#roger radcliffe



Winters ➝ Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty 
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream.” 
Nix ➝ Flynn Rider from Tangled 
“You were my new dream.” 
Welsh ➝ Roger Radcliffe from One Hundred and One Dalmatians 
“Melody first, my dear, and then the lyrics. Hm?” 
Lipton ➝ Kristoff from Frozen 
“My love is not fragile.”
Speirs ➝ Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast 
“You came back.” 

Easy Company Disney AU pt.1 
(pt. 2 here)

special thank you to @a-beautiful-struggle-of-life​ for helping me with this

↳ CREDITS: pictures

ok but why does welshy owning 101 dogs make perfect sense to me?

Roger Radcliffe from 101 dalmatians fan artThis is the last draw i maded (Yesterday)

Roger Radcliffe from 101 dalmatians fan art

This is the last draw i maded (Yesterday)

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