia let out a bark of a laugh,

“You certainly are Rita’s girl.”

“We’re glad you here Olivia, the more the merrier.” You gave her a warm smile, squeezing her arm to double assure her that you were only coming after Barba before you drug Sophie off to get her a drink.

Rita caught up with you at the bar as your champagne was being refilled, taking a moment to wrap around your back, placing a kiss against your exposed neck. Turning in her arms you greeted her with a smile of a kiss, wrapping your free arm around her waist. You reacquainted her with Sophie, they’d met a small handful of times before but never spent an overwhelmingly long time together, usually just in passing. It didn’t take long for Sonny to join you, eager to escape the teasing from Barba, congratulating Rita.

As the afternoon wearied on, you and Rita were both glad you’d kept things small for today, it became very apparent how exhausting a large wedding would end up. Everyone wanted to talk to you, those you hadn’t seen in a while wanting to catch up and know literally everything. You were thankful you were able to have as much time in Rita’s arms as you did, nuzzling against her every opportunity you got. The day was absolutely surrounded by love, it so easily wove itself through the café and around everyone inside. The moments you absolutely adored the most were the ones that you’d glance up and catch Rita watching you with that incredible smile, love filling her eyes as she was talking with someone else (likewise, Rita caught you staring on multiple occasions and it always made your cheeks heat when she caught you).

As you approached the bar for another top up as the afternoon began to fade you settled in beside Olivia, giving her a warm smile as she glanced your way.

“I really hope I didn’t offend you with that comment, we really are happy to have you here, I just can’t resist taking a jab at Rafael when the opportunity presents itself.”

“None was taken.” She laughed lightly, thankful for the champagne making things at least slightly less awkward on her end, “this place is really beautiful.”

“I know!” You gazed out across the café, “it’s been a pretty big staple in our relationship, it’s like our own little special place.”

“How…did you two meet?”

“Oh..” you giggled, “she’ll probably kill me for telling you this but, at the hospital. She passed out mid work day outside the court house cause she was over caffeinated and underfed.”


“Yeah.” You thanked the bartender for the fresh glass, taking a sip of the bubbly, “which according to Sophie is a bad habit for you cops too. I don’t wanna see anyone from your squad turning up for something like that.”

“I’ll keep an eye on them.”

“Good.” You paused with a smile, taking another sip, “can I ask something?”

“Uh- of course.”

“What made you want to get into special victims? It sounds intense but also, kinda piqued my interest. I didn’t even know it existed until I met Rita.”

“A lot of life experience.” Olivia smiled, “I’d seen what those kind of crimes could do to a person and wanted to do everything I could to help.”

“Makes sense.”

“Isn’t that why you went into nursing?”

“No. I just really like science and math.” You deadpanned before laughing, “of course is it! No one likes the boring parts of it. I dunno…I just always felt like I needed to help people, it was like, in my genes or something.” Olivia huffed a small laugh at that, watching as your gaze was caught by Rita across the room, an absolutely dreamy look taking over your face as you watched her talk with Rafael. You knew just by the smirk on her face that they were quipping back and fourth as usual. She felt your eyes on her, pausing to glance up, giving you a bright smile that you returned.

“You guys really do love each other.” Liv commented.

“Yeah…” you wistfully replied before managing to tear your gaze away, turning your attention back to Olivia, “I couldn’t be happier.”

“I’m glad.” She smiled. As awkward as this day, this conversation, could have been, she was glad to be getting to know you a bit, and even more glad to watch just how totally in love with each other you and Rita were. “Does…her work ever put a strain on anything?”

“We’ve learnt not to talk about it,” you shrugged, glancing down at the bar top.“Pretty early on I treated a nine year old for attack wounds and she outcry’d about a sexual assault to me. I had to testify, and the girl wanted me in court with her, naturally it was Rita’s case.” You suddenly turned your head  up to the brunette, “I’m surprised I didn’t meet you then? Some guy Sergeant took my statement.”

“I was on leave for a bit.”

“Hmm.” You took another sip of champagne, “getting crossed by her wasn’t so bad, but…she ended up winning and that didn’t exactly help the home life.”

“Sometimes it’s just best to leave work at work.”


“But a love like what I know you two have, probably makes it worth it.”

“A hundred percent.” The mega watt smile was back on your face as you glanced up at her, the gleam bright in your eyes.


Rita had just moved off from Barba, picking up a fresh glass of champagne from a server closer to the entrance as she walked a friend out right as a new guest popped in.

“Alice!” Rita greeted, pulling your Mom in for a quick hug, “I’m so glad you made it! Is Tom with you?”

“No, he’s out of town for work. I’m so sorry I’m so late, I was at a volunteer thing and traffic getting into the city was horrible.”

“Oh don’t worry about, that’s why we made it an all day thing.”

“Where’s y/n?”

“Up at the bar last I saw.” Rita replied, the gaze of both women moving over to where you were happily chatting with Liv.

“Oh…I..didn’t realize she’d connected with Olivia.” Your Mom paused suddenly as Rita’s hand wrapped around her wrist, freezing her movement.

“Uhm…okay this may sound bad…but Y/N doesn’t know exactly who Olivia is…I only found out last week. I sometimes work with her and things came up, but she asked me to not say anything yet.”

“Does she have any idea?”

“I highly doubt it.”

“Well I’m glad you were at the door to give me the heads up.”

Across the room you felt eyes on you again, turning, not surprised to see Rita’s gaze on you once again. A smile burst out on your cheeks when you saw your Mom with her.

“Come on, I’ve got someone I want you to meet!” Your hand clasped at Olivia’s wrist while you lead her through the crowd.

Her eyes caught Alice’s and her heart suddenly hammered in her chest, this could go any variety of ways and one of them was utterly a disaster, especially on a special day like today. You dropped her arm as you approached, wrapping your Mom in a tight hug, a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Mom, this is Oliva, she…kind of..works with Rita.”

“It’s so nice to meet you.” Alice greeted with a warm handshake.

“Likewise. You’ve raised a truly incredible daughter.” The unspoken words flowed between them. Rita felt the tension break a few moments later when Rafael popped up asking if Liv had a minute and she mouthed a silent thank you at him as he dragged the woman off.

Minor crisis averted thanks to very well timed coincidences, who knew what could possibly have blown up otherwise.

The rest of the day passed easily, Olivia made an excuse saying she was needed at work and gave you a quick goodbye on the way out. Before you knew it, the sun was sinking over the city and the guests were gone. You were now more than ever glad that you hadn’t hosted at home, leaving the clean up to the staff (along with a very well deserved tip).

The car ride back to the apartment was near silent, you passed it off as exhaustion for the both of you, but there was something lingering in the air that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Once home, the near silence continued, you pecked at Rita’s cheek before she headed down the hall to start the shower.

You grabbed water for both of you, carefully stepping out of your heels before entering the bedroom. The glasses found home on the bedside tables, you plugged your phone in and tugged off your dress, hanging it to be dry cleaned the next time an order went in. Pulling on soft pyjamas you opted for a make up wipe to clean your face, you’d counter by exfoliating the next morning instead. The silence gave you time to get lost in your thoughts, which wasn’t the best idea right now, but you couldn’t help it.

When Rita emerged from the shower in pj’s she found you cross legged in the middle of the bed, a whistful look in your eyes. You glanced up at her, noticing the distance in her own,

“Are you okay?” You asked softly, breaking her thoughts and pulling her gaze to you.

“Yeah. It was just a long day, I’m tired is all.”

“But it hasn’t been just today…”

“What?” The wavering in your voice had her full attention now.

“Something’s been…off recently…it was fine until a few days after you gave me the ring…are..are you having second thoughts? Cause, if you are, then that’s fine.” You wiped away a stray tear that you weren’t even sure where it came from, “we don’t have to do the whole wedding thing, just the ring’s enough.”

“Darling…” she dropped down onto the bed, your words nearly shattering her heart, she’d never meant to hurt you like this, “no. I absolutely am not.” Her hand reached out to stroke your face, the other one clasping at your left, “when I said I wanted to marry you I meant it. Nothing would make me happier than being your wife. Oh my love…” She pulled you to her chest, cradling you gently against her body while she kissed your hair, “I love you more than anything in the entire universe.”

“I just don’t want you getting cold feet when the day comes. I know you said you weren’t really the wedding type, and I don’t care about all that fancy shit as long as I get to spend my life with you.”

“My love, I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you a million times more, I would do anything you asked for. I’m so incredibly sorry I’ve been distant recently, things have just been weird with work and I didn’t want to bring that home to you. You deserve the utmost happiness. I’m so sorry that I tried to keep you out of it, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“I know…” you sat up, wiping a few more tears away, “maybe, like you said, it was a long day, maybe it’s the exhaustion talking. I just..got scared..that you’d changed your mind.”

“I could never change my mind.” She kissed the tip of your nose, “I’ve never made an easier decision in my life, okay?” Rita wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug, “you mean everything to me. I love you my sweet.”

“I love you too.” You murmured against her shoulder, letting the worries melt off you as you sank into the hug. She only pulled away softly when she felt you sigh heavily, knowing that you were okay. Cupping your face she kissed you softly, holding her forehead against yours in a moment of intimacy after such a public day.

It was only when you dropped down into the pillows that she shifted the covers over the two of you, curling her body around yours in the bed, making sure you were securely in her arms. She lay a featherlight trail of kisses across your shoulder and neck, murmuring just how much she loved you as you fell asleep.

Rita honestly felt kind of like an idiot, she knew she’d been acting a little weird since finding out about Olivia, but she thought she’d covered it well enough. Then again, any kind of strange behaviour in the days following an engagement was probably a red flag. She felt even more terrible for hurting you on a day like today, if it was going to end in tears she’d only hoped they’d be happy ones. She made a very important mental note to do whatever she could to make it up to you. After all, you were literally all that mattered in her life, and she clearly needed to remind you that.

A/N:Well, this is it folks. Thanks for falling down the spiral that is Ms Calhoun with me. But don’t worry, I will obvi keep writing for her, I’ll be starting another series of her relatively soon, and obvi accept requests for one shots and the like. This ch goes from soft, to a little fun chaos of lawyers enjoying their time off to ultra soft. Fair warning.

Taglist:@charabs@emilyprentisswife@natasha-danvers@stardust-fray@ineedafinghug@billiedeannovak@stardust-galaxies@randomthingsss​ @vivis-ghost-wife  @wannabe-fic-reader​ @witchxaf @sarcasticmami@angelicdestieldemon@gaylorrds@smuttty@infiniteoddball


The following four and a half months seemed to simply race by faster than anyone had expected. You sat for the bar in early March followed by a torturous waiting period. Rita reassured you that she knew you did spectacularly, but your anxiety was still spiked over the entire thing. You felt that you’d done well, and you knew as long as you passed you had a guaranteed job lined up, you were just hoping you’d live up to your own expectations.

You’d been at your own desk all through the morning, working through piles of paperwork, emails and occasionally on the phone, which, to Rita, was rather strange. You were almost always in her office with her, sitting at one of the tables while you shot ideas back and fourth. Though she knew you’d been a bit stressed recently, so she wasn’t going to push it, making a mental note to pick you up something nice on the way home.

Shortly before lunch, you finally came into her office, a stack of papers in your hand. She could see the post it’s stuck to a variety of them, scribbles of blue ink between the printed words as you placed the pile down onto her desk. She cocked a brow at you,

“And these are…?”

“Shortlist of resumes for your new assistant.” You smiled warmly at her, “I weeded out all the incompetent ones, don’t worry.” Rita laughed lightly,

“Thank you. This better be because you passed the bar?”

“Mmm…no, Barba gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse.” Your eyes gleamed as you grinned across at her.

“Oh please.” She scoffed, “we both know the only place you’re going is that office across the hall.” She pushed her chair back from her desk, nodding her head, “c’mere.” You moved around the desk, giggling softly as she tugged you down into her lap. “So, what was the verdict?”

“Top five.” You wrapped your arms around her neck, “and I believe I have you to thank for that.”

“Mmm.” Rita kissed you gently, “I knew you could do it darling. And you have yourself to thank for it, all that hard work and dedication.”

“You still helped.” You replied, nuzzling against her nose before kissing her gently, humming against her in satisfaction. “Don’t know what you’re going to do now, you’ll be lost without me as your assistant.”

“I’ll still have you as my love,” she kissed you again, “and that’s all I need.” She nudged you out of her lap gently to stand, “I believe this deserves a celebratory lunch, how do you feel about Scarpetta?”

“Mmm! Their ravioli is decadent, you sure we have time for that?” Rita laughed lightly before kissing your cheek,

“We’ll make it a working lunch. Find you your own assistant, figure out your client list, mine’s gotten too big, I’m sure I can shave it down for you.”

“Are you sure? Won’t they not want a first year attorney handling their cases?”

“Darling, you’re hardly some two bit legal aide, and you come highly recommended. Besides, Shakir loved you, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a switch up. Come on.” She extended her hand out to you, nodding her head toward the door, “your beloved ravioli awaits.” You playfully rolled your eyes, a grin on your cheeks as you accepted her hand, interlacing your fingers with hers.


Truthfully, Rita’s client list had gotten a little bit out of hand recently, especially considering she’d had you working as her assistant, the amount of work she had to do per case was substantially lower than normal. She knew whoever ended up replacing you was in no way going to be able to keep up to your standards (you reminded her to at least try to play nice or she’d end up with another new one).

The first time you showed up at the 1-6 for a client Barba was quick to quip that you couldn’t go in without Rita, to which you huffed a laugh and reminded him that this was your client, joking about how ‘this was going to be fun.’ He knew in that moment by the glint in your eye that he was not going to enjoy going up against you. And he was completely right as you absolutely eviscerated him, tearing his case to shreds even better than he would’ve expected from Rita. The jury was back in under fifteen minutes and it was safe to say you’d earned a great deal of respect from him that day. (And a great deal of praise and gifting from Rita that night).

When the inevitable time of going up against Casey came around, you held up on your promise to not go easy, though the pre trial teasing was a lot more playful and friendly. She was surprised when you didn’t accept the deal she offered, preferring to take it to trial and risk losing, she had to admit, your years working with Rita meant that you knew how to be ballsy. Rita had the spare time that week to be in the courtroom to watch you completely destroy Casey, amused at the fiery dynamic between the two of you and the fact that Donnelly was the Judge on the case. When the jury came back in your favour, she couldn’t help but smirk, proud of not only how far you’d come, but how well you had done. She waited as the courtroom cleared out, watching your client thanking you before he left. She didn’t miss the snails pace that you and Casey were both organizing your things, eager for a private moment away from prying eyes.

“We’re still friends, right?” You teased to the redhead as the older women crossed the room to you.

“Course.” She roped an arm around you in a half hug, kissing your cheek before turning to Rita, “you really trained her up well.”

“Oh she’s always had it in her.” Rita replied, softly kissing you, “wonderful job darling.”

“Thank you.”

“How do we feel about Forlini’s?” Liz asked, “after that performance I think Y/N deserves a win celebration.”

“Okay…normally I would be offended at that.” Casey shot back, feigning offence. Liz simply laughed in response, kissing her cheek,

“I’ll meet you over there, I’ve got a couple things I need to wrap up. Though..defence is paying today.” She was quick to vanish from the room as Casey turned back to you.

“You do deserve it, I know you’re badass and all but I thought I had that in the bag.”

“I honestly just lucked out with the jury, ‘cause he definitely killed three people.” Rita’s hand slapped into your arm harder than she’d intended.

“Okay! Adding to the list of things we’re not supposed to say out loud!”

“What?” You turned to her, “I waited ‘til Donnelly left. Besides, double jeapordy applies, he can’t be retried! He fucks up again though, and that’s gonna be your win.” You shot a grin to Casey. “Shall we?” Your head nodded toward the door and the three of you made your way out of the room. Rita’s hand briefly squeezed yours before dropping it as you made your way past the press, though she linked your finger again once you were down the street closer to the restaurant.


Over that lunch, Memorial Day weekend had come up, Liz asking if you and Rita had plans to head out to the Hamptons. You hadn’t really thought about it at that point, but were more than willing to join her and Casey for an extending weekend lounging ocean side, attending a few celebrations at the yacht club.

Which is what brought you to that Saturday evening.

You’d spent the afternoon down at the beach, you and Casey splashing through the waves (Rita cursing herself for being roped into letting you get the emerald bikini you were wearing) before lounging in the sun, ever happy you’d snuck down some rose in chilled tumblers.

After a brief return to your own houses for showers and a quick change of clothes, you met up at Liz’s again for pre dinner drinks before her and Rita took a run down to Cappelletti to get a takeout order for the four of you. What they most certainly hadn’t expected was to return in through the back door into the kitchen to see you and Casey, in a huge fit of giggles while you were dancing like fools in the living room. Your cheeks were flushed and barely able to control your laughter, the glimmer of tears from laughing too hard evident in both your eyes, you were both clearly drunk.

“What on earth are you two doing?” Rita’s voice broke through your distraction, not even realizing they’d returned to the house.

“Making Tik Toks!” You both replied.

“What the fuck is a Tik Tok?” Liz’s confusement resulted in another bout of giggles from the two of you.

“Where the fuck did you get a ring light from?” Rita asked.

“The girl next door!” Casey snorted, “we were trying to make them in the backyard but she said this would work better!”

“You mean the thirteen year old!? Your socializing with literal children now?” Liz countered.

“She was really sweet!” You cut in.

“Okay,”  Rita shook her head, “but how did you even manage to get so drunk this quickly? We were gone less than an hour!”

“Beerio Kart!” You gleefully replied

“You’ve lost me once again.” Liz’s eyes glanced between the two of you.

“Mario Kart!” You explained, “but..you hafta finish your drink before the end of the race..but..but you can’t drink while you drive, cause that…is..is against the law.”

“You’ve gotta pull over and…chug your drink, or… do all three laps then chug. And there’s…three races per game.” Casey finished off. Liz picked up the empty bottle of wine on the counter, double checking the label before she spoke.

“And I suppose you did this with the 30% wine after not eating since brunch.” The two of you nodded before collapsing into another fit of giggles, distracted with each other, Rita turned to Liz.

“Is Casey this chaotic when it’s just you?”

“I watched these two tear each other apart in my courtroom three days ago….what the fuck happened?”

“We can’t leave them unsupervised anymore…” Liz laughed at that, which caught your attention again, your eyes landing on the take out bags this time.

“Ooo! Did you get the mozza sticks?!” You practically bounded toward the kitchen.

“Ah.” Liz halted you, “Casey, take that ring light back next door and then we’ll get some food into you dorks.”

The redhead rolled her eyes, but did as told, unplugging the light before teetering slightly out the front door. You turned to Rita, a hand grasping at hers gently,

“You think were dorks?” You pouted, she laughed lightly.

“Yes.” She kissed your nose, “but you’re our dorks.”

“Good.” You smiled brightly, kissing her gently as your arms wrapped around her. You spent a moment snuggled into her side, ever so thankful to be in her arms so freely, humming as her lips hit your head.

As the evening progressed, you and Casey managed to sober up with a little bit of time and some carb loading. Deciding to be somewhat responsible over dinner Casey and you stuck with water, letting the other two women catch up a little bit while you calmed down. You did manage to convince them into at least one round of beerio kart after dinner before you and Rita bid them good night.

The walk home was pleasantly warm, a small firework display going off above you from down at the beach. Your hands linked together while your other hand snuck into Rita’s elbow, kissing her cheek softly before snuggling against her shoulder. You thanked her for being so wonderful, and for another incredible weekend away from the city. She simply reminded you that you deserved it, and that you’d warranted it after succeeding so much in such short time this year.

Upon getting home you both changed into pyjamas, little soft moments of contact and love exchanged as you made sure everything was properly in place for the next day before returning downstairs for a nightcap on the porch, watching the rest of the fireworks going off. Rita sent you out with a soft blanket while she poured the drinks, joining you out there with something else in her hand as she settled next to you. You thanked her for the drink, kissing her cheek before taking a sip and placing it on the small table. She snuggled up against you under the blanket, kissing you deeply before she spoke.

“Something came for you today.” She lifted the box between you, you couldn’t help but smile at her, adoration heavy in your eyes.

“You didn’t have to.”

“On the contrary…I really did.”

You gave her hand a squeeze as you took the box from her, plucking the lid from it, revealing the necklace inside. Much like the one you’d gifted her for her birthday, it was a small circle with numbers engraved, and a small symbol.

“What’re the coordinates?” You asked, knowing they weren’t her apartment.

“This house.”

“You’re adorable.” You smiled, lifting the jewelry out of the box, your head tilting as your fingers traced over the gem, “an infinity symbol?”

“Infinity means forever.” She replied, her voice so soft you could barely hear it above the ocean, “and it was over Christmas, at this house that I knew I wanted to spend forever with you.”

“Rita…” you practically melted, happy tears springing into your eyes, “really?”

“Of course darling.” Her hand stroked at your cheek, “you already know you mean the world to me. I wouldn’t have it any either way.”

“Neither would I.” You surged against her, meeting her lips in an incredibly happy kiss, a laugh escaping your lips as you reluctantly pulled away, “put it on for me?” You eagerly asked, handing her the necklace while you turned your back to her for easier access.

“God I love you.” She murmured, kissing you again, lips feather light as they met yours.

“I love you too.” You pecked her lips again before wrapping your body against hers, snuggling as deep as you could.

You both meant it, curled against each other watching fireworks while the ocean softly crashed against the sand was the most perfect way to enjoy each other. Everything had finally fallen into place, but you would never forget those moments at the Hamptons house, the glorious Christmas you’d spent together, snuggled up by the fire, and that evening. The night that Rita gifted you something you would never give up in a million years, the offer to spend the rest of your life at her side. There was absolutely nothing that made you happier, nothing that you loved more, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.


The Swap

Technically a Rita x fem!reader
Part of the SSS early years!
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, brief mentions of assault.

Rita felt her heart thundering in her chest as she rocked on the balls of her feet outside Elizabeth Donnelly’s brownstone. She’d been struggling recently, wondering if SVU was really the place for her, if she would do better in straight homicide, hell, she’d settle for something as boring as white collar or family law right now. Her past had been coming back to haunt her, and she had been doubting herself more and more each day over the past year, down to the point that she did her absolute best to get back to her office before she burst into tears earlier in the week.

Keep reading
