#idi nachuj



post-communist countries have been having really sad “i told you” moment for over a month now


Another manipulative tactic used by russian propaganda: excusing their actions with the consequences of the said actions. Examples:

  • Accumulate forces on the russian-ukrainian border -> NATO activates its presence in Eastern Europe -> “We are attacking Ukraine to protect ourselves from NATO”
  • Start yet another genocide of Ukrainians -> Ukrainians hate russians who came to kill them -> “Our genocide is justified because Ukrainians are russophobic”

This tactic is often used in personal communications too. russians invite themselves into conversations between ukrainians with ridiculous requests (e.g. “Why don’t you love us? Where were you these 8 years when Ukraine bombed Donbass? Sanctions are unfair because we, simple russians, are suffering” etc.) -> Ukrainians have a rage response and tell them to fuck off following the russian warship -> russians drop the mask, call us slurs and wish us to get raped by their soldiers

The lie here is that they had some kind of positive intention from interaction. No. They have already allowed themselves to be full-blown fascists, and all this bullshir is just a theatre intended to portray themselves as poor uwu victims


You have no idea how incredibly scary it is.

Imagine, you just live your normal life, and then suddenly an enemy comes to your city, sets up checkpoints everywhere, armed men can be seen patroling every corner of every street. Tanks and armored personnel carriers with enemy symbols drive through the streets. Usually in the occupied territories they hang russian flags and other symbols all around, so that you never even for a second could forget where you are and that you are surrounded by enemies. In this way they psychologically suppress you. You are in constant fear, waiting for them to realize that you are not on their side and punish you for it. No laws apply anymore. Any of these armed men can do absolutely anything to you, and not incur any punishment or consequences for it. In an instant, you lose all civil rights you used to have.

And this is if you are just a “regular” person, but if you or any of your family members served in the Ukrainian military, or if you are an activist of some kind, maybe a Ukrainian artist, or a journalist, or a city manager, etc., you will either be killed, tortured or imprisoned. These are the realities of russian occupation.




This is an old tactic of Russian imperialism: stealing people and sending them to the hinterlands. Russia deported them almost 10000 km away from home.

Nothing new, Russia has been doing it for centuries.

Western people: strange and horrifying, how can Russia do it to people!

Polish or Estonian people hearing about deportations of Ukrainians into Siberia, thousands kilometers from home, and forcing them to live there and to work for pittance: ah yes, we were wondering when Russia will.start doing it again.

Yup, a tactics Russia has been using against citizens of its occupied/invaded territories as well as its own dissenters and criminals since at least early 18th century. The only difference is that those Mariupol people are given any money and are not put in labour camps to be then worked to death, though the latter would not surprise me in the slightest if it happened. I still cannot believe that stuff from history books that I believed died in the mid-20th century is happening in my lifetime. 


My new favorite meme

Can I get an “AMEN!” :D


Great. The orcs stole or destroyed likely all of important nuclear research at Chornobyl, including one about microbes that consume nuclear waste.

They’ve also been literally physically stealing Ukrainian culture by looting the museums in the occupied areas.

Not that I’m surprised by anything they do at this point. Ugh, we should gave just kept the Hermitage Museum artworks we confiscated at the border. Or given them to Ukraine.

Well, I’m hardly surprised seeing as the reason for this war was a planned physical and cultural genocide of the Ukrainian people and wiping them out of history ;/. And yes, I am all for keeping all Russian artifacts being kept on loan in European museums - most of them have been looted by the Russian army all across Europe anyway so it’s less like stealing and more like repatriation :D.


They are doing a second genocide of Ukrainians in the past 100 years.

Millions of Ukrainians died during the Holodomor. And now we see this all over again…

I would call for the expropriation of excess wealth from the authors of that proclamation, except there little to nothing to expropriate, seeing as “Russian industry” and “Russian production” are a contradiction in terms. They never had the know-how nor the morale to actually create anything of their own, includind their own food supply, so they always resorted to stealing/looting/commandeering it from their occupied/neighbouring territories. Here’s hoping they finally starve to death, like those millions of Ukrainians did in 1933.
