#rqg finale



a digital painting of wilde and zolf from rusty quill gaming in their endgame appearances. they are seen in profile from the chest up. wilde is resting his forehead against zolf's with a serene smile, a hand on his shoulder. he appears slightly translucent. zolf is gritting his teeth while tensely curled around the babbage array. they are backlit by a blast of flame erupting around them.

[id in alt text]

we’ve got this.

this is a companion piece to this one. have fun comparing them!


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hikariposts: Since the finale is approaching and since we all know the position these two idiots arehikariposts: Since the finale is approaching and since we all know the position these two idiots arehikariposts: Since the finale is approaching and since we all know the position these two idiots are


Since the finale is approaching and since we all know the position these two idiots are in, I thought I’d repost these bad boys all together hoping it’ll bring good luck

Gosh I’m gonna miss them so much

(tap on the pics for high quality and please do not repost without credit)

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Wilde could hardly believe it.  It was years in the making, between the world falling apart, magic disappearing, and their various coping methods thereafter.  But now, there they were, he and Zolf, in front of their new house.  They weren’t staying in Wilde’s apartment anymore, no – this was theirs, together.

The crew of the Venga had helped build it.  There was no way Wilde and Zolf could build a whole house on their own, and, once Cel learned about a construction project, there was no way to keep them from lending a hand and taking over.  The kitchen counters had levers to adjust the height, depending on whether Wilde or Zolf wanted to use them, there was a lift to the attic, and Cel installed a strange cannon-like device that would fire a blanket at someone if they stayed stationary in the living room too long, since both Wilde and Zolf had a penchant for staying up late with their work and falling asleep there.

And now, it was done. Their furniture was in place, the walls had been painted, and the front door was open, waiting for them.

“Ready?”  Wilde asked.

It wasn’t as if they hadn’t already been inside while building it, but this was different.  This was their first proper entrance to the life they’d thought was out of reach for so long.

“Ready,” Zolf replied. “Come here.”

Wilde stepped closer, not entirely sure what Zolf had planned.  The curiosity didn’t last long, however, as Zolf immediately scooped him up into his lap, and then began to wheel his way down the front walk and through the door.

Once they were inside, however, Wilde didn’t abandon his position, and Zolf made no effort to remove him.  Instead, Wilde shifted so that he sat sideways in Zolf’s lap and was able to look him in the eye.

“I’m pretty sure that carrying someone over the threshold is something married couples do,” Wilde said, a smirk on his lips.

“Oh, I thought it was just when a couple moved into a new house together.”

“I mean, I’m sure it works like that too.”

Before Wilde could say anything more, Zolf casually added, “Well, when we get married, it’ll be your turn to carry me over the threshold.  Then we’re even.”

Wilde’s coy expression faded in an instant as his jaw dropped.  Some days he scarcely believed that Zolf had come back to him at all, and that he was still there, still with him after so much time had passed.  They still had their bad days, of course, and occasionally Zolf needed significant periods of time to himself, but he never disappeared so drastically anymore.  And he always came home.

It had been Wilde’s idea to get a house together in the first place, and part of him still feared that he pushed Zolf too hard with that, even though it had been a vague suggestion at best until Zolf started drawing out shaky designs.  He wanted Zolf to always feel welcome, and they needed a place that belonged to both of them, not just to Wilde, if that were to be the case.

But he never considered marriage.  Last time he thought about it was when he was a boy, before he started working constant overtime for the Meritocrats, before the world went to pieces, before they had to try and put those pieces back together one by one.  He was happy just to have Zolf in his life, someone that would hold him tight when the nightmares came back and who cooked him meals that were seasoned with devotion.

Marriage, though…

Wilde knew when Zolf was teasing, could recognize the glint in his eye and the faintest rise at the corner of his lips, but this was a sincere comment, said without hidden humor or prodding.

“You alright?”  Zolf questioned, shaking Wilde from his thoughts.

“Yes!”  He answered, a little too readily.  “Sorry, I just…”  He didn’t want to press this issue, but he couldn’t stop thinking about it.  “‘When we get married’?”

Zolf hesitated.  “Is that… bad?”

With a wide smile, Wilde breathed, “Not at all.  I didn’t expect it, though, I guess.”

“Yeah, it’s not really something we’ve ever talked about.  I don’t know.  It doesn’t have to mean anything.  I just… I’m finally thinking about my future, believing that I’ll have a future. And when I think about it, you’re always there.  It’s taken me a lot longer than it probably should have to realize it and allow myself to realize it, but… I want to stay with you.  And not for a couple of months, but as long as you’ll have me.  And if one day, you would want me as your husband, then…  Yeah, I want that too.”

Wilde couldn’t manage any words.  All he could do was bridge the little space between them and wrap his arms around Zolf’s shoulders.  He breathed him in and held him tight, so overwhelmed in the best kind of way.

“I would really like that,” he murmured as he drew back from the embrace, meeting Zolf’s nervous gaze and forcing him to look at him.

“It’s not like we have to do anything now,” Zolf added.  “We still have things to unpack.”

Wilde chuckled.  “Always the pragmatist.”  After a pause, he continued, “You’re right though.  We should get settled here first, and then maybe we can talk about marriage again later?”

“Yeah.”  Despite himself, Zolf smiled, a contagious sight to Wilde.

Besides, you know I have to put on an extravagant proposal.  A simple chat simply won’t do,” he teased, and Zolf let out a laugh.

“Of course you do. Now, get off my lap before you crush what’s left of my legs, you insufferable…”

He couldn’t finish his joking retort.  Wilde removed himself from Zolf’s lap, but Zolf stopped him soon after by gently grabbing his hand.  Instead of more teasing, he spoke again with sincerity.

“Thank you, Wilde.  For being there for me.”


“I want to be there for you.  I haven’t always been, but I want to be better.”

Wilde bent down so that he could press a kiss to Zolf’s knuckles.

“We’re both still working on it,” he replied.  “We both still have our bad days.  You wheel off, I throw myself into my work.  But what matters is that we sort it out together, yeah?”

Zolf smiled and gave Wilde’s hand a squeeze.  “Yeah. Together.”

Even though the grunt of pain from Kiko was quiet and muffled by clattering wood, Azu heard it from the far side of the structure that would, according to Cel, one day become a ship.  She moved swiftly to her side and knelt down next to her.

“Kiko?  Are you alright?”

“I just cut my hand, it’s fine.”  She held out her arm to show Azu the gash that now ran from back of her hand and partially down her forearm.

Instinctively, Azu took Kiko’s injured hand in her own and shut her eyes tight.  Under her breath, she murmured a prayer to Aphrodite, begging her to heal Kiko and keep her safe in this and in all things.

When she opened her eyes and saw that the wound had not sealed itself up in a glow of pink, she let out a defeated sigh.

“You forgot again, didn’t you?”  Kiko asked cautiously.

Azu nodded.  “Sometimes I think that if… that if I pray hard enough, she’ll still hear me.”  Then she shook her head.  “I have some bandages.  We should clean this up before it gets infected.”

As Azu tenderly cleaned and bandaged Kiko’s injury with the supplies she kept on her person at all times, Kiko watched her features with a mixture of concern and admiration.

“There you go, all set. I’ll change the bandages later and see how it’s doing.”

Despite her words, Azu continued holding Kiko’s hand, and Kiko made no attempt to pull away.

“Listen, I don’t know how it all works now.  But… if Aphrodite is still out there, I know she can hear you,” Kiko insisted.  “And maybe she can’t help you with spells or healing anymore, but she’s still here, in her own way.”

Azu let out a heavy breath. “I just don’t know.  It’s hard.  It feels… empty, now.”

Kiko squeezed Azu’s hand a little tighter.  “I’m sorry. And I know nothing can fill that void.  But she’s the goddess of love.  As long as there’s love in the world, she’s still here.  As long as you still love - and you love so muchandso deeply - then she’s still there with you, even if it’s hard to feel her presence.  And you are so strong to keep going, to keep fighting and believing in her when you can’t hear her call back to you.”

With a shudder, Azu slumped forward against Kiko, who wrapped her arms around her and tugged her as far into her lap as she could manage.  Azu didn’t cry, but her fingers shook as she made fists in Kiko’s shirt, pain and despair and loss all mingling together as one.  A few moments later, she released her grip somewhat so that she could meet Kiko’s gaze.

“It’s hard to be without her.  But you’re right.  As long as there’s love in the world, Aphrodite is still here.  And maybe I can’t feel her anymore, not in the same way, but maybe she can still hear me.”

Kiko caressed Azu’s cheek. “For what it’s worth, I do know that there will always be love in the world so long as I’m around.”


“Yeah.  Because I love you.”

Azu smiled and chuckled, then pressed a quick kiss to Kiko’s lips.  “I love you too.”

“And I’m not saying that to try and distract you from losing your god or anything, I just-”

“I know.  It helps.  Youhelp.”

“You do too.”  Kiko gestured with her bandaged hand.   “Not just with healing, but… in so many ways.  I don’t know much about gods, but I do know that I love you, and nothing can change that.”

angryducktimemachine:I am experiencing normal emotions about this podcast.[ID: a digital, fully colo


I am experiencing normal emotions about this podcast.

[ID: a digital, fully coloured drawing of Wilde and Zolf from the podcast Rusty Quill Drawing.

Zolf is a white dwarven man with short white hair and a white beard. He is wearing a dark coat, dark trousers and brown leather boots.

Wilde is a white human man with white, wavy hair. He is wearing the robes of the resplendent thespian and a dark orange waistcoat with brown trousers and shoes.

Zolf is sitting on the ground, looking towards the left. Wilde is on the ground as well and has his head buried in his chest, clinging to him with his hand. Both are covered in dirt and Zolf has a red mark on his cheek.

They are set in the middle of a greyish-brown background. The artists signature “ÄngryDuckTimeMachine” is set in white in the lower right corner. /End ID]

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