#roger taylor x oc


“I’ve got better things to do with my Saturdays…” Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor X Reader


Overview: The night that you, your boyfriend Roger Taylor and band mate Brian May meet Freddie is one to remember 

A/N: Iya lovesssss! I have been in such a writing mood the past few days it’s insane. I’ve planned loads but all I’ve been thinking about is Ben Hardy so I hope you’ve been enjoying the content. The support the guys have been giving me is incredible and I cannot thank you all enough. Hope you enjoy.

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Word count:1900

The crescendo of clashing symbols cut through the  screaming crowd. Even though you’d seen the band play dozens of times, you  couldn’t help but jump around with everyone else, clapping until your hands  were numb and red. There wasn’t a single person in the pub that wasn’t going  wild. Brian, Roger and Tim all beamed widely, their jubilance clear even in  the low lighting. Girls were swooning in the front row, one almost fainted.  “Thank you everyone!” Tim yelled into the microphone “We are smile,  GOODNIGHT!”

 The crowd roared. Brian and Tim bowed and walked  off the stage, slipping out back stage door and out of sight. Roger  hesitated. He stood and waved at a couple of people, throwing his drumsticks  at a pair of screaming girls. He looked up and his eyes met yours. You waved,  and his face broke into the biggest grin of the night. You giggled at the  slight blush that dusted his cheeks, but he stood his ground and pointed  directly at you with one strong arm. There were wolf whistles in your  direction but he didn’t care; he winked, grinned cheekily, and then bounded  off stage after his friends. The crowd started to disperse, most going to the  bar to get a drink. Everyone was in high spirits, talking excitedly about how  great the band were. It made you so happy knowing how much they were loved;  their talents finally being recognised. Normally you’d wait until the  equipment had been packed away before seeing the boys, but this time you  couldn’t wait. you battled against the crowd and slipped out the back.  The security guard nodded you through. Weaving through the corridors the  summer air hit you, as you walked out into an old courtyard. your legs  shivered slightly-you’d only worn a skirt and a t-shirt. 

 The boys were sat in the back of their van,  surrounded by speakers and instrument cases. You walked over to them,  smiling. Roger stopped the conversation when he saw you. “It’s your number  one fan!” You smiled. Roger’s face softened as he threw his arms around you,  nuzzling into your neck playfully. He felt both his heart and pulse quicken,  and it wasn’t because of the performance high. You kissed his jaw lightly and  you drew apart, but you kept your hands clasped around his waist. Tucking a  loose stand of hair behind your ear, the drummer smiled “enjoyed the show?”

“You guys were so good” you gushed.

“Thanks Y/N” Brian smiled. Tim didn’t say  anything. He was always the broodier one of the band, and therefore your  least favourite member. You turned back to Roger. “Did you see me in the  crowd?”

“You were all I was looking at.”

 He smelt faintly of sweat, but it wasn’t  off-putting. “I’ll go get us some celebratory drinks,” you smiled “my treat.”

Brian and Roger exclaimed joyfully; Tim just  nodded. Kissing Roger quickly You left the three and jogged back inside to  the mass of bodies, all a lot louder and drunker. Stu at the bar recognised  you, so when he saw you, he came over and asked if you wanted the usual.  Giving him the money, you left a minute later with four bottles of beer  balanced precariously in your arms. You were able to dodge most of the crowd;  that was until you thought you heard someone call your name and you turned to  bang into someone’s chest. One of the beers sloshed onto his shoe.

“I am so sorry!” You gasped

The man wasn’t annoyed though. He smiled, and your  eyes naturally drew to the large teeth poking out of his lip. When he smiled,  the teeth became even bigger, but it was so charming that you felt your lips  tug up to match him. 

”its fine,” the man reassured ”looks like you’ve  got a handful anyway.”

You nodded. Still clutching onto the bottlenecks  you freed a finger to waggle ”I like your outfit.”

His eyes shined as he absentmindedly stroked the  blue jacket that matched with his flared trousers. ”Thanks.”

 You smiled, apologised once more, and then continued  on your way through the crowd, this time taking more care and not spilling  any more as you made your way back outside. 

You didn’t expect to see the band rounded on each  other, an amalgamation of anger and hurt etched on Brian and Roger’s  faces. 

 ”humpy bong?”

 “humpy bong, ” Tim nodded ”They’re going places,  they’re gonna be big.”

 “Humpy bong. Are you Joking?” Roger spat, his  eyes flashing with rage. 

“Don’t do it, Tim, ” Brian begged. But Tim’s face  was set, and you noticed his guitar and amp were packed in their travel cases  by his side. He shouldered his guitar. ”I’m sorry guys but we’re not going  anywhere with this. What college gigs, pubs?” He shrugged, and the victim  card became obvious. He was trying to make it seem like it wasn’t a big  deal-he was a coward as well as I quitter. ” I’ve got to give it a go.”

 You didn’t watch Tim as he walked past you,  didn’t catch was he said. Neither were you watching Brian shake his head in  defeat and sit with his hands running through his hair in frustration. 

You were watching Roger. He was standing there,  hands slack by his side, watching the retreating back of Tim. His face a  moment ago full of anger, was now crinkled in disappointment. He looked like  he’d just lost someone close to him, and in some ways, he had-he loved his  band and he’d just watched it crumble to ruin.

You placed the drinks on an amp and slowly walked  up to him. Clocking you the drummer tried to drag up a smile. ”I guess you  just heard all of that.”

”I’m so sorry babe, ” you whispered. you pulled  him close, one hand rubbing soothingly on his back and the other cupping his  jaw. He closed his eyes and moved to kiss your wrist-there was nothing else  he could say. He was breathing deliberately, trying to calm himself down. He  rested his forehead against yours, and you didn’t move until his chest rose  and fell at a more normal rate. 

You understood that he wanted a second. Instead,  you walked over to sit next to Brian, offering him a beer which he  took. 

”Tim’s an asshole.”

”he is, ” Brian exhaled a laugh. 

”you’ll find someone new. Someone better.”

Brian patted your knee in a friendly manner, but  he still looked crestfallen. 

 ”I think he’s right, ” Roger said. He’d lite a  cigarette, and the smoke billowed around his face. He went to sit down in the  van, pausing to move your legs so they were draped over his lap. ”The show  was a load of bollocks.”

 Brian frowned ”I mean, there was room for  improvement yea.”

 “I’ve got better things to do with my Saturdays,  ” Roger’s hand moved a little higher up your thigh, just under the hem of  your skirt ”I could give you her name.” 

He winked at you. You tried not to show on your  face how that affected you. He took another drag on his cigarette, but he was  smiling cheekily now. Brian rolled his eyes. 

Someone stopped by the van. It was the guy you  bumped into in the bar. He recognised you and smiled, and you smiled back.  His gaze went to the band. 

“Enjoyed the show.”

 “Thanks, mate, ” Roger said. 

 “Thank you.” Brian smiled. 

 “I’ve been following you for a while actually.”  the man confessed, shuffling slightly with awkwardness ”Smile. makes sense  for a dental student.” he nodded at Roger, who looked surprised. He turned to  go Brian ”and you’re Astrophysics aren’t you?”


 “Makes you the clever one, ” the man grinned  cheekily. Brian’s brows shot up, but there was humour in his tone when he  turned to Rogers look of slight put out 

”Yea I suppose it does.”

 You laughed. When Roger frowned at you, tongue in  cheek, you rubbed his arm comfortingly, still smiling. 

 I’m Freddie, ” the man, Freddie, introduced ”I  study design. Also, I write songs. Might be of interest to you.” he pulled  out a wad of folded paper from his back pocket, showed it, then blushed and  stowed it away again. ”It’s just a bit of fun really.”

 “You’re 5 minutes too late.”

 “Our lead singer just quit.” Brian shook his  head. Roger drank some beer. Freddie’s eyes, however, had suddenly lit up. He  caught your eye and you grinned, goading him on. 

 “So you’ll need someone new.”

 “Any ideas?” 

 Freddie paused. And then, he threw his head back,  hand on hip and no doubt shaking his voice. ”what about me?” 

 Roger laughed. ”Uh, not with those teeth mate.”

 Freddie’s face fell. You smacked Rogers arm. He spilled beer down his shirt, which made him yelp. ”don’t be a dick, ” you  frowned. Roger went to protest, but you shook your head. You very rarely got  annoyed by him, and in those moments he had learnt to do what you said. To  show he was sorry he circled his thumb against your skin as he turned back to  Freddie. 

 This didn’t phase Freddie. Instead, he steadied  himself, opened his mouth, and started to sing. 

 ”I know what I’m doing……. I got a feeling I  should be doing all right……”

 Your jaw dropped. His voice was incredible, rich  and full and it hung like warm air in summer. The three of you looked at one  another. And then, Brian and Roger sang, and the harmony blended together so  well it caused goosebumps to erupt all over your skin 

 ”…..doing all right.”


”He was amazing!” you exclaimed, carrying one of  Roger’s symbols out to the van. Freddie was coming tomorrow for his first  rehearsal, and Brian couldn’t contain his excitement. Roger carried the last  of the drum set into the car, slammed the doors and locked it. He leaned against the van, ”you were right. About Freddie. The guys good.”

 ”I’m always right, ” you grinned. Roger Smiled,both hands in his pockets.

”want to celebrate?” 

”does that mean going back to yours and having sex?”

”You said it, not me.” be reached out and grabbed you by your belt, pulling you in close enough for the smell of cigarettes to waft over you. ”You going to stay the night then gorgeous?”

”I’ve already called sick of work.”

Roger closed his eyes and mouthed ”yes”, causing  you to laugh. He lent forward and kissed you, knocking any breath out of  your chest. His hand stroked your cheek but refrained from doing any more for  fear of being seen in public. He led you around to the passenger door and  helped you inside. Racing around to the back he hopped into the driving seat  and put the car in gear. 

“I’m sorry I need one more, ” he groaned.  He grabbed your face and  kissed you again, this time more passionate and desperate. Fingers  tangled in hair and Roger’s hip ached with pain as it banged against the gear stick but he didn’t care. The feeling of your chest rising and falling heavily made his body scream with longing. “How quick can you get back to yours?” you breathed. 

Roger smirked against your swollen lips ”I could get there in 15  minutes.” 

”make it 10.”


Side note: I was shooketh in the middle of starbucks when I saw this because Hello i’M sOrRy 

Overview: You and Ben move into your first place together :) 

A/N: so, yea. I went there. I decided to trigger myself and then I thought I’ll just trigger others with me. I hope you guys like it, thank you so much for the support you legends. 

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word count:1336



“Can you help me please?”

Ben poked his head out of the door to see you leant against the wall, a shiny sheen of sweat on your forehead. The mattress you’d lugged up almost 12 flights of stairs sagged against the banister. Your boyfriend smiled “why didn’t you take the lift?”

“WOW, I hadn’t thought about that?” you rolled your eyes “you really are smart, aren’t you?”

“ooo sorry,” Ben chuckled, walking down the stairs and leaning on the mattress. “It didn’t fit did it? Why didn’t you just ask me?”

“I wanted to do it myself,” you confessed. Ben smiled. He then grabbed one side of the mattress and started to pull it up the stairs. Together the pair of you were able to move it the rest of the way up the stairs and into the new apartment. You dumped it in the middle of what would be the living room, piles of boxes like skyscrapers inhabiting everywhere else. You grinned widely “That’s it,” you turned to Ben “we’ve officially moved in together.” Ben couldn’t help but scoop you up and spin you around, enjoying the way your laugh echoed through out the empty space. “finally, I won’t have to deal with you being clingy when I had to leave your apartment every night.”

Your head was spinning slightly so the soft punch that was supposed to hit his chest brushed his arm. “I wouldn’t call it whining, more separation issues.”

He grabbed your chin gently with his thumb and knuckle and pulled you in to kiss you. The all too familiar feeling of melting took over your body as he pulled you in closer. Just then your mum walked in, carrying the last box from the car. She chuckled “at least wait until I’ve gone.”

“Sorry,” Ben smiled shyly “have my parents already gone?”

“this was the last box in their car,” your mum said. She dumped it on the floor before opening her arms “come give me a hug before I go.” You went over and squeezed your mum, suddenly feeling a little sad. Even though you’d lived away from home for a while it was always difficult to say goodbye. “You’ll love it,” she whispered in your ear, before tapping your cheek lightly with her ringed hand. “Come on Ben,” she smiled, pulling Ben into a hug and giving him three quick rubs on the back. Ben kissed her cheek and then with a wave she went, closing the door with a click. It was just the two of you now.

“Do you want to start unpacking now or call it a day?”

“We can sleep in here tonight,” you said “I can’t be assed to set up the bed frame.”

Ben grabbed the box labelled “duvet” and dumped the contents onto the floor. You arranged the duvet, pillows and blankets until they resembled a nest on top of the mattress; Ben went into the kitchen and grabbed a pan and the carton of milk you’d bought earlier.

“You want to watch a movie?” you called.

“You pick,” Ben said “My Mac’s on the chair.”

By the time you’d picked the movie, a classic that you both loved, Ben brought back two large steaming mugs of hot chocolate. He flopped onto the bed and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. “Good choice,” he smiled. The pair of you fell into a comfortable silence, only broken occasionally by the slurp of drinks. Ben had made it the way you loved it- full fat milk, cream and chocolate powder. It was those little things that made him so amazing; he did it all to make you happy.

The movie had started to pick up but your eyes were glued on Ben. He was leaning on one elbow, his forehead lined slightly as he concentrated on the screen. He’d been wearing a beanie all day, so his hair was disheveled. The crease of his mouth was stained with chocolate. He was naturally gorgeous and the sight of him made it difficult to breath. He kept his eyes on the screen but he said “You’re not watching.”

“How could I be watching the movie when you’re so much better to look at?”

That got his attention. He slinked an arm around you and pulled himself close so you were lying on his chest. He engulfed you in his arms and peppered your forehead with soft kisses, only stopping when your baby hairs tickled his nose. It got warmer as the blanket tangled around your limbs, but you didn’t want to move it for fear the moment would be broken. The movie was left abandoned; instead you watched the light on the ceiling change from a soft gold to a deep purple blue. It was the middle of winter in London and normally you would have been freezing cold, but you were warm against Ben’s chest as you wrapped your arms under his t-shirt. He hissed slightly as your cold hands touched his warm back, but enjoyed the feeling of your fingertips stroking the softer parts of his skin. He lent his cheek against your head. A feeling of total bliss filled him, one that only you were able to give him.

“I can’t believe this place is ours,” you sighed dreamily.

“I know,” Ben smiled “No more commuting for an hour on the tube to your apartment.”

“No more skype calls when one of us are sick.”

“The place we’ll live when we get married.”

“The place we’ll bring our first baby.”

“First baby?” Ben raised his eyebrows “How many kids are you wanting?”

“I honestly don’t know,” you laughed “Knowing us we’ll be stupid and end up with 12.”

“and I’d love them all the same,” Ben smiled. “We’d probably have to move again though if we were to have 12 kids.”

“What would we call them?”

“we’d have to call one of boys Joe.” At that you burst out laughter, burying your face in his chest. “We’d have to, Joe would kill me,” Ben smiled, laughter edging his tone. You nodded. “If we have a son first, he’ll call him Joe.”

“Joe Hardy.”

Ben hadn’t even realised that his hand had moved to rest on your abdomen. He didn’t move it away. You smiled into his chest. “You sure you’d want to create a human sharing our DNA? That poor child.”

“It’s alright,” he clicked his tongue “only one of the parents have to be good looking to make sure the kids not ugly.”

You rubbed his chest “aw honey, don’t put yourself down like that. You’re not that ugly. I’M KIDDING,” you laughed at Ben’s gasp “I’m kidding.”

 “I’m quite hurt by that,” Ben teased. He felt his heart soften like warm caramel when you grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks slightly “You know I think you’re stunning.”

“I must have something if you’ve stuck with me.”

“A massive bank account.”

“Ha ha,” Ben smiled, cuddling you in closer as a shroud of drowsiness suddenly engulfed him. He moved his head away, let out a big yawn, and then pulled the blanket up to your chin and his shoulder. He kissed your temple once more, whispering in your hair that he loved you. He didn’t know what you said next, he’d already fallen asleep, but it didn’t matter- it was your voice, and that was the last thing he always wanted to hear.


Side note:It should be illegal to look that good I’m SORRY 

Overview: You go to A party at Freddie Mercury’s house with your boyfriend Roger, and things gets heated in more ways than one. 

AN: Iya lovesss! I wanted to write an imagine based of this scene in BR as it was one of my favorites, although that might have been because Ben Hardy being protective is everything I needed in my life. I hope you guys enjoy!

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Word count;1400(ish) 

It was a party like you’d never seen before. The  house, normally so clean and empty except for Cats and Freddie’s piano, was  now full of exotically dressed people that you’d never seen before. Women  with sparkles adorned on their bare chests and heads, men wearing brightly  colored top hats and Stage makeup, their eyes popping with excitement. The place was already a mess of streamers, empty glasses and spillages of colors that made you instinctively avoid them. As you walked in, a waiter offered  you a drink. It tasted strong and expensive, but you downed it not wanting to  seem rude. The sound was so dense against your ears you didn’t hear anyone  talking to you until someone spoke low in your ear “fancy exploring?”

Roger Taylor’s White jacket and shoulder length  blonde hair seemed to shine in the low lighting of the hundreds of fairy  lights. His blue irises had darkened with attraction as he pulled you close.  His cologne was intoxicating and gorgeous; it made you weak at the knees.  You leaned into him, playing with his collar “and why would we do  that?” 

“So, we could finish what we started earlier,”  His voice graveled slightly as he lent down and brushed his lips over the  soft spot on your neck where the hickey he left earlier was covered by  makeup. A chill of euphoria shot over your skin. He smiled knowingly. For a  moment the pair of you forgot that you were stood in the lobby filled with  hundreds of people, all of whom recognized the drummer. His finger pads  stroked down your back as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You  desperately wanted the pair of you to go into a dark corner so you could  explore each other, and judging by Rogers heightened breathing he was  thinking the same. 

“Roger you’ve been here for five minutes, can you  PLEASE refrain from ripping Y/N clothes off until we say Hi to  Freddie?” 

Brian, Deaky and their wives were all watching  with varying expressions of embarrassment, humor and annoyance. You laughed;  Roger uttered a whine of frustration. 

“C’mon” you untangled yourself and held out your  hand “let’s go find Freddie.”

“But- “

“We’ll finish this later.” 

“You promise?” Roger smiled. 

You winked “I promise.” Biting his lip Roger took  your hand and followed you. Your group of six squeezed through the swelling  crowd as you went from room to room. You were followed by yells of  recognition, screams of excitement and calls of devotion to the band mates of  Queen. A lot of girls particularly screamed for Roger. As always, he was  polite and laughed off their drunken advances, but when he could he would  smile at you reassuringly and never he never let go of your hand. 

Eventually you reached what Freddie liked to call  his “entertainment room” where beautifully stitched sofas and marble  counter-topped coffee tables huddled around in a circle in the center of the  room. These were covered with haphazard trays of finger foods and abandoned  half drank glasses of champagne. The carelessness of wealth seemed odd in a  room where so many times you’d spent time with your friends, playing cards  and cuddling Freddie’s cats.  It was alien, and totally unlike Freddie,  and the look on Rogers face matched the same look of surprise.

Standing on the largest table In the center of the  room was the host, Freddie Mercury. He was dressed, naturally, as a Queen. A bejeweled crown sat on his messy curls, his chest bare underneath the  matching velvet jacket also adorned with jewels and Patches. When he saw you,  his face broke into his iconic wide smile.

“Look who’s late now Darlings!” He jumped down  and embraced his fellow band mates, kissing the wives on the cheek and then  coming up to you last. “I can see that Mary helped you with your outfit  choice,” he smiled at your off the shoulder red body con dress and black belt  that synced your waist in “you look ravishing.”

“Thank you, Fred!” You smiled, kissing him on the  cheek. He passed you another drink and offered you an open seat. You went to sit, but Roger gently pulled you onto his lap; shuffling his legs so you  rested comfortably against his chest. Your temples gently knocked his shoulder as you cuddled into him.

“What’s with the party Fred?” Roger asked. 

Freddie shrugged “I wanted to cause a mess,  something as wild and eccentric as me.”

“Well you’ve achieved that,” Deaky said as he  watched a man walking on his hands juggle empty champagne bottles with his  feet to wild cheers from the audience. 

 “Fabulous isn’t it?” 

“If you say so.” Brian laughed. Just then Paul  appeared, smiling with his flashy grin. No one smiled back. You felt Rogers  chest rise more as he bristled with annoyance. You rubbed the side of his leg  trying to keep him calm, but to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid  you didn’t get up to move to greet  Paul like Freddie did. 

“Everyone enjoying the party?” Paul’s Irish Lilt  slurred slightly as he filled up Freddie’s glass. Roger offered his glass to  be filled, but Paul didn’t fill it. Instead he moved so he was closer to  Freddie, his eyes shining with glee.

 “You’re starting to look like each other” Brian  pointed to the matching mustaches. 

“What’s wrong with that Brian?” Paul asked, but  his gaze had hardened. Unperturbed, Brian’s tone had a slight bite 

“You’re supposed to be in a rock band Freddie.”

 Freddie ignored him. He was too busy listening to  the music blasting from the other room. 

“Come on! Let’s dance.”

“I don’t dance” Brian said. The conversation  muddled in a chorus of story-telling of Brian’s dancing, but you noticed that  Roger wasn’t speaking. You lent closer to him so your conversation couldn’t  be over heard “you alright love?”

 “He’s really pissing me off,” Roger scowled. You  didn’t need to ask who he was. 

“Take my drink,” you offered your glass “I’m not  feeling it right now.”

“You okay?” Rogers eyes flashed with worry “we  can leave if you want.”

You shook your head “I just don’t like being  around Paul too much that’s all. You know I think he’s a creep.”

It was instinctive for Roger to tighten his hold  on you, wanting you to feel safer.He played with the hem of your dress, “Want to go do that exploring  instead?” 

You giggled “is that all you’re thinking off?”

“It doesn’t help that you’re sat on me,” Roger winked “all I can think about is you.” 

The conversation was starting to get louder, so  now was the time to sneak away. Wriggling to stand you grabbed Rogers hand  once more and pulled him up. 

“We’re gonna go actually” Roger called as he went  to drag you away, but Freddie blocked him. 

“Roger don’t be dull-if you were anymore dull  you’d be Deaky.” 

“What you complaining at?” Roger frowned “You’ve  got your little pet.” He shot a dark look at Paul, who’d slid over to listen in. There was something about him that caused you to grip onto Rogers hand  harder, and this caused Roger to hate him even more. 

There was a shift in Freddie’s jubilant facade.  He now looked hurt, almost irritated. “I have, and he’s loyal. Loyalty is so  important,” he turned to look at you “wouldn’t you say Y/N?” 

“Careful Fred,” Roger Warned. His tone didn’t  change, but his free hand had curled into a fist. He’d also pulled you in a  bit closer, shielding you with his body from Paul, who wasn’t attempting to  hide the joy in his face as he watched the two friends fight. You tugged  Rogers hand and he pushed past Freddie, still keeping you close. You were  able to thank Freddie for the party before they were lost in the crowd, and  so you just concentrated on the mess of blonde hair that guided you up the  stairs to the top floor landing. As you’d climbed up the stairs the groups of  people had dwindled until it was just the occasional couple kissing on the  stairs or someone snoring loudly in a drunken mess.

Roger pulled you so the two of you were in  shadow, his eyes wide. “I’m sorry Fred said that” he said. “It’s the drugs.  He doesn’t mean it.”

“I know,” you nodded. You both stood there,  breathing in a second and allowing your ears to get used to lack of noise  pressure. 

“Your makeup’s smudged,” Roger smiled, gently  swiping a thumb back over on the patch on your neck. The bruise blossomed on  your skin. Once again Rogers eyes darkened. He leaned in and locked his lips  with yours, and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.  Roger hummed softly  against your lips as he pressed every inch of his  body against yours. You leaned Into him, your hair tangling with his as you  two become more and more out of control. When he breaks the kiss Rogers hands  were shaking with desire as he cupped your face. “I think there’s a room over  there.”

You raised your eyebrows “aren’t you wanting to  go home to do it?”

“I can’t wait that long,” he sighed, and he  started to gently push until your back was to the door. You fiddled for the  Door knob and cried with soft delight when it opened. Not even looking to see  if it was empty.  you pulled Roger into the darkness, enjoying the way  his lips felt against your neck as you picked up where you left it off. 
