
Bath Time with Mom Its important for dragons to clean their young, as their saliva helps fight off i

Bath Time with Mom

Its important for dragons to clean their young, as their saliva helps fight off infections and also develops their resistance to other dragons flames. Dart, being the largest of the 3, hates being cleaned as she takes the longest to do. Hope you guys like this cute little scene.

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All Hail the New Alpha!

After their battle was finished, Ruffrunner took his rightful place up on the large crystal, in the center of The Hidden World. With a loud roar he let everyone know who won the battle between the siblings, and everyone bowed in respect.

Ruffrunner VS Dart After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of TheRuffrunner VS Dart After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of TheRuffrunner VS Dart After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of The

Ruffrunner VS Dart

After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of The Hidden World, a new Alpha must be chosen and prove themselves worthy. Both Dart and Ruffrunner had prepared for this moment most of their lives, but never expected the other wanted to be Alpha too. After fighting off many competitors, all that was left was to fight each other.

Both Nightlights believed they were strong enough to be Alpha. The battle between the siblings went on for days, with neither showing any sign of backing down. Using her strength and size to her advantage, Dart is able to get Ruffrunner in a vulnerable position and goes in for a final blast, only for it to be met her brothers. As soon as they collided a sonic wave of energy exploded, leaving only a cloud of smoke surrounding both dragons.

After the smoke cleared, a blue glow grew brighter, as Ruffrunner had Dart pinned. Ruffrunner has proven himself to be the next Alpha, and roared to make sure Dart was properly defeated. Frustrated, looking up at her brother, Dart remembered when he saved her from the Skrill when they were only hatchlings. He did everything he could to protect her despite being so small. Seeing him now, cloaked in blue like that of their father, she knew she’d been beat. Though defeated, Dart accepted to be Ruffrunner’s second in command! During all this, Pouncer had always been close by to make sure neither of his siblings killed the other. He’s mostly pleased that its over and things can finally settle back down.

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Dinner Time

After a long day watching the kids, Silverwing is relived to see Toothless has returned with food like the kind father and mate he is. I love drawing these guys. They’re just so in love with each other!

A Light’s Fury

Here we have the aftermath of when Dart accidently wandered into a Skrill nest and was attacked. Ruffrunner did his best to protect his sister until Silverwing came after she heard her offspring calling out. She gave the Skrill an intense shot to the face, promising she wouldn’t be so easy on them next time.

Collaboration YCH with Div-Mani

for Mysticvortex and Ultra_the_dragon (FA)
