#robert sean leonard


when i tell you this man is SO FINE

standoff, 1998

more wilson pics more more more

house 1x8

more season one wilson he has a special place in my heart

house 1x5

something about tiny crunchy rsl pictures

tape, 2001

please forgive me for not properly cropping out the credits i got lazy

house 1x3

holy fuck

i’m foaming at the mouth absolutely ravenous and insane about this photo

tape, 2001

wilson, <3

house 1x3

more because he’s so fine so so fine

tape, 2001

im a sucker for this lab coat + hands on hips combo

house 1x4

that green tie ,,

house 1x7

what i wouldn’t do for a chinese takeout date with him

house 1x4

he is so tiny i just wanna crush him

house 1x3


this movie breaks my heart every time i watch it and i might be crying but yeah

robert sean leonard

swing kids, 1993

God blessed us with Dancing and Singing RSL in 1 movie to enjoy throughout eternity

(his other stuff was on broadway aidjsjsba)


but really whom among us DOESN’T want to look like robert sean leonard circa 1989 circa age 20 circa dead poets society circa cheekbones circa eyebrows

Yours truly,

Signed by my broken heart.

Be it carefully constructed memoir of the soul, or heart wrenching adoration for the dearly beloved or a few words of impatient love, Handwritten letters have a flair so warm and elegant that no text messages can ever match.

Films in Frame - Carol, Perks of being a Wallflower, Dead Poet’s Society, Submarine, The Double, Hannibal (Hannibal’s letter to Will in the hospital), Spellbound, Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, Call me by your name (Oliver’s reply to Elio’s letter -enclosed here- Please don’t avoid me. It kills me. Can’t stand thinking you hate me. Your silence is killing me. I’d sooner die than know you hate me. I am such a pussy. Way over the top. Can’t stand the silence. Need to speak to you.)

PS: It’s a shame Tumblr just allows ten images per post.
