#roger taylorben hardy


Overview: You and Ben take Frankie on a winter beach walk :) 

A/N: It’s been a while I know. Who would’ve thought being in your final yea of A-Levels actually meant you had to work? I’m back on top (at least for the moment) so I am catching up on the some writing so hopefully I’ll upload some more soon. Since my last imagine there are a lot more of you so this is just a quick Hi and thank you for reading my stuff it really means a lot. I hope you like this imagine too. If you have any requests send me a message :) 

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Word count:1615

Frankie was barking with wild excitement. His head kept popping up from the boot, no matter how many times you asked him to get down. When he saw the glittering mass of sea the dog got so excited, he started barking at the window, only stopping when he got too excited and smacked his head on the window.

“Is he alright?” Ben whipped his head around.

“Watch the road!” You laughed, lightly pushing his cheek to look forward “and he’s fine. Ok, next right.”

The music blasted from the speaker of your old car, the bass so strong it was causing the tub of chewing gum to vibrate violently.

“Remind me why we had to drive your old car?” Ben half asked, half yelled.

“It’s a tradition! I always come to the beach in this car.” Your feet stretched further on the dashboard, looking over at Ben who eyes were back on the road. Damn, he looked cute; particularly when he chuckled at your last comment, shaking his head slightly. As he continued to drive to the shore, your chest felt warm. It felt great to be home.

 As soon as you pulled into the makeshift car park and the engine spluttered off Frankie was at it again, scratching against the boot door and whining. You opened the door and he shot off like a cork. Ben called him to stop and the dog skidded to a halt, kicking sand up into a small hazy cloud. The car park was deserted, normality in the middle of February. The tracks of car tyres and dragged body boards with pattering’s of feet had been dusted away, making the place seem almost forgotten. It made your blood tingle with excitement. That was until You peered into the boot and groaned “oh noooo.”


“I didn’t bring enough layers,” you shook your head “I’m such an idiot it’s freezing.”

“But Ben, I never get cold at the beach,” your boyfriend mimicked you higher pitch voice “The beach was practically my bedroom when I lived here.”

“Oh, you’re so FUNNY!” after failing to think of a comeback all you could do was mock his laugh. Ben’s face softened.” I’ll keep you warm love” he grabbed your hand and tucked It into the nook of his elbow, yelling at Frankie to stop sniffing and start walking.

Light grey clouds scuttled across the sky, a watery sun peaking through the cracks onto the deserted beach. It was nearly golden hour and a chilling breeze lapped at the sparkling water. The scent of salt stuck in your nostrils. Frankie, too excited to stay with you, bolted down the sandy path and shot towards the water. His bark caused seagulls to fly from where they stood, cawing indignantly. You and Ben took your time, him holding onto your hand so you wouldn’t slip on the crumbling sand dunes. Voices raised to be heard over the wind you two huddled close together as you walked by the shore. Occasionally Ben would break away to throw Frankie his tennis ball; bowing when you’d applaud a particularly long shot. His cheeks were flushed pink with cold but he was grinning widely, his blonde hair tangling into a messy mop. One time you stretched out to fix it but he swatted away “I want the beach look,” he laughed. It was nice to see him so relaxed. Back in the city Ben rarely had time to stop; if it wasn’t a movie then it was interviews, dinners with directors, gala or benefit nights. They were fun, but it was always work. Here, he could concentrate on him and you. Being just your boyfriend, not working you into his schedule like you’re some kind of business partner.

“I can see why you and your friends would come here,” he said, “It really is beautiful.”

“My friends mum owns the beach café on the hill” you pointed to the cliff that curved towards the sea “we used to spend all summer making bonfires and eating free chips.”

“Please say she’ll give us free chips,” Ben groaned.

You shrugged “She might give them to me.”

“Will she change her mind if I use my full name?”

“Using your fame for free food?” you pretended to wipe tears from your eyes “I’m so proud.”

An older couple were strolling in the opposite direction. They wore matching green coats and walked with the lack of purpose that was common on a Sunday afternoon. They smiled sweetly at you and Ben, the way that you cuddled into each other, your paths weaving haphazardly when one of you would laugh so hard, you’d stumble. The wife turned to her husband and asked if he remembered what it was like to be that young and in Love. The husband looked over, saw the way you’d steal kisses and how Ben would jump on your back in a piggyback motion, roaring with laughter when you’d almost topple over head first into the sand. A small light haired dog yapped by the sea shore in delight, biting at the waves and looking confused when he wasn’t unsuccessful.  The husband looked back at his wife and smiled. Yes, he said, I still feel like that now. He loved the way his wife blushed,linking her hand with his. They continued to walk across the beach, the sound of you two ringing in their ears.

 “Did you see that couple walking along the beach?” you asked, dusting sand off your knees and upper thighs-it had already gritted into your wellie boots. “They were so cute. Do you think you’ll still love me when I’m that age?”

“I’ve got to be with you until we’re like that?”


“I have no doubt about it,” Ben winked. He got distracted saw his dog splashing in the froth “Frankie,” he sloshed over to scratch behind his dog’s ears “You coming?” he called to you still on the shore. You shook your head and tried to protest, but Ben wouldn’t hear it. “Come on,” he grabbed your hand and dragged you in.

“Ben nooo” you tried to pull back but your boyfriend was persistent. 

“If you don’t stop whining, I’ll push you.”

“You wouldn’t.”

He wiggled his eyebrows before gently pushing your shoulder “oops.”

“Stop it.”

He did it again, harder. “My bad.”

“Ben,” you shoved him and he stumbled, causing seawater to slosh onto his jeans.

“Oh, you wanna play that game?” light shoving dissolved into a play fight, pushing hard enough to stumble but not to fall over-that was until your boot slipped into a dent in the sea floor. You wobbled, gasped, and fell with a soft smack into the sea. Instantly your skin numbed with cold, skin and clothing sticking together like glue. Your eyes stung with salt as you gasped for air. Although you couldn’t see you could hear Ben laughing hysterically.

“Oh my- “

“I’m so sorry,” Ben gasped “You just…. you” he couldn’t finish his sentence as he fell into silent laughter.

“BEN!” You watched your boyfriend flailing about, clutching his sides and his laugh becoming higher and higher with hysteria. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” When you stood up your clothes made a sucking gloop before starting to pour like a shower. Your teeth started to chatter. “I’m so cold.”

“I wish I’d filmed it.”

“I have no spare clothes. I’m cold and wet and I have no clothes. DON’T YOU DARE MAKE A JOKE,” you pointed warningly. Ben closed his mouth again. When you tried to walk out of the sea more water trickled down your stomach. Tears pricked at your eyes. “I’m cold.”

“Oh Y/N” Ben’s face softened as he saw how upset you were. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

“You got me wet,” you whined.

“I’m not going to make a joke, I’m not going to make a joke,” he closed his eyes and shook his head smirking. Ben followed you as you went out to the sand, then started to take off his jacket. Ordering you to take off your wet clothes he pulled off his big hoodie, goosebumps already littering his skin “Here.” Without hesitation, you pulled the jumper over your head. Although the warmth spread across your skin that wasn’t enough for Ben, who pulled you into his chest and wrapped his coat around so you were smooshed into his chest. He rubbed his hands violently on your back. You moaned softly as the warmth made your skin itch slightly. Ben rested his chin on your forehead, drawing you closer as your shakes subsided. He didn’t want to let go though. “Warmer?”

“Much warmer.”

“You’ll laugh about this one day.”

You poked at his side, causing him to jerk “ow! Okay maybe not.”

“Stop moving I’m getting cold again,” you smiled.

“You were the one who made me move!”

“You pushed me into the sea so I win this argument.”

Ben shook his head but he was smiling. You lodged your chin onto Ben’s chest, admiring this angle of his jaw and lashes. “Wanna go get those chips now?”

“In a minute. I want to hold you like this for just a bit longer.”

In the background, Frankie was barking at a seagull. The waves crashed onto the sand. The sun was starting to set, staining the sky a burnt orange and smudged with grey clouds. The jumper was soft against your skin, and you already knew you were going to steal this jumper. Ben felt a wave of calm with you in his arms, your heart beating against his chest.

 “I would push you in the sea a thousand times more if it meant I could hold you like this.”

“So, you admit you pushed me on purpose?” you teased.

“Just shut up and let me kiss you.”

“With pleasure.” 

“I’ve got better things to do with my Saturdays…” Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor X Reader


Overview: The night that you, your boyfriend Roger Taylor and band mate Brian May meet Freddie is one to remember 

A/N: Iya lovesssss! I have been in such a writing mood the past few days it’s insane. I’ve planned loads but all I’ve been thinking about is Ben Hardy so I hope you’ve been enjoying the content. The support the guys have been giving me is incredible and I cannot thank you all enough. Hope you enjoy.

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Word count:1900

The crescendo of clashing symbols cut through the  screaming crowd. Even though you’d seen the band play dozens of times, you  couldn’t help but jump around with everyone else, clapping until your hands  were numb and red. There wasn’t a single person in the pub that wasn’t going  wild. Brian, Roger and Tim all beamed widely, their jubilance clear even in  the low lighting. Girls were swooning in the front row, one almost fainted.  “Thank you everyone!” Tim yelled into the microphone “We are smile,  GOODNIGHT!”

 The crowd roared. Brian and Tim bowed and walked  off the stage, slipping out back stage door and out of sight. Roger  hesitated. He stood and waved at a couple of people, throwing his drumsticks  at a pair of screaming girls. He looked up and his eyes met yours. You waved,  and his face broke into the biggest grin of the night. You giggled at the  slight blush that dusted his cheeks, but he stood his ground and pointed  directly at you with one strong arm. There were wolf whistles in your  direction but he didn’t care; he winked, grinned cheekily, and then bounded  off stage after his friends. The crowd started to disperse, most going to the  bar to get a drink. Everyone was in high spirits, talking excitedly about how  great the band were. It made you so happy knowing how much they were loved;  their talents finally being recognised. Normally you’d wait until the  equipment had been packed away before seeing the boys, but this time you  couldn’t wait. you battled against the crowd and slipped out the back.  The security guard nodded you through. Weaving through the corridors the  summer air hit you, as you walked out into an old courtyard. your legs  shivered slightly-you’d only worn a skirt and a t-shirt. 

 The boys were sat in the back of their van,  surrounded by speakers and instrument cases. You walked over to them,  smiling. Roger stopped the conversation when he saw you. “It’s your number  one fan!” You smiled. Roger’s face softened as he threw his arms around you,  nuzzling into your neck playfully. He felt both his heart and pulse quicken,  and it wasn’t because of the performance high. You kissed his jaw lightly and  you drew apart, but you kept your hands clasped around his waist. Tucking a  loose stand of hair behind your ear, the drummer smiled “enjoyed the show?”

“You guys were so good” you gushed.

“Thanks Y/N” Brian smiled. Tim didn’t say  anything. He was always the broodier one of the band, and therefore your  least favourite member. You turned back to Roger. “Did you see me in the  crowd?”

“You were all I was looking at.”

 He smelt faintly of sweat, but it wasn’t  off-putting. “I’ll go get us some celebratory drinks,” you smiled “my treat.”

Brian and Roger exclaimed joyfully; Tim just  nodded. Kissing Roger quickly You left the three and jogged back inside to  the mass of bodies, all a lot louder and drunker. Stu at the bar recognised  you, so when he saw you, he came over and asked if you wanted the usual.  Giving him the money, you left a minute later with four bottles of beer  balanced precariously in your arms. You were able to dodge most of the crowd;  that was until you thought you heard someone call your name and you turned to  bang into someone’s chest. One of the beers sloshed onto his shoe.

“I am so sorry!” You gasped

The man wasn’t annoyed though. He smiled, and your  eyes naturally drew to the large teeth poking out of his lip. When he smiled,  the teeth became even bigger, but it was so charming that you felt your lips  tug up to match him. 

”its fine,” the man reassured ”looks like you’ve  got a handful anyway.”

You nodded. Still clutching onto the bottlenecks  you freed a finger to waggle ”I like your outfit.”

His eyes shined as he absentmindedly stroked the  blue jacket that matched with his flared trousers. ”Thanks.”

 You smiled, apologised once more, and then continued  on your way through the crowd, this time taking more care and not spilling  any more as you made your way back outside. 

You didn’t expect to see the band rounded on each  other, an amalgamation of anger and hurt etched on Brian and Roger’s  faces. 

 ”humpy bong?”

 “humpy bong, ” Tim nodded ”They’re going places,  they’re gonna be big.”

 “Humpy bong. Are you Joking?” Roger spat, his  eyes flashing with rage. 

“Don’t do it, Tim, ” Brian begged. But Tim’s face  was set, and you noticed his guitar and amp were packed in their travel cases  by his side. He shouldered his guitar. ”I’m sorry guys but we’re not going  anywhere with this. What college gigs, pubs?” He shrugged, and the victim  card became obvious. He was trying to make it seem like it wasn’t a big  deal-he was a coward as well as I quitter. ” I’ve got to give it a go.”

 You didn’t watch Tim as he walked past you,  didn’t catch was he said. Neither were you watching Brian shake his head in  defeat and sit with his hands running through his hair in frustration. 

You were watching Roger. He was standing there,  hands slack by his side, watching the retreating back of Tim. His face a  moment ago full of anger, was now crinkled in disappointment. He looked like  he’d just lost someone close to him, and in some ways, he had-he loved his  band and he’d just watched it crumble to ruin.

You placed the drinks on an amp and slowly walked  up to him. Clocking you the drummer tried to drag up a smile. ”I guess you  just heard all of that.”

”I’m so sorry babe, ” you whispered. you pulled  him close, one hand rubbing soothingly on his back and the other cupping his  jaw. He closed his eyes and moved to kiss your wrist-there was nothing else  he could say. He was breathing deliberately, trying to calm himself down. He  rested his forehead against yours, and you didn’t move until his chest rose  and fell at a more normal rate. 

You understood that he wanted a second. Instead,  you walked over to sit next to Brian, offering him a beer which he  took. 

”Tim’s an asshole.”

”he is, ” Brian exhaled a laugh. 

”you’ll find someone new. Someone better.”

Brian patted your knee in a friendly manner, but  he still looked crestfallen. 

 ”I think he’s right, ” Roger said. He’d lite a  cigarette, and the smoke billowed around his face. He went to sit down in the  van, pausing to move your legs so they were draped over his lap. ”The show  was a load of bollocks.”

 Brian frowned ”I mean, there was room for  improvement yea.”

 “I’ve got better things to do with my Saturdays,  ” Roger’s hand moved a little higher up your thigh, just under the hem of  your skirt ”I could give you her name.” 

He winked at you. You tried not to show on your  face how that affected you. He took another drag on his cigarette, but he was  smiling cheekily now. Brian rolled his eyes. 

Someone stopped by the van. It was the guy you  bumped into in the bar. He recognised you and smiled, and you smiled back.  His gaze went to the band. 

“Enjoyed the show.”

 “Thanks, mate, ” Roger said. 

 “Thank you.” Brian smiled. 

 “I’ve been following you for a while actually.”  the man confessed, shuffling slightly with awkwardness ”Smile. makes sense  for a dental student.” he nodded at Roger, who looked surprised. He turned to  go Brian ”and you’re Astrophysics aren’t you?”


 “Makes you the clever one, ” the man grinned  cheekily. Brian’s brows shot up, but there was humour in his tone when he  turned to Rogers look of slight put out 

”Yea I suppose it does.”

 You laughed. When Roger frowned at you, tongue in  cheek, you rubbed his arm comfortingly, still smiling. 

 I’m Freddie, ” the man, Freddie, introduced ”I  study design. Also, I write songs. Might be of interest to you.” he pulled  out a wad of folded paper from his back pocket, showed it, then blushed and  stowed it away again. ”It’s just a bit of fun really.”

 “You’re 5 minutes too late.”

 “Our lead singer just quit.” Brian shook his  head. Roger drank some beer. Freddie’s eyes, however, had suddenly lit up. He  caught your eye and you grinned, goading him on. 

 “So you’ll need someone new.”

 “Any ideas?” 

 Freddie paused. And then, he threw his head back,  hand on hip and no doubt shaking his voice. ”what about me?” 

 Roger laughed. ”Uh, not with those teeth mate.”

 Freddie’s face fell. You smacked Rogers arm. He spilled beer down his shirt, which made him yelp. ”don’t be a dick, ” you  frowned. Roger went to protest, but you shook your head. You very rarely got  annoyed by him, and in those moments he had learnt to do what you said. To  show he was sorry he circled his thumb against your skin as he turned back to  Freddie. 

 This didn’t phase Freddie. Instead, he steadied  himself, opened his mouth, and started to sing. 

 ”I know what I’m doing……. I got a feeling I  should be doing all right……”

 Your jaw dropped. His voice was incredible, rich  and full and it hung like warm air in summer. The three of you looked at one  another. And then, Brian and Roger sang, and the harmony blended together so  well it caused goosebumps to erupt all over your skin 

 ”…..doing all right.”


”He was amazing!” you exclaimed, carrying one of  Roger’s symbols out to the van. Freddie was coming tomorrow for his first  rehearsal, and Brian couldn’t contain his excitement. Roger carried the last  of the drum set into the car, slammed the doors and locked it. He leaned against the van, ”you were right. About Freddie. The guys good.”

 ”I’m always right, ” you grinned. Roger Smiled,both hands in his pockets.

”want to celebrate?” 

”does that mean going back to yours and having sex?”

”You said it, not me.” be reached out and grabbed you by your belt, pulling you in close enough for the smell of cigarettes to waft over you. ”You going to stay the night then gorgeous?”

”I’ve already called sick of work.”

Roger closed his eyes and mouthed ”yes”, causing  you to laugh. He lent forward and kissed you, knocking any breath out of  your chest. His hand stroked your cheek but refrained from doing any more for  fear of being seen in public. He led you around to the passenger door and  helped you inside. Racing around to the back he hopped into the driving seat  and put the car in gear. 

“I’m sorry I need one more, ” he groaned.  He grabbed your face and  kissed you again, this time more passionate and desperate. Fingers  tangled in hair and Roger’s hip ached with pain as it banged against the gear stick but he didn’t care. The feeling of your chest rising and falling heavily made his body scream with longing. “How quick can you get back to yours?” you breathed. 

Roger smirked against your swollen lips ”I could get there in 15  minutes.” 

”make it 10.”
