

Hello, people!

Today(probably around the same hour, too) marks the third anniversary of uploading the first version of SpaceSave and with that - the official release of the game! Fast forward to the time of writing and the game is now on version 1.4 and enjoyed 381 downloads so far, from all the sites I’ve uploaded it on, along with fair share of positive reviews(which, to be honest, I didn’t initially expect).

It was my first game and the first project of that scale, I have managed to ever finish, so it’s pretty close to my heart. Yeah, the game was janky and really rough and today I would probably change literally every single thing about it - but I still think fondly of my time spent working on this project. And, I hope - I’ve managed to even out a jankiness a little, with patches that followed the release of the game.

As for the future-related stuff - the version 1.5 will be released… Someday.

Unfortunately - this year was rather lacking for SpaceSave. First thing is - I’ve decided to concentrate fully on my adventure game project(which, btw - you can see some teaser screenshots from, on my Twitter or on this very blog, if you want) and the new game is coming about pretty good(I plan to announce it, next year - hopefully). Second thing - this year I’ve also, unexpectedly(for me included), released a brand new short game. It was much smaller project and took around 2 months in total to make, but the development was pretty intense and time consuming, anyway. So, yeah - there wasn’t really time to sit down to SpaceSave again and prepare a new update, this year.

I will say, however, that there are still issues in SpaceSave, which constantly haunt my brain and probably - I won’t know peace, until I improve on them… So - I’m still not done with this game, yet! I will release version 1.5, one day - even if it will take 3 more years… But, hopefully, it will be released in a more timely manner.

That being said - I won’t leave you this year, with no new SpaceSave content…!

Well, at least not a playable SpaceSave content… You see, there was something I planned to release alongside the third anniversary, but unfortunately - the life and college got in the way these past few weeks, so I couldn’t finish it on time… Thankfully - the most important part is practically done and I think the rest won’t take more than two weeks(but, I’ll try to release it ASAP). So - if you liked SpaceSave and want more of its world - stay tuned!

Sorry for a lengthy post, but the situation demanded it… I’m almost done here. Before I finish - I’d like to thank all the people that played the game, gave me feedback or spread a word about it(or all three!). I’d also like to thank my friends for their support while creating this game and the next ones(especially Donut and Pequod for help with testing and their other contributions to the project). I hope that you’ve enjoyed playing SpaceSave and if you haven’t…

Well, here are the links:


Again - thank you all for your support and I hope you will continue(or start) following my projects - whether they’re SpaceSave-related or not.

Have a nice day!
