#hannibal and will


“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a Monster.” - Nietzsche

Wrapped up bare breasted in sweaty, bloody sheets with their devilish despair.

Cinematic Parallels - Daredevil X Hannibal

1. In their full throttled devilish form

2. Sleepless Sleepyheads

3. Facepalms (Someone give them a hand so that these babies can facepalm their facepalm their facepalm their facepalm.)

4. Hot and bothered And Bloooody

5. Top of the morning for our eyes

(I have so many more parallels which will be posted in due time. Can hardly keep calm with these two absolutely brilliant avant garde top tier lovable characters.)

Yours truly,

Signed by my broken heart.

Be it carefully constructed memoir of the soul, or heart wrenching adoration for the dearly beloved or a few words of impatient love, Handwritten letters have a flair so warm and elegant that no text messages can ever match.

Films in Frame - Carol, Perks of being a Wallflower, Dead Poet’s Society, Submarine, The Double, Hannibal (Hannibal’s letter to Will in the hospital), Spellbound, Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, Call me by your name (Oliver’s reply to Elio’s letter -enclosed here- Please don’t avoid me. It kills me. Can’t stand thinking you hate me. Your silence is killing me. I’d sooner die than know you hate me. I am such a pussy. Way over the top. Can’t stand the silence. Need to speak to you.)

PS: It’s a shame Tumblr just allows ten images per post.

Will: Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to answer an age-old question. The question is: who here does the best impression of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. You’ll be judged on voice, body language and overall lack of flair. Everyone will perform the same scenario: Dr. Lecter eating a marshmallow for the very first time. LET THE LECTER-OFF BEGIN!

Jack Crawford (impersonating Hannibal): What is this glutinous monstrosity before me?

Beverly (impersonating Hannibal): The sugar in this is quite sweet.

Abigail (impersonating Hannibal): oooohhhh *starts giggling profusely*

Will: That’s your Lecter impression?

Abigail: I can hear him doing that.

Alana (impersonating Hannibal): Looks like a sticky pillow.

Will (impersonating Hannibal): I don’t care for it. Classical music.

*Everybody laughs*

Hannibal (entering the room): What’s going on here? What are you doing?

Will: Dr. Lecter, hey. Nothing, just eating some marshmallows. Care for one?

Hannibal (picking one up): Marshed mellow?

Hannibal: *starts giggling profusely while chewing*

Abigail: I KNEW IT!!!!!!


Been having alot of fun with this little sketch (little as in 6 hours of blood, sweat and tears..). Finally did one of these two gorgeous bois together! I might do some more on this piece! <3

Art by me


Been having alot of fun with this little sketch (little as in 6 hours of blood, sweat and tears..). Finally did one of these two gorgeous bois together! I might do some more on this piece! <3

Art by me

I feel like im finally getting Mads’/Hannibal profile down after years of trying… Im really excited to paint this one, got some good ideas;) after i finish the one of him ive already started that is..

Art by me

Heres some Jack! I feel like i don’t appreciate him enough, so i painted him.. hes a total badass! But anyways, i broke out of my art block finally, i havent painted anything for like 3 months, always stopping at sketches but this was really fun

Art by me

Been having alot of fun with this little sketch (little as in 6 hours of blood, sweat and tears..). Finally did one of these two gorgeous bois together! I might do some more on this piece! <3

Art by me


-“Do you regret anything?”

-“Not a damn thing.”


Hannigram wedding - 2

part 1




His gay ass lean means so much to me. Also the fact hes the only one allowed on or around the desk
