
hvit-ravn:Inktober #3 Again some sketch in my break between classes.


Inktober #3
Again some sketch in my break between classes.

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doxiequeen1:The minky spikes for the back and and cuffs of the Toothless PJ set have been made anddoxiequeen1:The minky spikes for the back and and cuffs of the Toothless PJ set have been made anddoxiequeen1:The minky spikes for the back and and cuffs of the Toothless PJ set have been made anddoxiequeen1:The minky spikes for the back and and cuffs of the Toothless PJ set have been made and


The minky spikes for the back and and cuffs of the Toothless PJ set have been made and sewn on! I’m really pleased with how this is coming along so far. My little Toothless figure has been watching over me throughout the process. 

I have to get started on the hood now, and I think that will be the most difficult part. So i’m not going to get my hopes about the end result too high until that’s done.

Also this might not be the best design for people who sleep on their back…


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Add your own reasons too!

1.People come from around the world to celebrate and scream over dragons! We can talk with people on the other side of the planet about the same thing we love. Native languages in the fandom include American Sign Language, Arabic, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lituanian, Malay, Maltese, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Tagalog.
2.I am HTTYD.
3. Toopliss. Come on. We have an entire tumblr blog dedicated to Toopliss.
4. If you need some great Toopliss humor, watch this.
5. HTTYD creative writers are prolific and talented! HTTYD is the eighth largest movie fandom represented on FFN.net, with over 12,800 fanfictions posted on this site alone!
6. Our fandom is full of deep, pressing questions. We have had multiple lengthy discussions about how Hiccup takes off his flight suit pants. Because how he pees is really that important to us.
7. But we actually do have really heart-felt conversations. HTTYD is full of incredible depth, and fans tap into all the themes, emotional heart, and understanding the stories bring.
8. The author of the books, Cressida Cowell, gives wonderful, kind replies to fan emails. Not every fandom has such amazing interactions with their Queen.
9.Here’s Hiccup reaching up to touch a NASA satellite, Bill Cipher, a violin, a shoe, and a toaster.
10. Frankly, we Photoshop just about anything. There’s a reason why we keep asking everyone if they’re on dragon nip or something.
11. All major memes make their way into the HTTYD fandom with wonderful results.
12. Stoick the Past jokes.
13. Sending everyone who posts a Stoick the Past joke into the Grounded Dungeon (at least until the rebellion).
14. We can pick up on the smallest quotes from the movies and quote every scene to each other in hilarious ways.
15. We’re nerdier about dragon stats and information than Fishlegs.
16. Breathtaking fanart, emotional fan comics, glorious coplays, and gifs of every part of every movie and television episode out there. HTTYD fans know ART through and through!
17. I mean seriously just look at gifs like these.
18. At least a third of the fandom seems to mysteriously have their hair cut like Hiccup’s.
19. A fandom-wide adoration of John Powell’s music. (DOOOOO DOOOOOOO REEEE MI MIIIIIII. DO MI SOL REEEEE MI MI!)
20. We regularly swear by Norse gods. Why use boring old English profanity words when you can scream, “FOR THE LOVE OF THOR ALMIGHTY”?
21. If we see a rocky island or anything Norse, it automatically gets pulled into HTTYD fandom posts.
22. For that matter, we can hear the word “dragon” from a mile away.
24.Jay Baruchel, amongst other actors, find HTTYD an incredibly meaningful milestone in their careers!
25. Fans know how to laugh and make jokes with everything, but we also know how to sap out feels and respect the serious issues within the story. We know how to shed tears of laughter to tears from feels.
26. Thanks for nothing, you useless reptile.
27. We have such a WEALTH of fandom materials! We’ve got / going to get three movies, four seasons of a tv show, four movie shorts, three series of graphic novels, twelve books plus a dragon guide, video games, and more. 
28. I feel like the fandom is accessible and we can make friends and get to know the people in the community! I have made some extraordinarily close friendships because of the HTTYD fandom. It never feels like I’m talking to just some random url, but a person I’ve gotten to know. I know the personalities of so many people on this fandom and I’m always excited to get to know more.
29. Every time I see a fan going through some struggle in the fandom, I see so many people reach out to encourage them, sympathize with them, and help them out.
30.Just watch this post for encouragement. <3
31. Buttcup and frog legs wrapped in bacon.
32. Late night Netflix marathons when new episodes of the television series are released. Excited screaming, liveblogging, and discourse exploded the night Race to the Edge came out.
33. We have AUs ranging from the modern world to mermaids under the sea to crossovers with Rise of the Guardians to fusions with Jurassic World to just about anything you want to imagine.
34. Never forget the day we got “neville longbottomed by a goddamn cartoon.”
35. Only we understand what it means to leave s’s out of words. TOOTHLE! PLAMA BLAT! - the tableboy of Thor(s)tonton.
36. We all live in the magic of flying in the skies on the backs of dragons. What could be more aweing, inspiring, and incredible than that?
37.Pain, love it.
38. We’re such a community that we’re actually trying to organize an event where people get together across the USA or across the UK and geek out about HTTYD 3.
39. The Dragons fandom has a wide range of perspectives and a hoard of incredible analyses. There’s a blog dedicated to all the thoughtful things Dragons peeps say.
40. We arrange fandom events like chats, streamings, Secret Odins, and Snoggletog gift exchanges! We literally celebrate our own holiday with Snoggletog and give everyone some nice yaknog. :)
41. Many of us have had HTTYD profoundly, literally impact our lives.
42. When Hiccup says “This is Berk,” it sounds to us like, “This is home.” Our home.



Guys, guys, I don’t know if anyone brought this up, but I love Eret’s nervous habit. It’s kind of a small thing, so I don’t know if anyone noticed, but he scratches at his brand above his clothes. I think he only did it once or twice, but it’s a great thing to be put into his character that made perfect sense.

Yes! I noticed that too and it’s really cool that they animated/written it that way.

It’s been a while since I didn’t posted here haha

I did this sketch for the 3 years of Annecy 2018. I couldn’t go to Annecy this year because of my formation, and felt like the circle was complete

Recent Art Trades I’ve done with some mutuals on Instagram. These characters do not belong to me!Recent Art Trades I’ve done with some mutuals on Instagram. These characters do not belong to me!Recent Art Trades I’ve done with some mutuals on Instagram. These characters do not belong to me!

Recent Art Trades I’ve done with some mutuals on Instagram. These characters do not belong to me!

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Bath Time with Mom Its important for dragons to clean their young, as their saliva helps fight off i

Bath Time with Mom

Its important for dragons to clean their young, as their saliva helps fight off infections and also develops their resistance to other dragons flames. Dart, being the largest of the 3, hates being cleaned as she takes the longest to do. Hope you guys like this cute little scene.

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 Silverwing and Toothless having a little cuddle.

Silverwing and Toothless having a little cuddle.

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 Toothless and Silverwing as lil babies. Almost forgot how fun it is to draw these two! Toothless and Silverwing as lil babies. Almost forgot how fun it is to draw these two! Toothless and Silverwing as lil babies. Almost forgot how fun it is to draw these two!

Toothless and Silverwing as lil babies. Almost forgot how fun it is to draw these two!

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All Hail the New Alpha!

After their battle was finished, Ruffrunner took his rightful place up on the large crystal, in the center of The Hidden World. With a loud roar he let everyone know who won the battle between the siblings, and everyone bowed in respect.

Ruffrunner VS Dart After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of TheRuffrunner VS Dart After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of TheRuffrunner VS Dart After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of The

Ruffrunner VS Dart

After Toothless became too old and weak to continue protecting the dragons of The Hidden World, a new Alpha must be chosen and prove themselves worthy. Both Dart and Ruffrunner had prepared for this moment most of their lives, but never expected the other wanted to be Alpha too. After fighting off many competitors, all that was left was to fight each other.

Both Nightlights believed they were strong enough to be Alpha. The battle between the siblings went on for days, with neither showing any sign of backing down. Using her strength and size to her advantage, Dart is able to get Ruffrunner in a vulnerable position and goes in for a final blast, only for it to be met her brothers. As soon as they collided a sonic wave of energy exploded, leaving only a cloud of smoke surrounding both dragons.

After the smoke cleared, a blue glow grew brighter, as Ruffrunner had Dart pinned. Ruffrunner has proven himself to be the next Alpha, and roared to make sure Dart was properly defeated. Frustrated, looking up at her brother, Dart remembered when he saved her from the Skrill when they were only hatchlings. He did everything he could to protect her despite being so small. Seeing him now, cloaked in blue like that of their father, she knew she’d been beat. Though defeated, Dart accepted to be Ruffrunner’s second in command! During all this, Pouncer had always been close by to make sure neither of his siblings killed the other. He’s mostly pleased that its over and things can finally settle back down.

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King and Queen Older Alpha Toothless and mate Silverwing watching over The Hidden World. See some faKing and Queen Older Alpha Toothless and mate Silverwing watching over The Hidden World. See some faKing and Queen Older Alpha Toothless and mate Silverwing watching over The Hidden World. See some faKing and Queen Older Alpha Toothless and mate Silverwing watching over The Hidden World. See some fa

King and Queen

Older Alpha Toothless and mate Silverwing watching over The Hidden World. See some familiar dragons? (Super happy with how this turned out! ☺)

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First Meeting

Did a screenshot redraw from the movie to practice backgrounds and lighting. My AU with Silverwing is very similar to the movie so this scene is the same, when she first met Toothless. I’m love her she’s so big

Dinner Time

After a long day watching the kids, Silverwing is relived to see Toothless has returned with food like the kind father and mate he is. I love drawing these guys. They’re just so in love with each other!

A Light’s Fury

Here we have the aftermath of when Dart accidently wandered into a Skrill nest and was attacked. Ruffrunner did his best to protect his sister until Silverwing came after she heard her offspring calling out. She gave the Skrill an intense shot to the face, promising she wouldn’t be so easy on them next time.

My yet to be named Vikingsona and Thornwhip all saddled up and ready for a race!

Bonus sketch:


I love finally getting to create a solid design for my HTTYD species called Demon Eaters. They earned their names from old tales of dragons who ate demons to gain their powers. They’re known to petrify anyone just by looking at them. Next I’ll be working on what her saddle would look like and a size comparison. I love how she turned out.

Concept Sketches

Falling For You

Silverwing and Toothless flying together ❤ I thought I’d have more trouble with this pose but luckily I had a photo reference to work off of!

Silverwing the first time seeing Toothless vs the 92184th time.

When you look at your camera roll, see this and don’t know whether to laugh or agree:


Free falling

(pls reblog!!!! Likes do nothing so if u wanna support it reblog it! <3)


If httyd wasn’t PG…. he really would’ve

I don’t want a fourth HTTYD movie, I just want a new TV series set within the movie continuity like RTTE. It can be set after THW and before the epilogue where we get to see how New Berk cope without their dragons, and them catching up with their allies like the Berserkers and Outcasts may provide us the answers on what these folks have been up to during the events of THW.

Or it can be before HTTYD1 and I won’t mind seeing what Valka has been up to during those missing 20 years. Plus we can get to see her encountering familiar characters like the Wingmaidens, Eret etc. Heck even a focus on Eret would be great too. A TV series is more ideal in my opinion as there is so much more room to explore, compared to a one and a half hour long movie.
