#romancing the vote


Romancelandia kicks ass, Romancing the Vote edition.

Sorry it’s been a while. I will finish my fics. I WILL finish my fics. Eventually. But first, democracy!

I was proud to participate in Romancing the Runoff from the beginning- see Vogue article for how that went. Nobody expected it to be as big of A Thing as it ended up being. The tipping point was probably when one of the organizers got an email from Neil Gaiman, and everyone collectively freaked out. (note: I am not an organizer, I am far too antisocial and disorganized to do that kind of work.) Anyway, it was fun, at a time when a lot of people were not having a whole lot of fun, and you should consider joining us if you like fun, democracy, and/or kissing books. Ideally all of the above.

Why Stacey Abrams?

She’s a romance author and all-around badass.

Who are the organizers?

Kit Rocha,Alyssa Cole, and Courtney Milan.

I’m proud to be participating again. You can too! Submit donation items*here:https://www.subscribepage.com/romancingthevote

If you haven’t experienced Romancelandia’s Wakanda royal guard-style enthusiasm, now is your chance! You don’t have to write romance, btw. See: Neil Gaiman. Nor do you need to be a famous author; they accepted my donation, and I’m a nobody.

*Note that donate an item, you must be a U.S. citizen and cannot be a federal contractor.

