#rogar baratheon


Lady Jocelyn Baratheon

54 AC - 92-129 (?) AC

Daughter of Lord Rogar BaratheonandDowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon, wife to her nephew Prince Aemon Targaryen, and mother to Princess Rhaenys Targaryen the “Queen Who Never Was”. She had dark eyes and black hair. She was one of the most beautiful woman at their time. She was the dark lady to her pale princeAemon.

I don’t know the color of her eyes. I just colored them dark bluish-violet with a hint of blue. Turned out pretty good.

 “…Yet for all the splendor of the bride and groom, it was the arrival of Alyssa’

“…Yet for all the splendor of the bride and groom, it was the arrival of Alyssa’s children that set King’s Landing to talking for years to come. King Jaehaerys and Princess Alysanne were the last to appear, descending from a bright sky on their dragons, Vermithor and Silverwing (the Dragonpit still lacked the great dome that would be its crowning glory, it must be recalled), their great leathern wings stirring up clouds of sand as they came down side by side, to the awe and terror of the gathered multitudes. (The oft-told tale that the arrival of the dragons caused the aged High Septon to soil his robes is likely only a calumny.)”

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