

also maybe a long shot but does anyone know where I can watch all Vanity (emmerdale) scenes if someone’s put them on a GDrive or on YouTube? Thanks.

Robert still being in love with Aaron but not pushing anything because he knows Aaron needs time to heal before they can even think about sorting out their shit.

DINGLE DEFENCE SQUAD. I was happy to have Robert, Chas, Cain, Paddy and Adam being Aaron’s support but the fact that they got literally EVERY Dingle (except Zak) involved and that they all care so much about Aaron is beautiful.

That glorious Detective Man who wasn’t taking any of Gordon’s shit.


Cain’s revenge plot against Gordon that was so complex and ridiculous he was basically a Bond villain.

The fact that they remembered that Aaron and Adam are supposed to be the best friends ever and had that lovely hug scene.

Adam and Robert’s Aaron-based truce.

No Jai scenes.


Not sure if there’s any point in posting them anymore I have to say. Vanessa and Charity are doing their own thing in separate stories.


Aware she hasn’t been honest with Vanessa, Suzy wonders if she’s better off without her – leaving Vanessa stunned. Feeling she’s at fault for coming on too strong, Vanessa pleads with Suzy not to give up on them, but what will Suzy do?If she continues the relationship, how long will it be until Vanessa finds out the truth?


Noah tells his mum that he wants to do a runner. Charity refuses to go along with Noah’s plan so he heads out on his own, leaving Charity fearful as to whether or not he could even come back. On his own, Noah is interrupted by Sarah (Katie Hill), but can she persuade him to face up to his wrongdoings?Will he plead guilty – despite being convinced he hasn’t done anything wrong?


Charity is pleased to hear Mackenzie defending her son.

This will probably be the last spoilers post I make unless we get some Vanity spoilers. I don’t think anyone, me included, likes reading about Vanity with other partners so this is probably it for now.

Spoilers for next week:

Suzy’s second secret is revealed: she knew Moira’s daughter Holly. Holly died of a overdose in 2016 and Vanessa was with Moira when that happened and supported her.

Charity despairs (about Noah). We don’t know what exactly happens this week or the next apart from some vague spoilers. But…

Week after next:

Noah is up in court to face the consequences of his actions. So someone reports him to the police (Chloe or Charity) for what he did to Chloe.

Also looks like Suzy will either confess her secrets or break up with Vanessa.

Spoilers for next week:

Big flashforward week with Noah and Charity involved.

Noah traps Chloe at JF and Charity walks in right at that moment. She finds out what Noah’s been up to. She panics and will have to make a decision. On Friday she breaks the Dingle code (she probably reports Noah to the police).

Thursday, May 12: Charity continues to panic

She’s shocked by what Noah has done.

Spoilers for the week of the 16th:

Suzy has another connection in the village, something from her past she doesn’t want Vanessa to know.

Spoilers for next week:

Thursday, May 5: Leyla is high on cocaine

She celebrates with Suzy following a successful business deal

Thursday, May 5: Vanessa walks in, just as Leyla has lined up cocaine on the desk

Will Vanessa guess their game?

So…Leyla and Suzy are “coke buddies”

It’s not clear if Suzy only uses (or deals it too) and if it’s only for recreational use and or she’s an addict.

Vanessa can’t catch a break eh?

But I’m quite excited to see all this play out on screen, it looks like it’ll be mainly about Leyla but I’m curious about Vanessa’s reaction.

The Whites brought Robert back to Emmerdale and now the Isle of Wight is taking him away…


Here’s a snippet from a post-prison Robron I’m working on (when I should be working on my two other WIPs….whoops!)

“Aaron,” Robert’s voice filters into his thoughts. His husband sounds exhausted. As exhausted as any parent who was raising two teenage boys. When had it all become so hard? They’re always so tired these days….

“Yeah Rob?” 

“Will’s locked himself in his room,” Robert says with a sigh. He sighs all the time these days. Even when he’s not exasperated. They always seem to slip out. Aaron wonders if Robert even notices any more. “And I’m about to deck Seb,” 

With one absent father for most of their young lives, the boys often struggle to relate to Robert. All they’d known was Aaron’s way of doing things, Aaron’s expectations. Robert is a puzzle piece they’re still struggling to connect to. 

“What’s going on?” Aaron asks. His own voice sounds dull and hoarse. He’s never exactly been a talker but in the past few months, he’s spoken even less. All of his thoughts, his feelings and his conversations seem to happen in his own head these days. 

“No clue,” Robert shrugs. “Seb’s winding Will up about something as usual and Will’s taking it to heart,” he waves a hand. “You sort it out. You’re better at dealing with this shit that I am anyway,” 

Robert wasn’t always this way. When he was first released he’d thrown himself into fatherhood full time. His days were focused on building a relationship with his two sons. He went to every single parents evening and extra curricular event. He was there on the front lines at all of Seb’s football games, cheering the team on and taking them all out for a pizza afterwards. He went to every single school production that Will was involved in, whether he was the lead role of a background character with two lines. Something changed over time and Aaron has a horrible feeling that it’s all to do with him. 

Somewhere along the line he’d done something wrong. In the brief period that they were all together before Robert got sent down, his husband was a fully fledged family man. Until Aaron did something. There was no other explanation for it. Why else would Robert Sugden-Dingle, self confessed family man, become so withdrawn and act as though he couldn’t stand his own kids and husband?

“Well?” Robert says, irritated. Aaron realizes that he’s drifted off again. It’s happening more and more these days. He’s sure that if he mentioned it to his counselor she’d be able to tell him why but he’s reluctant to admit that, after being stable for so long, he’s starting to fall apart again just like his marriage.  “Just deal with them ok? I’m sick of it,” 

Robert turns on his heel, ready to stalk out of the room and away from the situation which is happening more often these days. And even though Aaron knows any protestation will start a fight, he does it anyway. After all, at least if they’re fighting, they’re talking right? He’s getting sick of the silent nights that seem to stretch out endlessly. 

“Sick of being their father?” Aaron says coolly. Robert freezes in the doorway but doesn’t turn around. “This is what we signed up for Rob. Two kids. All that stuff we went through trying to find a surrogate so I could have Will. All the shit with the Whites. They’re our children Robert,”

If Robert’s hurt or angered by Aaron’s reply, he doesn’t show it. His shoulders are still set and he still doesn’t turn around. 

“I’ll go make dinner,” 

Aaron stares after his husband, torn between anger and tears. It’s a sad state of affairs when he realises that he wouldn’t be completely surprised if, one day soon, Robert turns and keeps walking. Out of the door. Out of their lives. He threatened as much during their last argument. 

Robert may have been released from prison but it seems that the two of them have turned their home into one.

Here for the shameless self promo reblog ;)

Here’s a snippet from a post-prison Robron I’m working on (when I should be working on my two other WIPs….whoops!)

“Aaron,” Robert’s voice filters into his thoughts. His husband sounds exhausted. As exhausted as any parent who was raising two teenage boys. When had it all become so hard? They’re always so tired these days….

“Yeah Rob?” 

“Will’s locked himself in his room,” Robert says with a sigh. He sighs all the time these days. Even when he’s not exasperated. They always seem to slip out. Aaron wonders if Robert even notices any more. “And I’m about to deck Seb,” 

With one absent father for most of their young lives, the boys often struggle to relate to Robert. All they’d known was Aaron’s way of doing things, Aaron’s expectations. Robert is a puzzle piece they’re still struggling to connect to. 

“What’s going on?” Aaron asks. His own voice sounds dull and hoarse. He’s never exactly been a talker but in the past few months, he’s spoken even less. All of his thoughts, his feelings and his conversations seem to happen in his own head these days. 

“No clue,” Robert shrugs. “Seb’s winding Will up about something as usual and Will’s taking it to heart,” he waves a hand. “You sort it out. You’re better at dealing with this shit that I am anyway,” 

Robert wasn’t always this way. When he was first released he’d thrown himself into fatherhood full time. His days were focused on building a relationship with his two sons. He went to every single parents evening and extra curricular event. He was there on the front lines at all of Seb’s football games, cheering the team on and taking them all out for a pizza afterwards. He went to every single school production that Will was involved in, whether he was the lead role of a background character with two lines. Something changed over time and Aaron has a horrible feeling that it’s all to do with him. 

Somewhere along the line he’d done something wrong. In the brief period that they were all together before Robert got sent down, his husband was a fully fledged family man. Until Aaron did something. There was no other explanation for it. Why else would Robert Sugden-Dingle, self confessed family man, become so withdrawn and act as though he couldn’t stand his own kids and husband?

“Well?” Robert says, irritated. Aaron realizes that he’s drifted off again. It’s happening more and more these days. He’s sure that if he mentioned it to his counselor she’d be able to tell him why but he’s reluctant to admit that, after being stable for so long, he’s starting to fall apart again just like his marriage.  “Just deal with them ok? I’m sick of it,” 

Robert turns on his heel, ready to stalk out of the room and away from the situation which is happening more often these days. And even though Aaron knows any protestation will start a fight, he does it anyway. After all, at least if they’re fighting, they’re talking right? He’s getting sick of the silent nights that seem to stretch out endlessly. 

“Sick of being their father?” Aaron says coolly. Robert freezes in the doorway but doesn’t turn around. “This is what we signed up for Rob. Two kids. All that stuff we went through trying to find a surrogate so I could have Will. All the shit with the Whites. They’re our children Robert,”

If Robert’s hurt or angered by Aaron’s reply, he doesn’t show it. His shoulders are still set and he still doesn’t turn around. 

“I’ll go make dinner,” 

Aaron stares after his husband, torn between anger and tears. It’s a sad state of affairs when he realises that he wouldn’t be completely surprised if, one day soon, Robert turns and keeps walking. Out of the door. Out of their lives. He threatened as much during their last argument. 

Robert may have been released from prison but it seems that the two of them have turned their home into one.

Things That Bother Me At 10:16PM When My Shift Starts At 5AM Episode One:

OK but was it ever established why Aaron owns a disco ball???

Looking at the more knowledgable peeps here @nooneelsecomesclose17@soft-husbands@robandaaronsoulmates

Happy Monday everyone :) 

Anyone interested in some Aaron and Adam banter? here’s a snippet from my current WIP that I’m writing alongside Lucky Man. It’s an AU of the movie Ghost.

And uh…Aaron’s the ghost *dodges the flying fruit*

And I included a little reference that I hope @softhusbandsand@robandaaronsoulmates will appreciate ;)

“You know this is mad right? like absolutely mental?” Adam asks as he adjusts his too-tight tie. He glances at his reflection in a shop window. “And I look like a right idiot!” 

“You look like someone who has a lot of money,” Aaron replies. “And I’ll teach you what you need to know. You’ll learn fast,” 

“You sure you know what you’re doing? Did you say you used to be a writer or something? what do you know about banking?” Adam demands. They’re across the street from the bank now, traffic whizzing by and people hurrying to and fro, heading to work or shopping. Even with all the noise going on, Aaron can hear that Adam is breathing faster. The bank itself is a large, multistoried imposing building with a guard standing near the door and posters up in the window advertising all kinds of banking jargon like portfolios and investments. 

“Yeah, no worries. I’ve been with Robert for five years, can’t ever get him to shut up about banking. Ya wouldn’t think there’d be that much to say about it but you’d be very wrong,” Aaron answers. 


“This is so mad, so so mad,” Adam mutters under his breath as they walk into the bank and past the stern looking guard. He gives Adam a look up and down but doesn’t say anything.

“Shut up,” Aaron replies. “At least try to look like you know what you’re doing!” 

“For the last time mate, I’m a labourer not a banking whizz,” Adam fires back out of the corner of his mouth. “Anyone ever tell you you’re pretty fucking uppity for a ghost?” 

“You’re the one who looks like he’s talking to himself,” Aaron says with a shrug. He gives Adam a little nudge in the ribs. Not enough to be noticed by anyone around them, but enough to remind him to get his game face on. “See where it says new accounts? head over there,”

“What?” Adam whispers peevishly. “I’m not giving them my money! You never said anything about having to-”

Aaron gives him another dig in the ribs, harder this time. Adam flinches slightly but luckily no-one spots it. 

“Just do what I say!” 

“Can I help you sir?” The man sitting behind the accounts desk asks. He offers Adam one of those false customer service smiles. 

“Tell him you’re here to fill out a signature card for a new account,” Aaron says. 

“I’m here to fill out a signature card for a new account,” Adam parrots to the guy. He’s started to sweat a little. He tugs on the collar of his shirt. 

“Certainly Sir,” The man answers. “If I could just take your account number?” 

“926-31043” Aaron says immediately. He can’t help but smile when Adam repeats it back and the guy nods and types it into his computer. Joe Tate is going to get everything that’s coming to him. 

“Name on the account please?” The bank worker asks.

“Ben Tucker,” 

“Ben Tucker,” Adam parrots back to the worker. “What kind of wanky name is that?” He mutters to Aaron. The bank worker looks at him oddly. Adam flashes his best winning smile. The worker however, doesn’t appear to be convinced.

“Didn’t they get you to sign one when you first opened the account Mr…ah…Tucker?” He asks with a raised eyebrow. 

“Tell him that Joe Tate opened it for you by phone and then asked you to come in today,” Aaron replies. 

“Oh, Joe Tate opened it for me,” Adam says with an airy wave of his hand. “He told me to stop by today to get it sorted,” 

“Ah, no problem Mr Tucker, one moment please,” The guy stands up and walks over to another desk. 

Adam gets another dig in the ribs.

“Could you be less sus?” Aaron demands. 

“Ow! could you be less of a twat?” Adam says defensively, rubbing his side. “I don’t have to do any of this y’know! I was happy as Larry until you came along with your demands and your bloody ‘Call Me Maybe’! You do realise that listening to that chorus for nearly two hours is enough to drive anyone insane?”

“And you’ll get another two hours of it if you don’t stop acting dodgy!” Aaron warns. “Look mate, I appreciate everything you’re doing for me ok? He’s coming back. Just sign your name on the bottom of the card,”

“Here we are Mr Tucker,” The man says as he slides a card across the desk. Aaron watches as Adam takes the card and the proffered pen and then signs ‘Ben Tucker’ with a slightly shaking hand. 

“Now tell him to put it in the third floor file because you have a transaction to make,” He’s surprised by exactly how much of these processes he remembers. Still, Robert’s always talked about his work in extreme detail. It used to bore Aaron to tears but now he’d give anything to be sitting on the sofa with his husband, beer in hand, while he’s told about the finer details of investment banking. 

He hears Adam repeat the phrase and the worker’s generic reply as he disappears through a nearby door to file the card correctly. He frowns as Adam slips the pen into the inside pocket of his jacket. 

“What?” Adam looks affronted. “It’s a decent pen!” 
