#roy rogers king of the cowboys

“And here’s the gold they got,” added Roy, pointing to the bags on the table. 

“And here’s the gold they got,” added Roy, pointing to the bags on the table. 

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Finally, around a bend, they could see a large lighted cavern. And there, tied up and seated against

Finally, around a bend, they could see a large lighted cavern. And there, tied up and seated against the wall were Bess Woburn and her father.

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“But Old Blue helped quiet down the cattle by tramping up and down, clanging his big brass bell.”

“But Old Blue helped quiet down the cattle by tramping up and down, clanging his big brass bell.”

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“So he made Blue the leader of the herd, and hung a big brass bell around Blue’s neck.”

“So he made Blue the leader of the herd, and hung a big brass bell around Blue’s neck.”

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