#robin x reader


Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626​: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional” 

A/N: I know how this looks, I was really inspired since I was stuck on another fic and ended up writing three parts to this I’m sorry T-T

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

Eyes fluttered closed as the sound of rails lulled her to sleep. University had been so tiring this week, having to finish a whole project by the end of the week, in which the guidelines had been given on Monday. A lot of preparation and running around in order to polish a well researched and thorough end result. 

The lack of sleep, tiring long hours and accumulated stress had finally left her body as soon as she handed in the work two hours before the deadline was scheduled. To say that fatigue had taken it’s toll on her was an understatement. 

For a Friday late afternoon, the train was quite empty heading towards Gotham, but then again, no one wants to go there willingly. Her eyes fluttered closed, mind numbing, it was still two stops into the city, each of which are more or less an hour long, she had time, even if it’s only a thirty minute- one hour nap at most. Too much sleep and it was disrupt – or complicate her-return-to-normal-sleep schedule. 

 ~ I should be due at the mansion in just over two hours ~ 

A quick message wouldn’t hurt if there still need to be preparations. 

~ Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up? ~ DG

That was quick. Smiling, (Y/N) texted her older brother back. 

~ It’s okay, you’re still busy, and I’ll be back before you’ve finished your work! ~

~ But we missed you! ~ DG

~ It’s been two weeks! Besides it’s the vacation, I’ll be home for a month or so. ~

~ Fine :( ~ DG

With a chuckle, she slipped her phone back in her inside pocket. A grown ass baby. 

Finally, she settled back into her seat, paying no mind to the occasional vibration of the carriage window to her head, inescapably submitting to sleep. 

When she finally woke up, it was at the end of the line, the carriages were empty, doors wide open, only the occasional person walking or sitting along the platform. 

Shit, the woman mentally cursed, grasping her things, and which, luckly, everything was still with her. Rushing out of the train, she scanned the screens: last train, departing in 2 hours and 30 minutes, Platform 8. The words glided along the end of the screen, in bright red dots. A disappointed sigh escaped her. At least it wasn’t late – and dark. Well, the sun was setting. 

The last stop was at the outskirts of Gotham, so she was thankful that she didn’t have to cause too much trouble getting back. Despite her nap, she was still tired – just less so, and she would really enjoy getting into a comfy bed in the company of her brothers, father and butler. 

A slightly irresponsible idea occurred to her. She could get home reaaaaally quickly if she wore her vigilante suit. The woman would be able to call her self-driving motorcycle and hurry to the Mansion in a record time. It was in her bag, and it’s not like it would hurt anyone. 

As long as she was careful when changing, this wasn’t going to threaten the reveal of her identity. 

With a smile, and making sure she held tightly onto the small bag she carried back with her, she briskly walked out of the train station, to an empty, dirty public bathroom.

Gross but will have to do. 

After having scanned the toilet for any lewd hidden cameras, she hastily slipped into her costume, placing her civilian clothes back in her bag and creeping out onto the nearest rooftop. Activating her tracking device and then the automated call, she sat down on the ledge, sighing in relief as she got the notification that her motorcycle just headed out. 

Now it was only a question of patience. Since nothing was happening, she lay down fully on the ledge, bag on the rooftop and arms under her head for more comfort. 

Her eyes closed, this time, not falling asleep, but listening to the nearly inheart environment surrounding her. 

That was until her phone vibrated. Sitting up, she reached for it, opening the message.

~ Where are you? I’m about to head home, but word is you’re not there yet. ~ DG

~ Yes, I missed the stop, called the Batcave, my ride should be here soon, sorry! ~

They must have been worried. 

Before she could answer, she heard quick footsteps trailing behind her. Her head snapped back but before she could distinguish anyone, the silhouette landed a hard blow to her head, which probably was a metal pole.

“Fuck.” she cursed in pain, her unlocked phone dropping off the ledge, sliding down the roof and landing in the gutter, “who are you!?” (Y/N) yelled standing up clumsily as the side of her head ached. 

“Lights out.” the unknown person grunted, lifting the pole high after dodging an attempted punch, slamming it to the back of her head. Her whole body smashed to the ground with violent force – but it’s not something she felt, as she fell into unconsciousness.


“Where is she?” Bruce grumbled as Dick entered the Manor, an hour and a half later than planned, and after some exhausting, useless paperwork. 

“What’s happening?” he frowned, seeing Robin hurry down the stairs of the Batcave.

“(Y/N) was supposed to be due, the tracker on her motorcycle hasn’t moved and she isn’t answering her phone.” Jason geared up.

“I’m coming with you,” Dick scurried to the room with his suit, slipping into it.

“We’ll be on comms if anything comes up.” Tim nodded. 

It felt like a very long ride towards the location that was given to them, even though they got there very quickly. 

As Nightwing’s motorcycle stopped close to their destination, he hopped off, watching the tracker from the screen on his arm, zooming in to be able to pinpoint exactly where her last place was. 

Jason jumped onto the nearest rooftop, scouting the area in case it was a trap of sorts. He frowned, seeing that the coast was clear and signalling his brother his ‘go’ card. 

It must have been a good half an hour before they even found a clue – excluding her untouched motorcycle. 

And it happen to make Red Hood jump out of his skin. Good thing Nightwing was still scouting the ground otherwise he would have been seriously embarrassed. 

The gutter buzzed, it was utterly unnerving. Cautiously,  he approached the roaring object, staring down at it as he spotted a phone. It was unlocked and vibrating widely. 

Crouching down, he grasped and inspected it.

(Y/N)’s definitely. And he didn’t like where this was going. It was Damian this time, calling her – in addition to like 78 missed calls and numerous texts. 

“Found her phone, she’s definitely gotten kidnapped.” The man announced nonchalantly, but his heart was beating fast. Their sister? Kidnapped at an unusually early time of the night? Hours after she got back into Gotham? Someone must have been keeping an eye out and planning. 

And given the fact that nothing has come up, it might not be a usual Gotham criminal.

“We might have a problem.” Dick spoke through his comms.

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @brooklynalpha@jason-todd-squad

Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626​​​: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional”

A/N: Last partttt, sorry it took so long and that it is so long. 

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

They scanned around, seeing nothing but knowing someone was there, ready to fight. Then the familiar silhouette appeared, perfectly outlined by the street lamp.


“Where were you?!” Jason yelled. Suddenly, she jumped down, legs straight into his chest, he fell down with a slam, “what the hell-”

The woman threw a punch at her oldest brother as he stood within her reach, before she glared at him. 

Dick never felt this amount of fear in a long time, the moment they made eye contact, he could tell by the ice cold and unmoving gaze she held, she was not the same person. 

“Hey, chill.” Tim pulled the girl off of him, holding her in a headlock. Resisting, she kicked his kneecap with her heel, making him groan in pain. 

Batman jumped in, hitting the back of her head, knocking her out instantly. Her body slumped in Red Robin’s embrace.

“What the hell!! You could have been careful with her!” Jason yelled, standing up with a grunt.

“It looks like she was about to kill us.” Tim breathed out. In protest, the former looked at Dick to back him up, but watched as he stayed silent, staring at the ground, he agreed with him. And Jason knew, deep down, that it was true as well. 


“How much longer?” Dick held the ice pack against his jaw. 

“Hopefully soon, but I can’t be certain unfortunately.” Alfred informed, placing the small tray on the counter. 

“What happened to her?” Damian murmured. 

“She was brainwashed,” Bruce spoke from the Batcomputer. 

Silence, a mournful silence. 

“We’ll have to try and get her memory back.” 

“How likely is it that we get it back?” Tim inquired. 

“I’m analysing the toxin that was in her body, so I can’t be sure until I get a concrete result.” 

The sound of restraints rattled through the cave and the brothers were quick to jump to their feet to crowd into the room where the girl was restrained, for safety purposes. 

They were met with wide (E/C) eyes. 

“Who are you?” her eyes narrowed. 

“Your brothers.” Dick mumbled.


Once they realised they were no longer a threat, they sat down, relaxed, relieved that either the toxin was slowly wearing off or that she was knocked out enough to forget that she had been trained to have a grudge against them – to put it lightly.

“How long was I out?” she whispered.

“48 hours.” 

The woman was clearly disturbed, worry written all over her face, realising that her whole identity was at stake and she couldn’t remember a single thing. She was unable to even look at the men in front of her, not wanting to see the tired faces desperately trying to bring their loved one back, knowing it might be a long, rough ride that might never end. 

 “Did I do that to you?” she pointed to Dick’s jaw. He nodded slowly, “I’m sorry.” 

“It’s okay,” he chuckled, realising they didn’t completely lose her as her worrying nature resurfaced. 

“How was I like…before?” 

Dick glanced at his brothers before he started.


“This will be your new home from now on, make sure to take as long as you need to settle down, Lady (Y/N).” The butler spoke.


“Would you like me to introduce you to your brothers?” 

“I have brothers?” her eyes lit up.

“Of course! They are in the kitchen, expecting you, this way please.” 

The girl was so excited to have brothers, but she was also extremely nervous, what if they don’t like her? That she’s annoying? What if she’s excluded because they’ve been here longer? 

“Hi!” A cheerful, cooing voice tore her out of her worries as a tall boy who was smiling down at her. “My name is Dick.” 

“Dick…” she whispered, her eyes wide, she was definitely old enough to know what that meant. A taller man behind him cackled. 

“I-it’s a nickname!” he spluttered.

“For what?” Her face contorted to disgust.

“I’m Tim,” a shorter one interjected.


“Jason.” the one who was laughing before greeted, not rudely but not at the same extent of welcomeness as the others. 


“Was I a good sister?” 

“Dick? What happened?” (Y/N) rushed into her kitchen, dropping her filled shopping bag on the counter and racing to his side. 

“I’m okay.” he grunted, holding his shoulder.

“It’s not, you’re bleeding.” As delicately as she could, she helped him up towards the bathroom. Once she took her time to stitch him up, she cleaned up his wound, “I’ll put a clean set of your clothes on my bed for you to change in, let me know if you need help.”

Without a word, he changed whilst she made a warm soup for him to relax. 

“Here,” she handed it to him as he sat down, curling up in her side.

“Thank you.” 


“Hey, you okay?” she looked over at him, eyes in a state she wished she didn’t see so often for his sake.

“Yeah,” he breathed out, running a hand through his hair. 

With one hand on the steering wheel, she poked his cheek.

“Want some McDonalds?” Glancing at her, she gave him a sympathetic smile.


“You were the best sister.” The eldest chuckled, a nostalgic look in his eyes. Her heart tightened. She had seen that look before.

“Snacks!!” she announced, holding two bags filled to the brink with all sorts of snacks, “Damian, I saw this wooden bracelet charm when I was out and thought of you, here.” (Y/N) handed it to him.

“I don’t wear those, it’s stupid.” He tutted. 

“Oh, okay then, I’ll return it I guess-”

“No give it to me.” the youngest snatched it out of her grasp and slipped it out, looking at the TV grumpily.

“Nothing for me?” Tim gasped. 

“I bought you a kilogram of NERDZ. Will you drop it now?” 

“Yes!!” he screeched.

The beautiful memories returned, but also the traumatic ones that happened not too long ago. Watching her silence, deep in thought made them stressed. Was she remembering? 

Until she started crying. 

“(Y/N)?” Dick’s eyes widened.

“I was so scared,” Jason scooped her up in his arms as soon as she said that, there was no doubt, “it hurt so much and I felt so alone.” burying her face in her brother’s shoulder, she sought comfort at the traumatic experience. 

“We’re here for you.” Dick kissed her forehead, cupping her cheek. 

“Want a hot chocolate?” Tim inquired.

“Uh-huh,” she sniffled. 

“Let’s go then.” Helping her stand up, they started walking towards the cave entrance, Damian hurrying to keep up with them, holding his sister’s hand in reassurance. 

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging:@lumifuer@ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette@schweeeppess@gearsinice@mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa@caswinchester2000@brooklynalpha@jason-todd-squad​ @itzagothamcitysiren​​@plaguedoctorsnake​​ @starshineandbooks @lucy-roo​​@loxbbg​​@vix360​ @thebloodrobin​​@vvipgot7be​​ ​

Waiting desperately to be saved from a kidnapping, you end up being brainwashed to be used against your own brothers.


Requestedby@flashdash626: “Hi! I’m not sure if your taking requests, so if your not then you can choose to ignore this. Anyways! I was hoping you could do a Batsis were the sister is kidnapped by a random villain, and once the boys find her its to late and she was brainwashed and was now under control of the random villain. Once they like knock her out they bring her to the cave and try to bring her memories back. After a little bit of them talking to her her mind snaps and shes back to normal and she gets all emotional”

A/N: Part 2 of 3

Warning: angst, violence, swearing

“Still no word?” Jason entered the cave, slipping off of his helmet. It had been just over a day, attempting tirelessly to pursue any leads that might have come up. 

“No, it’s like she slipped off the grid, out of the world, no CCTV footage, no witnesses, no chipped cars, nothing.” Tim typed away on his computer, eyes red and dry from the lack of sleep and ungodly amounts of coffee that have entered his system since then. 

Dead-end after dead-end made them more depressed and desperate. It was impossible to find a tangible lead to go on and the evidence left was near to nothing. 

“Everyone, go to bed.” Batman spoke after standing up. 

“What?” Jason snapped.

“We’re doing a regular patrol tomorrow, seeing what word on the streets are, so everyone, get some sleep so we can find more information in a better headspace.” 

“Tch, better headspace.” Jason followed his brothers up the stairs, rolling his eyes at the irony of it all. 


Her throat burned from yet another blood-curdling scream. It was such a dark and cold room, the aspect of time had dissipated in the darkness long ago. What time of the day was it? How many days had gone.

Six was the answer, but the damage caused would take years to get over. Helpless and alone, desperately wishing, hoping someone would hear, someone would come to save her. This perpetual isolation with disappearing hope now grounded within her, shook into her very core. The lulled buzzing from the other room, the stressful footsteps, ready for the worst to come if the figure would enter this particular room, but never the full preparation. 

She got more than she bargained for, but then again, she didn’t expect this to happen to her. 

Her energy was slowly leaving her body, she was weak. Older and newer injuries never quite tended to for more unnecessary pain, frightened of closing her eyes for a second, not knowing whether the demons would also appear in her mind as well. 

Growing fearful of the silence, preparing for a storm that always seems to just about come. 

Drowning, beating, dreading the next day would come just as bad as the previous one. It frightened her how quickly she became accustomed by it, and how devastatingly long it would take to mend the pieces back together. The silence was also unbearable, waiting for something to happen, like the storm, only brewing now. 

“Knock knock,” the voice rang as the door opened with a hiss as it screeched against the floor. 

Frightened, she didn’t dare open her eyes, feeling her heartbeat pound in her ears and chest, holding her breath in an attempt to conceal herself. 

“I know you’re awake.” the person chuckled, her eyes opened slowly, submissively, the only source of light coming from the corridor, “but now I’m going to make you fall asleep.” a hand in her hair to pull her head back, exposing her neck.

“Mmh,” she struggled, unable to express how painful this stabbing pain was through her muffling cloth-of-a-gag. It was only a needle, how could it feel so excruciating? Needless to say, it made her vision blurry and she soon fell into unconsciousness.

Perched on the rooftop, Red Hood scouted the area, releasing a long sigh. A month, that is how long it has been, and nothing came up about her. He kept wondering where she was, what she was doing right now, was she still in Gotham? If only he knew.

“Anything?” Dick questioned through the intercom.

“Nothing.” Tim answered. Robin was perched on a gargoyle in the center of the city, opposite of the tallest skyscraper in the city. 

He was about to move on, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, before static came from the tower, before the image of Scarecrow was displayed on the enormous screen covering the building.

“It’s Scarecrow.” Damian spoke.

“Here as well.” Nightwing chipped in.

“He’s showing himself all over the city.” Batman spoke. The few people that were out at that time scurried around the screens, some people woke up from their slumber to witness the commotion.

“Good evening, Gotham, although, I will only be addressing The Bat and his… underlings,” he started. It appeared he was in some sort of rundown warehouse, and those types of infrastructure were sprinkled all around the city, “I have planted a bomb, on one of the peers leading to the port, if you can find it before 3 a.m, a missing little girl will no longer have a beating heart. Crushing two birds with one stone” he chuckled.

“Motherfucker.” Red Hood cursed. 


“He’s right.” His brothers interrupted. 

“Lucius,” Bruce pressed on his earpiece, “is Batwing ready?” 

“Ready when you are, sir.” He answered promptly, “I’ve sent it on it’s way to you.” 


“We only have half an hour left.” Red Hood announced, having scouted out the outsides with his brothers to see if they could spot anything unusual. 

“I know.” Bruce spoke, scanning each building with the Batwing for any signs of heat or chemical reaction. His breathing caught in his throat when he found a heat signature.

“The old cement factory, first floor.” Revving their motorcycles, they raced down the street towards their sent location.

And sure enough, there the bomb was, intact, with a good 20 minutes before it blew, nothing they couldn’t handle. 

“It might be rigged.” Dick warned as Jason approached it to disarm it. Hauntingly, he was able to without an issue, just like a regular bomb. 

“It’s done.” Red Hood peeked at his brothers and Bruce, but his tone of voice suggested what everyone else was thinking, how easy all of this was. 

Despite the yellowish light coming from the street lamps outside, the place looked pretty deserted. Dick couldn’t see a single person in sight, civilian or otherwise, this was a trap, for sure, but nothing was happening. 

No one moved, nor spoke, and they were getting more and more anxious. The tension was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. 

Until a figure rushed past the light coming from outside.

What was that?

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx @lostnliterature @batette @schweeeppess @gearsinice @mizmahlia @tina8009 @disa @caswinchester2000 @brooklynalpha@jason-todd-squad@itzagothamcitysiren@plaguedoctorsnake@starshineandbooks @lucy-roo@loxbbg@vix360 @thebloodrobin@vvipgot7be​ 

After a one night stand, Jason doesn’t seem to be able to get his mind off you. Desperate to get you out of his head, he hesitantly agrees to go to Wayne Enterprise with his brothers for work, as a response to scrutiny from the general public. What happens when the person he was trying to erase from his memory pops right back into his life?


Requestedbyanonand on Wattpad: “Can I request one where reader and one of the boys are dating but they act like they still trying to get each other so they flirt a lot and stuff even if everyone knows they’re together”/ 

“And other one where the reader is feeling herself and singing “Meet me in the pale moonlight” by Lana Del Rey in front of one of batboys and they’re like wow she cute and kiss the readeeeeeer (they’re dating and they’re teenagers)THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU ” /

“haha well I have another which was that the reader is harley and Bruce’s kid and she meets  batboys but jason since she knew before she left  for the first time since she was away for wayne industries business meetings”

A/N:I hope you guys don’t mind that I tweaked it a little since these requests don’t have alot of depth individually!

“I’m just here for a drink.” the girl smiled politely even though she was extremely uncomfortable. 

“I am too, can I have it with you?”

“Oh for crying out loud leave her alone, don’t be such a creep.” The man at the end of the counter groaned.

“Mind your business.” the creep gritted his teeth.

“Your disgusting aura is polluting my drink so it makes it my business.” (Y/N) watched as he stood up and walked towards the pair. Now that he was closer, the woman could see how attractive he was up close, stunning eyes, sharp jaw, tall and a streak of dyed white hair, “Fuck off will you?” 

“Who do you think you are?” 

“Sorry, I forgot a world, fuck off please.” The stranger shot the man a terrifying glare and without another word, the man studded away, like a dog with its tail between his legs. 

“Thank you mister, but if he laid a hand on me I would have sucker punched him.” 

“Mister huh?” he smirked, sitting beside her. 

“Well what’s your name then?” 

“Jason, pleasure to meet you.” 


“This is your place?” she hummed, fingers running through his soft hair as his lips trailed down her neck, pulling her legs around his hips.

“Mmh hmm,” 

“You rich or something?” the woman breathed out as he sucked on her skin. 

“Something like that,” he murmured, pulling away to tease her lips with his. Jason stared deeply into her eyes.

“What are you waiting for, lover boy? You brought me here.” (Y/N)’s arms hung loosely on his shoulders, occasionally touching the back of his head.

“Yes ma’am,” he smirked, hooking his hands under her legs and carrying her to his bedroom.


Glancing at her side to the soft breathing of the naked man beside her, she shuffled, stretching and yawning. What a night, she tried moving her legs but winced, what a night indeed. 

“Good morning princess,” his morning voice was incredibly attractive as his arm slid around her waist, pulling her flush against him.

“Mmh, good morning,” the woman squirmed in his grip as he nipped at her ear teasingly with his teeth, “what time is it?”

“You have someplace to be?” he murmured, hand caressing her naked hip.

“Yeah, I have work.”

“On a Saturday?” 

“Self employed.” 



A month or so later, Jason was frustratedly sitting in the meeting room, chewing on his lip in boredom as Bruce brought all of them to a meeting at Wayne Enterprise for less scrutiny from the public eye. 

“The person we will be working on for the new design is going to arrive soon so I need you all on your best behaviour.” He glared at all the boys. 

“Yeah yeah, can we just get on with it so I can leave?” The second oldest rolled his eyes. 

“Mr Wayne?” as if on queue, the person knocked on the one-way privacy film that covered every window of the room, the blurred figure waiting patiently on the other side. 

With a last scolding glance to everyone, Bruce strutted over, opening the door and smiling.

“Good morning Mr Wayne.” the woman greeted with a polite smile.

Jason’s eyes widened, and stayed that way even when he made eye contact with the girl. She responded with the same reaction, but quickly regained her composure and greeted the other boys. 

“Oh hey (Y/N),” Dick waved to his roommate, “you look great.” He flirted.

“…Um hey,” she greeted hesitantly, feeling a little uncomfortable with his usual ways in the professional setting.

“Shall we get down to business.” Bruce glared at his eldest son.


“You don’t have to act so grumpy.” Jason rolled his eyes as they finally arrived at their hotel in Europe after an excruciatingly long flight. 

“I’m tired, I need sleep.” Not wanting to address the elephant in the room, especially when she was this exhausted, she scurried to the bathroom to slip into comfortable pyjamas and landed right into bed, “I’m having this conversation tomorrow, good night.” 

The next day came quickly and (Y/N) opened her eyes reluctantly, wanting to melt in the comfortable double bed she was in. Discreetly, she peeked at the double bed facing her diagonally. 

The woman frowned, it was empty.

“I’m right here.” the man voiced from behind her as he exited the bathroom.

“Jason!” she screeched, “what the hell! Don’t creep up on people!” 

“Well don’t try to spy on people when they are sleeping!” he threw his damp towel to her.

“Ewwwww!” she grimaced.

“Chill, I was drying my hair with that.” he walked towards his bed, and she only now noticed that he was naked – with a towel around his waist obviously. Steam was emitting from his skin as it glistened still.

With warm ears, she pulled the covers over her face, eyes peeking out discreetly.

“We’ve seen each other completely naked, I don’t see what the problem is, if you’re going to look, be shameless,” he moved his butt from left to right teasingly, “you can see this regularly if you want,” he chuckled.

With a sigh, she buried herself under the covers. 

“I haven’t changed my mind Jason, I’m sorry, I’m not interested in commitment at the moment.” 

She felt a weight on the bed and hesitantly took a peep out. Jason was laying on her bed, shirtless but with some underwear on.

“At least give me the benefit of the doubt for this trip.” he gave her the puppy eyes. Eying him suspiciously, she sighed.

“Alright, fine, don’t disappoint.”


A few months or so later into the relationship with Jason and gotten closer to his younger brothers, (Y/N) slipped on a comfortable T-shirt, watching herself in the mirror as she tidied her hair a bit and examined the hickey on her neck.

Swaying lightly from side to side to the song that was stuck in her head, she hummed softly to herself, setting out her clothes for the day.

“You don’t have to give me anything

Just put your sweet kiss kiss on my lips now baby”

Walking back to the mirror, deciding on whether or not jewelry was necessary, the woman continued.

“Think about you almost all the time, all the time and-”

“I love you so much baby,” he breathed out from the other side of the room. 

“Hmm?” she glanced in the mirror. 

“Keep singing~” 

“No,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, “are you ready?”

“Do we have to go?” Jason whined, marching up to her, slapping her ass and squeezing it before hugging her from behind, nuzzling her hair, his warm skin against her.

“Baby of course we do, we have to hide the fact that we’re together, plus they are fun, we’re all friends here.” she rubbed her butt against his hips and he bit her ear. 

“No teasing,” he whispered in her ear, turning her around and pushing her against the dresser, “or else.” 

“Or else?” the woman chuckled, “but seriously though,” her hands cupped his cheeks as he stared at her lips, “we can’t act like a couple, it’s unprofessional,” 

“Technically I don’t work at the company,” 

“And the person I’m working with is your dad.”

“Adoptive, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Just a coffee, maybe a lunch, and then we can come straight home.” 

“Mmh, okay,” he pouted, holding her tightly as she kissed his lips and pulled away. “You sing beautifully, please do it more for me.” he pouted. She chuckled, shaking her head slightly in embarrassment.

“Put a shirt on and let’s get ready, I don’t want to be late!” (Y/N) ushered, “and the sooner you’re out of here, the less anxious I’ll be that your brother unexpectedly enters his own home and sees you in it.”

When they were ready, at a somewhat reasonable time, they drove there as quickly and responsibly as possible.

“Why is your hand still on my thigh?!” (Y/N) jumped once she realised he had discreetly snaked his hand back on her thigh when he was parking the car on the side of the road, in a surprising proximity. Slapping his hand away and giving him a look, the woman slipped out of the car and walked up the stairs, ringing on the bell.

Jason scurried up beside her, slapping her butt playfully before pushing the door open. 

“Hey guys!” she grinned, not having the time to scold her boyfriend once again as she was greeted with welcoming smiles. 

“How have you been?” Dick teased, having seen her just yesterday.

After playful banter, and not-so-playful for the brothers, over a nice hot drink, a new topic came up.

“How was the party yesterday (Y/N)?” Jason inquired, knowing fully well about it but trying to seem inconspicuous, “I hope no one stole your heart, that’s for me!” … or not.

She paused, giving him an unimpressed look, reluctant to answer “It was great, and no.” 

“No what?” he smirked. Her cheeks burned, she did not like being put on the spot to lie, especially since this was incredibly unnecessary.

“No one did anything.” 

“To who-”

“This is embarrassing, we know you two are a couple,” Damian nearly gagged. 

“Huh?” (Y/N) turned to him, feeling her soul leave her body.

“How do you know?” Jason looked at him.

“It’s been a while.” Dick chuckled.

“We been knew ,” Tim rolled his eyes.

“Someone left someone’s underwear in an awkwardly obvious place when I came around… and you slapped her butt before you came in here, everyone saw it.” Dick explained, watching his brother.


“I didn’t- wait, how do you know that it’sherunderwear???”

The eldest’s expression fell and he blushed. 

“I might have um-” 

“He accidentally came in when I was packing my bag to leave for the business meeting in France okay?” the woman spluttered. 

“You did WHAT?”

Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  

Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!

Tagging@lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @brooklynalpha​  @jason-todd-squad @vix360

Love and War (but mostly war): Part 2

Alone Together

Paring: damian wayne x reader (she/her pronouns mentions vaguely)

Summary: Being the partner of Damian Wayne comes with its own difficulties. Especially when you’re both hot tempered teenagers who don’t know how to talk to your crush.

Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence, mild swearing, damian being a stubborn bitch,

A/n: as promised pt2!!! i hope you all enjoy! title banner and end banner were both made by @maysdigitalarts they are very talented and really nice so check them out!!! also this is only kinda proofread so read at your own risk 乁(•-•)ㄏ

Word count: 2.5k

Part 2/?:part one – next part: coming soon

requests are open click herefor more info

Spending spring break in Wayne manor had its ups and downs. Ups included a huge library in the south wing, delicious homemade meals every day, and the best water pressure you’d ever experienced. The downs included 9 hours of training daily, getting lost while trying to find a bathroom, and having to spend way too much time with your arch enemy.

Technically he’s not your enemy. At least he’s not supposed to be. After the fight you had last week you couldn’t be sure. You’d had fights with Damian before but this felt different. Usually after a fight he’d sulk for a few hours but then it would go back to normal, but this time it didn’t go back to normal. Damian had been avoiding you for almost 8 days.

You knew the fight ended too soon and you both had more to say but if he was going to act like a child and ignore you then you weren’t going to stop him. You still had to patrol with him but it was considerably quieter. The manor was big enough for the both of you and after a few days you’d figured out his schedule and how to get around him. Tim let you train with him, so as long as you stayed on your side of the gym and Damian stayed on his you didn’t have to interact with him at all.

It wasn’t until the 4th day of break that you had to talk to him. Bruce had to go meet with the league for the day so training ended early. You had a couple hours before dinner and decided reading would be the best use of that time. You walked down one of the many hallways lazily dragging your hand along the wall until you reached a door. You couldn’t remember exactly where you were but you were about 75% sure there was a couch in this room, so you pushed the door open.

Inside you found tall ceilings paired with dark wallpaper, a tall window with the thin white curtains pushed out of the way, and a couch. Actually it was three couches but after 4 days staying here you’d gotten used to the large amount of furniture that was there for no reason.

The couches formed a square with the open side facing the window lined wall. The first two couches were empty but when you stepped farther inside the room you saw someone sitting on the third one. Of course the one room you picked to go into also happened to be the one room Damian was sitting in. He looked up from his sketchbook and immediately frowned.

There were two options in front of you. You could back out of the room and leave him be but then you’d be backing down from something that might not even turn into a fight which made you seem weak so really you were left with only one choice. You straighten your back and closed the door behind you, officially leaving you in a room alone with Damian for the first time since the fight. You walked over to the couch facing the windows head on and sat down on the side farthest from him. He watched you the whole time but you paid him no attention, instead you simply opened your book and began reading.

You felt his eyes leave your form and you let out a quiet breath. You heard a page turn and a pencil being dragged lightly across paper. It had been over a week but nothing seemed to be getting better between you and him. Patrols were a nightmare beforehand but now that he’d switched from constant criticism to almost no comments you found that you preferred the former.

Damian’s pencil against the paper was the only sound in the room and yet the silence seemed so loud. You hated it. You hated having to avoid him all the time. You hated not being able to talk to him anymore. You hated how far away he felt even when he was right next to you. You hated that you didn’t hate him as much as you used to.

You never realized how much you talked to him until you didn’t. It was a weird feeling to miss someone when you hadn’t even known you cared about them. You honestly just wanted to apologize and let things get back to normal so as you sat there staring at your book you decided to take action. So you took a deep breath, swallowed your pride, opened your mouth, and prayed to god that something would come out.


“Damian-” you both spoke at the same time. “Sorry, you go first.” You apologized.

“No, you can go first.” He replied almost nervously. That couldn’t be right, he never got nervous.

“Uh I was just going to say, well I’ve been thinking lately,”

“You?” He asked sarcastically.

“Oh haha, really funny. Will you just listen for a goddamn second.” He was not making this easy. “I know we haven’t been talking much ever since, well you know and uhh.” You couldn’t find the right way to word it. You were still too stubborn to outright apologize but you knew he would never say sorry unprompted. “You’ve just seemed… off, lately and if it has something to do with me-”

“It doesn’t.” He cut you off. “I’m not ‘off’ and even if I was you definitely wouldn’t be the cause.” His expression was blank.

“Well jeez you don’t have to be so rude about it.” You sneered back at him. “What were you trying to say anyway?” So much for your apology.

“I’ve convinced father to change our partners.” His voice was flat and he seemed bored with the conversation.

“You what?” You stood up. You couldn’t believe he actually did that without talking to you first.

He stood up as well and was a few inches higher than you. “We don’t work well together, you can’t tell me you don’t agree.”

“I don’t! We’ve been a great team! Remember the Penguin pen raid or Mr. Freeze’s death ray thingy.” you exaggerated your point by waving your hands through the air. “We stopped those. Together. You can’t just go around changing things without asking me first!” You were fuming.

“Sure I can! We only stopped those villains because of what Idid,youjust got in the way.” he pointed at you.

Here we go again, the blame game. The endless cycle of ‘he did this, she did that’. You were so sick of it. “That’s bullshit and you know it. I can hold my own on the field just as well as you can. And you know what! I don’t even want to be your partner anymore.”

“Neither do I! You can go play hero with someone else while I do all the real work. I never wanted you on the team in the first place!” He stared you down and if you weren’t so fired up you’d probably be intimidated.

“God you’re so annoying! You think you’re so great and no one can even come close to you but in reality you’re exactly like the rest of us!”

What were you doing? This wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted to apologize and make things right but now here you were screaming at him again. You almost couldn’t help it. Fighting him gave you a sort of rush that you craved. It was like a drug and you were addicted to the pain. You didn’t want to fight him but it was the closest thing to a conversation you’d had in over a week and at this point it was enough to satisfy your need.

“I’m going to prove that I’m better than you. I’ll do it on my own too!” You told him.

“Go ahead and try!”

You were full on shouting at each other now and it could definitely be heard in outside of this room. “I will!” Both your heads snapped to the door when you heard a knock echo through the room.

Dick was standing at the door looking at the scene he’s found. “Woah.” He said awkwardly. He clearly didn’t know how to handle the situation he’d just stumbled on.

You grabbed your book pushed past him and into the hallway. Anger was clouding your mind so once again the fighter ended too soon.

Damian watched you walk out before turning around and groaning. “I can’t believe her,” he muttered to himself. “She is insufferable, inexperienced, beautiful annoying, piece of worki have evermet.”

“You think she’s beautiful?” Dick asked, a slight smirk on his face. It probably wasn’t the best choice of words.

He looked back at him with an almost offended expression. “What? that’s ridiculous! I- No I don’t!”

“Well that’s what you said sooo,”

“You’re hearing things Grayson,” Damian defended. “I would never say that out loud.”

“Oh of course never out loud, just in your hea-”


You spent the rest of the day hiding in the guest room. You planned on staying there forever and letting yourself fade out of existence but alas, you still had patrol. Of course Bruce was gone so you couldn’t really ask for a night off and you couldn’t go off on your own since you were still technically new to crime fighting. So Damian was your only option. ‘Fuck’

You went down to the cave and suited up without so much as making eye contact with him. You could totally keep this up for the next few hours, you wouldn’t get very much done but you wouldn’t have to talk to him so that was a bonus.

You had set up shop on some random rooftop near crime alley before hearing reports of multiple gun shots over the police scanners and you both rushed to commotion. Usually you’d survey the scene but that required communication with your partner so instead you wasted no time and jumped into action. That was a mistake.

You had no idea that you were jumping right into a fire fight and you had no idea that they were expecting you, which led you right into their trap. Fantastic. After a grueling fight and metal chair to the back of your head you were knocked out

When you came too you found yourself in a small darkish room that kind of looked like the inside of a shipping crate. The floors were cold underneath your now gloveless hands as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. The only light in the room was coming in from a thin crack along one side which you assumed was the door.

Squinting through the darkness you saw Damian sitting on the opposite side of the room from the light. You picked your head up a little too fast and became violently aware of your splitting headache. “Ow, what happened?”

“We’ve been captured.” He answered flatly.

“Oh really, smartass? I hadn’t noticed.” You sneered back at him while standing up and heading towards the door.

“Ask dumb question get dumb answers.” He shrugged and copied your movements but stopped a few feet away. “And it’s locked, I’ve already tried everything.”

You rolled your eyes and felt around the door, trying to get a feel for mechanics. “Can you shut up, maybe it doesn’t hurt to try again.” Finally you realized that it didn’t have any internal locking systems and the only way to unlock it was from the outside. “Dammit.” You cursed and hit the steel wall which hurt a lot more than you thought it would. “Shit,” You shook your hand.

“Well that was just stupid,” Damian scoffed at you, taking your hand to examine it. He always did that sort of thing on patrol so you didn’t pull away or even really register what he was doing. It was just sorta normal for the two of you to look after each other’s wounds.

“Oh I’m sorry, is my frustration not smart enough for you?” you sneered back. “At least I’m trying something.” You looked around the small dark room, determined to not look him in the eyes.

“I told you I already tried everything. You were out for a while, I was wor-” He released your hand and cut himself off. “You definitely bruised it but you’ll be fine.” Was he about to say he was worried about you? That was definitely not the kind of thing he vocalized.

You reluctantly thanked him and began pacing slightly trying to think of something else to try. “Ok so how do we get out? Can’t you use those ninja skills you’re so proud of and like… kick it down, or explode the lock or something?” You watched him walk to the back of the box and sit down on the floor.

“Well if you’d taken a moment to actually think you’d notice that outside that door there’s about 20 armed guards, and inside this box there’s one highly trained assassin and one amuture. Neither of which have their utility belts. But I have a plan so will you just sit down?” said motioning towards a spot near him, or at least you though you did your eyes still weren’t quite adjusted to the lighting yet.

He was right, the odds were not in your favor. Even if you could get out you wouldn’t make it very far. “I am not an amuture.” You said pointedly while walking to a side wall and sitting down. “And I’m sitting down because I want to, not because you told me to. And what’s this plan your so sure of?”

“As soon as you went down i knew we’d lost so i sent out a signal. They took our belts somewhere else so the team will go there first and then have to find us but it won’t take too much longer now.” He explained calmly, actually this was the calmest you’d talked to each other in a while. It was nice, refreshing.

“Oh so you’re saying without me you couldn’t take on a few no name thugs? Interesting coming from the boy who claims he doesn’t need me.” You smirked at him, for some reason he was having a really time with his word choice today.

“Oh please you were would have been killed if i hadn’t lay them take me. And Batman would be pissed if he came back to one of his protégés dead.” He countered, rolling his eyes at your accusations. Clearly whoever had you didn’t want you dead otherwise they would have done it already but they probably would have banged you up a bit more. Had he really given up a fight just to save you a few bumps and bruises?

“Ah i see, and you wouldn’t have cared if i was dead?” You theorized, smugly.

“Not in the slightest.”

A/n: ahh thank y’all so much for the support so far part one got quite a bit of momentum so hopefully this part does just as well :)

Tag list:@ginevraxrogers@daydreaming-bao@trashmouthsahra@the-middle-oldest-child@big-bad-batsy reply in the comments to be added to this! i’d hate for anyone to miss part 3

Love and war pt2 drops tonight!

The mildly anticipated part 2 comes out in just a few more hours!

there’s still room on the tag list btw ;)

preview under the cut

not me calling out my own poor grammar

Love and War (but mostly war): Part 1

Loving Hate

Paring: damian wayne x reader (she/her pronouns mentions vaguely)

Summary: Being the partner of Damian Wayne comes with its own difficulties. Especially when you’re both hot tempered teenagers who don’t know how to talk to your crush.

Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence, and mild swearing

A/n: Ok so this is actually a rewrite of an older fic under the same name. I really liked this prompt but i thought i could do a lot better so i decided to try. this new revised version is going to be multiple parts, enemies to lovers, slight slow burn, with a side of fluff and extra helping of angst. hopfullly this one is even better then the last one. also the support divider was made by @maysdigitalarts;)

Word count: 2.2k i’m pretty sure

Part 1/?: part one — part two — next part

Also in desperate need of requests:) info on that here

Being a superhero can be difficult. It can be even more difficult when your partner is an absolute dick. So for you being a superhero was very difficult.

You didn’t choose to be partners with Robin but as the newest Batgirl you found it came with the job. It turns out Robin was just as unhappy with this predicament as you were.

You tried to be friends with him at first, but after about 2 weeks you realized you weren’t getting anywhere and gave up. After you had proved your skills to Damian he stopped complaining about being partnered with you on patrol but he didn’t stop criticizing your every move. His comments led to more than one petty argument.

He was an asshole to you whenever he got the chance but somehow your over romantic heart decided the shit eating grin that he wore whenever he beat you at sparring was very attractive. You couldn’t help but think he secretly wasn’t so mean. Once when you got hurt on the field and he had to bandage you up before taking you back to the cave, he seemed worried and it was almost like he cared about your well being.

You remembered taking on 3 thugs and how the last one pulled a knife out of nowhere. He thrust it towards you before you could react and it sliced across your forearm. You knocked him out with a swift kick and turned to see how your partner was doing, almost forgetting about the cut. It wasn’t a terrible wound but the blood made it look a lot worse than it was.

Damian punched the last man, successfully knocking him out before looking over at you. You heard sirens in the distance and he motioned for you to follow him to the roof. You remembered the climb being painful but you didn’t want him to lecture you about being weak so you sucked it up and kept climbing.

When you had reached the roof he was already listening to the police scanner, looking for your next hit. You had walked over to him and sat on the ledge with your back facing the street. You examined the cut and tried not to make any noise. That’s when Damian looked up and saw your blood covered arm. You were surprised at how quickly he rushed to your side and pulled out a bat-aid kit.

“When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me you were hurt? How deep is it?” He had bombarded you with questions while wiping off some of the blood.

“I’m fine, it’s nothing. Just a scratch.” You smiled unconvincingly and winced when his gloved hand passed over a particularly painful spot.

“Don’t lie to me. I can tell when you are.” He didn’t look up at you or stop but he was more gentle after that.

“Oh? What’s this? Could it be the one and only Robin is worried, about me?” You had exaggerated shock in your voice.

“TT of course not,” He replied stiffly, finally glaring up at you. “I’d just prefer it if my partner didn’t pass out from blood loss.” You remembered the pain of the cleaning alcohol on the fresh wound. You had hissed slightly at the feeling but sucked in your breath to avoid any further embarrassment. “There, you’ll live but from now you don’t hide things from me. Got it?”

That was almost 2 weeks ago but the memory was still clear in your mind. Ever since then you noticed Damian checking on you more often. For a short time you thought this was finally the beginning of a possible friendship but eventually brushed it off as him thinking you were weak or something like that. It seemed a bit more on brand after all.

Today had been pretty shitty to begin with so patrol was pretty much a guaranteed nightmare. Your bus was late so you didn’t get home on time and then you had a mountain of homework to do. Studying had been pushed to the back burner ever since you had started officially working with Batman so you had fallen a bit behind on schoolwork and it was all catching up to you.

Damian had some intel about a drug deal so you both decided to have a mini stakeout and see who showed up. He told you to be there by 10 but you lost track of time and didn’t end up arriving until well after 10:30. This provoked a very boring lecture about time management that you were definitely not in the mood for.

The drug deal went down as expected and you and Damian jumped in to round up the bad guys. It was going fine until one of them slipped past you and managed to escape.

“Damnit!” You exclaimed as the back door swung shut. “I’ll get him!”

“No, don’t!” Damian yelled after you but you didn’t listen. You heard him curse and something that sounded like a batarang hitting a wall before the noises blended together and eventually faded.

The man was fast and you were about a block away from the fight when you finally caught up to him. “Gotcha now, asshole.” You smirked as he was backed into an alleyway with no way out. He smirked back and knocked on the door next to him. 11 more thugs emerged and you realized just how bad you had messed up. “Oh you’ve got to be shitting me.” You muttered under your breath while backing up ever so slightly.

One of the men spoke up. “Aw what’s the matter little girl? Don’t tell me you’re scared.” He laughed and others joined him. You let him take a few more steps so he was within your range before grabbing a batarang from your belt and throwing it at him.

He was caught by surprise and had to swerve to avoid the sharp tool. This was exactly the reaction you’d hoped for and gave you time to lunge and land a solid hit to his stomach. He fell back into two of the thugs with a grunt. A man a bit more to your left shouted some profanities at you before charging. You dodged and he ran right into a dumpster, effectively knocking him out.

“2 down, 10 more to go. So who’s next?” You said boldly, despite the odds being very much not in your favor. 3 men launched at you from different angles and you dodged but the move forced you deeper into the alley so there were now 4 men in between you and the exit. “Well shit.” That’s when your knight in shining armor showed up to save the day.

“Well shit times 2,” You muttered.

Damian hit harder than normal and you knew it was because you’d run off without him. Usually he’d wait until you got back to the cave to lecture you but today he didn’t seem as patient. “I told you!” Punch. “Not to!” Dodge. “Chase him!” Kick.

“This might come as a shock,” You grabbed an old book from the trash and threw it at someone. “But I don’t take orders from you.”

“You don’t take orders from anyone apparently.” He sounded angry. Really angry. He started ranting something in a language you didn’t quite understand but you had a pretty good guess as to what he was saying.

It took about 10 minutes to knock out the rest of the men and tie them to a street lamp. You had alerted the police and could hear sirens in the distance which meant it was time to go. You turned around and saw Damian was already climbing to the rooftop.

“Where are we going now?” You asked once you’d reached the rooftop as well. You were hoping to brawl with a few more thugs before the night was over. Fighting always helped you relieve stress and right now you have a lot of stress to relieve.

“We’re going to the cave.” He replied simply walking fast and not stopping to let you catch up.

“What? Already? It’s only like midnight. I’m sure there’s some more douche bags that need to be caught.” You knew he was mad at you but cutting a patrol short? He’d only ever done that once or twice in extreme situations. He didn’t respond but instead jumped down off the roof into an alleyway where his motorcycle was waiting. You assumed he’d called it there while he was walking.

“Go back to the cave. I’ll meet you there.” He finally spoke, before speeding off and leaving you alone.

You watched his silhouette disappear down the street and let out a loud groan. “Great, now I get chewed out for trying to stop the bad guy,” You grumbled. “This is definitely not what I wanted to do tonight.” You called your motorcycle to you and it showed up a minute later. You hoped on and headed to the cave, already trying to think up good arguments for the conversation that you knew was coming.

Once you pulled into the cave you parked your bike. You saw Damian was leaning his back against the medical table and he had his arms crossed over his chest. His mask was off and you could see the anger in his eyes as they watched you hop off your bike. Dick, Jason, and Tim were standing nearby but you didn’t pay them much attention. You walked up to Damian who glared at you but didn’t say anything

You’d done the whole “Silently stare each other down until the other person says something” thing a few times but today you didn’t have the patience to try and wait him out. You took off your mask so that your eyes could met his. “Look, I know you’re a little upset with me-”

“A little upset?” He cut you off, pushing himself off the table and taking a step towards you “I’m pissed!” 3 heads from across the room turned towards the brewing fight. “I specifically told you not to chase him.”

“That’s why you ended the patrol?” You asked in disbelief. “Because I did something you didn’t want me to?”

“You ran off on your own. That’s not ok.” He stepped closer again and you were forced to tilt your head up slightly to maintain his gaze.

“Oh please you run off on your “Lone wolf” bullshit all the time.” You saw the other boys getting up out of the corner of your eye but still didn’t acknowledge them.

“That’s different.” He seethed with anger and you still couldn’t understand why but at this point it didn’t matter to you. You had bottled up almost all your harsh feelings towards him and it was finally spilling over. All the times he’d sneered at you or told you to give up on being a hero were flooding back and fueling the anger in the pit of your stomach.

“Because you’re better than me right? Because you’re the one and only Damian Wayne, son of Batman and the greatest goddamn Robin to walk the earth!” You raised your voice letting sarcasm steer your words. “You’re mad because I don’t take orders from you and your over sized ego can’t handle that.”

“I’m mad because I can’t trust you!” He shot back, raising his voice to match yours. “We’re supposed to be partners but you’re too stubborn and immature to listen to me. This isn’t just about tonight and you know it. I can’t do what needs to be done if I’m too busy trying to make sure you don’t get killed.” There it was again. The ghost of concern buried deep under his tone.

“I can take care of myself just fine. I don’t need you to save me like I’m some damsels in distress.”

Really? Because I had to save you tonight!” This made you furious. You went to respond but a black and blue gloved hand had already found its way over your mouth. You hadn’t even realized how close you were to Damian until Dick was pushing the two of you apart. And you two had been pretty damn close.

“That’s enough!” Dick exclaimed, sounding very annoyed. “You’re supposed to be a team and instead you two have been at each other’s throats ever since you were paired up.”

“It’s all her fault-” Damian started but was cut off.

“First of all, I’m not done yet. Secondly you’re both to blame,” Dick said pointedly. “We’re all sick of your bickering so if you don’t figure out how to get along we’re taking matters into our own hands.” he nodded at Jason and Tim.

Tim was sitting on the table that Damian had been leaning on when you arrived and he, unsurprisingly, had a cup of coffee in his hand. Jason was standing next to Tim with a look of slight amusement.

“What the hell does that even mean?”

“At best,”Jason spoke up. “we get you couples therapy. At worst, we lock you two in a room and take bets on who kills who.”

“That’s not true,” Dick interrupted again. “We’re not taking any bets,” he corrected.

“You’re not but me and Tim already have a pot going. Alfreds in on it and I’m pretty sure Bruce wants to join too.” Jason looked at you and winked. “My moneys on you sweetheart.”

Part 2

A/n: and so it begins dun dun duuunnnn anywho if you’d like to be tagged in up coming parts reply here i should be posting updates regularly and i wouldn’t want anyone to miss them :)

in desperate need of hurt/comfort prompts

please and thank you

i want to write before my family makes me lose my mind


Hello there! I’m preparing to post a bunch of new fics and I lost access to my tag lists so I made a new form! the old tag lists literally don’t exist any more

Tag list form

new fic drops tonight and the tag list is open!

oblivious || Damian Wayne

Hallo! I’ll get straight to it. XDD Is it fine if I would ask for some Damian Wayne x Reader. Where the reader has an alter ego but Damian doesn’t know it. Damian, as Robin, is always teasing and kinda insulting the reader but doesn’t realize that it’s the same girl he likes. And the reader is kinda chill with both of their personalities that they’d be really fcking similar XDD and they don’t even try to cover it up. But she’s smart enough not to let it through. I hope you get the idea. You can just say no tho hahaha. Anyways, have a great day!

A/N: I hope this turns out okay! Do you notice I put pictures of the boys now? Yeah, bcs I’m not writing on my tablet and yes, I always write on my tablet for most of the times :>

Have I done this title before yet?


“Really, Robin?” You stared at the boy wonder in front of you, he had his booted foot on top of a criminal that you both had defeated- it was mostly him because apparently, he loved to steal your spotlight- the bulky man was probably unconscious since he hadn’t moved at all, he hit his head pretty hard on the ground after all.

“You were too slow,” he bent down to tie up the guy’s wrists, then flipped him over to his back before tying up his ankles and thighs.

“I arrived here first, you ass,” you huffed, sighing in defeat. There was no point arguing with the boy, he was always like this when he was doing his hero duties or not.

Oh, of course, you knew who he was at school. Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne, one of the possible heirs. He was good looking, had quick reflexes, smart but despite all that…

He still didn’t know who you were.

You did nothing much to hide that you were, well, you.Save for the mask you wore and the suit- of course, you did nothing- you let your hair just the way it was, the way you act was just the same like how you acted in school.

He still didn’t notice.

“Too bad, too sad,” Damian- Robin- stretched his arms up, he was young but damn if his body didn’t already sculpt, you had seen it first hand too on gym class when he had to wipe the sweat off his face with his shirt. “Is this all?”

“Uh, yeah,” you looked around the building, it was empty and eerie, the sound of wind could be heard because it was just that silent save for the two of you. “Let’s get out of here, I’ve called the GCPD. They should be here right about,” you heard sirens blaring from afar, the red and blue glimpses of light accompanying the sirens, “now. Let’s go.”

The two of you grappled up, away from the polices’ eyes. Their flashlights were aimed all over to look for you and Robin but they were already too late since you two were already far from the scene, heading for a nearby fast food restaurant.

The person behind the counter wasn’t surprised to see two young vigilantes strolling into the place casually, talking like you were just regular customer- which you technically were- and ordered some food then went out again to eat on their rooftop.

“It’s not like you to be late, Robin,” you commented, chewing on your curly fries, legs rocking back and forth as you stared at the ground where civilians were passing.

“Had to finish my homework first,” he looked at you, emerald eyes narrowing behind the glasses of his domino mask, “swallow before speaking.”

You didn’t pay any heed to his words and continued speaking, although, this time your food was already swallowed, “we have homework?”

“Yeah,” he paused, “wait, what do you mean ‘we’?”

“Oh shoot, we have homework,” you crumpled the paper bag, tucking it into your pocket- had to give a good example as a good vigilante- and grinned at him as you stood to leave, “do you seriously haven’t noticed who I am, Dami?” You snickered.

You watched as everything seemed to process in his head and when you knew the obvious realization washed over him you left without a goodbye but laughed loudly into the night. The poor boy was left there alone, mortified.

“Shi” his mother’s voice echoed in his earpiece, daring him to finish that word, “crap,” he corrected himself.

After all this time he had been telling you about his feelings, asking for help and advice, ranting on how much he adored you to…you?

Needless to say, Damian didn’t come to school for a couple of days and when he did, he didn’t dare to talk to you until youapproached him.

another Damian?

Yes, there’s another one coming.


Hi there i was hoping that you can do one about were Damian meets his twin sister and she goes to see him and now live with him in the mansion and the batboys come home (including batman/bruce) and start to freak out that they have another sibling but that it is a girl and the reader and Damian are just watching this and the reader is like a girl version of Damian so i would be really happy if you did that and if don’t that’s fine I’m just asking but can you please and have a nice day or night

A/N:This is going to be a short crack/drabble, I hope this is okay!

Damian is close to the reader!

Damian stared at the perplexed expressions on his older siblings’ faces, they just came back from their patrol, all messy and bloody- there was almost no such thing as not fighting when they went out. He had his hand clasped with another hand that definitely did not belong to him, it was a little smaller and more feminine.

But that was not the only thing that made the older boys, sans Bruce since he wasn’t back yet. Their eyes shifted to where their mother stood, she had an awkward- almost nervous- smile on her delicate face then back to you, the almost carbon copy of Damian.

You were twins, had the same dark hair and the same shape of eyes but just slightly different shades of green, Damian stood a few inches taller than you and that little prick was smug about it.

“Uh,” you raised an eyebrow, “nice to meet all of you?”

You soon regretted greeting them because they started to make a ruckus, the one that Damian had pointed out that this guy was the oldest- Dick Grayson- grabbed your face, turning it side to side while you frowned that same frown Damian always supported whenever he was annoyed. Tim- he was cute- noticed that expression and started taking pictures before showing them to Jason- second oldest.

“Holy poop,” Jason was well aware of the no cursing rule ever since Mrs. Wayne threatened to spank him in front of his brothers if he ever cursed, Damian told you about this on one of his letters, “we have a female Damian in the house.”

“DUDE,” shrieked Dick, you pried his hands off your cheeks and covered your ears. Emerald eyes met yours, there was an amused glint behind those beautiful irises and a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips, in return, you narrowed your eyes at him.

What kind of hell have you gotten me into, Damian?

“Are they always like this?” you looked over your shoulder at Mrs. Wayne, who apparently, had been tending his husband- when did he even come in?

The older woman chuckled, both of you ignoring the weird noises and whatever it was the other boys were talking about, she shook her head, bandaging her husband with such care. Alfred was trying to get the older boys to sit so he could look them up just in case they had wounds.

“No,” she finally answered, “but they are such goofy boys compared to Damian.”

“Umi,” grumbled the said boy.

“How come I’ve never seen you before?” This time it was Bruce, he had that same stern look but a bit more questioning.

“I hid because mother said so.”


The awkward silence between you and Bruce was enough to make Mrs. Wayne sweat, it would be worse if the other boys weren’t still making a ruckus, Bruce was basically saying that he didn’t know he had a daughter- which totally wasn’t his fault since he didn’t even know he had a biological son because Talia never told him. Damian’s first meeting with her was a little awkward.

“Wait,” Tim was the first one to speak after he got over the fact he had a younger female, living, breathing sibling in his life now, “so, does it mean I have to deal with twoDamians? I can’t even deal with ONE demon spawn now I have to deal with TWO of them?”

“Who are you calling demon spawn, Drake?” You glared at him along with your brother, you both were questioning the poor dark haired teen in sync and the horror on Tim’s face was just hilarious if you weren’t actually offended by his words.

“Oh, great!”

Dick was the only one who looked terribly happy, he even showed it by bringing both you and Damian into a hug, it felt weird. You pushed at his chest while Damian just accepted his fate.

“Don’t touch me.”

“Just accept it, sister,” your brother spoke wisely, “he isn’t going to let you go until he is satisfied.”

What had you gotten yourself into?

Reader, I’d love to be in your position-

Warning(s): angst, blood.

Robin!Dick & Batmom (AFAB!Reader).
Even when he was heavily injured, all Dick could think about is how mad his mother would be.

God, oh god, Dick was on his back, face facing up where he could see some stars littered across the dark blue ink of the sky through his blurry gaze. The pain on his side was hurting so bad, it probably a large gash. Mom’s gonna be so mad, he thought.

He might have been a little reckless this time–maybe ‘a little’ didn’t cut it. He screwed up, big time and his mom was not going to be happy with this. The first time he officially became Robin he had promised that he would be super careful, even making a pinky promise and said promise was also hung on his walls in a form of a handmade poster they did together.

His eyes were so heavy, his head was pounding and the buzzing–someone talking?–in his earpiece didn’t help with the pain either.

He should’ve apologized, she was just worried. His mom was right when she said he didn’t look well. He wasn’t. He had a fever, not too bad until it could make him lose his focus but she said it was better to not take any risks.

“I can’t risk to lose you,” she had said, the pain in her beautiful eyes were visible and the way her hands were clasped across her chest as if to soothe her clenching heart was a dead giveaway of what she was feeling. “You’re sick so please, don’t push yourself too hard.”

“I’m not,” he insisted, fixing the utility belt with a satisfying snap before he could reach for it though, her hand had grabbed it first, clutching it to her chest.

“No,” she sternly said, eyebrows knotting as she stared at him even then her eyes still held so much motherly affection towards him. It reminded him so much of his own biological mother it actually pained him. He remembered that she was also this stubborn when it came to his safety. “Go back to rest, Richard Grayson-Wayne.”

Then he snapped. His eyes blazing with anger, he wasn’t sure why he was mad for but before he could stop it, his mouth already forming the hurtful words.

“Shut up,” he wasn’t screaming, no, he wasn’t that much of a screamer when he was mad. His voice was steady, stern and it made everything two times more heartbreaking. He emphasized every word, pointing a gloved finger at her, “you are not my mother. You are just someone who Bruce happens to be married with and becomes an adoptive mother. You don’t have to pity me, Mrs. [name]. I don’t need to be pitied.”

He spat out her name like it was poison.

With that he snatched his mask, pretending to be oblivious to the tears running down her delicate face like a waterfall as he walked out of his room, each fat drops fell and left dark spots on her favorite shirt, a blue shirt with little silhouette of flying robins across the chest area, they bought together on a shopping spree with an unfortunate Bruce.

When he opened his eyes, the view of stars above had been replaced by her crying face, a mask around her eyes did nothing to cover her eyes just plain mask without the lenses like his, the moon looked like it was right behind her head and if his teacher asked him what he would describe her as he’d answer an angel, she always had been even when the hoodie covered her beautiful hair to conceal her identity from the world. She seemed so real too, he could almost feel those fat drops of tears falling onto his face.

“Oh my baby,” he heard her sweet, breathy voice cooed as he felt his body being lifted up then his head was on her lap, he grunted in pain when her hands pressed against the gash on his side to stop the blood. He wasn’t imagining after all.

“It hu–ts,” he croaked, he didn’t cry for her sake but he couldn’t help the little complaint in his hoarse throat. “Why… a-you here?” geez, he couldn’t even talk like a proper human.

“Shh, I’m here for you,” she hushed, pressing her soft, quivering lips against his forehead. Her salty tears stung the little scratches on his face yet he didn’t complain he needed her comfort. “Don’t speak yet, you’re bleeding so much, baby. There’s so much blood, I can’t–Batman is going to be here soon. Keep your eyes open, yeah, for me? I’m sorry if I have been such a bad mother figure,” no, you are not, he wanted to say but his mouth only parted stupidly. She continued, “I promise to do better,”you don’t need to“please, hang in there. You don’t have to call me mom I don’t care just please, please, my strong little bird. Hang in there.”

She would always be his mom, he needed to get better and apologize but for now, he would comfort her.

His hand shakily lifted up, weakly cupping her cheek as he flashed the most reassuring grin he could muster in his state anyway at her. The pain kept him focused, the familiar revving of an engine was heard then.

“He’s here, thank god” she sounded devastated and relieved at the same time, “Batman! Hurry up, please!”

He was lifted back up again by much stronger arms and his body lightly shook as he was carried away from the scene. He watched her as she followed, wiping her tears with a relieved smile.

“You will be fine, Robin,” Batman’s deeper voice soothed. He too was worried, Dick guessed. “Just so you know, a punishment from Alfred is waiting as soon as you recovered.”

Oh, how much Dick wanted to groan in protest right now.

Damian Wayne: Lost - Part 3

Warnings: Mentions of gore

Request:Lost part 3 requests, and this is the last part.


~Part 1~Part 2~Part 3~

It was undetermined how long it had been, everything was blearily aside from the excitement displayed by the surrounding Titans. Damian released a pained groan, finding bandages encasing his torso, the ones centimetres from his heart stained with blood which caused him to wince at the connotations of it.

“Dami! You’re awake!” Came the upbeat tone of his brother, Dick proudly taking a seat on Damian’s bed albeit fully aware of avoiding contact with him as to not overwhelm.

“Where’s (Y/n)?” It was automatic, also slightly demanding, he’d caught fleeting glimpses of everyone else during his lapses of semiconsciousness and it was the last question they’d think he’d ask - the location of his almost murderer. Yet it was the most important thing to him, like it had been for years now.

“(Y/n) tried to kill you so we arrested-”

“Not Arkham…” Damian’s tone was dangerous, instaneously cutying Nightwing off at the mention of imprisonments with his brother already deemed in the wrong for his potential actions.

“No, the local police station for now. You needed time to recover which you’ve done rather well actually.”

”(Y/n) was under the control of HIVE, and if you haven’t noticed my injury may’ve been close to my heart but it didn’t strike it nor any other major organs or arteries - it was in the leastlethal place it could’ve pierced. Doesn’t that say something? Despite the relentless psychotic orders, (Y/n) fought it for months and didn’t severely injure any of us during that time, you can’t imagine the mental tolerance that took, you didn’t see it. And you throw them into a cell?!“ Damian’s voice was venomous, a tone he’d rarely ever equip in a serious manner but after seeing how it had gradually degraded your state he hadn’t the need to sugarcoat his words.

"Wetried to help, but (Y/n) demanded we arrest them until they figured themselves out. They wouldn’t let us visit or make contact or update them on the situation despite our attempts.” Dick justified though guilt was evident, automatically blaming himself for the failure even if it was entirely your decision.

“And you let them?! This is exactly why I can’t trust any of you when I’m gone. Don’t let (Y/n) act on emotional impulse! Idiots!” Admittedly he wasn’t truly angry at his team, now filtering to a remprimanding tone that’d be used in daily conversation which eased their worries at least.

“Damian, we didn’t know how you two worked, we couldn’t replace you nor the way you’d advise them. (Y/n) thought they’d killed you, they couldn’t forgive themselves for that so I suggest you visit as soon as possible.”

That’s what he did, although his discovery was less than pleasant. Your restraints were unlocked, cell empty and officers had no explanation as to how you’d escaped or evaded further capture. Upon his return to Titans Tower, he’d checked the reports on the shared system to search for those of peculiar interest and his assumption was correct - HIVE had lost its influence, various bases had been destroyed within a week and members of alternating hierarchy had been brought into custody anonymously.  This was your abstract form of justice for what they did to you, for what they forced you to do for them and this was your sweet revenge. Damian was purely grateful that you’d done it in the right way, if the tables were turned, he wasn’t sure what lengths he’d be willing to reach in order to avenge someone he loved. But he supposed you were doing right by his memory, and your true self.

It became his new objective, to find you. Now it shouldn’t be difficult, he’d decided to make it a solo mission as to not overwhelm you with his teammates who had spent the last few days tirelessly searching for you. Accepting the fact he was alive would surely be shocking enough let alone the missed chances of reuniting that the team wanted.

However he knew you better than them, like he always had, although he was simply a few minutes behind your trail of destruction - each time missing you by only moments, having you slip through his fingers each and every time.

Instead, he would treat it as game, like those you’d played together albeit out of rivalry rather than contempt but nonetheless, thinking 3 steps ahead of your routine lead him to a rumoured HIVE association that had yet to be infiltrated.

Just like in your games, he was able to corner you this time too, appearing from the shadows as you evaluated the perimeter from an opposing rooftop. His unprecedented silhouette startled you, instinctively taking an offensive stance before the reflective light of the city illuminated his features and it’s like you were struggling for breath in that fire all over again.

“No… I can’t… I killed you…” It came out as mere stammering, disbelief evident in both posture and expression like you’d seen that of a ghost. Which in this case, you thought you had.

“(Y/n), the wound wasn’t fatal - I’ve got the scar and Dicks medical records as proof, you didn’t kill me. I’mhere.” Robin halted his approach the moment you tensed, holding his hands up in defence whilst urging the sincerity in his tone over the distance like a wave.

“You think I’m that naive? You could be a shapeshifter or a figment of my imagination, of everything we’ve seen it’s certainly plausible.” Came your brash reply, notably carrying false confidence as you desperately scoured the young hero for any sighs of trickery in your less than composed state.

“As much as I’d like to argue and say that you’re being an imbecile, your point is valid.” The teen painfully sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose prior to offering a deadpan gaze once more.

“Right, so prove it however you wish - whilst keeping this distance.” The blade swivelled in your hand, using it to gesture between the two of you when necessary in your proposal to which ‘Robin’ accepted.

Damian thought for a moment, quickly skipping past trivial instances you’d shared that might elect a sense of nostalgia personal enough to reestablish the trust in each other. In the end, he took a glance at the time reading 1:24am and a blissful smile graced his lips.

“Good morning (Y/n).”

The gesture essentially was commonplace in everyday life, yet to in the chaotic friendship you shared, it conveyed more than reminisce - it resurfaced every failed greeting, every sarcastic comeback and argument you’d manage to get into before breakfast each morning.

All because he didn’t reciprocate a simple kind gesture like a normal person would.

“Nice try, he’d never -“

“Exactly, because you always said it first.” The ravenette cut you off with smug confidence, emphasising the importance of your justification as he slipped off his hood.

The clatter of metal against concrete echoed in the silence of the night, your vision fading into blurred visions as your gaze remained trained upon his approaching figure regardless of the contrasting smile of relief.

With such a weight lifted from your shoulders, the immense shift being too much for your body to comprehend in such a short period of time forced you to collapse into his arms and in that moment, ensuring his scent was similar and the connection you felt whenever you were with hadn’t wavered, you allowed yourself to find a sense of ‘home’ again. The hug was long overdue by both your standards, it was tight and needy because in honesty you were afraid to let go and it lingered a little too long to be regarded as friendly. It was more than that, you knew, but you could only focus on one rhythmic beating at that point.

Damian Wayne, was breathing.

A pleasantry you never thought you’d be so thankful for considering all the instances you’d wished he’d do so far away from you.

“Morning, Damian.” Despite the brokenness lacing the cocky voice you portrayed, the greeting was all to familiar for the both of you in its domesticity.

This time, there was no insolent remark nor arrogant scoff that followed it. Instead, a silent animosity of understanding - you’d both have time to explain your separate experiences properly once you were reunited with the team, and address the last conversation you’d shared with one another prior to this whole situation but until then, you would focus on your original objective.

“Ready to infiltrate a secret base with me like old times?”

“Try to keep up (L/n)!”

It’s like nothing had changed, Damian was still arrogantly annoying.

Then again, you’d feel lost without him wouldn’tyou?

Damian Wayne: Caught Out

A/N: Update!


8 months and 13 days.

That’s how long you had been dating Damian Wayne or Robin as you’ve come to understand, however this relationship was kept strictly under wraps meaning no one except Damian and yourself knew about it.

You intended to keep it that way in fear Batman would split you up, granted you’d known Damian for a few years after meeting in Gotham Academy at the age of 11 and remained friends up to the age of 16 - that’s when he unexpectedly asked you out on a date. He’d also revealed that he was Robin when you were 15 and you had visited the Manor many times giving you the opportunity to meet Alfred, Bruce Wayne and Tim on some rare occasions.

Once you started dating, Damian thought it’d be best to keep it from his family as his ‘brothers’ could be very testing and having a girlfriend would definitely have negative repercussions in the form of mockery. So you agreed to go along with it, any visit to the manor was purely platonic and he used his role of Robin to sneak away and visit you during patrol. Dates would happen anywhere outside of the Manor or family interventions fortunately for you.

Usually a tap on on your window would signify his arrival, once you’d open it you received a sweet kiss from your boyfriend and hold normal conversation. If you were lucky he would come in and stay for a while, allowing you to remove his mask before you kissed him.

“Beloved, what are you -"  He questioned, your hand slipping through his hold as you reached for his domino mask.

"I want to see your eyes.” Upon hearing your reason, he released a sigh and allowed you to do as you pleased. One hand lay on your waist and the other traced circles onto your wrist as your thumbs reached the edge of his make to removed it.

Damian held an expression of both confusion and amusement with a raised eyebrow since he didn’t understand the point of your actions but trusted you none the less.

“Don’t look at me like that Dami.” You muttered and then pulled him in for a kiss which he happily returned and you could feel the smirk on his lips as you did so.

That was the basis of your relationship, no one knew. Though life is full of surprises so it couldn’t all be perfect right?

It was a cold evening and unsurprisingly dark despite it only being 6pm, this was Gotham after all. Damian had been absent for over a week and you hadn’t seen him in a while but  assumed he was on a case elsewhere, so when you unexpectedly ran into Robin you were delighted and pulled him into your embrace immediately.

“Hold on.” Robin ordered wrapping arm around your waist and later grappled you to the nearest rooftop.

Soon after you found yourself pinned to a wall with your boyfriend’s lips firmly on yours, pulling away he had a smirk plastered on his face.

“You miss me or something?” You smugly asked, already knowing his unwillingness to admit such feelings as your fingers tangled themselves in his hair.

“I suppose, beloved.” He quickly confirmed before leaning in to kiss you again, you reciprocated again pulling him closer to you if that was even possible. A few minutes had passed before the thing you dreaded most come to pass…


That interruption shattered your whole world, you felt Damian tense up under your touch and not in a good way, very reluctantly your boyfriend pulled away to meet the dark gaze of his father.

“Dark Knight.” Damian acknowledged coldly, you were impressed how he kept his calm demeanour in front of the Batman.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Batman bellowed, classic deep voice used to add emphasis on his anger.

“Kissing my girlfriend, what does it look like?” Damian retorted as if it were the most obvious answer in the world, he certainly retained his standoffish attitude during his absence.

Nightwing appeared beside his mentor following the yell heard from the next rooftop over and came to inspect the commotion, immediately he realised the severity of the situation laid out before him and a blissful smile made its way onto his features.

“Aw, Robin has a girlfriend! He’s all grown up, this is unbelievable. What is your name ma'am?” Nightwing politely inquired, apparently curious.

“(Y/n).” A short answer yes but you didn’t trust yourself to say anymore in fear of faltering, and despite their intimidating presence you’d been putting up with Damian Wayne for almost 7 years.

“Well (y/n), you’re going to have to meet the family sometime - how long has it been now?” The black and blue clad hero continued, admiring Damian’s protective hold over you.

Your breath hitched and of course Damian noticed, Batman was going to kill you if he found out you’d been dating his sidekick for 8 months without his knowledge.

“Long enough for me to know that I love her.”

Nightwing was beaming at his 'brother’s’ statement, Batman held a poker face so you were slightly concerned about his true feelings toward you. Damian turned his head to you for your reaction at his words, yes he called you beloved but you didn’t think he meant it - this was Damian Wayne, son of a millionaire falling for you. Wow.

A genuine smile makes its way to your face and was most likely accompanied by a faint flush, you would’ve kissed him if not for the presence of his mentors which prevented you from doing many things at the moment.

“Does (y/n) know who you are?” Batman intervened, his hand on the bridge of his nose to further elaborate on his frustration.

Paleness overtook, you could not answer this question so gave a pleading look to your boyfriend since you didn’t want to get him into trouble on account of revealing trade secrets.

Unsurprisingly, Damian shrugged this off and cut to the chase - of course.

“If you’re asking if (y/n) knows my identity then the answer is yes.” Robin spoke up, small smirk appearing on his features.

“Then we need to sort this matter privately.” Batman breathed, to any sidekick of the Dark Knight 'privately’ indicated a trip to the Batcave though you were completely oblivious to this hidden meaning.

“Oh oh, can I come?!” Nightwing chimed excitedly.

Batman sent a glare to Nightwing before jumping off of the building, Nightwing gave a mock salute and followed the actions of his mentor leaving Robin and a thoroughly confused you on the rooftop.

Damian took a few steps toward the area where his mentor had disappeared until he realised your expression, his lips forming into a smirk. Taking a few paces back he was able to intertwine his fingers with yours and carefully guide you to the ledge. Releasing a nervous laugh you stepped backwards, you hand still in his.

“Nah-ah, no way, nein, nope, non, not in a million years.”

“Everything will be fine beloved, I will not let you get hurt.” Robin assured, his tone softening at your behaviour and attempted to provide you with some comfort in the form of tracing circles onto your hand with his thumb in a soothing manner.

Reluctantly you retraced your steps back to your boyfriend’s side allowing him to sweep you into his arms so you could wrap yours around his neck for extra security, he was surprisingly strong and made it look so easy. You cursed him quite loudly once he jumped off the roof and fortunately you both landed safely in a car, later discovered to be the Batmobile’s backseat.

Releasing a sigh of relief you noticed you had captivated everyone’s attention, Nightwing wearing an expression of amusement as his arm rested on the front seat turning to you and Batman remained unreadable when staring at you through the centre mirror.

Eyes widening you hesitantly removed yourself from Damian who observed your actions carefully as you slid into the seat next to him.

Unsurprisingly you were fairly embarrassed and eternally grateful when the Batmobile started moving at unfathomable speeds, you were unable to contain your excitement as Gotham’s night lights blurred beside you.

“This is amazing! Okay, we should do this more often.” You grinned, Nightwing taking a quick glance at you.

“I officially approve, (y/n) is great. Damian can you keep her?” He asked happily.

“I intend to Grays- Nightwing, as long as you don’t scare her off…” Damian scowled at his 'brother’ despite the internal pride brewing due to Grayson’s approval.


Arriving at the Batcave was a momentous occasion for you, it was truly a site to behold and Damian had to resort to practically dragging you through to the main area because you found everything so fascinating.

“Beloved I understand this is new to you but -”

“Damian, have you seen this place though?!” You marvelled, taking in a variety of aspects in awe as you continued a stop-start walked, Robin by your side.

“Yes (y/n), I see it almost everyday.” Damian retorted monotonously as if it were the most obvious thing in the world - which supposedly it was.

But Damian, it’s amazing! Look! Why didn’t you show me this sooner? It’s huge.” You continued, leaving Robin quite amused at your bewilderment, like that of a kid in a candy store.

“Because Batman wouldn’t allow it, speaking of…” Your boyfriend started, hoping you’d get the hint.

“Yeah, yeah Batman and all that, but are you seeing all of this? A helicopter, a motorcycle, batarangs, Batman and - Damian - Batman!” You began your observations full of wonder but upon facing Batman you instantly sought the assistance of your boyfriend - with the presence of the Dark Knight before you, the stammering occurred after the initial realisation and you instinctively clutched Damian’s arm a little tighter. Damian initially smiled at the way you simply brushed off Batman to begin with but found it cute how you attempted to suppress your embarrassment.


“Miss (L/n), it’s intriguing that you are dating my son and failed to mention this to me.” Batman smiled during his statement and went to remove his cowl.

Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s son. Bruce was Batman, obviously after Damian had revealed to you that he was in fact Robin you suspected his father of being Batman. After all, you’d need alot of money to finance all of this, Robin is quite close to Batman and the Manor would provide easy access to the Batcave of course. It was kind of obvious now that you thought about it.

At this point, you were unsure how to begin and welcomed any distractions - fortunately Alfred made his way down the stairs bearing a tray of refreshments and eagerly took this opportunity.

“Hi Alfred!” You beamed, waving to the butler you’d come to be very fond of.

“Ah Miss (Y/n), I was wondering how long it would take for you to find your way here.” The elderly butler acknowledged, a hint of happiness detected in his tone.

“Did you know these two were dating?” Bruce asked his loyal butler, gesturing to the teenagers before him.

“I had my suspicions Master Bruce.” Alfred replied, handing a hot drink to Nightwing.

“How long?” Your boyfriend’s father questioned again, this time in a less distressing tone.

“About 8 months sir.” Awkwardly came from your lips, causing Nightwing to choke on his beverage and Bruce to raise an eyebrow. Damian smirking at their reactions, clearly you’d hidden your relationship verywell.

“Well then… It’s nice to finally see you two together. I am happy for you both.” Bruce commented after a lengthy silence, Nightwing held a thumbs up to you both behind Batman allowing you to relax a little.

“Thank you father.”

“Yes, thank you Mr Wayne.” You echoed

“Youcan call me Bruce (y/n), you know that.” Bruce genuinely smiled, with a nod from you, both Bruce and Nightwing left the cave accompanied by Alfred.


Damian and yourself remained in the Batcave, the atmosphere settling due to the acceptance given by Damian’s family.

“That went… better than I thought…” You breathed, relief still evident.

“Agreed.” Damian acknowledged quite content himself.

It was then you recalled the words your boyfriend had said earlier and decided now was a great time to call him up on them.

So… you love me?”

“I thought that was obvious in the ways I show you affection beloved?” Damian retorted, slight bewilderment in his voice due to the fact you were actually questioning his feelings toward you.

“Yeah, but it’s nice to hear those words sometimes because I love you too Damian.” You justified wistfully, causing Damian to turn to you with wide eyes at your statement.

“I understand why you believe those words are 'nice to hear’ now I’ve heard you say them to me (y/n).” You boyfriend smirked, pulling you close to him and carefully placed his lips on yours.

“Uh Bruce?! Is there a new Batgirl I didn’t know about because Damian has taken quite a liking to her!” Tim yelled upon entering the Batcave and witnessing the scene before him.

Open Requests

I am aware I have been gone for a long time, but with this whole situation that is happening worldwide I have some free time for writing again (I really miss doing that). 

This is also a really big thank you for the fact that, somehow, I have over 4.5kfollowers.Thank you so much!

You can request anything (imagine/headcanon) with Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim or Damian (or all in case of a headcanon). I also write both imagines and headcanons with Batmom. 

Please be aware that I am allowed to refuse requests if I find them inappropriate, even though it usually never happens (and I don’t mean the dirty one, just the ones that make me uncomfortable, such as the boys being involved in a romantic relationship, for example). 

Requests are open and I have all the time in the world to write, therefore, if you want to request something don’t be shy. 


Damian:Y/N, what do you fear most?
Y/N:Your face!

Somewhere in Smallville

Clark:What’d you do that for?
Jon:I don’t know, I just suddendly felt it.
Clark:felt what?
Jon:The power of the burn

Robin Relationship Headcanons

Author’s Note: Happy Birthday, Robin! I don’t have the time to edit this today but maybe in the upcoming week so apologies if there are any mistakes.

Nico Robin:

  • Before Ennies Lobby:
  • There’s a mystery around Robin that wants you to be near her but also cautious
  • She picks up on this pretty quickly so you’ll see hands pop up at random times, they’re either helpful or just to scare you
  • When it is to scare you, she tries to play it off by picking something up and bringing it to another crew member
  • You notice she observes a lot of the crew’s activities so if you sit with her, she’d be surprised
  • Hanging out in silence is surprisingly how her affection for you grows
  • Even when the two of you have discussions or deep conversations, it’s like she’s holding herself back from furthering a connection
  • You do catch some moments where her smiles are a bit more genuine, her teasings are a bit more affectionate but, once it slips out, she goes back to her usual demeanor
  • It’s like there’s a wall that she won’t let herself breakdown
  • After Ennies Lobby:
  • Just like everyone, she finds her little corner in the Sunny and has no problem with you there, especially after the emotional turmoil she went through
  • Your discussions before have moved to that spot and she speaks to you like that wall was never there before. She speaks to you about Saul and her mother and the librarians
  • During these moments, she seems to curl in on herself so initiate holding her hand
  • She seeks the physical comfort during the recollection of her memories so deep conversations evolve from holding hands to resting her head against your shoulder/head
  • It’s never spoken out loud, but there is a deeper relationship that builds… which also is solidified by her cupping your face and kissing you one night
  • The crew notices a chipper and more joyful Robin which means more of her odd humor. You might be the only one to find it endearing
  • She still does her arms popping up around you but now you have a “weapon”! When a hand pops up, just hold it and give her knuckles a kiss. Wherever she is, the crew will see her suddenly become red
  • She’s taller than a lot of women but she likes to rest her head on top of yours or your shoulder
  • It’s a lot of like taking care of bunch of children being a part of the Straw Hats so the moments of observation continue but sometimes she’ll look over to you and reflect on all her moments that led to this

Song Request

#21 Happy by Pharrel Willams

Damian Wayne x Reader

Requested by @rebellion-12th-century-blog

Sorry that I could find a good audio to go with this! Oh and Damian is 16 in this. And I’m trying something new with this one!

Damian Wayne’s POV

“Stupid Todd, Stupid Drake, Stupid everyone.” I mutter to myself walking down the hall pissed off. What gave them the right to boss me around like I was some child. I push the door to my room open and slam it behind me.

“Geez Damiy, what did the door do to you?” I soft and soothing voice questions. Siting at my desk a book in hand was my girlfriend. (F/N) (L/N) was the only person who seemed to be able to tolerate me and actually loved everything that the other seemed to dislike.

I walk over and sit down on the bed, “Nothing, my siblings are being stupid and treating me like a child.” I explain. She hums in reply and I could almost see the smile on her face. This treating me like a child tends to be happening a lot lately.

“And I’m assuming your upset about it, but slamming the door isn’t going to help you seem less child like.” I look over at her. She’s smiling at me and her tone hold a sense of humor. “Just saying.” I give her a light glare.

“And what would you have me do then oh great one?” I ask sarcastically crossing my arm and rolling my eyes.

(F/N) laughs loudly at that and grabs her phone and does something on it. Music fills the room. “The great one would suggest you dance with her.”

It might seem crazy what I’m about to say Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air, like I don’t care, baby, by the way

“This is stupid.” I watch as (F/N) dance in my room acting silly.

“Come on Damian just try for me.” She pleads holding her hold out. I sigh and take ahold of it reluctantly. Her face lights up and she yanks me off the bed with strength I didn’t know she possessed.

Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

As I spin her she laughs out loud with a smile so happy. A smile makes its way on to my face. Maybe this isn’t as bad I thought.

Here come bad news talking this and that, yeah, Well, give me all you got, and don’t hold it back, yeah, Well, I should probably warn you I’ll be just fine, yeah, No offense to you, don’t waste your time. Here’s why

“Now you’re getting it Damian.” (F/N) breaks away and begins dance on her own. I try and copy what she’s doing causing her to laugh. “I’m loving it!”

Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

(Happy) Bring me down Can’t nothing Bring me down My level’s too high Bring me down Can’t nothing Bring me down I said (let me tell you now) Bring me down Can’t nothing Bring me down My level’s too high Bring me down Can’t nothing Bring me down I said

I pull her back into my arms and we sway back and forth to the upbeat music that was filling my room.

Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

“This is amazing!” (F/N) cheers kissing my cheek quickly before going back to dancing.

“I can agree with that beloved.” I reply smiling at her happiness.

Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

Bring me down… can’t nothing… Bring me down… my level’s too high… Bring me down… can’t nothing… Bring me down, I said (let me tell you now)

Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

The song and I dip (F/N) and she smiles up at me leaning back for a kiss. Maybe today wasn’t that terrible. Dancing does help.


Requested by Anon - Can I have an imagine with Batman Beyond Damian Wayne? Please? with sprinkles on top?

Requested by Anon - Older!Damian celebrating Valentine’s Day

Author’s Note - I combined these requests together. Also I assumed you mean Damian in the new Batman Beyond comics since he isn’t in the show? If not, let me know. 


Old Ra’s al Ghul led Damian down the steps into the mountain base where the League of Shadows had made it’s home. His breath still visible as they went deeper. They entered the throne room, which was empty except for the lone Shadow standing behind the throne. 

“I will retire now,” Ra’s said, glancing at his grandson. “You should as well.”

Damian nodded, lips pursed in a firm line. “I will shortly. There is a matter I have to see to first.” Ra’s nodded and slowly walked off. His staff cracking against the stone floor. Damian watched him go, willing him to go faster. Once Ra’s was gone, Damian allowed himself to relax. “Are my chambers ready?” he demanded of the lone Shadow.

“Yes Master.” The Shadow bowed quickly. 

“Good.” Damian turned and marched out of the room. He walked down the long hallways, nodding at each Shadow who stepped out of his way. They all bowed to him, showing proper respect. While he enjoyed the power this gave him, he wished they would disappear at the moment. 

Damian came to the kitchens. Several servants gasped at the sight of him, quickly stopping what they were doing to bow. However, the one servant washing dishes didn’t stop to bow. Damian almost smirked at the sight. “I require a meal brought to my room.” He looked at the head cook. The cook tittered, but nodded. The servant washing dishes stopped and turned to look at him. Their eyes were sparkling, yet their face remained expressionless. “Enough for two.” Damian kept his eyes on the cook. “I’ll be waiting.” 

With that, Damian spun and marched back out of the room. He heard whispers erupting from behind him, but he didn’t care. A smirk pulled at his lips. He wished he didn’t have to be so indirect, but in his position, he had no choice.


His room had been prepared as requested. Warm carpets covered the stone floors, tapestries lined the walls, adding color and keeping in the cold away. The fireplace had a roaring fire. He added another log to keep it going strong. 

A knock sounded on his door. “Come in.” He turned to see a servant with the food tray. They bowed before placing it on the table in the middle of the seating area. “Anything else, Master?” 

“No.” Damian narrowed his eyes. The servant bowed again and backed out of the room. Once the door was closed, Damian turned to take off his robe and armor. He tossed them on the nicely made bed. It looked even more comfortable than before. 

Suddenly, three quick knocks followed by two soft ones sounded from his door. Damian’s heart skipped a beat. The door opened revealing you, the dish washing servant. You slipped inside and quickly closed the door behind you. 

“Hello beloved.” Damian dropped his last gauntlet and moved to take you in his arms. You kissed him passionately, running your fingers through his hair. Your hands were dry from washing dishes all day. It angered him, but you wouldn’t allow him to move you to a different position. You didn’t want people to think you were sleeping with the Demon’s Head to make your way in the world. 

“Damian,” you whispered, pulling away from him. You panted slightly out of breath. Damian loved how flushed your cheeks got when he took your breath away. Your eyes dropped to his bare chest, running your hands down until they rested over his heart. “You didn’t need to put on such a show. You could have told me to meet you in usual way.” 

“TT.” He shook his head, taking your hand and leading you over to the seating area. He lifted the top of the tray to reveal the delicious meal inside. Your eyes widened. He knew it would be a treat for you. “I wanted you to come tonight and I did not have the time to leave the note for you under my dish.” 

You smiled, taking a tentative seat on the luxurious chair. Damian hated that you were uncomfortable, but knew you would recover from that once you started eating. He took a seat next to you, serving you. He left his shirt off once he caught you eyeing his abs.

“What is the occasion?” You licked your lips at the food. Damian nodded for you to eat before getting his own plate. 

“It is February 14th.” Damian smiled as you took a big bite of food. “Valentine’s Day. Highly commercialized in America. I never liked it, but it is an old custom to be with the one you love and show your love for them. I thought I should partake in this tradition for you.”

You looked at him, blinking softly with your mouth full of food. Damian took a bit of his own, bumping his knee against yours under the table. You swallowed before leaning over and kissing his cheek. “I love you too,” you whispered, glancing back at the door quickly. 

“No one will bother us.” Damian took your hand in his. “I gave orders not to be disturbed.” He kissed your knuckles. “Relax, beloved.” 

“If anyone were to learn that I am here…” You looked at him with fear in your eyes. His blood ran cold at the sight. “I am far below your station.”

Damian shook his head. “TT.” He smiled at you before leaning over to nibble your ear. “Like that matters to me and if I say so, you will be safe and no harm will come to you.” He felt you shiver from his breath in your ear. “After all, I’m allowed to chose my own lover.”

You smiled brightly before turning your head to catch his lips. He moaned as you pushed him back in his chair to climb into his lap. Your chest pressed against his. The food on the table left forgotten as you and Damian eventually made your way to the bed.


You woke to the feeling of someone stroking your forehead. Opening your eyes, you smiled to find Damian al Ghul Wayne watching you with a look of almost contentment on his face. You sensed you were one of the rare few to ever see that from him. Your heart glowed at the sight. “Good morning, beloved.”

“Wait, what time is it?” You sat up, panic filling you. “I have to be at the kitchens to start the morning meal.” You started to get out of bed, but Damian grabbed your hand and pulled you back. 

“It’s fine, beloved. I sent a message for you that you were tending to a personal matter.” Damian smirked. “Besides, I realize I haven’t completed the Valentine’s Day custom.” He turned away from you, reaching into the bedside table. You crawled back under the covers. The room had chilled since the fire died down during the night. 

Damian turned back around and set a beautiful wooden box in your lap. You blinked, tracing the design on the top. It must be priceless. You felt so unworthy. “Damian, I don’t know if I can have this.” 

“TT, open it before you say that.” You glanced up at him. His eyes sparkling a bright green. Your heart melted as you drew your attention back to the box. With only your fingertips, you open the box to find a ornate gold dagger inside. You stared at it in awe. “It is one of my mother’s daggers before she passed. It has the symbol of al Ghul.” He nodded to the hilt. 

“I can’t have this.” You looked at him with tears in your eyes. “Thank you, I love it, but I can’t keep this.” You bit your lip at the disappointment that flashed in his eyes. “Damian, someone of my station can’t have something like this. It will be assumed that I stole it.”

He frowned deeply as you closed the box. “Having that knife will not cause you harm.” He kissed your cheek. “It shows you are mine. If anyone in the League gives you trouble, presenting this knife will stop them instantly because it shows you are my beloved.” 

You blushed. “So we don’t have to sneak around anymore? This will make our relationship clear to all?”

“Yes, and provide you safety.” Damian smiled as you opened the box again and took the dagger in your hand. “Also I wanted you to be able to defend yourself.” He laid his hand on yours, adjusting your grip on the dagger. “I’ll have to train you to use it, but I think it looks rather good.” 

“Thank you.” You turned to kiss his lips. “But I have nothing for you?”

“Your company alone is enough.” Damian stole another kiss. He moved your hand to put the knife back in the box before closing it and reached out to set it on the table. His lips stayed on yours. “I love you, (Y/N).”

“I love you, Damian.” You buried your fingers in his hair as he crawled on top of you. Time stopped as you both celebrated your love.

this was supposed to be Damian centric but things just turned out like this. I haven’t been writing in a while since I was so busy with real life so this might be a tad bit boring for some nevertheless, I hope you still enjoy reading this!

p/s: i’m still not sure if i will ever find the muse to write the older requests but i’ll try to finish them!

Let it never be said that Damian Wayne does not lowkey wish for all of your attention to be on him and only on him, none with any of his ‘brothers’. (He already has to vye for your attention whenever father is around - he feels the need to assert dominance when his brothers are around). Despite having an actual mother - who is merely a mother in name and nothing but - you have somehow managed to worm your way in to his heart and settled in deep. Even if Damian has never said anything about accepting you as his ummioutright, he knows you know him well enough to decipher the things he actually means when he speaks and as much as he hates it, Damian feels flattered and grateful that you do not scorn him or even push him away.

Which is why when his brothers started coming over frequently to the manor during the week Mother’s Day is to happen, Damian finds it irksome. Not only had he caught Todd snooping around his ummi’s room, he also caught Drake trying to subtly (Damian doubts you aren’t privy to his intention - you have a way of just knowing) to ask you if there is anything you wanted. However, Damian’s biggest concern aren’t Todd or Drake - his biggest concern comes in the form of one Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson who has known you the longest and probably also knows you the best amongst all of them. It just does not sit well with Damian at all because he is the true son of Bruce Wayne therefore he should be entitled and privy to all of your love and affection. Trying to top Grayson’s present for you will be extremely hard.

“Penny for your thoughts, Young Master Damian?” Alfred asks as he pours the young master a cup of calming tea.

Tt.My thoughts are not worth the penny.” Damian murmurs but quietly thank the older man when he places the cup of tea on the table and he furrowed his eyebrows, studying Pennyworth for a minute. “Pennyworth.”

Alfred merely looks at him, acknowledging him. “Yes, sir?”

“Other than father, you would be the next best person that knows Ummiwell, are you not?” Damian asks a tad bit haughtily. It does not sit well with him at the fact that he has to stoop this low to ask Pennyworth for help but Damian reckons that he is the lesser of the two evils - as opposed to Damian asking the rest of his brothers. “Mother’s Day is right around the corner.”

It is only due to his training that Alfred did not smile at the young master’s words immediately and he nods his head instead. He roughly knows what the young master is trying to say - after all, he had gone through the same thing with the rest of the young masters: things only happened the same way every other year. “Yes, perhaps I am.”

Damian nods his head, satisfied with his judgment and Alfred’s answer. “What would be the best gift for Ummi? One that Grayson, Todd and Drake have never given her at all.” He wonders if he can briefly consider stealing you away for some mother-son bonding but knowing the rest of his brothers, they will most likely end up crashing his time with you so Damian would rather not have that at all.

Alfred clears his throat as he begins to clear the table. “If I recall correctly, you are very well-versed in drawing, Young Master Damian. The mistress did mention briefly about how she has been wanting to update the family portrait. Perhaps that is something you can consider.” He offers and Damian stares at him for a few seconds before smirking, huffing proudly.

“Of course.”

Which is why for the next few days leaning towards Mother’s Day, you find yourself being tailed by none other than Damian Wayne. If you were any other woman, you probably would not have noticed because after all, Damian Wayne was trained as an Al Ghul first before he is a Wayne. Alas, you are you and you have had your fair shares of your sons tailing after you so you merely leave Damian be; if he had something he wanted to talk to you, you will let him come to you of his own accord. That is how things normally go when it comes to Damian.

You only found out what Damian had been up to during the scheduled dinner. To your surprise, Dick had managed to get almost everyone (with the exception of Cassie and Helena who were unfortunately off on a mission) to come for dinner to celebrate Mother’s Day, claiming that it was his present to you. “Thank you for being our Mom.” Dick informs you as he presses his lips on your temple and you smile at your son.

Jason rolls his eyes, annoyed over how he had played a part in helping Dick with his present. He hands over a bunch of wood figurines. “Made them for you; i’m not the best at it but I had time.” He mutters, almost shyly yet gruffly. You lift one of the figurines to study it and to your surprise, you see your husband staring back at you in his glorified batsuit.

“Jay, this is amazing! The details on the batsuit is down to the T.” You reach over to wrap an arm around Jason’s waist and he chuckles under his breath, trying to shrug off your compliment. “I love it, Jay. Thank you so much; you made everyone too, didn’t you?” You place the figurines back on the table and inspected the rest: true to your assumption, Jason had managed to perfectly carve everyone in the family, including Damian’s pets. Your cheeks are starting to hurt from the amount of smiling you are doing.

Tim slid a box over to you. “I cheated because I asked you what you wanted for Mother’s Day, Mom.” He tells you sheepishly and you shake your head at him, giggling at his words.

“I don’t mind, Timmy; you bought this for me. I will cherish it and wear it.” You open the box to see the necklace you had told him you had been eyeing for a while. Tim smiles at you, rubbing the back of his neck and you lean forward to give him a kiss on his forehead. “I love it, Tim.”

Tim grins at you and even helps you put on the necklace. “It really does look lovely on you, Mom.” He compliments and you smile at him.

Tt.” Damian huffs before he stands up and makes a move to approach you. He hands over the tablet to you. “Your actual present is currently being put up as we speak but this is essentially what I am giving you.”

Your jaw drops as you stare at the tablet; a digital family portrait. “Darling, this is impressive!” You always thought you knew art but looking at Damian’s amazing drawing made you realize that you barely even knew art. The details on the drawing were on point and suddenly, it dawned on you that this was probably the reason why he had been tailing you the other day. “You said it is being put up?”

Damian smirks, proud that you seemed to enjoy his present a lot (definitely better than any of his brothers’ presents that is for sure). “Yes. I made a coloured version and have had it printed and framed. Pennyworth briefly mentioned that you have been wanting to get our family portrait updated and I have done it for you.” He states as a matter-of-factly and you place the tablet on the table before pulling your youngest son in your embrace, causing Damian to stiffen slightly - embarrassed because he cannot believe you are doing this to him right in front of his brothers - but when you did not make any move to release him, Damian relaxes in to your embrace. “Ummi, this is rather embarrassing.”

You chuckle, shaking your head as you press a kiss atop his head. Looking around, you catch Bruce’s eyes and the amount of you love you see in his eyes made you feel warm and almost touched. “Thank you so much, boys. I love each and every present; I love you. Thank you for letting me be your mom - I know I can never replace your real mothers but thank you for making me so happy and being my sons.”

Tt.” Damian pulls his head back to stare at you pointedly. “As far as anyone of us is concerned, you are our mother and nothing will ever change that, Ummi.”

I tried to catch her ethereal form, eres arte Robin-chanNico Robin commission for @aspiringtrashpandI tried to catch her ethereal form, eres arte Robin-chanNico Robin commission for @aspiringtrashpand

I tried to catch her ethereal form, eres arte Robin-chan
Nico Robin commission for @aspiringtrashpanda for her fanfic Straw Hat Valley, please give her lots of love!

Post link

hey!i had so much fun writing this!! usually i hate writing angst with gays because well, who wants gays to be sad? but this, i quite enjoyed! first part and it’s based off thissong! 

Robin groans as she stumbles sleepily to the front door, and a string of curses slip from her lips when she trips over a pair of shoes that she doesn’t even remember kicking off. 

She steadies herself on the wooden door and tries to blink some of the exhaustion out of her eyes but it does nothing. She hasn’t been able to sleep properly for the past two weeks, ever since when went back to you after promising herself it was the last time. 

She thinks of your lips when kissing her, she imagines it’s you lying beside her instead of the girl that’s really there. And every time she looks at her, she feels her heart sink deeper and deeper, one day it’s going to settle in her stomach and she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to fix it. 

“Robin!” She’s instantly awake when she hears your voice on the other side of the door, and your mid knock when she swings the door open, throwing quick glances down the corridor in case any of her nosy neighbours decide to see what’s going on and pulling you inside. 

You gasp, and then a smirk pulls at your lips as she pins you against the wall. 

“What are you doing here?” She snaps, and the smirk drops. You look up at her and she sighs when you can’t quite look her in the eye. You’re drunk, of course. 

She doesn’t know how she didn’t smell the alcohol straight away, cheap beer and cherry. It’s not the best combination and you’re definitely gonna regret it in the morning and the smell makes her gag a little before staring straight at you again. 

“I came to see you.” You smile and boop her nose, the flicker of self doubt seems to have passed, either that or you’ve just forgotten how angry she seemed seconds ago. And now you’re back to grinning at her, a lopsided warm smile that tugs Robin’s heart further into an abys. 

“I said, no more.” She says sternly, but the hard expression on her face flickers as she looks you up and down. Your dress is short and crinkled, but it’s the one she met you in and she has to force herself to look away. Instead she settles on your face, your makeup smudged, dark circles around your eyes from the mascara that you rubbed off in the taxi over here, well that and the crying. 

“You always say that.” You shrug and kick your heel off, gently pushing her away from you and stumbling into the kitchen. She pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a deep breath, she really can’t deal with this now. 

How is she supposed to choose between you and her, it’s simple really, she knows who she wants, or at least she thinks she does. But every time she finds herself wandering dangerously close to saying those three small words that hold so much meaning, she finds herself running back to the other one, too afraid to actually commit. 

A loud smash pulls her from her thoughts and she runs into the kitchen, her eyes wide as she see’s you standing with broken glass around your feet. You look back at her, and try to smile as innocently as you can, making her just huff before she bends down to clean the three month out of date pickles off the floor. 

You bend down to help, but she smacks your hands away and you pout before pulling yourself to sit on the counter, a bottle of wine in your hand and you watch with a warm smile as she picks up glass and pickles. 

“You’re cute when you’re angry.” You say casually and she pauses for a second, the compliment causing an unwelcome blush to spread over her cheeks. 

“I’m not angry.” She says, her voice low and you send her a pointed look, despite her back being to you. 

“You’re about to beeee.” You sing and she turns around to face you, an eyebrow raised and a bag full of glass in her hand. 

“Why?” She sighs and you watch her move around the kitchen. The bag goes in the bin, kitchen roll goes on the floor to soak up the pickle juice and you frown. 

“You don’t like pickles, why do you have a jar of them?” 

“Julia likes them.” She shrugs, trying so hard to seem casual about it, but when your eyebrows raise and you give her a look she rolls her eyes and turns around, trying to busy herself with something else. She can’t stand to see you’re judging face, it’s your worst face.

“Wow, it must be getting serious, leaving pickles at each other’s places.” You tease and she shakes her head while handing you a glass of water. 

“I don’t leave pickles at her house.” She replies and you snort a laugh. “Anyway, why am I gonna be angry?” 

“I kissed someone.” You whisper, your eyes shining and she feels her heart sink. Yep, it’s officially hit rock bottom. “And it wasn’t you.” You add and her face goes slack. 

“Good for you.” She replies, deciding that right now is the best time to do the dishes she’s been putting off for the past few days. 

She runs the tap as fast as she can, trying to drown out your drunk ramblings, but still some of them make their way through and she hears you talk about how you leaned in, how you didn’t feel anything and how it didn’t feel like you.

She bites her lip at the last part, trying to stop the sadness from spreading over her entire face. She’s not happy that her eyes a blurring with tears, so there’s no way she’s gonna frown. She hums in response, trying to act as casually as she can while washing a plate. 

“I kissed someone.” You repeat, your tone giddy and she forces herself to look at you, she really wishes she hadn’t. Because as soon as the two of you make eye contact, your expression hardens. The smile drops and your eyes become cold and distant. “Because it’s fair.” 

Robin didn’t think she could feel any worse than she already does, but with those three words, she finds a whole new level of guilt and so she drops your gaze and turns back to face the sink, a shaky breath escaping her lips as she tries to stop the tears threatening to spill. 

“Why am I even telling you? It’s not like you care. You’ve already got someone, you have done for months, this is like everyday for you. Are you hurt?” You ask and jump off the counter. 

You walk towards her, already more stable than you were when you first turned up and suddenly she feels you beside her. The warmth from your body makes her blush and her breath hitches when she feels your breath fan against her face. 

“Beg for who.” You lean in and whisper, making goosebumps erupt all across her body. There’s a few seconds of silence between the two of you, the tension building as you stay close to her, but just as Robin is about to say something she’ll probably regret, you interrupt. 

“Put me in a car, I wanna go home.” You say quietly, and Robin picks up on the quiet sobs escaping your lips as you stumble towards the front door, picking your shoes up as you go. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come here.” 

“It’s fine, Y/n. But please stay, it’s really late and I don’t want you to get hurt.” She tries but you brush her away, leaning against the door so you can put your shoes on. 

“No, it’s fine. I wanna go home.” You argue and open the door. She follows you outside, making sure to stay a few steps behind you so you can have some space.

She watches with a pained expression as you stumble and shiver and wipe the tears from your face, and the only thing she can think of is, how could it be anyone but you?

She helps you into a cab, and as she’s about to close the door, you cling on to her arm a desperate look in your eyes. 

“Kiss me.” You sound pathetic, you know you do and when Robin hesitates it makes you feel even worse. The taxi driver is trying her best not to seem annoyed by the waiting around, but you shrug her off and focus only on Robin. “One last time.” 

She leans in, like she’s supposed and you follow, your heartbeat increasing and hers slowing. Her lips brush yours before she kisses you properly and it’s nothing but desperate. She’s not sure what she’s desperate for, for you to stay, for you to still want her, she doesn’t know.

And when she pulls away, the taste of alcohol being the only trace of you on her lips, you sigh and slam the door closed, leaving her standing alone on the side of the road. 

It’s what you waited for, one last goodbye, but it just made you miss her more.

support my writing! if you’d like!


|| Warnings: None? ||

|| Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@falling-grason@paintedr0ses@awesomenatalia@seutarose@samaras-weavings@ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle@calumsmoonlightbae||

|| If you’re able/free could you write a Tim Drake x reader oneshot? With a coffee induced and sleep deprived Tim working for days and the reader finally stepping in to drag him to sleep? Cuddles and fluff if you can. No pressure though! ||

|| Let me know if you want to be tagged ||

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Tim had been up for a few days already, he had been analyzing a case that him and Bruce had been working on for a few weeks now. Coffee cups littered the desk as his fingers quickly typed away on his laptop, filling the room with the clicking noise. The room was pitch black, the blue tint of the screen lit up a small corner of the bedroom that Tim shared with is girlfriend of five years. 

His eyes scanned the screen as he read what he was typing, stopping for a brief moment to take a sip of coffee, look over to the sleeping girl in bed and then back to the computer.

Y/N was always concerned when things like this happened, she was use to this happening when they were teens, but as of now it was like a form of harming himself. Not sleeping, not properly eating. She knew what Tim had gone through. Some days if she squinted and stared hard enough she could see the hint of the goofy teen that Tim was. Other days all she saw was the serious adult he had become.

She sat up in bed when she heard Tim leave the room to get yet another cup of coffee. She sat up, through on a shirt that was most likely Tim’s and went into the kitchen, Tim was leaning against the counter, the light from the stove illuminating the kitchen. The light was causing shadows on his shirtless body, showing off how toned he was. His face was lighten up, the bags under his eyes were darker than normal. 

“What are you doing awake?” He asked as he looked in her general direction, she didn’t say anything at first

“I know you’re there babe.” He chuckled softly as he waited for the coffee to brew

She stepped out from around the corner and awkwardly brushed hair behind her ear, Tim waved her over. She walked into the kitchen, the linoleum squeaking under her light steps. Tim took a deep breath as he pulled her close, his arms wrapping around her, his head resting on hers.

“I know what you’re gonna say.. I know. I gotta stop doing this to myself.” He stroked her hair

“I’m working on it, I promise. It’s just hard to change my ways.” He let out a soft sigh

“Let’s go to bed okay?” She said softly, Tim nodded, not bothering to put up a fight

She gently grabbed his hand, leading him to the bedroom. She let him lay down before she snuggled in next to him, they held each other as Tim drifted off first. She gently kissed his forehead before she let herself drift off. 

The coffee now long forgotten about.


|| Warnings: SAD, DEATH ||

|| Permanent Tag list: @jasonsballsack@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@falling-grason@paintedr0ses@awesomenatalia@seutarose@samaras-weavings@ximaginx@dekahg@firstpieplaidturtle@calumsmoonlightbae||

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|| Requests are open ||

Y/n laughed as her and Dick laid in bed and he told her a cheesy joke. Dick smiled at the love of his life and pulled her close, gently cupping her face as he did so. 

“You know Detective Grayson, you still never told me how you felt about me.” 

Dick smiled softly as he gently stroked her cheek, admiring her face 

“I’m so in love with you, Y/n. Every where i go, I’m reminded of you.” 

Y/n blushed and giggled as Dick kissed her. 

Dick left to go to work later that day, he was working a case on some gang activity in Gotham. Dick drew his gun as the team of police officers followed him to the door.

“GCPD, Open up!” He yelled and banged on the door, they had a lead on where the leader was and had evidence to bring him in

“GCPD!” He yelled and banged on the door before giving a nod to the officers, Dick kicked the door in and went in, being cautious. They found the gang leader holding a woman hostage, a gun to her head.

“Put the gun down.” Dick warned, the guy chuckled and pushed the gun to her temple

“Put. The. Gun. Down.” Dick warned again, the man still didn’t listen

A loud bang happened and Dick staggered back as another police officer shot the bad guy. Dick held his abdomen as he fell back, sputtering up blood. 

At the hospital, Bruce and the rest of the family sat in the waiting room nervously to hear how Dick was.

Alfred had called Y/n, who instantly rushed over. 

“I want to see him.” She demanded and Jason held her back

“You can’t, He’s in surgery.” Y/n cried, wishing she could just go back to that morning when they were laying in bed together

Y/n paced around before a doctor came out

“Family of Dick Grayson?” Y/n and Bruce instantly shot up 

“I’m his father.” Bruce said, Y/n chewed her lip as she played with the necklace Dick had given her 

“We did all we could… it’s best if you all say your goodbyes. He’s awake but just enough to hear you. Room 305.”

Y/n took off running to his room, so many bad thoughts were gong through her head.

She sobbed as she saw dick laying in the hospital bed, hooked up to a machine to help him breathe.

“Dickie..” She sobbed and gently grabbed his hand, the rest of the family came in. She decided to let them all say their goodbyes first.

“You can go say bye now..” Jason said softly and gently put his hand on her back

“Just.. give me a second..” She said softly and stared at the door, working up the courage. She stood from the chair, her legs shaking under her. Her legs seemed to have a mind of their own as she walked into the room, she sat in a chair next to Dick and took a deep breath

“I never knew that I’d have to say goodbye this soon.. I love you so much Dick, I never wanted to say goodbye.” She took a break and sobbed 

“Please, make this all go away Dick, wake me up from this bad dream, hug me and tell me that its okay. That it was just a dream. I hate that I know that I’m losing you and I hate that there is nothing I can do to make things better.” She sniffled and grabbed his hand

“I still need you Dickie.. everyone still needs you.. I don’t know what to do without you.. It’s breaking my heart that I’ll never get to see you when I wake up, just know that you’ll always own my heart Dick, and you’re taking a part of it with you. Things will never be the same, and it hurts so bad.. Everyone is so proud of you.” 

She kissed his hand gently

“I’m so happy that we met. I love you more than anything Dick. You will forever be my hero. It’s gonna be okay baby.. you don’t have to hang on anymore.”

And just like that, Dick flat lined. 

A month later, Y/n sat with the family in the kitchen 

“Jason?” She said softly as she sniffled

“Yeah?” He mumbled

“I can still see him and hear his voice.”

“Me too.”

“Do you think that I’ll ever forget what he looks and sounds like? Cause I’m so scared that one day I’m going to forget and I won’t know what to do.”

“I’m scared too” Jason sighed 

Y/n sat with a few of her friends, they were trying to cheer her up but it wasn’t working

“What.. what was it like? Losing him?” One asked 

Y/n took a deep breath as she started to explain

“Losing him was the worst thing that ever happened, having to say goodbye to him, learning to live without him, trying to fill the void in my heart from the hole that he left. Him dying was like hearing every single goodbye that I’ve ever heard all at once.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes

“The worst part was knowing that he was never coming home.”


|| Warnings: None? ||

|| Tag List: @jasonsballsack@stoll1@marvelfreakbrynnlee@hallucifer6669@falling-grason||

|| Let me know if you want to be tagged when I post! ||

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|| I know i already posted this, but I’m reuploading it cause I uploaded it way too late last night ||

The damn ringing was back. He tapped his nails against the desk to drown it out, anything to make that dreadful noise stop. It started when he was a child, he got hit in the ear with a baseball and got a pretty bad concussion. It drove him nuts, horribly absolutely nuts. Tinnitus, the cause of ringing in the ear, causes depression and anxiety in most. Tim tapped his foot and tried to drown it out with any sort of noise, but it seemed so much louder.

“Tim. Stop. You’re disrupting the class.”  He looked at the teacher from under the fringe of his black hair

“S-sorry.” He muttered, Tim got jittery when the sound came, he couldn’t focus.

Teachers never understood his issue, figured it was something he made up for attention or something like that. He looked at the white sheet of paper in front of him, they were suppose to be taking a test, but that god damn ringing. Tim tried to focus on a different noise, one that wouldn’t hurt his ears, the clock was too deep, the sound of chalk on the board was too creaky, the expo marker on the whiteboard was too squeaky. And then he heard it. The band room was right under his math class, he loved A days, it was the only time he got to hear the voice of the girl who made the ringing stop. He never knew who she was but he thanked god for her.

“Sweet dreams are made of this.”

Tim heard the familiar techno beat, it was like the beat followed her voice and matched with it, instead of her voice being matched to the beat.

“Who am I to disagree.”

He smiled as the ringing stopped, he looked down at the math sheet and flew through it, turning it into the teacher before leaving. Tim had to find this girl, for the last three years he had heard her sing but never got to know who she was. She was the only person who could stop that damn ringing in his ears. He made his way down the stair case, the band room was quiet from this point in the school, everyone else besides a select few were in the halls. The ringing was back and this time loud enough to want to drop him to his knees, he felt tears pooling in his eyes. Tim quickly made his way to the band hallway and he heard the voice again

“Some of them want to abuse you”

he found the band room she was in. It was the old auditorium that they used for vocal practice. People came into watch all the time, so it wasn’t the big of a deal when Tim walked in. The techno beat bounced off the walls. Nobody was in here but the girl that paced on the stage, she stopped once she heard the loud door click. The music stopped and the ringing returned

“Oh. Hi.” She tapped her foot.

“H-hi.” Tim’s face went red, even her regular speaking voice was beautiful.

“I’m Y/N.”

The tap-tap-tapping of her foot quickened

“You’re Tim right?” He nodded and he slowly made his way closer to the stage

“Y-you have a lovely voice.” He could see her more clearly now, not so blinded by the very few lights on in the room.

“Oh thank you.” She smiled,

“why are you tapping your foot?” He’s asked out of the blue

“Oh, uh, I didn’t realize I was doing it.” Tim took a deep breath and tried to center his thoughts, the faint ringing was happening. The girl bit lip

Y/N started at the boy, she knew about the ringing in his ears, hell everyone did. She felt bad for the kid.

“How come you came in here?” Tap-Tap-Tap went her foot

“Your singing makes the ringing stop. Keeps me sane during math.” He chuckled a little and climbed onto the stage, sitting in one of the chairs

“you’re tapping again, you’re like happy feet.”

Y/N tried to stop herself but it was hard, if she didn’t have sound, the voices in her mind clogged her brain and made her feel sick to her stomach. Sedatophobia, the fear of silence, often found in teenagers who have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. She sat In the other chair and tapped her finger nails against the plastic seat.

“My singing helps you?” Tim nodded

“It’s soft, I can’t listen to music much anymore due to my ears. Can’t go to concerts, listen to my favorite bands from before. But your singing, it- it helps.”

He didn’t know what he was admitting this to the girl who for three years was his unknown therapy. Y/N nodded

“What does it feel like? The ringing.”

She mentally scolded herself

“It hurts. It makes my brain feel fuzzy and sometimes it gets to the point of making me want to cry.”

Y/N nodded again “It makes me feel crazy, sad, anxious. The ringing makes it so I can’t focus, it’s hard sometimes. There’s nothing I can do to make it go away but you singing, it makes it stop. So thanks.”

She smiled, for the first time in what felt like years, she didn’t tap or make a noise. His voice was nice, it was smooth, not like most sixteen year old boys who had voice cracks a lot. He made the silence leave her alone. Tim looked at his shoes

“I don’t mean to be weird but will you sing for me?” Her eyes lit up

“I got an idea, let me see your phone.” He handed his phone and she looked up something

“A couple weeks ago I got bored and uploaded this to YouTube. It’s just a vocal track, no loud music, no background noise, just my voice.”

She plugged in her headphones and placed them over Tim’s ears. The soft sounds of her voice flooded his ears.

"Drink up baby, stay up all night.”

Y/N watched as he shut his eyes, his body flooding into absolute bliss. The next three months were bliss for the two. He always had earbuds in, listening to her voice. Tim got approval to change classes around just so he could spend third period with Y/N in the vocal room.

Today was a bad day for Tim, he had these sometimes. The anxiety laced with depression, or maybe it was the other way around, depression laced with anxiety. The ringing wouldn’t stop, his ear buds broke and his phone was being a dick. He walked into the vocal room, tears filling his eyes.

“It- it won’t stop Y/N.” Tim sniffled and covered his ears with his hands. She guided him to the stage and made him sit down

“Shh.. it’s okay. Shh..” they sat on the floor, she gently pulled his hands away from his ears.

“I got troubled thoughts and a self-esteem to match.” Tim slowed down his thoughts and focused in on her voice, closing his eyes.

“What a catch, what a catch.” He felt her cold hands on his warm cheeks, her thumbs swiped away his tears.

“I got troubled thoughts and a self-esteem to match.” When Tim opened his eyes, their faces were very close. He could smell her perfume, the one that smell like sweet vanilla cookies and the shampoo she used that was apricots and just how pretty her eyes were.

Tim never kissed a girl before, or anyone for that matter, he didn’t really know how, or what to do with his hands or if he should tilt his head or if it was okay to touch her. So many anxious thoughts went through his head before he just did it.

In that moment, everything stopped, the ringing in his ears, the voice in her head. The sound of the students passing by the room outside. It was just them in their own part of the fucked up, depression filled, doused with so much pain and anxiety, world. But it was their fucked up world. This felt natural, his lips pressed to hers, hers pressed to his.

The tinnitus boy and the sedatophobia girl.


||Warnings: none ||

||Let me know if you want to be tagged when I post! ||

|| Tag list: @jasonsballsack||

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|| Anon said:  may I request fluff with Older!Damian x reader? Not too corny though, y’know? Maybe him using ‘beloved’ as a pet name for reader I am a sucker for that Thank you and keep up the good work!! ❤️ ||

|| Thank you Anon! I really liked this one, I tried to keep it sweet but not too cheesy. I really hope you like this anon! Much Love! ||

Love was not something that Damian had experienced in his twenty-two years, sure he loved his father and his step mother Selina, he had a love for his animals, Alfred, even his idiot brothers and sisters. But a romantic love seemed far fetched. He had spent years watching romantic movies trying to find the reason people found so much joy in them. He didn’t understand what love was until he saw her, Y/N Y/L. She was the definition of gorgeous, everything about her was amazing. Damian’s heart raced as he watched her laugh, her nose crinkled, her eyes squinted shut, her chest rose and fell.

It took a few months before Damian would admit to himself that he liked her, it took double that for him to tell her that he liked her. He had never been so happy to find out that she liked him too, he even smiled.

“Beloved?” Damian asked as he walked into the entry way to the manor, seeing Y/N standing there a duffel bag in hand “What’s wrong?” He gently grabbed her hand “Hi Dami, everything’s alright. Your dad called me after you told him that I’d be alone this weekend and invited me to stay. I wanted to surprise you.” Damian smiled softly as he kissed her knuckles “Lovely, I’ll show you to my room.” There wasn’t many times the two could have weekends alone together in the four years they had been dating, with Y/N having college and Damian having college, working with his father and his night career. The weekends they did get together were wonderful ones.

The two sat in the theater room watching whatever sounded good, Y/N was very understanding that Damian was not a touchy-feely person, that if she wanted something she needed to ask to make sure he was okay with it. She didn’t want to invade his space and upset him. “Dami?” She said softly and looked to him where he was. She smiled as she snapped a photo quickly, Damian was sitting with Titus at his feet and Alfred the cat laying across his shoulders “Yes beloved?” He looked to her “Could I lay in your lap?” She asked hopefully “Yes, I’d like that.” He nodded.

She moved her little pillow she was using to lean against the edge of the couch and his thigh. She shifted so she laid her head on the pillow. Damian helped her get comfortable, pulling the blanket up and over her shoulder “Comfortable beloved?” He hummed, Y/N nodded “Yeah I am.” She smiled to herself. “Good.” Damian moved one hand to played with her hair, raking his nails against her scalp to massage her head and get her into a state of absolute bliss. “Hey Dami?” She yawned softly “Yes Y/N?” She shifted a bit “I love you, it’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable saying it back.” She yawned again, they hadn’t said I love you before, while it might just seem like three small words, it meant a lot. Damian felt his heart flutter “I love you too Y/N.”


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They were eighteen, sitting in a car after their date. No more father around to tell him who he couldn’t and could see, no more father around to scold him for being reckless. He could see her anytime he wanted. 

She glanced at Damian and lightly smiled at him, Damian would never tell her that he loves her, the fear of rejection is there. But he is absolutely in love with her. He has been since he met her years before Dick died. Before his father got worse. 

Y/n felt the anxiety stir in her stomach, almost as if she had done something wrong. Here she was, sitting in a car with the boy she had loved for so long. She’s swallowing her words as if they were water with an over-filled bathtub. About to run over the edge. 

Her hands tremble slightly, Damian noticed.

Of course, he does.

“What’s wrong?”

He reached over and gently grabbed her hand

“Nothing, you just make me nervous.” 

She smiled a bit, Damian chuckled as they drove around the city

They are symbolic, driving to the edge of the city and talking about whatever comes to mind. The future. Their dreams.

They are falling deeper in love.

Later into the night, they parked with a nice few of a lake. The moonlight lighting everything up. 

“Damian… I don’t think I love many things in life, but here are a few that come to mind. I love the first sip of hot coffee in the morning, I love reading someone else’s words and finding a connection to a person I’ve never met. I love the feeling a good song can give me. I love wondering. I love driving at night under the dim lights of the city. I love feeling your hand in mine. I love when you kiss me like I’m the only girl that matters. I love how you’ve always made me feel safe. I-”

“What are you getting at?” He said softly to her, his hand gently squeezing her hand

“Damian… I love you.” She said and looked at him

Damian stared at her before he smiled softly and leaned in, his lips millimeters from hers

“I love you too.”

She pressed her lips to his as one of his hands cupped her cheeks, his thumb grazing over her skin.

Synopsis : Your son, Jason, the fearsome Red Hood, got cursed somehow and…turned into a toddler. Shenanigans ensue.

Please. I’m very proud of the pun in the title. For once, I found the title instantly haha. Anyway, here’s a “bonus” story, sudden burst of inspiration, had to write it. I hope you’ll like it :) :

My masterlists :@ella-ravenwood-archives


Jason Todd(ler) 

It was a calm afternoon, which was rare enough, in your household, for you to notice it.

When was the last time you and Bruce had time to relax like that ? Time to do nothing, and spend a lazy afternoon just the two of you ?

Too long ago to remember.

You’re running your hand through your husband’s hair, as his head is in your lap, and he’s in a half-sleep state, just content being near you, taking a well deserved rest. You were reading, quite enjoying your book, and soothed by Bruce’s warmth.

This was such a nice moment. Relaxing. Silent. A rare moment of stillness, which you appreciated all the better.

And then-



Dick just barged in, clearly panicked. And you understood instantly why, as you spot, settled in his arm…A small child ?! Wrapped in a, is that a hoodie ? You feel like you’ve seen that hoodie somewhere, but you don’t have time to look at it further as your eyes are attracted towards the kid. 

A toddler. A little boy. No more than two. With big blue eyes, and the cutest tiny face you’ve ever seen. With a white streak in his hair you’d recognize anywhere.


“How did this happen ?!”

There were no doubt in yours, nor Bruce’s mind, that this was your Jason.

Same eyes, same hair, and he turned to you whenever you and Bruce said : “Jason”. So, either this was your son, or it was your son’s secret son, but you somehow doubted it. Sure, kids could look exactly like their parents, but to this extent ? He even had that little beauty mark under his ear…

This was Jason. You were sure of it.

You’d recognize your boy anywhere. Now, the question remained : what the hell happened ?

“I don’t know ! I went to his place to check on him, and I found him like this. It’s Jason. It’s definitely Jason. I found him asleep on the floor, in a pool of his clothes. Definitely too big now. But it’s him.” 

“Yes, it seems like him. But, again, how ?”

“Honestly, I wouldn’t put past him actually pissing of some kind of magician or something. Last time I spoke to him, he said he had a lead on a possible metahuman who was doing some shady business, could be it.” 

Could be, indeed. This was so odd. What were you going to do now ? There was no way you could-

Ah. He was waking up. He yawned (most adorable things you’ve seen in a long time), rubbed his eyes and theN. 

Then he pointed at you, and said, smiling : “Mama”. 

“He knows who you are, my love.”

Bruce said, matter of factly, his initial shock vanished as he was now studying the situation. 

Jason turns to him then, and says : “Dada ?” 

Evidently, there were some remnant of Jason in there, as he recognized both of them. But as soon as he turned to look at Dick, he started screaming and kicking, wanting to get away, and only calming down once he got into your arms. 

What was this ? A reaction like little ducklings ? Recognizing the first people you saw as your parents ? Or some distant memories ? 

The situation was getting more and more intriguing. But you were sure you’d all figure it all somehow. 

None of you could know that Jason would be stuck in this state for a few months…

We need supplies 

How to go buy a bunch of baby supplies without looking suspicious ? 

Damn, it was annoying sometimes (often), to be so well known in your city. For sure someone would notice Bruce Wayne, no matter how he would disguise himself (ironic, isn’t it ? Everyone always recognized him in the streets, no matter what, yet nobody ever realized he was the Batman). And the same went for each member of the family. 

Especially if you’d go buy baby supplies. Imagine the gossip the next day, in the paper ? You couldn’t have Jason’s condition known ! 

You were trying to figure something out, because you did need the supplies. You had to be discreet. Because-

“What about Uncle Clark ?” 

Tim’s idea. Of course. And…OF COURSE. 

Clark DID have a baby. 


Maybe he still had some of his stuffs ? 

Also, nobody would bat an eye if they saw Clark Kent (who ?) buy diapers and whatnot. And then he could fly right to the Manor, he knew how to be discreet. 

It was perfect ! 


You know how you recognize good friends ? They’re here in less than an hour when you need them. With everything you need, too. 

Well. It did help that said friend was a metahuman with super-speed. But still.

Clark was there quickly, with clothes, diapers, a baby bed, formula. The perfect “a baby appeared in our life starter kit”. 

“Someone gonna tell me what’s going on ?”

Yes, a true friend indeed. The kind of person who comes with “baby supplies” when you ask him to, because it’s an “emergency”, and he doesn’t even ask why up until he did it. 

You quickly explained the situation, and after he laughs a little too much, he settles down and asks : 

“So, what are you going to do ?” 

“Still figuring that out. Have a few lead.” 

Clark knows Bruce enough to know that the man isn’t going to tell him more about his plans, so he doesn’t push it. Instead, he turns to Jason, and smiles at him. 

“Hey there buddy, how are you doing ?” 

He reaches to ruffle his hair, but Jason slaps his hand away, and goes to hide behind his father, reaching up, asking to be picked up. 

“He doesn’t like you.” 

Bruce says, smirking, way too pleased about what just happened. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his childishness (which always seemed to get out when around Clark), as Superman says : 

“But Jason loves me !” 

“Adult Jason maybe, but baby Jason knows better.”

“What do you mean ? Hey, hey ! What do you mean ?!” 

Bruce doesn’t answer, and just snicker, amused by his friend’s reaction. And you find the situation too funny to tell Clark that : Jason is simply a very shy child. He runs away from any person he doesn’t know, you noticed very quickly. 

You could’ve told Clark that, and it would’ve settled thing. But it was too funny to witness THE Superman trying to get a one year old kid to like him by bribing him with a wide array of toys, yet failing each times. All while THE Batman kept mocking him and telling Jason that Clark was a “bad man”…

Oh. Oh this would be a memory to preciously keep in mind. What a sight. 


Slowly, life went back to “normal”. Just, with a toddler Jason instead of an adult one. Which you weren’t sure was more calming, in the end. 

Your other children quickly heard the news, and slowly but surely, a sort of routine started in Wayne Manor, in which all of you took care of the boy. 

You knew he’d do the same for you. 

With Damian

“Gah ?”

“Yes, indeed. Very good choice.”

Damian didn’t notice you, as you snuck up in the room him and Jason were in, and you just looked at the both of them. Your youngest son was such a good older brother, who would’ve thought ?

He was currently drawing with Jason. There was paint everywhere, and Alfred would probably not be very happy (although he actually didn’t mind cleaning this kind of mess). The questioning “gah” Jason gave Damian was apparently about whether he should use blue or not. Of course, Damian said he should. It’d go nicely with Jason’s adorable mess of a painting.

Who knew Damian was that good at baby talk ?

They were calmly drawing together, both laying on the floor. You noticed Damian was actually painting his “little” brother, while Jason…It was abstract, but his “older” brother influence was clearly there as the colors mixed nicely together.

Jason finished his masterpiece, as he held it up with his little hands and exclaimed : “Babaaaa” (his version of “tadaa”, surely).

“Very nicely done, Little Bird, very nicely done indeed.”

“Little bird”…oh, your heart was going to melt. This was Dick’s nickname for Jason (and all his little siblings really, although Jason was the first he called like that, and it was definitely happening more with him, simply because it annoyed him so much, and Dick LOVED to get on his siblings’ nerves). 

You never thought Damian would use it one day, after all, you and Bruce never really talked about having more children. You had already quite a handful of them…And no, definitely not, having little Jason around DID NOT make your baby fever go wild.

“You’re very talented you know”, Damian says, patting his brother on the head. Jason seemed so pleased, so proud of himself. And then, then he let out the biggest yawn you’ve ever seen coming out of such a little mouth.

“Ah, it is nap time I see. Come on little bird, I’ll-“

As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Jason just snaked his way in Damian’s arms, and got comfortable. In just a few seconds, his eyes were closed, and he was fast asleep. Aaah, to be a toddler, capable of falling asleep anywhere in a matter of seconds. What a dream.

You thought Damian would stand up, and go to Jason’s room (where you installed a little baby bed,Jaso’ns actual bed being way too big…Bruce had it custom made for his son, which like, is not surprising to anyone). But instead, Damian sat up a little, rearranged Jason in his arms so the little boy would be more comfortable, and stayed still.

He wasn’t moving at all, his “baby” brother cradled in his arms. And here you were, as if hypnotized by the cuteness of the scene.

Your son still hadn’t notice you, and was looking intently at Jason. He brushed a few fingers on his chubby little baby cheek, and after a long silence during which you felt you were literally melting because this was so sweet, you heard Damian’s voice :

“You know, you used to do this for me. I don’t- I don’t really remember exactly, but I just feel it. You used to hold me just like that, when I was a toddler, and I just know you were one of the only person who were able to instantly soothe me. It’s a gut feeling. I know you were there.”

It doesn’t take long before you understand, and you find yourself chocking up.

Damian is talking about his own childhood, foggy memories of a lonely upbringing full of training, fear and harshness. Ras’ was not a tender man, and his grasp on his daughter was, at the time, too strong.

Damian did not grow up like most kid. Like any kid. And yet, amongst all the tough moments, there was one memory he seemed to be holding on…

Jason taking care of him.

You knew your son had been assigned to Damian’s protection. When he didn’t really have any memories of what happened to him, or of who he was. When Ras, out of the compassion he still had hidden deep in his heart, resurrected your boy after the Joker killed him, feeling guilty.

But Jason came back altered, the trauma of his death was too much. He couldn’t quite remember, and with reasons, Ras thought it was better to keep him with the Assassins instead of sending him back to you and Bruce. Of course, Ras being Ras, he took advantage of the fact your son was a well trained boy who could probably do his bidding…

And that’s how Jason became Damian’s protector (and an assassin for a while, but that was another story).

“You’re one of the first memory I have, Jason.”

Damian continues, as you look at them, feeling your heart filling and breaking at the same time.

“You took care of me, protected me from people who wanted to end the “Demon”’s legacy. You don’t really remember, I know. And I don’t either, I was too young. But I have glimpse of moments, furtive memories of it.”

You know Damian would never talk about this to Jason if he hadn’t been turned into a toddler. Both Damian and Jason had trouble expressing their feelings (can you say : “like father, like son” ??).

But it felt like Damian had waited a long time to finally get this off of his chest. To finally speak his mind about it. 

He remembers Jason. He remembers how he took care of him, how he was there when nobody else was. He remembers. 

“I’ll protect you, Jason. I will. Just like you did for me. I’ll protect you.” 

The flood gate was now opened, tears running freely on your cheeks. You discreetly left as Damian was slowly swaying his brother from side to side, and the little boy drifted off to sleep, a sleep full of pleasant dreams as he knew…He knew, he was safe in Damian’s arms. 

He was safe. 

Not him !! 

Zatanna was busy, but she promised to come by as soon as she could, which could take months, given her schedule. 

“Bruce, I’m afraid we don’t have a choice.”

“No no, we do. There’s always a choice. And other options.” 

“Do you really know that many people with magical powers ?” 

“You’d be surprised.” 

“Ok, fine. But he’s the one we’re sure is going to be available.”

“I’d rather call Black Adam than him.” 


Silence. He doesn’t look at you, turning away, clearly pretending to type something on the Batcomputer. 


Yup, he’s definitely ignoring you now. 

“Are you sulking, my Broosh ?” 

He turns around quickly, and says, a little too intensely : 

“I am NOT sulking ! Why would I sulk ? There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever I would. I don’t sulkanyway.”

“You do. Sometimes. You definitely always sulk when we talk about him.” 

He glares at you (or at least, he tries, to you, he just looks like an adorable grumpy bear), and you hold his eyes. After a while, seeing you’re not about to back down, he sighs and says : “Fine. Call him.” 

Constantine’s Help

“When I received your call, I knew it meant you got yourself into some shingles. But I didn’t expect that.” 

John Constantine was standing in front of you and Bruce, and stared at Jason, who was in his father’s arms. 

Jason. Jason Todd. The Red Hood. Batman’s son. That tall jacked “boy” who always seemed like he could snap anyone like a twig if he wanted to (and honestly, John wouldn’t put “snapping people like twigs” passed that “kid”). 

Jason grew up to be such an imposing man, that it was quite a surprise to see him…Like that. 

John thought he couldn’t be more than two years old. Probably one and a half (John had a knack at guessing people’s age, it was…useful for his craft). 

He quickly gave his diagnostic of the situation : 

“Well, he’s been turned into a toddler.”



Silence. And then, Bruce, will all the sarcasm he could muster, says : 

“…Thanks. We didn’t notice.” 

John smiles, always happy to get on Batman’s nerves. He adds : 

“Cooking up such a spell requires quite a bit of power. It probably left a trace where it happened. If you show me the place, I think I can figure out a way to retrace it, recreate it, and therefor, hopefully, reverse it. It might take some times, of course.” 

“Of course. Thanks anyway for coming.” 

“Oh no worries beautiful, for you, I’d always co-”

“Ok thank you, bye now.” 

You and John exchanged an amused smile, it was always fun to make Bruce jealous (although he was adamant he never felt jealousy. What a load of cr-). He was now quite literally pushing Constantine out of the house, because he knew the warlock was about to flirt with you.

On purpose. Just to piss him off. 

But also, Bruce knew you and John Constantine had a quick fling in the past, and he knew John himself. No way he was about to let him flirt with you. The man had quite a reputation…Nuhu. 

Making sure to have a promise from him to work on your son’s case, Bruce then chased him out of the house. Later, he turned to you and said : 

“Black Adam would’ve seriously been better.” 

With Bruce

“No, Jason. Noo. Oh my god please boy, stop touching all the button. No, JA-”

The boy almost pressed quite a dangerous button, “autodestruction” and all that. And Bruce had enough. He put him on the floor and-


Big sad cries. Jason was just balling his eyes out now, and Bruce knew he wouldn’t stop up until he would pick him up again. 

You knew he wasn’t going to resist. You gave him 10 seconds max. And ah, you overestimated him. 4 seconds later, Jason was back in his arms, trying to reach every single buttons possible, getting frustrated because Bruce kept stoping him from doing so.

Your husband turned to you, sighing deeply, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 


He ended up building a “sensory box” for him. Jason always wanted to be held, for some reasons, and disliked being anywhere else but in someone’s arms. The problem was, when he was in Bruce’s, he kept wanting to touch everything on the bat computer. 

Of course, for a child, it was quite an attractive thing to touch. 

And so, after a few researches, Bruce found out that kids Jason’s age had a lot of “sensory experiences”, and couldn’t help but just touch everything (the same way babies always put stuffs in their mouth).

It didn’t take him long to build a little box, with a bunch of buttons on it, some making noise, some just nice to the touch. It occupied the boy nicely. 

Jason would giggle away, playing with his box, and it made Bruce’s heart full, to hear that little laugh. 

One night, as he thought you fell asleep in your desk chair (it happened often, although this time, you were just resting a bit), Bruce turned to his son and asked : 

“Not tired yet champ ? Should be time for a nap, no ?” 

The boy just looked up at him, smiling widely, clearly not tired. He always smiled when looking at Bruce. Of that smile that- 


That Bruce hadn’t seen in years. 

Not since-


He felt a tear on his cheek. 

“I’m sorry Jason, I’m so sorry..;”

It was like he felt something break in him. Something he held on for so long. Looking at that little boy, who bore the smile of the son he lost all those years ago. 

Jason still hadn’t smile like that again yet. You knew it would happen some day. That he would finally heal. But it didn’t happen yet. 

And the fact that as a child, innocent and trauma free, that smile came to him so easily…It awoke all of Bruce’s guilt. All of his heartbreak. 

Bruce’s sadness distressed the boy. 

“ ’Ou ok ? Ok dada, ok ?”

“You ok ?” he was asking. Which made Bruce’s emotions surge even more. Jason as always been such a nice kid. He didn’t deserve what happened to him. 

He didn’t deserve it. If only he never met him..

Jason was standing in Bruce’s lap now, on tippy toes, barely reaching his father’s face and…slowly comforting him.

That was your Jason.

Even as a small child, always so compassionate, sweet, and caring.

“No cwy, no cwy, all ok.” He said, patting his father’s cheek, and smiling, hoping he would console his father. 

Yes. Jason has always been such a good person. 

Bruce knew he wasn’t going to be able to stop his emotions, and so as to not further distress his son, he just hugged him tight. Close to his heart. And his warmth and little giggles were such a nice comfort…


When John was here, he said that it was possible that he had some remnant of memories of who he was. Which was probably why he called you and Bruce “mama” and “dada” right away. 

But it was also probably why at night, when he was all alone in his bedroom, he would have horrendous nightmares and scream his lungs out. 

You learned to recognize his cries, over the months. Sometimes, he was hungry, sometimes, he demanded attention, sometimes, he wanted this or that…His cries during the night were haunting. 

There was no doubt in your mind, neither in Bruce’s, that he had recurring nightmares. And you didn’t have to think much about it to know what those were. 

You didn’t want to think about it. You didn’t need to. As long as you were there, when he woke up, panicked…



Exactly the word that would describe the first time it happened, on the first night Jason came to the Manor, turned into a young child. 

Screams. Of a deep seated fear. 

It was horrible, to hear such a sound knowing it was your “baby” who was currently very afraid. 

Both you and Bruce rushed to him. He was just coming back from patrol when Jason started to wail. 

You barge in his bedroom, and he’s crying. Big salty tears running down his face, crying so much it’s hard to breath. 

Bruce is faster than you, and he reaches for his son. Jason’s naturally put his arms up, definitely wanting to be picked up. 

It took a good ten minutes before the boy calmed down, exhausted from crying, slowly falling back asleep in his father’s arms. 

Bruce didn’t leave Jason’s bedroom that night, and you didn’t either. You all cuddle up in his actual bed. The double bed he usually use when he crash at the Manor. 

Jason falls asleep in the middle of you and Bruce, his tiny little hands clutching your fingers. Yours, and your husband’s, each arm on each side of him. 

You don’t dare to move, afraid he’ll wake up. And in the night, when Bruce moves a little too much in his sleep and Jason’s hand sleep away from his finger, the boy wakes up, and starts to panic as he thinks he’s alone, before being soothed back to sleep by his father, who always had a light sleep, and woke up the instant he heard the smallest of whimper. 


Each night. Each night he wakes up at least once, screaming, crying, afraid. Afraid of what ? You can only guess. 

John did warn you about this. During his sleep, he’s most likely to remember his past life. 

You can only assume than when he’s all alone in his bed, he has horrible nightmares. But when you sleep with him, or when he’s asleep with Bruce or his siblings, the way he clutches at you, the way he peacefully sleeps…it feels like he remembers the good time. 

He seemed terrified of the dark. Understandably so, when you knew his history. 

Poor baby, always so afraid to be all alone. 

With Tim

“Um, was spaghetti really the best idea, Tim ?”

You came in the room just as Bernard was asking this question to your son, and. Oh. Oh the carnage. (A/N : For those who don’t/didn’t follow more recent comics and such, Bernard is a childhood school friend of Tim with whom he sort of lost contact after he got adopted by Bruce, and they recently reconnected and are now dating J)

“It’s his favorite food ! I mean, adult him. I swear once, I saw him only spaghetti for two weeks straight, with different sauces every time. But his favorite is bolognese. I guess…It wasn’t the best idea here.” 

Jason is COVERED with pasta. His entire face is red, tiny pieces of meat stuck to his cheeks. The little fork Tim gave him is discarded on the floor, and the boy is eating with his hands. 

Handful of pasta, out of which very few actually reach his mouth, and even less enter it. Most of it is just splayed all over his face. 

“I see babysitting is going well.” you say, amused. 

Bernard stands up quickly, as if you’re his boss or something. You smile at him, and say : “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you boys. Having fun ?” 

Tim sighs, knowing you’re mocking him a bit. But Bernard is still a little tense. After all, he’s been introduced into the family not very long ago. Tim finally felt confident enough to introduce him to you guys, and of course he was met with a warm welcomed. But it didn’t mean he wasn’t still a little nervous in your presence. 

Especially since you were THE (Y/N) Wayne. And oh god, he could never relax around Bruce (which honestly was your husband’s fault, he was always suspicious of his children’s boyfriends/girlfriends at first, and still considered Tim, one of his youngest, like his baby bird). 

“Mama !” Jason said excitedly, and then he took another handful of pasta, and threw it on Tim. You could see he didn’t do it on purpose. That he was just SO excited his body didn’t quite respond with the proper coordination. 

Tim turned to you, blasé. 

You and Bernard burst out into laughter, this was quite the scene. 

Jason giggled, and Tim couldn’t help but smile. Who would’ve thought that his brother could be so adorable ? Adult Jason was quite different. 

Still adored his brother though. Jason often bragged about how smart Tim was, as if him himself wasn’t (which wasn’t true, Jason was extremely intelligent, he just had a massive imposter syndrome). And Tim was Jason’s first little brother, he doted over him all the time. 

Of course, Jason was close from Damian too, but with Tim, it was something different. 

Because Tim “replaced” Jason. In a way. He was the one which brought some light back in Bruce’s heart. The one that helped you start to heal from the wound Jason’s death gave you. 

Jason thought he had to hate Tim, at first. Because he was “replacing” him. But he quickly realized he couldn’t do that. 

Because Tim was Tim. 

And he was himself. 

Jason had never been a hateful person. So sure, he was angry at his father, angry at the world for how unfair he was treated. But he couldn’t be angry to someone who had nothing to do with it. 

Plus, when Tim came in, he was so adorable, and SUCH a fanboy. How could Jason not instantly adopt him as his brother ?

“Adorable”. That’s what Tim was thinking about baby Jason now. 

Funny, how life could go full circle like that, sometimes, right ? 

“Pabgeti !” Jason yelled, happy, showing his food (that once again was more all over his face than anywhere else). And then he pointed at Tim, and repeated : “Pabgeti !” 

You smiled, and said : “Tim made you some spaghetti ? He’s nice isn’t he ?” 

Jason nod his little head, and smiled widely at Tim and-

Any trace of annoyance, or anything else, vanished. Ah. Funny. Even as a baby, Jason was always there to make sure Tim felt home. 


Sat down in the sofa in his room (with the door open, Bruce’s rules…he was so old school), Tim and Bernard were holding hands as they looked at Jason who was playing on the floor in front of them. 

The little boy turned around, saw the linked hands, and creased his eyebrows. He crawled on all four towards the sofa, managed to get on his feet and he separated both hands. 

“What, not you too Jason.” 

But the little boy would have none of it. He refused to let Bernard get back closer to his brother, and kept glaring at him, as if afraid he was going to still Tim away. 

It was very cute, to be honest. And although Tim could’ve been annoyed, he actually felt quite happy and warm. 

First steps

Jason had simply refused to walk so far.

So, nothing prepared you nor Bruce to witness what was about to happen. 

It had been a month since Jason turned into a toddler. John did say he never heard of such a spell, and would have to do some thorough research (although Bruce suspected him to take his time, just because he thought the situation was funny, and because he loved to spite him). 

He crawled everywhere, for sure. It was a nightmare, actually. He truly only listened to you and Alfred, and would way too many time try to escape his siblings’ surveillance. 

He hid in a basket once, fell asleep in it, as they all looked for him, panicked. 

Yes, he crawled, and got into tiny spaces where it was hard to get to him…But he never walked. 

Until now. 

You were laying leisurely on the couch, legs across your husbands lap, looking at your son playing on the floor, thinking about how weird your life was sometimes. 

One of your boy turning back into a toddler. How odd really.

Jason was sitting on the floor, playing with some toys. And then, he got on all four, and your heart beamed as you noticed Bruce’s body tense. He was ready to get his son if need be (for real, that kid really managed to get himself stuck in the strangest places). 

But Jason didn’t move. Instead, he pushed with his little arms and…

He was on his feet. 

Standing. Standing ! Albeit his legs were shaky and it felt he would fall back on his butt any seconds, he was standing ! 

He took one step, and was falling forward wh-

You felt your legs being pushed aside. Not violently or anything, Bruce knew how to be delicate. 

You felt it, and then somehow, your husband was near your son, catching him before he hit the ground. Damn. You forgot sometimes that he had insane reflexes. 

Jason was giggling now, evidently very pleased with himself that he managed to stand up. He looked at Bruce, smiling widely, and started to blabber in baby talk. Non-stop. 

Bruce chuckled. An affectionate and sweet chuckle. And he said : 

“Yes yes, very impressive. You’re so strong. You’re so strong, little one. Can you do it again ?” 

Bruce sad the boy back on the floor. Jason smiled, looked at him again, said : 

“Dada ! Babubya !” (whatever it meant) 

And he stood up once again. Took one step, two, once again his father’s arms caught him before he could fall. 

“Aaaah baba baba !” Jason exclaimed, very proud of himself. 

“You did so good !” 

Bruce was as excited as his son, and it was the cutest thing to witness. Leading the life you lead, you never got to have a baby in the house before then…So this was how it felt, to saw them take their first steps. 

This time, Jason made four steps before crashing in his dad’s arms (which you suspected he did on purpose, because he thought it was fun). 

By the end of the day, he could walk on his own and on quite a distance. When Damian came home from school, he was greeted by an extremely proud little Jason, who walked towards him, exclaiming :

“DamDam wak !” (which you translated to something along the lines of : “Damian I can walk”). 

Oh. The feels. 

With Dick 

Dick found Jason first. He hadn’t heard a word of his brother the entire day, and got worried. Which yes, for many it’s ridiculous but…

Dick cannot help it. He HAS to have at least a text from his family members every 24 hours, or he freaks out. And, could you blame him, with the life you lead ? 

The only exceptions were if you warned him first. “Hey, I won’t be there for the next four days, don’t worry before the fifth one haha !” then he wouldn’t insist. And all of you knew by then, that you “needed” to give him a head’s up whenever you wouldn’t be reachable. 

And to be honest, if it could reassure your son, you’d definitely go the extra mile. Every member of your family would. 

So when Jason didn’t warn him about not being available, and didn’t answer his texts and calls, Dick panicked. 

He knew he shouldn’t, that his brother was probably all right. But he couldn’t help it, he had to quickly check. 

He went to where Jason’s phone pinpointed (of course he put trackers in everyone’s phones. After all, Bruce was his teacher, right ?), one of his hideout, on the outskirt of Gotham. 

He came in through a window, as usual, and…

That where he found a baby. A baby fast asleep, in a pool of what he knew were Jason’s clothes. 

A baby that, evidently…was Jason ?? 


“Do you think he remembers us ? Or who he is ?” Dick asks you, looking at his little brother who’s happy to be held in your arms. 

“I’m not sure. He did call me mama, and is calling Bruce dada. I don’t know if it’s just natural, or if he has some remnants of memories. Because clearly, he’s “just” a baby, and not Jason stuck in a baby’s body. I mean. Itis Jason. But an actual baby version of him. Know what I mean ?” 

“Yes, I do.”

There’s a small silence, before Dick has an idea : 

“Ok well, let’s see if he does sort of remember but can’t quite voice it. Hey little man, I’m-”

“NO !” Little Jason says, slapping Dick right in the face and pushing him away.

“Ok, it’s definitely Jason…Except, like him when he first came here. He used to downright hate me haha.”

“He didn’t hate you…”

“He kind of did.” 

“No, he didn’t. He just- He just wanted to show everyone he could be just like you, if not better. He wanted recognition.” 

“Which I…did not give him.” 

Regret was obvious in Dick’s voice, and it broke your heart. For once, you weren’t sure what to say. Because it was kind of true, that at first, Dick wasn’t the nicest towards Jason. Things didn’t go as smoothly as you wished. 

But neither you nor Jason or Bruce ever blamed Dick for it. It was a time in which he was lost, and always so angry. He left the manor because of it. 

Long story short, Dick hadn’t always been the best brother. Jason’s death profoundly changed him…

Now, he couldn’t imagine his life without his siblings. And he could definitely not imagine not being the oldest one. 

It actually hurt a bit, Jason’s rejection. The boy was now hiding his face in the crook of your neck, clearly not wanting to be held by Dick. 

Ah, but your son had an idea. 

“Coming back in a sec.” 

He disappears for a bit, and comes back indeed just a few minutes later with a- Ah. Yes. Of course. 

He has a cookie in hand. Jason’s weakness. He’s never been able to resist a cookie, especially not those baked by Alfred, like he one Dick was holding. The boy looks curiously at him, and then at the cookie, obviously interested. 

Dick breaks it in smaller pieces, and hand it to him, Jason immediately proceeded to suckle on it and-

That was it really. Dick managed to get him in his arms, and from then and on, Jason never rejected him again. 

“Bribing him with cookies always worked.”

“Um, excuse me, bribing ? Why did you need to bribe him before ?” 

“Oops haha.”

And then he was gone, escaping your question by quickly leaving the room. You shake your head, aaah, those boys. 


Jason started to seek Dick, now. Whether it was because he wanted more cookies, or to see his brother, nobody could quite say…


Baby Jason adored Bruce. 

Adult Jason too, though he would never admit it. Not anymore. Not after what happened to him…

But he did. Adore his father. That’s probably why he found it so hard to forgive him for not killing the Joker after what he did to him. Ah, but this was another story. For now, Jason as a one year old was an absolute Bruce fanboy. 

He loved you too, it was obvious. He came to you whenever he wanted comfort, or cuddles, or anything of the like. You were his mama, and at that age, he would choose you over anybody else. 

But, Bruce ? 

“DADA !!” 

Jason would exclaim whenever he saw him in the evening, when your husband would come home from work. And then he’d do his little toddler run towards him, and Bruce would catch him in his arms. 

So heartwarming. 

You took time off of work, you were pretty independent anyway so nobody really minded. You took time off of work, so you could help Alfred with Jason. You saw that little boy all day. 

But Bruce ? 

Ah Bruce. He still had to work. The responsibilities of owning such large enterprises made it impossible to take more than a day or two off. So he would see your son only in the morning, and evening before bed time. 

It was enough, though. 

“DADA !!” 

Jason would yell excitedly, running to him. 

Bruce found himself waiting for this moment with great anticipation. Your son would melt anyone’s heart, with his cute little face, big blue eyes, dark hair and that infamous streak of white…He was such a cute toddler. 

But Bruce ? 

Ah, Bruce’s heart had always been soft for his family, unbeknownst to many. How could he resist that child ? 

“DADA !!” 

Running little feet on the floor. Giggles as he was lifted off of it. And then he’d put his hands on his father’s cheeks, and just…smile. 

Of that recognizable and pure “Jason smile” he used to always have before-

What if Jason couldn’t be turned back into an adult ? Was that such a bad thing ? 

He had another chance right now. 

Bruce had another chance. Another shot at not screwing up. At keeping him far from this “Batman” business. 

Another chance…

But was this really your, or Bruce’s decision to make ? 

No. No it wasn’t. 

“DADA !!” 

Run. Catch. Hug. 

A shame, that you both knew this was but a chimera which had to end one day. 

With Alfred 

You almost missed it. But as often in your life, fate made it so you managed to make it just in time. 

A few minutes before or after, and you wouldn’t have seen it. Because for sure, if he had seen you, he wouldn’t have done it. And if you came just a little later, you simply would’ve never had any idea it happened. 

Here they were. 

Baby Jason laying in Alfred’s arms, as the butler sat in a comfortable arm chair, in the library. 

 “Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea, 
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff
Oh, Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail” 


Alfred was singing to him. 

And Jason was utterly enthralled by the song, his big blue eyes staring at his “grandfather”. He was holding one of the butler’s hand with both of his, tightly. And you were sure your son didn’t even notice how much he clutched at the old man’s hand. 

Neither of them noticed you, standing there, looking through the crack of the half-opened door.  

 “Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff’s gigantic tail
Noble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came
Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name” 

Captivated, Jason let Alfred caress his little head with his free hand, not realizing what he was doing. 

Putting him to sleep, surely. 

 “Oh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee
Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys
Painted wings and giant’s rings make way for other toys
One gray night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more” 

Oh my God. This song was actually incredibly sad. But Alfred’s soft voice interpreted it so perfectly, that it was beyond soothing at the same time. 

Baby Jason didn’t really understand the lyrics anyway, he just seemed to find the song beautiful. It was made obvious by how his eyes got a little misty. 

The boy was moved, and it was truly magical. Such a young mind, touched by all the love poured into this song by his grandfather. 

 “And Puff, that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar
His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain
Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane
Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave” 

The song reminded you of Jason and Bruce too much. You felt like crying, and you didn’t hold the tears back when they started to fell. 

It was a bittersweet feeling. Sadness because of all the hardship they both went through, but happiness because they managed to overcome them. 


Because their strong bond, their father/son love, was so important to both of them, that it became the source of so many conflicts and pain. 

 “So Puff, that mighty dragon, sadly slipped into his cave
Oh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee” 

“Sadly slipped into his cave”, was this song specifically written for your Bruce or what ? Yes. Yes it fitted Bruce and Jason’s story so well. 

It made you choke with emotions. 

“He used to sing that to me when I was a child.”

You didn’t hear him come in, in fact, you felt his arms wrap around your waist before he even made a sound. 

Your Broosh. And his warmth is so comforting. 

In the library, Alfred starts singing the song again, after Jason was babbling in baby talk, clearly asking for more. Ah, and the old butler was never able to resist any of those kids. 

“What is it ? The song.” 

Puff the Magic Dragon, by Peter Paul and Mary. It used to be my favorite song. I think it still is…”      (A/N : I highly recommend listening to it once, just to get the feel…I love that song)

You both listen to Alfred sing to Jason. The boy is clearly in love with that song, too. Bruce whispers : 

“It used to soothe me, no matter what. As a baby, at least according to my parents. And I’d only want Alfred to sing it, nobody else. Not even my mother or father. When they died he-”

“Oh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee”

“He used to sing it every single night. And it always helped me to fall asleep, even when I thought I wasn’t going to be able to. I love that song.” 

“Yes, yes I think- I think I do too.” 

You and Bruce stayed there for a while. Holding onto each other for comfort. Listening to that lovely song, while Jason was slowly falling asleep, a smile on his lips. 

Trouble and Jealousy

Jason wasn’t even two, in that state, yet he was already quite a smart boy. 

Everyone always thought Tim was the brain of this little cluster of siblings, and although often they weren’t wrong, all of your children were intelligent, and great strategist. 

And evidently, it showed in young Jason right now. 

He quickly found he had a knack to get out of trouble. He just had to look at people with cute eyes, and boom. It was done. 

Something his siblings weren’t too fan of, because it worked way too well on their mom ! And ever since Jason was turned into a toddler, said mom, you, got her attention a little too focused on him ! 

The kids were rarely jealous of each other, especially because you and Bruce always found time for each and everyone of them. There were NO favorites, in the Wayne household. 

But a toddler demanded much more attention than a, say, 8 years old child. And definitely more than an adult. 

Oddly enough, Damian didn’t mind too much. He took his big brother role very seriously, and had a very : “Jason (as a baby at least) can do no wrong” kind of mindset. Even if it was obvious the boy did something he wasn’t supposed to, Damian would defend him, and fight anyone who wouldn’t leave it alone. Which Jason noticed quickly. 

Running to his mom or to Damian became a habit, when he caused…Utter chaos. Honestly, there was no other words. 

He was a very energetic boy, and although he was very sweet, obedient and nice, it seemed he always came up with the worst of ideas ! 

Which is what Tim discovered, as he came in the kitchen and found his little brother devouring cookies, sat in the middle of SO MUCH FLOUR ! 

“Jason, what did you do ??”

Jason looked at him, and giggled. He giggled, the little devil ! Tim went to him, picked him up, and was about to scold him a little (as he should) when you entered the kitchen. 

“Oh. My. God. What happened ?!”

Tim was of course about to say Jason somehow got on the counters and such, but the little boy in his arms, after looking at him, a mischievous look in his eyes…started crying. 

Big cries that Tim knew were fake. Oh, the crocodile tears ! 

But it worked on you. It worked really well indeed. 

You went to him, took him into your arms, patting his back to comfort him, holding him close. 

“Shush shush, it’s ok baby, it’s ok. Tim, please can you clean the mess ?” 

And then you left, consoling little Jason…Little Jason who wasn’t sad at all ! He was still making crying sound, but Tim swore he saw a smile on his face as he looked at him and their eyes crossed when their mother left the room !


Dick was easily jealous, if you gave more attention to another of your kid. After all, he had been a lonely child for quite some years before Jason came in. He was used, for so long, to be the sole receiver of your attention (fighting for it with Bruce, though). 

Even as an adult, when he came to see you, you’d make sure to have time for him. You saw less of each other since he moved to Bludhäven, so when he came by, you dropped everything to spend time with him. 

Dick LOVED it. Maybe he had always been a bit of an attention seeker, but you couldn’t blame him. He had been an only child for years, even before he met you and Bruce. Old habits die hard. 

So recently, when, whenever he came by, you would take care of Jason, he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. 

He hated to feel jealous of his siblings. He thought he grew out of that. Most of his conflicts with Jason, years ago, when the  boy first came in, were born from Dick being jealous and thinking Bruce replaced him without a second thought (very wrong). 

Also, Jason was currently a toddler. Of course he’d have more attention. 

Didn’t mean Dick didn’t feel jealous though. Sigh. Damn. 

But then-

Then whenever Jason saw his oldest brother, he would jump on his feet and run to him, and Dick felt like he was the most important person on the planet because of how the boy looked at him. 

He would never admit it now, but Jason had always greatly admired Dick. He was his model. His hero. 

Seemed like things never changed, eh. 

Ah. Well, Jason always got away with almost everything, with Dick. Some things will never change indeed, no matter the age. 

And just like that, any jealous feeling vanished. 

With Cassandra 

Jason was mesmerized by Cass. 

Whenever he would start to cry, or feel cranky, she’d dance for him. 


He loved it. 

He would instantly stop crying, and just stare, utterly captivated, entranced. And then when she’d be done, he’d smile, widely, and raise his arms to make her understand he wants her to pick him up. 

And she would, of course. 

Cass and Jason never spoke a word, never made a sound. They seemed perfectly content in just being with each other. 

Often, Jason would look for his “big” sister, and just sit with her, looking at whatever she’s doing. Even if, say, she read a book with no picture. He’d just look at the words, and at his sister, perfectly content. 

Tim quickly renamed Cass “The Baby soother”. 

Jason could be a little destructive, as a toddler. He broke way too many vase, and the more people (that weren’t his mom or Damian) told him “no”, the more he wanted to do it. 

Yet Cass would come in, and it’s like she knew the button to turn him off. Even if in the middle of a tantrum, she’d just dance, and Jason would calm down. 

It was magic, really. 

Jason and Cass had both very strong childhood trauma. It seemed to please her that her brother’s bad experience had now been erased. 

“Can’t we keep him like that ?” 

She once asked. You answered : “I wish. But it’s not our decision…” 

You couldn’t possibly decide for your son like that. You couldn’t, for selfish reasons, decide to keep him as a baby, letting him grow up differently. You couldn’t. 

“I know..” 

She said sadly. Seeing her sad made Jason sad, and the boy was about to cry when-

His favorite thing. She started dancing for him. This time picking him up to dance with him. 

Because she was going to take every chance she got to make her brother’s “new” childhood the most memorable, calming, and warm possible. 

Jason Todd 

Finally, after three whole months, Constantine came back. 

With good news. 

“I found a way to reverse it, but it might be a little long.” 

And long it was indeed. With the help of Bruce, it took him the entire day to perform the ritual that would give Jason his adult body back (and mind, hopefully…John wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t about to tell that to any of you. Oops). 

It worked. 

It worked. 

Jason was there, actually Jason. And according to John, there would be no permanent damage. He managed to bring both body and spirit back. 

He warned them he would sleep for a while, the shock of the transformation being exhausting. 

Jason slept the entire day, when he woke up, he was groggy and still tired, his first words being : 


Of course, because he saw you first. 


Bruce felt a pang in his chest. Jason’s first instinct was to call for himtoo. 

“…The FUCK happened ?!” 

And your Jason was back to his normal self, for better and for worst. You wouldn’t have it any other way. As you told him the story of the past few months, you realized that you would never forget the memory of Jason as a baby, and how sweet that kid has (and will) always be(en). 

And when he says : “The last thing I remember is being with that girl, oh I forgot her name now. Anyway I was with her, because I suspected she was a metahuman and wanted to make sure, but she didn’t say anything. Then she was all like : “well if you’re going to act like a child, then you might as well be one” and…And that’s it, that’s all I remember.”, you all bursted out into laughter. 

“You might as well be one” indeed. Of course, Jason would piss of a magician capable of transforming people. 

Years later, you’d learn said girl was a disciple of Klarion, and everything finally made sense. 

I want to be an older brother 

Damian started to understand, those months. The feeling you get, as an older brother. The intense need to protect your younger sibling, to teach them things, to be there for him. 

And looking back on his life since he joined you and Bruce at Wayne Manor ? All his older brothers and sister did exactly that for him. 

Jason, always did that for him. Ever since he was a baby. And Damian ? He wanted to be that for someone too. 

“Being an older brother is pretty fun…”

Damian told you, not long after Jason turned back into his adult form. 

And you could see he wished he wasn’t the youngest one, for once. Damian definitely enjoyed his junior status, he knew he could get away with a lot of things with his siblings and parents (funny enough, Jason was the softest one who would let him get away with stuffs that honestly weren’t too good), but having a toddler around seemed to make him want to be an older brother…How funny, how destiny works.

You weren’t going to lie. It was nice, to have such a small kid home. You and Bruce never got to raise a child from birth, for obvious reasons. Not that you regretted anything, or the life you lead until then. It was just…Nice, to have a little kiddo around. 

Funny, how things work. 

Was it fate, that made it so you had a certain news not long after that adventure with Jason being turned into a toddler by a wizard he offended ? 

Fate, that made Damian’s wish a possibility. Fate, that made it so you discovered that you were actually…


To be continue ?


If you thought this was another excuse for me to write more toddler with Bruce and Batmom…then you were right haha. I’ve been in a mood my friends, and I love writing babies. Jason as a “lil lad” who has (almost) a chance at a good childhood makes my heart warm, but it can’t happen so next best thing ? Wizardry. Haha. I almost want to write a “turned toddler” story for each batsiblings hehe.

Hope you enjoyed ! As per usual comments and reblogs are very welcomed :) 

PS : I tweaked a little Jason’s story with the Al’Ghuls after he got resurrected, just because…I wanted to haha. So, Damian’s part is heavily inspired by actual canon stories, but maybe, JUST MAYBE, I made it so Jason and Damian’s relationship was stronger that it is portrayed to be, just because, again, I can. And I love that headcanon.

Synopsis :In which Batmom (you), is HYPING Bruce up A LOT. Because like, have you seen the man ?? He IS handsome and smart and beautiful and brave and *insert more ramble here about how much of a simp we all are for Bruce Wayne*. 

I realized something yesterday : I wrote HUNDREDS of stories of Bruce (or the kids) hyping Batmom up, but I don’t think I ever wrote a story where she’s the one hyping him up ?? I shall correct that fatal mistake in this story. Hope you’ll like it, as usual comments/reblogs are welcomed :) : 

My masterlists : @ella-ravenwood-archives




Bruce hated himself. 

He hated himself for not being able to save his parents. 

He hated himself for the way he treated Alfred after they died, and for the way he abandoned him to go train far away. 

He hated himself for not being able to save everyone. 

He hated himself because he knew he had issues, he knew he wasn’t well…yet he continued on the dark and lonely path of being “The Batman”. Vengeance itself. 

He hated himself for not being able to save Dick’s parents. 

He hated himself for not being able to convey his feelings properly, and to show how much he cared for that little boy. To show his love, the fatherly love he quickly felt towards him. 

He hated himself because he wanted so much for Dick not to be like him, but could he ever achieve that ? Yes, the boy was happier and brighter, but if he stayed with him…Could Dick really have a good future ? 

He hated himself because he knew he was violent and his ways weren’t always good. But at least…At least Dick was a good kid. It was good, that he went off by himself with the Titans, to cool down. And Bruce hated himself for missing him so much. Wasn’t this what he wanted ? To make sure Dick could move on, unlike him, who couldn’t forget his past ? 

His hatred for himself went through the roof with Jason. He hated himself for not being able to protect him. He wanted to die, when he realized his son was still alive, hating him maybe even more than he hated himself (which was a feat). He wanted to die, and not feel anything ever again, when he lost his son, and when he realized what Jason became…He couldn’t save him…he couldn’t save him…

He couldn’t save Damian either. Nor could he be there when Tim needed him the most. And Cassandra ? Did he ever do anything good for her ? Ah, he couldn’t save Duke’s parents, if only he had killed the Joker… 

Yes. Bruce hated himself so much, sometimes, it was unbearable. And so he hid his feelings, he pretended to be cold, to not care, even. 

It was easier, to push everyone away. To keep them at bay, and act as if he didn’t feel anything. But the truth was…

The truth was that he felt everything

He had always been an overly sensitive child, “hypersensitive”, they even said. And he had to beat this side of him down, to pretend he lost all feelings…It was vital, in a way. 

He couldn’t survive otherwise, he couldn’t keep going if he always let his emotions out. He would not have survived his parents’ death. He would not have survived his son(s) death. He-

It was just easier. To hide the fact he hated himself so much. To hide all feelings. To pretend. His facade was so well polished, and perfected over the years ! 

But then-

Then you came along. 

Yes. Bruce hated himself. Past tense. 

There were still moments Bruce had a hard time to live with himself, and went back to old habits. But…

But ever since you entered his life, things changed. 

Because you loved him. Wholly and unconditionally. And if someone loved him so much, someone he loved to death too, someone he found to be the most amazing person he ever met. If that someone loved him so damn much, then maybe…Maybe, he wasn’t so bad ? 

Even when he was a jerk to you. Even in his darkest time.

You found him. Took none of his crap. Told him off, and brought him back on a way full of life. 

No matter how hard things got, and oh, they sometimes became so hard you felt like you were not going to be able to keep going, you stayed. 

And you told him. You told him how much you loved him, how important he was, how-

You made him believe it. 

There were still moments he hated himself, and felt like he would fall back into old habits of punishing himself by pushing everyone away, and becoming “Vengeance” once again. But now…

Now he had you. And you never shied away from telling him how great he was.

Bruce hated himself, but you love him.

It’s funny, how someone can think another person is their savior.

Before you met Bruce, you were destined to have a certain life you knew you would’ve hated. And then you met him. 

Your light. 

You knew Bruce thought that you were the one who saved him, that you were the one who kept him together. Your husband always had a tendency to put you on a pedestal, and think you were the greatest human who ever lived. 

The truth was, you desperately needed him. You were a highly flawed individual, and you were very aware of your flaws…except when he was with you. 

He always knew what to say, how to make you feel safe and loved, how to make you feel like you were the most important person on the planet. 

And it killed you to know how he could be so hard on himself sometimes. 

You had made it your mission, long ago, to erase all those feelings inside him. You knew it was going to be a long journey. You knew there were times he wouldn’t believe you. Because you were the same.

You were the same. 

Sometimes, you didn’t believe him when he told you you were the most beautiful woman he ever met, the one he loved the most, the only one he had eyed for (oh but if anyone could’ve told you : when you were in the room, he really did have only eyes for you, not noticing any other women nor men because you occupied all his thoughts). 

You knew he didn’t always believe you…But you were never going to stop telling him how great he was. 

You were NEVER going to stop hyping the love of your life up. 

Before you even met him

“Have you heard of that guy, um, the rich one who just came back? Because (Y/N), he’s hot.”

“What ?”

It was too early in the morning for your best friend’s shenanigans. What, it wasn’t even 7 am, you were about to go buy coffee before going to school (it was exam week at your high school, you needed the caffeine), and here he was, talking to you about some random rich man who “came back”. Came back from where anyway ? Ugh, this SO didn’t interest you.

You were about to take an important maths test, you really didn’t care about some random handsome billionaire who was going to flaunt his wealth all around Gotham, pretending to care about the city while not doing anything to help it. 

“Bruce Wayne, it’s Bruce Wayne ! You know, from THE Wayne family !” 

“Ugh, yeah, I kind of got that from the fact his last name is “Wayne”…”

Your friend ignored your snarky comment, staring at the cover of the magazine you still didn’t even look at, where, you assume, was probably a picture of that “Bruce Wayne”. 

You had faint memories of him. Years ago, he suddenly disappear from Gotham and like um, his butler ? His adoptive father ? You couldn’t even remember the guy’s name, but he told the press his “Master Wayne” (cringe) went to school abroad or something. 

Again. You didn’t care. You had your head full of equations. You would’ve done anything for your best friend to STOP talking about that dude. 

“Just look at him (Y/N), he’s so your type ! Come oooon !” 

“Ugh, I don’t have a type, and you-”

He shoved the cover in front of your face, definitely forcing you to look at it and…Wow. 


Oh no. 


No. Fuck. No. Wait. Noooo, but your maaaaaths ! Damn your brain for going : “hot man + handsome face = you’re not going to remember Pythagoras’ theorem”. 

“Shit.” You say, and your friend just looks at you with an expression that clearly means : “RIGHT ?! Told ya.”. You take the magazine, automatically reading the title of it. 

“The prodigal son returns : after years away, Bruce Wayne is finally back in town. And he has a plan !” 

You weren’t going to lie, you didn’t even care about the plan, kinda obnubilated by how hot he looked. Nooo, you thought you passed the age of having instant crush on random men ! 

“He looks like a douche.” 

You say, trying to hide the fact that, annoyingly, your friend was right when he said that man was your type. Ugh, couldn’t he not look so ridiculously good smiling at the paparazzis like that ?!

“Well, he’s already hot as fuck, he can’t get all the qualities right ? That’d be unfair. He looks like such a himbo.” 

You nod, and add : “a doumbo”. Your friend look at you curiously, and you say : 

“Ya know, the combination of a himbo and a douche. Like, himbos aren’t always douche bags, but look at him, and his dumb sexy smirk. He must be a douche.” 

“A doumbo. A himche ?”

“Some would say, a Douchbo.” 

“A Himbouche, even.” 

“Haha, himbouche. Sounds French and fancy.”

And that was all you needed to burst out into laughter. A well needed fit of laugh, before arriving in front of your maths test and realizing that…You can’t remember anything of your lessons, as the face of that “Himbouche” kept coming back into your head. Physical appearance didn’t even mean that much ! Personality was your jam ! Ah but with handsome men like that, how could you even pretend not to be interested ? 

Ugh. It’s not like you’d ever had a chance to even meet him ! 

But you met him. 

You could mock that cover all you wanted, the fact remained that you kept that magazine for a long time, too long to divulge it because it’s really embarrassing when you think about it. 

Thanks the gods you managed to hid it from Bruce. He never even knew you owned that magazine, and like, good. He would’ve never let you hear the end of it. 

You first met him at a gala, in which you felt very uncomfortable. 

A charity, to open more libraries in Gotham. Your charity. You send him an invitation on the off chance he would come and…Here he was. 

You noticed him instantly, but he was busy and you were definitely not going to introduce yourself first. 

Somehow, you ended up speaking to a bunch of women you didn’t know the name of, but you often saw them in pictures participating in galas and such. They were probably rich. You had most likely Bruce Wayne to thank for them coming, because your charity ? Clearly not their crowd. 

“So tell me, um…?”


“Ah yes, (Y/N), what an adorable name.”

Could someone sound even faker ? Probably not. You could feel your eye twitch a little, but you promised yourself not to snap back at any possible donator. It was hard. 

“So, tell me (Y/N), how did you manage to get Bruce Wayne to come here ? He usually only comes to um, important events. Not that your little thing isn’t, it’s just- you know.” 

You did know. But you weren’t going to let this people intimidate you so you said : 

“Actually, I don’t. Would you care to explain what you really mean ?” 

That put them in an awkward position of course, because as much as these people were good at insinuating things and being snarky, they never seemed to outright speak their mind. Which often worked to your advantage. 

The woman cleared her throat, and you said (regretting it immediately) : 

“Bruce Wayne actually comes to a lot of the smaller events, and always donate gracefully to good cause. He’s clearly not the snobby man you think he is, just last week he was at a small neighborhood place which was trying to get money to open a basketball court in the Narrows. He’s amazing.” 

All those years ago, when you called him a “himbouche” with your friend, you couldn’t be more wrong. His action spoke for themselves, he really turned the city around. Plus, he financed the Batman, which is something you couldn’t ignore. How great was that ?! 

You might’ve spoken a little too vehemently, because the woman facing you smirked. One of those almost evil smirk which meant she was about to try to humiliate you. And indeed, she said, loud enough for everyone to hear :

“What, you have a crush on Bruce Wayne or something ? That’s cute.”

Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Murder was not on your list tonight. You smiled, of that same fake smile she harbored, and said : 

“Please, who doesn’t ?”

You decided that it was easier to not even lie, to not pretend you don’t have a crush on the man. Because, well, you knew you were definitely not the only one. And there wasn’t any shame in having a little crush on someone. 

Plus, the way that person said “that’s cute” really irked you. You were not about to let someone mock you like that. Even if you knew there were no chance that he’d be interested in you, the way they said it, “oh that’s cute” as if it was a given he’d never notice you, really made you mad. 

“A crush on me, you say ?” 

What ? No. Fuck. Ah. He was right behind you right ? Bruce Wayne ? Yeah. You were never going to turn around ever again. Ignoring him seemed like the rational thing to do. 

Your flawless plan of not turning around was, however…Flawed. He literally just had to move in front of you. Which he did. 

“Bruuuucie, how nice it is to see you !”

The woman instantly latched on him, but he downright ignored her, turning to you and saying : 

“I’m Bruce Wayne, very nice to meet you (Y/N). Love your books..”

The rest was history. From that night, it seems, you two never quite managed to truly say “good bye” to each other.  


“Did you mean it ?” 

He asked, later that night. You two escaped on an isolated balcony, where no one could find you. It’s strange, how it seemed like you both had the same idea at the same time. 

“What ?” 

“What you said about me.” 

“The…Crush ?” 

“That too, but not only. The other thing, about me making Gotham a better place.”

“Ah, of course I meant it. It’s plain to see you really do. Surely, you’ve heard that before ?”

He lets out a little self-deprecating chuckle, and turns his face towards the sky.

“Well, I guess a lot of people do say that. But I don’t think many of them truly mean it. So, thank you.” 

He turns to you, and he smiles. A pure, almost child like smile. A real smile. Not the one you saw on his face countless times in magazines, or on TV. 


Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. 

Your heart beat so loud, you were sure he could hear it. 

What a smile. The most beautiful you’ve ever seen. Without exaggeration, you were sure that smile could brighten an entire room easily. 

“I don’t think many of them truly mean it”, those words sounded so lonely. Like you caught a glimpse of his true self, right before he hid behind his mask again. How come a man like this didn’t think people really meant it, when they said he was amazing ? 

That blew your mind. 

You promised yourself that night, that if you ever were to meet him again, you’d make sure to always give him the compliments he deserved. 

In Private

It’s early in the morning. 

A moment you both loved and dreaded. 

Loved, because the first thing you saw as you woke up was your beloved husband. Dreaded, because it usually meant you wouldn’t see each other the entire day, as you both were very busy. And then, there was that all Batman gig…

But for now, for now, you’re both waking up, and you’re in each other’s arms. 

He rolls on top of you, hands on each side of your shoulders, and smile. 

Ah, that pure smile you love so much. 

“What a handsome man…” you say, as you put your hands on his cheeks.

He lays his face in the crook of your neck, and you know it’s because he’s trying to hide his reaction.

“You getting shy on me big man ?” the amusement is evident in your words, and he grumbles but you feel his lips quirk up on your skin. And that’s enough to make you feel content. And to make him feel butterflies in his stomach. Even after all this years, you still make him so happy with the simplest compliment. 


“I love it when you smile…”

It took a long time, before you got to see his real smile. Not the one he arbored at gala, not the “Brucie Wayne” one, no. His real smile.

The one he had when looking at you, eyes full of fondness. A smile of utter contentment, he had only when with you, or his children. 

Your comment makes him smile, and he’s about to say he loves yours too but you don’t even give him a chance : 

“I love being with so much, I wish time could stand still when we’re together.”

“I feel the same..” he whispers, as you two instantly fall into each other’s arms. 

“Bruce, I mean it.” 

“I know. I do too.” 

“No but, I truly mean it. I’m so happy I fell in love with you. When I hold you in my arms, I feel so lucky.”

Sometimes, he feels chocked up. It’s rare, and it always takes him by surprise. To be honest, most of the time, he’s the one to render you speechless with his beautiful words. He always had a knack with finding the perfect things to say to make you feel good about himself. 

You did too, of course. Just, he was always better at controlling his emotions. Didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate your compliments of course. 

But yes. Sometimes, sometimes it felt almost too good to be true. He was so sure, after his parents’ death, he would never know again what happiness was. And here he was. 

In those moments, he’d hide his face in the crook of your neck. You knew what it meant, when he did that. Your words meant too much to him. So much, that he lacked the words to truly express it, and the only thing he could do was embrace you. 

Oh. Oh you wished more people could see him like that. During moments he couldn’t hide his emotions, he couldn’t hide at all. During moments he showed his true self : a caring, loving, empathetic and emotional man. 

It made you made, sometimes, that people thought of him as only a “machine”. Someone who could endure anything and everything. Someone who, anyway, didn’t feel anything. 

As you often said : he feels everything. 


It’s not easy, to be the Batman. To endure. To keep it all inside. 

So many people were wrong about him. So many people didn’t truly knew him. 

Not the Vengeance. But the man who, even as he was utterly broken, kept fighting for what he believed in. Driven by love. Ah. 

But in a way, you liked the fact you were one of the only person privy to his real feelings. And so, when he hid his face in the crook of your neck, you could feel nothing else but happiness. 


“It’s so unfair.” 

You say, breaking the silence reigning in the batcave. He’s been focused on the screen of his computer for a while now, and you caught yourself just staring at him. He acknowledge you though, as always, and he says, turning his head towards you : 

“Mm ?” 

“You are so handsome. Like, all the time.” 

He smiles softly, but shakes his head. Of course, Bruce had always been aware he was a good looking man. He used that to his advantage many times. But when you said it, even after he heard you say it hundreds of times, he just felt all warm inside. Butterflies. Flustered. Like a damn teenage boy. 

He turns back to the computer, not even realizing the smile has not left his lips yet. 


Bruce kept it all in a special place in his heart. All your beautiful words, that made him feel like he wasn’t worthless. Like maybe, there was no reason to hate himself so much. He kept it all inside his heart, so that in tough moments, like fighting an intergalactic menace far from you and his family, he could plunge back in that part of himself and remember how loved he is. 

This part of him kept everything, everything you told him over the years : 

“You have my heart. I’m so glad you chose me.”

“The sound of your laugh is music to my ears.”

"I’m in awe of what a wonderful person you are.”

“You inspire me to be a better woman”.

“When I’m with you, I feel like I found what I was looking for.”

"I feel so safe with your arms around me.”

“Your presence brings the best out of me. I can’t wait to make more memories with you.”

“You make me so happy just by being yourself.”, you were probably one of the only person who loved him for who he truly was. For him. 

"Being with you feels so right. Thank you for loving me.” 

"I never get tired of looking at you. Of talking to you. Of being with you.” 

“Hearing your voice brings me so much joy.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

You always acknowledge the thing he did for you, too : 

"Thank you for supporting me.”

"Thank you for looking after me.”

“Thank you for always being there for me.”

"Thank you for listening.”

You just always had a knack to hype him up ! : 

"There is no one else like you. You are the best.”

"You always have the best ideas.”

"Adventures with you are my favorite. You always manage to make things interesting, even the dullest ones.” 

"You make the world so much more beautiful. You know you’re the best, right ?”

“I’ll fight anyone who say anything bad about you.” 

And if he ever said something along the line of : “You don’t have to.” You’d respond with : “Oh no but, I do.” 

Alfred had always been supportive of him. And along his life, Bruce met countless people who praised him for whatever reason. 

But nobody, nobody ever quite had your talent to hype him up. To make him feel like he was genuinely great. 

Clark would say that your praise of him sometimes did him a disservice. Because, yes, your husband knew he was intelligent. And he could therefor be so damn arrogant. But his arrogance often hid, as most arrogant feelings do, a great sense of insecurity. As if him being smart was his only use in the world…

You made him feel like it wasn’t. You made him feel like being Batman wasn’t the only thing he had going on. So what if sometimes he was insufferable, he thought he was always right etc…You never once saw Bruce act as if he was superior to anyone. 

You never understood this weird image following him. Sure as Brucie Wayne he played on being insolent and arrogant and all. But as Batman ? When did he ever truly make someone feel less than ? Never. That’s when.

On the contrary. Bruce often hyped others up, even if they didn’t notice (were there really a biggest Superman fan than him ? He just was subtil in his compliments). 

Nobody ever said your husband was flawless. But his qualities vastly outweighed his flaws. You could bear with his “dark moments”, and him sometimes being a jerk, because you knew how great he truly was. 

Hoping people can be perfect at all time is so unrealistic. And quite toxic, really. 

Everybody makes mistakes. 

Not everybody can try to better themselves though, like Bruce does. It drove you crazy that some people seemed to never notice how much progress he did. Ah, but you knew. 

Bruce wasn’t selfish as some people said, he was selfless. 

You knew. 

You never wanted him to be perfect anyway, you loved him just as he was. 

In Public

From the day he became your boyfriend, to when he turned into your fiancé, and now as your husband, you never shied away of being very vocal about how much you admired him. How amazing you thought he was. 


“He’s amazing, isn’t he ?” you’re often caught gushing at the journalists, and oh you have so many reasons to be proud of your husband. Whether he just started an amazing charity, or just because he exists really. 

Many people tried to fluster you, or anger you (drama always sold more) by making inappropriate comments about your husband, like how hot he was and such. How many people were after him. Without missing a bit, you always answered things like : 

“He’s gorgeous in his new suit, right ?” 

“Honestly can’t blame anyone who have the hots for him. I mean, have you seen him ?!” 

“I know, his butt looks GREAT in those pants !” 

“I had to go buy a new dress shirt for him, he flexed his arms and pecs earlier and tore it apart. Can you believe it ? He’s so strong. And fff, what a snack. A buffet, even.”

Sometimes, some people tried the other tactic, trying to denigrate Bruce in any way : 

 “What did you just say ?! My husband is the kindest, smartest, most incredible person on this planet. I will tolerate no slander.” 

And you were ready to fight. You would NEVER stand for any bad talk about your husband. People could say whatever they wanted, but anyone pretending he was a bad person were just liars. You’d never, NEVER let them defame him !


Whenever you spotted a paparazzi, you reveled in showing your husband off. Pointing out his chiseled jaw line, or his biceps. Forming the word “thicc” on camera as you pointed your finger to his thighs. 

It became a running joke in Gotham, and a source of endless memes. Nobody could deny that Bruce Wayne was an attractive man anyway… 

If anyone asked you a passing question about him, while you were going somewhere or they caught you buying coffee, you would often ramble about how great Bruce was. 

“He’s so smart. And humble. And kind. And brave. And bold. And compassionate. And so pretty. And interesting. And (insert an infinite influx of compliment).” 

To be fair, people learned not to ask you much about your husband, because you could never shut up, and hype him up in front of everyone. And vice versa, “that’s my wife” Bruce would say, proud of you at any small occasions. 

“Bruce Wayne and (Y/N) Wayne are our modern Gomèz and Morticia Addams” was an official instagram account. A very popular one. You always wondered who was the creator of it (I’ll let you guess). 


“Bruce, Bruce listen.” 

“Mm ?” 

“I crave you more than pizza.”

He chuckles at that, and you-

“Ew. Please. Mom. Can’t you wait for us not to be around to say things like that ?” 

“Right ?! I agree with Tim, please. This is our family night, you and father, stop being gross.” 

You turn to your children, snickering. Oh how you loved to gross them out by openly complimenting you husband. And you knew he loved it too, and that he was most likely about to make a comment that would annoy your kids, while making you feel all warm and nice. 

“I’ll never look at pizza the same way…”

Jason says dejectedly, looking at his piece of pizza. And you can’t help but burst out into laughter. Drama queens, all of them. 

Aaah, it’s not because your children were there that you were going to not tell Bruce how much you loved him. How much he meant to you. How amazing he truly was. 

At the League’s headquarters

“Your intelligence always astounds me, my heart.” You say without thinking, forgetting that well…You’re surrounded by all your superheroes friends. And they’re all looking at you and Bruce.

Superman, your great friend Clark, has a faint smile on his lips (what ? The man was a sucker for good romance ! Following yours and Bruce’s love story was quite the ride, and he was always there in the tough moments…he secretly was the person, along with Alfred, who rooted for you two the most). 

Wonder Woman smirked (she thought it was funny when you managed to fluster Bruce).

Flash was going to catch flies with his mouth open like that, in utter shock. 

Green Lantern seemed almost grossed out (his expression not unlike the one your children harbored when you two kissed in front of them). 

Green Arrow’s eyes immediately went to Black Canary’s, their relationship more alike to yours than any of you will ever know…Y

ou made a mental list of all your friends in your head, looking at you two. Ff, the League was getting big now, with new arrivals pretty regularly. Maybe you should try to control your “simp surge” (that’s how Tim called those moments during which you gushed over your husband).

But then, how could you, when he truly was intelligent ? The best detective out there. Once, you heard one of them (you could honestly not remember who) imply that Bruce wasn’t an important member of the league because he didn’t have any powers. And oh Gods. 

“Please.” you said, annoyed that anyone would think just because he doesn’t have any power he’s not the most important part of the team (no, you never exaggerated ! hehe)

“When A piece of rock is your nemesis, or when the color yellow is your weakness, you don’t really get to brag too much ok ? Plus, let’s think about how many times Bruce got you all out of bad situations, mm ? Who always has a plan B, all the way to Z here, mm ? Dare to say you wouldn’t panic if Bruce one day say : “I don’t know”, mmmmm ?”

To be fair, it was kind of true. Nobody could quite deny the fact that, if one day, the Batman himself ran out of ideas to “win”, it’d be quite frightening. Not that he was the only intelligent person around. Oh no, there was Barry too of course, and J’onn, and many others ! But over the years, everyone came to rely on his mastermind to find solutions to their biggest problems.

Ah yes. There wasn’t a moment in the League headquarters where you didn’t express your admiration for your husband (in relevant situations of course).

To friends 

You had the same friends he did, for the most part. Except for your childhood friend, and his. You shared the same friend group. 

To be fair, the League was in big part your friends. But it was different, when you were officially on League missions, and only just all together casually, outside of “work”. 

You hyped Bruce up, but not in the same way you hyped Batman up. 


Clark is the only one used to it. 

Everyone else always gets taken aback, when you gush over Bruce and he sometimes let a smile slip up. Usually, he keeps his face cold and unfeeling (he has a reputation to uphold). But sometimes…

Only when he doesn’t have the cowl on, does they sometimes catch him smiling at you. Unable to stop himself. And that’s when they all realized that “The Batman” was before all else, just a man. 

And an impressive one at that, as you constantly reminded them. 


One day, you were sitting on the Kent farm’s porch, a cup of coffee in hand, waiting for your husband and Clark to come out (they were currently doing the dishes, and helping Martha out with some things, Martha was adamant that the men must help, and you two had to chill  à préciser que les two c’est elle et Lois) when Lois joined you.

Lois had a true “journalist” reflex. As soon as she learned Batman’s real identity, she wanted to ask him so many questions. And when she met you ? Oh boy.

Like today. It was the first time you came over at Martha’s for a Sunday lunch. The first time of many. Clark and Lois didn’t have children yet, and Dick was with you since just a few months (he was currently helping to bake a pie…that boy LOVED to cook).

“Ok I have to ask. How is he, really ? With you ?”


“Well, I knew Bruce before, but I always felt he wasn’t showing his true self to me. Like there were always a barrier between us two. Probably why we didn’t last long. So I was wondering…”

You don’t have to think much about it : 

“He’s kind, nice, sweet, always pays attention to me and tries to make me confortable in every situation. He-” 

Fifteen minutes. For fifteen minutes, you hyped your man up. Fifteen minutes of you gushing over him, and Lois couldn’t help but smile. 

She was happy, that Bruce found the right one. And that you found him. You were clearly meant for each others. 

That day, she also realized the same things your other friends will see over the years : “The Batman” was human. He loved like everyone else, he hurt, too. He wasn’t that heartless machine they thought he was, or that stupid and arrogant playboy. No. He-

He was just a man, trying to do his best. 

Your constant admiration of him made them realize that. Gave him a humanity they thought wasn’t there. Made them realize, they never truly knew him before then.  

And it made them a little jealous, too. Because it was clear your love for each others knew no bound, and you’d always be each others biggest fan. 

With your kids

They don’t mind it, most of the time, when you compliment their dad. 

Sometimes, it can get a little gross, like why does it always lead to kisses ?! 

But sometimes, it’s really cute, and inspire them to find someone who loves them as much as you love Bruce (and vice versa). 

Maybe that’s why none of them would ever settle for anyone toxic ? Because they had their parents example, and certain “couple goals”. 


You and Damian constantly boast about Bruce (when he’s not there). Damian would never admit it openly like you did, but he thought his dad was amazing. And only with you, did he feel safe enough to truly speak his mind about the matter. “Did you know father could bench press 1000 pounds ??”, “I did ! And he always does that at the end of his training, the man is a machine, a beast.” Damian constantly bragged about his dad (and you, and his siblings) at school. And nobody could ever really tell him that THE Bruce Wayne wasn’t as cool as he sounded…because everyone knew he was (except maybe Bruce himself).

You and Dick LOVED to fluster Bruce. Exaggerating your admiration for him (which was already huge) was your jam. Dick was a great actor, he’d often take his most angelic face before saying how much he loved his dad. It was even worst when he became an adult, because he kept that angelic face and nobody could resist that expression. You and him could never get enough of seeing Bruce blush as you both complimented his every action. 

Jason, before his death, never shied away from backing you up when you said Bruce was a great father. “My dad is the best !” He’d exclaim proudly, making sure journalists caught that on tape. 

After his death, those words never really came out of his mouth ever again. Which made Bruce feel miserable. Until one day : someone dared speak ill of him. Jason lost his cool, and let’s say that this person will never dare again say something bad about Bruce Wayne. This was proof Jason still cared so much, still thought he was the best…And that only him, could criticize his father. 

You and Tim used to have a secret “Batfam Fandom” website, that Bruce found out about years after its creation. You and little Tim had forums, and fan pages dedicated to the Bat (and by extension, to Bruce, albeit you were the only ones knowing the truth). When Bruce finally discovered that page, he was too touched to even admit he found out about it. You still didn’t know he knew…But he definitely went to check that site from time to time, when he didn’t feel good and needed a “pick me up”, knowing he’d found your account (NumberOneBatmanSimp) and your son’s (BatmanStan) gushing over how great he was. 

Cass was THE daddy’s girl. Of course she’d always join in on you complimenting him. “You. Great.” she’d tell him whenever he felt badly about himself. She would never hesitate to scold him, too. “You taught me how to love myself. Love yourself, too. Or else…”, the threat in her words often meaning that if he didn’t, she would hug him up until he felt better. Just like you, she would never let anyone speak badly about her father, including himself. 

Duke was already a fan of Bruce before he met him. And when he finally did, reality went beyond his expectations. Bruce was everything he imagined, and more (the more being : newsflash, he was also the Batman !). How could he not find him amazing and cool and all ? 

Yes. Bruce often found himself stuck in a “hype sandwich”, where you and one of the kids (sometimes even more than one), would remind him of how great he truly was. And how much you loved him. 

Hyping the kids up

"Have you met my oldest son, Dick ? No ? You have to, he’ll honestly make your life better by just existing.” 

“Yes, Jason, my son, he’s fantastic isn’t he ? When he laughs, it brightens the entire room and he never did anything wrong, ever.” 

“Have you ever met someone more intelligent than my Tim ? The answer is no, because nobody is. Objectively speaking, he’s the greatest.” 

“Cassandra is beautiful, smart, amazing, flawless…I pity anyone who can’t see that.”

“Damian ? Another one of my son who never did anything wrong, ever. I’ll fight you on that. Damian is the sweetest little boy ever, he overcame so much, and constantly works on bettering himself. Not a lot of people will achieve even half of his will to become a better man. He will change the world, mark my world. And for the better.” 

“Duke didn’t let his power change him, do you know how strong you have to be for that to happen ? How much of a good person you have to be, to not turn pretentious because you’re powerful ? Such a powerful kid, in every sense of the term”. 

Being your child meant never feeling worthless. Never feeling less than. Of course, you weren’t always perfect and you lost your cool with them more than once…But we established nobody was perfect. 

Well. Except your children. 

They were perfect in your eyes. Their “flaws” only made them better, stronger. They always impressed you so much by how tough they truly were. They went through so much, yet always pulled through. How impressive was that ? 

You never missed an occasion to tell them how amazing they were.

And nobody could hype someone up quite like you.


Ok, hope you liked it ! I wrote it “fast” in a burst of inspiration, but I hope it’s suitable for y’all :) comments and reblogs = always loved, welcomed, and motivating ^^. 

Anyway. I wanted to write this because like, I think an aspect of Bruce that is often overlooked is : “why did he decide to become the Batman, and shut away his feelings a lot of times ?” ya know ? Anyway, here’s my way of seeing things. I always felt like Bruce hates himself so much, which is why his facade is so polished…We know that deep down, he actually feels everything to the max (he even says so himself TT.TT). Hypersensitive Bruce trying to protect himself…My jam <3.

Anyway.At least now it’s clear I’m a huge Bruce Wayne simphaha. 

Synopsis: The title says it all, just a few things about the kids and how they’re definitely your babies. 

Just a drabble I suddenly wanted to write. Hope you’ll like this short thing :) :

my masterlists : @ella-ravenwood-archives


“Who’s the biggest “mama’s boy/girl” ?”, was once a question asked to your children during an interview for a local paper.  

Your kids all instantly yelled at the same time : “DAMIAN !!” (including Damian himself, as he said times and times again that being a Mama’s boy was hardly something he’s ashamed of, indeed he’ll happily yell “ME !” to that question. He even takes it as a great win, to be honest), but it wasn’t quite the truth. 

No. No it wasn’t. Because that interviewer only asked them, right ? And that was a mistake. Of course, they’d say Damian. They knew it made their little brother happy, and they knew it was the most obvious answer to anyone who didn’t know their family very well. 

But it wasn’t quite the truth. 

Because if you asked their father, or Alfred, they’d tell you : “It’s literally impossible to rank the one that is the most mama’s boy/girl”. Because they all are. They might not always show it publicly, but man anyone who knows them is just used to them demanding cuddles or asking her things. 

“Moooom ?” was a word often heard yelled across the manor. And if Bruce was nearby, and they wanted to ask something he could totally do for them, they’d still say : “Do you know where mom is ?” 


Dick, to anyone that do not know those kids, would be the “second most mama’s boy” in their eyes, as he’s never been afraid to show his affection for you in public. 

As soon as he started to consider you his mom, and calling you that, as soon as he realized his own biological mom would probably be ok with it and want him to be happy…Dick Grayson became very attached to you

During galas, tiny him would come sit on your lap around the table and fall asleep on you. There’s hundreds of pictures of you carrying him back to the car (he really was a small kid, for an eight year old). If you and Bruce would let him have an interview (with you present, so the journalist wouldn’t ask him things that would hurt him) he would always gush over how amazing his mom and dad are. 

When sick, he’d look for you first. He’d ask you to get a drink for him, he’d stick near you whenever there was big events, hide behind your dress etc etc…

Publicly (and privately) Dick has always been very open about loving his mom to death. Even now, as an adult, it’s not rare to see pictures in tabloids talking about how they had a lunch date and Dick hugged you while waving at the camera (he looooooved to embarrass you publicly. And vice versa, to be honest).

At the Manor, whether it was when he was eight or now as a mid-twenties guy, he always asked for your hot cocoa and snuggle in front of a Disney movie. His teammates in Teen Titans and Young Justice used to tease him about that, until they realized that you really were super awesome and kinda got jealous (You always made sure to make hot cocoa for all of them…it’s quite a sight, now, as they’re all well into adulthood, to see them snuggling against each other in Wayne Manor’s living room, drinking hot cocoa and watching The Lion King).


Damian doesn’t care what anyone says, if he suddenly wants to latch onto his mom and not let go, then he will. 

To the surprise of many, you and him connected instantly. Damian never really had a “normal” mother, one that would pamper (if not baby) him when he didn’t feel well. Talia loves him, yes, and deeply at that, this was no secret. She would always be Damian’s mother. But because of her upbringing, and how she thought she was supposed to raise her son, there wasn’t always the place for display of affection (especially not when Ras was around). Nobody taught Talia how to love, being raised by Ras Al’Ghul was not synonym of warmth and safety. Quite the contrary. But she surpassed that now, and you and her ? You were far from hating each others. There is place for two moms in Damian’s heart. Love was the root of why you and Talia, despite all odds, actually understood each other (but that, I will talk about in another story…hehe, story about Talia and Batmom’s relationship coming soon, I’ll put the link of it here once I write it.).

Love. Yes. The reason Talia brought Damian to Bruce, the first time, wasn’t actually because it was part of her father’s plan. But because she knew. She knew that there, he would find what she, deep down, always wanted : love. 

Damian unfortunately didn’t have the early childhood so many dreamt for him. But you were damn if you weren’t going to give it to him now (and Talia would come back in the picture later, she had a lot of healing to do too). 

So when Damian came in the house, and there was suddenly this person who loved him unconditionally no matter what, even when he made mistakes (mistakes, in the League, were not appreciated…Ras told your son one too many times that he held his life in his hands, and to not disappoint him again), of course he’d turn into the biggest mama’s boy ever.

You were there in the tough times, but also in the good ones. With you, he learned that it was normal to laugh like crazy because of a stupid joke, to play in the leaves in Autumn or in the snow in Winter, to annoy his father by spraying him with a hose in the summer, going to see bees and flowers in the spring…

Damian is extremely close to you, and he doesn’t give a hoot what anyone says or think. 

There is photos in magazines, of Damian grumpily burying his face under your arm, trying to avoid getting his picture taken, and you protecting him instinctively. There’s also photos of you just giving him random piggy back rides around town, or of you just talking to someone at a charity event, and him holding onto you with his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind and half-sleeping on you, because he just feels safe when you’re around, and he seeks this comforting feelings that evaded him for so long. 

Most people wouldn’t think so, but he’s very affectionate, and just like his mom, has those random burst of “too much love” and has to get them out by suddenly hugging you (reference to this story : A Mother’s love : Burst of Affection). 

He’s definitely DEFINITELY a mama’s boy, and will never care if people mock him for it because you know what ? Yesterday his pet frog died, and only his mom’s arms were able to console him.


Jason chased after his own biological mother for years, but she never wanted him. She never wanted a child. So when he stole his way in Bruce Wayne’s life, and when Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend accepted him as his own in a heartbeat…how could he not become a Mama’s boy ? 

He always asks for your opinion (whether it’s before or after his resurrection), he cares about what you think of him, and you’re probably the only one who could change his mind about something. He often went out of his way just to see you and spend time with you. 

He needs you, and always will. You’re the only person that always supported him without faltering, even when he did some pretty fucked up things. The only one that always stuck by him no matter what. He needs your presence, he needs to see you at least once every week or he gets sad and just misses you. 

As a kid, he definitely took advantage of the fact he had a new mom, and Bruce often joked saying the boy was glued to you…but it was kinda true. He’d hug you for no reasons, just because he felt too happy to have you in his life. He’d always ask you 328323 questions and you would just patiently answer them all…You taught him how to play guitar and piano. You and him often had dance parties that made Bruce roll his eyes but also smile like crazy. 

As an adult, the only reason he went by the mansion for a long time was just to see you (and Alfred). He’d sneak in, spend a few hours with you, and leave before his dad would come back. For some reason, he was never as mad at you as he was at him…Sure now he forgave him and he’s quite the “daddy’s boy” too, but..Maybe it’s because you were always so gentle and knew exactly which words to use to soothe him ? 

Bruce wasn’t always great with showing his emotions (though when he did show them, it was always a feat because man the dude could get emotional and show them he loves them), but you ? You just knew exactly how to handle that little scared boy who was hit and trampled on most of his young life. You just knew exactly what to say, what to do…seriously, how could Jason Todd not turn into a mama’s boy ?!


Now Tim. Oooooh Tim. He’s the one that, if you don’t know him personally, you’d least think is a mama’s boy, with his aloof kind of persona, and work obsession. He always seems to be busy doing something, and rarely shows his emotions in public…But oh, oh if you know him just a little, you know he’s the biggest mama’s boy ever. 

Now when Tim entered yours and Bruce’s life, his parents were still alive but…What kind of parents don’t even notice their eight year old son left for a few days, and didn’t come home and all ? What kind of parents just give their son up as a ward to someone they don’t even know, in exchange of a big check ? Bad parents. Parents that aren’t physically abusive, but that never acknowledge their kid. 

You know the book and movie “Matilda” ? Tim is Matilda. He’s a genius, a sweet and kind boy, but his parents never noticed anything about him. They never noticed him at all, never read him a bed time story, tucked him in, made sure his teeth were brushed, his homework done…or just care overall. 

So when he arrived in the Wayne’s household and this kind woman with a beautiful smile did all that to him without even being his mom ? It was very novel for him, to be cared for. To feel like he actually existed. Like he was loved.

 Tim always sought you for everything. “Wanna play video games ?” “Hey wanna help me do that science project ?” “Hey, how do you tie a tie ?” “Hey can we make cookies ?”. He was always chasing after you and your attention.

And he got it so easily ! It wasn’t that difficult to start calling you “mom” when his parents were gone and he was officially adopted into the Wayne family (to be honest, he even almost called her “mom” a few times before all that). 

Tim craves for attention, even if he doesn’t show it much. And you never shied from giving it to him. He’s a true mama’s boy in that he really think he can’t function without you or your love anymore, that you fuel a lot of his motivation and really help him live normally. 

Without you, he’d still be that boy no one knew existed. While now, in this family…He’s a mama’s boy, though you wouldn’t know it if you didn’t know him personally. He lives for you to softly caress his scalp, running your hand through his hair as he works on his computer. And he will fight dirty just to get the seat next to you during movie night (how many times Jason or Dick, who were much taller than him, ended up split in two with their hands covering their crotch after a nasty hit by their “baby brother” just because it was HIS turn to sit next to you, and they were trying to play him ?). 


Notoriously a daddy’s girl but oh man is she a mama’s girl too. She’s also the only girl in the family, so you KNOW she’s going to take advantage of it a lot. 

Cass has the (bad ?) habit to steal your clothes. It doesn’t even matter if they’re too big/small for them, she makes it work in clever ways. More often than not, you’ll see her walk by with one of your favorite shirt and before you can say anything, she’s like : “Reminds me of you, smells like you” and you don’t have the heart to tell her off. 

“It smells like you”. To many, this could be such a weird thing to say. But knowing Cass ? She was raised to be a weapon. Not even taught how to speak. And she found other way to say things, than with words. She relied on other “senses” almost (even if the act of speaking wasn’t a sense). Nobody would have kind words for her, and she couldn’t give them words anyway either…So she found comfort in other things. 

Smells, sounds, physical touch. 

Smell was a big thing for her. She always felt better, if she could only smell something that reminded her of those she loves, of something she loves. And so, the reason she stole your clothes ? It was because of this. Because then, she could feel surrounded by your warmth and love, just by wearing something that smelled like you. She associated your smell with something comforting and nice. If you had to leave for a few days ? She’d definitely steal your clothes. 

Cass demanded physical touch the most. She’d been touched starved most of her life, her own father never having as much as a pat on the head for her. So when she felt like she needed it ? She just came to cuddle. 

Not that you were going to complain. You were happy, that you’re only daughter was such a mama’s girl (there might be, sometimes, a little competition between you and Bruce about this sort of things). 


Duke hadn’t been with the family for long, he came in later than all of your other children. He was already in his late teens, his parents weren’t quite gone, and him living at the manor was suppose to be temporary…And here you all were, years later, with him still here and still very much part of your family. And Duke ? Didn’t seem like it, but oh, oh he was SUCH a mama’s boy. 

You made it too easy, to become a “mama’s boy”. You were just always there for them, how could they not rely on you for most things ? How could they not seek your presence ? 

Duke noticed first hand his siblings being super close to you, and he always thought that it wouldn’t happen to him because he had a mom already. Because he came in too late. Because because because…

And here he was. Years later, coming by the Manor just to get some of your apple pie. And last week ? He came by because you were going to be home alone and he could have you for himself and talk to you without one of his sibling interfering. 

Don’t get him wrong. He loved his brothers and sister. But sometimes, just like them really, he wanted to have his mom just for himself. To talk to her about his life on his own, to hear what she had to say, to get her full attention. 

Funny, how Duke never thought he’d become greedy with her attention, and yet here he was. And was that really wrong ? He didn’t think so.

It felt too nice, to have a someone you knew would never give up on you, no matter what. Duke actually thought about whether it was a good thing or not, that him and his siblings relied on you so much…And he came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter. None of them had an easy life, so what if they sometimes wanted to be pamper by their mother ?? It’s not like you hated it, quite the contrary. 


When he was a kid, he was definitely a big mama’s boy. He worshipped his mother and father, he thought they were the greatest people that ever lived. Which is why the trauma of losing them turned him into a vigilante. 

For years and years, he walked in the darkness. He was “Vengeance”, he beat up criminals every single nights to…

No. If there’s one thing he learned, is that it was never really about vengeance. It was about love. 

Love for his mother.

For his father too, of course. 

For the city he grew up in. 

And later, for his children (his “true strength”). 

And for you, of course. 

After he lost his mom and dad, Bruce changed. And he stayed in the shadows for years, before finally… 

It’s not his mom, who saved him. But it’s “a” mom. “THE” mom, if your children had their say (and they definitely did). 

One day, he came back from patrol, and you and Dick were waiting for him. Well. You were waiting for him. Dick was fast asleep, in your arms. 

And Bruce…Bruce had a flashback of himself, age 8, not long before his parents died, asleep on his mom in that exact same position and-

Full circle. 

Your husband was sure that it was at that exact moment he finally realized how far he’d come. He wasn’t “Vengeance” anymore, hadn’t been for a while. No. No he was a beacon of hope. 

And who was his hope ? 

His family. 

Vengeance, had never been what made him become the Batman. 

No. Love did. Love for his parents, for his family, for his city…

Love, and hope that what happened to him never happen again. 

It’s as he saw you, sitting in his desk chair, with Dick in your arms (and oh, he was so small for his age), that he understood for good. 

Love was his driving force. 

From the first love he ever felt, the one of a mother, to you. 

Full circle. It starts with a mom, it ends with a mom. 

So if there was going to be just one person who would NEVER give your kids grief for how they were such big mama’s boys/girl, it was definitely him. 

Because he knew. Bruce knew. 

He knew how warm and strong a mother’s love was. 


Ok here. I hope you liked it :). It’s not much, not like a well thought out thing, or an actual “story”, I wrote it in less than an hour and didn’t spellcheck or anything, I just wanted to write this all of a sudden, and just let my mind wander haha. T’was pretty nice. I often speak about how Batmom’s affection for the kids is endless, but rarely how the kids pull a “uno reverse card” on her a lot, and are affectionate in return haha. As usual, comments/reblogs are always welcomed and more than appreciated <3

Thank you for reading, and see you soon with a new story :).

Synopsis : 50 years being married..Surely, this calls for a party ? Except of course, said party is planned by your children, who never ask for your permission. And they drag poor young Terry McGinnis (aka “New addition to the family”) along with them… 

This was requested by @legendarylearner18, been a while since I wrote a request haha. Also, first time I write something with Terry in it ! :o I really wasn’t planning on writing this, as I didn’t have time but..Sudden burst of inspiration right before bed. Anyway I hope you’ll like this, comments and/or reblogs are of course, as usual, very appreciated : 

my masterlists :@ella-ravenwood-archives




It’s early in the morning, and a warm hand caressing your cheek is slowly taking you away from your deep slumber. 

Too bad. You were having such a pleasant dream. 

Well, more of a souvenir, really. Of a day long ago. A beautiful, beautiful day. 

Full of love, laughter, and maybe a little sibling rivalry…How nice of your subconscious, to recall such time to your mind, and to turn it into dreams. 

That beautiful beautiful day, was it the last one you spend all together ? Yeah. Yeah, you slowly realized, nostalgic and a little sad. 

You were dreaming of a day spent with all of your children, and your Bruce, and Alfred…oh Alfred…

Yes. Yes this was the last day you all spend together, before Alfred’s passing, and before your children were all grown up and so, oh so busy. 

Of course, you still saw them. But it wasn’t like before. It could never be, like before. First because Alfred wasn’t around anymore. And second, because you never quite managed to gather them ALL together again. It was always too difficult, their schedules were so different…

Your pleasant dream was, as you were waking up, fading into a nostalgic feeling. Damn. You missed your kids so much. Getting old sucked. And-

“Morning, my love.” 

Ah. But everything didn’t suck. No. No some things were constant. Like love. Love for your children, of course. But also love for that man…Ah that man. 

Bruce Wayne. 

Your Broosh, the love of your life. Still here, after all this years. 

After all this years ? Those words made you feel like you had to remember som- OH ! 

Of course. This was why he woke you up. Today was special. And he’s never been a patient man. You had to admit that lately, you did sleep in a little too much. Being old sucked…

But him ? Even at 80, he had a hard time getting rid of his old habit of not sleeping lots, and would always be up early, even while it has been a very long time since he last wore the Batman suit. 

Today. Special. Was it really already 50 years ? 

Wow. Fifty years married to that man. 

Your strong, shared love was one of the only thing, you knew it, that got you to go this far. There really were difficult times, along those years. But you two stuck together. Never giving up on one another. 

“Hello, my Heart.” 

A kiss. Soft. Right on your lips. 

“You know what today is ?” 

“Um, Friday ?” 

He chuckles, knowing full well you’re teasing him. And as he looks at you, you’re, for the millionth time, struck by the adoration and love you’re seeing in those eyes. Were those really just for you ? 

Yes. Over fifty years ago, if someone would’ve told you you were going to still be as in love with him as you were then, you weren’t sure you’d believe them. After all, at the time, you sort of lost hope for “true love”, and although your feelings for him were already strong, nobody could’ve guessed you’d go this far together. 

Well, by nobody it really meant you two. Because anyone who ever saw you together knew instantly you were meant for each other. Clark told you that many times. “At first I was shocked he had a wife, and a damn family. But once I saw you together ? It all made sense” he said. And you understood him, for sure the Batman he knew at the beginning was certainly not portraying himself as a family man. 

But Clark, and many others, learned to see past his shell. Although you were the first to do so. And he was the first to teach you what real love was, too. You knew that he could decipher the same love and adoration in your eyes, too. 

It’s emotions you were never able to hide, when it was just you and him. 

And as your eyes lock, you’re once more reminded of how wonderful those past fifty years by his side were (although sometimes rocky), as nostalgia rushes over you when you think about how long ago it was, that you adopted Dick. And how all your children were grown, now. They didn’t need you as much…


Tim took care of Wayne Enterprises, and was overbooked all the time. He did come by to see you two though, and would fall asleep at the dinner table…Some things never change ? You did tell him to slow down though. Him too, wasn’t getting any younger, and though he could endure the lack of sleep as a teen, but now ? Mmmm. That boy will always worry you.  

Dick retired from being Nightwing after too many wounds, including one leaving him paralyzed for a while (how fortunate, that Barbara always stuck around him, right ? And oh, how history unfortunately repeats itself sometimes). He was still living in Blüdhaven, and had his own little family now. He was always so busy with so many things, although he did come by too. 

Jason was probably the one who came to see you the most often. He stayed in Gotham, and made quite a nice career out of writing books (like you, which surprised NO ONE given his love for literature). Although it was often a source of tremendous pain for him, your boy (now a man…Well, he’s been a man for decades actually) has never been able to leave it behind. He would visit at least once a week, if not more, and was probably the one making sure to see everyone in the family the most. Not surprising really, family has always been important to your Jaybird. That’s why it was so hard for him to accept, and forgive, the fact Bruce never went after the Joker and killed him. He knew now, though. That was one thing you were glad was in the past. 

Damian left a year ago, on a grand mission. He wanted to reform the League of Assassin. He took up the Batman mantel for a while, but then found a grander calling. If he could achieve his plan, then the League could truly turn into something that could save the World in so many ways. You missed him. Lots. Especially since you knew that it would be a while before he would come back. He warned you about it. You didn’t try to stop him. This was something he needed to do. He wanted to finally put the final touch to his redemption. Unbeknownst to you, your son was going as fast as he could, so he could come back to Gotham. His greatest fear was that you or his father die while he’s not there…You were getting old. 

Cassandra didn’t retire from her vigilante days. She was probably the only one actively still working. Gotham didn’t really need “Bat-people” anymore… Although lately, things took a turn for the worst again. She opened her own ballet school. Your only daughter came by whenever she could, which unfortunately wasn’t as often as you wished. 

Duke was extremely involved in Gotham’s social work life. After what happened to his parents, and finishing his teen years growing up with you, he took a great liking to helping people. In every way he could. He was the one, nowadays, bringing forth charities he thought Wayne Enterprises should support. He also didn’t gave up The Signal mantel, and was often seen around town too. 

Yes. All of them still came to see you and Bruce. But it just wasn’t the same, you know ? Getting old…It really did suck. You just ended up being more and more alone, as your children grew up and went on to have their own lives. 

Oh. Oh you wished you could turn back time if only for a moment. You think you’d go talk to Alfred first. And ask him to help you put together a feast for your entire family…

“A penny for your thoughts ?” 


Bruce’s voice brings you back to reality. You shake your head and smile at him. Living in the past was never good, that’s something you definitely learned from growing old with Bruce. 

Ah. Growing old with someone…yeah, it wasn’t all bad. 

Sure, you couldn’t gather up all your babies at once. But he was still there. He was always there. Bruce never left your side, and you his. And yes, growing old with him was honestly not too bad. You never felt lonely, that’s for sure. 

How many people on this earth could say : “I found the one, that person that always knows how to cheer me up, that listens and cares. I found the one, that person who understands me like nobody ever did. I found the one, with whom I can just sit in total silence, and still feel utterly comfortable. I found the one.” ? You knew : not many. 

Finding the one, one real love, love of your life, life entirely spend together. How precious. To never feel alone, because you did find your genuine other half. 

Plus, the existence of people like Diana, or John Constantine and his mystic powers, sort of proved to you there must be something after Death. Everything pointed to it. And you were sure that you’d find everyone there once this was over, and that he would still be here, too. Somehow, you don’t think you’d have to wait for him too long. 

This was maybe a little morbid of you, but you always thought that if Bruce died first, you would follow after quickly. And vice versa. It didn’t feel possible, that one of you could go on living without the other much longer. Especially not now, at your age. 

“A penny for your thoughts ?” 

You didn’t want to tell him you wished all your kids were here, and that Alfred wasn’t gone. You didn’t want to tell him you were feeling suddenly too nostalgic, borderline sad. You knew it would hurt him, too. So you just said : 

“Just that fifty years is a long time, yet I’m still not tired of you waking me up with a kiss.” 

To be fair, you were together for more than fifty years. But you sort of didn’t pay attention at the beginning (and there was that infamous long months you “broke up” and Dick and Clark managed to patch things up with you two), and your wedding day became when you two started to actually count the years. 

He kissed you once more, one of those soft kisses you liked so much, and caressed your sides, slowly lowering his head to your chest and resting it there, right above the beating of your heart. 

As the years went by, both your libido went down. It was all rather biological, really. Most humans lost it, and to be fair right now, at 80 ? Definitely couldn’t do what you used to do…You almost blushed, at your old age, thinking about oh, oh all the things he did to you over the years. 

But the cravings for physical contact ? Hugs ? Kisses ? Just holding hands ? You don’t think this would ever disappear. If Bruce was in the same room than you, it felt weird not to touch him in some way. Whether it was your legs across his. Your head in his lap, his in yours. Or simply sitting shoulders to shoulders… Across those 50 years, the need to be close never died down. 

And so you reveled in him putting his head on you, arms around you, lying down right next to you (there used to be a time, he would lay on top of you, as you always loved how safe it made you feel…but he was a little too heavy for your old bones, now). 

You were running your hand through his hair, a motion that always had a soothing effect on him, as he said : 

“Happy anniversary, my Love. Fifty years by your side went by too quickly.” 

“Happy anniversary to you too, my Heart. Should w-”

BANG, the door to your bedroom opened suddenly. 

“IS THERE ANYONE IN THIS HOUSE ?! HELLOOOOOOO !! Been calling for you guys for ages, guess old age makes you DEAF. Oh no look I knocked but I opened the door at the same time, how does it feel ugh ? Y’all better not…oh god, you really better not, you’re way too damn old for doing the nasty !” 

What ?



Bruce said simply, as indeed your son was the one who barged in your bedroom. He was wearing one of his infamous shit eating grin, clearly very pleased with himself about his little surprise. 

“Damn you’re old. Once upon a time, you would’ve heard me coming and thrown something at m-HEY !” 

A pillow to the face is what he got. Bruce still had good aim. Jason threw back said pillow to you and Bruce and…


What else could happen ? 

This scene was very reminiscent of a lot of moments Jason just barged in (eyes close, always, just in case…it was always quite funny, to see him come into your room, no knocking of course, with his eyes close to avoid any further trauma). A definite scene of déjà-vu. This has happened before. 

From the day he came into your life, to now. 

Aaah, this was a nice feeling to have. A sense that yes, some things would never change. Like your son’s laughter, his voice was much deeper yes, but it still had the same tone than when he was younger. 

Imagine that. Forty-five years old, and yet he still acted like such a child sometimes. 

“Always a pleasure to see you son, but what are you doing here ?” 

“Wha-What am I doing here ? What ? You didn’t think we were going to miss the show, did you ?” 


You are…so touched. 

So much so, that you’re crying. In fact, you really can’t stop crying, as you hold onto your husband’s shirt and hide your face in it. 

They’re all here. They’re all here ! Well, except for Damian. He was too far of course. He called you just a few days ago, saying he still had so much work. But the rest of your children were here. All of them. 

And in the middle ? Terry. Evidently, he had been dragged out of his home by Dick, and brought here. His hair were still disheveled, and you could see on his face he had no idea what was going on. 

It was almost comical. You were sure that you would laugh about it later, thinking back on the scene. But right now, you were a crying mess as they were (almost) all reunited, for the first time since a very, very long time. 

You were starting to feel better when-

“Mom, where do I put this ?”

A voice you didn’t expect to hear resounded in the living room. You turned around and…There he was, with a cake in his hands. 


You exclaimed, and you ran to him, forgetting your bad knees and joints, and your cane, as you jumped in his arms. 

“My baby ! My baby, you’re here !” 

Terry wasn’t sure to understand what was going on. He never saw you have such a strong reaction (of course, he rarely saw you interacting with your children…life got in the way of you seeing them way too much). Evidently, you were happy to see that man. 

That man he recognized as one of your sons, Damian. He never met him, but he saw pictures of him all around the house. Damian was the only one of your children he hadn’t met yet, because he left right as Terry started to interact with Bruce. 

“You little rascal, I can’t believe you lied to me !” You screamed, squishing your son in your arms. And it was actually really funny, how he was tall and big like his father yet you almost manhandled him, at your age. 

“Grayson made me !” Damian answered, pointing a finger at his oldest brother. 

“What-Hey ! How dare you put that on me ! -short pause- It was Jason’s idea !”

“…EXCUSE ME ?!” 

It was odd to Terry, to witness all those people, people he admired for year and looked up to…fight like children. 

The mighty Nightwing. The fearsome Red Hood. The kind (Y/N) Wayne. 

He never expected to see them act that way. As if they were kids again. And in a way, when you were around, they were. 

So what if they all were well in their forties now ? They would forever be your babies, as your reaction upon seeing Damian proved it. And this…Was very soothing for Terry. 

It was proof that you were all humans, after all. When he first met Bruce, and talked to him, the man appeared so bitter, cold and harsh. 

But then…Then Terry started to come over the house (well, to the Batcave specifically). And he met you for the first time, as you brought tea and biscuits to him (you weren’t about to give up a habit given to you by Alfred). 

And slowly but surely, over that past year, Terry really got to know you and Bruce. And your children. But just a bit. He would see them pass by quickly, or leave just as he arrived. It was clear you were a tight knit family, but he never realized how tight up until now. 

And how weird it was, to see Jason, right now, grab his brother (Dick) in a chokehold and say : 

“Snitches get stitches !” 

“Why are you attacking me, Damian is the one who-AAARGH MY BACK !”

Jason, knowing of his brother’s old injury, immediately let go…only to be viciously tackled by Dick who said : 

“Can’t believe you always fall for it, you big softie.”


“Not even two minutes together, and you guys can’t even act properly.” Tim sighed, looking at Cass and Duke and…All three of them rolled their eyes, as if they were used to this kind of antics. 

Terry felt strange. A warmth was spreading from his heart to…Every where. The sort of warmth he rarely felt during his short 16 years on this Earth. 

It was carefree, pleasant, and-

He couldn’t help it. He bursted out in a huge fit of laughter, and all of you turned to look at him, curiosity in your eyes. 

“I’m sorry but-HAHAHAHAHA-I-I-HAHAHAHAHA-I always saw you all as such a stoic and serious family this is just-hahahHAhahHAHAHaHAhahah.”

He couldn’t even breathe, because of how much he was laughing and- 

None of you needed more to follow in his laughter. 


Damian did lie to you on the phone. He always had the intention of coming back for your anniversary. How could he miss the celebration of fifty years of love ? 

Jason and Dick were the masterminds of it all. They carefully planned everyone’s scheduled months and months in advance, making Tim do an excell spreadsheet so nobody would have an excuse to not come ! 

But of course, they’d all find the time for their family. And it had been so long, since the last time they were all reunited. 

In fact, ever since Alfred was gone, they were pretty sure that-

Ah. But of course. Alfred had always been a good planner. He always managed to get everyone together, and it’s a talent none of you quite inherited…Nobody could be like Alfred. Nobody could fill his shoes. And you weren’t sure anybody wanted the spot anyway. Alfred was one of a kind, and he had to remain so in all of your hearts. 

When he passed away, things really got harder. He was such a pillar in your family. But in the end, and that counted also when you and Bruce would be gone..You’d always make time for one another. 

As your children showed today. And as they showed you by coming by whenever they could. 

You were happy Terry was here too, he became a full time member of your family in your mind, and he reminded you so much of your sons. It was nice, to have a kid around once more… 


You’re happy. So happy. 

This was the kind of memory that would last. A core memory.

As you were sitting around the dining table you always used, you took a little time to look up. A metaphorical gesture, because you knew he wasn’t actually in the sky but…You took the time to send some thoughts to Alfred. To thank him, as he was one of the reason you were here today. 

Somehow, you knew that wherever he was, he was always keeping an eye on you all. And you knew he would be so proud. 

Bruce caught your gesture, and took your hand in his, giving it a squeeze that you knew meant : “I love you.” 

You squeezed his hand back, as a response, and turned to your family. 

“Thank you all for being here. Really. This means…So much.” 


It was a grand day. 

Full of dramatic retelling of all your best memories.

Silly memories, like that time Bruce lost Dick in a mall and kept yelling “HAVE YOU SEEN MY DICK ?!” to everyone (a classic). That time you and Damian stole an elephant from a circus, because he was mistreated. That time Bruce thought it was a good idea to let Jason, 9 years old, choose what he wanted to eat for dinner and he decided that two full bucket of vanilla ice cream would do…and how he got sick for three days straight (and the subsequent hour long sermon Alfred and you gave Bruce). That time Tim had a science show and his project was so brilliant they thought Bruce and you made it for him, and your outrage when they refused to give him the first place prize ! 

And more serious memories, like that time Duke discovered his powers, freaked out, and thanks to you all managed to calm down. The moments you discovered Jason and Damian were alive (you hit Bruce and Tim on the head saying : “and the moments you guys faked your death I swear I could’ve actually killed you”). The moment Cassandra was so afraid to hurt you guys that she ran away, and you tried to find her, in a downright panic, thinking maybe her father took her back…

Precious memories. Your life, really. And its meaning. 

Terry learned so much, that night. About the “Batfam” (he didn’t even realized yet that he was part of said family now), but also about himself, and about what he wanted in the future. 


This is what he wanted. A loving family getting along (most of the time at least). That were able to put aside their differences because that’s how much they love each other. 


A family who would always be there for each other, no matter what. This is what he wanted. 


The evening went by so fast. Too fast. Terry got introduced to Bruce’s family (and in a way, his family too). All of them now. He knew all of them. 

And he understood why, sometimes, he would catch you looking at pictures with a fond smile on your lips. It was obvious, even if distance and time kept you away from each other, that this family was all about love. 

The young man felt so welcomed in your family. Even by Damian, of whom he heard (mainly by Tim) that he wasn’t always an easy child (which honestly implied that the rest of them were, and you could say a few words about how : nu-hu, they were all trouble at some point. And you wouldn’t have it any other way). 

“Drake ! What did you tell him about me ?!” 

“The truth Damian. The truth…” 

Tim kept his flare for the dramatic, and the way he said those words just made you laugh. He was always so great, at teasing his little brother. And said little brother always fell for it. Ah but one had to look deeper, to actually understand that this constant teasing between the two of them were only their own love language, and that they’d be lost if their brother would disappear…

Painful memories of when Damian died came to mind, Tim’s reaction was so strong. And when Tim faked his death ? The maddest one was Damian, who never gave up on him and wouldn’t admit his brother was gone without seeing a body. 

This, Terry would learn a little later. Right now, he only saw two adult men bickering over nothing, and he found it very amusing. But one day, one day, he would realize what brotherly love truly is. In big part thanks to Tim and Damian, who were a little closer in age with him (at least, compared to Jason and Dick). 


It was already late at night, and time to leave. 

Dick was going to drive Terry back home when-

“What are they doing ?” He asked innocently, looking through the window at you and Bruce standing outside, only lighted by the moonlight. 

“Oh, right. We never did tell you what we came to celebrate. Sorry about that buddy.” Dick said, and continued : “It was their fiftieth wedding anniversary. And they’re about to do one of their little tradition, on such a night…” 

Curious, Terry turned back to look at you and your husband. You were- turning on music ? From an old-what was that ? A “gramophone” right ? Terry never saw one in real life before. And he was sure this type of technology was old even for you two. So why-

The music turned on. They could hear it faintly from the Manor. 

And then…

Then Bruce caught you in his arm, letting go of his cane. And you did the same. You were each other’s support, after all. And slowly, you started to waltz. 

Not as fast as you use to, not as vigorously. But it was beautiful. Terry felt captivated by the spectacle you were giving. Slowly, your children gathered up around him, looking at you two fondly. 


Seeing you and Bruce dancing slowly in the moonlight, brought many memories to your children’s mind. Memories that were a little bittersweet, of times that none of you will ever live again, but that none of you regretted. 


Dick found himself in his eight years’ old body, feeling sad and hopeless, not long after his parents’ death. He just had an argument with Bruce, and became so angry he broke a vase that used to be Bruce’s mother’s…Neither you, nor Bruce or Alfred yelled at him. But Dick couldn’t help feeling guilty as he saw the hurt in Bruce’s eyes, and in yours too. He knew you wanted to help him. He knew. But he was always so angry…So here he was, sat on the floor in his bedroom, knees to his chest, head down. But then…

A song resonated through the manor. It was faint, from his bedroom. And it lighted his curiosity. He followed the sound, and- That’s when he saw you two. You were dancing in the living room. 

It was raining outside, so you didn’t go out that year. But you still had to dance. It was an important tradition. And Dick found himself looking at you two swirling around, smiling at each other. 

The song ended, and Bruce wrapped his arms around you. You rested your head against his shoulder, and you stayed just like that, close to each other. For some reason, Dick felt all warm inside, looking at you two. 

You never knew he was there, that night. And you never knew how much this event meant to your son. That night, a little slither of hope came back in his heart. Because the love he witnessed ? His little eight years old self didn’t quite understood it yet, but he knew it meant something. It meant that everything wasn’t all dark. It meant that, yes, he lost his parents who were his heroes…but he was one of those “lucky ones” that managed to find a new family in which there was just as much love as he used to have. 


Jason had a flashback of the first time he came with you to a charity ball. 

He was so awkward and uncomfortable, wearing a suit he really hated. He kept pulling on his bow tie, trying to readjust it and to not make too much of a mess of his clothes because…He was wearing the exact same suit Bruce was. And the man he came to see as his father seemed so comfortable and at ease in that damn suit, that he was trying really hard to imitate him. 

But it was tough. He wasn’t used to that. And he wasn’t used to all eyes constantly being on him, Bruce Wayne’s new son. 

He knew those people saw him as a charity case, although he also knew he wasn’t. No. Bruce and you showed him what true parental love was. So he knew. He knew you didn’t adopt him just because you had pity on him. He didn’t care what they thought. All that mattered what what YOU thought. But yes : This evening, Jason wished he could be somewhere else up until- A song. A song started to play. 

A song he never heard before, but that from that moment up until the end of his life, he will always associate with his parents. And with love. 

It was as if he was in a movie. Maybe his memory of the moment was a little warped, it was, after all, almost 40 years ago. But the way he remembers it, this is how it happened : The song started. You and Bruce immediately went to each others, without concerting. As if you knew, even though you were both talking to different people at different places of the room (charity events were lots of work). It was as if people moved to make a path and lead you to each other. Nobody else was dancing. Just the two of you. You captivated the room. And then the song ended, and it was as if everyone came out of a dream. Was this really what happened, or did Jason romanticized the moment in his mind ? It didn’t matter. Because that’s when he knew. 

And that’s when Jason knew. That’s when he knew he could endure anything, as long as he had both of you there. 


Tim remembered an evening very much like this one. 

The moon was shining, and he couldn’t sleep. Sleep (at least at night) had never been something easy to come to him. He thought too much. 

Ever since he was a child, nights were just not when he could properly sleep. And so here he was, on the roof that he could access from his room’s balcony, looking at the moon. That’s when he noticed something unusual. 

Bruce was in the garden, probably just home from patrolling. And, you were too ? What were the two of you doing ? Tim had always been a curious boy, so he followed you two discreetly, thinking you didn’t know he was there (but of course Bruce knew all along). 

And then, the strangest thing happened. You turned on an old gramophone (which had sentimental value to both you and Bruce), and a song started. A song which had this peculiar grain to it, due to being played on a gramophone. 

You walked towards Bruce, who was smiling at you. And ah, this was the first time Tim saw him smile like that ! He felt flabbergasted. What was going on ? 

The song went by, and Tim felt things he never felt at ease for what felt like the first time in his life. He had always been a stressed individual. Always felt like he had to be productive, or else ! 

He was always on the move, always had to keep his mind or else his thoughts would consume him. Yet here, hidden in those bushes, basically spying on you dancing…he felt relaxed. 


There was a vibe coming off of you and Bruce, that just made him feel like everything was going to be alright. He almost felt like your swirls and such were hypnotizing him but…No. 

It was the serenity radiating from you and your husband that touched him. Tim and Bruce bonded quickly, because they were both always so anxious. You were pretty sure (except for you), nobody understood better your son than Bruce, and vice versa. 

They had the same OCD moments, the same worries, the same need to work constantly. The same disregard for their own safety, and health. They were more alike than anyone seemed to think. 

So maybe this was why your boy felt like that right now ? As if Bruce’s own comfort spread to him ? If even Bruce, who had so many issues, could sometimes let it all go just to dance with his wife in his garden….then surely, he could do, right ? 

Yes. This simple dance gave hope to Tim. And was a good reminder that he could, and would get better. It’s funny, how impactful something in appearance so small can be, right ? 

Tim only talked about the impact it had on him seeing you that night to one person, nobody else. , . Not even to Kon, or Stephanie, nor you. No. Tim only talked about it to Bruce, a few days after the event. 

Your son felt so relaxed, that he fell asleep in the bushes. Of course, Bruce found him, and took him back to bed (and he was so adorable and tiny at the time ! Well, not that he grew too much, out of all your children, Tim definitely never quite hit that growth spurt they all went through). 

Tim guessed that Bruce brought him back when, the next day, he woke up in his bed. And he told him. He told him what he saw, and how he felt. Although he didn’t understand those feelings quite yet. And Bruce ? Bruce help him understand. Because the were more alike than anybody seemed to think.  


Damian’s memory  was short, but one of his favorite memory ever. 

He came down one evening, unable to sleep and trying to sneakily get some ice cream from the freezer (Alfred was utterly exasperated whenever he found the locks he kept putting on this damn freezer crack or simply cut…worst thing is, he could never know who was stealing the ice cream, because you all did it). 

And that’s when he saw you and hid father, dancing slowly in the kitchen. He wasn’t even disgusted by the display of affection, more, intrigued. 

“Hey my little buddy, can’t sleep ?” 

You asked casually, your head on your husband’s neck and his face buried in yours. 

“Um, yes. Yes I couldn’t sleep.” 

“Neither could we.” 

And there, came the important memory. The day he realized he loved you and his father so damn much. As if your minds were connected, both you and Bruce took a step away from each other, and you said : 

“Do you want to dance with us ?”

Damian didn’t really know how to react, but he approached and-


You grabbed him by the shoulder, and squeezed him between you and Bruce. It made the Dark Knight chuckled, and Damian made a mental note that his dad wasn’t always the same person when around you (or his kids). 

Your son didn’t even remember he should protest, and resist this force hug ! Because he felt so warm, safe and loved all of a sudden. So much so, that the slow swaying you were doing, dancing with him, put him to sleep. 

Bruce carried him to his bed. And that’s it. That’s when Damian realized how strong love could be. 


Cassandra was lost in the memory of one of her favorite day ever. 

She loved ballet as a child, and kept the hobby up until it became too hard physically to dance…Although you were pretty sure that even know, past forty, she could still do amazing dance moves. 

She liked ballet. She didn’t have to speak and could let her body express her feelings, without hurting anyone. Bruce built her an entire dancing room in the Manor, so she could practice. 

And that was it. Today was one of her biggest recital yet. She was so nervous. But what stressed her the most, was whether you would be there or not. 

You and Bruce were busy. So busy. And honestly, finding free time just to come see her silly dancing ? Meh. Of course, that’s was what she thought. Cass, although many people didn’t realize it, had the bad habit to self-deprecate. This was unfortunately how she was raised, feeling like she was never enough. 

Up until last minute, she didn’t know if you were there or not. She was too afraid to look at the room, and see the empty seats she reserved for you. 

And then, finally, the curtain rose, and she jumped on stage and…

You were there. And Bruce too. Sitting in the front row. Ah ! And her brothers were here too !! They were clapping so much for her, it reminded her of that scene in The Addams Family movie…And it made her radiate. 

She was so happy. And she gave it her all, to make all of you proud. Proud, was a euphemism. Her brothers swarmed her and if you didn’t stop them you were pretty sure they would’ve thrown her into the air like a cheerleader. 

Bruce, of course, was the proudest of them all. And you ? Well, of course. You too. Most of all, you were so happy she found a hobby. Something she loved doing, and that always seemed to take her mind off of her troubles. You told her : 

“I like to dance too. Waltz though, I think I’d be bad at ballet.” 

“Waltz ?” 

“Yes.” You smile at her, and a little shyly, she asks : 

“Show me ?” 

Ah, you were never able to resist that cute little face. And so you nodded, and without even having to ask, Bruce stood up too and..You waltzed. 

Cassandra was mesmerized. Your movements were in perfect synch (which she knew wasn’t that easy to achieve), and you were twirling around so gracefully. Oh, and the looks you exchanged…probably the only time she wasn’t grossed out by your love. 

Waltz, was something she taught her students at the ballet school. Because she realized it helped with coordination, and synchronization. And because…it reminded her of you, and that mere thought always put her in a good mood. 


Duke couldn’t help but be thrown back to decades ago, when he first came to the manor and came in to see…You and Damian dancing ??

You were waltzing with your son all around the room, and laughing together. He was clearly imitating Bruce, and his impersonation was spot on and made you laugh so much. 

When you noticed Duke, you asked if he wanted to dance, too. Not particularly a waltz, just…Dance. You had a date night with Bruce, and while he was getting ready, you and Damian were making fun of him (as you should, why was he always so long to pamper himself ??). 

Duke joined in, he too, had some wicked Bruce impersonation. “Hey, look at me, I eat my burgers with a knife and fork because I’m so fancy !” and you and Damian were bend forward, laughing too hard. Duke pushed the caricature even further, further and further up until- 

“This is NOT how I sound.” 

Oh oh. That was Bruce. Coming down the stairs adjusting his bow tie, and not looking amused at all. Damn. Duke was afraid he upset him, it’s true that it was quite the impersonation, and he didn’t think The Batman was too kin on humor. 

“This, is how I sounds.” And then, Bruce cleared his throat and said, in a perfect gentleman way, and that smirk you loved so much on his face : 

“May I have this dance, my Love ?” 

And as you took his hand, and Bruce took the lead, Duke remembers thinking, right at that moment : “that’s what true love looks like.” 

It was a flash, an evidence. This was it. True love. Wow. He hoped he could find it one day. 

“Oh ew, here they go again…Come on Duke, let’s go play “Cheese Viking” before they start -gagging sounds- kissing !” 

Not only did Duke discover what it was like, to find your one true love. But this moment also became a bonding moment for him and Damian. The first time he called him “Duke”, and not “Thomas”. And the first time he started to view him as his brother…


The song ended, but you didn’t leave your husband’s arms. This was your moment. The one where you would just hold each other, for as long as you wanted. As long as you needed. 

Inside the manor, your children were all smiling. 

This was it. This was what those 50 years represented. 

Love, in its purest form. 

How not to feel touched ? 

Their hearts were filled with the same emotions. They knew it. Because they all lived this before. And they hoped they would live this a lot more times…because a world without their parents ? 

They already lost Alfred. Their parents HAD to live longer. 

Ah, maybe this was why they felt so at ease right now ? 

Whenever they saw them dance, and remembered all those times they saw them dance, it felt like you and Bruce were young again. Like they were children once more. 

And those memories ? They’d make you live forever, if only in their heart. 

The end.


Ok here ! Just a short story (compare to usually haha) that I did NOT plan to write (didn’t have time, but I wrote this in an hour right before bed so like, bonus story hehe), but was fun to. Hope you liked it. Don’t hesitate to leave a little comment or(/and) to reblog ! :)

Important to anyone who is surprised about what I wrote about Damian + certain things if you read the comics (especially most recents ones) :

I don’t care about what they did with Damian in some recent Batman Beyond comics. It’s like, literally a renewal of when he first came at Wayne Manor and I hate it. Please. Stop constantly annihilating Damian’s hard earned redemption and making him a villain, to then give him a redemption arc again, and doing this again and again and again it’s getting old…So in my version, he chose to leave the Batman’s mantle behind not to continue Ras’ “legacy”, but to go to the League and deeply reform it so it would become an organization good for the World…right away. He didn’t first try to see if Terry was “worthy” (please, he did basically the same fucking thing when he was ten with all the Robins…………….STOP WRITING STORIES WHERE HE REGRESSES) and never had any intention of following The League of Assassin’s goals. Like, none of that : “oh I changed my mind I’m not a bad guy again now” bullshit. He’s directly not a bad guy, and just has higher/other inspirations.

+ I also changed Dick’s future, because…I didn’t like most of it…mmm…

+ Same for Tim. Sue me.

+ Jason appears almost never and whenever he did I was like : “no” so…Hahahahahahaha.

+ Same for Cass.

+ Duke doesn’t appear at all, but in my world, he does. Because Bruce would never just ignore any of them if he could. ALSO most of those characters don’t exist in that world anyway but you get my point.

+ Ok not gonna lie, the only future I like is Barbara, only because it makes sense that she becomes commissioner. Other than that…MEH.

+ Ok maybe I really like Terry’s character, and his relationship with Bruce, but honestly what they always do to other characters I love in this universe are very meh.

Long story short : in the world of fanfiction, you can just change whatever you hate and pretend it never happened.

I’m a sensitive bitch, I made myself cry when I talked about Alfred because I couldn’t stop thinking about Batman Beyond’s Bruce having to live without him at his sides…Haha. Also. No spoiler but if you ever decide to delve into Neo-Gotham territory, be ready for quite a lot of heartbreak. Not too much in the TV show Batman Beyond, but certain comics ? Oof (SPOILER : I’m still not over Bruce saying goodbye to Terry, my dudes…And especially how it happened and aaaah)

PS : If anyone knows the “Metal Gear Solid” game saga, y’all know why I love Terry McGinnis haha. The MGS are some of my favorite video games EVER, and a major plot point is shared by both those stories hehe…No spoilers for anyone who never watched/read anything with Terry. Highly recommend (both MGS and the animated series + some comics). 

Synopsis : “(Y/N) Wayne, Gotham’s biggest drug lord ? What will her husband, who works closely with Batman, think ?” said the headline in today’s paper. And you’re not sure if you should be fuming, or bursting out laughing. Oh, oh mother of all misunderstanding. It definitely doesn’t help, that your children think this situation hilarious. 

 As usual comments and reblog are very welcomed, and I hope you like this little story ! :) : 

My masterlists : @ella-ravenwood-archives


You could see him, there, out the corner of your eye, that infamous smug look on his face. And you were currently trying to ignore him, drinking your coffee and pretending to read a book.

Infuriating. The boy was infuriating. 

And he knew it. 

Dick smirked, knowing indeed full well that you weren’t able to completely ignore him and how he kept staring at you, clearly waiting for you to ask him what was going on. 

But you refused. Stubborn. 

You were not going to play this game. Not today. You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, had a tough day at work waiting ahead of you, and getting annoyed at your son that early in the morning was not on your schedule. 

As if he cared. Little sh*t. 

He knew what he was doing. He’d done this kind of thing a million times ever since he first came into your life, barely eight years old and already too smart for his own good. 

Finally, realizing you weren’t going to react at him obnoxiously looking at you, he says, a hint of mischievousness in his voice : 

“Moooooom” and you know he’s about to tell you something just to mess with you. You hear it in his intonation. This is a “Mooooom” that means : “I’m about to say something that is going to piss you off, and I’m gonna have fun doing it.” 

And so he continues : 

“Are you aware there’s rumors spreading fast that you’re apparently one of Gotham’s most prominent drug lord ?” 

There’s a short silence. You know, the time for you to process what he just said. And then you slowly put your book down. Turn to him, trying to stay as calm as possible (because WTF IS THAT RUMOR ??), and say, the tension in your voice palpable : 

“Excuse me ?!” 

He nods, taking a fake grave expression, showing you the headline of one of Gotham’s most famous newspaper, and answers : 

“Oh yeah. There’s pictures of you going in dark alleys with packages and all. Very sus mom.” 

He knows he successfully just got on your nerve. His condescending tone, his expression that seemed to say : “really mom ? I expected better from you”, and the fact he most definitely was telling that to you JUST to irritate you. 

Yes. Mission : success, as you exclaim : 

“Wh-OH HEY ! You know why I do that !!” 


Yes. Of course he knows. Is that going to stop him from getting a rise out of you though ? Hell no. He always thought it was amusing, when you’d get annoyed at him. He LOVED to push all your buttons, and he was probably, amongst your children, the best at it. 

Although, they all had quite a talent to get on your nerves when they wanted to.

Contrary to popular belief, you were far from being a perfect mother. Sometimes, whether on purpose or not, your kids annoyed you. You didn’t have an endless amount of patience. Not every day was rainbows and sunshine, sometimes you weren’t in the mood. 

And your kids ? Well, if only they didn’t have the joyous hobby of purposefully seeking you out when you were in those moods, just to annoy you further (the point was to get you very mad, so you’d evacuate your bad mood, and then you’d feel better…and it worked every time, you’d get incredibly irritated, and then things would just diffuse by themselves). 


Oh my God JASON. That little…

Jason was a MASTER at annoying you on purpose. He never did that when he was a kid, too afraid you’d send him away if he was too much of a nuisance (a thought that genuinely broke your heart). 

But after he died and came back to life ? After all the hurt he went through, and the resentment that neither you nor Bruce killed the Joker ? Well, even as he slowly came to forgive you, he would sometime get small revenge by being a brat. 

Leaving his dirty close RIGHT NEXT TO THE LAUNDRY BASKET. He’d never fully close drawers or cupboard doors. He’d always put back empty bottles in the fridge. He was the greatest at stealing every single phone charger in the house. He’d tell you that he needed something just after you just went grocery shopping. He’d leave the shower curtain just outside the bath, so that the entire bathroom was a goddamn swamp…Any petty thing you could think of ? He would do. Just to annoy you. 

And it worked. 

Whether he thought it was funny when you got mad, or because he just wanted to act out a little revenge. 

It always worked. 

Damian and Tim 

Damian and Tim worked in a team, to manage to piss you off. They, in fact, perfected their technique so well that it was impossible for you not to get annoyed at them. 

They did it when they were bored, to get a rise out of you, which they found very amusing (as long as you didn’t actually got angry, cause you were scary when angry…but annoyed ? Oh that, that was fun).  

Yes. They were very proficient in the act of “squabbling”. 

Getting into arguments with each others over the most trivial things ever. It had the great tendency to exasperate you. Just the other night, they were taking great pleasure into arguing with each other over who had the most french fries in their plate. They LOVED to argue over literally nothing, because they knew it greatly irked you, which they just found funny. 


Your daughter was an angel, wasn’t she ? Always so nice, attentive to others, caring…Yeah. Yeah she was all that. But she also wasn’t perfect. And when she was bored, she’d often purposefully get on your nerve so you’d take care of her. 

“Bored.” She’d say repeatedly, and then proceed to sigh every two seconds, right in your ear, up until you paid attention to her. 

Oh, and she always ALWAYS stole your favorite clothes, never to be returned..


Duke was insidious in his way to annoy you. There was ONE thing he’d always do, because he thought it was funny to see you and Bruce panic and rush : 

Every time there was an important school event, or somewhere you had to be for him, he’d remind you barely half an hour before said event and pretend like he told you about it ages ago, and you forgot. It was always nerve wracking, to suddenly have to find free time. And it was particularly frustrating, because he would enjoy himself way too much during those times. 

Damn brats. 

So,yes. You weren’t the perfect mother. And although you often felt a pang of guilt when you were annoyed at them, you also were aware this was normal and that you couldn’t always be at your best. 

Especially when they were purposefullygetting on your nerves. 

Like right now, as Dick thought it extremely funny that you were accused by the Gotham Sun (one of the city’s most infamous tabloid newspaper) of being a prominent drug lord ! 


Obviously, you were panicking over it. What if this sprout Gotham PD to put their nose in your business ? What if it lead to them discovering the truth about your family of vigilantes ?? Oh, and the fact your eldest son was finding it so amusing didn’t help. 

“You out of all people know why I do that !” 

“I do. But the people of Gotham don’t.” 

His smirk is even wider now, and you’re fuming. How dare he make light of this very important situation ?! Especially since he knew the truth. 

It became a habit, over the years, that during some nights, you would bring food to your family while they’re on duty…You certainly never expected the media to completely misunderstand your totally normal back and forth in dark alleyways late at night ! 

Taking food to them was the only sure way you knew they’d eat (of course, you wouldn’t go out when there was immediate danger in Gotham, just during normal “shifts”). 

Dick was fine with everything. Ever since he was a little boy, he had a great appetite and it was sometimes a wonder to you how he never gained weight. Sure, he worked out a lot, but you also often saw him eat his entire meal, and then eat whatever his siblings didn’t finish…You all called him “the garbage can” when he was eating. He’d literally finish everyone’s plate, no matter what was in it. So bringing him food was easy, anything would do. 

Jason had always been fond of burgers. You know what’s the good thing about burgers ? You can make declinations of it infinitely. Make different kind of patty (meat or veggie), change the kind of bread, the filling etc. That meant that although he always asked for burgers, he often had a diverse food option available to him whenever you’d do your little delivery service. 

Tim was a picky eater, and was the toughest to cook for. Things had to be at a certain temperature or he wouldn’t eat it (he had sensory issues). He didn’t like change, and often ate the same meals, which had to be cooked by you or Alfred, or he just wouldn’t eat it. 

Damian loved your veggie sandwiches, and anything from the falafel place on fifth avenue. He wasn’t a picky eater, as long as there were no meat, he was pretty much good. He always thought your cooking, even the most rudimentary of things, was delicious. 

Cassandra was a huge fan of gyozas, and you would always bring her an assortment of it, whether homemade or not. Shrimps, chicken, pork, veggie…She loved it all, and it was quite impressive how much she could ingest, given her size. 

Duke had fancy tastes. Ever since he came to live with you and Bruce, he’d discover a cuisine he never got to try before…And it stuck with him. What other kid would ask for caviar sandwiches, lobster rolls and other high end salmon for dinner ? It amused you greatly, and honestly, you were glad he found a new passion in food. He even followed gastronomy blogs now. So you’d bring whatever he wanted to him, often using your billionaire status to not rise suspicion in the fact that you’d ask fancy gastronomic restaurants to “take away” their meal. They just took it as another caprice. 

Bruce ? Bruce would take anything you gave him, quite like Dick. However, unlike his son, his children often had to remind him to eat his food, as he had a tendency to get too entranced in his work. Your kids definitely snitched on him, and so, so he wouldn’t make you mad, he took a habit of eating the things you brought him automatically. How many times a thug was taken down by a Batman who had half a sandwich in his mouth ? Probably too many times. 

Yes. You had a little “Batmom’s food delivery” thing going on, driving all around town as your kids and husband were often scattered all over the place, to give them their meals. 

In retrospect, yeah. To anyone outside your family, this probably looked a little shady ! Who saw you ? Oooh this was dangerous. 

If someone noticed you were going in dark alleyways late at night, with packages in your hand, and then would come out without them, it could be dramatic for your family. What if you were actually followed ? And people saw you give the food to your family ? They’d surely discover their identities in no time ! 

This was terrible. And oh you wished your son wasn’t cracking himself up right now, thinking about how people might believe now that his mom was a drug dealer !! 

It true, that it was funny to think about. (Y/N) Wayne, prominent figure in Gotham’s charity scene, wife of the richest man in the city and one of the richest person in the country, often seen as an excellent mother and faithful wife…dealing drugs during her free time ? 

You could see the irony in it all. How this “drug” thing was drastically going against the image you wanted to give the media (a false image of course, because you always appeared “perfect” in public, but in real life, you were often quite a mess. Or, in other words : human). 

Bruce and you carefully crafted your public figure for years, for it to be completely shattered by this rumor… 

It was even worst, that in the headline, they were involving Bruce and his possible reaction to discovering you were supposedly dealing drugs ! For sure he would have to make a public statement, and how to explain your late venture into Gotham’s dangerous streets ? 

Damn the media, and their nosy journalists. Who even noticed you were doing this ?? Who noticed you, in casual close and not even using one of your many fancy cars, at 3 am, roaming the city ?? 

You were going mad, and while you were overthinking everything, your son kept imitating the media and inventing more and more outrageous possible rumors about you (”(Y/N) Wayne, definitely cheating on her husband with Batman”), driving you even madder. 


It was infuriating how everyone but you seemed to take the news lightly. 

You were now all around the breakfast table, and the news of that tabloid title quickly spread. Of course it did. Dick made sure the first thing every one saw when coming in the room, was that said newspaper. 

“Mom, are you a drug dealer ?!” Tim exclaimed, fakely shocked, taking an over the top tone. Damian, who was right next to him, added : 

“And you were my role model ! I’m so disappointed…If even you are bad, who can I trust ?!” 

He had a knack for theatrics, and his siblings giggled as he splayed himself on the table, as if he had fallen into great despair. 

“And you dare to lecture me…How ironic.” 

Jason said, shaking his head in a way that was so obnoxious to you. 

“And I thought you were a respectable woman. The disillusion is too grand for me to even fathom it.” 

Duke and his high and mighty way of talking make his siblings burst out in laughter, while you’re boiling inside. How dare they make fun of you in such a serious situation ?? 

“Mom. No chill.” 

Noooo, et tu, Cassandra ? She was clearly enjoying the events too. And if you weren’t so annoyed, you would be touched by how close your kids were. How they had such a great “partner in crime” dynamic, getting along so well. Ah, if only they weren’t ganging up against you right now ! 

“Am I going to have to arrest you ? I do recall you don’t mind handcuffs though…”

Bruce says, smirking (a kind of smile way too similar to Dick’s, that definitely got on your nerve). And you’re pretty sure you just reached a level of annoyance like never before. 

“Ew dad, what the Hell ?! Can you not ? Breaking the mood a little here..” 

If you weren’t so annoyed (and worried), you would’ve definitely taken the perch Bruce was extending to you, and play into it, acting all lovey dovey with him so your children’s want of messing with you would vanish, disgust taking its place instead (followed by them quickly leaving). 

The fact you don’t react though, shows them you’re actually worried and worked up and…they drive the nail into the coffin even further. 

You were their mom. They loved you. Deeply and dearly. But did that stop them from driving you absolutely crazy, and messing with you ? Absolutely not. They knew that this situation was actually nothing serious (rumors about your family were plenty, and they always died down quickly). 

And hey, let’s be honest, you messed with them often too. So let them have their fun a little. Dick continues, taking a pensive voice : 

“Mmm, this could be honestly a problem.” 

And then, all “hell” break loose as they each give a little comment, infuriating you more and more : 

“Yes, what if there is a police warrant to search the Manor ?” 

“Frankly mom, I expected better of you.” 

“Right ? I’m so disappointed. This could be the end of everything for us, all because you weren’t careful enough.” 

“Honestly, we could’ve lived without your food’s delivery anyway.” 

“Moooom, drugs ? Really ?”

“Are you a drug dealer mom ? ARE YOU ?”

“You know what we do to drug dealers right ?” 


Oh. Oooh little sh*ts. 

The hyperbolic way they dramatized everything, and how their tone was so condescending and over the top…This was it. 

This was the moment that they got on your never so bad, that everything slowly diffused itself. You know, like how a kettle suddenly goes into hypertension, “screaming” loudly, and then stops when the water is fully boiled ? 

This moment always came, when they purposefully tried to annoy you (which might be their ultimate unconscious goal ? To make you feel better ? Who knows, there was also the very real possibility that they just liked to drive you mad). 

You’d get obviously upset, which amused them. They’d push your  buttons to the max. You’d talk back to them, to their great enjoyment. And then, poof. 

It was over. 

They left, snickering, content that they managed to get the better of you. 

You sighed, frustrated at yourself that they, once again, won. 

And it was over. 

“Every time, huh ?” 

Bruce said, also pretty amused by the way your children could get you to your boiling point in no time (and to be fair, they also drove him crazy on purpose).

“Yeah. Every freaking time.” 

Rumors of you being a drug lord was definitely going to be used by your children to get on your nerves. If only you’ve had had a head’s up ! You turn to your husband, your eyes narrowing at him : 

“You knew, didn’t you ?” 

He acts all innocent, and answers :

“Knew what, exactly ?”

“About that article ? No way you wouldn’t know before it was printed. You know everything.” 

“Do I, now ?” 


“What if I knew ? What are you going to do about it ?” 

Oh. Oh your husband too, could be a little sh*t. He definitely knew about it. And didn’t tell you because he knew what your kids would do. He knew they’d notice before you, and use it to mess with you. 

“You know, my heart, you better be careful. You won’t know when, nor where, but one day, I’ll take my revenge.” 

“Mmm, weren’t you the one that told me revenge is a fool’s game ?” 

“Was I ? Can’t recall.”

“You’re getting more suspicious every second, maybe you really are a drug lord, my love.” 

You glare at him, as he wraps his arms around your waist and bring you closer : 

“Just you wait mister Wayne, there’ll be hell to pay.” 

“Mmm, I’m awaiting with great expectations.” 

One last smirk, one last sigh from you, and then you’re kissing. Deeply, and passionately. Because you have a lot of stress and frustration to release. 

But oh, if he thinks a good kiss will make you forget… 


You don’t know why you worried so much. 

Or why you let your children get the better of you like that. 

Of course Bruce would’ve had a contingency plan. Of course, he would keep an eye on the only newspaper he didn’t own in Gotham. They had a tendency to spread fake news about your family. And in a way, it did a great disservice to them, because nowadays, less and less people took them seriously. 

Their bias against Bruce Wayne was showing too much. Like that ridiculous time their headline stated : “Bruce Wayne, is he Batman ?” which at the time everyone thought was SO ridiculous ! Nobody could fathom the famous “Brucie Wayne” being this hyper-violent vigilante Batman. Plus, at the time, both of them had been seen at the same place at the same time (thanks to Alfred). In a way, the fact this newspaper, which was owned by none other than Oswald Cobblepot, was always trying to defame your family, made it easier to discredit it. 

It did came close very often to ruining everything though. Fortunately, Bruce always had a plan. 

Like right now. 

There was no point in pretending you guys hadn’t heard of the rumors. In fact, playing dumb right now would only confirm the Gotham Sun (Cobblepot’s newspaper) claim that you were guilty. So Bruce called a press conference, and in a very Bruce way, turned the situation around completely. 

You were reminded, once again, why you loved that man so much. You knew he hated to speak publicly, but unfortunately often was forced to. When it came to you though ? He didn’t find it hard to speak. And he spoke very well. A little scary in a way, how manipulative he could be at times. How he could turn a situation to his advantage, just with his words. 

The fact that the rumor of you being a drug lord came from Oswald Cobblepot’s newspaper made it easy to disband it. 

First, because again, the bias against your family was well known and often made people suspicious of negative things posted about you all. But second, “The Penguin”s shady activities were a well known “secret”, and talking about his “alleged” ties to the narcotic industry in Gotham was enough. 

Oswald Cobblepot was not a liked man. The Waynes though ? Everyone loved you. A little too much at times (it made making any kind of mistakes very scary, because you would risk disappointing a lot of people etc etc). 

Bruce let you speak, and you explained that yes. You were the one going in alleyways with packages…for the homeless of Gotham ! You had no involvement in drugs ! It was actually a well known fact you hated drugs ! After what happened to your family…(everyone loved a good sob story). 

It was true, that when you brought food for your family, you always left some for people in needs. And it was easy to believe, for the people of Gotham. 

They knew your family. They knew how involved the Waynes were in bettering the city. 

And so the story ended, the rumor vanished…Except in your home. 

This thing about you being a “drug lord” just became another way for your children to mess with you, and annoy you to great length. 

Damn brats. 


I was thinking about what the Batfam eat when they spend long nights out, and how neither Alfred nor Batmom would actually let them skip a meal and…here we are. I hope you liked this ! Comments and reblogs are always beyond appreciated <3 ! 

Also, I was thinking about how sometimes, my brother and I purposefully annoy our mother (and it works each time) just because we think it’s funny when she gets mad over small things, and whether the Batkids would do it too haha. And I think the answer is : definitely. So I added, last second, a little part about it.

Synopsis : You can’t stand Bruce Wayne. His smug face, his condescendence, his dumb ideas for the company, his nonchalance, you just can’t stand the man ! But when you’re stuck with him during a hostage situation, your entire perception of who he really is changes and…

My masterlists : @ella-ravenwood-archives



“The Embrace” - by Ron Hicks. This is one of my favorite painting for many reasons, and it fits the mood of this story I believe :). 


It was all over the news.

“The prodigal son returns : Bruce Wayne becomes CEO of his parents’ company after coming home to Gotham. Where was he all those years ? Rumors of his non-stop partying in Europe confirmed ? To learn more, turn to page 7 and-”

One day, things were going as usual at work. The next, your worst nightmare came in. And he took the shape of a handsome playboy billionaire.

Is there a word to describe the opposite of “click” ?

Clash. Fail. Flop. Flunk. “Going down like a lead balloon”.

All of those and more applied. And it was instant. Visceral.

He came in all arrogant and smug, greeting people as if he owned the place (which he did but that wasn’t the question, the guy was just barely coming in after he left for years, uncaring of what happened to his parents’ work !). Flirting overtly with every single woman, and trying to charm every man. The kind of person you either want to be with, or want to be period.

And here you were. Completely unreceptive to it all. Trying really hard not to roll your eyes at his every move, not to antagonize him at every turn. Trying to not openly be sarcastic as it was slowly becoming obvious he didn’t know anything about what was going on in his “own” company.

You couldn’t stand this type of person. You didn’t even need to know more about him to get a feel at who he was. Just the way he stood, the way he smiled (that fake smile that didn’t reach his eyes), the way he talked.

You left the room after you were formally introduced to him, frustrated as hell. What ? He was going to be your boss now ? You had enough with entitled rich brats…

He left the room just as frustrated. Who was this person who pointed out his every flaw so openly ? Oh because he definitely saw through all your little snarky comments everyone else didn’t seem to notice. Nobody ever did that to him. Except maybe Alfred.  

You both were too quick to judge, but there was no mistaking what happened : you two were not going to get along.


Your mom used to work for Wayne Enterprises, years ago. When it was still called “WayneCorp”. When the Waynes were still alive. She told you everything about them. Everything.

Martha Wayne was a kind woman who cared about others more than about herself. Born Martha Kane, She was the heir of “Kane Chemicals”, part of one of the richest family in Gotham. She used to be known as a “party animal”, but grew and used her money for good, for bettering Gotham. She was a “woman of the people”, according to your mom. Someone who was never afraid to get her hands dirty, if it meant helping.

Thomas Wayne was a doctor, and also the heir of quite a fortune. He’s always been someone who wanted to help, his choice of career was very telling. He was assertive and feared nothing and no one. When he decided to attack Gotham’s corruption, whether in politics or in the police, it seemed nothing could stand in his way. He himself had plans to become mayor of the city, but died before it could happen (what a coincidence).

There wasn’t anyone else your mother admired more than those two. When they got murdered, your mom lost all hope in Gotham.

Wayne Enterprises fell into the executives’ hands, a ruthless board made of businessmen, partners of the Wayne who had not much room for important decisions at the time, and who became the main actors in it after the Wayne’s death, who did not care one bit make the city more livable for everyone.

Gotham fell hard. Harder than ever. Crime was on the rise, the divide between rich and poor was bigger than before…

Your mom was fired. She was “too close” to the Waynes, she said. That’s why they got rid of her. They knew she’d cause trouble when they were going to start to completely change Wayne enterprises. When they were going to turn it into a heartless multinational, and forget about Thomas and Martha’s plan to better the city of Gotham. To make it safer for everyone, to turn things around and give Gotham City a chance to be more than what it was. 

All their work, down in the drain.

Yes. From what you heard, although you never knew them as you were too young when they died, Thomas and Martha Wayne were amazing people.

So when their son came back to Gotham to get his heritage back, and became the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, you had high hopes !

This was what you were waiting for. A CEO with a humane view of things, who certainly took after his parents and was going to get the company back on track.

This was it. This was Gotham’s time to shine, it was going to be rebuild and-

Oh, oh but that guy.

Could someone explain to you how the hell the Waynes, of whom you only heard good things, could possibly be the parents of…that guy ?!

That guy.

Bruce Wayne.

The most insufferable man you ever met.


You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Although let’s be real for a second : you never did. You judged him the first time you saw him, and from that point on every single of his actions were judged according to that first meeting.

You never gave him a chance. But, to be fair, he never gave you one either. 

“Haha we have a food company ?”

He asked you, after a month of being home. 

When he came back, you were an “executive assistant”, which to be fair didn’t mean much but was the work that was the closest from your mother’s. She was Thomas and Martha’s personal assistant. Which contained much more responsibilities than one could think. She always was their second opinions on thing, and when they couldn’t be physically somewhere, she was their emissaries. 

You though ? Nobody ever really asked for your opinion, and you were basically a glorified secretary. However, you knew the Board and every single people who took care of Wayne Enterprises while Bruce was a child, and while he was away. Did knowing them help ? Sometimes. You gave them many “ideas” which they thought were there, by simply hinting at things there and there…But to be fair, you were far from being important to the company, and you sometimes felt you arrived where you were simply by sheer luck (you didn’t believe in Destiny yet). 

“…Yes. There is a subsidiary food company. Which mainly distributes high end goods, such as caviars for example. But it’s also used in the Martha Wayne foundation for food banks. Obviously, we don’t give them caviar, wouldn’t interest them much anyway. But we manage to get other cheap ingredients in the mix, which we then donate to large food banks around Gotham. Most of them are filled with Wayne goods, to be honest.”

Bruce made that infamous “I’m half-listening”, and you were fuming. What was the point of asking, if he wasn’t going to pay attention ? Yeah, it hit your pride a little, which is why he annoyed you so much. But also, this was important. 

Oh you wanted to punch him in the face. How could he not even know what Wayne Enterprises entailed ? Damn it. If he kept at it, the executives will put him on a side and keep doing what they’ve been doing : slowly ruining Gotham more and more, while expanding nationally and internationally.

“Do you know how many enterprises there is, in Wayne Enterprises?”

He made that face that annoyed you (and that you would never admit, you found a little charming). You know. That one. Where he puts a hand in his hair, smiles widely, chuckle as if he’s embarrassed, and avoid everyone’s gaze…Pretending to be dumb and nonchalant, when you had a feeling he really wasn’t. For some reason, it got on your nerve even more. To know he was only pretending so people would underestimate him (at least you speculated). This obvious cluelessness of his, as if he had not a thought behind his eyes…Frustrating. 

You weren’t sure at first, if you saw what you saw.  But now there was no mistake. You were sure he wasn’t a “himbo”. It didn’t add up with all those small things you noticed (just like your mom, you had an eye for details). You didn’t understand why he would act that way though, which annoyed you greatly. It made him likable to many, it just made you want to fight him. 

He nods and you start :

“Um. Well. There is Wayne Foods like I said. Wayne shipping, which started Wayne Enterprises as a company in the 19th century, created by Alan Wayne. It’s literally the biggest transport company in the world, you should maybe start to be interested in that.” 

You say, raising your eyebrows in a clear attempt to guilt trip him. Which does not work at all (you didn’t know that of course, but Wayne Shipping had a very important role to play in his Batman work, it helped him keep track of any illegal trafficking that might go one). 

“Anyway. There’s also Wayne Yards, where ships are built. Closely associated with Wayne Steel, which makes the material. Wayne Industries, research and development in the industrial field. Closely related to Wayne Mines, which are situated in Africa and which your parents made fair for people there, giving them better wages and protection. And by the way, the board is currently trying to take that away, as the contract is soon to end.” 

You take a quick look at him, to see if he reacts to this news, but…nope. He’s looking at his nails, completely uninterested (or so you thought). You continue : 

“Wayne Medical, sister company of Wayne Biotech, of course. Wayne Electronics, which is one of the largest distributors of TVs and such, your brand has been quite the new fad this past years. Wayne Entertaiment, which owns many theaters and other stadium, but also newspapers such as the Daily Planet back in Gotham, and a few model and communication agencies. And there the Wayne foundation, as well as the Thomas Wayne foundation and Martha Wayne foundation but well, they’re slowly being tossed aside. They’re your non-profit organizations. Wayne foundation used to encourage and help children in difficult neighborhoods, such as mine, to go to school, in the hope to alleviate crime. It also builds many infrastructures so that things like culture, the arts, healthcare are more accessible…The Thomas Wayne foundation is specifically about healthcare and giving money for reasearch, and Martha Wayne Foundation is all about the arts and giving access to college for those who cannot afford it…just a few examples of course. At least, those foundations used to be that”.

You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone as disinterested as him, right now. You’re trying to breach the topic with him about how “the Board” slowly put aside those important charitable foundations which were working for Gotham City and its inhabitants’ wellbeing, and the dude…Took out his phone. He’s clearly not listening right now, entranced by his phone. 

You’re about to make the mistake to punch that phone out of his hands (violence is never the answer, but how else to react when faced with such a man ?? I’M ASKING YOU ??), but fortunately before you do anything, he looks back at you and say :

“Wow, you know a lot about the company. Some would say you’re obsessed.” 

You glare at him. Worst thing is ? He was kind of right. Ever since the Wayne died and it took such a huge toll on your mother, and on the city, your one dream had been to restore Wayne Enterprises to its former human right glory. A task sometimes that you felt was impossible, without a strong support on the board. Which evidently, Bruce Wayne wasn’t. 

The man preferred to party, than to care about food banks.

“Well. That’s my job.” 

And it made you mad, that he felt the need to add such a comment anyway. He could’ve just shut up. The smug look he gave you as you left made you want to kill him…


You made him uncomfortable. Because he always felt like you could see through him. Felt like you would find out easily who he really was…Which is why he was particularly unsuffurable to you. Why he turned his « Brucie » persona to the max when around you. Why he flirted shamelessly when he knew it annoyed you. 

You irritated him. Why did you always have to ask questions ? He spend years away training to fulfill his goals. And everybody gobbled up his story about going away to college, to then quit it and party for the past few years. Everybody believed he was just an arrogant, yet likable, rich heir coming home.

And there you were, questioning his every move. And doing it with plenty sarcasm and irony, as well !

Bruce didn’t like to be in public. That’s why it was so easy to pretend to be someone he wasn’t. He hated galas and other charity events, hated being in front of a crowd. His “Brucie Wayne” persona was the only thing saving him from having panic attacks. It was a shield. A carefully meticulously crafted shield.

That’s why he disliked you so much. He felt you were always looking past this protection, trying to put your nose where it didn’t belong. You were frustrating to be around. And kind of mean, too. You so obviously disliked him.

And for some reasons, it bothered him you really seemed to not like him. That someone like Oswald Cobblepot hated him because of jealousy, he could live with. He didn’t care. But you disliked him because you hated his guts. And he made so sure that “Brucie” was charming, likable and such, that the fact it didn’t work on you was exasperating. 

He should not care. He trained to be able to become emotionless. Public Bruce Wayne was just a façade. So why did it bother him so much you didn’t like him ?

He wasn’t used to that. As Batman ? Yeah sure. As Bruce ? Not so much. And if even his fake persona, who was pretending to be so nice and open with everyone, was rejected…What was left ? 

Ah, thinking about it drove him mad. This is why he always tried to aggravate you, to push all your buttons. Because you pushed his. You pushed buttons he didn’t even know he had. Which was…concerning. 

And oh, so, SO annoying. 


It drove you crazy, how obvious it was he didn’t care.

He came late to every important meetings (when he came at all), and would fall asleep almost right away.

He was smug, arrogant, and way too sure of himself.

You saw him with a different woman every time, which wouldn’t bother you if he didn’t constantly flaunt it in front of everyone. You hated men who used women as “trophies”.

He changed his mind every two seconds, suddenly changing a project, not showing up to important things, going on vacations randomly.

His nonchalance and carelessness were infuriating.

You couldn’t understand why he was acting that way, why leave for years to then come back and do…nothing ? Why ?! 


He thought you were annoying, a little too “high and mighty”, and judgmental.

It felt like you had a superiority complex as you constantly corrected everyone, for every single small mistake they’d do. Which usually he’d find a good thing (after all, maybe he was a little like that too when he was Batman…), but for some reason it really made him mad when it was you.

He was sure you were only interested in money, which made him furious many times. Actually fuming. Why ? Because he kept seeing your name on paperwork which didn’t allow certain charities, or which capped donations at a certain amount. Avarice was one of his pet peeve. Of course, he was unaware the person actually responsible for that wasn’t you, but a certain Charles Hammerworth. He was unaware you couldn’t actually take big decisions, because you were always there, and he just assumed you were important (which again was because Charles purposefully gave you more attention in certain moments). 

While actually, from your perspective, you thought he was the one who always blocked any big decisions to better Gotham City.

Things between you two didn’t click already, of course this kind of things would only rise your animosity towards each other.

When you were stress, which was often, you lashed out at people too much. Including him, when he was your boss, like this kind of behavior was going to get you into trouble one day !

Wait, was he worried ? No. No the fuck he was not. He was annoyed. So much. Because there wasn’t a single day when you didn’t snap at him for whatever reasons.

How funny it was, that neither of you realized that you disliked about the same thing in each other…That the flaws you so hated about the other person, was very telling about your own personality.


You met Alfred once, and wondered even more how such a kind and sweet man could raise an arrogant little brat like Bruce Wayne.

He brought some lunch for Bruce (how old was that guy, six ?!). Since your dear CEO was busy, the butler waited around for a bit, and wandered to the coffee machines where you were currently.

You introduced yourself, he did the same and…It felt like you were talking to the most caring man in the world. It was also very clear, even though you didn’t speak much, that he cared deeply about Bruce, and even adored him. 

Which you couldn’t understand. That didn’t sound right. The way Alfred spoke, it was as if Bruce cared so much about his parents’ company, about Gotham, while you were so sure that- Ugh ? Did the man lie ? Why would he though ? 

This was weird. Alfred was talking about someone you never met, for sure. Disturbed and confused, you found an excuse to get out of there and walked (almost ran) away quickly. 

Of course, you had no way to know that Alfred wasn’t there to give Bruce’s lunch at all, but to meddle in his “Master”’s life. Bruce kept talking about you, and how infuriating you were. And there was no way he talked that much about someone who really didn’t matter. Of course, Bruce would yell : “there isn’t a fine line between love and hate ! In fact, there’s a massive wall !” in that petulant child voice of his, that he never quite lost when talking to Alfred while mad. But the butler knew better. He did. 

And the future would only prove him right. 


“He’s sexy though.”

This is frustrating. You were talking about how much you despised Bruce Wayne to your best friend, and their first reaction was…everyone’s, really.

Yes, you guessed. He was sort of attractive. But so, SO annoying that honestly, you didn’t really see it.

“Did you hear anything I said ? He’s lazy, falls asleep in every meeting, doesn’t care about anything but parties etc etc. I bet he doesn’t even do anything on his own, given his butler seems to literally do everything for him. That guy is a saint. Such a nice man, so polite. How can he stand Bruce ? No idea.”

“I’ve never seen you so worked up about anyone before. Not even about that guy who fired your mom and keeps asking you to bring him coffee even though it’s not your job. That super misogynist one.”

“Charles Hammerworth, yeah. Well, here’s the thing. I knew that guy was trash since the beginning, and if I wanted to achieve my goal, I had to deal with it. But Bruce Wayne ? I had such high hopes man. He’s Martha and Thomas’ Wayne kids ! You’d think it would be easier to do what I want to do with him you know ? That he too, would want to continue his parents’ legacy and save Gotham ?! Well, nope. Not even close.”

“Ah, so you hate him because he’s not what you want him to be. Wow (Y/N), wow. Very mature and nice.”

“Oh shut up, you know what I mean.”

“I do. At the same time, I don’t think I’m wrong either. It’s not like you to be so petty.”

“It’s very like me to be that petty, what are you talking about ? Remember Kevin Witthaker in eleventh grade ? He pretended to be interested in me just to mock me ?”


“And remember what I did to him ?”

“…Yeah ok, you’ve always been petty. And oddly revengeful…”

“Again : Oh shut up.”

There’s a silence, before you both burst into strong laughs. Finally getting calm again, your best friend says : 

“But for real, (Y/N), isn’t this just one of those tale of two deeply flawed individual who will end up respecting each other in the end ?”

There’s a pause. A silence, as you ponder your friends’ words. I mean, you can’t say you completely disrespect Bruce Wayne, he’s just getting on your nerve and blocking everything you want to do (although he wasn’t actually the one responsible…but you didn’t know that). And you guess he wasn’t that bad and-Yeah. No. No way. He was the worst. Just seeing his face made you want to punch him. You turn to them as if they were crazy, and say :

“This isn’t some kind of story full of stupid tropes where we’re going to end up friends or something. We’re not in a k-drama, (your best friend’s name). This is reality. Mark my word, there is absolutely NO WAY I will ever change my mind about Bruce Wayne. Nu-hu, NEVER.”


Unbeknownst to any of you, a certain Charles Hammerworth was capitalizing on your obvious dislike of each other.

The flaws you saw in Bruce, the ones he saw in you, were exacerbated by Charles who took the opportunity to keep his hold on Wayne Enterprises. Your bickering, and the way you two would argue often served him well. It meant you’d overlook many of his shady actions.

Your feud was good for his business. And what could’ve been a simple misunderstanding of one another, and a slight distaste, turned almost to hate because of one man’s greed.

He made it so you were sure Bruce didn’t care, and was just a lazy entitled brat. And he turned situation so that Bruce would think you were a greedy corporate wannabe who was mad that he came back to take the reign of his parents’ company.

While he was the one who was mad. He worked so har and long to convince everyone they need to stop any charities and focus on the international market. It wasn’t for Martha and Thomas’ little brat to come back and ruin it all ! So let him be focus on that other brat who also wants to ruin things, let them have infightings to the end. It was good for business. 

Yes, maybe if Charles Hammerworth never existed, you two would realize that you were more alike than you thought, and that you were destined to get along. But alas, it would take some time before this fateful realization would come.


There were a few times where you could’ve almost made up. A few times when you could’ve understood each other more. But alas, it wasn’t meant to be just yet, and those moments turned quickly into even more “hate” towards each other.

One morning, after a meeting, you notice he favored his left side whenever he would rise up from his chair. Noticing things was part of your job, and it was very clear to you that Bruce Wayne was hurt somewhere on the right side of his body.

As per usual however, he obnoxiously answered flirtily (to divert your attention..). You asked him about it, wanting to know if he needed help. He seemed surprised at first, but he quickly regained composure (so quickly in fact that you almost think you imagined his surprised expression), smiled at you shamelessly, and said : 

“Oh yes, I’m a little sore I guess. I stayed up late with a model from Ru-”

“I don’t want to know.”

You cut him off quickly. And you can’t believe you almost worried about him. You really didn’t want to know about his sex escapades, even less so if it caused him to get THAT sore. Ugh. Man. You couldn’t believe how he almost got you to care.

Truth was, yeah. He got hurt while out as Batman. Obviously he didn’t want you to know. And he knew you hated when men flirted with you at work because you felt like it was disrespectful. 

They were obviously seeing you as only an object. Pretending you couldn’t be too skilled because you were an attractive woman, pretending your only appeal was your looks. Pretending you managed to become an assistant by sleeping around (which was not true at all). 

It drove you nuts. And so Bruce shamelessly used his most flirtatious self whenever you were getting too interested in his personal life (which honestly didn’t happen often), so you’d overlook the subject because of how mad you would get. And this time, it worked again. 

“Disgusting..” you muttered, and you left, fuming, and not a moment too soon because he was starting to feel lightheaded because of his injury, and was falling back in his seat. 

Perfect timing. It was better, if you hated each other. 

There was another time. Right after a meeting in which your hostility towards one member of the board especially was very obvious.

Charles Hammerworth. Always him. You found him so repulsive. And not in the way you disliked Bruce. No. You actually found him so disgusting.

You and Bruce, it just didn’t click. You weren’t made to get along. And you obviously both had a taste of annoying the other. 

But Charles Hammerworth ? He was a disgusting man who had every fatal flaw you could think of. Greedy, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, hated the poor, thought he was better than anyone else and that everything was owned to him…How could the Wayne even deal with him when they were still alive ?

Ah. But you didn’t know this man literally snaked his way through to the board…That was another story, though.

You went head on with Charles for the first time ever. Usually, you’d find ways to undermine his authority. But this time, he went too far and you lost your cool. To think this little worm would-

“You don’t like Charlie very much, do you ?”

It’s Bruce Wayne. Not the person you wanted to see right now. Although everyone would be better than Charles Hammerworth. You had to quickly find a reason why you disliked him though, as you didn’t want to get into the details of your true goals at Wayne Enterprises. 

You didn’t want him to know how much you wanted his parents’ (and your mom’s) legacy to get back on track. Because you were sure he’d find it pathetic (oh if only you knew). So you said : 

“Mm ? Oh. He…He’s the one who fired my mom.”

“Your mom ?”

“Yes. She used to be, um..Your parents’ assistant. Of sort.”

There’s a silence, and his eyes widen before he says : 

“You’re (Your mom’s name)’s daughter ??”

“You knew her ?”

“Of course, and I heard lots about her anyway. What is she up to nowadays ?” 

“…She’s in a mental ward in the 4th avenue hospital. She um, didn’t take well her firing and your parents’…” 

There’s a silence, and you almost feel like Bruce is being very empathetic of you. That he- Ah. But nope : 

“Well, She was a good friend of my own mother. And a great assistant. If you need any help with hospital bills, I will participate. I feel like I owe her that. I really never would’ve thought she was your mom.”

“Excuse me ? What the Hell is that suppose to mean ?”

“Well, let’s face it, you’re not exactly the most efficient, and you barely take any decision at all. My own mother used to described (your mom’s name) as if she was some kind of god sent for them. You’re um, how to put this nicely ? Kind of not that. Yes. I think this is the nicest way I can say it.”

Wow. This is the first time your feelings are actually hurt. Sure, he usually makes you so mad, and you often end up conversations with him fuming. But he’s never been actually needlessly mean. 


He knew he was getting on your nerves. He knew he was pushing all your buttons. But this time, he wasn’t going to get a reaction out of you. Not because you suddenly liked him or anything. But because you were genuinely hurt. So, in a weaker voice than usual, trying to not cry, you say : 

“Well. I guess you’re right.”

And then you leave, unable to even look at him. 

Ugh. You hated how much this hit too close to home. But he was right. He was right. You were lightyear from your mom’s position. Nobody took you seriously here, definitely not Bruce Wayne. How could you ever even try to convince anybody to use Wayne Enterprises for good again ? To save Gotham ??

Bruce watches you leave the room, unable to find another smart retort. Why did he feel guilty ? You started it…ugh since when did he have such childish thoughts ?

For some reason, unlike usually when he felt a deep satisfaction when he pissed you of, this time, he felt nothing but bad. He felt like shit, even. 

Why ?


This went on for a full year. Whenever you two were in the same room, bickering would ensue. And you were pretty sure it was full blown hate now. Ever since he talked about your mom, and you noticed he was injured, the animosity between you too was attuned to the max. 

He hit you were it hurt, and you almost discovered his secret. 

Of course it would get only worst and worst. 

You disliked him so much you didn’t notice how Wayne Enterprise slowly came back on track, on the path Thomas and Martha Wayne wanted for it.

And you annoyed him so much that he didn’t see how much of a big role you took in that fact.

When he said “the board”, you could almost hear how much he disliked them. Which confused you. Why was he going along with all their decisions then ?

Funny, how disliking someone could erase all rationality and ability to see their good deeds… 

Maybe it was your hopeful side, the one your mom lost when the Waynes died but…A small part of you, deep down, hoped that Bruce’s apparent love for parties and such was just a façade. Or something that maybe he would outgrow, just like his mom did. 

That’s how your mom met her, Martha. Your mother was a bartender. With an eye for details, and a love for Gotham.

Exactly what Martha was looking for, when she started to use her money for “good”. She became hers and Thomas’ personal assistant. The position you held now, although if you had to guess, you were pretty sure working for those executives, for “the board”, wasn’t as nice as working with Thomas and Martha Wayne.

Anyway, your mom was enrolled, and she knew everything about Martha’s past as a “party animal”. She told you about it, how she turned her life around. You really hoped her son will do the same…

But you doubted it. Because in your head, the image you had of him was already fixed in stone. No way this would ever change.


It was rather late in the evening, and you were about to go home. You were pretty sure nobody was left, but you. But you and…

“(Y/N) ?”

Ugh. Even his voice annoyed you. Granted, he had a very nice deep voice, and you would’ve probably fall in love with it if only it wasn’t his. Everything he did got on your nerve. So his sexy deep voice…Ugh !


It was always a great disappointment when he pretended he didn’t hear the “hint” of sarcasm in your voice. You knew he knew. And he knew you knew he knew.

“Are you the one pushing for Thomas Wayne Foundation to open a hospital down in the Bowery ? And Martha Foundation an art gallery in the Narrows for smaller content creator ? ”

“Yeah and ? Both your parents wanted to do that since a long time, I saw an opportunity when we still had one slot open for a charity…It’d fulfill your quota for the year.”

You finish, your words full of asininity. It drove you crazy how Bruce settled a certain amount of “good deeds” to do by Wayne Enterprises so, and those were his own words : “the people of the city would love us and not get in our way if we want something” (and if only you knew he didn’t mean a word, and just wanted to help Gotham but knew “the board” would get in his way…at least up until he finally took back full control of the company, which he didn’t have yet).

“No don’t get me wrong. I think it’s a good thing. I’m just..a little surprised.”

“Surprised ?”

“You did nothing but hinder my ideas for similar projects.” 

“What ? I never did such a thing, what are you talking ab-”

Ah but it wasn’t yet time for Charles Hammerworth nefarious plans to be revealed, how he always put his name on ideas for bettering Gotham while they were YOUR project, and how he always put YOUR name whenever he wanted to block a project he did not like…Well, it was only a matter of hours, now. Because :

That’s when a bunch of armed men decide to barge in and say :

“If you stay calm nothing will happen to you, we’re here for Bruce Wayne.”


Unbelievable. There was a lot of “wrong place wrong time” event, when you lived in Gotham. But this one had to trump them all. Having a machine gun stuck in your face, and being taken hostage was new.

“What do you want ?”

He asks, his voice cold like you never heard before. 

“Shut up and behave. Nothing bad will happen if you listen. You, tie them up and come with me, we have…Things to do. And you two better stay on your best behavior, or we’ll shoot. As long as you do everything we ask, things will be alright.” 

For some reasons, the way that man kept repeating that everything was going to be alright if you listened sounded fake to you… 

They tied the both of you up, back to back, hands in a zip tie. And then they make you sit on the floor, and leave the room.

Idiots, have they never seen movies ? You NEVER leave hostages alone. Haha. You chuckle to yourself. As if you or Bruce “sure I work out but I’ve never fought in my life, as stated before” Wayne could-


Ugh ? The hell was that ?

You fall backward as there’s suddenly no one there to support you (and at the same time, you notice how much you were leaning on him…embarrassing).

He catches you before you hit the floor, and puts you back on your feet.

Um, excuse me ?

You knew he worked out, it was obvious he was ripped under his suits. But to the point he just literally lifted you up as if you weighted nothing, just like that ? Well, that. That was surprising. And the way he just broke his zip ties ? And yours ? Wow.

It took you a few seconds to understand what was happening.

“We have to get out of here.”

He says, and starts to go to the door, putting his ear on it to listen.

“I think they only left one person. Good. What is it you said ? It’s better when people underestimate you ?”

He smirks at you. That smirk that usually made you instantly mad, but that in this situation you found reassuring.

“What’s going on ?”

You finally ask. Because like, yeah, what’s going on ?? Is he really planning on leaving, just like that ?

“We have to leave.”

Ugh, you click your tongue in annoyance, like you did so many times. Yeah ok, you got that part, but could he elaborate just a bit ??

“Why ? They probably just want a ransom, which you’ll have no problem paying. I know you can even trace the money and not even lose a cent. Why risk things ? Shouldn’t we wait a bit to have more information from them ? They did say we wouldn’t get hurt if we just listened.”

“Please, you have a lot of flaws but being naïve isn’t one.”

You glare at him. Really, is now the time to get on your nerve ? You sigh, fighting to regain your calm because yeah, right now really wasn’t appropriate for any sort of bickering. 

You don’t answer, and just stare at him, clearly waiting for an explanation. And on your face he can read a definite : “grow up”. Which makes him tick, but he too realize this is no time to bicker. So he adds :

“They’re here to kill me. Possibly us.”


You can’t say more, his hands is on your mouth as he turn his attention towards the door, and the seconds turn into hours as you wait for an armed man to barge through the door…


Zip ties ? Really ? Those are overestimated by many.

Bruce has absolutely no problem breaking his, unbinding his hand easily thanks to a technique he learned while training with Giovanni Zatara.

Zip ties. Ugh. Amateurs.

Bruce knows he’s taking a risk by showing you what he can do. He knows you notice every detail, and that this will go against the image he so carefully crafted to fool you (and everyone else). But he also knows who those men are.

They’re Cobblepot’s men. The Penguin, as they seem to call him lately, ever since he regained his family’s fortune. A man who definitely sees Bruce Wayne as a threat towards his empire.

And he highly doubts what those men came to do was just a hostage situation. He knows they’re here to execute him. And if they were able to get in the building ? It means someone from the company gave them the codes, especially if they managed to get all the way up here. There is NO WAY they could’ve pirated their way through without him noticing, him and Lucious made sure no one could breach Wayne Enterprises security, or if they did, they’d have an alarm on their phones.

Which meant there was a rat in the team. It wasn’t very difficult to know who did it…

Anyway. It was pretty obvious to Bruce that those men weren’t here to ask for a ransom or anything. He knew Cobblepot’s ways. He knew what he did to people who bothered him. He also knew that he’d been nothing but a hindrance for Charles Hammerworth’ plans.

Now, if it was only him there, he wouldn’t care much. But here’s the thing : you were also involved. Wrong place wrong time. Damn it.

How the hell did you always manage to be around in all the worst case scenarios possible ? Or…was this deliberate ? Did the attack happen because they knew you’d be there too ? After all, you were also quite the hindrance to Charles…

Because your life was at stake, Bruce did not hesitate to act. Even if it meant you’d discover who he really was.

And this is how he ended up with his hand on your mouth after your exclamation, hoping that none of the armed men heard. 


“Ok, you have to listen to everything I’ll say, can you do that ?” 

Well, usually, no, you could not. He was too annoying. But in that situation ? You could make an exception. You nod, and he takes his hand off of your mouth. It seemed nobody heard you yell. 

In a matter of seconds, he unlocks the door with a…lockpicking kit he had in his pocket ?? Who was this man ?? 

He takes a careful look out, and he was right. They left one man to guard the door, but evidently he thought there was no dangers, as he’s away from the door, looking at some documents on a desk. 


Bruce opens the door careful, gesturing for you to stay behind. And then…He knocks the man out cold. Just like that. With one well placed punch to the throat. It’s silent, and it’s direct. The man falls down, unconscious, and without a sound.

Once again, he gestures to you to come closer. And you two start to move through the building silently. 

He’s really not being considerate. On the contrary. He’s pretty cold, such a stark contrast to how he is usually. He’s methodic, and for some reasons, you feel safe. 

He gets rid of two more men as if it was nothing (thanks God though those men didn’t expect their hostage to fight back). 

You point to a gun, but he shakes his head no. And you can see he’s adamant about it. Evidently, the guy doesn’t like guns, as made sure by the disgusted (and almost fearful) look he gives the machine guns. 

Neither of you even notice how he keeps taking hold of your hand to guide you safely around. 

He takes you to a flight of stairs, and looks at his phone. You can see on it that he has access to every single camera in the building. Interesting. He checks to see if there’s anyone in the stairs, and, nope. And then he says : 

“Go down, and call for help. I’ll take care of the rest.” 

“What ? Why ? Are you dumb ? Just come with me, there’s no need to put your life at risk like that.” 

“Ugh for once in your life just listen please, and do what I say.”

“I’ll do it once it doesn’t sounds completely idiotic. Just come with me Bruce !” 

It’s the first time you call him Bruce. Neither of you notice. Annoyed, he keeps going : 

“Why are you always like that ? Just go (Y/N), you got caught up in this because of me. Just leave, I’ll take care of things.”

“This isn’t some kind of action movie genius, stop acting like you’re John McClane and let’s go.” 

Yes. Maybe right now wasn’t the right time to bicker. But you just couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t leave, too. What was wrong with him ? Why did he HAVE to “do this” ? 

Unfortunately, you two wasted too much time. The men noticed you left the room they put you in, and followed the trail of unconscious men Bruce left behind to…


He yells, and you’re suddenly violently pulled to the floor by him but…It feels weird. Your shoulder is warm and painful. Too painful. 

“Bruce ?” 

“Shit !” 

Your vision becomes blurry, and you feel him delicately laying you on the ground. Before you fall into unconsciousness, you hear him say : 

“You better not die on me, there’s too  many things we have to talk about.” 

You faintly here grunts and shots, a fight breaking out. 

And everything turns dark. 


Shot in the shoulder. 

To be fair, it was a miracle that you got shot, while you grew up in Gotham, so late in life. Still. Painful as fuck. 

Your little adventure made every single headlines, and Bruce had to transfer you to a private hospital so that no journalists would come bother you. 


It’s weird.

You got shot, and it was kinda because of him, yet you couldn’t be mad at him.

Everything he did was an annoyance to you. But he saved your life, and your suspicion about him not being who he portrays himself to be were sort of confirmed.

It was confusing.

An entire year of highly disliking him, of bickering and trying to get on the others nerve as much as possible…vanished.

It’s as if you met Bruce Wayne for the first time.

And it was confusing.

You weren’t sure you liked it.

How come so much resentment could just disappear all of a sudden ? Well, the fact you both learned the truth about each other, about Charles Hammerworth schemes, definitely helped. But beyond that… 

You both saw a side of each other that night, that you didn’t know exist. You saw him being reliable and caring for your safety, which meant..he really was like that, no ? He didn’t hesitate to put his life on the line for you. 

And he saw you not willing to give up on him and actually put his life on the line.

This kind of experience changes the perspective you can have on someone. Everything happened fast, you were both out within an hour, but still. Him untying you, guiding you slowly through the building, his big warm and reassuring hand in yours… 

Ugh. This was all so confusing. It didn’t help that…

“Hello (Y/N), am I bothering you ?” 

He came to see you every single day since you were taken to the hospital. With flowers. Or books. Or whatever you want. Genuine in his approach. 


Maybe that’s what was missing ? 

It’s still super awkward though. You don’t erase an entire year of seeing the other one as your “enemy” just like that. Yet he still comes. 

And you still accept his visits. And it seems like your constant bickering is no more. 


“Mr Wayne ? What are you doing still here ?”

You were indeed surprised to see him still at the office. He would usually be the first one home.

“I should ask you the same question. And please, call me Bruce.”

“Alright. I asked the question first though.” 

It was just like you, to not let go something. Yet it didn’t annoy him as much as it used to. Odd. 

“I had things to finish, some charity galas to plan. Will you um, come to the next one ?” 

“Ah, no thank you Mr W-Bruce. Not my cup of tea. Although I think they’re necessary, for Gotham.” 

“I hate them too. But I think the same.”

“You hate them ? Really ?” 

Shit. What ? How did he let that slip ? This wasn’t like him. But he felt strangely at ease right now. 

“Haha you got me. I like parties much better.” 

He caught himself well, but you don’t seem convince. After all, you were always so sure he loved to show himself to this kind of galas. Mmm. Interesting. 

“Ok well…I’m going home so…Good night.” 

“Good night (Y/N).” 

And you leave. More confused than ever. What the hell was that ? 


With Charles Hammerworth gone (because it was very clear he was guilty), there were very few misunderstandings left between you two.

The main reason you disliked each other was because you felt the other one didn’t care enough about the company, was in for the money, didn’t care about Gotham and its inhabitants etc. It was the opposite.

And Charles Hammerworth wasn’t here anymore to take all the glory, while pushing his mistakes and heartlessness on you

You couldn’t believe how much that man meddled in Wayne Enterprises business, and how much he even meddled in your personal life ! What a douche. Because of him, you almost walked right passed…

Right passed what, exactly ? Passed Bruce ? And so what ? Why would that be a bad thing ? After all, you really didn’t like him. 

He was smug (oh but you knew he really wasn’t that smug and that it was a facade), he was arrogant (that much was kinda true, but it didn’t mean he was a bad guy), he was lazy (you’ve never met such a hard working man before), he never took anything seriously (couldn’t be further than the truth), he…he…

What was it, that you disliked about him again ? Weren’t those flaws exactly the same than you had ? 

Damn it. 


Bruce felt the need to tease you, often. But nowadays, it wasn’t as bad as before. It was quick and fun teasing, friendly even. 

A little cliché, almost like a “will they won’t they” kind of situation. 

How did it came to this ? Things really didn’t click between you two at first. It was even a disaster. He genuinely disliked you so much. And you obviously hated him. 

But then…Then your family story are too similar in many ways. You also lost your parents, your mom losing her mind to depression and not being able to ever get better was horrible. And the grief was real. Just like his. 

And your similar need to save Gotham too, couldn’t be ignored. Your selflessness as well, even if you both had to hide that to obtain your goals. 

Bruce had to pretend he wasn’t who he really was, that he was the epitome of the word “himbo”. And you ? You had to appear ruthless and ambitious to get to where you are in Wayne Enterprises, pretend to be heartless (just like him) just to finally get to the board…

What were those feelings ? 

A mere mention of you use to put him in a bad mood. Irrationally so. But now…


It felt like your relationship evolved by cycles of one year at a time. 

It had already been a year, since you survived the hostage situation. Since you both slowly change your mind about the other. 

A year of becoming precious business partner and…You found yourself, slowly, in the same position than your mother was years ago. You were what she was for his parents. 

How odd. 

From hating each other, to this. 

From enemies to…friends ?



Does it surprise anyone that someone as despicable as Charles Hammerworth wanted revenge ? No ? Ok, good. Because he did want revenge. 

Bruce Wayne was pretty much unattainable, especially now that The Penguin pulled out and decided to not help. But you ? You were just a low rank employee (although were you ever “low” ? You did sway many people along the way, including that damn Bruce Wayne !). It was easy to get to you. 

Paying someone to take care of it (because he viewed you as an “it”) was easy, especially in Gotham. And so your days were numbered, except…

Except Batman. 

Did Hammerworth really think Bruce would just let him go after he very obviously helped the Penguin ? It’s not because he didn’t press charges, and pretended he didn’t know he had anything to do with it, that he just let him go. 

Of course he’d put him under tight surveillance. And when he heard him talk about that murder for hire… 


When Batman saved you from a man you first took as a thug, but who quickly turned aggressive and scary, you became certain of that gut feelings you’ve had ever since the hostage situation at Wayne Tower.

You could recognize that demeanor anywhere. That body. This jaw line. But you also understood why nobody ever even came close to know the truth yet. After all, the way the Batman portrayed himself was lightyear from how Bruce Wayne showed himself to be…

But you were sure. This was the same person. Actually, you felt like him as the Batman was closer to who Bruce Wayne really was. It made more sense. And finally all those irregularity you noticed in his behavior made sense, too.

His insufferableness also suddenly made sense. The perfect cover up. Nobody was ever going to suspect “Brucie” to be Batman…

He instantly realized you recognized him, but didn’t say anything. He made sure you were safe, and went on with his night. Both your hearts were hammering in your chest, on the same beat. 


When your door rings the next evening, you’re not surprised.

It’s late, and you kind of expected it to be. When else would he come ?

You saw him at work today. And he didn’t avoid you at all. Why would he anyway ? It was too late to convince you of anything. You knew his secret. And he felt somehow relieved about that. Now, it wasn’t just him and Alfred. There were you too (and soon, there’d be Lucious as well).

Oddly enough, he didn’t feel anything negative about you knowing, not even after all that happened between you two. After how much you purposefully got on each other’s nerves.

It was naturally, that he came to see you at your apartment.

He couldn’t really say anything at work yet. He still hadn’t cleaned up every “parasites” out. There were still people who didn’t really had good intentions towards him. He couldn’t risk any of them hearing anything they shouldn’t.

You opened your door. And there he was. Not wearing his usual suit (you don’t think you ever saw him wearing anything else) but a hoodie and sweatpants.

Nobody would know he was Bruce Wayne, that’s for sure.

You let him in. And then there’s a silence.

Not an awkward one. Not a bad one.

A comfortable silence while you each search for the right words.

But they never come. At least not right now.

Eventually, one day, you’ll be able to talk about. How your feelings bloomed, and how your best friend was right all along. 

One day, those two years together would all make sense. Would feel like destiny. 

From enemies, to friends, to…

There is no need for words. He grabs you just as you grab him. His fist bunches in your shirt, and he brings you so close. Your arms wrap around his waist. 

It’s a kiss like you never tasted before. Full of pent-up passion which finally releases, of frustration that vanishes, of, of… 

It’s just you and him. 

It’s just him and you. 

This all makes sense, really. You’re more alike than you initially thought. Your goals align. And, when you think about those past two years, how could this not be fate ? 

Maybe, just maybe, you hated each other at first because both of you knew that if you started to like each other, you would never let go. And neither you nor him were quite ready for that. 

But now ? Now that the truth is entirely revealed ? Now that you don’t have to hide who you are anymore ? 

From enemies, constantly bickering and clashing. 

To friends, the “click” finally happening. 

To now. 

To lovers. 


“And that’s how we met.” 

You say, as your youngest son, Damian, is absolutely bewildered by that story. Your husband adds : 

“You see, I had to do the changes in Wayne Enterprises slowly. “The Board”, those executives, those who abused their powers and turned my parents company into something they would’ve hated…If I went about this too fast, they would’ve found a way to put me on the side. While if I acted like I didn’t care about anything, and worked insidiously, then, then we could make progress. Unfortunately it meant your mother definitely hated me along the way. Can’t really blame her.”

“Well.We used to hate each other.”

Damian was SHOCKED when you finally told him the story of how you and Bruce met. What, how come he never heard of that ? His siblings will hear about this ! How dare they kept that a secret from him ? They must’ve known.

“Ah yeah, she hated my guts.”

“Yeah and you hated mine.”

“I had my reasons to too you know, you were-”

“Um excuse me ? Your reasons to ? You were the one to-”

“Aaah and here we go, that was one of the reasons. Cutting me off and the way you said excuse me!”

“You still didn’t fully grow up, as I can see!”

Damian was flabbergasted. He never saw you two fight. He really didn’t like it…His face was slowly falling, and he wanted to leave. Or for you to stop. He didn’t want to have his image of your perfect loving couple shattered. No. Why did he ask how you met, this was all his fault ! He was-

You two were kissing. Fiercely. Having seemingly forgotten about your son’s presence.

And Damian took it all back. Yeah. No. You two were still disgustingly in love, and the small bicker meant nothing. Clearly. He was pretty sure you weren’t even fighting, that it was just playful and…

He didn’t want to know more. This was grossing him out. Forgetting about any sadness, the image of you two being perfect for each other still intact in his head, your son left the room hurriedly and slammed the door shut. 

He leaned on it, and smiled. It fitted the two of you so well, in the end, this way you fell in love. It was drawn out, it was meaningful, it was meant to be. 

Enemies to lovers uh ? How weird. 

Now, where were his siblings ? He felt the need to go annoy them, and pretend to be mad at them for not telling him the truth about their parents’ meeting. 

Damian didn’t have the self-reflection yet, to realize how much his love language resembled yours… 


This was long haha. Man, I missed writing long ass stories and all. I hope it wasn’t boring though. I do hope you liked this one ! :D As usual, if you did, comments and/or reblogs are always beyond appreciated ! 

Also, sort of thinking about turning “enemies to lovers” into a series and writing a story for each batkids with it hehe. What do you think ? I know I have many ideas for Dick and Jason already. 

Synopsis : The story of the heartbreak brought by the dreaded news that one of your son just died…

Hello everyone. Long time no see☺️ Was very busy IRL (in a good way), but I don’t intend to stop this blog anytime soon. So here’s a story. Angst in coming haha. As usual comments and other reblogs are always very welcomed ! Hope you’ll like it

My masterlists :@ella-ravenwood-archives

TW : Angst, death of major characters 


You wanted him to shut up.

You’d do anything for him to not utter another word.

Punch him in the face with all your might. Leave and never come back. Duct tape his mouth, or force him to close it with your hand. Sing loudly as to drown his voice. And if only you were able to speak yourself, you could scream at him to shut up. 

Shut up, Bruce, shut up. 

Just shut up. 

You’d do anything for him to stop talking. For you not to hear what he’s about to say.

If only…

If only you were able to move. To speak. But you couldn’t. You were frozen on the spot, unable to stop the disaster that was bound to happen. 

If only this was a dream. 

If only…

You’d wake up, and tell him about this awful nightmare you had. About how you wanted nothing but for him to shut up because you knew that he was going to announce a tragedy you weren’t sure you could handle. 

But this was reality. And he was right in front of you. And you could do nothing, but listen to what he had to say. 


You could feel your legs buckle under you, as if they just turned into cotton. And you couldn’t control them. You couldn’t control anything. A fuzzy dark fog took place in your brain, knowing exactly what was about to happen, while at the same time refusing to accept it. 

But you knew. 

You knew what he was going to say. You knew ever since you saw him come back alone, his face emotionless. A face he would make only when in great distress himself, trying to tuck away his emotions in order to survive through the crisis. 

He only kept this emotionless attitude around you when the situation was dire. When he felt the worst. So you knew. You knew what happened.

And you didn’t want to hear it.


Thanks God Alfred was right next to you, or you would’ve fall.

You grabbed the butler’s arm, and he catches you.

He knows too what your husband is about to say. He knows too, how broken you two are going to be, and he knows he has to be strong to try and mend you back together.

And so when your weight falls on his side, your surrogate father catches you.

He’ll always be there to catch you.

Bruce finally says it. After his explanation of how the Joker got your boy…He finally says it. Those few dreaded words.

“Jason…Jason isn’t coming back.”

He tries to stay stoic, to not bow down. To not fall apart, to not feel overwhelmed and destroyed by the death of his son. 

He tries to stay strong, for you.

But he cannot hide the sadness filling his eyes when he looks at you. He cannot hide the guilt he feels, as he came back without his son. Your son. 

He tries, really hard. Because he can’t break right now. But it’s hard. It’s too hard. And what he thinks will follow makes it even harder. 

You’re shocked. And devastated. 

And he waits.

He waits for you to regain a semblance of your senses. He waits, trying to stand tall, for you to…get mad at him.

Furious, because it is his fault you lost your son. 

He waits for you to come to him, and hit his chest as hard as you can. He waits for you to let your hatred for him flow. He waits for his sentence, as he committed an irreparable crime. 

It’s his fault your son died. His son.

He should’ve never allowed him to become Robin, never. It was so selfish of him. Dick left, and went to do his own thing, and he found Jason and…The boy was so enthusiastic. So happy to be there. So eager to please, and be part of your life. Part of bettering Gotham, too, knowing full well how much the city needed help. 

Bruce couldn’t resist him. Couldn’t resist that pumped little boy who wanted so desperately and wholeheartedly to help. He trained him, took him in as his son.

And now he was dead. And it was all his fault.

You pull away from Alfred, wiping tears off of your cheeks. The man you came to see as your father hands you a handkerchief, and you take it, trying to dry the ever flowing stream of salty tears coming out of your eyes.

You finally take a step away from Alfred, and look at Bruce.

Your eyes are so full of pain and misery that he cannot hold your stare. He bends his head down, trying as hard as he can to remain stoic. Wrongfully thinking that he has to be the strong one. That he has to endure everything on his own. 

He feels you coming close to him, and he’s ready for you to hit him with all your strength. To yell at him that it is his goddamn fault if Jason was gone.

You’re right in front of him.

His eyes close automatically, awaiting your well deserved hate towards him…
Awaiting for the last bits of his heart to be trampled on, as he’s sure he earned your loathing.

But instead… 

He jumps at the feel of your hands on his cheeks.

You force him to rise his head, to look at you. There’s so much sadness in your eyes that he feels like his heart is going to burst, but there’s also…determination ?

He doesn’t understand why one of your hand strokes his cheek while the other tangles in his hair. He doesn’t understand why you drag him down to you, so your foreheads are touching.

He doesn’t understand why you’re not yelling at him, why you’re not trying to hurt him…With a broken voice that makes you wince, because it’s filled with grief and hopelessness, he says :

“I killed our son…”

It’s barely a whisper. You can hear him only because you’re so close to him.

Your fingers massage his scalp, you know he always found the gesture soothing. Although in this instance, maybe he didn’t even notice it…

With your other hand, you brush his mouth with your thumb, and bring him ever so close to you. Flush against your body. His arms automatically wrap around you, and his head buries itself in your neck.

“I killed our son…”

He repeats. And you can’t take it anymore. Tightening your grip in his hair so he doesn’t look away, the hand that was on his cheek moving to go around his shoulder, you say :

“No. Bruce. No.”

“But I…”

“It isn’t your fault. It isn’t anyone’s fault but the Joker’s. He’s the one who took our son away. Not you. Hell, if you’re guilty then I am too, I didn’t do anything to stop him from going out there as Robin either…”

“You’ve got nothing to do with that ! I won’t allow you to even think about it !”

“Then it’s not your fault either. It’s the Joker’s. You know it is. It is his fault. His.”

The anger rising in you scares you. You can’t allow such feelings to install themselves inside you. And yet…you see it happen with frightening clarity. 

Bruce’s voice brings you back to reality :

“It is still my fault. I am…”

You shut him up with the softest kiss on his lips, trying to convey to him that no, no he’s not responsible for Jason’s death. It’s the Joker. It’s all him. He killed your beloved son. It is hisfault. He has to pay.

You feel the furry climbing inside you, how it overshadows even your sadness.

Turning your grief into hatred. You want to kill him. You want to kill the Joker…

God, you want to annihilate him so bad. 

But you know it’s not the solution.

You know it’s exactly what that psycho wants. And Bruce does know it too. He can feel your anger as well, and inside him, it’s a turmoil of emotions.

In your arms, he understands though.

He understands that he cannot kill the Joker for what he did to his son. Because if he does, then not only did he lost his boy, but also his soul.

If he kills the Joker, then the clown wins. Everything the Joker ever did was to taunt the Batman to kill him. He will not give him this satisfaction.

For Jason. And everything that boy stood for. 

He cannot let that happen. For Jason. He’ll never let that happen.

He won’t let the Joker win.  

He can feel you loosing all your strength in his arms, and he goes down on his knees with you, holding you tight against his heart.

“It is not your fault my love, it is not your fault…”

You repeat that for hours and hours. You repeat that until he almost believes it.

Here, on the floor of the batcave, you repeat it, while you hug him with all your might, and let him burry his face in your neck. 

He needs it.

He needs to let go. You make him understand he doesn’t have to be strong with you. He just lost a son. You just lost a son.

He doesn’t need to be strong all the time. And certainly not when with you.

“We…we lost our son…”

His voice cracks, and finally, his tears run freely, his arms strengthening around you, bringing you even closer to him. You let him. Of course you let him. You let go too. And together, you let your grief run fully out of you.

You can feel at some point Alfred coming close to you, wrapping the both of you in a warm blanket. Even in pain he makes sure you don’t catch a cold…you want to tell him “thank you”, but all you can say is :

“It’s not your fault.”

To Bruce. Over and over again. Holding him close. And he almost believes it.

You repeat those words, until you’re both too tired, exhausted because of the sorrow, and the heartache you felt.

“We just lost our son…”


It was the same nightmare all over again.

Jason came back to you years ago. It took him a long time to forgive you and Bruce for not killing the Joker. It took him ages to realize why you didn’t do it. And though he finally understood, the boy he used to be, the cheerful and mischievous boy he was, had forever disappear.

Sometimes, you could see some remnants of what he used to be. Some fleeting moments, when he was with you or his brothers. But it was often gone rapidly…In a matter of seconds, he was all serious and broody, just like his father. 

Just like his father, though your Bruce would give anything for him not to be.

Jason came back to you years ago, but the boy he was died that fateful day. Your boy was gone, forever, replaced by a man. But at least, he came back…

And now, it was the same nightmare all over again.

“Damian…Damian isn’t…”

“Please Bruce. Shhh. Don’t say it. Please. Don’t say anything else.”

The wave of despair that hits you right there and then, makes you fall to the floor, hard. And Bruce can barely catch you before you hit the ground heavily.

Here you are again. Laying on the batcave’s floor, in his laps, grieving a son.

Damian isn’t coming back, you already know it.

His own biological mother killed him, to prove a point to herself. 

A point that hurt her. Because no. She wasn’t as emotionless as she thought. No, she couldn’t just kill “her” son and move on. She wasn’t her father…

But she killed him. She did. Keeping yourself from killing her isn’t as hard as when you decided not to kill the joker. Because you know she suffers too, more than if she was dead. And in a twisted way, this makes you more satisfied than if she was gone. 

You resent those feelings. This is not who you are…And yet. It is. The hatred you feel after the death of your little boy will forever be part of you. The need for the person responsible to suffer is unfortunately something you truly feel, to your core. And honestly, who could blame you ? 

Unlike the Joker, you knew Talia felt things. And, good

Because she doesn’t even deserve to die. It would be too easy. 

And oh, oh how you don’t recognize yourself in those ugly feelings. But…She killed Damian. She killed “her” son. She killed your son. You cannot hide this dark part of yourself that needs revenge. 

You cannot. 

You feel Bruce shake while he holds you against him. Sat on the floor with you in his arms,  not ready to ever let you go.

You can see Alfred collapsing in Dick’s arms. Your beloved butler cannot handle it this time. He cannot be the strong one everyone needs. Not again.

On your oldest son’s face, there’s nothing but misery, but he tries to keep it in, because it’s his turn to take care of you, of Alfred, of his father…He wasn’t there for you guys when Jason died, busy doing his “own things”, not even knowing his little brother died. Maybe if he was there at the time, he could’ve saved him ? Maybe if he didn’t “selfishly” decide to leave ? 

But there is no point in dwelling in the past. He wasn’t there before, he would be there this time. He would be there this time…

You can also spot, in the blur of your teary eyes, Jason holding a shaking, crying Tim. It wasn’t always the biggest love between Tim and Damian. They drove each other crazy on a regular basis. But he was his brother. The teasing didn’t mean there was no love. On the contrary, their constant bickering was their own way to say : “I care deeply about you, dumbass”, their brotherly love language. And Damian was so young. Damian was so young…He wasn’t even able to protect his little brother, how could he help protecting the city ?

You don’t see Cass, and in a way, that’s good. You’re not sure you could handle seeing her heart broken You vaguely recall, in your painful state, that she’s away on a school trip, and you dread her return…

(A/N : Duke was not yet part of the fam when Damian died, which is why he does not appear in this story). 

Your eyes meet Jason’s, and the strength in them makes you feel a tiny bit better. You know he’ll be here too. You know he’s not going anywhere. Not this time. It took him a long time to forgive you and Bruce, but now, he wasn’t planning on leaving ever again. Especially not now. He knows you need him more than ever, and he’ll be there. Yes. He’ll be there.

This time, no words are exchanged between you and Bruce. You just hold onto each others, because that’s the only thing you can do, the only thing you can bear. His breath warms your forehead as he holds you close to him. 

This time, no words are exchanged between you and your Bruce. No. This time, you can’t speak. Surrounded by your grieving family, by your sons who are shaken to the core, by your surrogate father who was dying of sadness, by your Bruce…You can’t utter a word.

You can just hug your husband tight, making sure he won’t go.

He can just burry his face in your hair, not holding back his tears and sadness. Once again, he lost a son, and it was his fault, because he wasn’t able to protect him.

This time, you don’t have the strength to tell him itisn’this fault. This time, years after you lost Jason, you don’t have the strength to handle it anymore.

Couldn’t your family catch a break ? So much grief, so many bad things happening to your beloved sons, to your Bruce…

This time, you don’t have the strength to reassure Bruce.

You just lost a son. He just lost a son.

“We just lost our son…”

You hear him whisper, so lowly that you’re not sure he actually said it, or if your brain is playing tricks on you. If it’s some kind of flashback from Jason’s death.

Damian isn’t coming back. He’s never coming back. You lost a son. He lost a son. Your kids lost a brother. Alfred lost a grandchild.

The World lost one of its greatest and brightest inhabitant. 

The reality of all of this delves on you, and the same sadness you felt when you thought Jason was gone forever washes over you, taking away all of your hopes, all vision of a bright future.

Damian. Your son. Your youngest little boy. Isn’t coming back.

He’s never coming back.

Yes, how terrible it is, to love something that Death can touch.

To be continued ;) (because yes, Jason and Damian’s death were super hard to deal with…but let’s not forget about how Dick, Tim and Bruce faked their death and it must’ve been as equally horrible to think you lost your loved ones just to realize they were fine all along, re-writing this story made me want to write a sequel about those guys so bad :). And also talk about other very close call with death, admittedly an endless subject with this family haha). 


Maybe some of y’all noticed, this is a rewriting of an old story of mine (which I accidentally erased…I need to stop being on Tumblr on my phone ). I liked it so I just…rewrote it (I still had the original story tucked away in a word document, thanks God I saved everything from the first time I accidentally erased something haha). The original story was almost 5 years old, and although I’m still insecure in many ways about my writing, I do believe I improved since then (mainly thanks to this blog, and y’all <3). I’m pretty happy I re-wrote it, I made some massive changes to it which I think better it :). I don’t know if any of y’all read it before this re-write, but if you remember it (again, it’s old and pretty much went under the radar amongst all my fics), you’ll realize how vastly different it is now. And I like it better…I hope you do too.  

Yup. I do hope you liked it, and if you did, comments and reblogs are always beyond appreciated, and motivating:). 

Synopsis :Damian is terrified of growing up, because he finally found a family and doesn’t want them to be around him less because he grows older…He’s especially scared that his mom, you, will slowly stop taking care of him. Because that’s what growing up is right ? Your parents just slowly stop taking care of you because you’re an adult. His siblings reassure him that…this is definitely not gonna happen.

Sudden burst of inspiration, had to jump on the occasion to write ! Like y’all, I hadn’t been able to sit down and write for that long in over six months, the fact I wrote this in an hour without stopping once is a good sign for me hehe. I hope you’ll like this, and of course as always feedbacks and reblogs are super welcomed !! :

My Masterlist :@ella-ravenwood-archives


“Hey buddy, I have some important meetings today and won’t be there for lunch. Your dad too. I left some food for you, see you tonight, love ya.”

Are the simple sentences that set Damian off.

Alfred had his day off (and Damian couldn’t feel bad about that, the butler rarely took days off and when he did they were planned well in advance and he’d usually prepare everything for everyone). You and Bruce were busy. And his siblings were out and about. Damian could definitely reheat food for himself. It wasn’t really a challenge. It’s just that…

That him alone in the manor, it reminded him of bad days from the past, when he always had to fend off for himself.

He felt absolutely ridiculous feeling that way, because that was the first time since he came into your life that he actually was home alone. But he couldn’t help it. He’d gotten used to always having someone around. And he hated being alone.

At first, he always sought to be on his own. It was all he ever knew. And he thought that’s how life was. He spend hours on end all alone in his room, when he wasn’t in the Batcave. Up until…

Up until you sought him out. Whether it was to watch a movie, bake some cookies or just be silly. And if it wasn’t you, it was one of his siblings. He thought you were all so annoying, in the beginning. He always sighted, growled and got snappy with you all when you came look for him at first. But then…

Then he realized that, when you finally started to leave him alone thinking he just liked to be on his own…He felt lonely.

Actually lonely.

And it always brought an onslaught of bad memories, when he felt that way. So today ? Yeah. To him it was silly to have those emotions, but he couldn’t help it. He just couldn’t. He wasn’t used to be alone anymore.

The truth was, this couldn’t be a worst timing.

It was almost his birthday, reminiscent that he was getting older and older, closer and closer to the age he’d have to leave the Manor and fly on his own.

And he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to and this wasn’t fair ! He was already ten when he came into yours and Bruce’s life, so much less time than most children to enjoy their parents’ care ! And to be the “baby of the family”. He only had eight years of this bliss.

Eight years of finally having care and love, and someone who would always be there for him.

For some reasons, in his very pragmatic and cartesian mind, once you turned eighteen, you were on your own. 

Was it because this was the age his grandfather had originally planned for him to start taking over the world for real ? The age his grandfather always mentioned as the final trial before he had to handle himself (even more than before) ? Before he had to put his years of training into action ? A perpetual “Year of the blood” ?


And maybe if he wasn’t so afraid, he would’ve seen how, even though Dick and Jason had their own place in town, they were still very obviously your babies (just the week before, you went to Dick’s apartment to bring him some chicken soup, and stayed there the night because he had the flu !). 

Or maybe he would’ve noticed Cass had turned 18 not long ago and was still here with no intention yet of leaving. Cass actually had the same sort of thoughts than Damian, except in her head, because she only started to have love and care at age 12 when she was officially adopted by you, she had lots to catch up, and her plan was to stay as long as she could at the manor. 

Not that it would bother you nor Bruce. The place would feel too lonely without them (Bruce’s secret wish would be that none of his kids would ever leave the nest, and he did everything to convince them to stay…Alfred had to have a stern talk with him when he tried to dissuade Dick to take his own apartment and scare him into staying home).

Yes. Maybe if he hadn’t been so afraid, Damian would’ve realized that of course you’d never just stop caring for him once he turned a certain age.

But fear. Fear always numb the mind, and you can never think straight when something that primal rises inside you. And it was oddly set in his mind that once you turn eighteen, you had to leave your family.

He had only about four or five years max left now. It wasn’t much. 

It wasn’t enough.

And he was so afraid.

To be honest, he had been thinking about it for a while now. And the mere thought of having to leave the manor filled him with anxiety and distress. 

He needed some fresh air. Whenever he felt like he was going to explode because he felt too many things at once, he’d go out in the garden (most of the time with Titus). To think. And to refresh himself. And he would-

“Uuuum, I’m sorry young man but where’s your jacket ? It’s October, and COLD.”

Damian jumped a little in the air, he was most definitely not expecting anyone. As he turned around and saw Jason there, a frown on his face, the gloominess he felt about being alone for lunch instantly faded away.

“What are you doing here ?”

He asked a bit harshly, to keep composure. He was not about to tell his brother, especially not that one, that he was feeling the way he was feeling. Jason had a tendency to remember things way too well.

“Mom told me to come check on you, she wasn’t sure she left enough food for your lunch. Dad called too, cause of course he would. As if I forget to do things, you know ? Anyway, I brought veggie burgers and fries. Oh. And Dick also texted me like forty times to come because I wasn’t doing anything “important” -how would he know anyway- and he was busy…being a cop or something.”

Jason said, ignoring the bite in his little brother’s voice. Just like everyone else in the family, he came to recognize when Damian didn’t really mean the things he said, or the tone he took.

As if it was the most normal thing in the world, he took his jacket off and put it on Damian’s shoulder.

“Honestly, wearing a t-shirt in this weather. You’re lucky mom’s not here. You’d never hear the end of it. If she can make a speech about wearing proper warm clothing to dad, out of everyone, to the Batman himself, she can definitely talk your ears off about it too.”

“I’m not cold.” 

“Sure you’re not.” 

Truth was, yeah, Damian was starting to feel a little cold. He didn’t really think about taking a jacket when he got out. Mmm. Someone reminding him to wear a jacket. 

It’s the little things, you know ? 

That he’ll miss. When he’ll be too grown up for it. When his parents, and even his siblings will just assume he can think of a jacket himself. And like, yeah, sure, he probably could. Once you’re an adult you have to think about this kind of thing. 

But what if he forgot ? Nobody anymore to remind him, or to bring a warm way-too-big-for-him coat to wear…

He’d miss that. 

Jason was staring at him, immediately noticing something was wrong, and said: 

“Alright, out with it.” 

“What ?” 

“Something is obviously bothering you. Come on, tell me. You know you can trust me.” 

“It’s nothing.” 

“Sure it’s not.” 

Damian clicked his tongue in annoyance. Jason had this particular sarcasm and irony about him, that instantly made you understand that he did not believe you. He shook the bag containing the veggie burgers, a warm and appetizing smell coming out of it, and said : 

“Come on, let’s go inside. Eat. And we’ll see if you wanna talk then.” 


Damian did talk. And it was easier than he thought it would be. Jason made a comment about him not eating any of the food you made, and how it would worry you and…It just poured out of the little boy’s mouth.

All his worries. His fears and his stress. 

“I know it’s stupid, but please don’t mock me.” 

He said, dejected. There was a short silence before Jason said : 

“I’m not about to mock you for that, little brother. I feel ya, really.”

Ah yes. Yes. There was probably no one better than Jason who understood exactly Damian’s feelings right now. 

As a child, Jason was constantly afraid he’d do something wrong and you would stop loving him, so he always worked extra hard to be good, even when it was hard to. And after he died and came back in the way he did…It’s like his worst fear happened. Because he thought the reason Bruce never killed the Joker was that he didn’t really love him. And the reason you and him adopted Tim was to replace him.

Of course, now, he understood how wrong he was. And of course, at the same time, his anger and hurt was justified. But this was another story.

The point was, Jason understood Damian’s fear right now. And so the perfect words to reassure his brother came naturally to him, too. It were the words he wished he heard, all those years ago (and that you eventually did tell him) : 

“Ok but Squirt, if you think that just because you’re gonna be a “grown up” or whatever I’ll stop caring about you, you’re very wrong. I will call you to remind you of very basic things till the end of days. You’re sixty, have a wife and children ? I’m in my seventies screaming at you to were a jacket. It’ll never end. Never. You’re always going to be my little brother. And mom’s kid. Always.”

He’d never admit it, but Jason was kind of the “mom brother”. People always thought he was the rebel who only fought with his family…that wasn’t true. He fought with Bruce, sure. And he constantly bickered with Dick but that’s because they had this little “big brother competition” going on (and when they were children, Jason admired Dick and felt embarrassed about that so he would snap at him for no reasons because he still had a hard time processing his emotions…after all, he grew up all alone, nobody ever explained to him it was ok to want to be loved, to be angry, to be hurt etc).

He resembled you greatly in that way, really. It was because of his life in the streets, and his broken family. When he finally found the love of a Family, he never let it go. Even when he was so angry, in the first few years of being Red Hood. The reason he was, was because he loved all of you so much. 

And he resembled you. The same comments about eating enough, drinking water, sleeping enough, wearing warm clothes or not watching TV in the dark. He’d “mom” his siblings when you weren’t there, and they pretend they were annoyed by it while really, it was the opposite. 

And Damian thought, well, if his brother, who was so much like you, said that. If he sounded so sure about never ever stopping caring and loving him…Then surely, you would too, right ? 

Because you were really a like, he thought. Really alike. 

And he was happy to not be alone for lunch. 


“Jason ! You’re still here, oh you’re staying for dinner right ? Alfred always make too much food just in case one of you will pop in anyway. He’s coming back tonight”

The sheer and simple happiness written on your face as you see your son is obvious. Damian sees it. And it’s reassuring. So, so reassuring. The same smile Is still on your face when you turn to him and say :

“How  was it today ? Did you have enough food ? See when Alfred has his day off I always feel like I don’t feed you enough.”

“It was fine mom. Also Jason brought veggie burgers and all so we had more than enough.” 

“Oh good. What did you two little buddies did today ?” 

“You two little buddies”. Jason, who was in his early twenties, and Damian, who was quite younger…were called the same way. 

It meant something, right ? It meant you both saw them the same, right ? 

And so…it meant than when Damian would be older, you’d still see him as your little kid ? And care for him ? 

You hadn’t seen Jason for barely three days, and yet you attacked him with dozens of questions about how he was doing, and what he was doing and…it reassured Damian. Greatly. 

Yes. You left space for your children as they grew up. But when they didn’t want that space ? When they needed you ? Like right now, as Jason was telling you about his recent adventures ? …You were there. 

You were there. And by all means, it felt like you would always be there. 

Jason noticed the relief in his little brother, and gave him a partner-in-crime kind of wink. Which made the little boy smile, despite himself. 


“Mooooom !! Can you make that “PB and J samwitch” you’re famous for please ?”

“With the crust cut off ?”

“Yes please.”

“No worries little buddy.”

Dick hadn’t been home for more than an hour, before he launched his infamous “Moooom” and asked you for something. And honestly ? Didn’t bother you one bit. He had always been polite about asking you things, and it was never too difficult. Just small rituals between you two. 

Like the PB and J “samwitch”. Almost an inside joke between you and him. One of the thing, as silly as it sounds, that made you so close all those years ago, when he was a little heartbroken eight year old. And when you promised yourself you’d always be there for him. 

So what if sometimes you made him his favorite sandwiches ? He definitely was grateful and this little reminiscence of past years always warmed your heart. Making those sandwiches, cutting the crust off, eating them with him…It all brought only good memories. And it made new good memories. So why would you stop doing it ? 

Dick smiled and went to sit in the comfy armchair of the main living room. Damian was sitting in another one, reading a book. However, very fast, Dick felt his brother’s eyes on him and turned around, a question in his eyes.

“…You’re twenty-four.” Damian said, an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, I am. And so ?”

“”Samwitch” ? Crust cut off ? Can’t you do that yourself ?? Are you a child or what ?”

There’s a small silence, during which Dick seems to ponder Damian’s question. And ah, of course he takes it very seriously. A little too seriously maybe, as he puts a hand on his chin, as he always does when he tries to think of a plan of attack during his “vigilante work”.

“Well. Yeah. I can do it myself. And I do when I’m back in my apartment. But mom is here so, yeah.”

It sounded like an evidence in Dick’s mouth. Of course. Of course if his mom was here, if you were here, he’d take advantage of it and seek to be pampered by you. And where was the bad in this ? 

I mean, he’d been living on his own for a while now, couldn’t he sometimes be indulged and treated like if he was still a kid ? You always told him he’ll forever be “your kid” anyway. And your sandwiches, although made the same way he made it, somehow still tasted better. 

Dick could see Damian had some trouble fathoming his behavior, and as the big brother he was, of course he’d properly explain.

“We’re lucky to have an awesome mom who loves us. Who wants to be there for us, even if it’s to make our favorite food. Why wouldn’t we be happy about it, and let her do it ? I’m always happy to do things to help her out, like when I pick you or Tim at school. Stuffs like that. It’s um…Our love language ?”

“Love language ?” 

“Yeah, you know. The way we show we love each others. Amongst other thing. Like we both have multiple love language I feel but it’s not really the question here. Listen, yeah, I’m twenty-four. And maybe it’s a flaw, to still love to be treated like a kid by my mom. Maybe it’s not normal, even. But out there, whether at work at the police station, or when I’m Nightwing…Things are rarely great. We always see broken families, people in pain, horrible things happening. So what if, when I’m home, with my mom, I like to be taken care of ?” 

Damian was stunned. Yeah. Yeah he understood what Dick meant. But he just didn’t know you could be THAT old and still have your mom do all of that ! Which is a little silly, because he did see his mom act that way towards Dick or Jason before, without batting an eye. 

Why is it that when it came to himself, he always thought there were different set of rules, he always was so hard on himself about everything ? You and his siblings made him understand. 

He deserved love too. And-

“Here little buddy, yoursamwitch. And you, littlest buddy, do you want anything ?” 

You were speaking to him. He hadn’t even noticed you came back, pondering about what Dick just said. But he answered : 

“Could I have some cookies, please ?” 

“Of course. White chocolate chip ?” 

“Yes ! Um, could I help you ?” 

“Of course, come one, the more the merrier. Let’s try to not eat all the cookie dough before though, like last time. Wanna join, Dickiebird ?” 

“Gladly ! Always love to cook with you.” 

Dick didn’t care, when his team mates from Teen Titans mocked him because he called his mom every day. He didn’t care, when the Young Justice, and now the Justice League mocked him when his mom called him “Dickiebird”, “Little buddy” or “my baby”. For Dick, you still sometimes almost babying him was a great treat. 

Because he was right. His life was hard. Harder than most. And so, what if he wanted to get a hug from his mom, or to just be generally pampered by her ? If you were around, he for sure still would ask you to tuck him in…and where was the shame in this ? Those moments were so rare nowadays. And he was an independent adult. So what if sometimes, just sometimes, he wanted to escape the harshness of real life just to feel cared for by his mom, or his dad ? 

There was no shame in this. None. Which is why Dick never cared when other mocked him about it. This was hardly something he was ashamed of. 

And today, Damian understood this, too. 

No matter how old he would be, he would always still still be allowed to have his mom take care of him. 


“I turned 18. I am now an adult, by law. But mom doesn’t care much about law. Look.”

Cass says, and on that note, she smiles at her brother tenderly before going to where you were sitting, and just…Ah yes. Damian saw her do that before.

Damian and Cass understood each other really well. They both had a difficult and loveless early childhood, and were craving affection now. And it wasn’t rare that he would see his sister…demand a hug from their mom (and even from their dad, the boys were sometimes a little too proud and awkward for that, but Cass ? She didn’t care. If she needed comfort, she wouldn’t hesitate to seek it. Not anymore.)

And Damian instantly knew what she was trying to show him.

Cass was grown up now. By all technicalities. Yet if she wanted a hug, she’d get it. And both Damian and her knew that whether she was twelve, eighteen or forty, as long as you were there, you would give one to her.

As usual, without any words, Cass was able to convey all her meanings to her little brother.

Damian felt warmth in his heart the rest of the evening. Feeling happy to see her sister happy. But also that yes, age definitely didn’t matter when it came to motherly love. And that made him more than happy, a feeling he had no words yet to express.

But as Cass constantly showed, sometimes, you didn’t even need any words to show your true feelings.


Damian’s concerns came to Duke’s ears, one day. And although Damian was less and less afraid of the eventuality you would one day stop caring for him, the topic of conversation still came up as they were patrolling, and Duke was more than willing to let Damian open up to him. 

Especially since this was the first time they had this kind of heart to heart conversation. Damian was a tough nut to crack. He always kept his distance at first, suspicious of any newcomer. And he also was a little jealous of the attention given to Duke, for sure. 

But this conversation ? It came naturally as they were just casually talking while on their patrol, and nothing much was happening. 

“I’ve been here for less time than you, but I have no doubt in my mind that Bruce and (Y/N) will never cease to see us as their kids.”

It’s true. Duke hadn’t been here for as long as all your other kids. And his situation was a little special, as his parents were still alive and there was hope for them, even after all this time. He hadn’t yet called you or Bruce “mom” and “dad, but he didn’t think any less. You took that place in his heart, right along sides his own parents. You taught him that he could still treat all of you like his family without betraying the family he already had.

And that was precious.

And oh so needed, after all he’s been through.

And for Duke, there really wasn’t any doubt. He knew he’ll forever be able to count on you.

“See it that way, if I needed you, twenty years from now, would you not come to help me ?”

Damian looked at Duke, outraged in his eyes, and exclaimed :

“Of course I would come !”

“Well it’s the same for all of us. We fight sometimes, and we say things we don’t mean. I know I haven’t been around long, but I also know I would jump in any situation if it was for any of you. In the short time I’ve been here, I was able to feel the family love. And the strong bond we now all share. So believe me Damian, when I say none of us will ever stop caring about and for you just because you grow older, I truly mean it.”

It’s true that Duke hadn’t been a member of the “Batfamily” for long. And this new perspective he brought, Damian didn’t even think about it ! Sometimes, it felt so obvious to all of you that you loved each other, that you forgot to remind that to one another. But for Duke, it was all new. And he had no qualms reminding his new little brother that yes.

Yes, he’ll always be there.

It’s a shame, really, that no one else was around when Damian gave that first hug ever to Duke, who gladly accepted it.

But in a way, this first brotherly move, first trace of the bond that had been built between them, well, maybe it was meant to only be between the two of them.


It just happened. 

One evening, he was feeling particularly anxious and scared, and he just spilled the bean to..his dad. 

And Bruce’s reaction was immediate, and it was obvious by how quickly he spoke that he didn’t quite think things through (if he had, maybe he would’ve known what was about to happen, given a certain son’s presence) : 

“Son, your mother even baby me sometimes, so I really do not think she’ll ever stop seeing you as her precious little boy.”

“She…babies you ?”

“Yes, and he LOVES it !” Jason chimes in, snickering and obviously reveling in the fact his father wasalmostblushing. 

With his dad, it was always about the micro-changes in his facial expressions. It was hard, to decipher it. Only the trained eyes could see it, and oh, you trained Jason since he first came in to show him the small changes in your husband face. To recognize his “smiles”, his worry, his anger…

Bruce spend years learning how to school his facial expressions, how to control his emotions. But sometimes, with his family, he didn’t fool any of them. And right now, he was clearly not going to react to Jason’s little mockery, so naturally Jason thought he’d add, speaking to his brother :

“You probably saw it. He lays his head in her lap and she scratches it. Kind of how we scratch Ace and Titus’ heads.”

Bruce kept a neutral expression (and how frustrating it was how much he could school his expression to let nothing appear), and answered, matter of factly :

“She does not “scratch” my head. She runs her hand through my hair. -short pause- It’s soothing.”

There was almost a comical gap between his lack of facial expression, his monotone tone, and his words, and it made Jason’s smile even wider. Damian too, couldn’t help but smile a little too much.

“But um. Yes. Sometimes, she just…sooth me.”

Bruce knew this sounded ridiculous, and out of character (to anyone not truly knowing who Bruce Wayne really was). But he also knew that this was the truth. You had this gift. Sometimes you’d sing him sort-of lullabies when he had bad nights. You’d hold him until he fell asleep. You’d run your hand through his hair, caressing his scalp…And he would never stop you. 

He would never admit to anyone else but his children this very fact. Never. But if it could reassure his son in any way, what was the harm ? 

There was none. And as the night started, Damian felt all warm inside. By the fact his parents love always made him happy for some reason (when they weren’t being gross and kissing -bleargh). But also because, if his forty years old father still had the “soothing treatment”, why wouldn’t he, when he was grown up ?


Your kids were pretty good at keeping secrets…but it never lasted long when it came to you. You always knew what was going on. Oh, and once Bruce knew about it ? There was no way he could resist you. 

He always told you everything. 

And so you came to know Damian’s worries, and even though you understood that everyone reassured him already, you felt like it was your duty to reinforce everything. So, one night, as you were tucking him in, you chose a particular story to read him. 

It was a small children’s book. Definitely destined for kids way below his age. Not the kind of thing you would read to him. Usually, you’d both read classics. Adventure books. Lately you read the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. Etc etc. Never actual kids’ books. But tonight, this choice seemed appropriate. 

It was a book called “Love you Forever” written by four authors, and the last words went something like this : 

I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
As long as I’m living, 
My baby you’ll be.

And there was no need for more. He knew you knew. 

He knew one of his siblings told you about his fear, probably out of worries. Or that his father, as you “ran your hands through his hair”, spilled the bean. And he didn’t care. 

Because by reading just a simple bed time story, you erased all his fears. 

I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
As long as I’m living,
My baby you’ll be.


It was rare, to have all of your kids home. But sometimes, it happened. When they took the rare night off (and only because Kate was out, because they knew it’d be calm…even in Gotham, certain nights were eventless). It happened less and less, as time went on and they all grew up. 

Your babies. 

You always felt a pinch in your heart, thinking about how one day, they’ll all leave. Ah if only. If only they could all feel like Damian feels right now. 

Like he never wants to grow up, like he never wants to leave. 

But you knew. You knew that even him, one day, would take his flight. And you knew that he would do great. 

You also knew you would never cease being a mother. And that as soon as they’d need you, you’d be there. 

It was getting late, and you were thinking about all this when Dick, who was always great at reading your feelings and knew you were a bit nostalgic at the moment, said : 

“Hey, say, mom, since we’re all here and have the night off…what about a bed time story ?”

Oh. Ooh. How could you resist ? As Dick asked you that, a wide smile on his face, you had a flashback of the sweet little eight years old boy who used to ask that same question every night. And you never could say no.

And when they were all here ? It was impossible to refuse the offer.

Yours and Bruce’s bed was a unique bed tailored especially for you that your husband ordered years ago, when Cassandra officially became your daughter and your old bed was starting to be too small for all of you when it was “story  time nights”.

It was a bed especially made for your family, and each one of your children had their spot on it, as you started to read one of the house’s favorite. Even Bruce, was listening, and the sound of your voice plus the presence of his children had the most soothing effect on him.

You all regularly joked that he was the first one to dose off, off in a deep sleep. He didn’t care much, those were the few moments he could genuinely sleep. And that made all of you happy.

One by one, your children fell asleep, a cute tangle of arms and legs (Dick had the habit since a long time to almost strangle Jason, clinging to him as he fell asleep, and as Jason grew up and became much taller than Dick, it just went from cute brotherly love to hilarious “hugchokehold”). Damian was the last one to close his eyes, as usual, wanting to enjoy moments with his family as much as he could.

The story was over since quite a while, but you weren’t asleep yet. You were just basking in the warmth and love of being surrounded by those you loved, your children who would always be your babies, and your husband who was the love of your life. 

Sometimes, amongst all the hardship and troubles, there were really blissful moments. 

The end.


I hope you liked it. Just a little silly story that came to my mind as I was thinking about my own mom :). Maybe it’s stupid, I still enjoyed writing it ! And I hope you liked reading it. As usual feedbacks and reblogs are always welcomed, and see you soon with a new story ! 
