#wanted to since the finale came out


Even though the grunt of pain from Kiko was quiet and muffled by clattering wood, Azu heard it from the far side of the structure that would, according to Cel, one day become a ship.  She moved swiftly to her side and knelt down next to her.

“Kiko?  Are you alright?”

“I just cut my hand, it’s fine.”  She held out her arm to show Azu the gash that now ran from back of her hand and partially down her forearm.

Instinctively, Azu took Kiko’s injured hand in her own and shut her eyes tight.  Under her breath, she murmured a prayer to Aphrodite, begging her to heal Kiko and keep her safe in this and in all things.

When she opened her eyes and saw that the wound had not sealed itself up in a glow of pink, she let out a defeated sigh.

“You forgot again, didn’t you?”  Kiko asked cautiously.

Azu nodded.  “Sometimes I think that if… that if I pray hard enough, she’ll still hear me.”  Then she shook her head.  “I have some bandages.  We should clean this up before it gets infected.”

As Azu tenderly cleaned and bandaged Kiko’s injury with the supplies she kept on her person at all times, Kiko watched her features with a mixture of concern and admiration.

“There you go, all set. I’ll change the bandages later and see how it’s doing.”

Despite her words, Azu continued holding Kiko’s hand, and Kiko made no attempt to pull away.

“Listen, I don’t know how it all works now.  But… if Aphrodite is still out there, I know she can hear you,” Kiko insisted.  “And maybe she can’t help you with spells or healing anymore, but she’s still here, in her own way.”

Azu let out a heavy breath. “I just don’t know.  It’s hard.  It feels… empty, now.”

Kiko squeezed Azu’s hand a little tighter.  “I’m sorry. And I know nothing can fill that void.  But she’s the goddess of love.  As long as there’s love in the world, she’s still here.  As long as you still love - and you love so muchandso deeply - then she’s still there with you, even if it’s hard to feel her presence.  And you are so strong to keep going, to keep fighting and believing in her when you can’t hear her call back to you.”

With a shudder, Azu slumped forward against Kiko, who wrapped her arms around her and tugged her as far into her lap as she could manage.  Azu didn’t cry, but her fingers shook as she made fists in Kiko’s shirt, pain and despair and loss all mingling together as one.  A few moments later, she released her grip somewhat so that she could meet Kiko’s gaze.

“It’s hard to be without her.  But you’re right.  As long as there’s love in the world, Aphrodite is still here.  And maybe I can’t feel her anymore, not in the same way, but maybe she can still hear me.”

Kiko caressed Azu’s cheek. “For what it’s worth, I do know that there will always be love in the world so long as I’m around.”


“Yeah.  Because I love you.”

Azu smiled and chuckled, then pressed a quick kiss to Kiko’s lips.  “I love you too.”

“And I’m not saying that to try and distract you from losing your god or anything, I just-”

“I know.  It helps.  Youhelp.”

“You do too.”  Kiko gestured with her bandaged hand.   “Not just with healing, but… in so many ways.  I don’t know much about gods, but I do know that I love you, and nothing can change that.”
