#rocky lynch blurbs


Type: One Shot | Imagine about Rocky
Rating: Rated R for slight sexual content
Word Count: 2,688

I stood in line as I waited to get my ticket. I just wanted to go down town to meet up with my boyfriend. It seemed like it took forever but I finally got my ticket and I was on the train. It was about a three hour ride and it seemed like the last 30 minutes lasted forever. I finally got off the train, pulling my jacket closer as the breeze started to pick up. I could see him pulling up in the parking lot, I ran towards his car. He got out holding his arms open for me as I embraced him. He squeezed me tight in his arms as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It had been way to long since I’ve been with him, I just loved being in his arms. He pulled away slightly tilting my chin up kissing my lips slightly. I smiled against his lips as I kept the kiss between us, keeping my grip on him. He finally pulled away from me, opening the car door for me. He took my bags and placed them into the trunk before returning to the driver seat. I closed my door pulling the seat belt around me, he started the car allowing the heat to warm us up. I grabbed his hand lacing our fingers together as he started to drive. He focused on the road driving back to his dorm. I undid my seat belt as he got out of the car grabbing my bag out of the trunk. He opened the door for me, reaching for my hand. I grabbed his hand as he helped me out of the car, we started walking the hallways. We stopped at his room, he opened his door allowing me to enter first. His roommate was away for the weekend so I had Rocky all to myself.

“All to our selves” I smiled.

“Yea, you are all mine” he smiled.

“I’m sure you love that” I placed my arm around his neck.

“Whenever I can have you to myself” he smirked as he leaned down peeking my lips slightly.

I gripped his sides as I looked up at him. Standing on my tippy toes kissing his lips softly, his hand against my neck. He leaned his forehead against mine as he pulled away. I looked up at him, knowing it was just him and I was the best feeling. Every since we finished high school life has gotten crazy, and we didn’t have much time for us. Someone how we still made it work, I guess our love was strong enough. He moved his hands down my sides gripping my hips in his hands. I smiled as I looked at him, I couldnt believe that he was actually in front of me. It was the longest 6 months of my life, being away from him it was like a piece of my heart was missing.

“I love you” he wiped his thumb over my lips.

“I love you” I smiled at his touch.

“Im sure you have had a long day, want to get some rest?” he asked.

“Sure” I nodded.

I took off my jacket laying it over my bag, slipping my shoes and pants off before getting into bed. He smiled as he watched me get ready for bed, slipping his pants off. He made his way over to the bed turning the light off, climbing into bed. I snuggled right up to him resting my head on his chest as he pulled the covers over us. He held me close to him through the night, it wasnt until morning when he let go. He slipped out of bed making his way down to the cafe. I was still asleep when he returned with breakfast, he sat down on the bed rubbing my leg slightly.

“Wake up sleppy head” he spoke softly.

“I dont wanna” I groaned as I turned over.

“I got breakfast babe” he smiled as he watched me.

“Fine” I sighed as I sat up in the bed.

He handed me my breakfast and my coffee. We sat on his bed eating breakfast together, trying to make plans for today. We had no idea what we wanted to do today. As long as I was with him it didn’t matter what we did. It was still summer time so we finally decided to go to the pool. There was one close to campus. After I ate my breakfast, I opened my bag going through my things. I finally pulled out my blue bikini and shorts, I went into the bathroom to change. He had finished eating his breakfast by the time I returned to the room.

“I forgot how beautiful you are” his eyes wandered over my body.

“Why thank you” I grinned.

“I’ll get ready and then we can go, ” he smiled.

“Alright babe” I leaned over to kiss him softly.

I pulled my hair up in a bun as he got ready. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers as we left his room. I followed him to where the pool was, there wasn’t many people here. School didn’t start for at least another week, Rocky just chooses to stay here instead of coming home. I placed my bag down at a table as I pulled my shorts off. He pulled his top off, reaching for my hand. I grabbed his hand moving towards him, he rested his hands on my hips. I could tell what he was trying to do. I placed my hand on the back of his neck, gently gripping it as he moved us towards the water. He tried to throw me in but I pushed him in. He crashed into the water soon coming up for air. I stood there laughing as he started to swim towards me. He splashed me with water as he started to laugh. I sat down on the edge, allowing my feet to go into the water. He swam up to me, placing his hands on my legs pulling me in.

“Hey” I said as I came up for air.

“You had it coming” he wrapped his arms around me.

“Maybe” I rested my hands on his shoulders.

I stayed close to him as he pressed me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him as he kept his arms on my sides. I peeked his lips lightly, making him smile. He placed his hand on my chin gently titling it as he leaned in allowing his lips to linger against mine. I smiled into the kiss as I moved slightly allowing our lips to meet. He gently tugged at my bottom lip, he know how that drove me crazy. I rested my forehead against his as I pulled away from the kiss.

“Why do you do that?” I asked.

“What?” he smirked know exactly what I was talking about.

“Drive me crazy” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“Because I love watching you squirm” he smiled.

“I know how to tease you too, remember that” I said.

“I know, ” he kissed my lips softly.

“Good, I know your weakness” I smirked.

“I know, ” he kept his hand against my chin.

“Can I ask you something?” I looked at him.

“Sure” He nodded.

“Why didn’t you want to come home?” I asked.

“Because this is the only week I have free” he responded.

“Oh, ” I nodded as I looked down.

“Don’t think I don’t want to come home and spend time with you because I do” he tilted my chin up. “I just thought it would be better if you came down, I’m sorry” he spoke softly.

“Ok babe” I looked at him.

We stayed in the pool for a while, until we both got hungry. I pulled myself out of the pool, grabbing my towel. I dried off as much as I could, he did the same as he got out of the pool. I slipped my shorts on as he put his shirt on, sliding my shoes on before grabbing his hand. I thought we were going back to his dorm, but he had other plans. We started walking downtown, the sun was sitting so the view was breath taking. He kept his grip onto my hand as we finally got to the restaurant. It was a small local restaurant, nothing too fancy since we were still in our bathing suits. He grabbed us a table, allowing me to sit down first. He slide in right beside me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I looked over the menu and everything looked good. I was stumped, I didn’t know what to get, but it was clear he knew what he wanted.

“What’s good here?” I finally asked.

“Shrimp, pizza, pretty much anything you see, ” he nodded.

“Oh ok” I smiled as I looked at him.

“What?” he questioned.

“Nothing, just happy to be here” I turned my attention back to the menu.

“I don’t want you to go, ” he pouted.

“I have a few days” I placed my hand onto his leg.

“I know, ” he said.

We finally ordered our food and drinks. We sat in the booth just talking about things, catching up really. Our food finally arrived to our table things got quiet for a little while. He got up after we ate and paid for our meal, I waited for him at the door. He walked past me opening the door for me, I walked out behind him. He grabbed my hand as we started to walk back to the dorm, this was beautifully but also very quiet. I could tell something was on his mind, but I also knew the same thing was on mine. We finally made it back to his dorm. I sat on his bed as he closed the door behind us, we both were quiet. We stayed in for the rest of the night just cuddling on his bed watching movies on his laptop. I leaned up slightly peeking his cheek softly. I ended up falling asleep against him, he did the same. In the morning I woke up before him and I just watched him sleep peacefully.

“Wake up sleepy head” I rubbed his chest.

“What?” he groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

“Morning babe” I said.

“Oh morning” he sat up in his bed.

“Are you ok?” I questioned.

“Yeah​ im ok babe” he leaned over kissing me softly.

I kept the kiss between us as he moved me onto his lap. I placed my hand against his neck, his hands gripping my hips. I deepened the kiss slightly, his hands sliding up my sides. He pushed my shirt up removing it from my body, throwing it down on the ground. I tugged on his shirt as I placed my lips back against his. He took his shirt off also tossing it on the ground, placing his hand against my chin. He pushed his hips up turning me onto my back against the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he moved between my legs. I ran my hand down his chest playing with his button on his pants. He leaned down kissing me softly as he started to push my shorts down. I lifted my hips slightly allowing him to remove my shorts, I started to undo his pants. He got up from the bed removing his pants, he got back over me leaning down kissing me softly. He used his knees to spread my legs out more as he rested between my legs. He slipped his hand between my legs, rubbing his thumb against my clit. I let out a moan as I ached my back, begging for his touch. He replaced his hand with his tip, rubbing it along my slit allowing it to get wet. We stayed tangled up in the bed for most of the day, just enjoying each others bodies.

“Maybe we should go get something to eat” he tried to catch his breath.

“Yeah​ we should” I smiled.

We finally got dressed and went out into the real world. It was nearly dinner time when we finally left the dorm. We just got take out food and found place on the beach to sit and eat. The sun was sitting and once again it was beautiful, especially with the water reflection. He wrapped his arm around me as I rested my head against his shoulder.

“This is beautiful” I said.

“It is” he agreed.

“Are we going to be ok?” I asked.

“Of course we are babe” he rubbed my arm.

“Its going to suck when I have to leave” I pouted.

“I know babe but we will make it” he nodded slightly.

“I love you Rocky” I played with his hand.

“And I love you babe” he pressed a kiss into my forehead.

We spent the rest of the week doing things together. Swimming in the ocean, plus going to the zoo and getting ice cream. I could say it was one of the best weeks I had and that was because I was with him. That Sunday came all too soon and I didn’t really want to leave, I had gotten use to sleeping next to him. I packed my stuff back into my bag as he sat on the bed, he didn’t want me to leave either.

“Do you have to go?” he asked.

“I dont have a place to stay or a job, it would take a while before I could move down here” I said.

“I know that, I just hate being away from you” he said.

“I know and I hate being away from you” I sat next to him.

“Maybe we can do this once or twice a month?” he asked.

“We will see” I nodded.

I finished packing my things and he took me to the train station. I bought a ticket as he walked with me to my station. I hugged him close to me not wanting to let go. He kept his grip on me until the very last second. I finally pulled away from him and got onto the train, he waited until the door closed until he left the station. Things got crazy in our lives, but we always made it through, I hated being away from him. I also knew the holidays were coming up and he would be coming home to them. It had been a few weeks since I last saw him, we would always talk on the phone and Facetime.

“What’s wrong?” he asked over the phone.

“Nothing, ” I said.

“I know you baby, what’s going on?” he asked.

“Rocky we need to talk, ” I said.

“Ok, what about?” he asked.

“I’m pregnant” I took a deep breath in waiting for his response.

“Don’t be scared, I’ll hop on a train and be there in a few ok?” he said.

“It’s ok, I’m ok baby. I just want to know what we are going to do” I said.

“Do you want to keep it?” he asked.

“I would love to but with our situation its complicated” I said.

“We will figure it out, I love you, ” he said.

“I love you, ” I said before hanging up the phone.

To be honest, I was terrified and didn’t know what to do. He had over 2 years of school left and now throwing a baby into the mix. I knew our lives would just get crazier, but I also knew everything would work out. As crazy as that seemed to say, I knew our love was strong enough to make it through this. He came home for the holidays plus anything to do with my pregnancy. After the holiday season he didn’t go back to school that was so far away, he transferred closer to home. Of course I loved that because I could spend all the time I wanted with him. It’s crazy how life sometimes works, but I knew we would always be together.

Type: One Shot | Imagine about Rocky
Rating: Rated R for Sexual Content
Word Count: 2,314

I sighed as I sat back at my desk. Bringing the cup of warm coffee up to my lips. I took a small sip as I saw one of my co-worker walk past my desk. I bite my lip as I watched him walk by. He soon stopped at my door, leaning against the frame. I looked up from him as I placed my cup down on the desk. I didn’t know what he wanted nor why he was just standing at my door. I looked up at him as he moved to my desk, laying the papers on my desk. I smiled slightly as he left my office. I started to go through the papers when a small slip of paper fell out. I leaned over to pick it off the floor bringing it back to my desk. I unfolded it seeing his number with the words text me under it. I rolled my eyes as I pushed it to the side trying to get back to work. I finally pulled myself away from my computer. I walked down to the break room pouring me another cup of coffee.

“Cup three?” someone asked.

“Uh?” I turned around.

“You always have a cup of coffee” Alisha said.

“Just love it” I grabbed my cup sitting down at the table.

“That’s all we ever see you drink, ” she said.

“It’s what I love to drink” I sipped my coffee.

“Your addicted” she spoke softly.

“Maybe a little” I smiled slightly.

“Coffee again” Rocky said as he walked in.

“Always” I laughed slightly.

“Get those paperwork?” he asked.

“Yeah, ” I nodded slightly.

I finished my coffee, placing my cup into the sink. I finally made my way back to my desk, trying to get back to work. The sun started to set and I knew my work day was slowly coming to an end. I placed my papers into my folder before sliding it in my bag. I shut down the company computer, pulling my jacket over my shoulder. I stood up from my chair, stretching as my body was sore, I looked up and saw Rocky standing at my door.

“May I help you?” I questioned as I picked up my bag.

“Can I walk you to your car?” he asked in response to my question.

“Sure” I agreed as I walked out in front of him.

We walked in silence to the parking deck, making our way to my car. He grabbed my arm pushing me against my car. Leaning down slightly, kissing my lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned up slightly wrapping my arms around his neck as I kept the kiss between us. His hand slips down to my hips, lifting me up onto the car’s trunk. I wrapped my legs around his press my hand against his touch. No one in the office knew that we were dating. We both wanted to keep it that way, but it was tough when all I wanted was him. I pulled on his bottom lip as his hand went under my shirt. I smiled against his lip as I pulled back slightly.

“Sorry, I’ve wanted to do that all day, ” he rested his forehead against mine.

“I have felt the same” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

“Let’s go home, ” he lifted me down off the trunk.
He opened the car door for me, I got into starting the engine. I sat back in my seat, pulling the belt across my chest clicking it in. I waited for him to get in and buckle up before I pulled off. He placed his hand on my leg edging closer up the closer we were getting home. I smiled to myself as I kept my eyes on the road, I didn’t want this night turning bad. I finally pulled into our parking lot and turned the car off. His hand moved up my thigh towards my hips, playing with my panties. I bite my lip as I placed my hand onto his lap.

“Let’s go in, ” he whispered slightly.

“Yeah, we should” I pulled the door handle getting out of the car.

He came right behind me, placing his hand against my ass as I opened the door. Once I got inside the house I pushed him against the wall. Placing my lips against his as his hands were against my hips. I gently tugged at his bottom lip, his hands sliding up my sides removing my shirt. I gripped his shirt in my hand as the kids started to get intense. He moved, pushing me against the wall, pulling my shirt off my shoulders. His finger tips, moving against my skin as he undid my bar, allowing it to fall to the floor. His hand pressed against my stomach moving down below my pants. His thumb finding my clit as he starts adding pressure, moving it around. I let out a soft moan as I kept my grip on his shirt, his lips against my neck. He grabbed my wrist moving my hands above my head, keeping them there as he lowered his lips. I couldn’t hold back the moans as he started to suck on my collar-bone. I bite my lip as he moved his thumb faster against my clit. His mouth wrapped around my hard nipple as he started to suck, his tongue danced around it. My breathing started to pick up as the room was filled with my moans. He removed his hand from my pants, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him, he took me upstairs to our room.

“What do you want?” he asked as he laid me on the bed.

“You of course” I responded as I caught my breath.

“Me?” He bit his lip as he moved over top of me.

“Always you” I leaned up to kiss him softly.

He smiled against my lips, slightly pulling away as he brushed a piece of hair off my face. He peeked my lips once again before moving them against my neck. I arched my back as he started to move down my body. I placed my hand on the back of his head as he kissed down my stomach. I lifted my hips up slightly as he pulled down my pants and my panties. He stood up, looking over my naked body, I could see the smirk grow on his face. He pulled his shirt off throwing it on the ground, undoing his pants, allowing them to fall to his feet. I bite my lip as I watched him get undressed. He slipped his boxers off before moving back over the top of my body, leaning down to kiss me softly. He leaned against his arm as he reached over to the night stand. He grabbed a condom and with a few seconds he had it open and on. I watched him as he started to position himself at my entrance. Our eyes meet as he started to push his hips towards mine. I let out a little gasp as it had been a while. He leaned down to kiss my neck, I breathed in his sent, the more he thrust the more I wanted him. I started to move my hips towards him, our bodies moving as one. His thrust started getting faster as well as deeper, I arched my back. I kept moving my hips towards his as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss me softly before moving his lips back to my neck. He started to moan in my ear as I edge closer to my climax.

“Rocky” I moaned.

“Don’t hold back, ” he whispered in my ear.

I bucked my hips towards him as I started to cum. He stopped his movement, allowing my hips to move up and down against him as I came. I lay back against the bed as I tried to catch my breath. He leaned down to kiss me softly as he started to move again, I twitched at the movement. I could feel my legs weaken as my body was reacting to the orgasm I just had. He grabbed my hand sliding it above my head, I laced our fingers together. His lips against my neck once again as he thrust harder into me. He nibbled against my ear as he started to moan, he was getting closer. Within a few more thrusts he climaxed as well. He stayed inside me until he fully finished, he pulled out taking the condom off. I lay back against the bed as he threw the condom away. He jumped back on the bed, laying on his side. I smiled as I looked at him, snuggling into him as he pulled the blankets around us. I fell asleep in his arms, all I dreamed about being his touch. In the morning I awoke without him in the bed, nor in the house. I knew we were keeping us a secret so he had to go into the office way before me. I sighed as I craved his touch, his love just everything. I pulled myself off the bed and made my way into the bathroom. I found a little note tied to some really sex panties. ‘Wear these’ I smiled as I looked at them, maybe this was just a fun little game. I took a shower and once I got out I slipped the panties on. It had been a while since I’ve worn something this sexy, but it was fun, I finally made my way down to the office. I made my way to the break room and got a cup of coffee as always.

“Coffee again, I see” Rocky said as he leaned against the counter.

“I rather have yo- coffee,” I said as I realized people walking in.

“Busy day today?” Rocky asked me.

“About the same” I nodded.

I grabbed my cup of coffee and went straight to my desk. It was a busy day, but somehow I just couldn’t get Rocky off my mind. I kept having flashbacks from last night, his touch against my skin. I had to re-focus myself multiple times throughout the day. The coffee wasn’t helping, I just wanted his touch. It was finally lunch time and I knew he would come in to check on me. I heard a knock on the door and I answered it, allowing him to come into my office. I closed the door behind him making sure all the blinds were closed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I want you” I kissed him softly as I pushed him back against the wall.

“Whoa” he pulled away from me. “Are you sure? Here?” he questioned.

“Now” I kissed him again.

He gripped my hips in his hands as he pushed me back towards the desk. Lifting me up slightly as he moved between my legs. His lips moving down against my neck as I started to unbutton his pants. We stopped dead in our tracks when we heard a knock on the door. He did his pants back up and I gathered myself before I answered the door. It was just my assistant telling me that she’s going to lunch. I nodded in agreement before closing the door back, making sure it was locked. He reached for my hand pulling me back towards him. I placed my hand against his chest as I looked up at him.

“We shouldn’t here” he said.

“Please?” I begged.

“Why?” he questioned.

“I crave your touch” I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him down slightly. I placed my lips against his.

He lifted my back up placing me on the desk. I could see the smirk grow on his face as he saw that I was wearing his sexy panties. He stripped them off of me leaving me pantie less in my skirt. I laid back against the desk as he undid his pants. He rubbed his tip against my slit, I let out a few moans. He slipped himself into me pushing his hips towards mine. I grabbed his tie pulling him down to me. His thrust were hard but deep, full of passion. He leaned down to kiss my lips softly as I moaned against them. He gripped my hips as he held them down, his thrust started to get faster. I arched my back as I lay back against the desk, our moans filled the room. I kept my grip against his tie as I tried to keep my moans quiet. I felt myself climax against him. As soon as I did, he jerked forward as he climaxed as well. He slowly pulled out putting himself back into his pants. I slipped my panties on and went to sit back in my chair.

“See you later?” he asked.

“Of course, ” I bite my lip as I looked at him.

He kissed my cheek before leaving my office. I got right back to work like nothing happen, as people started coming back from lunch. I still wanted to keep us a secret, but it started to get harder. I knew when I got involved with someone again that my addiction would come back. The addiction of sex, but it was mainly Rocky that I wanted, just his touch. His smile made me crave his touch. The way he would look at me could make me want him. I tried to control these urges as much as possible, but it was hard. We would sneak off to the bathroom at times or lunch time in my office. People started to question our relationship, but we both played it off well. The more he was around, the more I wanted him I was addicted to him.
