#robron fanfiction



Here’s a snippet from a post-prison Robron I’m working on (when I should be working on my two other WIPs….whoops!)

“Aaron,” Robert’s voice filters into his thoughts. His husband sounds exhausted. As exhausted as any parent who was raising two teenage boys. When had it all become so hard? They’re always so tired these days….

“Yeah Rob?” 

“Will’s locked himself in his room,” Robert says with a sigh. He sighs all the time these days. Even when he’s not exasperated. They always seem to slip out. Aaron wonders if Robert even notices any more. “And I’m about to deck Seb,” 

With one absent father for most of their young lives, the boys often struggle to relate to Robert. All they’d known was Aaron’s way of doing things, Aaron’s expectations. Robert is a puzzle piece they’re still struggling to connect to. 

“What’s going on?” Aaron asks. His own voice sounds dull and hoarse. He’s never exactly been a talker but in the past few months, he’s spoken even less. All of his thoughts, his feelings and his conversations seem to happen in his own head these days. 

“No clue,” Robert shrugs. “Seb’s winding Will up about something as usual and Will’s taking it to heart,” he waves a hand. “You sort it out. You’re better at dealing with this shit that I am anyway,” 

Robert wasn’t always this way. When he was first released he’d thrown himself into fatherhood full time. His days were focused on building a relationship with his two sons. He went to every single parents evening and extra curricular event. He was there on the front lines at all of Seb’s football games, cheering the team on and taking them all out for a pizza afterwards. He went to every single school production that Will was involved in, whether he was the lead role of a background character with two lines. Something changed over time and Aaron has a horrible feeling that it’s all to do with him. 

Somewhere along the line he’d done something wrong. In the brief period that they were all together before Robert got sent down, his husband was a fully fledged family man. Until Aaron did something. There was no other explanation for it. Why else would Robert Sugden-Dingle, self confessed family man, become so withdrawn and act as though he couldn’t stand his own kids and husband?

“Well?” Robert says, irritated. Aaron realizes that he’s drifted off again. It’s happening more and more these days. He’s sure that if he mentioned it to his counselor she’d be able to tell him why but he’s reluctant to admit that, after being stable for so long, he’s starting to fall apart again just like his marriage.  “Just deal with them ok? I’m sick of it,” 

Robert turns on his heel, ready to stalk out of the room and away from the situation which is happening more often these days. And even though Aaron knows any protestation will start a fight, he does it anyway. After all, at least if they’re fighting, they’re talking right? He’s getting sick of the silent nights that seem to stretch out endlessly. 

“Sick of being their father?” Aaron says coolly. Robert freezes in the doorway but doesn’t turn around. “This is what we signed up for Rob. Two kids. All that stuff we went through trying to find a surrogate so I could have Will. All the shit with the Whites. They’re our children Robert,”

If Robert’s hurt or angered by Aaron’s reply, he doesn’t show it. His shoulders are still set and he still doesn’t turn around. 

“I’ll go make dinner,” 

Aaron stares after his husband, torn between anger and tears. It’s a sad state of affairs when he realises that he wouldn’t be completely surprised if, one day soon, Robert turns and keeps walking. Out of the door. Out of their lives. He threatened as much during their last argument. 

Robert may have been released from prison but it seems that the two of them have turned their home into one.

Here for the shameless self promo reblog ;)

Here’s a snippet from a post-prison Robron I’m working on (when I should be working on my two other WIPs….whoops!)

“Aaron,” Robert’s voice filters into his thoughts. His husband sounds exhausted. As exhausted as any parent who was raising two teenage boys. When had it all become so hard? They’re always so tired these days….

“Yeah Rob?” 

“Will’s locked himself in his room,” Robert says with a sigh. He sighs all the time these days. Even when he’s not exasperated. They always seem to slip out. Aaron wonders if Robert even notices any more. “And I’m about to deck Seb,” 

With one absent father for most of their young lives, the boys often struggle to relate to Robert. All they’d known was Aaron’s way of doing things, Aaron’s expectations. Robert is a puzzle piece they’re still struggling to connect to. 

“What’s going on?” Aaron asks. His own voice sounds dull and hoarse. He’s never exactly been a talker but in the past few months, he’s spoken even less. All of his thoughts, his feelings and his conversations seem to happen in his own head these days. 

“No clue,” Robert shrugs. “Seb’s winding Will up about something as usual and Will’s taking it to heart,” he waves a hand. “You sort it out. You’re better at dealing with this shit that I am anyway,” 

Robert wasn’t always this way. When he was first released he’d thrown himself into fatherhood full time. His days were focused on building a relationship with his two sons. He went to every single parents evening and extra curricular event. He was there on the front lines at all of Seb’s football games, cheering the team on and taking them all out for a pizza afterwards. He went to every single school production that Will was involved in, whether he was the lead role of a background character with two lines. Something changed over time and Aaron has a horrible feeling that it’s all to do with him. 

Somewhere along the line he’d done something wrong. In the brief period that they were all together before Robert got sent down, his husband was a fully fledged family man. Until Aaron did something. There was no other explanation for it. Why else would Robert Sugden-Dingle, self confessed family man, become so withdrawn and act as though he couldn’t stand his own kids and husband?

“Well?” Robert says, irritated. Aaron realizes that he’s drifted off again. It’s happening more and more these days. He’s sure that if he mentioned it to his counselor she’d be able to tell him why but he’s reluctant to admit that, after being stable for so long, he’s starting to fall apart again just like his marriage.  “Just deal with them ok? I’m sick of it,” 

Robert turns on his heel, ready to stalk out of the room and away from the situation which is happening more often these days. And even though Aaron knows any protestation will start a fight, he does it anyway. After all, at least if they’re fighting, they’re talking right? He’s getting sick of the silent nights that seem to stretch out endlessly. 

“Sick of being their father?” Aaron says coolly. Robert freezes in the doorway but doesn’t turn around. “This is what we signed up for Rob. Two kids. All that stuff we went through trying to find a surrogate so I could have Will. All the shit with the Whites. They’re our children Robert,”

If Robert’s hurt or angered by Aaron’s reply, he doesn’t show it. His shoulders are still set and he still doesn’t turn around. 

“I’ll go make dinner,” 

Aaron stares after his husband, torn between anger and tears. It’s a sad state of affairs when he realises that he wouldn’t be completely surprised if, one day soon, Robert turns and keeps walking. Out of the door. Out of their lives. He threatened as much during their last argument. 

Robert may have been released from prison but it seems that the two of them have turned their home into one.


Robron week day 3: reunited and it feels so good

We’ll always have… Porto? (AO3)

Robert gets out of prison and comes back to Emmerdale, only Aaron isn’t around anymore. Post-canon fix it.

A/N: yes this is super late… but better late than never right?

A/N 2: it’s a long one, grab a snack and a drink before reading!

Two and a half years. Two and a half long years.

That’s how long has passed since Robert was a free man. Since he’d seen his family. Since he’d been happy.

He’d been miserable and downright suicidal the first few months, but eventually he’d accepted his fate and focused on the inane jobs they’d made him do, and tried to actually befriend some of the other guys in his wing.

For protection if nothing else.

And now, suddenly, miraculously right before his birthday, it was all over.

“Come on Sugden, you’re getting out today. You don’t want to give anyone time to change their mind.” Ian, one of the guards said, clapping his hands together to move him along.

He was one of the younger guards and Robert had often wondered how he’d ended up as a guard in a prison on the Isle of Wight. A high security one at that. The guys that were in there weren’t there for stealing a packet of gum.

Robert followed him through the gates to the intake area where he’d only been once before. The day he’d arrived. It almost seemed like a lifetime ago.

“We’ve still got your personal belongings in storage, the clothes you came in with and whatever else you had on you.” Ian told him as he took off Robert’s handcuffs and handed him a bag. “You can change in there.” He gestured at a glorified shower meets changing room where the new arrivals could shower and change into their prison uniforms. “No funny business, you know there’s camera’s around here.”

“Yeah… wouldn’t have it any other way.” Robert said in an attempt at a joke. He changed out of his uniform and then realised the clothes he’d worn to court were the clothes he’d arrived in prison in. The suit he bought because Aaron had said he’d liked the way he looked in blue. He closed his eyes and tried not to think about the first time he’d worn it, or the first time Aaron had taken it off of him.

Keep reading


I have updated the teen!Robron AU.

When Aaron arrives at the farm on his bike, Robert’s heart does that little flip he knows well enough by now whenever he sees his boyfriend. Aaron‘s face is blotchy red and the shirt clings to his body, drenched in sweat. Robert steals a quick glance at Aaron‘s toned body and good god. He‘s so fucking hot, no pun intentended. The sight is mouthwatering and basically the stuff of Robert‘s wet dreams.


“Hiya,” Aaron replies, breathless from the ride.

They are standing there, only three feet apart, staring at each other with shy smiles on their faces and slightly swaying. Robert wants to kiss him so, so bad.

“Ready for the last day?” Robert asks.

Aaron pulls a face, but then he shrugs. “Guess so,“ he mutters and Robert definitely hears a question mark there. “So what are we doing today? D‘you have any plans?“

Robert starts grinning with giddy anticipation because indeed, he came up with a plan. “Come,“ he says ominously.

He leads Aaron across the yard and when he turns around to tell him something, he sees Aaron‘s eyes snapping up to Robert‘s face. Aaron was checking out his arse!

“Like what you see?“ Robert asks cockily, with a confidence he definitely didn‘t have a few months ago which is entirely an Aaron effect. Having a boyfriend is doing wonders for Robert‘s self esteem.

“Seen better,” Aaron shoots back, but his reddening ears are telling a different story.

Robert laughs and shoves him playfully and remembers only then where they are, in the middle of the yard, on display, where his dad or Andy could see them right now. As subtle as possible he takes a step away from Aaron again, the smile dying on his face.

“Alright?” Of course Aaron is taking notice anyway.

“Sure!” he replies cheerfully and adds: “Now come on.”

When they reach the stables a moment later, he opens the gate for Aaron to go in. His boyfriend hesitates for a brief moment before he walks past Robert. The temperatures are bearable inside and Robert takes a few deep inhales of the strong smell of hay and horses that he always loved and that will always be connected to his fondest childhood memories.

“So, uh, what are we doing here?” Aaron shifts on his feet, hands stuffed into the pockets of his shorts.

“We are going for a ride.”

“Yeah. No.” Aaron shakes his head. “Nh-nh. Nope.”

“Come ooon!” Robert grins teasingly. “It’ll be fun, I promise.”

Aaron looks at him like he lost his sanity. “You have a weird definition of fun. I’m not getting up on…” He points with his thumb to Vic’s horse. “…that.”

“No, you aren‘t” Robert agrees and then he smirks. “You’re getting up on that one.” He means Dumbledore, his stallion, who is huffing and nodding his head just like on cue.

Good boy.

Robert pats his neck and cheek.

“Are you kidding? This one is even bigger!” Aaron takes a step back and stares at the horse, his face a mixture of fear and disbelief. “I’m not riding a horse, Robert. I’m not. This is my final word.”

The whole chapter here https://archiveofourown.org/works/36490366/chapters/97244511
