#robert pronge x reader



summary: a disaster.

warnings: like, everything. threesomes mmf and ffm. anal, like extreme anal too. oral. vaginal, and also extreme vaginal bc yikes that got crazy there for a moment. slight bondage. steve being the b e s t (imo that’s a logical warning)

word count: around 9,250

relationships: steve rogers x reader (main), andy barber x reader, mike weiss x reader, ransom drysdale x reader, robert pronge x reader, ari levinson x reader, colin shea x reader, nick vaughan x reader, frank adler, wanda maximoff x reader

a/n: i’m just discreetly dropping this mess in the cover of night lol. literally will never understand why my mind came up with this idea. but if you see this fic, who was your favorite power duo?


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Y'all better get ready for Murderer Monday!!

Every Monday, we’ll be talking about these fine murderers.

Send in some thots, I’ll do a drabble for ‘em. Some headcannons. Heck, maybe I’ll get a fic idea!

See you for Murderer Monday!

We haven’t thirsted for these hot psychos in a long time.

Let the fun begin.
