#rookie blue

dxwoman:(x)I miss them!



I miss them!

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#missy peregrym    #zeeko zaki    #stick it    #reaper    #rookie blue    #cybergeddon    

These two

#missy peregrym    #zeeko zaki    #maggie bell    #oa zidan    #rookie blue    #van helsing    #reaper    #stick it    
Chalotte Sullivan behind the scenes on “Pretty Hard Cases”

Chalotte Sullivan behind the scenes on “Pretty Hard Cases”

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Rookie blue June 24th 2010-July 29th 2015

We don’t have to like you. We don’t have to be nice to you and we can make fun of you whenever we want because when it really comes down to it we will always have your back.


Oh my God, you want me to be your breakup buddy. Andy, I am touched.


I wouldn’t go anywhere, unless you were coming with me.

Missy Peregrym in Rookie Blue (Series)

Part 1

Missy Peregrym in Rookie Blue (Series)

Part 2

At this point, Nick and Andy are a better love story than Sam and Andy. At least Nick can successfully practice safe sex. That alone already makes him a winner.

Rookie Blue has been canceled. LMFAO. Did anyone think it would be renewed after the ratings dropped by over half? Everyone should thank Rachael Ancheril for coming back and running a once great show. They should have killed Marlo and her worthless spawn and maybe the show would see another season. The truth still stands: Marlo Cruz and her worthless spawn ruined the show. Viewers turned away and never looked back. Will Tassie Cameron finally admit to her ignorance? 

Do people want to continue to tell me baby worthless no name is important? She’s so very important they decided it wasn’t important enough to give her a name. She’s so important she wasn’t at her sperm donor’s wedding. She’s so important they didn’t feel the need to even mention her. LMFAO. you still want to tell me baby worthless is worth anything? Baby worthless is good for one thing and one thing only, pathetic drama for the main couple. Like mother, like daughter. Tassie Cameron and the rest of the writers proved me right. I love being right. He best should have just died or been aborted. They decided to taint mcswarek with her useless existence. This child is about as important as gum on the bottom of my shoe. LMFAO. The show is ending and giving the thing a name wasn’t important enough. Thank you for proving my right, writers.

I knew it. No gifs or edits in the tags because this show and couple is tainted. No one fucking cares anymore.

Sam gets Andy a dog. After he got Marlo a baby. This show is pathetic. Sam is pathetic. They expect people to be happy over the stupid animal when there’s still a stupid baby around? The only thing that makes this a happy time for Sam and Andy and a happy wedding is if that baby and her good for nothing head case of a mother disappear. They have brought everything down. Sorry writers a wedding and a dog don’t make up for that baby being alive. Try again.

Andy is better than Sam will ever be. She needs to go. What reason has he given her to stay? She deserves to come first. Not second. Not third. Only first. Sam is a pice of vile and toxic shit. He needs to let her go. Andy has done all the work. All the talking. All the communication. Sam sits on his ass and acts like a mute. Keep your white boy tears away. You’re not good enough for her.
