#rolls up sleeves



Week 6 (July 25th to July 31st)


In which one or both characters is ill or injured.

What’s this and how do I join?

This is a challenge to create tropey Hackle (Ada Cackle/Hecate Hardbroom) fanworks! Basically, create a Hackle fanwork that uses this trope (any type of fanwork, any style, any setting, any length, any spin on the trope, any anything!), post it to Tumblr when it’s done, and tag it #hackle summer trope challenge. You are also welcome to add fanworks to the AO3 collection. That’s pretty much it! For a bit more detail, see HERE.


A life with love throughout and love trumps hate.



Welcome to the Yes to Sakura Project! Since our journey has recently concluded with the anime adaptation of Naruto - the Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, now is the best time to show our appreciation of Sakura (née Haruno) Uchiha’s character to Masashi Kishimoto, the author of the original manga, and Studio Pierrot, who brought us stunning animation for presumably the last arc of her story. #yestosakura

How to Participate

  1. Write down your message on a piece of paper and sign with your social media handle and country of residence. (For example: Tumblr: yestosakura, USA; Twitter: JaneDoe, France etc.)
  2. Take a picture of your handwritten message, you can use anything Sakura- or NARUTO- related as background as long as you legally own it: your manga volumes, DVDs, games, figures, fanart drawn by yourself, or even your own cosplay. 
  3. Upload it to Tumblr or Twitter, tagging @yestossakura or you can directly submit to us at [email protected]. Accepted submissions will be printed and binded (Japanese translations included in caption).



Rules and Specifications

  1. Be positive. The project is intended to show our love for our favorite character and our appreciation to everyone who has brought her to life. (Polite inquiries about future appearances or merchandise are fine).
  2. Make sure what you have written is legible in the picture.
  3. Keep it safe for work.
  4. Please do not use shipping names. If you want to write about SasuSaku, use Sasuke and Sakura instead.
  5. For your own safety, please don’t include any sensitive personal information.
  6. We recommend a resolution of at least 640 x 480. If you aren’t sure, always send the original picture to us.

Spreading the message through likes and reblogs of this post is helpful, but remember that the only way for this project to succeed is for Sakura fans to create a message for us to translate and bind into the book. 

That’s it! If you have any questions please feel free to email, leave an ask, or send a tweet our way! We will be happy to clarify any confusion and help you create a message if you’re unsure how to go about it. If you are not comfortable with English or know a non-English speaker who would like to participate please contact us so we can work to help you create your message. Thank you all for your support! 
