#robby benson

- You are weird.- I am?- Yeah, you are. You look like you walked out of another century. You play ba

- You are weird.
- I am?
- Yeah, you are. You look like you walked out of another century. You play baseball like Babe Ruth. You talk like you’re from another planet.
- Thanks for the compliment.

The Chosen, Jeremy Kagan (1981)

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Tribute(1980). A shallow Broadway press agent learns he is dying just as his son by his ex-wife arrives for a visit.

Gosh, Jack Lemmon is great in this. He’s often the best part of what he’s in, but that’s never been truer, I think, than in this clunky father-son story. He elevates every scene he’s in and lends such emotional complexity to a man beloved by many and truly known by no one. Kim Cattrall and Lee Remick both are pretty solid too, but man, Robby Benson struggles to lift what, to be fair, is a pretty frustrating character. Still, a few really compelling scenes and some great character work from Lemmon. 7/10.
