#romione trope fest



Romione Trope Fest - 2022 Masterlist

Sixth Year AU:

Stuck Together:

Fuck or Die:

Fake Dating

DH Missing Moment

Second Kiss

Marriage Law


Can’t get enough of Romione second kiss? Neither can we!


Title: Kiss Each Other Clean

Author Name: RonsGirlFriday (tumblr: constitutionalweasleymonarchy)

Trope: Second kiss

Summary: The battle is over and all Hermione wants is to wash it all off of her. A chaste Romione shower scene in which all the important bits stay covered up but everything else is stripped away.

Word count: 4253

Rating: T

Trigger warnings: none


Voldemort was defeated and all Hermione wanted to do was take a shower.

It was an inane thought, and she felt all at once repulsed and tempted to let out a delirious laugh at how trivial it was.

But she couldn’t shake it. Not the first time she really allowed herself to sit down when the battle was over. Not when Harry found her and Ron and the three escaped the Great Hall together. Not after their visit to the Headmaster’s office.

She was covered in dirt and blood, sweat and tears, and the more she thought about it the less she could stand it. She just needed to wash it all off of her — the reminder of everything that had just happened — the death — her skin crawled with it.

Seven flights of stairs ought to have been nothing after the last several hours — months — of hell, and yet the climb to the boys’ dormitory was the exact moment her body decided to suggest to her, Mmm, perhaps we’ve had enough?

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MY HEART. This was so beautifully written


We hope you love this Stuck Together from @cheesyficwriter!


Fic Title: Stuck in the Castle

Author Name: cheesyficwriter

Selected Trope: Stuck Together

Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione continue their holiday break in the castle, free from any other classmates or distractions. 

Word Count: 2,323

Rating: T

Any Trigger Warnings: N/A

A/N: Written for Adenei, a follow-up to the fic I submitted for the HPRomione Discord Secret Santa, “Hogwarts for Christmas”. 

Stuck in the Castle

It’s official. Her brain is no longer working properly.

A million thoughts race through Hermione’s overactive mind. She slides her teeth over her lips to stop the gasp from escaping her mouth. A cacophony of Flobberworms flit around in her stomach, and she tucks a curl behind her ear in an attempt to catch her bearings. 

It’s Christmas Day, and Professor McGonagall has informed Ron and Hermione that they are forbidden to go outside the castle, no matter the circumstance. The snowy weather went from a winter wonderland to extreme conditions in a matter of days, making it far too dangerous for anyone to subject themselves to the frigid temperatures for longer than necessary. 

Ron has been disgruntled by this news all morning, and not even the parcel of sweets he received from his mum and dad can cheer him up. She studies him from his spot across the room, observing the pensive look that crosses his face when two of the enchanted pieces on the board smash violently into one another. 

Totally barbaric. 

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It’s me again I wrote this little follow-up to a previous fic of mine, Hogwarts for Christmas, per @adenei ’s request! Hope you enjoy ❤


Enjoy a solid Fuck or Die from @reallybeth9!


Fic Title- Treasure
Author Name- reallybeth
Selected Trope- fuck or die
Brief Summary- 

Ron leaned his head down so that his forehead was resting on her bare shoulder.

“Hermione?” he asked, his voice timid.


“Are you mine?”

Word Count- 5,704
Rating- Explicit

Welcome to my fuck or die!

As always, I bow down to the cheese, because Cheesy, once again, was kind enough to beta this!


“You really think one is in there?” Ron asked, his voice doubtful.

“He hid the locket in a cave, didn’t he?” Harry replied, his fingers on the destroyed object he wore around his neck. “It’s not a far stretch that he would hide another the same way.”

The three stood and stared into the open mouth of a large cave, all of them able to feel the magic that was radiating from within. The high of finally having the means to destroy Horcruxes had quickly worn off once they remembered they still had others to find, although the relief of not having the locket around helped ease those concerns.

“There’s definitely a lot of magic coming from inside,” Hermione reluctantly agreed. “But, Harry, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s dark magic.”

“Well. I guess we’ll see then, won’t we?” Harry said grimly, his face set in determination. 

Hermione knew Harry was dead set on finding and destroying the rest of the Horcruxes, and the stress of not knowing where they were located was bothering him the most. Her eyes then went to Ron, and the two shared a look that they’d shared hundreds of times before. It was a look that meant they were both concerned about their best friend, and how quick he was to jump into unknown danger without giving it proper thought beforehand. 

“Alright.” Hermione nodded, her eyes still locked on Ron’s even as she spoke to Harry. “If you believe there’s a possibility one is in there, then let’s go.”

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And a piece of Romione treasure it was! Holy hotness


We lovethis missing moment!


Fic Title: Anywhere With You

Author Name:ImSoRomione

Selected Trope: DH Missing Moment

Brief Summary: One-Shot of Ron and Hermione talking about places they’d rather be than the cold, miserable tent during the Horcrux Hunt. 

Word Count:1406


Trigger Warnings: Discussion of hunger and a mention of throwing up


Anywhere With You

The rain dripped steadily on the canvas of the tent. It felt like it was seeping into everything. The very air surrounding them thicker, heavier, sodden down. Every breath Hermione took felt like breathing in fog. Or a cloud. Her skin had started to feel permanently clammy, cold to the touch. 

The small cups of broth she had been able to scrape together for an early dinner hardly brought any lasting warmth for any of them. Harry, stuck in one of his locket-clad silences, had taken his tin of soup to the mouth of the tent to sit watch. 

Ron had barely moved from his spot on the couch for the better part of the afternoon. Hermione carefully carried over two cups, carefully placing one in Ron’s outstretched hand. His fingers overlapped hers for a moment. She almost startled at the warmth, the dry brush of skin. It was such a stark contrast to how she’d been feeling for days now.

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Ahhh my heart! This was beautiful ❤


Enjoy this Fuck or Die from @mertronus!


Fic Title: Night Howlers
Author Name: Mertronus
Selected Trope: FOD
Brief Summary: The trio are on the hunt and know they’re safest on their own in the tent…until a new threat changes that.
Word Count: 4262
Rating: E
Any Trigger Warnings: none

“Before we end with you all tonight,” Lee Jordan was saying over the wireless, “we have one more urgent message from Romulus.”

“Thanks River.” Ron, Harry and Hermione all leaned in a bit as Remus Lupin’s voice came over the airwaves. They’d been so excited when Ron finally cracked the code, and they were able to get updates on what was going on in their world. They’d heard from Kingsley Shacklebolt, “Royal”, on the state of the Muggles, from Lupin about their friends and family, and from Fred, or “Rapier” regarding sightings of You-Know-Who.

Now, Lupin was back with something important. The trio glanced at one another warily, noting the grim tone of his voice. Hermione shivered, despite the many warming charms that had been set in the tent.

“It has come to my attention that tonight will be the third full moon of the year. Every thirty years on this night, the Night Howlers are on the prowl.”

Ron and Harry exchanged a look.

“Night Howlers?” Hermione repeated. The boys knew by the expression on her face that she’d read about them, and was trying to recall what she’d read.

“Please be vigilant, friends, and find cover in a magical building if you…must. While Night Howlers do not seek out children, they do seek the most innocent of adults. I repeat, if you fall into this category, then your safety will rely on taking cover in a magical building, as not even the strongest enchantments over yourselves or something slight such as a tent will prevent Night Howlers from smelling the blood of innocent magical adults. And I believe that You-Know-Who is counting on that fact.”

“Thank you, Romulus,” Lee took over. “Hopefully those listening find a way to remain safe before nightfall.”

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Well, that was just brilliant and hot and sweet and funny I loved it all.


A Weight Off My Chest

Of course, @edie-k nails this second kiss!


Title: A Weight Off My Chest

Author: Edie K.

Trope: Second Kiss

Rating: Teen for language and innuendo

Summary: A strappy vest forces Ron to have a difficult conversation.

Word Count: 2050


Ron exited the bathroom, footsteps careful and light. At this time of the night, everyone in the Burrow should be sound asleep. But Ron knew as well as anyone how hard it was to achieve that peace these days and didn’t want to be the one to disrupt it.

He spotted Ginny’s closed bedroom door and grimaced. Part of him wanted to crack the door and poke at his sister, but in the end he was too worried about what he would find. And really, they were doing him a favor.

After nearly losing both Harry and Hermione in the last two months, Ron’s selfish preference was to have them by his side at all times. But some things needed more leniency–that’s why Harry was in there with Ginny, and not Hermione.

On the first night back at the Burrow, he could see how uncomfortable it made Harry to share his room while Hermione slept in Ron’s bed. And Ginny had been shirty about sleeping in her room alone. So the next morning, Ron stuttered out a barely coherent request to Hermione, asking if she could fix the situation. She seemed to understand (though she gave him an amused look), and patted his chest, promising to talk to Harry.

He tiptoed up the stairs to his attic bedroom and the temperature climbed higher with each step. It was stuffy and warm, even for early May.

The benefit of the heat was that like him, Hermione ended up sleeping in vests and shorts. He couldn’t deny the thrill he got from her smooth legs brushing up against him in the night. Ron shook the thought away. Going down that path would not lead to him resuming sleep.

He entered his room, softly closing the door behind him. The room was much cooler than the stairway, thanks to Hermione’s brilliant spell work. He gently pulled back the light bed covers to slide in next to a sleeping Hermione and was greeted by—

Her bare left tit.

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Ron’s internal debate throughout this whole chapter was so brilliantly in character and hilarious! Loved this so much ❤


Today we present a wonderful missing moment from @reallybeth9!


Fic Title- Closer
Author Name- reallybeth
Selected Trope- DH missing moment 
Brief Summary- 

“I’m just worried about you,” he murmured.

“I know you are,” Hermione replied as she sat up further, scooting so that her knees touched his outer thigh. “But I’ll be okay. I’m tougher than I look, you know.”

Ron closed his eyes. “No shit,” he muttered, remembering what she had been through at Malfoy Manor just two days before.

He felt a featherlight touch on his jaw, and his eyes snapped open to find Hermione’s fingertips on him, her eyes searching his.

“I’m glad you’re the one taking care of me,” she whispered.

Word Count- 3,632
Rating- mature

Shell Cottage fics have been done about ten million times before, so naturally I decided to do one. It was supposed to be fluffy but somehow ended up a little smutty as well, but I do not apologize for that ;)

Cheesy (yeah, you’ve heard of her before) has graciously offered to beta this, so thanks to the nicest, cheesiest person in the world! She is also responsible for the title!!!


A terrified scream broke Ron out of a restless sleep, his body instantly shooting up from the chair he’d been dozing in. In less than two seconds, he’d jumped from the chair onto the small, twin sized bed and pulled Hermione’s writhing body to his. He held her tight, her screams sending bolts of tortuous agony straight to his heart. He’d never wanted to hear those screams again, and yet he had several times since they’d arrived at Shell Cottage, and twice already that night.

“Hermione. Hermione, it’s okay,” he soothed with his lips against her ear. “It’s not real. I’m here. I’m here.” 

He hoped his voice was calming even though his words were coming out broken. “I’m not going to let them hurt you again. Never again,” he promised.

Hermione’s screams stopped sooner than they had the last time. Ron released a breath of relief, his heart still hammering so hard against his chest that he felt faint.

“Ron?” Hermione croaked, her hands now clutching his shirt, pulling at it with a strength he was surprised she possessed after all she’d been through.

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❤❤ the best kind of emotional fluff!


We love a good second kiss, and this one from @mertronus does NOT disappoint!


Fic Title: Just Us
Author Name: Mertronus
Selected Trope: Second Kiss
Brief Summary: Hermione asks Ron if he remembers their second kiss. He does…doesn’t he?
Word Count: 1799
Rating: T (some language)
Any Trigger Warnings: none

“Do you remember our second kiss?” Hermione asked. She was curled up in Ron’s side, her finger tracing freckles on Ron’s bare chest. Her brown curls were spread across both pillows, not that Ron minded, and the scent of her vanilla shampoo filled his senses. Beneath the twisted sheets which were slightly damp from sweat, their legs were tangled together.

Ron sighed in post-coital bliss.

“Our…second kiss?” He asked, one eyebrow raised. “Are you choosing to forget our first?”

“Of course not,” Hermione huffed. “No one ever forgets their first.”

“You almost wanted to,” Ron mumbled under his breath.


“I said of course I remember our second kiss.” He smirked. “Best kiss of my life…in the back of that library.”

“What?!” Hermione sat up. “No it wasn’t! We never kissed in the library!”

“I-I mean in my room at the Burrow.” Ron was having a hard time keeping the smile off his face as he took on a scared expression.


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So so so sweet, I bloody loved this


The Taste of Your Lips

A DH Missing Moment for your dash!


Fic Title: The Taste of Your Lips

Author Name: @firethecanonsfanfictions (Fire The Canon)

Selected Trope: DH Missing Moment

Brief Summary: The day before Harry’s rescue from the Dursleys, Ron and Hermione go swimming. 

Word Count: 2507

Rating: It’s pretty tame? I don’t know what that rating is. G? PG?

Any trigger warnings: none, I don’t think

Thank you to @adenei for betaing this!

The Taste of Your Lips 

  The days were warm in the lead up to the plan for rescuing Harry. And they were busy.

  There was so much planning to be done, from who was going to travel with who, to planting the false information with the Ministry, to the more finer details such as the Portkeys.

  There was hardly any time for relaxing or thinking about anything else.

  Hermione didn’t mind, of course, because it was for a good cause, but her mind felt full. While others worried about getting Harry from his aunt and uncle safely, she and Ron also had the issue of the Horcruxes to worry about. 

  She had no idea when it’d be time to leave. Ideally after Bill and Fleur’s wedding, but she wasn’t taking her chances. In these times, something could happen at any moment and she was preparing for the worst. 

  She was packing — little things every few days. Clothes for herself and Ron — and for Harry when he got here. Books she thought they might need, a small medical kit because she wasn’t expecting it to be easy, wherever it was they went. 

  So, in what spare time she did have, she used it to prepare for other things. 

  She’d just come down to the pond by the Burrow to collect some of the weed in there. She hadn’t realised at first, thinking it to be just standard water weed, but her books bad alerted her to the fact that it contained a type with healing properties.

  She hadn’t asked, but she sure Mrs Weasley wouldn’t mind if it meant it could help them along their way (though she didn’t really have any intention of letting Ron’s mum know what was happening anyway). 

  “Hey. What are you doing?”

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Ahhh so close! This was beautiful ❤



Today, we have a unique take on Fuck or Die. We’d love to hear what you think!



Author Name: JohnMcHacker

Selected Trope: Fuck Or Die

Brief Summary: Ron Weasley is ready to finally fulfil the biggest fantasies of every young man on the planet. Hermione Granger has read enough out of books, and wants to see what the fuss is all about for herself. They’re both ready to take the next step in their physical relationship. But not like this – no, this wasn’t what they had thought it would be like at all…

This is my dark take on “Fuck Or Die”, a trope which I have always had reservations about. Happy ending, I promise.

Word Count: 14,122

Rating:Explicit (for triggers, violence, smut)

Trigger Warnings: Abduction, threat of rape and murder, discussion of non-consent, related angst, magical violence

Author’s note: I’d like to note that I didn’t write this to render a personal opinion on certain topics through fanfiction, something which I dislike and actively strive to avoid. What characters say can be right or wrong or both at once, there is a wide breadth of complexity and nuance to most any topic, and truth often lies somewhere in the middle of two (or more) extremes of opinion. This fic ultimately came about as a result of a plot bunny I thought was meaningful and worth exploring, and that’s really all there is to it.

That being said – I hope you ultimately enjoy reading this. Many thanks to the admins for organising the fest, particularly @be11atrixthestrange for answering my queries. I’d love very much to hear your comments and feedback – especially important this time round, given the subject – so as always, do please let me know what you think! Follow me on AO3 for a tad more light-hearted stuff.

* * *

0. Prologue


Ron Weasley’s wheezing breaths fill the room; thin, laboured gasping punctuated occasionally by wet, blood-flecked coughs.

Hermione Granger cradles his head on her lap, strokes his hair tenderly, the only thing she can do. All those brains, all that Hogwarts education, and the brightest witch of her age is completely powerless, completely helpless, imprisoned in a stripped-bare basement sans wand. Oh, for a thin wooden stick with a magical bit inside.

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Wow! All of the emotions ❤❤❤


No, not you

Finishing up today’s posts with another Sixth Year AU!! Follow @reallybeth9 for updates!


Fic Title- No, not you
Author Name- reallybeth
Selected Trope- 6th year AU
Brief Summary- It’s 6th year, and Hermione and Ron are finally on the same page after Ron and Lavender go their separate ways. However, when Hermione finds the courage to tell Ron how she feels, his response is not what she expects. Miscommunication drives them apart until years later, but is it already too late? Magical AU
Word Count- 3,389
Rating- mature

Hi! Welcome to my new angsty romione fic!!! (really, if you were expecting anything other than angst from me, idk what to say)

  I have been working on this for a while, and I’m so excited to finally start posting! No promises on updates because even though I have about half of it already written, it’s not really in order and is a MESS. 

  Anyway, this starts off as a 6th year AU, but the majority of it will take place when Ron and Hermione are a few years older. In the beginning it is mostly canon, but there are still a few significant differences that you’ll find as you read that drastically stray from canon.

  POV is going to be jumping around from Ron and Hermione, and a lot of scenes are going to be told from both of their perspectives in order to better understand what they are thinking. Hopefully, this doesn’t get too confusing!

  A huge shoutout to CHEESY who is a freaking beta-queen as well as a stupendous writer!



  Hermione contemplated the information she had just been given. It was Thursday night, and she, Harry, and Ron were sitting at the very back table in the deserted library as Harry relayed to them everything he’d learnt that night. She held up her fingers and started to list the number of objects, wanting to make sure she had all the information correct. 

  "There’s the diary, which you destroyed at the end of second year, and the ring, which Dumbledore has already destroyed.” Harry nodded his affirmation as she went on. “Then there’s Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, the lost Diadem of Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin’s locket- all of which Dumbledore has already collected, but hasn’t yet destroyed." 

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SO excited for more!!


Something To Look Forward To

Enjoy this wonderful Stuck Together from Goldilockss!


Fic Title: Something To Look Forward To

Author name: Goldilockss

Selected Trope: Stuck Together

Summary: Falling into a pit in the middle of nowhere might sound like the last thing they need on their dangerous quest. In reality, it might be exactly the excuse they’re looking for to mend everything that had been damaged.

Word count: 5850

Rating: T (for the swearing) 


The wind was bitingly cold as they trudged tiredly through the heavy snow, inconsistently laden upon the forest’s landscape. In one place, it’d feel 10 cm deep, and Ron’s boot would sink unsteadily throwing him slightly off balance in the process, and in the next, the path would have melted somehow or been stomped through by creatures he’d rather not imagine around, exposing the solid ground below.

He didn’t have to look into a mirror to know his cheeks were blazing, not from embarrassment this time however, but the icy punch mother nature has decided to throw at them this February evening. The once thick sole on his boots had long become worn, likely even before he ever put them on, and the moisture was seeping torturously into his socks.

It was utter shit, in another words.

And yet, he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

“I think we should probably stop in about a quarter mile, don’t you think, Harry?”, her voice called out a few metres ahead of him.

Then there was the metaphorical coldness that somehow stabbed him harder than the freezing temperatures ever could.

He heard Harry mumble a reply, somewhat unenthusiasticaly, before facing forward again.

It had been a bit over a month now, since he had appeared at that frozen lake. Subconsciously, Ron squeezed the deluminator that rested snugly in his front pocket. He hadn’t expected a warm welcome of course, in fact, on one lonely occasion in the middle of nowhere, he’d had the paralysing image of them kicking him out before he’d even set foot inside the tent.

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Beautiful! ❤❤❤



Cheesy’s back with another DH Missing Moment! Enjoy :)


Fic Title: Lovely

Author Name: cheesyficwriter

Selected Trope: DH Missing Moment

Brief Summary: She can’t stop herself from always fearing the worst; no matter how hard she squeezes her eyes shut in an attempt to block out her mind, she can’t sleep. Neither, she realizes, can Ron.  

Word Count: 1,428

Rating: T

Trigger Warnings: N/A

A/N: Takes place after the Battle of Seven Potters

  Sometimes the quiet can be suffocating.

Hermione lays awake on the camp bed in Ginny’s room, fighting the restlessness that’s preventing her from getting proper sleep. The events from the long day—retrieving Harry, taking Polyjuice Potion, flying, reconvening at the Burrow—trickle into her mind. Over and over again, she reviews the image of multiple Harry Potters arriving on their brooms, safely landing within the protective enchantments. Each one morphed quickly into their original forms, bringing her thoughts to the moment she discovered Ron and Tonks missed their Portkey, and the subsequent stomach-churning sensation that followed.  

The more she rehashes some of the longest minutes of her life, the more her tormenting thoughts start to plant seedlings of doubt on whether or not going on a hunt for Horcruxes is the right thing to do. If she came this close to losing Ron today when others had been—

Now’s not the time to overanalyze every decision you make, Hermione.

She can’t stop herself from always fearing the worst; no matter how hard she squeezes her eyes shut in an attempt to block out her mind, she can’t sleep. Neither, she realizes, can Ron. 

Hermione knows the pattern of footsteps creaking up the rickety stairs outside her door—the clunky, somewhat lazy shuffling lacking any subtlety—belongs to her ginger-haired best friend, without the need to check to make sure. She knows it’s him.  

The sound of a door clicking shut startles her, but it’s too close for Ron to be back in his attic bedroom. Too curious to lay dormant any longer, Hermione throws off the covers and tiptoes her way out of the room without waking Ginny. 

Her feet pad their way quickly and quietly up the crooked steps, only pausing once she sees the light from the crack at the bottom of the bathroom door. Ron must be in there, but Hermione hasn’t thought of what she will do or say to him once he comes out. She paces the landing, her stomach contracting into a tight ball. 

What is she doing? What should she say? What does she wantto say?

Hermione swallows, but is unable to wet her parched throat. Perhaps she should go for a glass of water while she waits. That should give her enough time to think about her conversation with Ron without going completely mental and biting her nails off. 

But she only manages to take two steps down the stairs before she hears a lock clicking open. Her heart pounds within her chest as she tries to make a quiet escape without detection, before Ron can—


Ron’s voice comes out thick and unsteady, and Hermione can feel the tension in her own jaw as she grinds her teeth together. 


Wringing her hands, she turns around and offers Ron what must look like a spastic smile. “Oh!” She speaks in a suffocated whisper. “Sorry.”

“Did you, er, need to?” He points to the loo while scratching the back of his neck with his other hand. 

“Yes.” Hermione nods her head in rapid succession, climbing up the stairs, careful to avoid the areas on each step that tend to creak the most. “I was going to go to the bathroom.”

“Really?” Ron quirks up one brow, a teasing glint shining in his eye. “So why were you walking away from it?”

“No. No, I—oh forget it, it’s ridiculous-”

“Hermione.” Ron’s low voice is stern, and she can tell he’s having difficulty keeping his voice quiet. “What’s going on?”

She nibbles on her bottom lip as she presses her back against the nearest wall, her shoulders slumping against it.

When Hermione looks up, she meets Ron’s heated gaze and her heart stumbles over its own rhythm as she takes in his disheveled, sleep-filled hair, set jaw, and the scruff on his chin—when did he become so mature? She always thought she was the one out of their trio who maintained the most control over the dire, nerve-racking situations they’ve been placed in. 

But if today assured her of anything, it’s that she’s no longer in control over her feelings for her best friend. 

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Dis me again love DH Missing Moments ❤



Read on for @reallybeth9’s take on Romione’s second kiss!!


Fic Title- Convincing
Author Name- reallybeth
Selected Trope- second kiss
Brief Summary- 

“I love you,” she whispered. “I’m so in love with you.”

Ron’s hold slackened, and moving his hands to her upper arms, he pulled her away from him to study her face. The look of relief, joy, and what Hermione was now certain was love in his expression caused her to lean towards him, desperate to feel his lips on hers again. Before they could meet, however, Ron tightened his grip, stopping her.

“Wait,” he said. “It’s my turn to make the first move.”

Word Count- 5,154
Rating- mature

Hi! I had half of this written months ago, but I abandoned it to work on/read other things (bc life) Anyway, when I realized I could use this idea for a trope fest one-shot I got excited and finished it bc it fits perfectly for a second kiss fic! And again, this started out fluffy but ended up smutty (what can I say? smut happens…..like shit happens…get it?) Yeah, that was cheesy. But not as cheesy as….

  Cheeeeeeesy, who is busy writing her own (fucking amazing) things and still graciously gave this a lookover for me. As always, I super duper appreciate it! I gave her a small shout-out in here, so look for it!

  Something that has always made me feel incredibly sad is the way Ron sees himself as not good enough. I wanted to write Hermione realizing just how deep his insecurities went, and for her to address them while also trying to help him understand his worth.

  Hopefully, I’ve achieved that.


  Hermione walked into the living area of the Burrow, a steaming cuppa in each hand as she made her way towards the tall, unmoving figure sitting on the sofa. As she moved closer, she saw that Ron’s eyes were glassy as he stared straight ahead, seemingly not even noticing her presence. 

  They’d returned to the Weasleys’ family home several days ago, and since then, she and Ron hadn’t said much of anything at all to each other. Admittedly, Hermione had taken a step back, allowing Ron to be with his family, knowing that right now, they all needed him more than she did. She saw him around, of course, but even then it wasn’t the same- not like she was used to. 

  Until now, they hadn’t been alone together, but from the glances Ron kept giving her whenever they happened to be in the same room, she could tell he was concerned about her. Whenever this happened, Hermione put on a brave face for him, refusing to have him worry about her. Ron had enough things to worry about without her adding to it.

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Lots of convincing RB, this was


Waiting Here With You

Our second fic today is another take on Hermione and Ron dancing at Bill and Fleur’s wedding! Enjoy this DH Missing Moment that will warm your heart and leave you wanting more! #JustKissAlready


Fic Title: Waiting Here With You

Author Name: CowahBull

Selected Trope: DH Missing Moment. Dancing at Bill and Fleur’s wedding.

Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione can never seem to get their timing quite right. They both know what they want but they know this is the closest they can be, here and now, dancing in the garden.

Word Count: 1521

Rating: G

Any Trigger Warnings: None.  Only Fluff and excess twirling.

Part One

The Music Playing On For Only Two

“Come and dance,” Ron said, grabbing Hermione’s hand and pulling her from her seat.

“Um,” she stuttered, following him, “s-sure.” As they left their table, she vaguely heard Viktor ask Harry, ‘Ah, they are together now?’ before she and Ron were lost in the crowd of dancers.

Once they reached the middle of the group, Ron faced Hermione, placing his hand at her waist, her free hand finding his shoulder. Hermione’s mind raced to remember her dancing lessons from childhood.

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Everything about this was so pure


I Want You Back

Our first fic today is a lovely Fake Dating from @voldemorts-tap-shoes that’s perfectly packed with tension! Enjoy!


Fic Title - I Want You Back
Author Name - voldemorts-tap-shoes/smjl
Selected Trope - Fake Dating
Brief Summary - Ron and Hermione hatch a plan to make their exes jealous and end up with more than they bargained for.
Word Count - 4487
Rating - T
Any Trigger Warnings - none


The Leaky Cauldron is packed tonight, and Ron wishes he was enjoying the boisterous atmosphere. There’s plenty to celebrate—England’s just won the Quidditch World Cup, thanks in no small part to his sister, and the party promises to be a banger.

Unfortunately for Ron, the victory has been overshadowed by the fact that his ex, Romilda, is currently wrapped around that git McLaggen like the Giant Squid.

“Will you forget about her?” He doesn’t even realize he’s staring at them until his twin brothers flank him at the bar and order another round for the three of them.

“What if she was the one?” Ron laments, and Fred and George roll their eyes in tandem.

“Bullshit,” Fred says. “She was your Hogwarts girlfriend. Those things don’t last.”

Ron raises an eyebrow at him as he takes a long swig of his drink. “So you and Katie Bell are…what, exactly?”

“Purely physical. Doesn’t count.”

I shouldn’t have asked.

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Our second submission is another DH missing moment from @voldemorts-tap-shoes!


Fic Title - Drive
Author Name - voldemorts-tap-shoes/smjl
Selected Trope - DH missing moment
Brief Summary - Hermione copes after obliviating her parents. Ron helps.
Word Count - 1672
Rating - T
Any Trigger Warnings - n/a


Ron’s not sure what to expect when he arrives at Hermione’s house. Her owl that afternoon had been brief but specific:

Come over tonight at 7. You can apparate into the back garden. -H

It might have been complicated having two best friends whose names start with the same letter, but he knows every delicate curve of Hermione’s handwriting better than his own. Besides, Harry’s aunt and uncle would never concede to such an intrusion, and they aren’t due to retrieve him from the Dursleys’ for another week still, on Harry’s seventeenth birthday. Dumbledore had been clear about very little, but Harry staying in that hellhole Vernon and Petunia masquerade as a home until he comes of age had been an explicit request of the headmaster’s.

Hermione is meant to come to the Burrow in a couple of days, but Ron isn’t going to turn down a chance to see her sooner. It’s only been a couple of weeks, but he misses her. He’s hoping her request means she’s feeling the same sense of longing towards him.

After Dumbledore’s funeral, they had sort-of-maybe-almost admitted their feelings for each other—saying things without saying them is a specialty of theirs—but for once Ron feels like they’re on the same page. Now, their only hesitation is the upcoming war, rather than doubts about the other’s feelings.

He lands in the garden, per her instructions, and looks up at the house. It’s quiet and dark, the only sound being the low rumble coming from the driveway. Ron follows the noise out front and spots Hermione behind the wheel of what must be her parents’ running car. He circles around to the driver’s side of the silver sedan, where Hermione has the window rolled down. The greeting he’s about to give her dies on his lips as he gets a good look at her blotchy face and red-rimmed eyes. 

“Hermione—“ he starts, but she cuts him off with a shake of her head.

“Get in.” Her voice is scratchy, further indication that she’s been crying. A lot.

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These two are driving away with my heart ❤


And with that marks the end of our 2022, and inaugural Romione trope fest. We hope you enjoyed it.

Here are some stats about the wonderful stories we’ve shared. There have been:

  • Five Stuck Together
  • Seven Sixth Year AUs
  • Three Fuck or Dies
  • Six Fake Dating
  • Fourteen DH Missing Moments
  • Eleven Second Kisses
  • And three stories who were greedy and had more than one trope.

These have come from twenty four writers and artists! Aren’t we lucky?

You can catch up on all our entries in our Master List, and don’t forget to fill in our feedback form so we can make 2023 even better!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all who participated! We couldn’t have been more thrilled by the results. Check out the masterlist and feedback form above ⬆️⬆️ until next year, Romione lovers! ❤


Four Second Kisses

For the LAST FIC of trope fest, we got you not one, not two, but FOUR SECOND KISSES! Enjoy this treat from @accio-broom!

AND THANK YOU for reading, commenting, reblogging, following, and submitting! Stay tuned for a feedback form <3


Fic Title: Four Second Kisses
Author Name:accio-broom
Selected Trope: Second Kiss
Brief Summary: Hermione and Ron try their best to find time alone to enjoy their second kiss, but life and war keeps on getting in the way.
Word Count: 4826
Rating: T
Any Trigger Warnings: Minor swearing, mentions of war and mourning.

Dusk descends on Hogwarts, shrouding the castle in grey gloom. Although the war was over in the early hours of the morning, fires smoulder across the grounds, and a thick blanket of dark smoke still lingers. Ash floats through the stagnant air in the Great Hall like tiny fairies, catching in every one of Ron’s deep breaths. It fills his mouth with cotton wool. He’ll never be able to wipe the bitter taste of fire and decay from his memory.

  Not that he wants to. Why should he have an easy life when so many have lost theirs?

  The weight of a hundred giants press on his shoulders, exacerbated by the weariness caused by a year on the run. His bones ache as if they’ve splintered into a thousand pieces, both from the efforts of the battle and the grief from losing so many people.

  Tonks. Lupin. Colin. Fred.

  A strong urge pulls at him. Ron should be with his family, checking everyone else is okay, comforting his mum. But at the same time, he knows he should be helping with the clean-up effort, or making sure Harry is safe. But despite the long list of should-be-doing’s, Ron sinks into a dark, quiet corner of the hall, out of sight from everyone else.

  Closing his eyes, his head droops against the smoke-blackened stone wall. Even though the room is still a cacophony of noise and commotion, he drifts away, too tired to worry about what might happen next.

  Ron’s stolen moment of peace doesn’t last long. As the tendrils of sleep drift into the deepest corners of his mind, luring him towards the nightmares he knows will haunt him tonight, a weight plops next to him. The instant warmth that comes with it, the brush of a shoulder, a pair of hips snapped snug against his can only be from one person.

  “I was wondering where you’d gotten to,” he mumbles without opening his eyes. 

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Ahhhh so so beautiful All. The. Feels.


Only the Beginning

Have a second kiss!


Title: Only the Beginning
Trope: Second Kiss
Brief Summary: Everyone’s hurting in the aftermath of the battle, but perhaps Ron is hurting the most. Hermione does her best to comfort him as she grapples with what comes next.
Word Count:1012
TW: Mentions of death, blood, and war.
A/N: Inspired by this fanart

Thank you Be11a for putting this together!


I’m obsessed with the thought of you here in my bed
I’m in love with the back of your head
And the way you pull me closer
No regrets, no clothes, no money, no friends
Nobody to say it won’t last
Will you love me ‘til I’m older?
~Older [Lea Heart]


The word replays over and over in Hermione’s mind as she takes in the hollowed face staring back at her. She’s a shell of her former self—cheekbones so severe they may cut straight through her skin and eyes sunken in from how much weight she’s lost on the run. Even her hair is thin and stringy; damp ringlets cling to her neck and shoulders.

Despite washing off all the dirt, grime, and blood, she doesn’t feel clean. Death surrounds her and exhaustion seeps into her bones. She needs to move, but it’s impossible to pry herself away from the entrancing effect her reflection has.

That is, until the door to the boy’s bathroom creaks open. Hermione turns to see Harry closing the door behind him. 

“Alright, Hermione?”

She nods and her voice is hoarse when she speaks. “Just finishing up.” 

“Right. I’m going to shower. Ron’s out there.” He gestures to the door, answering her question before she can ask.

“How is he?”

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All the feels straight to the heart! ❤
