#rssians are well practiced in using circular troll logic



Another manipulative tactic used by russian propaganda: excusing their actions with the consequences of the said actions. Examples:

  • Accumulate forces on the russian-ukrainian border -> NATO activates its presence in Eastern Europe -> “We are attacking Ukraine to protect ourselves from NATO”
  • Start yet another genocide of Ukrainians -> Ukrainians hate russians who came to kill them -> “Our genocide is justified because Ukrainians are russophobic”

This tactic is often used in personal communications too. russians invite themselves into conversations between ukrainians with ridiculous requests (e.g. “Why don’t you love us? Where were you these 8 years when Ukraine bombed Donbass? Sanctions are unfair because we, simple russians, are suffering” etc.) -> Ukrainians have a rage response and tell them to fuck off following the russian warship -> russians drop the mask, call us slurs and wish us to get raped by their soldiers

The lie here is that they had some kind of positive intention from interaction. No. They have already allowed themselves to be full-blown fascists, and all this bullshir is just a theatre intended to portray themselves as poor uwu victims
