#rn my only priority is to get better


I got covid at christmas dinner with my fam, how’s that. Anyways, because of it i have connected more with Apollo because of his health aspect and after researching a bit for adding to my grimoire I read many posts saying how they couldn’t worship their deities properly because they saw everyone doing it in a certain way so that made them compare themselves with that certain everyone and made them insecure about their practice…

Which is a mood tbh.

And I feel I have said so many times the same thing on my posts but I will dedicate one just for this, do what it feels right for you and remember social media is fake. So, first, with the social media thing, some of your favorite bloggers or whatever you follow regarding your worship most of the times won’t tell you when they fuck up. I personally don’t sit everyday and say “oh this last month I didn’t move a finger for my worship because of x and x reason” because I don’t feel the need of sharing it, and I know many others who feel the same. 

Imagine this hypothetical scenario. Your mom asks you how you’re doing at school, work, college, whatever and you’re doing really bad because of x reason. The probability you will open up and be honest is very low, we all probably want to say “i’m doing great, achieving all my goals, etc” so when we are not we just rather avoid it. The same happens with worship. There will be exceptions of posts in which we say we fucked up in certains ways, but that wont be constant because the human race has been known for not accepting their mistakes, who would be proud of them tbh.

This leads me to my next point which is don’t be scared to fuck up, the fact that you don’t see everyone messing up doesn’t mean it’s not common to do so… I’m pretty sure everyone has had their downs when it comes to worshipping, the important part is to be able to recover and do something about it. Find a way of worship you feel comfortable with, not a way of worship someone else feels comfortable with.

If there’s something I really like about Hellenism and Paganism in general is how personal the practice can be, there is not a book full of rules to follow, they are just some ground rules and from that you can create your own beautiful practice that fits into your lifestyle and way of living your religious aspect of life. 

So please, don’t compare yourself to people on social media and the way they practice, that’s their personal way that fits into their lifestyle not yours. 

Really short post but im sick so i would rather go to sleep, goodnight and trust your gut. 
