#robin buckley x yn


hey!i had so much fun writing this!! usually i hate writing angst with gays because well, who wants gays to be sad? but this, i quite enjoyed! first part and it’s based off thissong! 

Robin groans as she stumbles sleepily to the front door, and a string of curses slip from her lips when she trips over a pair of shoes that she doesn’t even remember kicking off. 

She steadies herself on the wooden door and tries to blink some of the exhaustion out of her eyes but it does nothing. She hasn’t been able to sleep properly for the past two weeks, ever since when went back to you after promising herself it was the last time. 

She thinks of your lips when kissing her, she imagines it’s you lying beside her instead of the girl that’s really there. And every time she looks at her, she feels her heart sink deeper and deeper, one day it’s going to settle in her stomach and she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to fix it. 

“Robin!” She’s instantly awake when she hears your voice on the other side of the door, and your mid knock when she swings the door open, throwing quick glances down the corridor in case any of her nosy neighbours decide to see what’s going on and pulling you inside. 

You gasp, and then a smirk pulls at your lips as she pins you against the wall. 

“What are you doing here?” She snaps, and the smirk drops. You look up at her and she sighs when you can’t quite look her in the eye. You’re drunk, of course. 

She doesn’t know how she didn’t smell the alcohol straight away, cheap beer and cherry. It’s not the best combination and you’re definitely gonna regret it in the morning and the smell makes her gag a little before staring straight at you again. 

“I came to see you.” You smile and boop her nose, the flicker of self doubt seems to have passed, either that or you’ve just forgotten how angry she seemed seconds ago. And now you’re back to grinning at her, a lopsided warm smile that tugs Robin’s heart further into an abys. 

“I said, no more.” She says sternly, but the hard expression on her face flickers as she looks you up and down. Your dress is short and crinkled, but it’s the one she met you in and she has to force herself to look away. Instead she settles on your face, your makeup smudged, dark circles around your eyes from the mascara that you rubbed off in the taxi over here, well that and the crying. 

“You always say that.” You shrug and kick your heel off, gently pushing her away from you and stumbling into the kitchen. She pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a deep breath, she really can’t deal with this now. 

How is she supposed to choose between you and her, it’s simple really, she knows who she wants, or at least she thinks she does. But every time she finds herself wandering dangerously close to saying those three small words that hold so much meaning, she finds herself running back to the other one, too afraid to actually commit. 

A loud smash pulls her from her thoughts and she runs into the kitchen, her eyes wide as she see’s you standing with broken glass around your feet. You look back at her, and try to smile as innocently as you can, making her just huff before she bends down to clean the three month out of date pickles off the floor. 

You bend down to help, but she smacks your hands away and you pout before pulling yourself to sit on the counter, a bottle of wine in your hand and you watch with a warm smile as she picks up glass and pickles. 

“You’re cute when you’re angry.” You say casually and she pauses for a second, the compliment causing an unwelcome blush to spread over her cheeks. 

“I’m not angry.” She says, her voice low and you send her a pointed look, despite her back being to you. 

“You’re about to beeee.” You sing and she turns around to face you, an eyebrow raised and a bag full of glass in her hand. 

“Why?” She sighs and you watch her move around the kitchen. The bag goes in the bin, kitchen roll goes on the floor to soak up the pickle juice and you frown. 

“You don’t like pickles, why do you have a jar of them?” 

“Julia likes them.” She shrugs, trying so hard to seem casual about it, but when your eyebrows raise and you give her a look she rolls her eyes and turns around, trying to busy herself with something else. She can’t stand to see you’re judging face, it’s your worst face.

“Wow, it must be getting serious, leaving pickles at each other’s places.” You tease and she shakes her head while handing you a glass of water. 

“I don’t leave pickles at her house.” She replies and you snort a laugh. “Anyway, why am I gonna be angry?” 

“I kissed someone.” You whisper, your eyes shining and she feels her heart sink. Yep, it’s officially hit rock bottom. “And it wasn’t you.” You add and her face goes slack. 

“Good for you.” She replies, deciding that right now is the best time to do the dishes she’s been putting off for the past few days. 

She runs the tap as fast as she can, trying to drown out your drunk ramblings, but still some of them make their way through and she hears you talk about how you leaned in, how you didn’t feel anything and how it didn’t feel like you.

She bites her lip at the last part, trying to stop the sadness from spreading over her entire face. She’s not happy that her eyes a blurring with tears, so there’s no way she’s gonna frown. She hums in response, trying to act as casually as she can while washing a plate. 

“I kissed someone.” You repeat, your tone giddy and she forces herself to look at you, she really wishes she hadn’t. Because as soon as the two of you make eye contact, your expression hardens. The smile drops and your eyes become cold and distant. “Because it’s fair.” 

Robin didn’t think she could feel any worse than she already does, but with those three words, she finds a whole new level of guilt and so she drops your gaze and turns back to face the sink, a shaky breath escaping her lips as she tries to stop the tears threatening to spill. 

“Why am I even telling you? It’s not like you care. You’ve already got someone, you have done for months, this is like everyday for you. Are you hurt?” You ask and jump off the counter. 

You walk towards her, already more stable than you were when you first turned up and suddenly she feels you beside her. The warmth from your body makes her blush and her breath hitches when she feels your breath fan against her face. 

“Beg for who.” You lean in and whisper, making goosebumps erupt all across her body. There’s a few seconds of silence between the two of you, the tension building as you stay close to her, but just as Robin is about to say something she’ll probably regret, you interrupt. 

“Put me in a car, I wanna go home.” You say quietly, and Robin picks up on the quiet sobs escaping your lips as you stumble towards the front door, picking your shoes up as you go. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come here.” 

“It’s fine, Y/n. But please stay, it’s really late and I don’t want you to get hurt.” She tries but you brush her away, leaning against the door so you can put your shoes on. 

“No, it’s fine. I wanna go home.” You argue and open the door. She follows you outside, making sure to stay a few steps behind you so you can have some space.

She watches with a pained expression as you stumble and shiver and wipe the tears from your face, and the only thing she can think of is, how could it be anyone but you?

She helps you into a cab, and as she’s about to close the door, you cling on to her arm a desperate look in your eyes. 

“Kiss me.” You sound pathetic, you know you do and when Robin hesitates it makes you feel even worse. The taxi driver is trying her best not to seem annoyed by the waiting around, but you shrug her off and focus only on Robin. “One last time.” 

She leans in, like she’s supposed and you follow, your heartbeat increasing and hers slowing. Her lips brush yours before she kisses you properly and it’s nothing but desperate. She’s not sure what she’s desperate for, for you to stay, for you to still want her, she doesn’t know.

And when she pulls away, the taste of alcohol being the only trace of you on her lips, you sigh and slam the door closed, leaving her standing alone on the side of the road. 

It’s what you waited for, one last goodbye, but it just made you miss her more.

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i’ll never love a boy the way i love the ocean | robin buckley x gn!reader

description: you’re in love with your bestfriend and her ocean blue eyes

warnings: swearing, like a little angsty, implied era-typical homophobia (barely)

a/n: i’m literally in love with the song to love a boy by maya hawke so this only seemed appropriate :)

won’t let me link it but just youtube it if ur interested

Robin has blue eyes, the colour of the ocean.

Perhaps it’s not something you’re supposed to notice about your best friend. It’s the sort of observations meant for lovers, for poetry and music.

But Robin’s eyes are the colour of the ocean, the kind poets write of getting lost in, and sometimes, it feels like you‘be been drowning in them for years.

Today the setting sun hits them in a way that makes them lighter, and the first you notice is whilst you’re walking together from the movie theatre, whilst she’s rambling on about the film you watched together.

“I mean, next time I’m choosing the film, (y/n).” Robin says, “You’re my best friend but god, you need a movie education.”

You manage an uncommitted hum, busy fighting off the butterflies that are making you feel queasy, trying to ignore the way her hand grazes your own by your side as you walk, each time making you feel almost dizzy.

Ocean eyes, freckles, warm hands…

You can’t pinpoint the moment those features meant so much to you, when you began to catalogue them, to adore them. Sometimes, you can’t imagine a time where they didn’t mesmerise you.

“I mean, it was cheesy in the worst way.”

Robin’s hands lift from her sides with an dramatising hand action that makes a small smile climb to your cheeks, eyes dropping sheepishly to the ground.

“I know.”

Robin laughs and your brows pull into a sort of pained expression, smile faltering and chest tightening.

Eyes, freckles, hands, laughter.

It’s never been a startling realisation, one that brings with it the relief of understanding. You would prefer that, one big, eye opening moment that you could find somewhere to put afterwards, somewhere to store in the far corner of your brain and move on from.

But the realisation that you have fallen in love with your best friend is one that gnaws away at you, the kind that only solidifies with time and becomes entirely too much to store anywhere but everywhere, in every glance and every smile.

And it all started with those ocean eyes.

On days like today, it’s entirely too much, and you can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever love a boy as much as you love those eyes.

And the thought makes you queasy.

“Oh, hey,” Robin begins, frown audible in her gentle, raspy voice, “I’m just joking, (y/n/n). You can choose the next film, I don’t mind- you know I’m just not one for rom-coms-“

You laugh, horrified when it leaves your lips just a little broken. Robin stills by your side, brows creasing with concern, one hand reaching out to pull you to a stop with her.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

When you look up, her eyes are wide, and you can see specs of green in her irises, lips parting wordlessly. Her head tilts a little, curiously, and you realise that you’ve been well and truly caught.

“Do you ever think of who you’ll fall in love with?”

Robin brows lift in surprise, smirk finding her lips, readied with a joke when she spots the solemn expression still etched on your face.

“I-“ She says, smile dropping, “I guess… Why? You’re kind of worrying me here, (y/n).”

“I think I love someone,” You admit, voice quiet despite the courage it’s taken to produce it at all suddenly. “I know that I love them, actually.”

Something twitches on Robin’s face, something oddly like disappointment, and her hand pulls back from your own slowly, inviting the cold to prick your skin.

“Oh.” She smiles half heartedly. “And who is the lucky guy?”

You gives her a long contemplative look, anxiety stirring in your chest. Biting your lip, you inhale shakily through your nose.

“What- what if it’s not a guy, Robin?”

In the new silence, you can hear Robin’s breath catch with realisation. Her blue eyes meet yours, wide and knowing, and for the first time, your scared to look into them, scared of what you’ll find.

“You’re in love with… a girl?” Robin clarifies tentatively.

You nod, eyes trained at the scuff marks on your shoes. The silence that settles between you both is so intense it makes you feel dizzy.

“Well, is she a nice girl?” Robin asks, sounding slightly strained, “I can only assume she likes the same crappy movies as you, but I’m sure she’s got redeemable qualities too.”

You laugh, a startled sound as you look up in surprise of her acceptance. She smiles at you, a little forced, but it’s enough to still the panic that was slowly bubbling in your chest.

“She hates my taste in movies.” You admit.

“A woman of taste.”

You know Robin well, so well acquainted with her face that you can see the hurt in the crease between her brows, the subtle disappointment.

You might go as far as to say jealousy.

This realisation is the big, eye opening moment. It brings a jolt of hope right into your chest that seeps outwards like an electric current, until the buzz reaches your finger tips.

“She has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

It’s escaped from you lips before you can even consider the consequences, and the crease between Robin’s brows deepens, forced smile faltering just a little.

“I’m happy for you.”

The lie only spurs you on, and you reach out for her hands, smiling softly at the familiar warm touch. You find yourself fidgeting with a ring on her index finger.


She glances down at your joined hands, and when look up, she’s already staring at you with parted lips, and there’s a red colour climbing her neck that confirms your newest suspicions.

“Did you know your eyes are the same colour as the ocean?” You ask, smiling nervously. “Blue but with this little hint of green… they’re gorgeous, Robin.”

Robins hands tense in your own, and that crease in her brows softens, breath trembling as it leave her lips. You hold her eyes with more confidence than you ever thought possible.

“It’s me.”

“It’s you.”

Robin stands frozen, and for a moment, your new confidence dwindles, and you worry you’ve been swept away in the hope of it all, and the colour of her eyes.

Then, she’s pulling her hands from yours and before you can panic, plan your excuses, their cupping your cheeks, the pads of her thumbs grazing your cheeks softly.

“It’s me.” She repeats, smiling, “Holy shit, it’s me.”

Her eloquence causes almost makes you laugh, but you’re struggling to tell whether it’s in excitement or humiliating humour. Her grin widens, and she lets out a disbelieving laugh.

“Holy shit.” She repeats.

“I’m going to have to ask you to stop swearing at my confession, thanks.”

“Sorry,” She beams, “But I just-“

“Holy shit,” You say, “I know.”

She shakes her head, gently running her thumbs across your cheek bone. She turns only to glance around then empty street before returning, tongue darting across her lips nervously.

Suddenly you feel like putty in her hands.

“Are you going to kiss me?” You realise, smile twitching at your lips.

“If you let me.”

You’re nodding as you tug her closer, hand wrapped around the fabric of her shirt. She draws your face closer with her hands and when you kiss, everything falls into place.

Her lips are just slightly chapped, but they move gently, perfectly, with your own. In all your wildest daydreams, you’d never allow yourself to imagine this, and you chase her lips as she pulls back , small sound of complaint escaping you in a sharp sigh.

“Oh, don’t worry.” She grins, “I intend to kiss you for hours sometime”


“It gives me something to do during your crappy film choices-“

You step back with a roll of your eyes, but she catches you with an arm around her waist, grinning gleefully.

“I love you too.” She says softly.

And you soften against her, balancing yourself on her shoulder, and she gives you a look of utter enchantment. You wonder how you’ve never noticed it before, all that love in those ocean eyes.

“Holy shit.” You exhale, smiling.

She rolls her eyes, unravelling herself from your waist as you laugh. When she grabs your hand, she guides it into her pocket, and through a grin, you almost point out what a terrible rom-com cliche she’s entertaining.

“Let’s go.”


“To the video store, so we can rent as many shitty rom-coms as Steve will let us, and I can kiss you, for hours.”

robin realising she likes you, her best friend during a sleepover you’re way to old to be having, lying back on her bed whilst you practically wrestle her into letting you do her make up

i am thinking of this picture, yes

sat on her lap and gently holding her chin, you’re panting softly, glad she’s finally stilled. but she’s looking up at you like you’re the sun and she’s just realised she’s lived in darkness her whole life.

“just eyeliner, okay?”

and robin can only nod, positive that if she opens her mouth it’ll only be to a million things she isn’t ready to leave her head yet, and as you lean down to apply the eye liner, she tries desperately not to stare at the way you pull your bottom lip between your teeth in concentration.

by the time you’re done, she’s just about melting beneath you, and you can feel the the tremor in her breath beneath the hand balancing you on her ribs.

“you look hot, robin.”

“yeah, it’s really warm in here, i should probably open the window or we’ll never get to sleep-“

but you’re smirking a little, and robin realises a second later what you mean, freckles disappearing beneath a blush so bright there’s no way to hide it.

“i know we agreed on eyeliner, but what about a little lipstick?” you hint, voice merely a whisper. “i happen to think you’d really suit the shade i’m wearing now…”
